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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 May 1910, p. 3

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wen or ap pears a death of and extend ved widow Oat rander’s. hence to his rthur Mc- E). and he: d Mrs. G. Savings Bank Department, and is an account and entitle the Depositor to The highest current rate of Interest 3 ney may be withdrawn at any tint Tm having .1 . This so we be- ed. Bi ble Service at. “(mt-I nut-mug the tram m to the .\l remm n un- F CANADA m- BIT OF ONE DOLLAR McVickers. iuk‘s. near ml but we lfith of this predirtioni it from the cuntinued health and ICl‘s. " no'whkh (vary a .. 'g In» gulch}! on Q0 no 0! writ- 'ed but not ._ ---â€". Pl'iCC‘. llle sumpuon Tn: Climax.) will to 0-0 I Rates . ' :laa‘umnzmoofi.“ - , 4150 my be OMWfif.y-o!': ’1‘.“ “I! - A Department at Every Branch. .- lHlM BRANCH 5.5 Stallion flowvfillm ork “if. .\l Sharp HI Nit-l DARD BANK #fiéfifi’é’b‘a’? The Great [.ng and Cough m GUARANTEED 3- a hm! Lle u Mada-lane’s Drugs” Th5 Job to com 1900], “ooh. rum 1' n. yum-om Depanmnt mu.- for tuning out In“ condoned to dim "do: at 350 m. All uivEméfi‘ui'i.‘ To. 33;}. m D onmnt wank. ohuuld bebfll‘hth “*u MwNDAl u 6 p. m. IHE DURHAM EHHUNIM l8 PUBLISH-D EVERY TIII’RSDAY me At the Chronicle Printing Hound, W Street. Amomg For “3 am . Batu - Inn: con-path.“ qua" inurtton [union Emu M unis, nut o-xoeedfir. one bah a“ p. thorunemomu w! 0 M mu bo- pnbnuhml h" forbid .‘ In!“ Tumm- .r notiowâ€""uotmt'OIld." "’8 no ~50 cents fur In! um, ’ 0.. h out-amps“)! trunnion. A": «Ivnrtmmnonu ordered by 03!." d be mm Iur 1n Ad “moo. Hume: mm. for youny «1M rubs-'1 MI. Opvhoalmn to the 0‘00. . A- Future Frammg on SW notice. SHuw R(mMsâ€"â€"Next to Swan”. Bu rher Shup. RESIDENCEâ€"N“. dour Snutb of \V. J. “WWI. blacksmith shop. and Funeral Director\ A"; 'IN ML A. BELL U N DE RTAKER Full lim- Hf ( 'ulhulil: Rnbos. and Wk Mu! white (‘nps fur age-d people. much as the original “vi-g... thus doubling your “vb; pOWCI'. what you want at 33" without delay or both“. A Bank Pass-Book iStInt. class start on tho road to b- dependcnce, if not wealth. DURHAM. ONT., Branches also at filo-t I“ and Ay'on. Embalming a Specialty Burn :3 mm vamrroll. Why Put Ofl’ you I positi when M ‘ DURHAM, ONT. ronlho oddnu hbd. Io p 1 to all a‘rrfnn are paid. ‘ Interest Accumulate: nan which will load I intn'l mmd I‘ll?“ itiom‘.‘ Enter our Col- 9 NH“? and be ready a situation in thn {all 9:: bn~iness is at it’s L We are locating .H qxalifiqd ynnng \V. IRWIN work. May )2, my day Why help \mu? Stat! Nu \acativma. - free». Write NOX A com IN ONE DAY min»: Unl'ego, SHAW, 9?; :"b I“ 'lh‘l ** 95’ w Bunch. May 12, 1910 l Furniture and i We always keep the best Fun at the lowest possible profits consi we endeavor to treat our custu well pleased. Just Added -- A L l RUGS AND m 3 UPHOLSTERING A on the shortest notice and at re homes in which at ticles of fut-nit vexy small expense will make times a dollar saved is :19 good as thing needing repairs, bting it call and get it. Remember. we have a the] and we ll guarantee satisfaction . i Q I O i “e have just placed in st 3 i “2011150 up. Many of them are mm l1 below the original coat. (I EDWARD KR] Special attention to Undertaking. ‘M‘A‘ Rob Roy Rolled Oats ! Special attention to Undertaking. Show-rooms next door to rust Uluu; ’ ‘M ”W" ms 00.0mm mm. The MCGOWAN MILLING C0. Durham. QI‘ 1 I ‘ . J J 4 We always keep the best Furniture of the best makers and sell at the lowest possible profits consistent with quality. In this way we endeavor to treat our customers right and they are always well pleased. Furniture and Upholsteglg/ RUGS AND FLOOR OILCLOTH UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIR WORK Summer Millinery Opening ROB ROY ROLLED OATS are made in the BEST equipped and most up-toâ€" date Oatmeal Mill in Ontario, and are free frum black specks, hulls. etc“ usually found in x-ulled oats. Order today from your grocer: if he does not carry ' - them in stock, send us his name and address. Remember the name. Rob Roy Rolled Oats, manufactured by In the most. up-to-date Oatmeal mm In the Province Prices ranging from $2. Guaranteed not to break or rust. Will not take a permanent bend at. waist line. These Cossets stores, and can through their rep: Large Assortment of “'6 take BOX “)7 FULL S 15”.... macaw” Show-rooms next door to Post Office v _ 7 DURHAM STOCK ALWAYS 0): HAND BONING sets are not sold in m be procured only representative Furniture and Upholstering. . will .3 Wm CHAPTER XXVI! . “ '1‘ will bump you to hear it. Georg!- ana. and I’m awfully sorry for: you. but i can't help it.” said Daisy. as one afternoon in Octo- her the two girls strolled about the campus: “I‘ve got to tell you. You are laboring under the delusion that Kinross is in love with youâ€"we can’t of course. understand how he can help being. when he had the chance of watching us for four weeks without our knowing it. But." she added in the tone of an oracle. “he is not! Bet- ter you should know it now while none of your feelings except your pride are mixed up and before you hurt poor (iateshead to the point of driving him into my arms." “flow can you possib‘y know any- thing of Dr. Kinross’ feelings. Daisy?” Georgiana asked. “He is not a man to flaunt them before the public. And I don’t suppose he has taken you into his confidence!” “Oh. but be has!” Georgiana turned and looked at her quickly. “What do you mean. Daisy?” â€"â€"vâ€"â€"_' _ “He not a man to 'flaunt hls feelings! Gracious. he can‘t repress hlmself! He just has to let out to every passerby!" -__ ¢_A_I.- “AEEVhQ's: he confided to'yâ€"ou that be Is not In love with me?” Georgiana smilingly inquired. UllllluuB-.v uâ€"" _ “He made me hear the whole story of Euniceâ€"her turning out'to be an heiress and the daughter of one of the oldest and best families in the coun- try. Well. Georgiana. no man looks as he looked while speaking of that! girl unless he has gone the way of all tiesh and become mad with love. You would have seen it for yourself. but for your prepossessiou that he loved you. What a chance I missed myself, or if l‘d dreamed that Pete was himâ€"â€" i mean heâ€"l might have had a try at him myself. for 1 do like the creature rather. it isn‘t his fault that all the ghis get silly about him. Yes.” she Hula! thoughtfully. “if i’d ever dreamed of his being himself 1 certainly would . have given my attention to his case, 5 or I know the man is rather fond of axeâ€"you niayu't have noticed itâ€"and am ouu prixate opinion is that we ."'.me nude for each other. No hope for a: n of us now. though, not even for you. .eorgie. Hes shelved! The 1011;: lost heiress has him. Whether he has her I don't know. I’d love to see him refused. I’d like to have a "bullet: to refuse him myself. Though in such a contingency, if he continued U) want me. I‘d think about it. As for mu. Georgiana, you'll have to content mursclf with Gateshead.” Georgiana laughed. “Your gratui- tous surmises. my dear. are all wrong. How could a man like Dr. Kinross wire for a more country girl like Eu- nice, :1 sort of servant to the farmer’s family? She was a little less illiterate than) the rest, but a simple. uneducat- m1 country girl nevertheless. Why, I never saw Dr. Kinross speak to her.” Proper attention to the hair? and scalp is the best preventive , of baldness. An occasional ap- [. plication of Bearine Hair Pom- |l ade keeps the scalp in healthy ! l lcondition. It nourishes the ghair folicles and supplements the natural oil of the head. Bearine not only prevents f all- ing hair but stimulates new growth. 50 cts a jar at your druggists. DAVIS Eli's-33“}: fl “He spoke to her whether we saw him or not." "He is too clever a man and too fas- tidious to become enamored of an un- sophisticated country girl." Georgiana repeated confidently. "The idea is ab- surd." "He loves, adores, warships her!” Daisy affirmed. “Ho’s mad, about her. What. I ask, is more alluring to a world weary cynic than rural simplic- lty ?” “Rural simplicity.” reasoned Geor- giana, “is very well in its way. I think I don’t underrate its value and its charm. But a highly complex men- tal and spiritual organism like that of Dr. Kinross could not be at one with a simple organism like that of the girl Eunice. Itstands to reason." “She was duplex or complex enough to land her fish!" Daisy vulgarly de- clared. “And to think, Georgiana, how you missed your chance when you had him all to yourself for a whole month â€"for. of course. I wasn’t in the way.” “No doubt Dr. Klnross found my b wl'YIIGHT. 1M. 3! McCLURB. u we“ as for )an Bites. C J ‘ust the than: for campc well as for those that stay at 25¢. a box. DAVIS 8:7 LAWRENCE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “Tillie: A Mennonite Maid." it me had come together I» the 9rd]. umy wax and been hampered by con- \entlox; al forms and rc~er\es. “And maybe that's why he ten in lo've with Eunice instead of you.” "I don't follow your reasoning." ' “Clear as mud! lie found you too superior. Prefers rural simplicity. I ask you." she demanded. with a the atrlcal wave of her hand. “why he is now, at the very beginning of the term, away from collegeâ€"in New York or “.4... A” NeWport or isom‘é place? Echo on. swers, ‘He’s gone to see his girl? Here comes your venerable young fa- ther!” A Luca . President Ellery. white haired and wrinkled. hut vigorous. came toward them in the path. a cane in one hand. an Open letter in the other. “I have a letter from Dr. Kinross.” he announced. waving it before them. “Bad news! He’s resigned. But we shall not accept his resignation. We'll give him a year ofl and get his promise _ILI_ I..- deA to spend a year in traveling with his wife in Europe and Asia.” “The unfortunate lady’s name?" in« quired Daisy. for Georgiana couid not We... They waited breathless while Presi- dent Ellery slowiy took out his eye- giasses. adjusted them and examined the letter. ‘uv "vvâ€" “Miss Eunice Wolcott.” “Stung agaln!" crled Daley. totter- ing. The two girls walked on. while Pres- ident Ellery proceeded in the opposite direction. ‘ “ ‘ ‘ IL ““‘A Ullutlvu. “Please, Georgie, don’t let it rattle you.” Daisy coaxed her, slipping her arm through her cousin’s. “As I said in the beginning of my remarks to you this afternoon, none of your feelings is as yet engaged except your pride. Tell me,” she demanded, with an air of conceit, “can I read men? Am i observant? Am I cute and ciever? Are my perceptions keen? My parting A - 1.....1- AAA you.” Daisy coaxed her, slipping net Mr. A. H. Jackson iefit Saturday arm through her cousin’s. “As 1 said morning for Chicago, ‘to attend in the beginning of my remarks to you this afternoon, none of your feelings E at the bedside of his father, is as yet engaged except 5'0“? pride. ‘lwiho is critically ill from pneumon- of conceit, “can i read men? Am i erin M Jack t ,d observant? Am I cute and clever? g. L‘. . son re urnL on ‘Tuesday evening. Are my perceptions keen? My parting advice to you is, be kind to Gateshead ‘ Mr. Frank Irwin was present at before it is yet too late and he saith the funeral of Mr. 'Wiliiam Clayton in his heart, ‘1 have no pleasure in in Fleshertlon on Monday last. Mr. hog}. 'ithd h f 'EC-iaytton was -a tried and true eorgiana “’ rew ' er arm rom ifriend of Ye Editor, who regrets Daisy 8. “I was mistaken in Dr. Kln- . ve r h t 1 f h' (1 th ross,” she said, with dignity. ! y mac 0 :earn 0 ‘ ‘5 ea .° 'He was a resident of Fiesherton i gave him.” l "uvv a nnnnnn t3 " ‘If you want that. you must climb.’ He wasn’t husky enough to do it.” “I had fancied him a man,” said Georgiana, “to whom the low plane at the average marriage would be im- possible, one Whom the universe would call only to the highest union. But he was quite incapable of meeting me. .\ country girl’s pink and white pret- tiness"â€" She shrugged her shoulders, leaving her remark unfinished. _IJ ““-- uvu ‘(It Ila ”v- "â€"_v only goes to show." said Daisy, "1’ IV! ‘9 â€"vâ€"v an effort. I deh’t’ reallâ€"y believe Eu- nice tried for Pete. After this I’m go- ing to live up _to my favorite motto. , â€"- - ---A. l‘“ [uh ‘v ‘Let Things Slide. Yvon come out bet- ter in the end. ” Chesterfield Superfieislity. Chesterfield’s idea of excellence was essentially superficial, for his praise of solid acquirement and genuine princi- ple is always coupled with the asser- tion of their entire inutility if unac- companied by grace, external polish and an agreeable manifestation. He omits all consideration of their in- trinsic worth and absolute dignity. Their value to the individual, accord- ing to him, is wholly proportioned to his skill in using them in a social ‘V‘ all. In one of his earlier letters to Philip Stanbope he writes: “What an advan- tage has a graceful speaker with gen- Q .___.A A--- teel motions: a handsome figure, over one who shall speak full as much good '. sense, but who is destitute of thesol ornaments! In business how prevalent i are the graces, how detrimental is the ; .- â€"â€"‘- _‘ g want of them! If you should not ac- quire manners, all the rest will be of little use to you. By manners I mean engaging, insinuating, shining inan- ners, a distinguished politeness, an ale most irresistible address, a superior gracefulness in all you say and do." He would have manners overlay indi- viduality an‘d goes so far as to declare that a soldier is a brute, a' scholar a pedant and a philosopher a cynic with- out good breedingâ€"London Bundui. 1113111, To get the much prized cand3' , It was a bag of ample size ' That met the wonder-sparkling eyes 0! .little Nell and Andy. Cheers were given for teacher year, By kindly word and action. The years will come and pass am, \ t l 1'4 i 1 Yet still we’ll keep each Arbor 0"! _-_ .KQ! grows in favor: Mr. Dawkim went to Detroit on Monday. Mrs. Fred Glut is visiting in Strattord. W t. e“ . swing. from 8min u 3.30 p.m.l'or Mrs. 'l‘hos. Pinker and daughter. Sm ma Po"; Arthur. May II. It. 18. Miss Florence, are vdaiting friends p0,. Duluth. u” u. m. S‘ilinp trou- 'in Toronto. Coilingwond 1.30 p.m.. and Owen Smmd 11.15 pan. \Vedneodsyc u‘ ISuturdsys l'ur boo and Georgina Bay ‘ Barrister Grant, successor to W. |F. Dunn, has arrived in towm, and W5 (105111! business. Mr. Dunn leftlpm'ts- ' for MooseiaW, Seek. | S *cux‘e tickets and full information Mr. W. Trimble, of Flechertou, was in town Tueschy. Mr. Alex. Sfirr, of Morris, Minn, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Jos. Carw-ardine, Mr. John Kelly has returned af- ter a couple of weeks’ visét in the West. Dr. and Mrs. Sinclair, of Wood- stock, spent a week with Dr. and Mrs. Gun. They returned home on Wednesday. Mr. Edgar, and sister, Miss Mary Edgar, of Stmtford, visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hilde- brandt. Mrs. Haddock, of Palmerston, visited her daughter, Mrs. Pinker. last week, and leaves at the end at this week (or Vancouver, B. C. Mr. Tom. McClocklin visited his home here on 'Duesday, while pass- ing through to Wilflsmstord, on business. Messrs. Arthur and Howard Mc- Donald are in Raven Lake for a couple of weeks doing brickwork for the cement company there. Mr. Neil McLean attended the Itvimeral of his sister, Mrs. Hall, of Lloydtown, on Friday last. Mr. Peter Ram'age, and sister. Miss Ramage, spent a :Iew days visiting .friends‘in. Egremont. Mrs. Richard Boy, of Flesher- ton, is at the bedside of her mother Mrs. J'os. Carwardine, who has been critically ill the past week. Chas. McClocklin lost .a good brood mare and .foal on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Black, of the Middaugh House, were out to their term here on Arbor Day. Rob. Hastie is away on a trip out West, and Miss Mary is home 'from' Markdtale to keep \her mother company. Mr. Joe Firth, of town, had a very neat and most befitting gram- ite monument erected in his plot in Zion’as Acre, last Week. Rev. Mr. Carter, of Varney, fill- ed Zion’a pulpit on Sunday. Ten years .from now he will wonder (how he ever preached such a pessimesfic sermon. oughter. i The Secretaly, on his knees, l Was firmly wanting maple trees 3 And setting them a-plumb: ! He thought 0'. other days gone; by ‘ When other girls and boys did! my. And’ made the day’s work hum. At tlnue a! the noon-tide bel‘ They rushed into the school. pell- PERSONAL. his Trav erston. Single Fare for Round Trip VICTORIA DAY Between all stations in Canada. 3|» to Xingu: Falls and Butfulu. N.Y. Detroit and Port ,Huron. Michigan. Tickets 6004 Going In 23 ad 24. 3: Return mm lay it! Regular Sailing. a follow": Monday” ...8 8. ‘ 'W Tuesday ............. 8.8. “Kev-Mn" Wednesday” ...8.8. “Alberta" Thursday 8.8. “Hummus" Saturday ........... 8.8. "Auiniboh" HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSION ....... Through train to \Vinnipeg and Wad from Toronto 2.00 p.m. on above date. R. MACFARLAME - Town Agent R. HACPARLANE. Town Agent. UPPER LAKE STEAMERS “[17:37: «:8?me STEM 71 Iiipuoi oil mum. ow. for full Junlor having and Intrin- olouon work. The followlng coupon“ on. on how: TBOH. ALLAflJ’moigol. lot Gino-Corm- noll cove. Subjooto: solace. d. Inglloh Gun- mar. Book-hoopla; and Writing. MISS DONALDA KCKBBRACKII. IA. Cumulus of moon‘s Univoniw. Silvio“ Bun. French. lgobro. trick-lotto. Um AHY EDGE. Grndnuo offiol'nu‘ of Rducodon. Subject-z thontnm. (Jo-p Ion. Gounohy. History ond An. Intending student. should ontor ot “no Inch. nlng of the term if possible. Bond on» be». blnodn roooonnble romeo. Durham lo o ond active town. noting it. one» m olnoe of rouldonoo. GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION NOW OP E N Fm. 81.00 pot month in film. I P. TELIFORD. U RAIAAGI.‘ DURHAM SCHOOL. mm AND IQUIPIII‘L‘. Tnins luvs Durham u 7.” an"... ‘50 pom. _ Thins arrive at Dun-hum It 10.!) 3.... L50 p 11).. and 8.55 pm. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY (i. '1‘. Bell. J. I). McDonald. The who! u thou-ooh ”(in math nlity. in chemical: “val npplig .- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE Trains will arrive and depart as fol- lows. until further notice:â€" Roud down Bad I. R. MACFARLANE. '- Town Agent. Dollars -Do|lars - Dollars made by dealing with B. H. MILLER The Hanover Convey-near “Acres. Clonal“, one of cultured at boot hunk bum in G . Fill. fur- bouno. 900d “plug. ‘ mil. Only 1m Acres in Bonflnck. M hr“ house. frame sddition. Fina bunk but sud other good buildings. Prim “I. loss than value of building‘. . IOHBY T0 LEND. VERY CHEAP If you not to Buy. Sell. ‘. OII _. __ C “â€" Borrow, go {d Miller. DEBTS COLLECTEDâ€"No chase if no moncv made. Rgilway and Steamship Tickets sold to all points at low “in. Every kind offinuncill bush... nbdd to carefully and quad y. Bmium established 23 yous. “Anny. Prompt â€"Nevot Neglimt.” H. H. Miller. Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE DIED. cLEANâ€"In Bolton on Tue-thy, In! 8rd, 1910. Huguet Kc- Letn. relict o! the late Willis-l Hall. in her 90th year. Mom: Chairman . Townor. Loot! Agent Durham. HE onm POI CALI 533:7?th '11:] inu- ’ ' if. Lv. Walker-ton Ar. 0.40 “ ank mu “ 0.27 " flanuvor “ 0.1] Oooooih Reid Hun. Hsnom A Ilsa Park Durin- momma-o PMVIIIQ Bungee. Jot. MAY 3

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