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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Mar 1910, p. 5

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house-cleaning se same of out [his saves damage by JN’S DRUG STORE Km N8 undone 1 Quickly Produce Rough !ened. Chapped Skin rs in Season for all Bakery Goods '., served on short notice at all hour. llv ty Bakery +WN+HWW Ill ”9909” and I! Fruits and Q! 099999099 OOQOO‘MWW” hll) u an vur nmney IV V9“ y get, in summer. CONNECTIONS! 1 AND amen... all) .1 mr, etc Meats, Cured Meats. Mar. 31, 1910 The F. F. Bailey Co. united. WILTON. OIL 24 Halon of no fun: ' '2 In 1 ' ' «I». ma. PLANING MILLS Dl' RNA.“ ZENUS CLARK "Pectless fence is tough and apringy. Show: ‘ no sign of wear or rust. There's the necessary “Passion or contraction for extreme heat or cold 9? shocks from animals. With Peerless lock no mands can slip or be knocked loose. We Promise every person a equate deal and the utmost for their money when they buy Peerless ‘7 ace." (1 Agents caneupply you “‘11 gate: or fencing for any pm- It enables her to have the stoves always clean, freshly pmialxcd and brilliantly black. “Black Knight” is ready tense -â€"easi1y appligdâ€"and a feiv tuba brings a mirror-like polish. “ Black Knight” does away with all the hard work and dirty work of stove polishing. “Black Knight” is a joy to every woman who takes pride in her home. The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding muntry. that be has his Planning Mill and Factory mmpleted and is prepared tn take orders for Aim a limited amount of irun wm'k and machine re- luirs. A call solicited. Ask fur quotations on your W‘Xt job. All persons owing us 5!) INTUllnt are requested to HI” and settle by cash 01' mm: mm or before the 15th Hf April. Mar. 31, 1910 If your dealet would not have “Biuck Knight", we will send you a. large can, postpaid, for xoc. ’MyEgDED AND_ SOLD BY J- LEVINE ‘ 3% SASH,DOORS and all kinds of -â€" House Fittings Be sure and call and examine our goods and prices before buying else- where. as“ HIGHEST PRICES FOR BU’ITER AND EGGS Shines Stoves 80 They Slay Shined A full line of the veiy best of Gent’s Gurnishings, including Working Shirts, Overalls and odd Pants,â€"alsa the famous “King” Hats. J. Levine has decided to go West, and 18 forced to sell out all his stock below cost in 30 days. See Agents’ OUR AGENTS SAYâ€"- Om BOOTS AND SHOE§ in all sizes and best makes; THE VERY FINEST ASSORTMLNT of Lress Goods, Spring Coats. Seady- to-wear “Mists and Skirts, Vestings,iGinghams, Muslins, Prints, Flaunelettes, Cations, Etc. CALL IN EARLY and get your choice, and save your money by buying here. A full supply of Groceries will also be cleared before cost. " *‘ ‘6‘ ’19-'11? MM“... 0 ;, ONTARIO A social evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Collier Friday of last week. Quite a numb :r were present and enjoy- ed themselves throroughly jn games and other amusements. Mr. S. Ritchie changed his work We are pleased to hear the open- ing (notes of the Canadian Band, â€"-frogs-â€"on 'Friday last. which signifies that spring is fast ap- proaching. Mr. Phillips of the Queen City, and Master Arthur Hopkins of the same (place‘ are at present on a visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stables. Mr Robert Lindsay purchased a dandy (new gang plow, two furrow from the agent. Mr Geo. Arrow- smith. “Its a Massey-Harris.” Misses Annie. Ida and Angeline Davis of Toronto. are spending the Easter holidays at the parental home Saugeen Valley. Mrs. James Atkinson left for Toronto on Thursday last to spend Easter with her daughter. Mrs. J. McLure vauuu Ll It. Mr Howard Whitmore left for V Winnipeg on Friday last. We wish The challenege debate between him a pleasant trip and all kinds lthe Edge Hill and Green Grove of success. Literary Society in the Edge Hill Mrs. James Atkinson left for | school. took place as announced.on Toronto on Thursday last to spend Wednesday night 0f last W991i- Easter with her daughter. Mrs. J. The weather was all 'that could be McLure desired, but owing 'to the miserable condition of the roads, which were unfit to drive on.a monster crowd was out of *the question. The Misses Annie. Ida and Angeline Davis of Toronto. are spending the 523:1. stilldays at“ the parental school ‘was pretty well filled. how- geen a e3. ever. and a fairly good program Mr «Robert Lindsay purchased a'was put up. About thirteen en- dandy mew gang plow, two furrow thusiastic supporters of the Green from the agent. MP Geo. Arrow- Grove Trio made the trip on .foot. smith. “Its 8 Massey-Harris.” not including two of the speakers We are pleased to hear the open- and Mr. Peter Ramage, who also ing mates of the Canadian Band, walked over the rough roads. to â€"-frogsâ€"on 'Friday last. which see their boys carry the laurels of signifies that spring is fast ap- victory from the field, and in this preaching. they were not disappointed. Both Mr. Phillips of the Queen City, sides battled bravely for supram- and Master Arthur Hopkins of the acy. the question being deeply same place. are at present on a probed and well discussed. Our visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. boys had no mean foes to contend John Staples. with as “the trio from Edge Hill . . fought hard and were well posted. A 30‘3“] “'9ng was spent at The judges were Messrs. John the home 0‘ MI” and Mrs. John Greenwood. Fred Irish and Peter Collier Friday 0‘ last week. Quite Ramage, and (they certainly had a I numb 31' were present and enjoy- difficult task to perform as the ad themselves throroughly ,in points were so close. Forty five 381388 and other amusements. Iminutes elapsed after the closing Mr, s- Ritchie changed his work of the debate before an honest and Mr. Bresse of Muskoka, is at present on a visit to the home of his .brother-in-law, Mr. William Noble. Mr. Edgar Ritchie is engaged for the summer with Mr. Thomas Mc- Girr. starting Monday. Mr. David Ritchie had a bee Tuesday of last Week and got a- bout ten cords of wood cut. Mr. Edward Noble who has been spending the Winter in Muskoka. is home at present. Mr. and Mrs. William Hewitt call- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hewitt Sunday last. Mr. Thomas Collier has had a touch of 1a grippe recently. but. we are pleased to learn that he is again on the mend. Mr. S. Ritchie sold a horse last week 'to Mr. [Cameron of town‘ for a handsome figure. Mrs. Charles Ritchie and daugh- ter. Edna are spending the Easter nolidays in Toronto. Miss Amnie Atkinson arrived h‘ome‘from the Queen City on Mon- day of last week. Miss Maggie McFadden is spend- ing ¢he holidays with friends in the Queen City. Mrs. Neil McCannel accompanied by Mrs. McLean‘ left for Toronto on Saturday. Mr. Andrew Scott had a number of .saws Monday and had a nice pile of wood cut. Mr. Wesley M‘cNally, of Owefi Sound, was home for the holi- days. Dark les’ Corners. w MOCKLER’S OLD STAND r “I guarantee Peerlcss Peace to give satisfac- tion. I kccw it is manufactured on correct principles from superior grade wire and galvcns izcd by a process that absolutcfy ensures long life. Cur sales have incrc ascd £10 per cent. in three 3 c2 rs. I'rr (La 63 cfmiks of Trcrlcss Force are used ccch year ty t“ o lea-’irzg railways. Thcir inspectcrs {abject etch shipment to scvcrc acid tests. You can do the same. Azcnt wi“ 2:11 you hcw. Sec nearest t 4‘4" a. agent” 1:. BANWI'LL. President- vggfl hmwcu-X-loxic 00.. batman had Vim H , V - - ., a: a “l“"ffii‘m y ‘r FEEfiKNG Amongst those who are spending Easter at their parental homes, reâ€" spectively .are‘â€" Miss Annie Mc- Girm teacher from Erie; Miss An- nie Andrewm teacher .from Arthur; Miss Lizzie ‘S-cott‘ teacher from Yeoville; Miss Jennie Staples, of Toronto; Mr. Abert McFadden. of Toronto. May etheir hoidayas be pleasant. 0'. !‘2 PRESIDENT SAYSâ€" Mr. ‘Pevcy Davis of McGiveny. N.B. is at present on a Visit to the home of his paren’ts‘ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis of ,S-aug‘eenVal- 10y. Percy is looking as if the cli- mate of New Brunswick agreed with him. Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell at Pt Smelling and other places enroute for their destination in Alberta. they had enjoyed their trip so far. but had not arrived at the end of their jounrey when last heard of We had the pleasure of once more listening to Rev. A.A. Bice, who on Sunday last preached with his old .time fervour to large con- gregations in Trinity church both morning and evening, and St. Pauls in the afternoon. an attacked of what the doctor diagnosed as inflamed throat. We hope 'to hear of their speedy re- covery. They were on the mend Monday. Misses Kate. {Clara :and Lena Rit- chie .are at present suffering from E, J, Eugen}, Walker-tax}. 5.5." . 810156.“ I p. a. W Lm'; Grade 2â€"0. Grant, .L. Keller, 0‘ Cluk. E. Harris, 1. Saint. shop into a serviceable Woodshed with the .aid of Mr. Ben Sharp on Saturday last. He moved .it from its former site .and fitted it snugly against the Walls of his dwelling house. of $8000 STOC K THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Grade 4â€"3. McIlvride, J. Leeson, W. Pollock. Grade 3â€"A. Pettigrew, W. Pol- lock. R. Clark, W. Brown, Alloy. Grade bâ€"J. Kerr, E. Wilton, W. Eden G. Grant, P. Barber. Sr. Pt. Iâ€"E. Cook, E, Edwards. M. Haley. K. Edwards, M. Wright. Jr. Pt. Iâ€"F'. Vaughan. W, Haley R Jackson. R. McClocklin. Average attendance. 1? M B. TAYLOR. teacher. use. No. 1. E. AND N. Grade 87-W. Blyth. E. Barber,B. Barber. H. Barber. - Grade 7â€"F. Kerr, M. Leeson, S. Grant. Grade 6â€"W. Hutton, M. Leeson, N. Moore. 6.8. No. 5. GLENELG. Sr. IVâ€"I. Edwards. Jr. IVâ€"M. Peart. Sr. IIIâ€"M. McClocklin. B.Wright C. Nelson M. Edward's. Jr. 'IIIâ€"E. Peart. S. Edwards. Jr. IIâ€"O. Peart, J. Edwards, A. Hunt. Jr. Pt. II-H.. Timmofm, R.Peart E Wright. K. Cook. Sr IIIâ€"M. Williams, C. Ritchie, C McNally. J. Kenny, J. Vaug- han. Part IIâ€"B Ector, G. Williamsfl. Paylor, R. Bell, J. Ritchie. Sr. Iâ€"J. Morrison. L. Morrison, J. Iâ€"A. Ector, H. Ritchie, T.Mor- rison. ’ Average attendance, 23. J. L. McDONALD. teacher. Class IIâ€"W Ritchie. Kate Mc- Nally‘ R Paylor. Honor Rolls. U.S.S. N0. 2 B. AND G. Sr. ‘IVâ€"H. Mcchhnie. Jr. IVâ€"W. Edge. Sr. IIIâ€"S. McArthur. A. McKech- nie. M McKechnie. Jr. IIIâ€"E. Vessie. T. Grasby. Jr. Ilâ€"E. McLean. Sr. Primerâ€"M. McArthur, W. Mitchell. C. Mitchell, R. Vess'ie, T. Middleton. Jr. Primerâ€"M. Mitchell. Average attendance. 11. S. S. MACLEAN. teacher. 3.3. mi. 3, GLENELG. Sr. IVâ€"A. Edge, K. Ritchie. Jr. IVâ€"M. Ector, E.'Edg'e, M. Ritchie. W Kinney. 'as we can. Take a telegraph oper- ator for instance at a railway sta- tion. His duty is to flash over the wire to the next station the arrival and departure of every passenger iand freight train. He must keep Wtrains a certain distance apart and if he fail in performing his duty 3 Wreck and loss of life .would be the result. We have often picked up a newspaper and on glancing over its pages we have read news from almost every quarter of the globe twhen all at once our at- tention is attracted by 'the head- line “Railway Wreck.” and,what was the reason? Somebody fail- ed to do their duty, the engineer had fallen asleep in his cab, pass-7 ed a signal board that was set aâ€" gainst him. resulting in another of those awful railway accidents. Now in this case we cannot truth- fully say that the engineer did not do his duty, but we can .say that the railway company failed in their duty win holding their employee at his post until he was so oVercome with fatigue that he fell asleep on duty. The telegraph operator and railway .engineer are not the only ones .who are confronted by duty. but suffice to say that each and every one no matter who they may be or what position in life they hold. have some duty to perform and may we all do our duty faith- fully and fearessly. EDITORIALS TO THE GREEN GROVE EYE-OPENER DUTY This is a thing which we are all called upon to perform. no matter what our Work maybe or in what position ,We may be placed. It is to .perform some duty and to do so as honorably and as creditably unpartial decision could he arrived ' at. Ir. Peter Ramage announcedi the decision. which was given in: favor of the negative by the smalli margin of half a point. As far as points are concerned it looks to yhave been a very close shave in: deed. but taking everything into consideration our boys have nO' small victory to their credit. The I speakers on the affirmative werei Messrs. J. L. McDonald, W.J. RitCh-- ie and J.W. Firth. while those who nobly upheld the negative . were Messrs. R.J. McFadden, A. A. ‘ Alice and T.A. Allan. This is how- 1 it looks.-â€" Edge Hill issued the ‘ challenge, had the debate under their own rules. stood on the af- firmative side and on their own platform. and with all this in their favor were fairly ,beaten by ,the three from No. 9. Hats off to the! boys as they gave Edge Hill anl “Eye-Opener” alright. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Class Iâ€"E. Ritchie. Jennie Mee- nauzh. J. Bell. 81-. Premier-J. Meenangh, Geo. Ben. M. Atkinson, Arthur Lindsay. J r. Premierâ€"W. Noble. Average dtondlnco 3!. Sr. IIâ€"M. Bell, E. Meenaugh, M. Lindsay, L. Alice, W. Matthews, M. Lawrence. N. Lawrence, L. Rit- clue. Jr. IIIâ€"G. Whitman, E. Lindsay, E. Patterson. G. Noble. Sr. IIIâ€"C. McGirr. R. Meenaugh, E. Atkinson. W. McGirr, I. Ritchie. L. Newell. B. Bell. BUS No.9 GLENELG Sr. 'IVâ€"S. Bell. Jr. {IVâ€"T. Be‘ll, J. Allan, W. Weir, M. Patterson, L. Aljoe, A. Alice. J. Be‘ll. Jr. Iâ€"Margaret Holmes, Harold Falconer. Eddie McQueen, Cecil Wiggins. John Lawrence. Sr IIâ€"Vera Allen, Robin Parqu- harson. Tilly Levine, Isaac Mit- chell‘ William Watt. Maggie Torry. Sr. I-Edna BrOWning, and Stills McCuaig‘ Sarah Tucker, Myrtle Koch and Annie Brooks‘ equal ;An- nie Smith. Willie Clark, Irene Whit- taker. Jr. II-Lottie Wilson‘ Russell Gun Gladys Byron‘ Gib-son Watt, Jen- nie Davis. Intermediateâ€" Hermon Connor. Hilda Harvey‘ Wilfred Lake, Earl Grasby. Myrtle Baker. Jr. IVâ€"Ella Carson, Grace Petty. Olive Wright‘ Caldwell Marshall, Public School departmnet â€" Sr. IVâ€"Ray Farquharson. Helen Ire- land. Irene Lawson, Annie McDon- ald. Frank ‘McIlraith. Form IIâ€"Wilrfred LivingstonJas. Coutts. William Wallace, Annie Clark and Mary Backus, John Mc- Ilraith. Junior Matriculationâ€"Nellie Hep- burn. Fred Smith, Annie McMillan, and James Farquhanson‘ equal Jessie Smith. Form IIIâ€"Emily Edwards, Hazel Willis, Fred Smith, Annie McMill- an James Farquharson. High School Department â€"- En- trance to NormaLâ€" Nellie Hep- burn. Sr. I Bâ€"J. Shortreed, A. Mc- Cuaig. Those present every day,â€" K. McCuaig. G. McCuaig‘, I. Mc. Cuaig. W. McCuaig, N. Shortreed, A. McCuaig. Average attendance, 17. L. BINNIE. teacher. Sr. I A-â€"E. McEachern, C.I‘uck- er. Sp. II-O. Pennock, E. Poole, 1‘. Edwards, F. McFarlane, M. Mc- Keown. N McFarlane, A. Pennock. Part IIâ€"L McKeown, Dan. Mc- Artbur, M. Edwards, A. McGilliv- ray C. Jackson. C.’ D. EARQUHARSONJeacher. 8.8. No. 10. G. AND E. Sr. IVâ€"K. M-cCuaig‘. I. McCuaig, G. McCuaig. . Jr. IVâ€"F. Hooper. B. Hartford. Sr. IIIâ€"I McCuaig. Jr. IIIâ€"W. McCuaig', M. McEach- ern. A. McLean. . Sr. IIâ€"L. Hartford. Jr. IIâ€"L. Shortreed, E. Hooper, Part IIâ€"M. McKinnon, E. Hart- ford. Grade lâ€"W.Barber,I. Pettigrew, R. Morrison. R. McCabe. S. McNALLY, teacher. 8.8. NO. 1. GLENELG. Class IV.-â€"-R. McGill-ivray, J. McKeown. Sr. III.â€"-T. McGillivray, S. Mc- Jr. IIIâ€"V. Pennock. C.McFarlane. S. Edwards. A. McFarlane. Part Iâ€"M. Jackson, J. McFarlane. P. Pennock‘ W. Jackson. DURHAM SCHOOL Are you. frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? Does your cough annoy you at night. and do you raiaa mucou- in the morning? Do you want roller! 11 ao, take Cha- befiahfaflouhflmdyandyoa THE CHRONICLE and Weekly Globe-m» ...... .........1 Weekly Mail and Empire-um.-. Weekly Sun-om. m... ...... ......... Family Her. and Wkly. Btu-- Farmero’ Advocatev’ -... ...... Cmdlon Form-m- .. ......... Toronto Dally New»... ...... Toronto Dolly Btu ~~~~~ Montreal Weekly Wltneuuâ€"u- Hamilton Bpoctator‘um- ......... The Chronicle 1. prepared to re- ceive subscription: at clubbing rates for many of the city papers. end a glance at the following may ave money {or name. J NO. SCHULTZ or myself at the shop George Whitmore Pumps, Curbing, Tile f+¢+é++++++++++++++++++++0 E CXL'L' Mia ”Ur? OUR CLUBBING LIST w- ~. Real Bargains for ten days, beginning Sat- urd 1y, December u Real drop from revulnr prices. No marking up first and then marking duwn in make the prices look like hur- gains. Our goods will be all sold at. Ready-made Suits. Ready- made Pants. Overalls, Ladies" and Men‘s Underwear, Blan- kets.W00il£-n Sheeting. Prints. Flannelettes. Men’s and Buys” (‘ ups and Gloves and a bust of other articles. Real bugains in fresh Fruit Currants. R a i si n s, I‘mnm. Oranges. etc. Real bargains in chuice Groceries. TELEPHONE N0. l0 Real ..... ' Bargains New Pumps, Pump Re- pairs, Cement Curbing or Culvert Tile, see. ANYONE ONE NE EDING S. SCOTT Hm O”

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