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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 May 1910, p. 8

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THE DURHAM CHRONICLE y- 323 and then rem wed with his family In near Bethnnv. S win. where ‘he hul z-im'e resid-tu. A w fa and eren I'hilt'l' M “if l-‘f' ‘0 LII HH'II 'ht’ lam u! a kmd hue" and and fihhfl‘. Urt‘PMOed «as a high y l-v-p wt« (1 old An old resident uf there parts puss- od :m ay 1" Bechunr. 845k" nu Tums- “ .3. Apr“ wlh in (Lr pvr-a II of Julm Fun-h r. Dfi‘rwd Waa 67 years. 3 months am} 27 days nld. He had been Suffering from i c lupin-«tun - ' dist-881'!- fur chr a \vm- «ml 2-" d Itb was not unenwcto-d. Urn-used “'45 a fan-nut and mr cwvr 3'.) yo-ard nwided nu a far." at “Mark “'0'" WI: ”we be mun-d m Hun-over uh-ou' pix yvafl ago. H“ r0~iJed then-v f w :Humt three g-rtlrlvron and math- um flirht‘fi in Ibis \ infinity Will lean-u Hf his“ puking ui'h rvgu-L. The Inner. hum Him-e fr-vlu hi~ late newsidvnce ull Friday after"!!! u at 2 n't‘hwk tn Lu»- Bethune ceme e:y.-â€"P08t. Rev. P. F. Laugill, “The Manse," Carp, Ont, writes,â€"“Some consid- erable time ago I beg-am using: Zam- Buk With a view to testing it thor- oughly. I am troubled with ec- zema,‘.which is always worse in the eanly 'part of the winter and seems to leave me in the early part of spring. I tried Zam-Buk immedi- ately my hands; started to brealf â€"-'-.’ out, and am pleased to say that it checked the disease which is more than I can say .tor anything I have ever obefore tried We have Zam-Buk in the house continuous- ly. The children u‘se'it for scrat- ches, cuts, and any skin injury or diseases. and I carry a small sample box in my pocket. One ev- ening I hep ened to look in where an old man ' d met with an acci- dent a week before and had lost a linger nail. His wife was dress- ing the wound. I dressed it with :Zam-Buk md «left the little sample box with them {or the next dress- ing. I 'have seen the old gentle- man since and 'he has now the same high opinion of Zam-Buk as myself and my Lamily haven ’7‘61â€"1â€"‘aflhé? ocusion a farmer called at the Manse a-_r_1d I .n-oticed a rag on his finger. En airing a- bout the injury, I \learne that he had some how taken 'a piece of flesh off and the wound had started to tester. He was afraid it would turn to blood-poisoning. I gave him a- bout a third of a box 01 Zam-Buk and the applied it. A Jew days lat- er I saw him and he said That’s great salve of yours; my tinge! is now doing fine.’ ” 0L This is a Scotohma-n’s opinion; it has taken ‘a good while to convmce him, but he wanted to make sure 0‘! Zam-Buk’xs merit before endors- ing it. “It is well worth recom- mending.” A- A. ‘0 ‘ .L__L9 This is exactly the kind of testi- mony we most appreciate. Test Zam-Buk! Don‘t go by hearsay! You will find it gives the best re- sults in all cases of eczema, ring- worm, festering sores, piles, cuts, burns, Iace sores, eruptions, and all skin injuries and diseases. All druggists and stores, 50 cents. box or from Zam-Buk Company, Toronto, iov price, but refuse cheap and harmzeul substitutes and imi- tations. The Post hm, frequently called at- tentmu to the cruwus of young men With the llulifl. Runner necks. whu occupy the dourvutys of the busine» huuaes, especinuy un Saturday and. Sunday evenings. Constable Brod-4 haecker has cmled our attention to the ‘ matter again, and he has authority to make. an exmnplv of the utfeudern Ullr of these tine nights. Nothing can be more disgusting or etntmrrnsing to a lady than [0 pass Mung the line of elastic thru‘ tit d gun“. win: as a rule do hut dummy 'us much comnmn decency as their fathers did when they were half naked savages. running thruugh the firms with an Ogilvie flour sack fur a raglan (Wercuett. Nothing on em th Wuuld make at \‘isitur think that he had landed in a. centre of Rubber Ruebes us much as the long line uf green individuals who displa) their lack ut cuurtesy by occuptug the dt)Ul'Wty.~f along the main street uu Sunday evenings and other evenin s after hit-queens hours. A lady reumr - ed to a friend that if her chusen friend even landed up in One of those (inor- ways she Wullld cut him as dead as a Dutchman would a. Swiss cheese.â€" Hanover Post. linioter Who Testedl In Buk Two horrors crowded into one liteâ€"the product of poor digestion and poisoned system. There is just one cure ifoi' this_te;'r.ibl-e ooqdition Ahuut two weeks ago he found one ut'i ‘liisluubs dead on the mud. and nut, suspecting foul play buiied it. Last bnlmday, however, when he found innuthez dead his su§piciuns were 'amnsed. and he called in a veterinarv whu prmmunced death due to poison- ing fmui Pads Gwen. Upon his ex- nuiiuutiuu it, was duscm ewd that the that, lamh had died from a similar cause. The neig hbmhood is much alarmed and incegused uv er the matter, and if It isacaae of fun! play 1.8 the , ear marks would indium, an effort. {should be made to buvo the guilty natty upprehendefi. -â€"â€"(Later. Slipce â€"plently of food, but mind you t-ood properly digested; that's tne difficulty, to improve the diges- tive power of the stomach. Get rich nutritious_ b._lo_od, strengthen the system and drive out oisons, â€"11hen comes vitality, en urance, power. Ferrozone does all this and more, it makes sick people well, weak people strong, changes “nerves” and insomania into robust health. Take Ferrozone and heal- th is yours. 50c at all dealers. Looks Like Foul Play. Mr. G. S. Hopkins, of lot 18, con. 2, Beutmck, has lost a coupte at young lambs lately as _the resplt pf poisoning: should be made to have the guilty pmnce.tnia 6th dayof Decmubar 11.0.1886. " party apprehended.--(Later. Since; (Sun) A W. I}: BARON. the above “:58 put, if tapekword hr: Hull's Cstmh Cam I. uh:0:u:rnfl‘llfufnd been receiv that 1'. Op ins mg: n" ‘ -- found mother lamb dead in his shed agmnxmmmmff“ °‘ “'° "" on Tuesday morning from the same, 31.0.13an coo. Toledo, 0. cause. Surely this business has gone 3 3014 b, .u Druubu m in enough!)â€"Poat. ’ m. unr- rmuy Pm. tormmpmu. W etch For Him Next Saturday. Dam of John Forster. Are You Sleepless. Neurons? M1 Pinkerton has been worn all spring with Mr. Colin Blyth. --- -râ€"â€""F ., Marion Petty visited her friend, Winnie Blyth, Saturday nnd Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. A. McCabe were up to see Mrs. Aaron Vollett on Sun- day. The Varney school flag is at half mast, om account of the 'King a death. Miss Kirby, of Orchard. visited Mrs. Jae. Boy on Monday of this week. Mr. Wm. Bradley, of Orchard, visited his sister, Mu. Wm. Long, on Sunday hut. Bella and Bide McLaughlin spent Sunday of but week with their par- ent: in Varney. Cameron, Winnie and Blanche Lauder, and Wilbert Blyth, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark, of Hamp- den. last Sunday. Mr. Andrew Pinkerton, of Price- ville, visited his father end broth- ers here last week. Sarah Brynns has been' quite sick with quinsy, but, we are giad to say, is better again. Bobby Bryans has been unable to work for a few diays, with an at- tack of appendicitis. Blanche Lauder began on Sun- 6333' morning: to clerk for Mr. A. Seim. We wish her success. One of R.J. Eden’s horses got mired recently, and pretty badly shaken up, but is all right again. Misses Bella Lee and Hazel Den- nett from Egremont, attended the Varney Sunday school on Sunday last. A. s Sarsapnrilla does not stimulate. It does not make yoytfrf'eel better one day, then as bad as ever the next. It is not a strong drink. No reaction after you stop using it.‘ There is not a drop of plcohol ip it. - ‘Y_oq have the steédyy A â€"â€"j -IA, Rev. Mr. Irwin, from Mt. Forest, Chairman of the District, will, D.V.. preach in V'arney church on Sun- day next. Mrs Wm. Clark from Hampden, gavo Mrs. J.W. Blyth a :triendly call. Her little daughter, Bessie, wa~ with her. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Wm. Mountain and Miss Jen- nie Grey, in t‘he loss of their broth- er, Mr. 'Dhos. Grey. The cottage prayer meeting last week at Mr. John Bogle’a was weli attended. This week it will be at Wm. Long’s. Mrs. Art-blur Sewell, and little daughter, from Owen Sound, are visiting Mrs. Sewell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McCalmon. Mr. S. McNaily has resigned his position in the Varney school, and the trustees are advertising for a teacher, duties to commence after the summei' holidays. Mr. Colin Blyth has been tidying up along the road in front of his farm. removing the stones. find levelling down the uneven places. Others should take a lesson from him and do likewise. Cameron Lauder, who has been working in Hanover for some time came home sick week before last but at time of writing is mucli bet- ter. and is working a little a- round home to gain his usual strength. Rev Mr Wright preached and| 1 .ok charge of the anarterly sac-' rammta: service in arney church (m Suida‘glast. He delivered a ,very able and excellent address. ' ,aoi also took up the coqnexicmal Juno's collection and subscription. 7Rcv. Mr. Carter took Mr. Wright’s : work in Durham and Zion, morning i ;and afternoon. . Arbor Day was duly observed at Varnev school by teacher, scholars and trustees, in making a general clean-up in school and groutds, and also planting a number .o'f tru- which improve the looks of thung.. We had on year-aid heifer t'ake “black leg.” and in about twelve hour‘. .from the time we saw the least thing wrong with her, we killed her. We hear that there have been a number of cases in the neighborhood. STATI 0" 03.0. (‘I'I'Y 0" TOLIDO. I II Luna Cocxrv‘ 5 ‘ Funk .1. Cheney nukoa oath that he in Ionic!- rmoraf the film of F. J. Cheney C0. doing mines. in the City at 'I‘olodo County and State “amid and thnt aid firm wm pcy the cum of “NE HUNDRED DULLn R3 for each sod every can of Catsrrh that cannot be c nml by tho no of mum 0mm: Care. must“. can“. Sworn t9 'bgfflma‘ me ‘32“ m‘bacr‘fbegl‘ in my :r's Pills? Lam Pins. ion m m‘ vfififli‘eficm Ném your own doctot and {2:14 M. i‘rfifi I Em. Do as hé 53E ('4 r nt‘ V Farmers’ Central Mutual Fire Insurance COIPANY The Second Strongest Purelyslutual Fire luau-wee Company In Ontario Head Office. - Walkcrton. Out I J. Schmncher, Manager. Insures all kinds of farm Drove" ty and isolated dWellings uL re- duced cash rates. and undm MW‘ 81' premium notes Ior a term of three or four years than can be secured elsewhere Buildings WO‘ tected with lightndng rods and their contents accepted at lower rates than ethers not so protected By October 15th our new factory :it Hanover will be completed. We will require fifty girls. “'9. alt-U have room for a few girls in nut pl'esent quarters. Applications will be received now by FIFTY GIRLS WANTED w. J. McFADDEN. Ag’t WILLIAMS, GREENE ROME C0., Limited HANOVER. - - OKTARIO PROPERTY INSURED NE LY $9‘000,000.00. 2. E. a ECTTTOIIDPU. Egan May 12, 1910 TH E‘ ONTARIO A R- The water wagon wa ' ‘time on Munch-u lien has the contract Grim reduction 1 ‘0 “5‘6 of 29 hats: 31 3 Mon to price for ”knâ€"“.ISI Dick. ( the l for big fish. On Salurduv caught one winch wmgnm. one he.“ pounds. A union servxcv “nu (50 Presbyterian chum-h hd Edd-y morning at1u,:su, 1‘ take the farm mi 3 We (or our lah- 50' Mind the Sevvmh. ; musical and citn! will be 2N9 on the evening 26th. under W“ Continuation SC ou-dcnhrs see bull. All invite kind, or chargr 3 lug Insurance on unpmu-m and tinny {at [In Is, It .1 are u ast'mg nu time in initllled. weeks [urbauN h“ secured a e where she will “rs. Thus. (‘aM term of ()Hifl‘ “0, in l‘t‘fhl h: Spring Stallicm .K fling Mr. \\ m. “Young l’w.ui ,, “Mt pl‘i'l." 1:: 1!: .- "ell as Parr}. ltukes fur hat 1; ”00nd. (01‘ “M. complim-nmmi § bearing the must Not being: Hm 1-. we are thereto! interested in Lu»? W“ Mt nullt' «i 001' Ittenliun U Week. “.P 1141! loch, and Wm: correction so'om Hr. T. W F i chitect. and .‘1 in the NL‘JH in town Fridf? over the 21v“ Ruth MQDUH' contractor. L hIVinK tht‘ § hands, as .‘3 in no uncm La Iflon of the 1' various piaz: were carrird its, and ‘11311 _ 3‘11 McDo 1311.11111‘1 hit workmansh }; '3‘. work of! M). “c I“ Ir. Perrins. 01 Dent-went of Mi W and passed the armory lb headquarters. ad a (all last wc B Corbett. of \‘icu Ir. (‘urbeu is com” P. B, and has the new line hotwvon ' and Peterhuruuzh. hm Dunsmnnl’. 0‘ on Tuesday “’5“: ‘1 postmastvr 1 NO. 2252. service vs iil coming and elocutiol the auspices | schOO‘. FG m posterl I IT Burnt-fl. W off Brod ne 3 ‘5’ wu out issue watch 6 o: e not u put lugh \V )Oll

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