WW TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE it'd Plongbing here on Tuasdny March the Bud and by Mr. Fred Ball. It. was ï¬rst. of the season. I It is not for fashion’s sake that Wo _ say the whole neighborhood are sorry ito lose the McLaughlau family, who Iare moving to Varney. this week. . They have liVed here for a generation : and are just the kind of folks that are 5. of re d value in a neighborhood and a {real loss when they leave. yet there is consolation in the thought that while i Varney is the winner in this move the 1 new comers to their farm will be. somewhat the sameâ€"(The real mean- ing of this paragraph is a little o!)- l seure to Ye E lit-or.) { Although the Traverston man is considered the heavyweight of the :Clll'oniele correspondents the work , rests lightly upon him for he. looks i : about as )oung and the sparkle in his I . eye as bright as when he started over I a score of years ago. His wit is as » much enjoyed as ever and his budget eagerly looked for. May he long he i: spared to represent the People’s ! Paper from his part. The man too of i Z the ('Jlassie Cit-y Chronicles. although , i we did not know for sure that it was : \V. J. Blakeston we had a strong . suspicion that it was as there are very i lfew men who can write in the same ’ l racy style that he can and from a i l backward corner such as he lives in. 3 Some of the correspondents boast 1 that. they have maple syrup, and we. { might have had some too for we I tapped the hush last week. but we. took '2 the wife out to help with the boiling [and she had no further knowledge of ' syrup than seeing it in the ï¬nished state on the table, in her city home. ' We sent her to gather the sap while we put on a tire. She returned with the report that there was nothing I but some water in the buckets and she i threw it all out. .â€"â€".â€"â€"â€" Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Thus. J uhn- son, on Thursday the249.b, a daughter. Congratulations. Miss Augie Sirrs. of ant Forest. is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. R. Mead. Mr. Thus. Pollock Jr., is cum from Saskatchewan. for some burst-s. Hi.~ father and sister will accompany him back having leased their farm for a term to Mr. “'11). Davis. Mrs. Henry Brandon and her sister Miss Esther Bridges, of B lgmve, tyre spending a few (luvs with their sister, Mrs. J as. Tucker. Mr. Jets. Allan went to Toronto. on Monday on business. He represents the Canadian F arm paper, as travel- ling agent. By the wet} he suld a pair of Spring cults InsL week, one a spring foal fnr $90 the other a two year 010 for $200. Your Val-ney man says he. is making taffy at present. and iuviLes ynu Mr. Editor for a feed. Yes, he is pertainly manufacturing mtfy at present, h) the Wholesale. ' There was a good turn out 011 Sun- day to hear Rev. Bice. They all cmne early too, apparently to have a. few moments chat WiLh their late pastor. The vesn'y meeting of St. Paul’s church on Monday elected Messrs. Geo. Lawrence and Thus. 13. Tucker as \Vm'dens and “’11). Davis as Lay Delegate. 1.0 the. Synml. The Baptist Sunday School held their annual entertainment on Friday evening last. and it. was very success- ful. Fromd Lo 8 o’clock a free tea. was given the scholars of the school after which a varied and pleasing pro- gramme was rendered under the, guidance of pastor Laugbland Among the little. folk who were specially interesting were Masters Carringmn and R. N. Cornï¬eld, Misses Gladys Cornï¬eld and Lillian Bunt. Readings Were given by Miss \Vyatt and Mrs. Flynn and an amusing dia- logue by several young people. Solos were given by Dr. Murray and Mrs. Blackburn and a duet by Miss Josie lRichardson and Mrs. Laugleand, a 3cornet. solo by Mr. Will Wilson and iseveral selections were rendered on i Rev. Laughlaind’s pizmo player loaned for the Qua-ion. Short addresses were given by Mr. M. K. Richardson and Rev. H. E. \Vellwood. A free will olfering of $15 was given. Norris Bros. have disposed of their hardware business here to Mr. Chas. Bellamy, son of township clerk Bel- lamy, who took possession on Monday. We join many others in wishing Charley success. Mr. Pete Norris re- mains for the present with the new proprietor and Mr. Fred. Norris is going on the road with traveller’s sum ples. (m Saturday last M r. Wesley Buskio sold his ï¬ne form on the west back line to Mr. T hos. Hogath, of Toronto, whose married son will move from the city this week to take up farming. The price realised for the farm was $5000 and Mr. Hogath is taking over stock and implements worth about $1300. Mr. Buskiu purposes moving his family to Flesherton and during the summer will take a holiday travel- ling in the VVestex-n Provinces. The spring Millinery Openings last week proved the usual attraction as was shown bv the lirge number of ladies who turned out to inspect and admire the new creations on exhibi- tion. The very delightful spring weather gave charm to the interesting annual event. The show rooms were prettily decorated and the tables were laden with artistically trimmed head- wear in the newest designs for the season. The smaller hats are quite high while the large shapes show a tendency to flatten out. Neapolitan and coarse weaves are in demand for spring and others much in evidence for the summer are the tricorn, tur- ban, Bedford and drooping shaw. Miss McMillan in charge at J. t . Boyd’s and Miss Brown at F. G. Kar- stedt’s. Each have a splendid stat! of assistants all ready to cater in the most painstaking manner to their customers. Mr. R. H. Wright’s daughter Elsie is ill with pneumonia and many in the community are nurturing with grippo. We are pleased to learn that Mr. R. J. Hemphill of the 4th line has re- covered sufllciently from critical lll- nee: to be able to move about. again. Bornâ€"On Wednesday the 23rd in: t5 to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Chard, fourth line, a son. Congratulations. Corner Concerns, Flesherton ‘llvo l‘lru. L"\4Il --------- ' â€"--- -. another sale of land on Saturday sell- mg to Mr. R-Jbt. Mddrum at $25!!) the 100 acre farm rewutly pmchased Irmn Mr. Jas. Pedlar. The sorunms and music in the Cllul'vht‘b nu Sund¢y Were-appropriate 1.†Enstvr day and the dean-anions with ï¬nvex-iug plants Were pretty. zievs. Wellwuud and Laughlztnd each. [LC\D. Iv cllnuuu nu“ u.-.-n-_--__--- , .mcupu'd thir own Hnlpib and Rev. John Mooriauu, of Toronto, preached in the Presbyterian church. Two old residents of Flesherton n we. passed away Within a few days .n the persons of Mr. \Villiam Ward lfld Mrs. l‘inner. relict of the late. smnnel Turner. Mr. \Vard, who Was in his 94th year, died on the 18th inst. at the home of his son in-lsw, Mr. ’l‘nos. Graham of Coventry. with whom he. has resided for some years. Mrs.’l‘nrner died last week at the home of her brother at Paisley and the remains were. brought by C. P. R. on Friday for interment in Salem Cemetery. Among the Easter holiday visitors Were Mr. and Mrs. George \Vicken. Toronto, at the foriner’s home; Mr. Cnas. ()Ltewell of Toronto, at his home; Mr. Kendall Mitchell. of ().ven Sound, and Miss Lulu Mitchell Toron- to, at their home; Miss ")eliat Van- Dusen Toronto, at her home; Mr. Fr ed Sullivan. Chatsworth. at his home: Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Karstedt. of Dur- hmn, and Mr. Albert Down of Toron- to, at Mr. F. G. Karstedt’s; Mr. Rom. Cornï¬eld, of Inglewood, visited his uncle J. A. Cornfield: Mr. \V. Livings- ton of Tavistock and Mr. W . Somers, of Dublin, visited old friends; Mr. Archie. Sinclair. of Harriston was a visitornt Mr. John Hale’s; Mr. J B. Patterson of \Velkerton was a guest at the Park House: Miss Alberta Brown, of Melzmcthon visited her sister Miss Brown, milliner; Mr. Roht. Clark. great uncle of Misses Minerva. and Valeria Stafford, was a visitor at Dr. Ottewell’s; Mis. Johnston Little. and Mi~s Little. Uwen. Sound visited at Mr. John Runstmltleï¬s; Mr. \V. B. Rydnll, of Exeter. visited old friends. Aya’s Pills. Sugar-coated. All vegetable. Act directiy oiâ€"the liver. Genny 1m.- tive. Dose, only one pill. Sold for nearly sixty years. Ask your doctor about u,“ Mr. Fred. NIL-hulsnn, 49h line nmde Those abroad were Mr. and Mrs. Holland at Chatsworth: Miss Chidley at Clinton; Miss Switzer at St. Mary’s; Mr. M. K. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus. Mrs. M. J. Douglas. Mrs. A. Bentham. Miss Zilla Trimble. Miss Ethel Fisher. Mrs. \V. L. \Vright, Mr. and Mrs. John \V. McKee and Miss Flossie Simmons, at Toronto; M r. Roy Kerr and Miss Vina Hastie visited tho foriuer’s brother at. Alton; Mr. and Mrs. “7 ill Moore visitml at Teeswatvr. Grandnm Edge is recovering nicely from a stere attack of grippe. “A'hnd sugar year means a good year for wheat.†so runs the old wing» and it looks as if it might prove true. for far" wheat is looking most promis- ing. Misses Lily and \Vinnie Black of the Middaugh Huuse spent last week in the old neighborhoud. Miss May Robson, teacher from Nm-manhy. is spending the. holidays at, the old home. We lost a No. 7 rubber coming home from Durham nne day last, week and, as it is L00 hig fur the fair ones and tun cmunped fora "(meant-footed" man, We’ll be mighty thankful to the ï¬nder-tn keep it out of the. Editor's ofï¬ce. \thc enters there is under new ownership. Mr. I. \Vuife Anderson had a mort successful awe on 'l‘huradny of last week. He hrs rented his farm to he brother Rob, and he, Mos. Andes-t n and baby boy leave on 'l‘uhsdaynf th 3 week for Munsejaw. "\Vhite" is a hustler and will su-tmed wherever he goes. Mrs. A. ham't enjuyed vm-y good health and they are making the change in hapes that she will become more robust in the drier climate. Miss B. Taylor the popular and suc- ce‘sful teacher of No. 5 is hulkiaying with her sister. Mrs. (Capt) J. Mc- Cannel of Owen Suund. Capt. Mc- Oaunel will be in zommand of the (.3. P. R. Steamer. the Athaha‘scn, this Since Local Option came in? u fur-09 in the cmmty town and in (1103‘ of the rum! municipalities, there has been little need for jUIOt'S. W. J. Green- wood went up on Monday afternomn of last week and was back home the next day for dinner. 8838011. Mrs. McCormamk, with her three prettv. little girls, of Dumfries, is up nan visit. to her sister Mrs. James Nelson. The attendance at Zion on Sunday was larger than usual and Rev. B. \V. Wright gave a ï¬ne. Easter discourse. The front of the altar was decked with flowers, the hull; qf which belonged 17am. IIUWC ‘6’ VII llllllll Iv-- Ivy-"-‘H toMrs. W m. Firth, who winter or summer has the magic touch of keep. ing them in beauty. Mr. M. J. Davis had an attack of grip , too. last week; but will soon be a )le to hold the plow handles. The vim and vigor and freshness of the Stratford scribe was evident in every detail of that photo of his last week. Few male teachers have the personal charm. magnetism and per- ennial buoyanc that is ever present in pedagogne . J. Blakesmn. Miss Spurrel. of Townsend’s Lake school left on‘ Friday to spend the hol- iday season at her home in Bruce Co. Will Firth of town devoured a dish of Easter eggs at the old home the ï¬rst. of the week. To cool a hot an 11 in a hurry, place it in a vessel of cold ult- Traverston. .oiuglis and Colds um Parks of Australian Cities. Australians. with a ï¬ne climate. be- lieve in enjoying themselves. and there. are plenty of facilities. Thus in Syd- ney there are parks and squares and public gardens with a total ari'fl at 4.335 acres. Sixteen miles from the cityâ€"a shilling excursion train tare- is the picturesque national park. con- taining 36,810 acres preserved in their natural state. A similar reserve call- ed Kurin-gai Chase. comprising acres of land, chiefly of densely wood- ed hills skirting for many miles around numerous tidal arms of Broken bay. is also held for the enjoyment of the public forever. Melbourne has no fewer than 5.400 acres at recreation grounds in or near the city. Adelaide is surrounded by a belt of park lands and has about 2.300 acres set apart for the public beneï¬t. Nor are Perth and Hobu't and Mae and some of thg ï¬ne Inland townn less well provided for. -Wentmlnuer Gazette. Mal-y Bloc Not Dying Out. There an a very common idea that the MCI.) II I no. (but ll dying out. killed In It: own country by the enter 911.0 of Chin“. Tamils. Javanese (who, however. are acumen of the m- IIN and European. To those who code out mt expecting to and 8 f9' u'ilserable rennin: of I once power?“l race. when probable fat. is that of the Australian nboriglnel. it comm II a ran-hum) to and n sturdy. independ' ent “Id courteous race, whose lat W89 run- from Sue: to Australia and who, Io (tr from dylnl out. are yet!†A lad Stu-t. “Ever try this keep «mom: 9'09 ducal" mumbutwam poor-"f can. emu.†I state}! the ct pet-uncut on a any that the b0“ ‘9" marâ€"mu» (Martel-40mmL . What Made Him “do Teacherâ€"lou- uguo brother was t" mmummmmtbm all yet you uy ho'a dck nod “'0": ha I! school. The Ina-8m: man I more {ancientâ€"4‘" We have to ‘thank m corrupomient for a 20 d ample syrup. Next! Bill- nre out annum wring Itnllion show. u Inn on the 15th of A]! Wunted â€"â€"Good gonor ‘pply nt once to Mrs I [in Dick was in Turn duy. and brought hnmv 1 d very stylish Shawna tun-n and white hats.. The "PItht‘T kt‘vps \‘vl ï¬lm; the grass is gro I}. 1nd the farmvrs an- their spring Work. I!“ Dick was in Tu!" day. and returned with (lower-0‘ und wheat myo. ___7 _ Going out of the tail In“. Big snap to t Suiting: Cold It W‘hulosl will sell en bloc, ‘80 m don‘tâ€"J. A. Glass. Educational service! lethodist church nex Th0 pastor will pres morning 0n “Young m “wintry.†and in the 1 “What is education." Since speaking of m weigh scale to a duwn flan. 1nd naming the (3. arty on George Strom some who consider t he very favorably. Thv I: Occurred at a \‘vry low .0 years. ___.* Eric. und Mr A. w 1 Things “em “I ll till h â€I Fergus. \k'hv‘h hr “‘9 on the mzar'hmv. cued to turn hark. h» Not the parly Mr. In good rum lmt j trip to Torontu Wm M to expect Onv m-M] ‘0' loan an auh: Uh The 3380“!!!) ongim, Iition. and the human. 1 eflorts of UN“ ('hui!‘ Iral the man who (luvs HM Will be done with “10 e 0‘ I BIDaHPI‘ flaw of [M We hope the changv vs OMS. We are pit-am «1 David Smith. “'11 the past three )1 to his rnum 1132‘ “on of the timv. 0‘ Mprnvvmvm. out for a drin- hll been a pat We Iincorvly hnp h the enjuymt-nt and strength. On Saturday mu! Kelly started (".11 ft 5" Into. acoumpunia The Carey Brw. am 0|! Monday night fur than“! wow gnu-1 Vol! packed hall. Th. mt consisted u: 3 Mining and iter "Pictures. as \wil‘ â€I! rendered illuslr dentertainmem is 5 MI!“ 8 good ‘00“! thm rmwa'. m next vear. Tl â€it†to illustrate â€I’M boyï¬' accum mble long selm‘tion Ct stages of its :1 “I h Very fine numb m I very helpful “9 Vere willing to be M young mvn a!“ “glued in Durham. an VOL. NEWS H