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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 May 1910, p. 2

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firm ._ -_‘- .. â€"..o-._â€"â€"-â€".. 1' ACRE FARM ON THIRD CON- ceasion of Glenelg, N.D.R., lots 15 Ind 16. This farm is well water- ed and has good buildings erect- ed thereon good land, and an excellent opportunity for the right man. For further particu- lars. apply on the premises to A. Ford. Bunessan. Feb. 4, 3mpd {01' 21. CON. 2, TOWNSHIP. OF Ann m 21. CON. 2, 'l'UWLVDDLI \IL' Egremont, containing 106 acres about 10 acres hardwood bush, 5 acre“ swamp timbered, the rest clear; barn 30x50, stable 30x40. Orchard 1 acre. watered by 2 wells and spring. P1rt of purchase money can remain on mortgage. For particulars apply William Bradley. Orchard. Ont. BEING EAST HALF OF LOT 2. Con. 21 Egremont. containing 30 acres. Well watered by never- tailing spring and a running stream close to buildings. Good frame house, frame barn, stone basement stable underneath. a- bout 45 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, rest good hardwood bush. Also N.E. 1-4 of Lot 3. Con. 3, Egremont, 25 ac- res. about 12 acres of cedar and hemlock swamp; balance slash- ed. Well watered by never-fail- ing creek. No buildings on this parcel. Will sell one or both 31x ROOMED HOUSE AND TEN sores of land in the town of Durham. On premises are good €33 pen, hen house and stable. ill rent house without land, if desired. Apply to John Mottatt. Q1900 rISHING'ON LOTS 56 and 57, CON. 2, S.D.R., and Lots 58, 59, and 60. Con. 3, S.D.R. .(Camp Creek) is styictly prohibited, and vioiaters wih be prosecuted. 4.28-‘2 A FEW MORE ARE WANTED FOR Niagara Camp., which begins on June 14. As a certain amount of instrunction in musketvy is necessary before Camp, those in- tending to go should appq: at once. Wiii be in town Sat..-J¢-yg after o'ciock.__ J. RUDD UATHBWS. MAPKDALE Ont" Licensed Aucnox'wer (or We County 01‘ Grey. _§ale_s at« v-- _ Blond}, ’15 acres bu vol) watqed)‘ gust Ties and Poles Wanted Durham. erfuv‘éed'gesday,-the balance of the winter to measure and pay for all sawlogs delivered there The highest grice paid for all straight, noun log: a! all kinda of timber. Custom sawing an- ahipgles done early in the spring. “ " u-.. 01 A“ Lfifliclntyre. â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". DR G.T.R.. C.P.R,, AND OTHER rnilronds. Dimensions of ties:â€" 7 inch face by 7 inches thick; 0 inch face by 6 inches thick. Rimensions of poleszâ€"25 to 50 let long. top from 5 to 7 inch- eo. For uticulars apply to J. N. Mu ock. Durham. 930 Militiamen \\ ant-ed. WILL BE AT Apnnplgggpy; 0 West, and is forced to sell out a] Furnishings, including 3 “King” Hats. J. Levine has decided to g low cost. A full line of 'the very best; of Gents’ Working Shirts, Overalls and odd Pants,â€"â€"also the famou Boots and Shoes in all sizes and best makes. Goods, Spring Coats. Ready-town!- Waists and CALL IN EARLY and get your ods and prices. THE VERY FINEST ASSORTMLNT of Dress Shirts, Vestings, Gingham”, Muslins. Prints, Flannelettes, Uottonl, Etc. choice, and save your money by buying here. Be sure and call and examine our go -AA“- IdEaiv-t'bvat' xéa outtble terms Amng ements mav be bemado at th- Chantal. ofligc. 1)th For Sale or Rent. ‘0 Notice to hshers._ Farmers’ Notlce Licensed A uvhbm‘er Wan ted. L, 1". V acres bush; thin. ban, ed. must be sold. A‘ H. "h-mâ€" 227R. '6: ET'SNIDER, Captain. '1?ij Eli; ”Ind. .V- - â€" â€"â€" inch. or In... 25 out. for first insertion, Over one inch 3nd under two inches, amount. Yearly rules on applioahon. nd 10 cent. for each double the tbovo PRICES CUT ON ALL GOODS Mai 31-09 3.17.“ AGED MARE IN FOALâ€" APPLY to J.W. Blyth. Varney. THE DURHAM FURNITURE (30., Limited. offers tor sale, the fol- lowing Wood: Short slabs, dou- ble load. $3.25; ' Edgings, single load $1.25; Kiln dried edgings, single load. $1.50. Cash with all. HAVING DECIDED TO LEAVE town, I am offering for sale my residence in Durham. This is a solid brick property, equipped with new coal furnace, hot and cold water both upstairs and down, and a well-equipped bath room. A bargain for quick pur- chaser. I also offer for sale a house and lot, with stable. at $850, on easy termsâ€"W. F. DUNN. â€"_ GOOD BRICK RESIDENCE 0N l Lambton Street. Durham, oppo-Y site the Methodist parsonage.’ One of the nicest situated prop- ' ertie-s in Durham. In good state of repair. Will sell on reason-. able terms to quick buyer. Ap- 3 ply on premises to T. Moran. 4.7 LOT 5. CON. 1, N.D.R.. GLENELG. Bruce county. consisting 0‘ 50 acres 0‘ 300d Mrs. McCormick received the sad pasture. On the premises are a good dwelling house and fair news last Week that her sister, Mrs. outbuildings, a never tailingéHall. had died in King township. spring and a good quantity of We extend our sympathy. timber. Good fishing. An ideal property for a retired! One of Top Cliff’s young men farmer. or any person desiring.made '8 flying trip to this burg first class pasture for stock. For‘ a week ago Sunday, and captured further particulars apply 1101a ztine prize. Come again, young ex 2333' 33%.}331’1’m' or figmigman ,and come early. l. 6. Hutton. I. 0.. C. In. FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK UP stairs. Lambton Street. Rmideuceâ€" Corner anon and Goor Streets-North of Methodist Church fl'wo boomâ€"941 mm. 8-4 W m . 7-9 mm. Telephone No. 10. Drs. lamieson laclaurin. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A .. short distance out of Knapp’o Hotel. Lgpb you Sgroet._Lo‘_veg .qun. Durham DEM hours from 12 to 2 o’clock SP‘GIALIST l avg _EA§,_TQBQAT_ pose 08. NET. um Amman: Roy. London Ophtulmio Ho. “3.. and ”Golden Sq. Thu-mt 5nd No.0 Ho. I' (ice in the New Hunter Block. Oflioe more. 8 to 10 e. m., to 4 p. In. em! 7 tofl a. In. Special attention given to disease! if women and children. Residence op Joeite Preebvterinn Church. HI lulu can, m. u. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF (ice to the New Hunter Block. _(_)fiiog With 4116 Chicago. Dino-m 0! Eye. Bar N000 and Throat. Will be gt. Kmpp House. Durban. the 2nd 4am: d-v in each month. Hoursâ€"14 gun. HE BUILDING OCCUPIED BY P.G.A. Webster as jewellery store, and J.P. Teltord as a law office. with show cases, wall cases, clock: and safe. At a bargain. Apply' to A. Gordon, Weybqrn, Sask.i 61009t1; r-vI-v-v farmer‘ or any person desiring first class pasture for stock. For further particulars apply ,to Chris. Firth. Durham. or Alex. Plrth,f#Lloydtown. 123M! ILNT of Dress Goods, Spring Coats. Ready-towear Waists and Prints, F lsnnelettes, (muons, Etc. CALL IN EARLY and get, your I here. Be sure and call and examine our goods and prices. DR. BROWN L R c. P.. LONDON ENG RADULATE of London, New ’nfija‘ I3,']l‘r .r-f. Qt (hr-MI Maud. Medical Directorv Arthur Gun. M. D For Sale. MOCKLER’S OLD STAND Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Binnie spent Stunway with Egremont lrienda. Mr. Ira Penmck has secured a job with the Durham Furniture Co. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Anderson spent S-unday at the home of Mr. Archie Beaton. We wonder .how J as. McGilllivray ir. is getting along with his new job. ‘ ' \ Mr. Darn. McInnis purchased a new top buggy from the Mt. For- est Carriage Co. Miss Mary Edwards, of Glenroad- en, visited last week at her uncle’s, Postmaster Edwards. Mr. J ohn Stewart is a busy man at present. He is getting ready for his new barn, "which he intends to build this summer. We are sorry to report that Mr. Thos. Gray, who has been sick all spring is not improving very much. Mr. Jack Newell is engaged \Viltlh Mr. Jas. McGilLivray [or a couple of weeks. Jack seems to like work ing on the north 'lxixne. Mr. Neil Cameron returned home a couple of Weeks ago after an extended visit with .triends in" Bruce County. Mr. Hugh. Edwards is buryily en- gaged, erecting a new building for the postoffice. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lawrence, and family. of Durlvam, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. SK. Jackson Misses Annie and Kate McCor- mick returned: to this part, after a couple oef weeks spent in Walker- ton. They intend leaving in June for a tour through the West. Seeding is pretty well over in this part, and it seems early, as many did not start last year - till well on in the month of May. Ball W‘heat is looking Well after the severe hosts of the past week. Spring crops are not growing very rapidly as the weather is rather cold. Mr. John McArthur sr., and his brother, Mr. Dyan. M-cArthur, have both been laid up with a severe attack of rheumatism this spring, but at present they are able to be around. Miss Jennie McFarlane, who has been helping her grandmother, Mrs. McQueen, of Bootlwille, vis- ited her home on. Sunday last, ac- companied by her uncle, Mr. Alex. McQueen. The splendid work of Chamber- lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets is daily coming to light. No such grand remedy for liver and bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for curing constipation, sick headache, bilious ness, jaundice and indigestion. Sold by all dealers. AGENTS WANTED IN ALL LO- calities for the new “Parkyte Sanitary Closet.” Latest in- \ ention in sanitation for Private Residences, Schools and Hotels. Liberal Commissions. Address H.M. Suckling Co., 408 St Nicholas Bldg., Montreal, Que. l 2 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT; Apply to J. M. Latimer. 413tf Agents Wanted. Bunessan. Hutton Hill. 'l‘n Rent. 'llhe above is a cut of the front elevation o [the new Artemesia Continuation School, to be erected in Fledherton. 'Dhe building will be 54 by 78 feet, with six rooms, library, cloak rooms, basement, etc. The contract was awarded last week to Mr. Stevia, of Ghesley, and building operations will commence shortly. The building is to be erected on a park lot formerly owned: and improved by the owner -of this paper, and the row of beautiful shade trees planted there a- bout twenty years ago by Ye Editor himself personally will form pleasant resting places for the children of future generations. For this act alone, we should be honored by a monument in front of the school building. All jokes aside, they were :fine, healthy looking ‘trees when we last saw them, and of the whole row of eleven or |twelve, not one died, or had td be replaced. . The cut appears through the courtesy of the Advance.- Even people who are usually healthy occasionally require- some kind of afood tonic. F er- rovim, that excellent combi- nation of beef, iron and'sherry wine, if taken when the sys- tem is run down from over- “01k or a sliwht cold, will p1 01 cnt a mole serious illness 1* c1 1 ox 1111 gix cs sti e11 rth to c011- Lie: cents and all thin -blooded people. $1.00 a bottle. Sunday with the farmer’s brother, Mr. W. Noble, Glenelg. Mr. C. ‘Lawrence has purchased a new buggy and cream separator. C. is a hustler. Misses F. and E. tCuuff‘ and Miss N. Noble were guests 01f Miss C. H. Hutton. the 5th inst. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hopkins, and lfzamisly, «spent Sunday with the for- mer’a sister, Mrs. C. Migzhton. Mrs. W. Cuff spent one day last week with her sister, Mrs. W. Rick- en Poplar 'Hill. Miss S. Noble, of Toronto, ar- rived h-ome the 7th dust. We wel- come her 'to our burg again. Mr. J. Wise, Vickers, was the guest of Miss L.P. Hopkins. teachâ€" er, ,April 24th. Mr. R. Picken, Poplar Hill, and Miss M.J. Cuff, spent April 24th with the latter’s sister, Mrs. J. Med’Calzf, Lamlash. Mrs. G. Hopkins sprained her ankle last week. We are glad to be able to report that is is im- proving. Mr. and Mrs. E. Armstrong and children Sundayedyith the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. aCoutts, of Vickers. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence, Glen- elg, spent one day lately with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Tl. Milligan. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan, Rocky, visited théir children, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dmmoor, one day last week. Mr. J. Cuff has purchased a Goderich organ‘ and is having his daughter, Miss Ella, instructed in instrumeptal music by Miss 8. Vol- let, Durham. Mr. Farqwhar-son, teacher, Dur- ham, was enggaed in the school duties last week, and we presume he will continue in charge till Miss Ball has recovered. ' Mr. B. Langrill has the founda- tion of his new barn completefl, Mrs. W. Alexander has returned from Toronto, after visiting three or f-our weeks with her daughters and: son. Mrs. G. Blackburn, and daughter, Miss Daisy, Mrs. J. Sutherland, and Miss E. Chadwick, Durham, were recently entertained by Mrs. T. E. Hutton. Mrs. John Lawrence returned last Monday after spending three or (our days with her brother and sister, Mr. D. and Miss N. Bradley, and the framers, Messrs. B. Sharp, T. Whitmore, E. Vollett, and R. Sharp, have commenced the frame work. Will stand for mares fur the seasuu of 1910, as frllows: MON DAYâ€"\Vill proceed to T1108. Harrison’s,Egremont, for noon; thence to James Hopkins, Glenelg, for night. TUESDAYâ€"T0 A. McEncheru’s. Glenelg. for noon; thence home fur nigh 'c. THURSDAYâ€"“fill proceed to Niel Bros., Township Hall, Glenelg. for noon. thence to Wm. Greenwood’s. 6th Glenelg, for night. WEDNESDAYâ€"To Priceville for noon, thence to Arch. McMillnn’s Glenelg. for night. Duke of York FRIDAY â€" To John McVickers. Glenelg, thence to Davis Hink’a, near Ceylon, for night. SATURDAYâ€"To Eli Ostmnder’s. Artemesia, for noon, thence to his own stable. where he will remain un- til the following Monday morning. We regret very much to learn of Miss Mae Ernest of this place being sick at Holstein. At the time of writ- in§ she is somewhat improved but not ab e to be home yet. This route will be 'continued throughout. the season. health and weather permitting. The lady preachers from Hopeville, are holding services in the New Eng- land hall. They also intend having a. Bible class before the services. This class is for young and old so we be- lieveit will be well attended. Bible class opens at 10 s. m. Service at 10:30. All are welcome. Miss Olive Sackett has gone to the city for a. while. The weather still keeps cool but we are looking forward to the 18th of this month, when. according to predictions we are to have extreme heat. from the tail of Bailey’s comet. We regret to learn of the death of Wm. Lester of Dromore. and extend our sympathy to the bereaved widow and family. Mrs. '1‘. Haw of Toronto. and her little grandson Master Arthur Mc- Kinney are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. Sackett at present. THE STANDARD BANK The Imported Clydesdale Stallion L. FROOK, Prop., Priceville Sackett’s Corners. 8043 C.S.R. [2948 5.3.8. is received in our Savinga Bank Department. and is suficient to open an account and entitle the Depositor to a pass Book. The highest current rate of Interest is allowed. and money may be withdrawn at any time without delay. ' W l873 we» OF CANADA m... A DEPOSIT OF ONE DOLLAR #%**%%%%%%*% and Funeral Directorx» The Great Lu; and Cough Medicine GUARANTEED 6c 5 bottle st. Mwéfarlane’s Drug Store Ptcture Frammg on 51101153 IHE DURHAM EHHUNIELE II PUBLIIBID EVERY THURSDAY “DEFINE At the chronicle Pojnto’ug Hound, 0min“ A. BELL UN DE RTAKER m. EDWARD U â€""â€"'-'-" â€"' ”TIESâ€"07m «myth. in pa“ "iiâ€"deified In subarea fin nu Intel I. ppord manned to d! m m putmmut “on of tho W. “u""u'u‘ out. “no nun-«w ht. . .Iu; “Outback” qn-t 1m Idaho Ian-n. PM calm-max m but tannin-cuts v! t M M be published fill forbid and an.“ : Tit-clout notionâ€"“14"." ”Mad." “Fur aimâ€"lo mt- tor Int m. I out In! 3 a 3 i A n A __L h I“! touted with 0 The I“ ' ' 13391533513» Minna Bowman gag,- a: mu... m mum- m Ottoman will I» out a lump“ nv “in... {no of mm. b vâ€"w-v‘ m' M" W Albina-(bonan- «(loud by nun-(on 3|“ 5. In“ flat in alum... Goa-net nu- for any “M. In shied on gnu-um the doc. All samba-nu. to cum inaction b gaunt wank: aloud to bought I- not ha “I‘ Edith}! u (p. m. “"0"? ram“. "is.“ h” . ”supp ”51:33:: $11599.th“0 “up“. {fla‘g‘L Full line of Catholic Robes, and Mark and white Caps for and people. every hour, day and night, on your dcposits in the Saving-g Bank Deputment of the Traders Bank. In time th. interest amounts to us much u the original savings. thus doubling your sawing The money is not tied up either, for you out draw out what you went at any time without delay or bother. DURHAM. ONT., SHOW BOOKSâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W. J. Lawrence': blacksmith shop. Embalming a Specialty Em'ron um Pnormnon Why Put Off A start which will lend you into: wood athried fashion? Enter our Cul‘ ege NOW and be ready for a situation in the fall when hu-iness is at it’s beat. We are locating w all qualified ymmg people every day. Why not let us help you? Start, any duh. No vacatinns. Catalogue free. Write Central Busines Cnl'ege, Turont l. \V, H. SHAW, Turont I. Principal. W. IRWIN NOX A COLD IN ONE DAY All VS .57 The MCGO ”It“. Ontario. in the Speck] attention to End. Summer MIS RUB ROY BEST equi mwd dub? Oat m and aw f I‘m bulls. 9N your grncm DMD? am the name. Iloh R1 HUI 1| if ()Ii Uh“

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