West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 May 1910, p. 2

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Md-f as ACRE mum 03‘ THIRD CON- celsion o! Glenelg. N.D.R., lots 15 and 16. This farm is well water- ed and has good buildings erect- ed thereon good land, and an excellent opportunity for the! right man. For further particufi lav. apply on the premises to= I acre!- swamp timbered, the rest clenr; barn 30x50, stable 302010.; Orchard 1 acre, watered by 2 wells? and spring. Put 01 purchase? money can remain on mort age; For particulars apply Wi liam; Bradley, Orchard. Ont. ‘ ambieâ€" EAST ’HnLr‘otho‘i‘fl 2.4 Con. 21 Egremont. containing 50 . trame house, frame barn, stone basement stable underneath. a- bout 45 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, rest good hardwood bush. Also N.E. 1-4 of Lot 3. Con. 3, Egremont, 25 ac- res. about 12 acres of cedar and hemlock swamp; balance slash- ed. Well watered by never-fail- ing creek. No buildings on this parcel. Will sell one or both parcels to suit purchaser. Terms of payment and other particulars on up lication to Joseph Patter- aon. arney P.O. 3.18.6pd BTAGS 18 ND M. CON. act. 1| are. bush. vol! uttered. 9““ b. c--|___ m'h-m 1 WIth IOR G.T.R.. C.P.R,, AND OTHER rsilroads. Dimensions of ties:â€" 7 inch face by 7 inches thick; 6 inch face by 6 inches thick. Dimensions of poleszâ€"25 to 50 feet 1903. top from 5 to 7 inch- A. ‘â€"â€"â€" â€"--‘-O f“ gon, ’Varney chaao at highest Pr O’Neill. G‘enelg C Militiamen Wanted. A FEW MOBE ARE WANll‘ED FOR -_-_- A_-‘ ________.____._â€"â€"â€" HE O’DONNELL PROPERTY near Grand Trunk station. Ap- ply to A. H. Jackson. Mt! , ..._- â€"â€"-.â€"â€"â€"â€"- ..___,_’ Ix 1100mm HOUSE AND TEN acres of land in the town cf Durham. On premises are go nio mm- hen house and stabls: J. RUDD MATHEWS. MABKDALE Ont.. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales at- nded to at reasonable terms. Arrangements may ,be made at the Chronicle om_c_e. Dug-31am. 4_.__.I Durham. Ties and Poles Wanted The highest Brice paid for all straight, noun logs 0‘ s11 kinds of timber. Custom sawing an ‘ shingles done earlyin the spring. It-.. .4 All ohinglos done ‘ _N. McIntyre. 2, S.D.R., and Lots 58, 59, and 60. Con. 3, S.D.R...(Camp Creek) is strictly prohibited, and violaters wih be prosecuted. 4.28-2 " '.V-Uâ€" -â€"-- Niagara Camp., which begins on June 14. As a certain amount of instruuction in musketry is necessary before Camp, those in- tending to go should apply at once; Will be in town Saturdays Ndficc to Fishers. \Van ted. ' vuvv I-‘ o. M. SNIDER, Captain 'ifdv: 5h}. Inpd. Mai 31-09 a“, 25 a.“ in Int “autism: 3 inch and under two inch... tony nun 0- ”MW“- 3.17.“ THE DURHAM FURNITURE C0., Limited. offers for sale, the fol- lowing wood: Short slabs, dou- ble load. $3.25; - Edgings, single load $1.25; Kiln dried edgings, single load. $1.50. *Cash with all. GOOD BRICK RESIDENCE ON Lambton Street, Durham, oppo- site the Methodist parsonage. One of the nicest situated prop- erties in Durham. In good state of repair. Will sell on reason- able terms to quick buyer. Ap- ply on premises to T. Moran. 4.7 HAVING DECIDED TO LEAVE town, I am offering {or sale my residence in Durham. This is a solid brick property, equipped with new coal furnace, hot and cold water both upstairs and down, and a well-equipped bath room. A bargain for quick pur- chaser. I also offer {or sale a house and lot, with stable. at $850, -‘C fi'.‘Y‘Y FEB BUILDING OCCUPIED BY P.G.A. Webster 33 jewellery store. lid J.P. Telford as a law office. with show cases, wall cases, clock Ind 5119. At a bargain. Apply to A. Gordon, Weyburn, Sask. LOT 5, CON. 1, N.D.R.. GLENELG. consisting of 50 acres of good pasture. On the premises are a good dwelling house and fair outbuildings, a never tailing spring and a good quantity of timber. Good fishing. An ideal nronertv for a _retired 0n. lamieson Iaclaurin. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Knapp’a Hotel‘ Lamb ton Street. Lower Town. Durham Office hours from 12 to 2 o’clock l. 6. Hutton. I. 0.. C. M. FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK UP attire, Lambton Street. Residenceâ€"- Corner Queen and Gear e Streetsâ€"North o! Methodist Church. flice hoursâ€"941 3.11:. 2-4 0.11).. 7.9 mm. Telephone No. IO. Arthur Gun, II. D. PHYSICIAN AN D SURGEON. OF flee in the New Hunter Block. Ofioe bonu,8 to 10 a. m.. to 4 p. m. 1nd 7 1,09 0. m. Special attention given to diseases 0f women and children. Residence op- posite Preabvterinn Church. DR. BURT. Into Auuunt Roy. London Ophthalmic Ho. Inga. ad ”Golden Sq. Throat and Non Hos SPECIALIS T t U York ma (Yhicuro. m of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. Will be u Krupp House. Durban. the 2nd htmdgv in each month. Hoursâ€"14 run. OFFICE: J r unannnsmn s ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- of Toronto. Graduate Roy: W College Dental Surgeons of Ontuio. Donfistry in all it. Bunches. Diem-Calder Block. over Post Ofios prqportv. no“ transacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lowe! Town.) A. H. lack-on. OTABY PUBLIC, OOIIISBION- .L -or. Conveyaleer. be. Issuance ‘ - ‘ ' '----M A‘ “-0 3R. BROWN L. B. C. P., LONDON. ENG BADULATE of London, New l. P. Tomi-i. 'ABRISTEI, SOLICITOB. ETC ’ Ufico. ueuly opponiw the Registry co. Lxmbton -3t..Dnrha-. Any unount monev to loan u 5 per cent. on fan: Medical Directorv 5r. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Dental Directorv. Lem! - 13,'ant 8%.. Oman Round. To Rent. Over Hunter’s look gay. How pica to the sweet notes 1: while the birds are morning hymn of 1: strumâ€"u We heard an Englishman trlzfrivntlnst at a logging bee in tl‘. - te '3 a ship of Proton fifty years ’ ago. the meal at dinner time was r lat- r- and sweet milk, partly adl ': ratul bv the flavor of leeks. TIM-3e v » hard times for an? Eng- ‘2;hman who is generally used to srms‘img more substantial. As for an IH-l.man or a Scotchman, if the t‘r-v got prat-ies and butter- milk, it wasn’t so bad, and the other oatmeal porridge. They all thought it was fine food in the land of their birth, on the other side of the fish pond. Take the general fare nowadays at meal times, and there (is a vast contra-it between now and long ago. Now- ad'ays the tatted call will be killed it there is no other kind 0‘ meat for our bees. As for logging bees there are none now, in this part, but we have wood bees, threshing! bees, and such like, and we find that the cooks are striving which of them prepares the grandest' meal, which, in general, would do credit to a wedding party. As “We are accused of making ref- erence to that noble animal, the ox ,or old “Buck and Bright,” we again go back to his day of use- mlness, when doing his hard day’s labor at a logging bee. In the early days, this rations would not be hay and oats at dinner time, â€"-â€"d but turned out behind the slash fence and make his noon meal of cow cabbage, which was then plen- ‘ ti'f‘ul im the woods. while the poor men that were rolling the logs toâ€" gether had to 'feed on something not very substantial, but then the ;people of ye olden days were made of better material than the young men of to-dvay. But we don’t want to insult the young people of the present age, for they are a fine lot of young men, and if they were living in bhe days of old, we take it 'for gramted that they would be as hardy as their forefathers were. We heard am aged lady tell of the old-time manner of putting in the crop in part of Glenelg, when oxen weren’t to be had, and horses were out of the question. The land was logged and cleared, (a few ac- res) a-nd then the wheat was sown and the members of the family all turned out with hoes and picked 'the ground up nicely, covering the seed better than a disc harrow will to-day, and then the ground was run over with a home-made rake, so as to make it smooth on top, and the yield would be good at harvest time. How would this manner of seeding suit in the spring of 1910? Would all the women, boys and girls, turn out with their old hoes to put in the crop? No! They would starve be- fore they would think of the hike, but now we must pass on to some- thing else. This is the second day of May, and the second day of April looked more like May than this morning. Seeding was kept back the latter part of the past week on account of the late spell of wet weather. Gaelic communion in the Presbyâ€" terian church\ last Sunciay was fairly Well attended, The text was from P5. 119, the 1031‘d verse, and here it is in Gaelic: “Cia milis blasda do briadra. Nis milse no cirsr mhealla do me Cheil,” so the readers will look it up [or them- ,aelves. Some of the sick people are get- “V“ . -v- _____ . deal er force on you an 1mita-g '1': tion of the “D. L.” Menthol are Plaster. Look for the_.“D. ‘00 S we ting better, so well. Dr. Elliott, our new M.D., is kept busy since he came here. We are pleased to hear that our late M.D. Dr. Dixon, is getting on well in the West. Rev. Mr. Coburn, of Paris, will preach union services in the Pres- byterian church here next Sunday morning. Harry Morrow, who went to To- ronto a week ago (or an opera- tion ‘for appendicitis, has not been opera-ted on yet. Mr. Charlie Reay, of Vickers‘ spent Sunday evening in our town. Dr. Gun made a professional trip through here on Sunday tin his auto. Mr. Wm. Brown left on Tuesday for Alberta, to visit friends and view the country. Miss Maggie Clark‘ and Miss Eva Redford, spent a day with Miss Etta Twamley last week. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Brown Sun- d'ayed with Mr, and Mrs. John Brown, of Allan Park. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Pearson, of A1- lan Park, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Addam last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Redford, of Hanover, have moved into our burg. Mr. Alex. Morton, and sisters, Misses Marion .and Mary 133., who taught here last year, Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm; Fulton. Mr. J. Nichol, the famous tie maker. made six hundred ties and cut a quantity of other timber for Wm. Adlam in flour weeks. Mr. Reggie Sharp, and his mother, Mrs. Ben. Sharp, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mus. ‘.‘t'. Redflord. Inspector Campbell called at our school last Week, and reports everything in a prosperous con- dition. Those who attended the Wedding Mr. John Sharp to Miss Viola Back- us, of Poplar Hill, were Mr. and Mn. Wm. Brown and Wm. Brown in. Mr. and Mrs. John Adlam, Miss Ethel Heug‘han, Miss Clark. teach- er. Mr. amd Mrs. Irwin Brown, and Mr, and Mrs. 'Wm. Adlam. This trouble is deadlyâ€"must be! stopped quickly. Nothing is so sure as the Nerviline Treatment. Give .it internally, rub it on the throat and chest, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. The marvellous power of Nerviline, both as a limiment and in Plaster form, will surprise you. For sore throat, coughs, colds, and pleurisy alone, it is used by thousands ev- ery day. Invaluable in the home, especially for treating‘ the minor ills that all children are bound to Lcatch. Large bottles, 25c. each. Nerviline Plasters same price, at dealers or N.C. Pol-son 8: Co., King- ston, Ontario. Paid for Their Fun. 01: a recent Sunday afternoon while .service was in progress in Calvin church, East Wrawanosh, a number of young men busied them- selves in docking the tail 'and other wise disfiguring a horse belong- in g to Mr. James McGee. The mat- ter was placed in the bands ' of Provincial Constable Geo. A. Phip- pen, and in a very short time, he located the five guilty parties, and had them arrested. On Friday last the quintette appeared before P. M. Morton. and all pleaded guilty. Mr. McGee was allowed $13.00 dam- ages, and in addition the lads were tax ed $1 each and $7 .costs.â€"Wing :ham Times. No substitute for “The D. 6: L." Menthol Plaster, recommneded by everybody, for stiffness, pleurisy, c. Made by Davis Lawrence Co THE BEST TONIC for all sickly people. flakes now blood: Gives strength; Restores Vitality. Taken after any illnou it? haunt a Mum to health. Davis . Lawrence 00.. Are Your Children ‘ Cronpy?” Mulock some are yet no t footed. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. " spent the week f relatives. ' Zion’s Epworth League and Sunday school held their annual el- Iection of officers and teachers on iWednesday of last week, Rev. B. iW. Wrighflpresdding. The officials of the League are as followsze Pres., W.L. Falkingham; let Vic). Pres., J. McNally; 2nd Vice Pres., ' Miss B. Taylor: 3rd Vice Pres., MM ‘13. Edwards: 4th Vice Pres., Mi>s 'Myrtle Hunt: 5th Vice Pres., Mm. |Will Jack; Sec.-Treas., R. T Ed- , wards. The Sunday school opened on May Day with a big attendance,‘ and a most promising outlook. The teachers are Mrs. E.W. Hunt, Mrs. W.L. Falkingham, Miss Myptle Hunt, Miss B. Taylor, and your scribe. W.L. Falkiugham makes an ideal Sec.-Treas., Miss A. Blair ’is organist, and Miss E. Edwards takes care of the 600 volume lib- rary. The finances of the school last year amounted to over hundred dollars. Mr. Tom. Cook, his sister. Jen- nie, and Miss B. Taylor spent the week end wnth Mr. and Mrs. W.J McFadden, of Egremont. A fine, old‘ pioneer mother was Mrs Morrisonssr" of whose death we have just been informed. In bygone days, we remember her kind'ly hospitality and her sunny, cheerfiul disposition. Our sympa- thy goes out to the members of the family, so Wâ€"‘dely known and high- ly respected. Your color is bad, tongue is fur- red, eyes are dull, appetite is poor, your stomach needs tone, your liver needs awakening. Try Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. In just one night you’ll notice a difference, for Dr Hamilton’s Pills search out every trace of trouble. You’ll eat. sleep, digest and ‘teel a whole lot better. You will gain «in strength. have 'a clear complexion, experi- ‘ence the joy of robust health. To 1 tone, purity and enliven system, there is nothing like Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 25c. at 'all dealers. A number of Georgetown boys will appear before the beak for pelting a newly-married couple with rice at the 'G.T;R. station The boys apologized for this and all was light, so far as the bride and groom were concerned, but station agent McCallum. is prosecuting them for interfering with them in the discharge of his duty. ’c‘omphming of growinz A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, Chamberlain’s Liniment drives away the pain at once and cures the complaint quicklv, First application gives relief. Sold by all dealers. Magistrate Robb assessed David *Schwark, of Hanover, $5 and costs amounting in all to $12.23 on Tues- day last for carrying a revolver. The offence took place on Sunday. Sohwark pleaded guilty, but said he had heard Walkerton was a dangerous place to come to. He thinks worse of .it now-Telescope. Just tno ledicine THE STANDARD BANK Arrested for Throwing Rico Traverston. Established 1873 Available for Manufacturing and Commerdnl Houses. Wholesale and Retail Merchants. Municipalities. Corporations, farmers and private individuals. so Savings Bank Department at every Brandi. 10mm BRANCH Jainism.” mac-“W Carried Revolver 'W. J. Greenwood end with Dornoch 1873 OF CANADA ‘ A Complete Banking Service low-lying land #***##*#W%Â¥M "(5 1M fififififi¥flifii i A start which will laud you into! stood ulsried ition? Enter our Cal- ege NOW nnd be readv for a situation in the fill when business ii u it's best. We are locating well qualified young p00plo every (by. Why not let us help you? Start my du'. X0 vacations. Cnulogue free. Write Centrul Busines Calleae. Toronti. W, H. SHAW. Principal. and Funeral Director\ A. BELL UN DE RTAKER Picture Frammg on every hour, day and night, on your deposits in the Savings Bank Department of the Traders Bank. In time the interest amounts to .3 much :3 the originai savings, thus doubling your saving power. HIE DURHAM CHBOUIELE [I PUBLIC.” WY “VISUAY “"116 4! tin Ohmic“ Prjgflng than, amfnu . avail. be publbhd all forbid ad cur-cl . Wt ”duoâ€""Ila." ”Mal." "Fa canâ€"fl cut- for Int luau-Ion. I out to: «haunt. harden. Alldvortioomouu out“ by um mm in add for in minus. Oahu: run. for any “W M- atched 0| apphmflon “Q 0.00. All “armaments. to man boa-tho I arr... week. should be two-1h“: not bu m- The money is not tied up either, for you can draw out what’ you want at any time without delay or bother. A Bank Pass-Book is a first- Hobo»! n C p. m n. ’0‘ . .2 con late] stocked m a 213W PB.ythnl “Lab Dm.‘ ms.- for turning out nut-cl. Full line of Catholic Robes, and mark and white Caps for and people. The Gun! Lug nu Cough Medicine GUARANTEED W a bottle at Macfnrlme’s Drug St” DU RHAM. ONT" Snow Booneâ€"Next to Swallow. Barber Shop. RESIanCEâ€"Nex‘ (1001‘ South of W. J. anrenoe't blacksmith shop. Embalming a Specialty Why Put Ofi' Emma m Pmnumm Interest Accumulates W. IRWIN May 5. 1910 Cato-lop! will be nag! NOX A COLD IN ONE DAY Store FARME Furniture We always kwop tln fit the Inwvsl pussihlv pl we endeavur lu treat well pleased. 0!) the 8.10”?“ “UNIT ‘10an in which :Lrtivlc- very small expc-nw w “mm a dullnr sauna! in thing needing repuirs csll and gm it. Remember. We h. and we'll gum-mum» ml “'9. Imvv jmt plu from 25c up. Many of much beluw lhv urigilll Special attention to Um EDWAR D ,1910 MIS Just Added - RUGS AM UPHOLSTER MIL which \\‘ W0 haw THE MODEL Milli HARLEY. nfi'el mu] If you use. ll at,” (blllu 8t _\‘ Ill um: imml hevn am a nl um all sh LU \V M44 pru IP, 01 at B I‘RH Id.“

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