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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 May 1910, p. 7

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Kl‘l'l‘ H.\'l‘. in individual lmxes. Y3!) CID roll a HH- p'n'kv'H light, wright, Mack and fawn. .‘l‘ bILRAITH Flour I Seed M Groceries r Fruit and Nuts Ice Confectionery t Spices and Vinegars ,5 in New Colors for Summer s and Boys’ Suits (TAPS mat in hats, worth $1.25 to .2. to Cl“! .inolcums. Carpet Squares â€"-â€"-‘-- ”I" 'TTS-K': ‘5 O ‘ '5 . vs ”9999990 «omwom AL CLEARIN M099“ mo =Wc Have Just Got in a Iear==We hes! market price for Butter and Eggs g in ALL you can 0! both. ('LU'I'H â€"Sl’l‘ll3l.~\L VALUES \\ EL BAKERY "II U woken) lin owwmwc ”WW ews Latimeri GEO. STINSON A P8. L'Mh DPS S IRELAND; N lth from Us I. HARM H.~\'l' and have a complete 1m .14“ ha in every particular. but I.“ n lin-w and mid pairs. This lot include- huy~| and girls. I! you want. a pair of f rhrw fur they are to clear at a fraction talus . and it is at, our store you Will nf ineligustinn if you get your um us. Try (mr ~Hmue-mado’ Kim." and nourishing. : : hm 3: fi’. greys, blues, greens. tam. [5 KING 5? EAST uni un‘lwgfl shapes ..... 25¢ and m “ml \H' Shnllld 88“ 9V": 0 I) I) Have a few put on them. Custom Work and fl.- pairing as usual at Tha Down Town Shoo Stow. The Thing That Draws Tho Oat-07m m Hf ”nuts and Shown to us ix the tart that, Hwy ‘l'e 70H" Hf pitting first-Chis. gnmis at X'vnswnnhlt‘ pl‘icOO. Sum: of mine variety t9 vimnst- from. Sure of qual- iry being .1“ represented. Sure Hf gt'tting what. they want, and when the)“ want it. In :1 mm! sun- of get. ting flu-il' "mm-ya worth in rvlinhivgm uh at reasonable prn-M W9 M n t . Jam ‘3‘ hit the mark with our Boots and Shop“. Elmierv, Tronkl. Suit Fanny] elescums Valli.” PRICES Hundred Pair 7.3-. $1 00 and 81.25 :4! 6W5 )l' p21:,.é%m...‘“flmflifififlm*‘fii#ifiI A 5W1: $2500 snack of sums nun 8m ***%Â¥*§¥%£*fi$*¥fi***** *%Â¥%**%%%*%%%%** 072 the Trying Art of Pufl râ€"â€"â€" Paste M akz'ng â€"â€"-1 Hm' big sale is now on and we invite all to come and see our stock before Mme. It costs you notLing for a look in; so don’t miss this opportunity. . [‘tt' HUMP. 1.19 6|) pr. Men' 9 nnx can l4. 1 pr. uuvn u..- u... Bluclnels ‘Bluchets. l worth $4. 50. .3. 59 worth $2.50.. 1 .29 60 pair Boys’ Working Shoes 32., for $1.39 Lulivs pat. Ox-iii) pr. Men’s Black rath‘ “0’88 BlUCll' 1,3 .30 ..2 191ew.worth $3. 2.59 . .\ (‘hildrens’ Shoes at reduced prime These are but a few of the many bargains that are to be had at the big sale. _. .. A - n- n n A ml I Terms. Cash or Eggs r, pat. w for. mm mCâ€"Lv _2 d€m2d<u02m U><m >4. _2<.O_nm LHE'S’ ViCi kid ulies’ vici kid Across the briny we are told, when a tenor is up for Grand Opera honors. they test his range in all manner of ways. If triumphant, they hand him the score of "William Tell" Which floors manybeing a stumbling block for young tenor ambitions. Which all reminds one of the difficult art of Puff Paste Making. Being, as you know, the supreme test of cooking ability. She who risks above the level at ordinary everyday paste must be an artist. She is one in a hundred, mighty good marrying material. Could YOU stand the test, Mistress Housewife ? Can you really make Puff Paste, Paste that is Puffy ? With a clear, delicate ap- pearance, a golden creamy brownthat is eye-tempting? With a crinkly. closes-grain- ed texture that is tender, melting awayon the tongue- tip while producing a rich effect of the soft spot of the seem like another Alladin's palate ? Lamp. Plus that longed-for quality 80 With the sameamount of shortening hard to secureâ€"an even flakiness ? andbvater, because of higher absorp- tion. you use at least ONE-FIFTH The kind mother tried to make but LESS FIVE ROSES. couldn't, you known. I. FIVE ROSES richness im- proves every recipe its healthfulness its ‘quality and evenness never very. For we wont allow it. ' Madam. at it s For puff paste, all sorts and conditions of puffs and tartiets. FIVE ROSES will __1_-_ W ; “Ah, ' [dei W 50 mucn HIKIICI 6V5" wuvu nnnnn ‘- Don “Y ;f y thinner from slacker dough, makes Post 121' that." Puff ' ' so much richer-looking pastries. Why shouldn't you Madam ? Don‘t you want YOUR puff paste You can get FIVE ROSES flour. if you rally want to. perfect combined with economy ? Milled in the perfect .way to fill Wont you w FIVE ROSES. vour «my and in plum and fimcy M‘d‘m } cooking. 36 pr. Ladies’ Pat. Bl’hers. lace orhuttun,$4.3gso Ladies’ Heavy work- ing Shnem worth $1.75..1 I39 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 1h- dg Vans Péflde PULL With the same amount of shortening andbvater, because of higher absorp- tion, you use at least ONE-FIFTH LESS FIVE ROSES. it makes up so much lighter, raises so much higher even when rolled thinner from slackerrdough, nukes FIVE ROSES richness im- proves every recipe its heahhfulness its ‘quality and evenness nmr vary. For we wont allow it. Madam. 30 pair Mom 8 Tan‘ 40 pr. Men’s vici kid HcilscBimh ‘Blll(hf‘l s ermwm‘lb $3 2. 59 ‘ Worth $2 50..1.89 6“ pr. Meus Patenti- 2-1 pr. Boy’s vici kid Biuchers Bhuhvrs, worth $4. 50. .3. 49 “orlh $’-«) '-" 41 19 60 pl. Men’ 9 box calf. 2‘) pi. Buys’ box calf Bluchexs Bluebers. worth $4.50. .3. 59 l worth $2.3)..1 .29 (50 pair Boys’ “forking Shoes 32., fur $1.3!) A knight of: the road struck town on Monday and first visited the printing office claiming to be a printer. Printers are ever esot't of heart to fellow craftsmen and although no work was found for him he was not turned away empm ty handed. He next went to the piano .fnactory and represented‘ him- self as .a first-class finisher and was to come on to work after din- ner. Beforeleaving he! was able to negotiate a “loan” of a dollar on the strength of his new job It seems that he next visited the . Methodist parsonage and asked for imoney. which was refused, but he was given dinner. The afternoon} was spent around the hotels as‘ long as the (free- drinks lasted, and then he quietly faded away to try green pastures elsewhere. He is a smooth talker, though his clothing ‘is disreputably dirty. Scamp‘s like this who deliberately impose om good nature. should .be 1‘ rosecuted and if the same chap strikes a brother editor who reads this not- ice he will know what to do with him.â€"Listowel Banner. I ; Since its introduction into Can- ada the sales of Parisian Sage has been phenomenal. This success has led to many imitations simi- lar in name. Look out for them; the} are not the genuine. See that the girl with the Auburn hair is on every package. You can always get the genuine at Macfarlane’ s. .3 Parisian Sage is the quickest act- ing and most efficient (hair tonic ' in the world i Parisian Sage is a daintily per- fumed hair dressing, not sticky or greasy, and any Woman who de- sires luxuriant 'and bewitching hair can get it in two ‘weeks by using it. 50 cents a large bottle. It is made to conform to Dr. San- gerbond’.s, of Paris, proven theory that dandruff, falling hair, bald- ness and scalp itch are caused by germs. ruff germs and removes all trace of dandruff in two weeks. or mon- ey back: it \stops falling hair and itching scalp. and prevents bald- And remember that baldness is caused by dandruff germs, those little, hard-Working persistent devils that day and night do noth- 9 The curiosity left at this office by Wm. Loundxs, of Shrigley, in‘ the shape of a cut from a maple tree [with a stone in the centre, has gbeen beaten by a similar find in {Council Bluffs, Iowa. The manag- 3 er of the Park in that city decided to cut down some trees where rtihere were too many, and had been planted ox‘er fifty years ago. One particular tree was marked for the ,sacrifice, The choppers felled it. ‘and it was solid from circumfer- ence to centre._ Sawing the trunk I ‘A. D--L From Printshop to Parsonage. ence to centre. Sawing the trunk into four-foot lengths, eight feet from the butt, the saw just missed a long-necked black bottle. Ob- serving it. the choppers carefully Ehewed away the wood, when, lto‘ their surprise. they brought forth, tightly corked. a bottle of one pint capacity filled with liquor. It erior quality. How the bottle got there is a mystery. At no place about it was there any cavity, and counting the rings of wood from the place where the botle was lodged, each one of which repre- sents a year’s growth of the tree, An Iowa. Curio. WARNING any Woman who de- mt 'and bewitching hair 1 two ‘weeks by using it. large bottle. kills these dand- removes all trace P R l C E 5 three (or 810..” Mailed to any ad- dress. The Scobell Drug Co.. St. #fm'e going g‘Catharinea. Ont. en- 1 For sale at Mactarlane Co a. ici kid % HIS COURTSHIP. Dr do Vsn's Penile Pills. -, A relisble regulstor; never lsils. iWhile these pills are exceedingly { powerful in regulating the genera- ;tive portion of the lemale system. they are strictly safe to use. Re- .luse sll chesp imitations. Dr. de iVan's are sold at $5.00 in box. or Continued from page 3. was colored fly the :hzmgh’t or Euniee: that in thinking of her I found my only interest. my only happiness; thai in the meeting of her life and mine. the deepest needs of my nature had been met and fed: and a last i came face to face with the knowledge that she was all to the that. ‘a \\ulii:lll can he to a man: that l lured her utterly!" Ellnlt'e walked all his side like utie moving in a drea'u. For a tnmneat the silence between them throhhed with their strong emotion. “And then." he presently went on. the gravity of his voice eahnlng her throbbing heart. "came my hitter 'struggie with myself I was not will- lng to take advantage of your inexpe rieueeâ€"het‘ore you llilll hail an oppor- tunity to see other men I knew you cared for me. lmt huw ('tllllll I he sure that your feeling \tunltl hear the test of your larger knowledge and esperi enee? Clearly In; hmmrahie course was to be silent. to withdraw into the background of your life. until you should come into a mature umlerstani lug of your own heart. A. A lttn | ‘118 \II .v V‘.- v -- __ _ “TWNHL the shupicny (W the fife i would have to oi‘l’w ymi as the wife 01 a teacher compared with the brilliant career you might haveâ€"mossessetl ui‘ large meansâ€"a man would have in think better of himself than I thought to ask 3 “Tuna" nituake such a sac rifice. TELEPHONE \Vhen you want anything in the line. of «fraying done promptly and ca refully. CHARGES MODERATE PROMPT SERVICE DRAYM AN. DURHAM Orders may he left, at the Hahn House Stable or at my my resid~nm ._ LAMBTON ST REET M. D. r MCGRATH In New Quarters Near the Garflnxa St. Bridge Near the Gunman; St.’ Bridge I wish to almom cc to the puhluc that I am 110w settled in my new quarters. T. Moran’s old stand. near the Gum- fmxa St. bridge, where I am prepared to cater to their wants in all kinds of custom blacksmith- ing. All work guaran- teed flrsbclass. F. HIND And fully metal with oil kind- d 0m W Fancy Gaul-I. Cut Glut. Fancy Ohio; “Stationery and ull kind. of High mud Public Srhool Suppliol. $ Follouing are a few of our spec“- ties:- Your horses and cattle uequlro ; your attention at present. in the. way of at good Condition Powder. 'llonic or Ipail of Stock Food. Your poultry re- quire Uyster Shell rrJ’mIltry Grit: n full supply of these in stools. The in. Vestmeut. will pay you. .i" \\'e have. bought a large supply 0. ‘Red. Mammoth. Lnrerne vr Alf. {Alto and Alsike (‘lovers and good ‘pure Timothy Seed from the beet seedlnen in the province. “3- are in la position to give you the closest prices on high grade Government Stumped Seeds. Our Flo“ er. Garden and Vegetable Seeds are all new and fresh. 1.' “'e nremnking a rllt‘t‘ltuly of Tobaccos and Cigars. 'fi “'9 are just starting out on our second years' business and we want. you to help us make. it, even better than our first. year. and in wturn we guuruutee. you fair, bqnwrv, honest dealing and lowest prices fur pure goods and high-grade ’ullCit‘fi. Pre- scriptions promptly and carefully filled. ‘I Our store is open every evening from 9 to 10 p.m. for the delivery 0 evening papers and the supply of any drugs that may be neeued. THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE IS TIE IIADQUAITEIS DU RHAM. ONTARIH

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