West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Apr 1910, p. 5

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Ill 40 0i|--American Canadian 13c. [PAIRED PROMPTLY 25!: Fruits and y-m'l x ate etc-cleaning. buy a pair of our carpet re! ( Thoroughbred {aim and Plumber Street. arden Seeds of all Kinds stars in Seuson ORMALDEHYDE’ rs for all Bakery Goods BLACK OWE, W H V WANTED; GLN'S DRUG STORE For Smut on Grain ity Bakery Bulk and Packages _.._..~__ .\'1‘ ction of paint brushesâ€"one for ov- ose-cheaper than the cheapest whitewash. clothes, stove, shoe H 3. etc. f QSTEDT 1“ ooowoooooonoomw uuitv and 'l‘iuware always style of wall and ceiling clusters? son should have for high ceilings. bannister brushes svrved on short notice at all hours ed to surpass the Sherwin-Wil- purpose. We always have a arrows. hedge shears, tree .\l vent. strength) mishml at present ivh thvre will be an CONFECTIONEI A! D G IOCEK... tinware, graniteware. Meats, Cured Meats. ll' A pril 14, 19. etc. H] Hund- llv ()vtuhel‘ 15?!) our new factory at Hanover will be completed. We will rs-quire fifty girls. \Ve also haw mom for a few girls in our pnwnt, quarters. Applications will hr H-t'vivvd now by FIFTY GIRLS HANOVER. The F. F. Bailey Co. Limited. HAMILTON. 0-3. 24 later: 3! the lumen ' '2 In 1 ' ' 8000 Polk). CAL'IIMiahP ++++++ “Black Knight" is a joy to every woman who takes pride in her home. It enables her to have the stoves always clean, freshly poli~-hed and brilliantly black. “Black Knight” is ready tom .easily appliedâ€"and a few rub. brings a mirror-like polish. “ Black Knight” do” any with all the hard work and dirty work of stove polishing. If your dealer should not have “mac: Knight". we will send you n large can, postpaid, {or not. I)?” 14, 1910 mono-4 LAMBTON $1125ij ms. Curbing, Tile ANYONE ONE NEEDING New Pumps, Pump Re- pairs, Cement Curbing or Culvert Tile, see . . .. . ”0' SCHl'L’I‘Z or myself st the shop George Whitmore ZENUS CLARK DURHAM The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding mnmtry. that he has his Manning Mill and Factory mmpleted and is prepared {u take orders for .\l.~'n a limited amount of inm work and machine re- pw'n-s. A call solicited. Ask fur quutntions on your xth jnb. TELEPHONE No.10 »:..:.++++++++++++++++++Hg All persons owing us an mount are requested to 21H mu] settle by cash or I)“ .\Y.\IAN, DURHAM Ut-ders may be left at the Hahn House Stable or at my my n-siLIPnCuâ€" TELEPHONE No.10 Shines Stoves 80 They Slay Shined 1' April. "m-n you want anvthing in .v lew of draying done “zuptly and carefully. ( HARUES MODERATE l’liHMPT SERVICE SASH,DOORS House Fittings {e on F. HIND and all kinds 0! ~â€" or before the 15th THE ONTARIO ONTARIO drive. . Now since you have started to give the pictures of lady cor- respondents. we must leave it to the bachelors and widowers to 'put in their best digs. All we married people can do is to admire ,them secretly‘ and keep our wives in the dark. 'msa saithâ€"Twin ha; been quite ill but is recovering nicely under the treatment 01 Dr. Jamieson. A case of diphtheria is reported at the home of Mr. Samuel Ritchie. but there is not much likelihood of it spreading. Mrs. James Eden is in Toronto visiting her daughter‘ Miss Lottie‘ tho is quite fill, and intends bringing her home as soon as she gets sufficiently strong. ~ Mr. Andrew Scott has been ill during the past week, but we sin- cerely hope he will regain his usu- al health and strength very short- ly, as he has had more than his share of trouble lately. St. Paul’s Sunday school was re- organized last Monday with James Matthews as Superintendent, Jas. Mack‘ «Secretary and T-hos. Tuck- er, Treasurer. The former teach- ers were reâ€"appointed The Darkies Corners Crow be- lieves in the old adage That .he 'who in the world would thrive Must either hold the plow or drive, and keeps his old dad trudging a- long beside him to do the driving Better change to He who in the world would thrive « Should hold the plow and also Every family and especially those who reside in the country should be provided at all times with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Linimenit. There is no telling when it may be needed in case of an accident or emergency. It is most excellent in cases of rheuma- tism. sprains, and bruises. Sold by all dealers. (Continued from page 2) i “Blest be the tie that binds,” fol- lowed by the chairman’s address The address and presentation came . next, to which Mr Meena made a‘ brief. but suitable reply, Speech- es followed by Messrs. John Bell, Thos McFadden, Jas. Atkinson, Henry LaW“ence. John Hewitt, W Weir, Thos. McComb, and A.A. Al- ioe Singing bv the Misses Weir, readings by Messrs. Thos. A. A1â€" lan, and Ernest McGirr, a chorus by the McGirr family, and instru- mental music At midnight, sup- per was served by willing hands. and the inner man ‘wwals satisfactor~ Iily attended to Mr. Thos. McGirr "_.__ n .‘J “vâ€"__, read the address, wzhile Mrs. ,C. Ritchie. Blanche Bell, Chzrissie Mc- Girr and Lena Ritchzie made the presentation which consisted of a purse containing a nice sum of money to Mrs. Meena, to Ruby, a Bible, to Jennie, a hymn book, to John. a book, and to Delia, a child’s set of three pieces, knife, fork. and spoon. The meeting closed by the singing of the fare- Well hymn, “God be with you-till mo meet again.” The following is To Mr. and? Mrs. Meenagh. We your friends, neighbors, and Well-Wishers‘ hearing you are soon to depart from our midst, have met here this evening to express our regret that you are leaving our neighborhood to make your home in the great west. For the many years you have been with us. we have always found you an obliging neighbor and a kind friend. To those who possess those qualities of true greatness and uprightness of character‘ it makes it doubly hard to say good- bye. As a slight token of the esteem in which you and your family are held‘ .we ask you to ac- cept this purse. and your family these small gifts. as we wish to recognize in some way, the kindly feelings we have (or you. When ICCIIIIEH Iv ____ in your new ome, and you have gathered around the family circle. we wish you to remember the friends you have left behind, who will be glad to hear of your suc- ‘M- in temporal and spiritual -we Wish You friends YO“ ha‘ will be glad to cess in temPC things. Signed bors Ferrovim. the invigorating tonic, contains Beef, the most strength- ening food in the least bulk, Iron, which makes rich red blood‘ and and vitality to the whole body and just enough pure Spanish Sherry Wine to stimulate Corner Concerns. Darkies’ Corners. temporal in CHAS. RITCHIE. We thank the popular Clerk of Glenelg. Mr. J .8. Black, for produc- ing as with the names of the fol- lowing officers of the township of Glenelg since 1850. just exactly 60 years ago‘ and we find the first name on the list to be in the land of the living yet, if he didn’t de- part since his departure from Glen- elg a Jew weeks ago for the North-West. ASSESSORS. 1850.â€"Geo. Ledingham and McGirr. 1851. â€"Alex. Hunter. 1852. â€"Wm. Morrison and McCannel. 1853. -â€"Smith Cook and Wm. Diamond. 1855.-â€"John Skene and I Smith. 1856.â€"Neil McCannel and Diamond. 1857..â€"Wm. Bray and Job clair. 1858.â€"Henry Farr and Cameron. 1859.â€"Herbert Rosewell. 1860.â€"James McGirr. 1861.â€"â€"Jâ€"ohn Travers. 1862.â€"J-ohn Travers. 1863.-â€"James McGirr. 1864.â€"John Travers. 1865.â€"Neil McCannel. 1866.-â€"Wm. Morrison. 1867.â€"â€"James McGirr. 1868.â€"-John McKechnie. 1869.â€"James McGirr. ris-on. 1870.â€"â€"Samuel Donnelly. 1871.â€"Wm. Morrison. . 1872.â€"â€"Wm. Morrison. ; 1873.â€"Wm. Jackson. Glen. ' 1874.â€"A1ex. McKechnie. 1875.â€"â€"John S. Black. 1876.â€"J~ohn Cameron. 1877.-â€"Wm. Morrison. 1878.â€"J.S. Black. I 1879.-â€"J.S. Black. 1880.â€"J.S. Black. 1881.â€"J.S. Black. ‘ 1882.â€"J.S. Black. 1883.-â€"J.S. Black. 1884.â€"John McDonald and Thos. McGirr. 1885.â€"A1ex. Bell. 1887.-â€"Alex. Bell. 1886.-â€"Edward Rutledge. 1888.â€"A1ex. Bell. 1889.-â€"A1ex. Bell. 1890.â€"A1ex. Bell. 1891.-â€"A1ex. Bell. 1892.â€"A1ex. Bell. 1893.-â€"Alex. Bell. 1894.â€"Alex. 'Bell. 1895.â€"Alex. Bell. 1896.â€"â€"Wm. Ritchie. 1897.â€"-Alex. Bell. 1898.â€"â€"Wm. Ritchie. 1899.â€"A1ex. Bell. 1900.â€"A«1ex. Bell. 1901.â€"Alex. Bell. 1902..â€"-A1ex. Bell. 1903.â€"John McDonald. 1904.-â€"James Staples. 1905.â€"J~ohn McDonald. 1906.â€"Thlos. Davis. 1907 â€"John McDonald. 1908 â€"John McDonald. 1909.â€"John McDonald. 1910.â€"John McDonald. ‘ The following are the names of those who served in the capacity of reeves. duputy, or counc.llors. land the numuer of years for each I since 1850: iééiâ€"Neil Mc‘Cannel and A.B. McNab, 3 years; James Ledingham. 2 years; AllanCamer- on; 3 years: D. McCormick, 1 year; Peter Watson; 1 year; Arch. Black; 4 years; ~Wm. Purdy, 2 years; Arch. Hunter; 3 years; Neil .McCarinel 8 years; SHE Leg-ate,1 year; Sam. Scott 2 years; James Edge; 15 years; Matthew Irivng, 2 years; Wm. Morrison, 10 years; W. Bray; 1 year; John Black, 2 years , John Butters. 8 months; Wm. Beil, 3 years; David Jackson; 1 year; Nature makes the cures after all. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with hypo- phosphitcs can do just this. It strengthens the nerves, feeds famished tis- SUCS, mam mun-H‘M I“ (h. John Skene and Duncan Priceville THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Eorrison and Neil and John Mor- John W Reid, 1 year; 8.3. Chaf- fey, 7 years; John McKechnie, 2 years; Jloshua Dodds, 1 year; F Walker, 6 years; John Travers, 6 years; John A Lamprey, 6 years; Hugh McFayden, 6 years; James Lauder. 3 years; John McDonald, 5 years; JH. Hunter, 4 years; Sheppard Boyce, 3 years; James‘ Sullivan. 1 year; Thuos Whit.more,, 3 years; Patrick Neil, 9 years; W l J McFarland. 1 year: Finlay Me-fi Rae. 8 years, 6 months; Dr .Sprcoule. 6 months; Samuel Don-l nelly,2 years, 6 months; Thosj Townsend 1 year: ’Dhomas ‘j . Davis. 11 years, 10 months; Nathan i Dunsmoo-r, 8 years; John A Mc-l Millan. 22 years; Geo Binnie, 8, years; Wm; Hall. 1 year; Wm‘ Glencross, 2 years: Thos Malar- ky, 2 years; Arch M-cCuaig, 3 years; Chas Moffuat, 5 years; Geo. Lamb. ‘6 years; Chris Williams, 4 years.;Thos. Sullivan, 4 years; AC. Beabon. 3 years, Jas. Staples, 11 years; Thos. McFadden, 16 years; MK. Beat'on, 2 years: .Wm. Rit-chie.1 year; Geo E. Arrow- smith 9 years; John Williams, 3 years; Joseph Firth, 2 years: Neil McCannel. 3 years: Peter MeInnes 3 years: Wm Kerney. 2 years: Patrick Sullivan 1 year; Wm Weir.5 years; E W. Hunt, 5 years; .M. Black, 2 years; Thus. Nichol, 2 years; John McNally, going on his second year. Those who served as Clerks since 1850 Were Nichso-las McIntyre for 1 year; John Swinburne, for 4 years; John Moodie. 4 years; Jas. Brown; 25 years; and the present clerk.‘ J.S. Black, since 1884. Tyhe Treasurers Were Arch. Hun- ter. John Swinburne, James Edge. and the present treasurer. D. Edge. Those who collected the Whole township as collectors were Jas. Edge, Jlohn McCormick, anal John S. Black. and there in wards were Th-os. McGlrr. John Ellison, Thos. Cook. Chas. Rutledge, John Mc- Donald. A.B. McLellan, W.H. Ar- rowsmith T. Quinlan, John Hunt. of Durham for some time, and C. Rutledge. of the Markdale Stand- ard. for some years also. Only successful remedies are ever imitated It is evident that “D.L.” Menthol Palsters success- fully relieve rheumatic padns, back ache. pleurisy, etc. “The D.L.” have been so widely imitated. A- void disappointment Get the genuine. Made only by the Davis 8: Lawrence C0,. Breeders of horses in and around Durham have this year reason to congratulate themselves on the excellent quality of horses to be found here this season Never before. We believe, has there been such a good class as we now boast of Mr. T. N. Walpole has this year added another horse to his stables. a fine-looking, well- bred, imported French Coach, Gar- nament, the joint property of him- self and Mr Geo. McKechnie, which they purchased some months ago Prince Erie, the Standard Bred, owned by Mr Walpole, is still in his stable‘ and is too well known to need an introduction Young Picador. too, who is own- ed .by Mr. Wm. Carson‘ will be here again this year ed by Mr, “710- 'Cal‘s'oni W1“ be here: ' Electric Restorer for Ken again this year . I restores every nerve in the body In the draughts. Mr. Robt. Ewen has decided to look after the in- : Imd vitslitr. Premature deny snd terests 01 those desiring that classicll sexual weakness averted st 01 horse. and purchased Vestal ; once. PHOSPHONOL will make Knight .3 young Imported Clyde 3101! s new Ilsa. Price $3.00 a box As these animals are all top- or two (or $5.00. lulled to my sd- notchers‘ s better class 01 horses dress. The Beebe“ Drug Co. St. thsn has been around this section " Csthsrines. Ont. ev of country tor yesrs is assured 'lor ssls st W Co’s. MOCKL J. Levine has decided to go West, and is forced to sell out all his below cost in 30 days. . Afull line of the very best of Gents’ Furnishings, including Working Shirts, Overalls and odd Pants,â€"also the famous “King” Hate. Be sure and call and examine our goods and prices before buying: where. S“ HIGHEST PRICES FOR BU'ITER AND EGGS E OME GOOD HORSES BOOTS AND SHOES in all sizes and best makes. THE VERY FINEST ASSORTMENT of Dress Goods. Spring Coats. Ready- J-““ v u-vâ€" â€" â€"â€"- twwear Waists and Skirts. Vestings. Ginghams. Muslim. Prints. Flannelettes, (muons, Em. CALL IN EARLY and get your choice. and save your money by buying here. A full supply of Groceries will also be cleared below cost. FRANK LENAHAN (30., - Durham, 0m. Iron and Brass Castings and go fitters supplies. Engines and Th O o I ‘ It is cxtrava ant and foolish t9 {my and pay for pun , instead of paint, get a mixgure coutaxmng cheap adulterants. __-_..-I.. -n-3-' qunfflmnffl flu' ‘nswaa ox pa‘nt' get a mlklulc LVOIWOMIIIE vuv-r w-wvâ€" _ Pure paintâ€"the real thingâ€"spreads easier, covers more surface (and covers it better) and wears longer than adulterated paint. Pure paint is far more economical to use. Pure paint gives the handsomest finish. Pure paint insures you against paint “troubles”, the cracking, the peeling, scaling. etc. that CUl‘AlCS from the use of impurities. “English” Lia-Id Paint is pure paint-â€"made from 707, pure white lead (llrandram’s 13.13. Genuine) 30% pure zine white, pure linseed oil, pure turpentine and dryer. It will give you the greatest satisfaction aid save you money on your paint bill. Made by Brandranhllenderson Limited, in 45 shades in addition to black and white. Come in for a color card. 3 MOCKLE R’S OLD STAN D SMITH 6t SONS, DURHAM, ONT. Dustings and general Repairing. Feed lu Engines and Thrvshera. Sash and Dom-s, General Wuod \Vurk. || Your Sumner Vacation. This line wentheu- brings to mind the caution “Where shall I go 1101' 3 holiday?” or perhaps n :“weddlnx tripl’ and u it in neceo- ‘ury‘ in order to Iocure comfort- ‘nblo accommodation‘ to engage Yrooml in advance you are recomâ€" lgudggto Junta ‘npplicqtgon to Repairing. Feed lmilc'rb‘. Slum: STOCK stock Flaming and else- or addiou J

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