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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 May 1910, p. 4

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Reliable” Foot Semisg THE DURHAM CHRONICLE CANADA’S PROSPECTIVE GOV. BRIDE-GENERAL An interesting sketch of Earl Carrington, who will likely be the next Governor-General of Canada, appears in May Busy Man’s. Penhaps it is his sincere kindli- ness and spontaneous geniality that constitute Lord Carnington’s chief assets as a person in the public eye. In the House of Lords many a tedious debate is enlivened by his welcome merri- Inent on the country platforms, and an National Liberal Club ban- quets his jests are inimitable. A- part from the serious vieWpoint of his missionâ€"and not for a mom- ent is that serious purpose aband- oned-perhaps his special function is that of softening the asperities of provincial Raddcalism, and of convincing disappoointed aspirants after social fame that a peer may really be a good fellow. In his young days, when he prov- ed him to be one 6! the most charm ing and pleasant young men of t‘hel court, Lord Carrington was chosen‘ to accompany the King, then Prince of Wales, on his famous tour through India. And there, on all sides, he made hosts of friends. In 1885, when the Earl was sent to be Governor of New South Wales, he found the prevailing tone of Australian statesmen was one of mingled dislike and con- tempt for all that pertained to Downing Street. and also that they were apt to vent their dislike of: the Colonial Office upon the Gov- ernors. Without any too apparent effort Lord Carrington won all hearts in Sydney, the popzflanity thus gained becoming a standard to which Governors have been ex- pected to conform. He W39 long remembered as the most scenes:- Iul representative of the crown who had ever been sent out to Australia. lain’s Stomaeh and Lye: r...)lcts is dxfly coming to liglfl. :m such grand remedy {or liver and bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousand. bless them for curing con-tipution, sick headache, bilious no“. )mmdice and indigestion. Sold by I“ defile“. U. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. The gplendigl woglgpf Chambsgr- .I‘L_ DURHAM. MAY 5, 1910. The ceremony was performed : with much solemnit v, and the ques- tions were answered with suffi- cient consideration to show that the contracting couple fully realiz- éPl‘l the sulpmnity Of the event. The :ceremony over a shower of con- gratulations came from all sides, the happy young couple and their attendants remaining in their places during the many signs and expressions of the kindest good will. A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized on Wednesday evening, when Mr. John Sharp of Hamp- den. and Miss Viola Backus, of‘ Poplar Hill, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. in the pres- ence of about 150 invited guests. at the home of the bride’s parents, M" *mvl “N John Backus. The nuptial knot was well and firmly tied by :Rev. Mr. Kendall. of Dromore, At six o’clock. the groom, accmopanied by his broth- er, Mr. George Sharp. took their places on the lawn. then followed Miss Gertrude Backus, sister of the bride. who officiated as bridesmaid. Miss Inez Redford. dressed in mer- ceiized mull. made a pretty little flower girl, and strewed the path with red roses in front of the bride. who advanced to the marriage altar leaning on the arm of her father, who gracefully gave her :awav. ’I‘he bridesmaid was .nea-tly attir- ed in white mercerized mull, and carried in {her hand a bouquet of sred and pink car-nations and maid- en hair uterus. u The groom is an estimable young man, of good habits, good morals. highly industrious, and though quite young has already a good start in life. The bride too, has all the good qualities that go to make a perfect woman, and un- der such conditions, We congratu- late both, and look .torward, with [pleasant-e. to their enjoyment. of a. long, prosperous and happy life. . The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sharp, of Hampden, and the bride a daughter of Mr. and I Mrs. John Backus. The bride, who .is endowed with many natural charms, was exquis- itely attractive in her beautiful bridal trosseau, which consisted of a handsome cream Princess gown, with the customary bridal veil and orange blossoms, and carrying in 'her hand a bouquet of white car- nations and maiden 'hair fern Those present from a distance were Miss Gertrude Backus, of Rivet-view, who acted as bridesmaid. M188 Violet Backus, of Shelburne. Miss Alice Lenf drum, of Toronto, Mr. and Miss Math‘ er, of Priceville, Miss Esther Sharp and Mr. ‘V. Sharp, of Shallow Luke, Mrs. Lynn, of Allan Park, Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Brown and Wm. Brown jr. of Mulock. Miss Clark, Mulock, Miss Heughan. Mnlock, Mr. Peter Ramage aed Miss Alice Ramage, Durham, Mrs. Redford, Durham, the Editor of this paper, and a number of others. The large number of valuable pres- ents is a mark of the esteem in which the young couple is held by those who know them. The groom’s gift to the bride was a gold locket and chain, and to the bridesmaid, flower girl and or- ganist, each a gold brooch, and to the groomsman. a pair of gold cuff links. Miss Hazel Marshall played the Wed- ding March most efllciently at the ceremony. After a very sumptuous wedding dejeuner. the evening was pleasantly spent in games, music and other amusements. \Ve again extend our congratula- tions. and wish the young couple a happy and prosperous journey through life. Every possible attention was shown by Mr. and Mrs Backus and family to cater to the comfurt. and happiness of the guests. and the event. will be long remembered by those who were pres- ent. on the occasion. How to Gain in Weight. | You know you are too thinâ€"youl eat and eat, but never get an ounce l fatter. Nerves are Weak, color isl bad, strength seems exhausted. It’s not hard to 'get fat. You must eat more. digest more, exercise more. Try Fe1rozone and watch your ap- petite grow. It turns all you eat linto nutriment and building mater- : ialâ€"iills your veins with rich, red blood,â€" gives you ambition and vigor. For a tissue builder, a fattening tonic. one that lestores permanently, there is nothing to compare with Ferrozone. Try it: and see, 50 cents at all dealers. Store Broken Into On Thursday evening last the hardware store of Trail] Bros., was entered and some goods stolen. So tar as Mr. David Trail] knoWs,eig‘nt inch-knives, 3 Stevens rifle, and four boxes of ammunition were stolen The thief must have been concealed in the store when it was locked up at night, for the {front door was locked, while the SHARP» BACKUS. rear doons, [of which there are' three from the door to the, street entrance were all unbolted. Mr Traill thinks that the thief, must have concealed himself in the store in the afternoon, for he locked up when :he went to supper, and *when left to get the p'apens at night several men were around the store so that the thief must have hidden there in the afternoon. He must also have been well acquaint- ed with the (store, for he took the keys of the gun and show cases from the nail on which they are usually hung, unlocked the cases, took what he wanted, and, after re-locking them, returned the keys to their place. Nightw-atch Swan- ston on his rounds noticed the Open door at the rear, and Mr. Traill, who had just retired, was notified, and when he came up, he ; found that the above articles were Imissing. Several clues have been obtained, but as yet no one has When ail else failed, the Doctors said, “in Fruit-Hives” All old people suffer from at- Itacks of sudden exhaustion, Weak 'heart action and prostration. The best aid in such cases is Ferrovim, :the invigorating .touic which is 'prepared from fresh lean beef, Ci- }trate of Iron and pure old Spanish |Sherry Wine. It stimulates the di- gestion and strengthens the Whole ibody. $1.00 a bottle. And“ Fmitâ€"a-tives”oured Mrs. cadieux anncnnm‘, Om, JANUARY 3131‘, 1910. ' “About March lst 1909, I was taken deathly sick with Stomach Trouble, Backache and General Breakdown. I failed from 125 pounds down to 80 pounds, was confined to bed for eight weeks, and was unable to eat or keep anythxng on xny stomach, vomiting nearly all the tixne. I expected to dxe, and took man remedxes M1- _ JAAL‘“ A‘:l‘ ‘LA-’ Aqu1I‘ A “A‘h:nn been cope. Vifl - ‘h, vomitin nearl 311 the time. I expected to die, _and took man reme 3803:]: as employfigngd' erent physicians. The doctors saxd they could 0 not] for me and, as a last resort, one of the doctors told me “10 by Fruzt-a-tzw; thin would”. they would nOt cure me, no g I!" quaknnr‘ Misrrki- “ nn1:§-o_f;1 Mr. Jas. H. McKenzie is engaged car a. term with Mr. Geo. A. Watson. Mr. Geo. A. Wat son lost, a valuable cow one day recently. Mrs. J 011;) Andrevirs of town, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wat- son here one day last week. ‘ Miss Millie \Vhitmore of Aberdeen, Spent, Sunday with her mother Mrs. J as. Whiunore. _ Mr. and Mrs. Donald W'atson visit- ed the farmer’s sister Mrs. John An- drews, in town, recently. Few people realize the vital impor- - ~ - .. » - - -- tance of keeping their blood pure. up; uungu'f c‘pltux Impure blood is the chief cause of Stomach Trouble, because it is from the blood that the stomach obtains the fluid which digests food. When the blood is laden with impurities, the disolving fluid (or Gastric Juice) will be impure. These impurities may come from a congested liver, from Constipation, from weak kidneys, from an inactive skin, or rom all four. Naturally, the ordinary “digestive powders” and “pepsin tablets” will not cure the trouble, because they only help to dissolve the foodâ€"they do not go to the seat of the trouble. “Fruit- a-tives” is the greatest remedy ever discovered for all forms of Indigestion, Dyspepsia and other Stomach Disorders, because “Fruit-a-tives” is unequalled as a blood-purifying medicine. “Fruit-a-tives” acts directly on the liver, regulates the bowels, strengthens the kidneys, stimulates the skin, and thus rids the whole system of allimpurities. “Fruit a-tives” will positively cure you of any kind of Indigestion.. “Fruit-a-tives” is sold by all dealers at 50¢ a box, 6 for $2.50 or trial size, 25c. If you are unable to obtain “Fruiba-tives” conveniently, do not accept substitutes but send to “Fruit-a-tives” Limited, Ottawa. and the regular size packages will be mailed you, postpaid, on receipt of price. M rs. J obn McKenzie after a serious attack of Orysipelas is recovering through the skilful care of Dr. Sneatb. s. 8. N0. 3. GLENELG. SR. lVâ€"Alix Edge, Katie Ritchie. JR. IVâ€"Myrtle Ector. Edith Edge, Maggie Ritchie. ’SR. Illâ€"Nona Williams. Carrie Mc- Nally. Joe Kenny, Cassie Ritchie, Jas. Vaughan. JR. IIIâ€"Alex Vaughan, Pearl Falk- ingham, Mary Paylor. CLASS 11â€".wmie Ritchie, Myrtle Fulkingham. Kate McNally, Reuben Paylm'. PT. II -â€"Ceacil Paylnr. Bertha Ectoi'. George Williams Robbie Bell, Luther Falkinghrun. John Ritchie. SR. Iâ€"Joe. Morrison, L. Morrison, Nellie McKenziv. :18... Aâ€"Archie Ector, Howard Ritchze. JR. Bâ€"Thns. Morrison, John Bo d, )laripn Boyd. Raymond Ector, Ila Band. Average attendance 30. J. L. MCDONALD, Teacher. You can’t dodge them all. Mos- quito bites, sunburn, bruises, skin injuries, Some of them will attack you this season sure. Have a tin of Davis’ Menthol Salve on hand. 25 cents. McWilliamsville. ca'ught.â€"Walkerton Teles- School Report. restores every nerve in the body and vitality. Premature dec‘ay‘ am} -uu vaw-uvav â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"v. __ all sexual weakness averted at once. PHOSPHONOL will make you a new man. Price $3.00 a box or two tor $5.00. Mailed to any ad- dress. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines. Ont. ew For sale at Madulane Co’s. My husband bought “Fruit-a-tives” from Mr. Arthur koleau, merchant of Plantagenet, and I started taking them at once, and inside often days, I was able to leave my bed. My stomach got strong and I could eat and retain my food. I gained rapidly and soon had my usual good health back again, and today_ I _weigh as much as ever, 125 pounds. ” Even the doctors are recommending “Fruit-aâ€" tives”. They realize now that these wonderful fruit juice tablets will positively cure all Stomach Troubles, Indigestion and D) spepsiaâ€" and they are using “Fruit-a-tives” in their practice. Boy Lost. 0N MONDA I, MAY 2nd. MY SON, writes: V as“- "For many years I have been troubled with chronic Constipation. This ail- ment never comes single-handed, and I have been a victim to the many illnesses that constipation brings in its train. Medicine after medicine I have taken in order to find relief, but one and all left me in the same hopeless condition. It seemed that nothing would expel from me the one ailment that caused so much trouble, yet at last I read about these Indian Root Pills. , The undersigned will receive ap- lications for the operating of the road grader for the season of 1910 in the Township of Glenelg: “ABfilicâ€"ahts trém each wafd pre- ferred. each stating pay required per__day o_f_ tep hours. That was indeed a lucky day for me, for I was so impressed wath the state- ments made that I determined to give them a fair trial. They have regulated my stomach and bowels. I am cured of constipation, and I claim they have no equal a a medi- cine.” For over half a century Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills have been curing con- stipation and clogged, inactive kidneys, with all the ailments which result from them. They cleanse the whole system and purify the blood. Sold everywhere at 25¢. a box. 2 r‘All a'pplications must be in be- fore the t7h day of May next. Jts. BLACK, clerk, Dated at Glenelg, April 11th, 1910. ] Ducks ...... Chickens. . . Mr. Andrew: praises Dr. Morse's Indlan Root Pills. GUBED 0F BONSTIPATGI \Vm. James \Vall. aged 12 years, about five feet tall left home and has not been seen since. At the time he was wearing a black coat. light colored peak cap and brown trousers. Any information as to his whereabouts will he thankfully received.â€"â€"W. “‘all. Durham. Mr. George Andrews of Halifax, N.S., MARKET REPORT Electric Restorer for Men MDE. LAURENT CADIEUX. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. 76 to 76 52m 52 1200tol400 20m 2) 18 to 18 m mwm mm%% 2218 12 to 13 to 10 to 10 to shown here. lwnmifnl in matlflfl “‘llPll “urn. \\ from natural grunt flb‘y. AdVit'P upnll neglect to 500 this x' HANK LENAHA I THE D Preservative , 1910 we hnve used infit ”whine with “11? ‘ 0U succes- bts been 1' MR. l'lZ'MHR I, Hahn House. M Walkerton. Hartlc! flanmer. Iron and Bra.» M Buplblit'h. Agricultural Magazine lo THE WEEKLY ‘ paper, pom-paid, for 19“). {01'35 cents. ‘ Send your name :1 All tho latest W011 'Worth many um! (mpg-Owen aw fare 8004 (uni! a; price. Ema: No farmer whx flu would he wi 10!" 12 months. Now to Dr‘“'0 Family “'oekly 1 yur'l sublcflpu' C. SMITH Don't M4 @9999 o; mg ur w hair. wil busiuussJ (ms in t tile mus hey m'ul \‘ ISM (I0 1n nth If l't"

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