West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 May 1910, p. 5

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or all Bakery Goods ml other needs nrnitnre Polish 's in Se «on urnitureVarnish UG STORE urpentine :et. Fruits and ing rved on short. notice at 3“ hour- GEES Bakery A'l amphor CONFECTIONE' AND (“Milan etc. IT'S GOOD Cured Meat... SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL j3 of Toronto, the store that makes the fashion in hair goods. Ladies who would view the daintiest and - ~ *” most alluring hair pieces ever 511mm here, beautiful in quality, beautiful in design, and lmlllllilll when worn, will see this display. Nothing like it wls‘twvllel‘e, and the prices are most'reasonable. Gentlemen who are los- ing or who have lost their hair, will be interested for business and social reas- ons in the Pember Toupes, the most skiliul and nat- ural hair pieces ever de- vised. ( annot be told , from natural growth when worn. Priced very reason- . Advice upon hair and scalp troubles free. Don’t mulwt to see this rare display. MR. PEMBER WILL ALSO BUY CUTIHAIR. Durham, Hahn House, Monday, May 16th Walkerton, Hartley House, Tuesday, May 17th Hanover, Reid House, Wednesday, May 18th ll CDC! vauvo In Anchor Shingle Stains indefinitely ‘Jood undressed ‘ post ne, if not absolutely prevent wet 3‘ _n ~ rot. They show up the grain o the wood, giving delicately artistic 2'." 3.1, not only to the surface coated, but to the entire building. We have used infinite pains in the ' : .. r ' ° ially treated COAL TAR (33305013. and Lt success has been proportionate with our care. . Anchor Shingle Suing are being ve 1.". I'.‘..t2‘.\' instances also on the ed with excellent results from an out." :znllat; they are also emplog fiunomic standpoint on sheds an other outbuildings. Am supply Anchor Shingle Stains, please write us to orange for you. fiftwrs supplies. Engines and Gene. C. SMITH 6: SONS. DURHAM. [a the news herewith of the visit: of representing the widely known Mr. FRANK PEMBER Pember Art Hair Store WINUIPEO Â¥ The sixth annual Spring Show ofl 5 East, Grey Agricultural Society hel successful. Nutwithstanding hieak‘ and shuwery Weather there was a large turn nut of represent «tive fat- mens and the exbihit. of animals was excellent. ’There were twenty horses 0n the field and among them amine. very flne animals. Mr. J. D. Orr, Government. Judge awarded the prizes as fnllowszâ€"Im parted Clydesdale. aged â€"â€"Thos. Mercer’s Earl of Blarkley. lst; Thns. Mercer’s Baron of Challanchi lst; Alex McLeod’s Blandon Duke 3rd. Imported Clydesdales under 4 years. â€"T. Mercer’s Lite Guard, lst; D. Moo Leod's Klng’s Abbot, 2nd: James Pat- ton’s Dandy J in). 3rd; ' vvv- â€" ._.7 _ ' Canadian Heavy Draughtâ€"James Lever’s Cairnhroqie. lst: \V. R. But-- nett‘s Pride nf All, 2nd: Samuel Bach- elor’s Royal Mason. 3rd. Belgainsâ€"Wm. Levers Marnix. lst. lst. Hackneysâ€"J. Shelbuurne lst. uv-v- ____._ Stendard Bredâ€"alas. Crowston’s Lnrd Hunter. 13!; Jas. Umwstou’s Al Brim), 20d; John Fiulay’s Lord Ross. 3rd. Sweepstakesâ€"Heavy draught. T. Mercer’s Life Guard; Light horses. Jas. Crowston’s Lord Hunter. each a bronze medal. The cash prizes for lst, 2nd and 3rd were $6.00. $4.00 and $2.00. ‘Baseball is to be the leading sport here this season. The team organized last week with officers as follows:â€" Hon. Pres., J. A. Boyd; Pres, George Mitchell; Patrons, D. McTavish, W. J. Boyd. Mark \Vilson; Captain, Herbert Smith; Manager. Ed. Thompson; Sec- “ (”an n alllll/U; Jlflvllilstfl. Juu. L.ru-.r~----, - , Trea. G. M. Patrick; Committee, Chas. Moore, Harold Mitchell, Geo. Mc 'l‘uvisb; Mascutts, Charley Crossley and Herb Sullivan. An invitation has been extended tn the team to play at Feverfham sports on the 24th. At the Mission Band meeting in the Methodist, church on Sunday after- noon the following officels were elect- ed for the ensuing twelve months:â€" President, Mrs. \V. 3}. Armstrong; -v â€"â€"â€"-v Genoe-â€"Turnerâ€"â€"The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Turner, near Eugenia, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday evening April 27th. wheii at 5.30 o.clo<~k their daugh- ter Ada May, was joined in marriage with Mr. William Thomas Genoe, of Artemesia. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. H. E. VVellwood B. D. of Flesberton and the bride’s sister played the wedding march. The bride who was unattended. Was given away by her father and was very prettily attired in a gown of white muslin. About forty guests were present and‘ after the marriage pat-took of a choice ‘ wedding breakfast. The presents to the bride were numerous and valuable. Mr. and Mrs. Genoe have settled in their new home on the 8th concession of Artemesia. _ By an interesting letter from Mr. Cecil Legate. formerly in the Standard Bank here, we learn he is enjoying \Vestern life located at Cadogan, Alta.. a rapidly growing youny town which had but a post office a year ago. Cecil is in the P. O. and conducting a real estate business. He has home- steaded a half section near the town and is now having excellent health. Recording Secretary, Miss Gertie Bel- lamy; Assistant Secrecary, Miss Lillian Buut; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Iva. Mitchell. Mr. Will Moore had the misfortune last week to have one foot so badly injured by a traveller's heavy trunk that he has since been compelled to use a cane and crutch to move about. On Sunday next the Dominion Alliance Field Day in Grey County the speakers at this point will be Rev. R. D. Hamilton and Rev. \Vm. Kettle- well very able men in the particular line of work. Mr. Hamilton will preach in the Methodist church in the morning when the Baptist cough-ga- tion will join in the service, at Mea- t'ord Road in the afternoon and Book- ‘vale at night. Mr. Kettlewell, who will preach in the Presbyterian church in the afternoon, will accomprny Mr. Milligan to Eugenia in the morning and to Proton Station in the evening. -‘l\. UV - â€"'- Rev. J. V. Laugheed has tendered his resignation of the Be tist charge here with the View of wor‘l): elsewhere in a short timeJ: Communion service in the Methodist church on Sunday morning was large- ly attended and impressive through- out. Fitting reference was made by the pastor to Mr. Wm. Clayton, an i official.. who lies at his home very ill. In the Presbyterian church the ser- mon by the pastor on the two charac- ters represented in the lst psalm was deeply interesting and inspiring. ““'r'l "" v Mr. Frank Cairns, west back liue,‘ has purchased tor his only daughter Miss Pearl. a handsome new Heinlz- man piano. Mr. Thus. \Vickeus of Kimberley, visnted his son Andrew last. week. Mr. \V. J. Dou las of Matheson spent Sunday with is family here. Mrs. Fred McClocklin visited for a few days with her mother. at Chats- worth. Mrs. P. Holman has returned to her home here after spending the winter with her daughter near Markdale. Mr. and Mrs". Frank VanDusen. of Dundalk, visited the farmer’s mother on Sunday. v" v “-- Miss Myrtle Blakely is home from Toronto on a. visit accompanied by her cousnn Mr. \V. Moorehouse. Mrs. Spence has returned to her home in Toronto after three weeks’ visit with her father Mr. Chas. Daupe and other friends. on v Mr. John Daupe of Owen Sound and Mrs. H. \Vren of New Bridge, visited for a few days with their brother Mr. Chas. Daupe. Mrs. Andrew Carr an old lady who has been very ill with bronchitis, is now on the mend. Mrs. Stewart Sr., and Mrs. Brown Sn, are improving. ism; aipetiw the flow 01 8‘ yr- .- vv ant ric jmce, thereby -'l‘.lN. \Valpole’s Garnament. Flesherton THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Roberts’ Hamlet 0f “th'qreby J. Levine has decided to go West, and is forced 1 cost in 30 days. A full line of the very best of G: Working Shirts, Overalls and odd Pantsâ€"also Boots and Shoes in all sizes and best makes. THE VERY FINEST ASSORTMENT of Dress Goods. Spring Coats. Ready-mwear “ Skirts, Vestings, Ginghams, Mnslins. Prints, Flannelettes, Canons, Etc. CALL IN EARLY an! choice, and save your money by buying here. Be sure and call and examine our goods and prices. 6 bars Comfort Soap for 300 for ............................................ 2 cans Tiger Brand Salmon for Pratt’s Stock Food, 250 box for PRINTSâ€"regular . 121/,c Print for, yd..9C Reg’ar 150 Print for, yard ............... 10C Regular 80 Print for, yard ................ GINGHAMâ€" reg. 150 for, yd ................ Ladiee’ Good Quality Skirts, black, blue, brown, reg. $5, for.. Ladies’ White Night Gowns, regular $1.75 for ............................ 1 Ladies’ White Night- Gowns, . regular $1.29, for ............................ ‘ Ladies’ White Night Gowns, regular $1.00, for ............................ Men’s serviceable, good tweed Suits, reg. $7, to clear ............. Men’s Tweed Suits, worth $8, for ........... Men’s Suits, tweeds, worsteds, reg. up to $10, for ..................... Men’s Suits, regular $12.00 .................................................... "VV for Men’s Worsted Suits. worth $15, for ............................................ 9.98 Men’s tailor-made, high-grade Suits, worth $18, for ................ 11-98 A big lot of Boys’ Suits to clear at a very low figure Men’s Cravanette and water- proof Coats, reg. $6. for ............ 3.98 Men’s Extra Quality Cravar nette Coats, reg. 10.00, for ........ 598 All goods reduced to a low figure. Tea, Japan and Ceylon Sale of $8,000 Stock .1..1.f.1f."....5c OOOOOCOOOOOOOOCOOCO f....13c COOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... 39c 23c 11¢ Boys’ Shoes, sizes 4 and 5, worth $2 for 1 39 Men’s Heavy Blucher Men 8 Extra. Fine Good- Working Shoes \ ear Welt Shoe reg. 2.50 for ........ 1-78 reg. $4. ‘25, for 3.2.9 Ladies’ Shoes, heavy and fine, regular $2, {0121.49 Gingham, reg. 250 for, yd ............ 19C .J.l.'...17c .’r..3.48 250 230 250 5.98 7.98 9.98 11.98 1.19 690 and is forced to sell out all his stock below ry best of Gents’ Furnishings, including Pants.â€"â€"also the famous “King” Hats. Extracts for.. Pumpkin, per can ........ Tobacco, McDonald, 3 plugs for ............................................ Pratt 8 813an Food, 500 box for ............................................. Ladies’ Rubber Coats, to clear Ladies’ Fine Cravanette Coats to clear .......................................... 2-98 Ladies’ Covert and Light Crw vanette Coats, to clear ................ 3-98 Ladies’ Skirts. light and dark tweed, regular $3.50, for ............ 1.98 Men’s Black Overalls, double knee and double seat, reg. $1 ........ 790 Men’s Railroad Smocks, heavy Overalls, regular 1.25, for ........... 980 Men's extra quality Top Shirts worth 1. 25, for .............................. 796 B0) s’ Fine Top Shirts, worth 500 and 600 for ............................. 390 Men’s cell. and rubber collars, ‘ worth 250, for .................................... 170 Men’s Ties, worth 25c each, 2 OK“ for ................................................ flvu Men’s Flannelette Top Shirts worth 500 for .................................... 290 Men’ 5 Top Shirts, worth 60c for ................................................ 39C Men’sDark Top Shirts, worth Kn... 750 for .......................................... UVU Highest prices for butter and Eggs. MOCKLER’S OLD STAN D nuts. Ready-mice“ “'aists and CALL IN EARLY and get your Men’s Extra. Quality, weather - proof shoes. for ............ 2-48 Men’s regular $5 patent, boot for ............ n no Black and Blue Denim, 27c for ...... 220 Shirting, worth 150 for .................... 120 Mill Ends Denim Shirting, 150, for ..... 80 00‘00000oooooo U1 Ull 590 Tiff: ..... 7c ...... 250 250 350 2.98

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