West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 May 1910, p. 8

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THE DURHAM CHRONICLE zlwar the price but we kmm she is r I five cow. Mr. “C Sackett hung ht a cow from ‘31-...1 Hilluf Buntln a... “e dduc Mrs. J. Mchugall has g mi 10‘ visit. MN. McDougnll uf Yoovil. J. will u it lakv hutch ball. We are pleased to we Miss Mae Ernest home. again I m in: leder than we expected after her sink spell. Mrs. \V. McKiuuie 0f T .r-umn and Iwr little daughter E \‘n are vi "in“ lrr unrlv and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sackett. “e are son-1y to bear that Mrs. Ch”. “ :queu uf B- uthv he. \\ ho got he: arm hanken some tinw xg ' is not. itumm ing 3-; u all as vu- \umtd Mi h to hear. Mr. and Mrs. T. Auhisnn of Dro- mal'e 62:] ed on M 1'. Hugh Awhieon at ;he corner on Sunday. Mr. Rwhinson of Alberta is residing at yn-aent. with his daughur Mrs. 521'" McMm'do Of this place. “'9 mm pleased to hear that Mrs.! Neil McFadden is improving. Wei hupe‘. she will soon be fully weavered. The cnruer was favored with a call hum: tho- Rev. Mr. Kendall of Dromore. 'Wiil he pleased to see him again at my time. Fine grnwinz weather at yresen’. Rape in may cnntinue as it is mmh needed. He Keeps It In "Some mm). 6ch yuu kmow" said Mr. Urinkililntl. "uiH $1.1: ufl :I MINI. \th dawn album 2! Hal mm m'vak a mg. and tlwn .mutlu-r man will fall wt? the tug» U! a smw-mvo-x, stnry mm»: and um mum muss His «Inuws. Am! It's abut" the salm- any with wan-laws. "l drama-t! m5 wzm-n :m- “Hm day :Ilmm six iurlws «.n In :I Hll'h' pills". 'zll'pvl, and it t'usl llll' .741? In! l't'pzlll’s. When I 'ms um wuzmng With my fr'wnd anillkuillhy Hus umymug he drnmwd Ins “an-h cm the sun-walk. and H didn't SH 'lolsé'h :19 sum h. ”It suumwd \Hu-u n mmw duwn HR» 3 sate fuumg mu m a mun wmdmv. and it Was um 3 (Wu «:«mm- “mm. .IHU i I',\ln'('lo-|l. to! I'mu‘m‘, [u NW NW“;- kwihh} jusl M: K “H" (Iza;.|a1'ial“dti'l [11H samuzua :um .a...~.- um, um H swans ihflflkwiiiby Mu“ lhu “nu-II twltvr :lv ptkml up “4- s-:'_-.~I.u, HHl M'vu win-14rd. Hum nun-1v It mu tzc-wu. sow- ‘vn Iva-t :l\‘.':l_\' awn sv'll mm m Ins Inn-k "lt suumwu wzn-u n mzzu- duwn ”R? a same faulting mu m a lugh wmduw. :llld it was will) .1 (Wu (:mmr mm-u. and i I'.\|Dm'lo-Il. n: I‘nul'm‘, [u MW ”WU;- kwiuhg jcssl M: k Um (lac;.|c1'lll“¢!i'l HIP samuzua :um .o...~.~ om‘ uul ll swans ii\\‘in\\'iHL;.\' Mu“ Hlv uuu'h letvl‘ UP [:Lkml Uln IH' I'l‘;.~!.‘u, Hut c'VPu vln- Hm]. lz‘um “£va ll hm! nuwn. sav- PM Im't ”\‘CILV “MI W“ In.“ In Ins [nu-k Pt. zHMI NIP“ hr un'k'c'u HI Hw \\':It('l|. "It was gun" :94 ngm. mu some- ,- tww III lhv IzIII Hh' In“; IIIIIII had "(It bl‘lll. He sHamuwnmI IIIII III:.II bent hand “fill has In. IU‘HUIHP m IIIIII Im- (“II pui: llt'l\ “. III. I.’ II nulvl‘. :IIId IUPII III- MIMI ufi HIP II,\.~I;II run «It the. \\':III|I and [All HIP I-rysIII: hilt'k In plant and IIII‘II Izv SIIIIIIIIIIII HIP rim IIIII-k UH “Ir ”'4’!” U‘ Ilw wulvh again and IlrnmII-II HIP \I'IIII'II III his [Iovket IIIIII slurtml “II. and As I was suym"; hr ~:I:II. jIIsI :Is I: Imihm: lIIld hap- ‘M'IH‘U " - \\‘:I.~1IIII;’IIIII I'usl. A Little Frotlrm That Floored the Lightning Catculator. “NH‘V urtiln-‘m-u.’ (-ulu'llidvd the lightning «°:=lrt:..i:ur. “1 me «lemon- stt'utml in yutl llinlll this 9!“? Mark huard the ll.:li'\‘c'lnll:~' Sin-HI and awm'a- cy insurml by my great system of addi- tion. snimtravtiun. (livisiuu and multi- plicatiuu. and i trust that you are all szitisfipd with the results. Now. 1;?!» llvuwn. l ‘zu'e 't-I'e a little shillin' hunk- l9! explainin' my marvelous system in full and by a (-arefnl persual of which i will guarantee gun to become as ex- pert a lightnin' calculator as myself within the period of one week. by which time I shall be out of the town. Ahem! Now. gentlemen. when you re- call that l was straight away able to multiply 1.lll.lll.lll.937 by 937.111.- 111.111.111 perhaps you will"â€" “One moment. sir!" called out a shrill voice from the back of the crowd. “But will you answer me a question? I’m no scholar myself. but 1 was won- dering the other night how old a child born in September. nineteen nought nine. would be in September, nineteen nought ten '3" L... â€"vâ€" The lightning calculator threw his lnterrogator a look of contempt. '"5‘65é‘29ar. of course. my llttle man.” he replied sarcastlcally. --- A An- “Well." retorted the shrill voice, “I thlnk 1! you were to go home and in). prove your own arithmetic you would find that child would be 17,101 years old.”-London Answers. A Msttsr of Smokestacks. The smokestacks on ocesn"vessels of recent years have been made to slope backward more particularly to give the steamer a raklsh air. the. mast: also being given the same slope. As to the en‘ect on the draft. thene is s slight one. as the wind pressure on the front of the stack sloping up and over the top of the stack is more apt to draw the smoke out than to cut it ofl'. but from all we are aware of this seems to have been held of seéondary con- sideratlon. 1The shape of the smo‘e- stacks also is changing from round to ovsl so as to present less surface at the front. It you compare the steam- ers with the sloping and straight smokestacks. in one case the, former, while motionless. still appears‘ to have life, while the rigidity of the other gives it an appearance of niche-I even while under considerable speeds: St. Nicholas. 4 Sackett’s Corners. Heaven and rth Ill min“ a Ounce. billet. Mr. Timid (hearing noise :1: 2 a. In.) â€"1 til-think. dear. that there 1 1 m-mn tn the house. His Wife ( ru- BtSTHJ-B THE BCASTER. HIS STURDY WATCH. Heaven and girth light In "In the bid m 2‘ Amie. Not In this room-48mm!) Tun- Hung!” With said Dullboys! Dull girls! Donnell! Dullwonal! Heavy-headed! [Sownheartedg Al mohadutoaoosflpaflon! Yetthecnnbsomâ€"Aya’sl’flb. Askymm Balcohola tonic? No! Does it make the blood pure?! No! D05 it strengthen the nerves? No! Is Aye“ Samparilla a tonic? Yes! Does it make the blood pufe') Yes! Does it strengthen the nerves? Yes! Is it the onl§ Samparilla entirely free from alcohol? Yes! Ask your doctor ahapt this non-alcoholic medicine. If he approves, ydur_confidence will be complete. l Questio Alcoho Some “8 Duke of York Harrison’s,Egremont, for noon; thence to James Hopkins, Glenelg, for night. TUESDAY-Jib A. McEwhern’s. Glenelg. for noon; thence home for night. Will stand for mares for the season of 1910, as follows: MONDAYâ€"Will proceed to Thou. ‘VEDNESDAYâ€"To Priceville for noon, thence to Arch. McMillan’s Glenelg. for night. THURSDAYâ€"Will proceed to Niel Bros., Township Hall, Glendg. for nauu. thence to Wm. Greenwood’s. 6th Glenelg, hr night. FRIDAY â€"- To John McVickers, Glenelg, thence to Davis Hink’s, near Ceylon, for night. SATURDAYâ€"To Eli Ostmnder’s. Artemesin, for noon, thence to his own stable, where he will remain un- til the following Monday morning. This route will be continued throughout, the' season. health and weather permitting. L. BROOK. Prop., Priceville The Imported Clydesdale Stallion 8043 C.S.R. I2948 5.5.8. Farmers’ Central Mutual Fire Insurance Head Office. - Walkerton.‘ J J. Behmnacher. Manager Insureu all kind; of term prove" ty and isolated dwellings at re- duced cth reten. and under lowâ€" 01' Premium notes for a term 0‘ three or {our years than can be secured elsewhere Buildings pro- tected with lightning rods and their contents accepted at lower rate: than other: not so protected W. J. MCFADDEN. Ag’t- DURHAIL ONTARIO By OctOhel‘ 15th our new favtwry at Hanover will be completed. WP will require fifty girls. \Vv alw have room for a few girls in «mr present quarters. Applications will be received now by WILLIAMS, GREENE ROME (30., Limited HANOVER, - - ONTARIO PROPERTY INSURED NEAR‘ LY 09‘000,000.00. ~COMPANY The Second Strongest PurelyMutuaI Fire Insurance Company In Ontario and Office. - Walkertomflnf May 2 3, 1910 TH E ’0 per cent, off {.mm wanna 8: Lo. A urge ass .t the (911‘! Wiping rags want ugh price paul. A: 1 one biggest mu mt Orangomon a M ye ar. Rubber gum]k w. boug‘ht mu 8 C.“ and sec. at 8‘10”. The editor of um 1 odved an invitatinn t It the laying of thv of Artemmia'h nmx' IchOOl at Flo'shornm, tute- place on Fndax Come We have illSt m Mir I trip to Toronto. and ha! I Md stock at nmx' M1 “any. All June “1' \nl lint ciass stock of high [buy to select from.-â€".\l At the requvst of m cutomers. We have m tine for settlmg up (1 till June 25th noxt. AH they will posnin l\ ht- other bands fox colu CU Be“: SO“. We have just 0th ”OCR of summt :- mi “Elmer hats LH‘ 13' during thv m«~mh ( best time (u Svlvct her hat. Innwoti‘ Mr. J05. Brawn n house completed few days haw IWIS on the Saw; furnish 200d ra‘m' young folks. and Will amwxiatv hi patronize him in. Our atlmfliun has I mistake \VhiHh ( Travers-ton our“- week crod'itiny M and Ryan \vilh 1:1: rod- on Mr. J. Mt-\ “in contract. \w wu complvuwl by (ll 6! Fergusmx. \‘ been doing mmsid In other part: «.1 t Some hays, on noon last. “1 u ('17 I bonfirv at 121.1 rocery shnw. an “'6 IGbidv'uw 'i no mrticukn dun; cation. 3 m. 414! mm!“ Furm'mn Ipplied in at Iraq I reminder um “m We") ti w the head of U)!‘ h' the match. NEWS A The remains n. M: d PPSCEVIHP. “z ; ;. cemetery hum «... i’ Mllst. Th.‘ ”1" m was in hi 5 ’Cll'. Ind a h}(_:'}.';\ Mt of the Inuh‘f. to. Il-my years. A : 5' becume sn-mwx dance 0! a L' L manifested itmlz .‘ ‘4‘ one of his logs \\"= ‘i tble by his nn 1. ‘ Indiana 'm: h ‘ ' {00d progzx. :n‘z. tC-n but 1215! um». CI-Q Worse. and m N. of his sun: v'iJLi‘ A 'Cl'y [81110 C011?” a” relative: am loud the remaiw 1 M the last me “was much solemn: ”0”. It. Mathew 30'. Dr, Farquhar “byteriln church to Durham 0 usortmom ntral Drug welcom¢ ere own now h Med and W ( have hi l!‘( Ire DI: (‘xtt‘ ll ”I Ute ma! m MM U

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