West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Apr 1910, p. 6

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Ha Sells Cheap Table Linen, 54 inches wide yard .......... . ........... 2.50 Table Linen, 68 inches wide, yard ...... . ..... ' ........... 50c Table Ollcloth, 45 in. wide, yard ..... . ................. 2254: Floor Ollcluth. l and 2 yards wide. square yard. . .. . . . . . 250 Large 30x60 Smyrna Rugs at each ..................... $3.00 Infant’s, Childrens’ and Ladies’ Vests all prices New Prints and Ginghams See our 25c and 50c Dress Goods New lot of Glassware just in CALL AND SEE US W1de.square yaru 111;? 30th Smyrna Rug 3 3 Miss Sadie Guinn was in Mr. each ..................... $3t00 Whitehead’s store ye=terday morn- lnmmgq. Childrens’ and ing. and on looking out saw that Ladies" Vests all prices something had frightened the pro- iew Prints and Ginghams p11etors delivery horse. Miss see our 2.50 and we Dress Goods Guinn did not scream‘ but dropped Qew lot of GI. msware just in her parcels and ran out and grab CALL AND SEE US bed the horse. The horse reared. and elevated the young lady a‘ N: H. B EAN couple of feet, but she stuck to her job, and when the horse fin- ally succeeded in twisting itself out of the shafts, its energy was WWW”... exhausted and was easily caught FATHER' § before it had got very far aw.ay a Miss Guinn evidently isn n’t afraid of a horse‘ and’ her prompt action MOTHER ! zlwas highly commended by those i who saw the deed. â€"W alkerton 1 Herald. W0 A Business Education is the Lace Curtains BIG 50 inches widv. 33 inches wide. 3:13;!!!“ inches wxde. n I.........‘ Do inches wide. inches with, Oalder’s Block $1.00 : druggiStS- at“... ”V‘prv condition. Itâ€" nourishes the hair folicles and supplements the natural oil of the head. Bearine not only prevents fall- ing hair but stimulates new growth: 50 cts a jar at your 'Charlie dear,” queried the fair mind at the ball park “whv does the man behind the hitter wen; 311011 a big bib.?” keen hii shirt front from getting 1111:.st when the ball knocks his tth out.”â€"â€"Chicago News. A Vegetable Constipation Cure Because they contain mercury and mineral salts, many pills are harsh. The ear-dost and safest lax- ative is Dr. 'H".milton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. They clean the stomach. intestines and bowelsâ€"drive out wasre matter. tone the kidneys, and forever cure constipation. As a general tonic and system cleanser nothing is so mild and efficient as Dr. Hamilton Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Sold everywhere in 25c. boxes. A simple effective remedy for many little ills as well as some that are not considered “.319: A compound with a Vaseline base. in cnnjunction with Japanese Menthol and o‘ herdnuzs making an etficacious remedy for Sore Tin-om. as well as for .Insect Bites. Cuts. etc. Just the thmg for campers. hunters. as well as for those that stay at home. 25¢. a box. Household Heinz. The objectionable sputtering and flying of the hot fat when eggs. hominy, apples, 'and like things are dropped into it to dry may be prevented if a little flour is sift- ed into the fat before they are added. Prompt relief in all cases of throat and lung trouble if you use Chamberlain’s Cuough Remedy. Pleasanst to take‘ soothing and healing in effect. Sold by all dealers. An eesy .Way to skin a beet without bleeding it and causing it to lose color is to put it in cold water :as soon as it is cooked. Then draw the hand gently down each one. and the skin will drop of! without trouble. You Will Never Have it as Long as You Have Dyspepsia Just as long as you have dylspep- sia. your food will not properly digest. and the nutritious elements in the food will not be extracted. or absorbed‘ and impoverished or watery blood will follow. This condition may not ‘be ap- parent at first. but it will come just as sure was the sun will rise ‘1 again. ‘ OI A__A_ 2-.-‘.-A.:nfl “5 ans... Any stomach ailment‘ including all forms of indigestion, can be promptly cured by using Miâ€"o-na tablets, a scientific treatment un- augpaesed. _ L;L2-_ k“-k:-u Um yawn-Iv“. It stops. fermentation, belching of gas. and taste of sour food al- most at once. U V..-“ wage-mighty gower of Mi-o-na to invigorate an restore the atom- ach to pefiect condition is known ev_e_1_'ywhere. ‘ , ‘ r.‘j_.__ _-- VVVQJ u Mi-oâ€"na cures by building upâ€" by banishing the cause. For thin people it is a great flesh builder. because it causes the stomach to give more and purer nutrition to the blood. It cures sea and cart sickness and vomiting of pregnan- cy almost immediately. Macfar- lanet Co. sell ’Mi-o-na for 50 cents a large boxya‘pd )guarantee it to DAVIS LA He Needed It RICH RED BLOOD She’s A Buck RY' . C.E Montreal. ed to Mr. Kennedy, of Barrie, and a license has been granted to take effect May lst. By this move. Meatord’s temperance hotel will be no more, and in all likelihood local option will be forgotten for all time to come. Meaford is not, ap- parently" in the temperance hum- or. and the‘ ternperan-ce people have decided to give them all the ;“u'hiske)"’ they wantâ€"Express. M1 Wehber is an old Durham boy, and his many friends here will be pleased to hear of his good fortune and extend congratula- itions~ to them in their matrimonia ’1'-.(11ture 11lsh1ng‘ for them the best gluck in their future career Arthur Webbkr Married. The marriage of Arthur \Vebber to Miss Mildred Hayward, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hayward of this town, took place at Maple W One day last «week, two fine col- lie dogs were playing along the beach near the power house. They were running out on the ice, and one oi them, a fine Scotch collie, belonging to MT. Alf. Grundy, wont 'ovel into the'water, and was unable to get out. The other col- lie displayed human intelligence. going ,to the assistance of his mate and endeaV oring in every Lassiblc manner to pull the dog in the VV ate; out. The attempt at rescue lasted for some time, until Mr. Grundv’s dog became exhaust- ed and sank. These on the shore, who wan-bed the pathetic sight. oulu not reach the animals to ren- do anv assistance. When th-'~ dog disaprcared. its mate viewed the spot for a few minutes, and then went awav with an expression as near Jrie’ as could be expected on an animal’s countanance.â€"Kin- cmdinc Reporter. It Prevents Sore Throat. No simpler way to kill a cold and stamp out sore throat than by applying Nervilineâ€"rub it on free- ly. and then {put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster on the chest. These remedies hunt out pain, destroy every trace on congestion, cure the cold and tendency to bronchitis. Thousands .find N erviline inc-stim- ably the best . remedy for pains, aches, bruises, neuralgia, sciatica. icolds and 'winter ills. Not only is it penetrating and powerful, but it is safe 3rd economical. All deal era sell Pol-son‘s Nerviline, Large bottles for 25¢, the plasters same price. Beware of substitutes. It must be that most of us be- lieve in the .old saw of “histeners never hearing good of themselves” that so few 01 us practise the art. UBDLCL WU’uau UV uv .- wâ€".. ('1 It does not seem to make much! man. a ‘ ‘ V ‘t . differencr, Whether we are grea A bird’s strength 15 equally a- talkers or not, when it comes to . . .. . . amazmg. A white tailed eagle. being good listeners most of us weighing twelve pounds with a ' .. h w ' h. lf-h . t- ' ’ am) up T at e give a ear wing spread of six feet, has been ed attention â€"'even those who . . known to pounce on a pig weigh- od 1' t ° . o pr: e ourselves on our 15 ening 2 ing forty-two pounds, raise it to a powers--the inappropriate ans-w . . . height of a hundred feet, and fly 31:23:12 “5:02;. dam “currence’ | off with it. The bird had covered - a distance of ‘half a mile before The woman who wishes to be a the pig’s owner succeeded in favorite learns to listen well. She shooting the thief. .does “Ct keep “P a perfunctoryl Birds can and do work far ‘hard- gsh-ow of attention with her earsl er than human beings. A pair of sharpened for .a conversation half lhouse martens, when nesting, will way across the room, or her mind feed their young ones in twenty occupied W‘th planning her nemzsseconds-«that is, each bird, male new dress. I and female, makes ninety iourneys, The good listener concentrates to and 1m, in an hour, or about a her mind as wellaas her ears on the thousand a day. It must be re- subject under discussi-on. It may membered Ethat on each journey bore her to extinction, but, none- the bird has the added. work of the-less. while the conversation catching the 'worm. Even so tiny 1““ she makes it a point to know a bird as the “men has been count- what it is (about. ed to make 110 trips to and .from To be a good listener is the its nest within 430 minutes, and 'the highest form of breeding. It preyit carried consisted of larger, means that you .are willing to ef- heavier and .harder-to- fight in- face yourself and your own opin- sects than were caught by the ion in deference to your compan- sparrows. Among them were 20 ion. .whether what you get from caterpillers, 10 grasshoppers, 7 him 15 01‘ ‘i’ not worth while. spiders, 11 worms, and more than It is a 'big , temptation some- one «fat chrysalis. The good listener concentrates her mind as well .as her eans on the subject under discussion. It may bore her to extinction, but, none- the-less. while the conversation lasts she makes it a point to know what it is «about. To be a good listener is the highest form 0! breeding. It means that you are willing to ef- tace yourself and your own opin- ion in deterrence to your compan- ion. whether what you get from him is or is not worth while. It is a big temptation some- times not to listen. There is noth- ing so deadly as a droning, pros- ing bore. but it will improve nei- ther your manners nor your con- centration to get into the habit of letting him talk on while you think 01 other things. - Few peoplewstop to think that they injure themselves -by not lis- tening to conversations or sermons that bore them. ine with other valuable agents. uniting it the best pomade. 50c.a In learning to listen, remember vou are not - a good listener it you keep bursting into the con- versation at all sorts of ino par- tune momenta. Never tear, ‘ you wait long enough, your turn will Canadian Bear 21‘un is in Bea;- Doc: Was Drowned LEARN '10 LISTEN. People Have Quin THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Even people who are usually 1 healthy occasionally require‘ isome kind of afood tonic. Fer-f Ilrovim, that excellent combi- gnation of beef, iron and sherry wine, if taken when the sys- tem is run down from over- work or a slight cold, will prevent a more serious illness. Ferrox'im gives strength to con- valescents and all thin-blooded people. $1.00 a bottle old-time vigor‘ happy spirits, and new strength return with Ferro- zone. The delicate maid is ener- gized. strengthened and rebuilt. Isn’t it worth while using Ferro- zone ‘W-hen it surely doc-s so much? At all dealers in 500.. boxes. Birds can eat and digest from ten to thirty times as much food in proportion to their size as men can. If a man could eat as much in proportion to his size as a ner‘a couple of dozen chickens for breakfast. and six turkeys for his evening meal. A tree sparrow has been known to eat seven hum- dred grass seeds in a day. Rela- tive to the bird’s size, these seeds were as big as an oridnyar lunch basket would be to a full-grown man. A Wonderful Cold Cure. Just think of itâ€"a cold cured in ten minutesâ€"that’s what happens when you use “Catarrrhozone.” You inhale its soothing balsame, and out goes the coldâ€"sniffles are curedâ€"headache is curedâ€"symp- toms of eaten-h and grippe disap- pear at once. It’s the healing pine essences and powerful antiseptics in Catrrhozone that enable it to act so quickly. In disease of the nose, for irritsble throat, bron- chitis. coughs and estsnh, it’s s munch we even (or children. and 81.00 sizes at 311 dealers. Strength of Birds X i APRIL-mud House-Cleaning! é JAMES IRELAND i and Something New Needed to Freshen Up the House Do You Need a Carpet or Carpet Square? THE BEST ‘ The best is the best, and it is at our store you will New Linoleums and Floor Oilcloth New [.ace Curtains Tapeatrv and Brussels Carpet. greens and fawns. 600. to $1.35 yd. Carpet. Squares.-Tapestry and Velvet, sizes 333 yds. to 4x4; Na in medallion and regular carpet patterns, reds, greens, bum-M fawns. some special values, 89â€"“) to ...................... 31‘.» m. Spring and New Clothes In the newest, flow! and block patternsâ€"clean. fresh-Inukmg colors. Li noleums are 6 feet and 12 feet wide. and 50c and .33. Genuine Bargain in Plain Cashmere Hose \Vill freshen up a room at smaller eipense than anything v‘iw. “'9. have crisp new curtains at Rio pair, or better ones at 7.1- in $6.75 pair. Pretty friiled Bohhinetbe, always dainty, at 23- t. 300 yard, White and colored Maduas at 25c to 6.39 3.1M. Cream Scrim, wide. 200 yard. “White Scrim. lace edge. 17w )3. Scrim. cream. with colowd patterns, 25c and. . . . . . . . . .37w ya 1 ii. Of course you will need some new things to freshen your w.- n (1 tube for spi ing. \Ve have the materials and “the details} NPW Dress Goods in the new spring colors. lovely wean es in: dresses or suits. all prices tn ....... . . . . . ......... . . .8150 yill'd‘ New \Vash Guods for dresses, shirt waists. and for every uw. There are Prints, Ginghams. Repps, Delaines, etc. from 1m: up. New Belts, lovely shades. and black elastics, handsome bm-klm. \‘Vhibe “’ash Belts, pearl buckles, 25c each. [203‘ t“ 3‘1““- New Dutch Collars and Jabots, the prettiest yet, 250 to 60¢ each. New ‘°Lissue” Handkerchiefs, white, or to match the costumv. very fine and dainty. . . . . ............................ 20c New Kid Glows â€"Per tin ’8 nd Alexandre makes. black. greys, cream. Ladies’ sizes. $1.00 and . . . . .. Children’s Kid Gloves. tans and browns ...... per square yard. Floor Oils are 3. 45 and 6 feet. 40c and ........... . . . . . . ........................ Sizes 8 to 10. Worth up to 40¢: pair. Pick out your size atmoc 9 .oc-px. The best is the best, and it is at our store you will find it. No danger of indigestion if you get: your bread, cakes, etc. from us.â€" Try our ‘Home-made’ specialâ€"very appetizing- and nourishing. . MODEL BAKERY BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED Fresh Groceries New Fruit and Nuts Choice Confectionery 'PureSpices and Vinegar: No. I Family and Pure Manitoba Floors Fine “Salt. "Farmers Produce Wanted GEO. STINSON 7””fi/N’? Jib/1;”; / (“Mad ‘7‘ _‘ I5 KING 5? EAST ‘ I April 14, 1910 . . . .8125 pair. ...... 75c pair. etch ans, April 14, 1910 Em in the iong ago u'lzerz 1}: m then did we. Lexie gur b. may meantâ€" PIE. For pic, if! each Of :1}: ft‘._"*'.."." Do you make 80¢ 1 a the enzifienf “may, Ymk 32:: an apex (‘f a w “it the ailunmr 0: McGrath But the crud. is r know. and FIVE W flour for p mum such ‘ Because, Mistress H Roses makes .vv "fined. even of u .x W 3 (16116316. 2:" ”awed as anut.1 h color and REDPca’ 'a “4‘88. \Vit'i Kid hlm'hvl'. pa regular $31M. fur $2 :f you should :1 “mm, mm thc «m end"... Whether of apph unlike pctch : [Adios’ Vici Kid Blur do. regular $2.0M ‘ for..................q Ian’s Patent BIm-lwr, Don't fail m place m get them. The Big Shoe Store The ALEX. PATRONIZE “ ‘IICh bluwk, brown w. “'0 some guud ha! mane. dark blue. .4 M. just the mini Ib- All-wool Striped 51 Nova. 42 inches “N urea-wear Skirts il Win. good lichen} :m. Shuns, Dresser 7 Donia. made of 15". Boys’ and Girls’ Sch Repairing and Cash the 125‘ For Groceries Confectionery. St FRESH AN upple, or In}: 0? Int. “9 Kid Bluc'hvl p $2,”. 8‘ You r0:

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