West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Mar 1910, p. 7

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El 1'9 bl ZPS n and mm purposes {01' which lqualitio-s ill‘f' here. We have “7". No. Inc. 12.54: and 15': yard ('rum Prim» for all purpose. idv. anlulvly fast color prion. urn-rs and cushions 3k: 25c yd. nd Suit Cas Travellers WW1) :: 25c 400 505 and Curtain Goods t, is nt 0111' store .vnu will gustinn ifynu get your Try our 'Hmne-made’ d nourishing. ' : ES and bindings, good unbiuwi tn «rive strength lmnk sizw are 32, 84 and pretty and 1‘ Is. prrfvct fltti .ho same time great. thp in vm \mm- (In leather Latimer vol ham tie-s of pagan-n, floral or cont-u. iNSON and h ru (‘10 '90“066000“00§o§”w I {-A-«- ....- A ft THE INC 51' EAST "(7)500 t J 6.75 / Purpose-5 Dresses 6.25 to 7.25 'inegars Pure Manitoba :rs Produce WI Sateen Underkirts a above Shoe Store and .‘ style )l 50c andf'556 S \VANTED ELAND Floor Oilcloths yuu’ tent and 'pncknt '00. Spaca f rdids m4 quotil' pricm, but womld invnfo ya. mm and all tn call and I“ gnudu and gu‘ "Hum. All our (north marked in plain flan)!”- mwk taking is over and w. find .dunw hrnkvn lines that W. haw“ “added not to "900'. Sum» wa cnuld not i! '0 womld, but we Will reduce 1.. price": greatly to «In? on}. II “9 Yt'qlliffi (ha rm)» I'd mum-y, run f0" scoring goods. 'I ruuk-t, Valism, Suit Cuc- 2.75 to 7.25 Anew 1 50 to 650 01990000000000“ 6m W 3U ustom Work and lo. air-5m: as usual at «l him-k desjgns, light H ”Ling. They are per- ne giving the correct in gating a perfect «llwuslmlkvr and help .3613; ..$l 50 pair YES SIR was locks and solid Special Black Mor- 35. Mora?" Under- Rvgnl Taffeta and u'go' siZP, pricc ‘7.“ ,L‘s I‘H'ks and '9... white. and colored rue St Mar. ll fi‘feet wide. gt, Slmea in abnud 3 ur old hr” 0" your. U‘fl 6‘ (I puck”? too, .4 us quoting mm invnm yaw tn rail and no. '8“ “in have 93' in llmiary. \ I. . > â€" . \ 3. '.~ ' .0' ‘ | u ',. . o J ' _r z A \- . 3 g h v' I ' ' n ‘ ‘ ‘." . I I III , I l ' l ‘ ’ STOCK MID pnm'rpv gprmrmc COke shouldâ€"Se mixed with coal '1' use in the kitchen range. It “5°? 9 studio: heat and cumin- A Painless Corn Cure. i Old World Doesn’t Care EaSiIY appliedâ€"costs but a quar- 5 “Laugh and the world laughs with ’r-that’s Putnam’s Corn Extract-’ you.” P. {my years in use. Insist on d it doesn’t care at {hat Putnam’s” only. :Wlnt in the blooming blues 0981 Purple Stock md Poultry Specific: and free hating-1:0 kept in stock by 8.-P. SAUNDERS. PIC rim-rs supplies. Engines and Thrashers. Sash and Doors. Planning and General Wood Work. Ir "OVAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC contains no grain. nor farm products. It increases 9 wt mdk from three to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific has been used two lt nukes the ilk richer and adds flesh faster than any orher preparation known, 23:} tun-s fwd wsth R YAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be when ~.--;:n unlinary materials at ten weeks. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds up run-down animals and restores them to hpn 'ss .ulmnst m igically. Cures bots. colic. worms. skin diseases and debilit rmanentl . Hm \lcliwrm. the horseman. says: "I have used ROYAL PURPLE 51.0313: PECIFI’C': . .itly in the fee :ing of "l‘he Bel.’ 2.04. largest winner of any pacer on .Grand Circuit in m! 'H ~nry Winters.’ 2.0M. brother of Allen Winters.’ winner of 336.000.in trotting stakes . m Th we horses have never been ol’f their feed since I commenced usnng Royal Purple t z ' I; almost a year 380. and I will always have it in my stables." m and Brass Castings and general Repairing. Feed boilers. Steam ” Mam Each Animal Worth Mar. 24, 1910- ‘70:; package of ROAYKL‘ PURPLE STOCK SPECIFK: I'C C z'rcm'l. '08 THE DURHAM FOUNDRY y _ _____v _"_"_,_u"’. _‘_..._ . v..- â€"â€" v-vvu‘ QIGVII‘IV “titlfiell day. and lasts half again as Ion . A3150 pail containing four times the r me fifty cent package will last mdays. fiOYAL PURPLE will increase :he value ' wll< 25‘- It is an astonishingly quick fatteneé'. stimula't‘insftlx appettite alnddthe r we. assisting nature to digest and turn feed into esh. Asa o a eneri isa ea er. uvc many times its cost in veterinary bills. ROYAL PURPL POULTRY SPEC“ «' «:‘hcr Specific for poultry. not for stock. One 50 cent package will 18“ twenty-five : (ir a pail costing 31.50 will last twenty-five hens 280 days. which is four times more :' nr only three times tne com. It makes a "laying machine” out of yqur hens -' ! wx iter. revents fowls losin§ flesh at moultin time. and cures ultradiseases. ”(423.6 of OVAL PURPLE TOCK SPEC] 1C or POULTR SP CIFIC is C. SMITH SONS. DURHAM, ONT. w ROYAL 'eat 1 but 'n as a little over gum-thirds of a cent a da OVAL PURPLE on one 0! your animals and any other are aration on another same condition: after comparing results you will sayRO AL PURPLE has t.» death. or else backcomes your money. FREE-Ask or write us for our valuable 32-page booklet on cattle ’ and poultry diseases. containing also A cooking receives agdjull particulgrgabout “AIDA â€"----- _-_-- _ ___ sac of KUYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFXC will last one animal seventy ttlc ovcr t“ o-thirds of a c nt 1 da Most stock foods 'in fift cent acka cc: and are given three_ r mes ‘5. day $0“). PURPLE sroéx 5? UPC them up to the In. st ssible condition. tock food” "can do all tgese thmgs ROYAL 95:31:11.5 brocx SPECIFIC can and does. It is ‘ _‘ â€" “' Nobody ever heard of "3th food" curing the bots or colic. making hens lay in winter. increasing the yield of milk five pounds per cowa day. or restoring run-down animals to piumpness and vigor. When you feed ”stock food " to your cow. horse. swineorpoultry, you are merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm. Your animals do need not more feed, but something to help their bodies get all the good out of the feed you give them so they can get fat and stay fat all yea round: also to prevent disease. cure disease and keep them up to the hes_t_pp§s_ibl§_congition. Nofi'} tock food" can do all m.“ ‘n--A_ _ _-_ - Not a “Stock Food” But a “CdEJiut‘iBBéLI-l flake money acting as our agent in your district. Write for terms. 1 If you cannot get Royal Purple Specifics from merchants or agents. we will supply you direct. express prepaid. on receipt of $1.50 a pail for either Poultry or Stock Specifics. For sale by all up-to-datc merchants. W. I. Jenkins lfg. 00., London, On. cookin receives and full particu In re about ROYA PURPLE STOCK“ ”mm, TRY SPECIFICS. 25% Iver lis cost srocx Auo POULTRY S'fiscmcs 0n 9f a,<?.ent _a_ Day i .-‘ ' â€"Newark W. J.) Star. ”â€"â€" -w -_... A favorite table flower of the present is a blooming primroae placed in a ten bowl. lMAnd it doesn’t care at that What in the blooming blaztes It is you are laughi i .3 â€"Newark fJ. \ A large bottle costs only 50 cents at leading druggists everywhere, and i3 Dug'huqnpxflact‘arlme a It is the hair dressing par excel- lence. .daintily perfumed and free from grease stickiness. It is the favorite with women of taste and culture who know the social Value of fascinating hair. It puts life and lustre into the hair and prevents it from turning gray. Macfarlane 8: Co. guarantee it. It will stop itching scalp, falling hair and make the hair gr‘ow thick and abundant Parisian Sage will kill the dean- druff germs and remove dandruff in two weeks or money back; Dandruff is the root of all hair evils. If it were not for the little destructive germs working with a persistency Worthy of a better cause, there would be no; baldness. Dandruff is caused by germs, a fact accepted by all physicians. Will Make (lands a Baldhoadod Na tion if Not Checked. M. Pasteur the great French physician, of Paris. once said: -‘I believe We shall one day rid the world of all diseases caused by germs.” He clasped her hand. which resuxl cold in his own. Then he left her for a few hours' sleep before uis departure In the early morning. "Thank you. If you had the least idea what those two spots may mean to you, little girl2â€"nmv. if I don’t go awayat once I shall be tempted to tell you the whole thing. It will he an in- finitely better story. I confidently be- lieve. if I keep it until my return.” “Yes. I have." “May 'I see them ?" She turned her head and he saw the small dark spots on her white neck. “To be able to identify you as the daughter of your father. Please tell His inquiry seemed to her irrelevant to the point of madness. “What has that to (10 with it?" “To do with what?" “With anything. I mean what do you want to know for?" ”Pardon my inquisitivonoss. but do you have two small moles on your neck under your left ear?” All the while he had been talking to her tonight he lmd been trying to catch sight of that index to her iden- tity given in the “confession”-the two little moles under her left ear. He had not been able to see them, and the fear began to trouble him that they were not there to be seen. He now decided that he could not go on his errand to her aunt without this proof to add to all his other evidence. He put his question with a dlrectneu that startled her. The contrast between) the prosaic 101 of a teacher to \Vhit'h she looked as a good almost too great to be hoped for and the brilliant fate he knew to be possibly hers struck him dramafic- ally. iety !‘ “If I take a day off and roll up my sleeves to it I may be able to accom- plish itâ€"dou’t give it a moment’s anxo “You are sure you can find me I place and that I am not imposing on your kindness to ask it of you ?” “You may feel entirely at peace about that. Eunice. I promise you I’ll take care of it for you.” "I am In such suspense about my future. I am quite determined to leave here and it would be a relief to me to have something definite in view.” "News that will dazzle the? You moan that you are going to try to so «om-v me a teacher’s position '2" she ask- ed. with humble gratefulness. "You would call that dazzling news. Exznlvo. if i (came hack with a posi- tion for you at teaching school? Well, VIP”. everything depends upon one‘s pmnt of View. of course. The-re are Sumo young women to whom that would appoar a ‘pale drab.’ I shouldn’t wish it to my meanest enemy." "Then that isn’t what you meant?” “You will be disappointed it I say no?" "Perhaps it will be well for your 9595 to have a week‘s rest from the :m-id llgbt of my presence. for I hope to bring back news to you that will dazzle you sure enough unless I am greatly disappointed." “A pale drab." He did not for an instant give a sentimental interpretation to her words. "What color Is that?” he asked, smil- lug. ' :m I shall he back within a week.” 2w hastened to reassure her. “And I shail be able to tell you everything than. I hope. Did you think I meant I was going to break my promise to "on?" "Going away?“ sire repeated dully. immring his questiun. “You are go izz': away?" ‘ ' ETe-iiwvv mo." hu lwgged her. “that I i kpop my [HZOIniSG to you \on umm.- uil [but I know within a V L ltc" I The girl with the auburn hair most alarmed nlxu. She turned whim and she seemed unable to speak. DANGEROUS DANDRUFF ”I [Imamâ€"since \ou came here the «M 'lms seemed lull of llvbt. When m :0 no doubt it will return to it! ‘igrimxl color." "I do believe it. It is not that l‘. ~~thnt you are giving away." He was puzzled "It will be dull for '1. ynu menu. after the excitement at tr talks in this mom." '~'w drew a 1021].: breath. and be: m fell from their intent gaze tuto \â€" 'I p9 MC To be continued. HIS COURTSHIP. Continued from page THE DURHAM CHRONICLE i Allen 5 Lung Balm is warrant- ad to cure the most distressing l'tzmurh. The Daily Star says that Toron- to is the only city of its size on the continent that has more churches than bar-rooms. It adds that there are also more banks than bars. and that the open banks and closed bars on Saturday night are significant of the changing Opinions of the times. Mr. Jermyn has been given jur- isdiction over/the County of Grey also, and all attempts at illegal fishing that he comes across will be rigorously prosecuted.â€"Wiar- ton Canadian. The boat has been confiscated and Will be sold, While the lines and hooks were destroyed. As a result of the trial. the Govern- ment will be from $60 to $65 richer. Both plaintiffs pleaded guilty, and the magistrate imposed a {nine of $25 and costs each. Stanleyr Boyd and John,Baxter, both of North Keppel‘ were up beâ€" fore Magistrate B.B. Miller last week on charges of fishing with- out a license and for fishing with nets and hooks, the charge being laid by Mr. J.W. Jermyn, the effic- ient and diligent game warden of this district. The evidence went to show that Mr. Jermyn has found their boat. lines, and baited hooks. Carry your head straight. never tilted to one side. The tilted head is for the tall woman who wants to look shortâ€"Chicago Tribune. Wear long gloves and carry a tall umbrella. ‘ Hold your chin up to lengthen your throat line. Have your gown all of one ma- terial. preferably a light one. Do not wear a yoke of the square variety; it shortens you. Let all your lines run up and down. Here are hints for the woman who would be a little taller: Avoid girdles. Never under anv o‘r~~y'~tstances wear a belt of (: nil .3 color. You may think it gives a smart color, but you are wrong. A dreadful plague indeed, when you consider that in incipient stzig 93 it can be cured. Trike care of the little cold before it becomes a big one. When the throat is sore and it hurts to expand your ehes rub in Nerviline. and immediately apply one of Polson’s Nervilinc Porous Plasters. Pain and tightâ€" ness are at once relieved. Inflam- mation and soreness gradually dis- appear and fatal illness is thus avoided. Nerviline Plasters act. as a counter irritant over the seat of pain, and as an exterior applicaâ€" tion in curing colds in the muscles in pleurisy and headaches they have no equal. Keep these rem- edies right in your home. to say 80?” “Well I do love you best Grandma Dixon‘ for she is.1’t m3 real grandma, and 3011 are.” “Why Emma. what do you m( an? She is 3our grandma." “No, Grandma Dixon, she is only 1113' grandma by ma1riage; for dont 3011 see, if mama had manied any- body else than papa, she \xouldn’t be m3 grandmother at all.” One in Seven Calls-d by Consumption Little Emma Gray and her Grand mother‘ Dixon, who was \iFitiuI; the family were left together 0110 evening. when the 1"ollmxi11g' he'tai - to-healt talk took 1-)lace: Grandâ€" ma Dixon I love 3.011 I lmeyou bettei than my Giandma (11".13. ” “Why Emmaiamn’t you ashamed The cause of catarrh is a germ. It multiplies in the lining of “the nose and throat spreads to the bronchial tubes and finally reaches the lungs. Cough syrup can’t fol- low to the lungsâ€"it goes to the stomach â€"a.nd fails to cure-Ca» tarrhozone is inhaled. It goes evâ€" erywhereâ€"gets right after the germsâ€"kills themâ€"heals the soreâ€" nessâ€"stops discharge and hacking â€"--cures every trace of catarz-h. You’re absolutely certain of cure for catarrh throat irritatio.n,cold:s, or bronchitis‘ if you use Cattarrho- zone. 25c. and $1.00 sizes sold evâ€" erywhere. Hon. Mr. Hanna has introduced a bill to amend the Liquor Liccnae Act. The amendment prOVidcs for the closing of all hotel bars on Christmas Day. 17p to tho present there have been no pro- visions to punish corrupLiol in 10- cal option votes, such contests having been conducted undcr the same law applicable to votes on municipal by-laws other than money by-laWs. The new Bill makes applicable to local option vot:s the provisions and penalties attached to corrupt acts commit- ted in connection with Votes on money by-laws. No physician was more success- ful in treating stomach and liver Ne troubles than Dr. Hamilton. Re a- havix voided harsh medicines and pro- may duced a wonderful pill of vegetv Wj able composition That always cum-s l stain Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are noted for the s promptly curing biiiousn-eszs, sick Fm headaches. constipation and stom-v ““ ach trouble disorder. They Work £0113] like a charmâ€"very mildâ€"yet sear-j and ‘ china and health giving. Nowhme I can a better ionic laxative be; B91! found than in Dr. Hamil-on" Pillw. £11373” Try them and be convinceJ, 2.32. a; ; "5m 1 all dcalors. : Wh More Churches Than Ban. Dr Hamiltnn Follnws Nature’s Plan Catarrh Cured or Money Back Amordmmt *0 License Ac Fined For Fishing How to Become Tall. It’s Perfectly Clear To make the rich, mahogany-col- ored apple sauce which frarmers’ wives are noted for, peel, quarter and core sour apples and fill them into a deep earthem jar with a little sugar and water. Cover the jar tight and bake slowly for sev- eral hours. Old-fashioned cooks used molasses in place of sugar, and some modern epicures like it Fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism is simply rheu- matism of the muscles due to cold or- damp. or chronic rheumatism. neither of which will require any internal treatment. All that is needed to afford relief is the free application of Chamberlain’s Lini- ment. Give it a trial. You are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. Sold by all dealers. Porcelainâ€"lined bath tubs and wash towels are quickly and effec- tually cleaned with a soft cloth dipped in gasoline. Have a bottle tightly corked in the bathroom closet. where it is always at hand but avoid accident by keeping this dangerous fluid away from lights and fire. - To make bread crumbs quickly, cut the soft part from a stale loaf. put it into a clean muslin bag, tie the bag at the top and gently rub it with the hand-3 for a few minutes. The crumbs will then be fine enough for anything. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liv- er Tablets are safe. sure and reli- able, and have been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health by their gentle aid and curative properties. Sold by all dealers. To clean stained flmx'er vases put a little vinegar {in a glam and then some soap powder. Shake the glass till the stains are remov- ed, then wash in warm water. The vinegar and soap powder can be used for several glasses. Don’t be. deceived-1.711scrupu- lous makers are attempting to steal your money and our roputa~ tion by putting out an imitation of “The D.L.” Menthol Plaster. Be sure and get the genuine made by Davis Lawrence Co. Medicines that aid nature are always most successful. Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It loosens the cough. re- lieves the lungs, opens the secre- tions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition Sold by all dealers. Many families will really suffer from a squeaking‘ hinge for Weeks when one application of machine oil or a little heated lard will re- sult in perfect silence. The despised frizzled beef takes on quite an air of festivity when mixed with chopped green pep- pers. Another combination is the chopped yolks and whites of hard boiled eggs. ' Soap jelly for washing flannels and fine woollen goods is easily made, Shred 3 piece 01 yellow soap into a saucepan of Warm water and let it simmer by the slide of the fire till dissolved. Add suf- fieient of this to warm water to make a nice lather. If too strong the flannels will be hard. Never take a house wiixn‘out having tho dxains t9 ted, or 955 may speedily overtake you. 9 ‘Wfien quoz-ong if spilled, ,the Invest 25c. in a box nf‘IDavi-s’ Menthol Salve and be prepared for ulcers, neuralgia, old sores, etc. A pointed tin gravy strainer with a handle is very useful for straining gravies and sauces, and should be found in every kitchen. : HOUSEHOLD HELPS. ‘ -.~-â€"- -.â€"-â€".â€"â€"_'..â€"-â€" -.â€" ‘ Discolored cups and dishes used for baking can be made as new by rubbing the brown stains with a flannel dipped into whiting. White paint which is enamelled or varnished rcquix-cs (tax-"[111 treatment and should be washed with.fi.ne oatmeal‘ not soap. Babie‘s’ clothes should never be washed with S'ula or Washing pow-- der. Their deticate skins would be irritated thereby, Never allow bits of bread or vegetables to remain in soup over night. Strain it or it will probab- ly become sour. Hot dripping must never be poured into a vess’el containing cold dripping, or it will turn musty in a very short time. Bearine feeds the dry and un- healthy scalp1 softens and gives vim to the hair. 50¢. a jar. While silk will turn yellow if washed in too hot water. It mm: also be well rinsed, or the silk will too] hard. Enamelled ware which has be- come discolored can be cleaned with a paste made of coarse salt and vinegar. â€"â€"â€"‘, stain maybe entirely rammed in the application of itimewater. over fifty years of use, have been proved a safe and certain cure forcomhpntionnnd nllldndredtroublu. Indian Root Pills. thoroughly tested by Comtipafion is the All kind. or'argg mm “1er- All In made from selected winter when md is a superior article for making pantry. etc. No.1 Manitoba when. manot be but for either bakers or domestic use PASTRY FLOUR AsmallorlM-ge h at a fine gum. white, nutritious our, is mldaaour brand. Have you evertrivd it? Get was it possesses. Better 3‘ J more whoiesome. because of a seer-M. mute-s that we put the wheat through. Don’t forget. Pumps of all Kinem. Galvanized and Iron Pip- mg'; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Pumas from $2 uaward. SHOP Open every afternoon. All REPAIRING prom; tly and prop- 1'.er attended to. NW. D. RUMOR ‘J Our store is open every evening from 9 to 10 p.m. fur the delivery of evening papers and the sulvply of any drugs that may be needed. THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE People’s Mills 'T We. are just sun-ting out, rm our second yeaxs’ business and “'1' want you to help us make it pw-n better than our first year. and in return we guarantee you fair, squnw, angst dealing and lowest prives for pure goods and high-grade :u tides. Pud- scriptious promptly and carefully filled. Machine Oil. Harness Oil, Ame Grease and Hoof Ointment, go to S. P. SA UNDERS W D. CONNOR 1? Following are a few of our specul- Lies:-â€" Your homes and mule require your attention nt poo-ant. in the my of a good Condition Powder. Tonic or pail of Stock Food. Your poultry re- quire Oyster Shell or Poultry Or“: I lull supply of these in amok. The in- vestment will pay you. ‘7 “'9 have bought a large supply 0. Red. Mammoth. Luom-Iw m' Alf. Alfa and Alsike Cluvvrs and good puw Timothy Sued {mm the heat seedmvu in lhv'prnvim'o. “’0 are in :1 position to give you the vlosest prices on high grmlv Government. Stamped Sevds. Our l’lou'm‘, Garden and vaemhle Seeds are all new and fresh. l} We are making a specialty of Tolmccos and Cigars. John McGowan. And fully stocked with dl kinds at Drugs, Chemicds, Fancy Gouda. Cut. Glass. Fancy Chin-I. Books. Statiunqry and all kinds of High and Public SI him! Supplies. THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE By attending the (3;;11: DURHAM. SOVEREIGN IS me uunquurets Munutmnurer on A d Dealer in â€" ECLIPSE Done Every Dny TH E The Harness-nuke! ONTARH

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