West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Mar 1910, p. 8

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PRODUCE Taken Same a It has been our aim for some time to bridge the connec- tions between the manufacturer and the consumer, so as to give the consumer goods of good quality at as low prices as can be done, consistent with profits, which must be had to run a business. To do so it was necessary to do wholly a cash business, which we are now doing, and it is also necessary to have a. semi-annual reduction sale. in the past, will be to give “good goods” at as reasonable prices :as can be done. We cordially invite every one to examine our stock. We take this, the first opportunity, to thank you for the patronage which you have given us in the sale which is just finished, and to assure you that our aim in the future, as DURHAM THE DURHAM CHRONICLE MW: ' Miss Edna Philp. clerk in Mr. fSeim’s store, Sundayed the past 2 two Sundays in Holstein. Miss Earl McAlister visited her friend Blanche Lauder, on Sunday last. Mr Will Saunders, of Durham, visited last Week with his cousins, the Lauders, of Varney. Rev. Mr. Carter preached an ex- cellent sermon on Sunday last from the text, “No room in the Inn.” | On Monday night, the eve of Mr. Pettigr1w’ departure for the West. a 1er1' large number of their neighbors and fniends of 1'1 11 iltw Ezchurch and Sunday school, re- quested Mr. and MrS. Pettigl 1111' and family to meet them in the Dr- angeH Hall. Val-211111 for the pinpose .g of spending a pleasant time to- is Igether. and to say good-bye. T111 time was happily spent in games ."é'and Singing. and partaking of reâ€" 01% freshments together. Du1ing the ‘30,: night a goodl1 number, in Short 'addresses. bo1e high testimony to the man1 good qualities of both Mr and M1S. Pettigrew, but the .main features of the meeting 11ere the add1ess a1 1d presentation of a .purse containing $15,125 to Mr. and Mr.s Pettigrew. The address “as read by J.W. B11 th, and the purse presented by T. Grasby. Mr. and MrS. Pettigrew both replied Very ieelingl1. thanking one and all for their kindness toward them. ‘saying that this was far morei than they ever expected. -.The meeting broke up about one o’- clock iby singing “God be. with 1 cu till We meet again.” all bidding them good-bye. with best wishes for their future welfare. The fol- lowing is the address: 'Mr. and Mrs. B. Pettigrew ’D and family. 1 Dear brother. Sister and Friends. â€"We. your neighbors, also the members of the church and Sunday school of Varney. wish on this the iwork you have done among us during past years. It has been our happy lo tduring all these years 'to note the zeal. the Christian care and loving kindness with which you have labored among us as loyal and faithful Christians. both in church and home life. You have .worked faithfully and earn- :estly in our midst. and in all your ilsbors a spirit of self-sacrifice. persistence and genial enthusism ihsve been conspicuous. In your :duties you have always shown yourselves Christians in the true sense of the sword. and the most iteoseeooooosoeossoessessss-sesssssss s- E Well, Mr. Editor, We have tapped our sugar bush and the sap is run- ning nicely‘ and if you nfill come down some night. we will have a taffy pull. The cottage prayer meeting, held at the home of Mr. Robt. Mead last Thursday night. was well attended and was a good meeting. Next Th'lrsday night, i’. will be at Mr. H .Wilkinson's. Ev- erybody welcome. Wm. Clark and family moved or: Tuesday of this Week back to Hampdem where he has secured a good situation in Messrs. Seim and Miller’s saw mill. They are splen- did neighbors and we don’t like. to lose them. Harry Aldred‘ who has been a very Welcome guest around Var- ney for the past few months. left on his return trip home' on Mon- day of last Week. He intended visiting friends in Barrie and Cr- illia on his way back. Mr. Z. Clark and family, who have been residents of Vaxne3 for past 25 years, mm ed on Tuesda3 of last Week to D xrham Mr. and Mrs. Clark have been good migh- bors‘ and We don’t like to lose them, but our 103-3 will bu Durham’s gain. We wish th(m every success and comfort in their new home. Mr .Robt. Pettigrew left on Tuesday of last week for: the great West. taking with him tWo oars of settler’s effects. Bob. is a hust- ler. and will do well in that great country. Mrs. Pettigrew and child rcn left on Tuesday of this ,week to join him. While We miss them very much as neighbors, and co- workers in the church and Sunday school. we can «assure them that our very best wishes go with them {to their new home. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Blyth.‘ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark‘ Florence Clark, Cameron. \Villie and Blanche Lau- der. H. Aldred‘ Ethel Pettigrew. and (Rev. Mr. CarUâ€"sr, spent a very pleasant time on Friday night of last week at the home of Mr. Wm. Brown, Egremont. Mr. and Mrs B. are jolly good people, and we had .a jolly good time. until the smalhhours of the morning, when we joined in a circle and sang “Auld Lang Sync.” and Wended our _ way homeward. Varney. kind and loving friends as you have been‘ in our midst, and thus it is with the deepest regret we. part from you. ‘To lose such friends is a great loss to our neighborhood. and a matter of the greatest regret to ourselves. However, if you are absent in per- ‘son. you will/be ever present with us in the spirit of your labors, and in the memory of your constant kindness and consideration. In going. we assure you that you will take with you our affectionate re- gard and our deep respect for :your many virtues as Christians ‘and as citizens. We have found in van Mr. Pettigrew. a staunch Efriend, one who could never do 9enough for his friends and neigh- bors. a kind and loving Christian, 'and a most faithful and loyal {worker for our \Master’s cause. In gy-our kind wife. we have found the 5 same great and noble qualities, her {efforts for the good of those about .her have never tired, but have 3seemed to steadily increase in en- ‘ergy and loving kindness. Her {kind and loving Christian advice we shall never forget to the last of our days. as they have a'lWays been words from which we could. benefit. and have made our Christ- ‘ ian lives better and stronger. She! has always stood loyally by the! church and Sunday school, as has also her family. We could always depend on them being in their places. and doing their utmost for their Master and his cause, and as ' we remember this, :we cannot find . words to express the great lossi we have sustained by your de-‘ parture from our midst, but we‘ ‘ask you to accept this purse of} money as a slight token of our great appreciation. It does not begin to measure the kind regard we have for you, but we ask you to accept it. thinking only of the great love we have in our hearts for you. In your new home and field of labor. We wish you every success. and the very richest bless- ings our dear [Master can possibly bestow upon such true and faithful Christians. .‘IWe assure you our prayers and kindest regards shall always be with you, and we trust that if we do not meet in this world again, we shall meet in that land Swhere there shall be no more parting, where all 'our tears shall be .wiped away. and all our trials and sorrows shall cease. We wish you a safe journey and a happy and prosperous life in your new home. I“- JV“ .- an, rwvy v--- strength? Then your digestion must be poor, your blood thin, your nerves weak. You need a tOI‘IlC and. alterative, You need Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsapanlla entirely free from alcohol. We believe your doctor would endorse these statements, or we ‘woulcl not make them. Ask him â€"‘-_ WhQTake Alcohol ‘5 and find out. F bllow his advice. Sign-ed on behalf of your neigh- bors, and the members and friends of the Varney church and Sunday schooL Miss Barbara Byers has return- ed to Boston. Capt. O. M. Snider made an offiâ€" cial trip to Toronto last week. Mr. M. W. Byers disposed of a team of draught horses recently at a fancy figure. Mr. Geo. Sharp assisted his bro- ther‘ John. of Knox community, for a few days last week. Some men quite willingly rat an eighty cent muzzle on a twoâ€"cent dog‘ and then go around complain- ing of the high cost of living. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Muir. who have been visiting for the past three months at the tormer’s old home hereK returned to their home in Morden, Mam. last week. Mr. Stewart Mearns, who has been visiting his many Hampden friends and relatives, left last week for British Columbia. Our postmaster. Mr. Henry Byers had the misfortune to slip and fall on the ice. sustaining such injuries that he was confined to his bed for a few days, but we are pleased to see him ’in his accustomed place again. It is our sad duty this week to chronicle the death of one of Nor- manby’s good old citizens in the person of Mr. Matthew Meorns. iv. -,1 n " a $5223. Hampden. J NV. BLYTH, T GRA'SBY. Hardware and Furniture % CARPEN'I‘ERS' '1‘! N H .\' This store arspmnls In mn-v passible hardwnrv Iwml um! 22' MY any (‘haln'v W0 Mum“: Deceased had been a residw of Normanby all his life, and wa much respected by all who had 1h pleasure of his acquaintance. H was of a very kind and chmriui disposition. and when in good health was a constant attendant of the Presbyterian church ht‘i‘t‘: passed to his reward while aslwp. In politics‘ he was a Liberal.am was known throughout the tnwn ship as a staunch supporter 0 every good cause. The remains were laid to red ii the Hampden cemetery on Fx-Eda.‘ afternoon‘ the funeral serviceC be ing conducted by Rev. A.L. Budge and was one of the largest fumr I18 seen here in recent years. 1 number attending from Hzmm'ei and Durham showing the «won in which the deceased was held A narrowing wife and famil." 0’ thrne sons und five daughtm'“ 1‘ main to mourn the loss of an MM“ tionate husband and father. The] sons are Stewart, in British (‘wlumft sons are Stewart, in British (‘wlum bit; Ind Albert and William. 3! home. The daughters are Mrs. Thou. Park. of Norman‘hy: 34” Albert Six. of Stettler, Altu.: and Kisses Minnie, Isabella, and Flor- ence. still residing at home. Strong purgatives have killed many a good man. Costivvm'ssi‘ bedâ€"violent cathartics are worm If bothered with stomach troubl‘ or 'bilioueneu. try Fig Pins. They ere 00 land you can scar-col.“ ‘ their action. yet I0 effective 111' the entire ”Item in cleansed waste. Just try DySpepsic, Biliou by any chance we hawn't the precise article you wunl in stock. it can be. prm-urml by first express. “’9 haw anticipated the growing d0- mzmd for carpenter’s [0015 ml the right. sort and with lhv cost. of building umLm-ial‘ luwer than usual. tin-n- should be lively activity this spring in the building lilw. Anyone thinking of building will do well to call on us and get prices. We gum-unim- all our tools. We still handle the. “\Vilk- insun Plow" repairs, all num- bers in stock. In the furniture line we have a. well selected amok lu choase from,-â€"â€"well made and well finished. Call and in- spect. Agents for the National Port land Cement. (.‘(ml nil still selling at 15c and 130, per gal. Frank Lenahan and Company I. C. 29g Ca, Bum O treat deal ”I m. H: '18 shown by :‘n- - “tory and :~« ~ -:'¢ “Intifully oxvmngihw "kiln. of Paimmwm We. of Mt. F0:‘ut~’... “Wing in tho aciual ‘9 first degree. al a” exemplified Uu Grey Lodge. , ,. ~W|s represem Adam Roberta John Ritchie, 31'. Gunt‘ John b... held (inn mentor). Was 13 . ‘mt deal Hf The District m [I‘mndem 0.; h futuro a“ done in a “‘2 MIT? the :14 «my in which List Work ’3]: Burchnsvd H; .. property up {UV Preibytm'iau m :o I [00d subbta brick dWOHing. i and in every waj i” “V9. “'1‘ <‘ Gl’lhlm (m I dine. and Imp» 3 Inky to thv ma rm improve [in G.T.R_v. Settlers' (mo Western Cana 12th. xia Gra‘ System from 9 Kingston and points in Sask: tt. Particular to the fact tixa certain point?- Pacific Railwa lull of “Golden cpl-e tickota a! don from (hm “dress JD. 3? The annual Vestry Trinity church was day night last. Tim port was varying: gr: laid to be the host : of the church hero. and John Cuff ere wardens._and Jusvph John Cuff u'vro amu Mates to tho Synod. Have we a game W1 II 119? We are told but musk rats can b1 Union of the year, m ate shooting is heim This is only a hint breaker who is My do W011 to regard i1 Warning. He mav HM The Cement Mill i In: 1 series of ropa to ope uning fox the noon as the ice is “Rs and gioud War provaiL The outlo snout optimistic an are that the mill wi run this season. Inspector (‘an the meeting uf tional Assucimi week. “'0 notic paper on “The I lie School Inspu Dent and to flu In order tn nu Itnd for spring ”Wed 3 numhv 1 Toronto whul. .1186 madv in 0; Como “'odnosdn playsâ€"Miss Div} the Phn'i The dvhontun Killing Cnmpar recently [hasmwi been 601d '1 Toronto. 31 Try a package of Iced. at the (‘t-mw Servant girl \V I". Wm. Black. was of the law Hogs were only VOL. 43â€"" NEW m it 3T1 H'

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