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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 May 1910, p. 6

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Furniture and U “'6 always keep the best, Furniture at the lowest. possible profit” cunsl-stent We eudommr Lu treat. mar customers Well pleased. Just Added -- A Largl RUGS AND FLOO] UPHOLSTERING AND no the shortest notice and :Lt reasmm hmues in which nrtictlvs Hf fuvniun'e u very small expense will make. thmu timos a dollar savel is an gum! m a cl nll thing lweding repairs, bring If, :11»: call and gm, it. Rme-mlwr. we have :1 Lh'n'zmzhl and we’ll glmrnntve szuisfM-rinn o-vm-y \Vo- have just, plum-ll in 24!, v; at frmu 1.50 up. Many nt' t‘w u :u' - \ jul) lll'l"h lwlmv t‘m original .- H’. t‘ I“ .1.“ EDWARD KR 885 Special attention tn Undertaking. Show- m t" *m~~‘.~ ‘- ‘W‘l ' -- mm?! JAMES EDEN PLANING MILLS ZENUS CLARK No “Flying Start” required with this Mower If your mower isn’t a Front Wood. very likely you have to back it up several feet and get a “flying start” before the knives will cut. That is be- came it is made on the Ex- ternal Gear principle. Now. with the Frost a; W: - ‘ Wood No. 8 Mower the kntvel commence cutting the instant the horses begin to move. Thet 1. because the No. 8 is de- signed on the Internal Gear principle. Frost Wood No. 8 Mower on the shortest. notice and at. reztsunnb‘e cost. There are many hmnes in which nrticlvs nf fnrniLnra are becoming shnhhy. and a. very small expense will m nke than: M g "Ml M new. In these times a dollar naval is an gnml an :1. cl l" w earm- I. If you have any- thing needing repairs. bring in almg ”1- let us knnw and We’ll call and get. it. Remember. we have a thin-muzhly practiml man on the job and we'll guarantee satisfaction every Lime. “'9 have just. plm'ml in sL- (:X at lax-g» lut of \\'inan Shades from 250 up. Many of m» n :u- - I. job I .t and we are selling them lD'V‘h lwluw the original r W. (’- ull and sec th'iu. We could tell you here the difference between External Gear Mowers and Internal Gear Mowers. but it would require a lot of opace. and we can explain the difference more readily it you'll drop in and see us. We also want to chow you the Large Bearings need in the Stay-tight Connection between Cutter Bar and Iain Power Frame. u well u the Double Brace need to protect the worm port! from Jaro and joinâ€"end ooveral other feature- oxclnlivo to tho hoot Furniture and Upholstering bWoodellowc. Mud-«unnamed le undersigned begs to annuunce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Also a limith amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on your next. job. All oer-son. owing us an accouJ are requested to call and settle by cat-h or no‘e on or before I... 15:]: of April. % Architects Specify Brandram’ s B. B. Genuine While Lead Brandram’s B. B. Genuine White LCad is unequalled for whiteness, fineness and durability. . It carries more Linseed Oil, makes more paint and covers more surface, works easier and better, than any other white lead made. If you want the best workâ€"or. if you want to do the bestâ€"be sure to start right With “Brandram’s B. B.” White Lead. Mud. {a Can“. by BRANDRAM- ENDERSON, _len. RUGS AND FLOOR OILCLO’I‘H UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIR WORK SASH, DOORS House Fittings Standard 0! The World For lay Gum“ and all klndn o! â€"- "L Furniture 01' the heat m Ik“"3 and sell L. cunsi-oteut with qanlitv. In this way r «augmuuers' right and thvy are always Agent Large Assortment of You may dislike taking medicine â€"but coughs are be-t cured with- out medicine. The modern treatâ€" ment is Catarrhozone-â€"it i-n’t a drug-it’s a healing vapor, full of pine es emes and healin balsams. It spread over the s-ur aces that are weak and sore from coughing. Every spot that’ congested is healed irritation is .oothed away. phlegm and secretions are cleaned out and all symptoms of cold and ‘catarnh are cured. Nothing so quick, 50 sure so pleasant as Ca- tarnhozone. In 25c, and $1.00 sizes at all dealers. Drn’t Nnglcct Your Cough. Furniture and Upholstering.. next door to Post Office Durham, Ont. " 5“ wa "Good Lord! Well, then. who is the best will breaker you know. please? Something has to be done right away.” “I’m afraid you don't grasp the alt- nation. Now, if you were not married it would”- “I wouldn’t give up my wife for all the islands in the universe. That’s aet- tled. You don’t know how happy we are. She's the”- “Yea. yea. I know." Interrupted the wily Mr. Bowen. ”Don't tell me about it. Go and see Judge Garrett. over in the K. building. They say he expects to come back from the grave to break his own will.” Continued from page 2. would be putting It mo're’than mildly. ‘ “What shall I dnâ€"whnt can I do. Mr. Bowen?" be rained. bewildered. ‘Consmt an attorney. ."M Mr. 60mm promptly. “I'll do It!” shouted Bobby Browne, out time halfback on hls college elev- en. “Break the will for me. Mr. 80'- en. and I'll give”- “1 can't break it. Bobby. I'm its ex~ ecutor.” Ten minutes later an excited young man rushed into an omce in the K. building. “You will have to fight it jointly.” said Judge Garrett utter extracting the wheat from the chair of Browne's re- marks. “You can’t take hers away "It’s as sound as the rock of Gibraltar." from her, and she can’t get yours. We must combine against the natives. Come back tomorrow at 2.” Promptly at 2 Browne appeared. eager eyed and nervous. He had left behind him at home a miserabie young woman with red eyes and choking breath who bemoaned the cruel con- viction that she stood between him and fortune. I could." he had cried out to her. but she wondered all afternoon it he really meant it. It never entered her head to wonder 11' Lady Depplngham was old or young, pretty or ugly, bright or dull. Judge Garrett had a copy of the will in his hand. He looked dubious, even dismayed. “It’s as sound as the rock of Gibral- tar," he announced dolefully. “You don’t mean it!” gasped poor Bobby, mopping his fine Harvard brow, his six feet of manhood shrink- ing perceptibly as he looked about for a chair in which to collapse. “C-can’t it be smashed ?" “But. hang it all, dearest, I wouldn’t marry that girl 1t 1 had the chance. I’d marry you all over again today if “It might be an easy matter to prove either of these old gentlemen to have been insane, but the two of them to- gether make It out of the question." “Darned unreasonable!” “What do you mean. sir?" indig- nantly. “I tneanâ€"oh, you know what I mean â€"-the conditions and all that. Why. the old chumps must have been trying to prove their grandchildren insane when the, made that will. Nobody but im- becnes would marry people they’d nev- er “But the will provides for a six months' courtship. Mr. Broivne. I’m sorry to say. You might learn to love u person in less time and still retain your mental balance. you know. espe- clally if she were pretty and an heir. ess to half your own fortune. I dare say that is what they were tth about.” "Thinking? They weren't thinking ofanything at all. They weren’t ca- pable. Why didn't they consider the possibility that things might turn out just as they have?” ’ “Possibly they did consider it. my boy. It looks to me as if they did not care a rap whether it went to their blood relatives or to the islanders. I fancy of the two they loved the is- landers more. At any rate. they left a beautiful opening. for the very com- plications which now conspire to give the natives their own. after all. It’s necessary for both of ”a to be on the ground according totschedule. You must go to the island. wife or no wife. and there’s not much time to'be lost. Lady'Deppingham won’t let the grass grow under her feet if i know any- thing about the needs of English no- biiity. and 1'" bet my but she’s pack- ing her trunks now for a long stay in .lapat. You have farther to go than she. but you must get over there in- side ot sixty days. You can't tell what may happen in the next six months." “What do you mean?” f “Well. it's possible that you may be- éome a. widowerjndjbo um”â€" y. THE MAN r'RUM BRODNEY’S TH E DURHAM CHRONICLE ”600d heaven. Judge Garrett! Im- possible!” gasped Bobby Browne. clutching the arms of his chair. “Nothing is Impossible. my boy.” “Well. if that's what you’re counting on you can count me out. i won't speculate on my wife’s death.” “But. man. suppose that it did hap pen!” roared the fudge irzim'ihls‘. “3 0|. should be prepared fur the best-l mean the worst. lum‘t Imlk like a sick dog. You :0 In thv island at once. Take your wife: alum: If ya!) like. Ynu’ll find n'cr ludyship there. and she'll nevd n wmzmu to tell he? tumbles to l (luu’l think we‘ll have any trouble getting: the British heirs to join in Ilw suit tn «n'm'tm'nw the will. The «mix [mint ls mix-tho ls- landvrs umsl Iml have Hm :wlvnnmgc that your illmvm‘v frwlll Jalml will give In :lwm. NHW. l'll”-- "Hm I «lnu't likv'tfzv wrgvstinn that my wife will Iw uixliiml to die in whim"â€" No preparatioon for the hair has done so much to stop falling hair and eradicate dandruff and make women’s hair beautiful as Parisian Sage. ' Parisaiarn Sage is the only certain destroyer of the dandruff microbe which is ’the cause of 97 per cent of hair troubles. It is a ficent dressing for women who esire luxuriant, lust- rous hair that compels admhzation. And a barge bottle of Parisian Sage costs only 50 cents at Mac- fsfiame 8r. Co’s and all over Can- Parisian Sage, the Hair Grower. in Now Sold in Canada on Honey Back Plan. We a mighty good thing (or the women of Canada that Parisian Sage can now be obtained in ev- ery town of consequence. Parisian Sage is buch an extraor- dinary and quick acting rejuvenat- or that Macfanlane 6: 00., who are the agents in Durham, guarantee it to cure dandruff, atop falling hair and itching scalp in two weeks or_n:_oney back. _ These pernicious, persistent and destructive little devils thrive on the 'ordinary hair tonics. "Pi“zlSP have :1?! the ('mmils to me. Mr. Bruwnu ll H::I\ Hnl lw Ixen'cniszlry ful' her tn div 'I'hvw :u'v qun-r alter- nativvs in I-m'. «:h‘v lhv lawyers at ('Imnt'P. .-\|I‘)‘«I!l Ilanv h- (in is [0 plant )1 mam-If uh t'r'l i‘lfH‘li 'tml ‘Tily 'llvz‘c Im‘i! wc- tvl: \'= u t2 u'! -:‘t " There was a great rattling of trunks. a jangllng of keys. a thousand good- bye, :1 castotr season. and the Deppingo hams were racing away for the island otJapat. somewhere in the far south it steps tin martini m3 bring: case. It covers the wound wlth a layer of 9:0- tectlve balm, kllls all poison gum: already in the wound. Ind reveal: other: earning. It: rich healing halal W than bold up {tom lb: bottom. lush chm! and lo a wonderfully shod timc the wound is bald! tun Buk'l popululty in hand on malt lmlutlom neutron cute; 30 turn and m the ml thing. “lam-But" in primed on ovary packu o! the genuine. Down. .1] omen, 50c all dmiutl god ItOl’tI o: h'” Coo. TO'ODtO. Apply Zam-Buk to all wounds and ms and you yin be surprised how quickly ASK MACFABLANE CO To be continuad. The best is the best, and it is at our store you will find it. NO danger of indigestion if you get your bread, cakes, etc. from us. Try our ‘Hume-nmde’ specialâ€"very appetizingr and nourishing. MODEL BAKERY GEO. STINSON 7W’W’3’” cfl‘maam,’ awn". l5 KING 5' EAST A... Chinslor and (“r m the great puss they pllCed Uwir .2: OI multi-miilitmaitw- Zed. Phelps mm in the ('0 million dollars“ xx 0': “70d his money, :11 d1 acids. and, as u We often look back a: ”t been as good a5 our catty. This looking lvacl II plrticularly inlvr csting “ Sterling """"" a Premier ------ a Monte Cl'istfl'“ u s“; Joaquin"- “ Peerless-“w " Millions Fm “an the “Silvvr T utock ramped in a “‘31 dividend of 10c we! 6‘“ hm occurred but a It would be diff'u You have the same «at. and plenty of t! 7'0 to: yourself ‘hcfor “World’s wealth; yc convictions. and ad Don’t fiigh m ngic “5) ‘3" “(I stated by Him tho walla drilled in H: MW Oil. You mu m I) .11 oil investm m your mom 5 I .0“. hrge returmmi If. operating in Hm} will and quick ac‘ Crude oil, at mu- b producer at sixt‘ ”7. Californian 913 u “ cheaper fun-1 U George The (0:110an is 3 ii! eye! to the possibilitic I! you bid invested no. you couid have mat O’Donnell. ( I": W'hO, thI‘OU womb. "903 a Sum- Dom “ Lucite-"m ' u 8.!) Joaqu “ Peerless-M ¢ Kern give a Cantrll 0i IS adve Coalin {our became m

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