West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Apr 1910, p. 7

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411.. m nth-ml t0 ynur wantofor bur ; Seed 3 Groceries j wit and Nuts 1 Confectionery : i d bum in th» newvst shapovl, $2.50. 'o-w Tiow m fit them. The Conan are diflum‘ ' and 2UP mU'h. Ties in lhfl correct Ill.” hanic King ml)“ it" wt. mu] it, is at our store you Will :9? of imiig‘vstinn if you get your a fruit: us. Try our ‘Home-made’ wtizinu' and nourishing. : : SHOES at is the Hat that Fits easy at things M van! H E0. STINSON ws Latimeri ' l-o-wml, mmliuzn and dark colors, 500 ‘0‘! m M fur tim‘r wmtr. These are 800d look. ,va‘hmg, gund Wflal'infl Shir”. “pm-d.“ fur particular men, 750, $1.“) and .1.” L BAKERY ‘ Shirts -- 5 far All Occasions ‘O‘Q-Ov‘ MADE ommoo urh 1/71 IlJlI" Ufaflawdf( 5 KING 5? EAST (ES-i; The Thing That Drawn Tho MI W Hf “nuts and 5h"?! l0 ll. is the. tart; that, any are HIH‘P Hf getting first-clan. g: mds at. rmwunnhle pl'iCOO. Run. nf ample vacinty to "hunsv fmm. Sure of qual- ity being as represented. Huro- uf gt-tting what. they want. and when they want. it. In n “1de sure of 3"»- tins: their nmneys worth in rr-linhlegmuli at reasonable prim-a. W0 aim h DIM and bit the mark with our Boots MM Shows, Huiifil‘v, Tnmkl, Suit 1‘:L~6N,'l'elesc.moo,VahO~. These are ' " 581.25 A new lot is jmt III-- ”M prices While lb" Lad, memns, with or nithuflt bib, SIDOCkI to ed peak sL-u-k. lightweight, glas- I’EABODY'S C A PS and Pan- road King Well made April 28, ‘ Overalls tit ti; 9) Apfi128ylglo .;:.,’ paLOX- "P 2 19 .3". fl 111 1 big sale is now on and we invite all to come and see our stock before 111-1131 It costs you nothing for a. look in; so don’ t miss this opportunity. -.~’ ViCikid 3'3 pr. Ladies’ Put. . v .u. Bl’hers. lace .5990 or button,$4. 3.60 was Vivi kid Ladies’ Heavy work- :,.-.1.19:3::rzz.1.39 30 pair Men’s Tan [ 40 pr. Men’s vici kid HorseBlm-h- i BI 11 c h e r s. ers,wortb $32.59 worth $2.50u1 .89 60 pr. Men‘s Pateuti‘Z-t pr. Boys’ vici kid Biuchers. 'Bluohers, worth $4.3)..3.49 worth $2.25u1 .1 9 60 pr. Men’s box calf 20 pr. Boys’ hox calf Bluchers Bluchers. - worth $4...503.59 worth $2.50.." .29 V 60 pair Boys’ Working Shoes $2., for $1.31) ‘1..â€",'y'icikid 36 pr. Ladies’ Pat. ‘ I . “at. 99 Bi’hersJuce i .r.. c orbut.ton,$4.3.so M's vici kid Ladies’ Heavy work- .‘i ,1 .1 9 . iwngnhsgfizui .39 41.; pail)» .. 30 pr. Men’s Biack -hâ€" 2 :HorscBluch- _3 3., . .1 9 ‘ ers,\vorch $32.59 Rx (‘hildrens’ Shoes at reduced prices Then. Madamthecookbooksaya: WWW. Do YOU know the story the Sifter telb ? ToWd flour that's soft and sticky, commgoutdtho sack with dimculty ; flour that’s lumpy. musty, woolty, soft ; flour that And you ”y to? “‘0' instead of good flour. Since Strength 9nd “313‘“- you see what happens. h’s granular. free, heavy. nothing remains in your sitter. no nude. FNE ROSES being lively, even, and free, each particle absorbs 3 maximum amount of water, etc. Sela, easier to work, you see; tor- morning unihnnlymorldng soundly in the dough. Andwhenundoughumn’s SOLD IN TWENTY-ONE DAYS AT INVOICE PRICES Maximum. you know. And when the molsturedanâ€" get mark is crossed say L32 then look out for mold: and bacteria, for bad odors, musty, unwholesome, un- sound flour that wont keep, flour that makes “runny” dough r But there's MW»! and clean bill of health. Ground from the plump, well filled Red Fife kertens sun rlpened on the sun kissed western prairies. And u's guaranteed M. Why don't YOU use FIVE ROSES. (R) Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Ritchie and family visited at the home of Mrs. Chas. Ritchie on Sunday. Several farmers in this locality have finished seeding. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ryan, 1r... vis- ited over Sunday with the Timmins family at Ebordmle. Mrs. McCannel sr., spent over Sunday with friends in Swinton Park. Mr. J.L. McDonald, teacher, ofll Edge Hill, called at the home 01“ Mrs. N. MeCannel on Friday last. with his father. Mr. Jias. Ritchie, and other friends. Mr. Thos. McGirr recently purâ€" chased a fine, five-section harrow {of the Massey-Harris make from ‘Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith. It’s just the rig to get over the ground in a l hurry. A meeting was held .in the school here on Tuesday night of last week and it was decided to open the Sun day school on Sunday, May lst. The following officers were elect- l A ian. The Sabbath school regrets that its attendance will be consid- erably smaller than last year, ow- ing to A number Ehawing left the section, and two teachers, during the past year having been taken by the hand of death, Mr. Samuel Scott, and Mr. Arthur Weir. Death has again visited our sec- tion, and cast a heavy cloud of gloom over the whole community. On Saturd>ay evening last, about 7 p.m., Mr. Arthur Weir, passed through the portals, after a ling- ering illness, peritonitis having set in toward the last. The deceased was a young man 21‘years of age, of sterling char-_ acter, a devoted student along edu- ; cational lines, «having passed thru' Owen Sound {Collegiate Institute taking «highest honors, first class certificate, medal, and diploma, and all this when he reached his 18th year. He taught dor a term in Edge Hill school, but his prev- ious hard study had caused his health to flail._.and he had to give ,‘up his duties as teacher. He was in the front ranks in No. 9 Liter- a ary Society, and was President of; same, although during the past‘ winter he was tunable to attend” and was much . missed. -He also' . I was -a regular attendant of theI Sabbath school, and took charge of a class. Here, also, he will be sadly missed. But the place where he will be ever in the thoughts will be in the home, .for this is where sorrow comes to a locus. Those who remain to .mourn his loss are his father, three sisters, Misses Ethel and Lizzie, at home, Margar- et, of Owen Sound Collegiate Insti- ' tute, and two brothers, John” and William, at home. The funeral ser- vices were conducted by Rev. Dr. tty church cemetery. A ctuneral procession of nearly two hundred vehicles showed the esteem in which Arthur was held. The pail bearers were Messrs. T. A. Allan, A. A. Aljoe, Jas..We1r, Wm. Atkinson, Edgar Ritchie and John Firth, of Jessopville. We Wish to extend our sincere sympathy with that of the community to the sorrowing A reliable regulator; never fails. While these pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the genera- tive portion of the female system. they are strictly sale to use. Re- fuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van’s are sold at 85.00 a box. or three tor 810.00. nailed to any ad- dress. The Scobell Drug Co., St. ew Catharina. Ont. For sale at Hachflane Co’s. Darkies’ Corners. Dr do Van’s Female Pills. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ‘vvâ€"___ Ritchie and gun to relate it. To his surprise, he ‘ ome Of Mrs. had a hard time to get her attention ly- upon it, so bent was she upon talking Lyan, ir..,vis- of herself, upon learning what his im- the Timmins pressions of her had been during those four weeks at the farm and upon drinking in the admiration which evi- spent .over dently she was sure she had inspired 1n Swmton all unconsciously. If he led the tall away from these themes, her answers were vague and her countenance ab he home 0-; sent. There was nothing in the world . . , so interesting to her as herself, and “day last. she was too self absorbed to see or 0‘ Arthur, q feel the mental attitude or another and till Tuesday to sense when she was being tiresome Itas. Ritchie, In short, like all egotists, she lacked tact. teacher, of going Jas. Pickering tor examination. 00., St. Drum: are bound to strike some- ew thing g_ood arqunci here yetâ€"Shal- v wvwâ€"â€"' - “Heaven forfend!” was his mental comment as they both rose now upon the entrance of the venerable presi- dent. “V-“ Other guests began to arrive, and Kinross was obliged to leave her to her duties as hostess. He found Daisy and took her out to the campus for a It was not until the supper hour gave Georgiana her first bit of respite from her obligations that he again found himself alone with her. She took advantage of her momentary lei- sure to invite him to her father's study, where they could be by them- selves to finish their talk. "fié‘a'naa himself eager to tell be! all the wonderful story of Eunice, and But Kinross politely persisted and at last succeeded in holding her at- tention upon his story long enough to excite her mild interest. She was very much surprised of course. She ex- } 'vvâ€" v‘â€"_ ' they were obiiged to come forth from ‘ their retreat in Dr. Ellery's study. her . face was so beaming that Gateehead, i when he saw her, was in despatr. and a she moved through the rooms. her 2311'! friends all decided, that Klnross " Dd certainly proposed on sight. To be continued. Hofmmd utmost! eagortoteu Maul)» wonderful story of Eunice. pressed. in conventional terms. some good wishes for the fortunate gm. moralized a bit about the situation. and then returned to the more impor- tant subject of herselfi "WhéIatter a half hour that had been all too short to satisfy Georgian; H? fight of vugor is pastâ€"mature a now at slwunp downâ€"vitality ebb- ing away endurance decrewng. Stop the progress of decay. tone 'up the weakened nerve centres, impart vigor to the hiring body,â€" nrepare tor the crisis. Best means for rebuilding is found in Ferro- zone; it brightens up the whole being, imparts power, strength, vigor. Old age :is pushed back 20 years .the reliance of youth is re- stored. vigor, vim and new life es- tablished. You’ll try Ferrozone. 55°C. at all dealers. Mr. N.C. Bellerby is drillin water on the Dufferin Ligh for POW81‘CO._ prOpegty org‘yain street 57 62 the Critical Ago. In New Quarters Near the, (influx: St. Bridge - I wish to announce to the pubhc that. I am now settled in my new quarters, T. Moran‘s old stand. near the Guru- {raxa 8t. bridge. where I Mbmvâ€" -â€"vâ€"-vâ€" _._ __ out loan of time and by a medi- cine 'which like Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy not only cure- prompt but pro- duce. no mleaunt u or elfecta. It never l and lo plea-Int and “ale to take. Sold by all denial-I. Near the (influx: St. Bridge am prepared to cater to their wants in all kinds of custom blacksmith- ing. All work guaran- teed first-class. I. D. McGRA'l‘fl ET “’9 have bought a {urge supply 0. ‘Red. Mammoth. Luce-rue or Alf. i.Alfu and Aleike Clovers and good. 'pure Timothy Seed from tho best seedmen in the province. We are i- n: position to give you the closest ‘prices on high grade Government I Smmoed Seeds. Our Flower. Garden And fully stocked with all kind- of Drugs. Chemicals. Fancy Gouda. Cut. 01... Fancy Chins. Boot-.St-uionery and Lu mim- ot High ma Public Sohool Supplies. fl Following sin a few of our epoch}. ciea:â€" Your bones and cam. ruquiro your “tendon M. precept in the my of a good Condition Puwder. Tunic or pail of Stock Food. Your poultry re- quire Oyster Shell rr‘Pnuhry (hit: 3 full supply of theseâ€" in amok. The in- vmtment will pay you. Stamped Seeds. Our Flower. Handel! and Vegetable Seeds are all new uni fresh. 1X “'e are making a specialty of Tobaccoa wd Cignrs. '.T We are just starting out on our second years' business and we want you to help u- make it even better than our first year. and in return we guarantee you fair, square. mined dealing and lowest prices for pure goods end high-grade articles. Pro- acriptions promptly and carefully filled. ‘11 Our store is open every evening *from 9 to 10 p.m. for the delivery 0 evening papers and the supply of any drug- (hot may no neeued. THE CENTRAL DRUG STOPS W Reduction on_P_lour in 5 and 10 3-. Lou. Goods delivered mvwha-e In town. CIT A "WGAL IDUGATIOI By “tending tho humus Ton-b.0lt Ithupddothon. It'll! p1,“. Want-4.1180013“... M . Is um “mm-ten Wk ________' DURHAM. UNTARWr Every DI,

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