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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Apr 1910, p. 8

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Just Received == An Excellent tack of Wallpaper Large Sales MCKECHNIES’ WEEKLY NEWS 3% The Are made of fine double twisted Egyptian Cotton in wreath and Square de- siwns taped all round, with holes suitable for curtain pins. 5” inches wide. by 35 50 inches wide, by 39 50 1nches wide, by 3% yds. long, per yds. long. per yds long, per pair. . .. . ....... 1.1 9 pair... ........ 1.39 pair ............ 1-49 55 inches wide by 3% yards long, per pair .................................................... £31??? Til .89 $2.79 Dry Goods 3‘; 3:53;: Boots an! large. The Dress Goods are compos- A full range of th ed of mus]ins,prints,ginghams,linens, made on the most rem». polilin and Panama. The new- Prices so well-know est styles at right prices. familiar to ever)7b0 3 3333;33:33392333333333333333333m3%3**¢$#$¢*Â¥% {4235” 314 used it 1"! In the newest styles and the neatest patterns, dir- ect from a Canadian Factory. Artistic in appear- ance, though not beyond ordinary purses. I t was a snap purchase by us. It will be a snap purâ€"_ chase for you, for “we buy to sell and we sell to buy.” It makes the “HOUSE . FURNISHING DEPARTMENT” (on second floor) complete, be- ing composed of Wallpaper, Linoleums, Carpets; Tapestry Squares and Lace Curtains. A full range of the newest styles made on the most approved lasts. Prices so well-known that they are familiar to everybody. complete stock of ‘Men’s Clothing, the Boots and Shoes . Highest prices for produce 52 inches wide. by 3; yds. long, per pair.. .......... 1 .89 Small Profits THE DURHAM CHRONICLE fresh from the workman’s hands . .f'l‘he Impossible Has Become Possible â€"; nglish Chemists are the Disooverors To grow hair on bald heads was once considezed impossible. The} 11319 recentix discm cred the long " 'looked for remedy. $$$$*4 Is Ite~n other ginls of about the same age .following the same occupation in this town. If you don"t know them‘ your sons and daughters do. [The railway depots are favorite imeeting spots Ior these people and all the streets of the town .are uzed .as :a promenade. If We have got 'to have *people of this sort in town _we better have segregation. Prea- chers can preach until they are blue in the mace but they don’t get lat this evil. It is a matter for the Town Council to deal with.â€" Bruce Herald. Two illegitimate children were beam in Walkerton during the last few weeks. The mothers of these children are about eighteen years of age. Now. isn’t this a deplor- able state at affairs? .The unfor- tunate mothers in these cases were street walkers‘ and there are about A branch of the Traders Bank was opened at Stewar't‘ B.C., an April 23rd. under the management of Mr. H.E. Arm-strong, formerly manager at Kenora. This makes 107 branches of the Traders Bank in Canada. dealers. Prompt relief in all cases of throat and lung trouble‘if you use Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Pleasan‘t to take‘ soothing and healing in effect. Sold by all PEBIL FROM GASOLIIE. A lady who is very practical in other directions. when using gaso- line to exterminate oarpetbugs. made the aw-f‘wl mistake of lighting a match to examine a dark corner. .says a Good House-keeping writ- e‘r. Instantly 'the whole room was ablaze. She caught up her baby in terror and retreated to '-a near- by closet‘ closing the door behind 1191'. Had that olose't been window- less. she and her babe would have lost. their lives and 'the house been burned. She broke the closet winâ€" dow pane with her hands, and both were rescued lfrom the roof by the fire department. The room was closed so tightly 'the {ire could not make much headway ' before the firemen arrived. Vigorous rubbing will ignite the gasoline. even {when there is no fire in the. room. 'but the danger does not even end there. Gasoline is a powerful anaesthetic agent and should never be used in a close room. A friend but recently re- lated her experience with it. She used it freely about the walls and carpets, with 'the doors and win- dows closed. Suddenly she grew faint and drizzy. She staggered out of the room! and crawled upon the porch, but did mot quite lose con- sciousness. A physician told her bad she done so there would have been no help :for her, for, .as yet, there is no restorative known to medical science. This is the reas- on its gas will kill insects and ver- mm. Ladies need never wear rats. The ladies of Paris have abandoned all false hair fillers, and are using the new hair grower, SALVIA, )Hair can be grown in a few weeks. Mrs. Jackson, of New York writes stating that since using SALVIA her hair has grown six inches in two months. Marvellous are the results obtained from this new preparation. Not only does it produce a beautiful, fluffy, head of hair, but at once destroys the dandruff germ. M‘acfarlane 8: Co. guarantee SALVIA to grow hair, dye; does not contain anything in- jurious. All of its ingredients are simple and harmless. A daintily perfumed hair dressing, used and endorsed by men and women of society. A large, generous bottle only costs 50c., and remember, a money back proposition. How about the school houses ' in your town? What sort of a class- room is provided nfor your son or daughter to work in five or six hours per day? Do you know whether fresh air is admitted or prohibited in that room? Do you know Whether the room is prop- erly cleaned. or is it germladen with sweepings? And if you don’t know. why don’t you know? Why do you watch your child’s scholas- tic progress‘ as shown in weekly or monthly reports from the teacher. ;nd neâ€"glecf to ask what care is given to his .quy Imam 9 to 12 and tmom 1. 30 to 3. 30 five days :1 the week? If you heard that little J immie Brown‘ who sits at the desk New Branch of Traders Bank WHAT DO YOU KNOW? SEGREGATION 01' health to file a complaint. Well Jimmie’s father had a disease just “as infectious -â€" (tuberculosisâ€"and berculosis germs in his clothing. ;W.hy don’t you do something to ‘prevent such dangerous contact for ‘your boy? Why don’t you de- mand in your town notification and gregistration for the father, and fumigationl and segregation .for' .your son? What right have you as an intelligent father and mother . to let your child take .such a” chance? These are straight-from-l Ithe-shoulder questions which you" 'as a parent. should consider and : Ianswer. They contain the reasonl :for physical examination of school i Echildren. This does not work a5 ‘hardship on a few and it does: save the many. Better that the; school board of your town should ; ‘be forced to spend a few dollars} each month for a class of segre-f gated tuibercular children than that your children and a score of other healthy children should be! infected with the white plague-I Woman’s Home Companion. ! next to your son was carrying diph theria germs (from the bedside of his sick father into that class-room you would be the first 'to appear before the city physician or 'board Monday. . . . . . . . . . . .S.S. “Athabasca" Tuesday . . . . .. . . . .S.S. “Kewatin” \Vednesduy ......... 8.8. “Alberta” Thursday .......... SS. “Manitoba” Saturday ........... S.S. “Assinibuia” The most pleasant and cheapest route to \Vinnipeg and \Vest Although the Wingham Business College is affiliated with a chain ofechools training eleven hundred students per year, Mr. Spotton in- forms -us he is unable to fill hund- redvs of excellent positions offered hi sgrad'uates. He reports a great dirth of male stenographers. Through train to \Vinnipeg and \Veet from Tomntu 2 00 p.m.' on above date. R. MACFARLAME - Town Agen HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSION ....... The United Mine Workers Assoc- iation threatens to tie up every coal mine in the province of Nova Scotia before May 15th, unless rec- ognition of their union is granted by Nova Scotian miners. The Pic- tou miners deny the story that they are giving their support to the United Mine Workers’ Associa- tion. There is an immense difference between a tonic and a stimulant. Up one day, way back the next; that’s a stimulant. Steady progregs d_ay ‘by day “tow-and Perfect BEBEâ€"that’s a 'tohie' Ayer’s' Sarsaparilla is a’ tonic; a strong tonic. The only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol. Do not stimulate unless your doctor says so. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liv- er Tablets assist nature in driving all impurities out of the system, insuring a free and regular condi- tion and restoring the organs of the body to health and strength. Sold 7by all dealers. DIED. TURNBULL.â€",At Lochinvar, Suth- erlandtshire, Scotland, on March 29th Mr. Wm. Turnbull, brother of Mr. Geo. Turnbull, and Mrs. Forman, Durham, in his 85th vear. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that thereis at least on- dreaded disease that science hen been able to cure in st] its stages. an that is Ca. srrh. Hall‘s Cutarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fra- ternity. Cattrrh being a constitutiond disease. requires at constitutional resttnent Hsll’s Cs- tarrh Cure is tsken inter-null}. acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur seen of the system, thereby destroying the toun‘lstion of the disuse. snd giving the patient strength by huildvn up the constitution sud talistlng nature in oing its work The proprietors have so much fsith in its euretive powers thst they otter ‘Uue Hundred Dollsrs for say case thst it. fstls to cure. fiend for list of testimonials" GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION NOW 0 P E N Address F. J. CH Eli BY 6; 00.. Toledo. 0. Sold by 311 Wu. 750. Take Ball's Funny Pm. for oonutipution. MAY TIE UP COAL MINES. Regular Sailings as folluws: day. . . . . . . . . . . .S.S. “Athabasca" dav . . . . .. . . . .S.S. “Kewatin” onic or Stimulant ) A GREAT SCABCITY. $100 Reward. $100 MAY 3 «,1 m “in; ' nu (I’ll! may also ”be :1 Patch Man." Lenahan and Company E Frank‘ ) i E Farmers’ Central Mutual Fire Insurance COIPANY The Second Strongest ParclyMutual Fire Insurance Company In Ontario Head Office. - Walkcrton,07.* Insures all kinds of farm prmu‘r' ty and isolated dwellings a? K“ duced cash rates, and under 1M" 91' premium notes for a term a! three or {our years than can be secured elsewhere. Buildingb W‘O‘ tected with lightning rods and their contents accepted at lower ‘rntel than other- not so pl‘otcctvd W. J. MCFADDEN. Ag’t. DURHAM. ONTARIO B y October léth our new factory at Hanover will be completed. “3- will require fifty girls. “'e alw have room for a few girls in mu- present quarters. Applications will be received now by WANTED FIFTY GIRLS WILLIAMS, GREENE ROME (30., Limited HANOVER. PROPERTY INSURED NEARâ€" LY $9,000,000.00. J J. Bchumaéher, Manager. Zycr (0., April 28, 1910 TH E ONTARIO The person Mm 510‘..- w bridle 0'.“ 0f GOO. I’OHm-k‘ Varney. will san- h‘m) Our Itock of mm summo cry ”I arrived. Thum' w to our miil‘inery parlors v; ‘6‘: the “St amhuritivv to good taste and b‘}'lv n cry .Ifld they 'a!‘(‘ nut diam â€"Ihs Dick . the of I local dMOCti the missing mo 11 up uevernl clues, ‘ way back to tho u‘ to their sm'm isv. H been returned 111 H W001) um! lulu Fergus. 6337: H One thousand \w “'ilson's dam. aw the “'ash Grm‘n. bridge. Abum h yclrlings. and H years old. In an 'hPI‘“ \Vi” 'H- L" the Grand rivm. d." “'38 a fir.“ Iidel t-hv 1w“ H. , river, Mr. Jam.» ten thousand iry ‘ Mrs. Blru-k 'hpl'r ‘hI-y “L l “(I the!) IN n11 river. Mr. \Vilu paid for one Hm put into the 1'i\ v 0 and [wing [mid . mung the mm Timer l’lultiu; . We lulu: an mi. Bouncing tvhni a v. of Mr. and Mir. 3‘ from hmm- nu M 001 sine»: lbw-H ho. not, cans: to go tn ~ I!“ him eugagv “I!“ WUl'k gvm buy lad the [MI-w With the «hon! ro- (Dulce!- ‘flpt'nrml \ “IO M disnppmnw mm 00 BchuuL I' condemn our Iidx “C G‘Ol‘t U) for“. .' I'll-II educnuun. in 'IIO “.3014 "w Jr "huge 0f LI)? 3-,: Wm an awfuL t “9' up in fig! knowledge. ThOlIflh 1w W Pain“ uf luv.“ “0, it duvr-It'l Kuhn of the H- 0! Ilia idwls a‘m “I first (:1355 Han MPH: 0f “‘u’k: }‘ tuners hrn'v h: . W to “21.1111. 11 a hpfln'vuu-nt . t “melanin uf Ur h‘ M repair :a n .W In: his mm: m. We M‘IHA ( uh. Well “\‘ml up: - H1 “flan of rums‘ing mm 1 M98 nnrth u! [MUNH M for the papvrlnmzmq .0 lat. Willis, nml 10w (1‘ ”.000, speaks wvll Uf‘ NEWS A Iule cheap.â€" in your lm e “big ones" 1: d liberal subscrilu N0. 2250. m 883' I‘P( rule ll Th rot A n r "h dr it} \\' 200d

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