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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Apr 1910, p. 6

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JAMES EDEN TM Chronicle in prepared to re- ad" nboerlptlom at clubbing “M8 for many of the city papers. .1! : :1:an 3t the (allowing many an many for mo. "' ' ‘ifi'cnn"' diffc'u md Weakly mowâ€" ---- mun». Ivan: nan ma hpiuâ€"u-u- m --\'" fitters suppiies. Euginls and 'i‘breshers. Sash and Doors General Wood Work. Iron and Brass Castings and general Repairing. “Give me ten gallons of "mm” [Add White I’IIII. “No, Sir ! I won’t take any other kind. “Yes, that other paint may possibly be good paint, but if it is all right in every way, why don’t the makers tell you, and tell me, frankly, what they are trying to sell usâ€"namely, what is in the paint. "I always use "English” Liquid hill because the uarantee formula is on the can telling me that it is made of 70% w ite lead, 30% zinc white, pure linseed oil, pure turpentine and dryer. I know this formula is the standard in paint making and I know that I am taking TH E DURHAM FOUNDRY SMITH 6: SONS. DURHAM, ONT. Weekly Sun-m- ...... ...... ......... Family Her. and Wkly. Star- Funnel-0’ Advocato’ .... ---.- Canadian Fum~~ .. ......... Toronto Dally Now-um- ...... Toronto Daily Star ~~~~~ Iontrool Weekly Witness-u- Hunilton Sputum-“m... ......... Durham, Ont. ‘. Feed boilers. Steam 3d Doors,'Plzming and Flesherton é ’ ' mm or W‘ Scott S [NHISINI visited friends ‘here over Sunday. Mrs. Harry Perikoe has return-l i5 thc originalâ€"has been ed from visiting friends at Erin. : Mr. W.A. Armstrong was at the standard forthlrtY'fiVC Thornbury on Friday. V5 3 II'S Miss Myrtle Thurston has re- turned ltrom visiting friends in Toronto. Rev. J .V. and Mrs. Lang-min spent Friday last with Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanDusen in Dundalk. Miss Ella Karstedt and Miss Brown, spent Sunday with the farmer’s uncle in Durham. Mr. Geo. Mitchell is on a week‘s outing at Waubamick, Parry S (1 District. Mr. Wm. Chard, 4th line, has beem laid up for 'a couple of weeks with an inflamed foot. Born.â€"At Flesherton, on the 22nd inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Angus McLeod, (nee Jennie Wilson) a daughter. 1.15. Mrs. W. Trimble has returned from Detroit where she was called a month.~ago by the illness of her mother, who is now recovering. Mrs. Stewart, sr., is slowly recov- ering .from her severe illness. Mrs. Brown is also improving and her daughter Mrs. Campaign, left for her home in :Chicago on Friday. . We are sorry to report Mr. Wm. Clayton very low at the time of writing, Monday. His son. William of Cornwall, and brother-in-law, Mr. D. Strachn, of Toronto, are at his bedside. The service in the Baptist church on Sunday morning was specially for the children. In the evening, lpastor La'ughlin ably .filled the iMethodist pulpit, exchanging with Rev ’Wellwood, who preached at Rpckvale. In 'Cahalmer’s church, Rev. Mr. Milligan preached an edi- ~fying sermon and made an appeal for liberal home missions giving. The high séhool girls have or- ganized a basketball team with officers elected as follows: Hon. Pres., Mrs. J.E.. Marcellus; Pres..- L’aura Armstrong; Sec., Jessie Mc- Aulley; Treas., Gladys Cornfield; Manager, Lillian Rutledge; Curat- or, Bertha Fadden; Com., Lillian Armstrong, Muriel McTavish. Gertie Bellamy and C. McKenzie. At Division Court held here last week, Judge Hatton pres1ded, and the sitting was lengthy. The fol- ‘ lowing were the cases heard: Bruce vs Smith.-â€"â€"Resi¢lents of Mel- ancthon action on contract for $86.87. ' Judgment for plaintiff. {Stephens McDuLf, Dundalk, vs T. Butler, -Ceylon.â€"â€"Actiun on prom- missory note given for organ, which defendants clai'ned was faul ty. Judgment for plaintiffs, $40.00: Kerton vs Strain Pickett, gar- nishee. â€"Action for an account, $85- 3,40 sawing switch ties. Judgment :for primary creditor for amount of :claim and costs; R H. Wright, Flesherton, vs Sam. Henderson, of Priceville.â€"Action on threshing ac- 'count $5.50. Judgment for plaint- iff for full amount; D. Madill, Mark dale vs John Robertson, Osprey.â€" Action for $7 for sleigh claimed to have been sold defendant. Non-l Esuit.; Mrs. R. Rutledge vs G. Col-i linson, both of Ceylon. â€"Action fo: rent of farm and damages, $100. 00. Judgment for plaintiff, $42. 00 and Hudgment for defendant on counter .claim $20. 00; R. Cook, Ceylon, vs ‘Hughes, Artemesia. â€"Action to re- ‘cover $4. 00 over paid on purchase of hogs. Judgment for plaintiff; ‘ W. Sample vs R. Ferris. â€"Action for “$60 damages for injuries by assault lmade on the plaintiff’s son by de- ; fendant. Judgment for plaintiff, l‘320: C Ahrens, Berlin vs P.A. Mc- :‘Arthur, Hopeville. â€"Action on ac- count, $39.Jud1gment for plaintiff: A boya’ brass band has lately been ocrganized in connection with Meafmd Baptist church‘ for the purpose of encouraging the young boys and the advancement of Christianity. The founder and conductor is Mr. Ernest Lamperd. who recently came! to 1:119 town and connected himself with the church. and the band is made 'up of mem- bers of his Sunday school class. â€"Meatord Express. This Hint May Save You Money. Very often the cheapest and poorest production yields most profit. Some dealers with their own profit in View try to “push” inferior preparations when Zam- Buk is asked for. They talk about “just as good.” or “practically the same,” etc. Besides. the imitation is never as good as the genuine article. When buying Zam-Buk. therefore, be sure and see the name on the pack- et. The name is protected by Law, and therein lies 'your safety. Not one dealer knows what is in Zam-Buk! If any dealer tells you that something else .is “just as good"’ ask him how he knows! A Boy:' Brass Band THE DURHAM CHRONICLE There are thousands of so-called “just as good” Emulsions, but they are notâ€"they are simply imi- tations which are never as good as the original. They are like thin milkâ€" --SCOTT’S is thick like a heavy cream. If you want it thin, do it yourselfâ€"with water- but dont buy it thin. Varney. Mrs. Best from Palmerston, visâ€" ited her sister, Mrs. R.J. Allan. Mrs. vCunley has been visiting at Mr. Wm. Bryans’ for the past two or three Weeks. Misses Ella and Bella McLaughlin visited the parental home in Var- ney. Mrs. Ja-s. McLaughlin visited her mother in Proton week before last. Max Allen left these parts for Toronto week before last. Max is shaving people down there again. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. John Leith on the arrival of their first baby girl. Rev. Mr. Carter was at Holstein on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, writing on his examination. Ettie Pinkerton, from Durham. visited her brother here on Sunday last. Nettie Pollock left Varney on Tuesday of last week for Paris, where she will remain for some time. Eva Blyth left Varney for the Queen City on Wednesday of hast week. She intends to remain for some time. The prayer meeting last week at Mrs. D. Aallnan’s was well attended. This week it will be at the home [of Mr. Geo. M. Leeson. Mr. Thos. McAnaulty, and daugh- ter, Mrs. Wm. Prew, from your town, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Allan. Seeding will soon be over around l our village. Some are about done. 7 This week will pretty well wind it up. Nearly .a month earlier than last year. Mr. D. McCrie and his daughter Maggie have left for the West. Mr. McCrie took a car load 09 stock. etc. We hear that they both landed safely at their destina- tion. ',We wish them both a pleasant and profitable time while in the Golden West. When you Wake up with head- ache and bad taste in the mouth“, something to settde the stomach is needed. 'Dhat dull, heavy reeling. must be lifted\ and appetite must be created. Get a tumbler of water, some sugar, and then pour in a stiff dose of Nerviline,. You will feel tip top in a few minutes. Nerviline invigorates, braces, tones puts vim and snap into your move- lments. You’dl be fitted for a hard day’s work by taking Nervli- lineâ€"nothing better. Larg'e bottle 25c. everywhere. Origin of The 8 Sign. Perhaps the sight of 'the dollar sign will make more eyes brighter than any other symbol. Probmb-’ 1y most people do not know the origin of this symbol, writes Dr, J.T. McFarland. editor of the A. B C. Monthly, New York. It origin- ated shortly after the discovery of America. and was put upon a Spanish coin. The two parallel. upright lines represented the Pil- liars of Hercules. and the S-shaped line the scroll of History. Dollars rightly used are andeed the pillars of the gateways opening to new worlds of opportunity and prog- ress. and the scroll of history bears no nobler records than those of philanthropic benov-elence. But through the Pillars of Hercules have sailed out pirate ships, as wall as ahi a of discovery and peace. An so fine doll-3r sign will mean to a man the things, good orr bad. to which he devotes his dollars. Canadian Bear grease will sure- ly grow hair. That’s why Bearéne, the 'pomade made .trom it makes hair grow. 50¢. a jar. m an at ALL momma Have You Stomach Trouble? The best is the best, and it is at our store you will find it. No danger of indigestion if you get your bread, cakes, etc. from us. Try our ‘Home-made’ specialâ€"very nppetizing and nourishing. MODEL BAKERY GEO. STINSON _‘ '5 KING 5? EAST _ .1 April 28, 1910 h.» \)4 w...» mug $0 $41 our big 82110 is 1m “Where 11100515 )1 ngol‘dfip ti ap$|o3'~f”" fonds. cush- ion been! '3” Kim' 51 (“I Apfil 28, 1910 wioa' Vici kid Ladies. [mt Us- git-'51.” These are but :1 {M1 Then. Iadam. the W Do YOU know the story‘ To W d flour that's filth difficutty ; {Lur th m qmm sluggishly. To guard 383m” u” m Into several pied an arid: FIVE [605% W Mistress H04 # W Moisrm. ‘ Vfim “fig B t‘ldb)‘ moisture. W- wince“... Sh! .08 at 11%! It's grwulu. free. hear] Was in your sitter. no FIVE ROSES being 1” ad free. mh parucle and!“ mount of wfll 5.1", «do: to work. YO‘ mung unim'wm In the death. And when the W 3 ALEX. DRES Wt [I‘ve game m inch black. mt blue, dark b" [0066, just the Nb All-wool Stril known, 42 incln The New mammal nothing nicer i SOLD IN Bale ° 1 la IHHV For Grace! Confoctuou FRESH III 91's. “‘0! U I” pr. M “uran- Blu “U flour £3 pl gooc brc )ll

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