West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Jun 1910, p. 2

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” u AID ll. CON. 3. a. u. a. Giant. II “no bu _ . mm. Ran-‘31, wall watered. must be sold. . . Johan. Durban. am. no ACRE PAR)! O.\' T tension of Glenetz. N.D.R Ind 16. This farm i9 We! ed and has good building at! thereon good land, and an excellent opportunity to: the right man. For further particu- lars. apply on the premises to A. Ford. Bunessan. Feb. 4, 3mm] [51' 21. cox. 2, xowss'mi OF ‘50 any-on .. lots 15 1 water- 5 erect- m n, CON. 1, 1U".‘Ju5- 'â€" eremont. containin 106 acres ebout 1') acres bar wood bush I scre' swamp timbered, the reef clnr; barn 303-50, stable 30:“. Orchard 1 acre. watered by 2 wells end apring. Put 0! purchase money can remain on mort age. For particulars app‘ly W1 liam Bud‘ey. Orchard. Ont. 1.01" _1 THE 2-STOREY ROUGH store on Garafraxa Str Parrolt property. For lars apply to A. C. Gra ham. iIRST CLASS Threshing outfit. feeder blower attachments; e \.u.‘\-‘-1 v- _ Threshing outfit. fet'tlz'l‘ anal blower attachments. Traction} engine. All in guud condition: Apply to Malcolm Black, Mid-i (laugh Hume. Durham. tj-«ltpi THE DURHAM FURNITURE CO.» Limited. offers for sale, the fol- lowing wood: Short slabs, (louâ€" ble load. $3.25; Edgings, single load $1.25; Kiln dried edgings, lingle load. $1.50. Cash with all. .â€"â€" m BUILDING OCCUPIED BY P.G.A. Webster 33 )evvellery store. .1! JJ’. Teltord 39 s law office, with show cases, wall canes, clock and safe. At | bargain. A ply ‘ to A. Gordon, Weyburn. ask. 61009“ â€"â€"._. GOOD BRICK RESIDENCE ON Lambton Street, Durham, oppo- site the Methodist parsonage. One of the nicest situated prop- erties in Durham. In good state of repair. Will sell on reason- able terms to quick buyer. Ap- ply on premises to T. Moran. 4.7 " -â€"_â€"v HAVING DECIDED TO LEAVE town, I am offering for sale my residence in Durham. This is a solid brick property, equipped with new coal furnace, hot and cold water both upstairs and down, and a well-equipped bath room. A bargain for quick pur- chaser. I also offer for sale a house and lot, with stable, at $850, on easy terms.-â€"W. F. DUNN. G. R,. Glonelg. 50 acres. fenced, good buildings, twc orchards. and good spring well. {95,0 Lots 2 .and 3 on ens terms.â€"W. 1". DUNN. l' . r y - | As I have disposed of my Bak- ._ .___._.â€"â€"â€"._.â€"â€"~ LOT 5, CON. 1, N.D.R., GLENELGuery business in Durham. all ac- consisting of 50 acres of good? counts must be settled at once. pasture. 0n the premises are a G. H. STINSON good dwelling house and tai l -7».-- _- -----.-._ _- -- outbuildings, a never failing r spring and a good quantity of Teacher wanted timber. Good fishing. An ideal POORâ€"STSTâ€"Nbâ€"mf,_E_G_R_E"M- ONT. property for 3 ”93'9“ Grey Co., duties to commence wt- ‘,‘"m"'7~ or 3"” person desxnngl ter summer holidays. tApply. first mass pasture for stock. Forl stating experience, certificate, further . particulars apply ~t°i and salarv expected to \‘S. T. Chris. Firth. Durham. or Alex. Chapman.\’arnev Ont 6-9“ Firth. Lloydtown. 1239:” ' ' ' ' ..- q..- .. COD. acres 1811i!) {r bout 45 acres cxe unto of cultivz hardwood bush. Lot 3. Corn. 3. tea. about 12 ac mg creel parcel. ‘ parcels t of PM?!“ on 8991'“ 000‘ THE O’DON’NELL PROPERTY near Grand Trunk station. Ap- ply to A. E. Jackson. 4.7tf .. W-..-â€"â€"-..â€".â€"..â€"â€"â€"- 81X ROOMED HOUSE AND TEN acres of land in the town cf Durham. 0n premises are good $3 pen, hen house and stable. 1 ill rent house without land. if desired. Apply to John Moffatt. Durham. 3.17.“ ig pen. hen house and stable. 1 d '1 f , â€". . ill rent house Without land, it; 94 01' OTCC 011 )Oll all lmlta- desired. Apply to John Mafia: ‘ ; tion of the “D, 8; L,” AIenthoI Durham 347-" Plaster. Look for the “D. â€"-.MI Farmers’ Notice L.” track-mark on the tin. It 1 wfil BE AT ABERDEEN Bvflguarantees the genume and err Wednesday. the balance of the most efiective remedy for the winter to measure and pay . for all quwlogs delivered there Rheumatic aCheS and Palns, Tm». highest price paid for all Lumbago, Sciatica, Backache, o‘night, sound logs of fill kind of timber. Custom saying 911 ‘etc- “25C: eaChoJX-ard 1.01115 Court of Revxsion for the Town of Durham will be held an the Town 11311 Durham, on Saturday, May 28. at 8 o’clock p. m. All Interested will govern themselves according- ly. W. B VOLLET. Clerk. we: J. RUDD MATHEWS, MARKDALE 00L. Licensed Auctioneer for 'ne County of Grey. Sales at- am l" arms fur Sale. : 60 acres cle good bush. | be sold to I'Ip‘unv _______ ‘â€" 0 I . 115 of lumber. Custom sawing an CtC 25C eaCh- ftYhard 1'01 shingles done early in the spring. equall-ng-seven o e reg“ ar â€"- 'â€"- ' ‘.-_ .‘ -â€"N.' McIntyre. mlad {c at roa'IOnal.2e terms. Arrangements mnv be made at the Chronicle amt-p. Durham ng apt: For Sale or Rent}: 1 W.(} R 21 Egremont. contmn mg a . Well wta tered by never- 2 spring and “a running Srmént and’other pa} 9 lication to Joseph Varney P.O. acres clear Licensed Auctioneer to sm Will Mar hale. Wm ih. These 1 together 11 terms to further I Nntice. is :5: 33d"? of 15 Bentinck. 10° 3‘" tared' and 40 SCI.“ ROUGH CAST {raga Streetâ€"the Ly, For particu- A. C. Grant, Dur- much CV H 1 one or :urchasery s. 3. 8- D- 8- FISHING. HUN'HNG. ox TEES- ‘hv "‘9‘“ barn, passing is stricfly forbidden on 22.,“ Lots 47. 48. and 49. Con. 3. N P 'A I Glenelg, Parties found so doing Futon an'- will be pr(:?€f¢_'2ted.â€"W. J. Maâ€" _ “’4 I.“ cohtaining '0‘) ZEtICv UP-TO DAT}? mm. YOU"! at. o. ”fin-“’0“ Patte 3.18.61 May. 31-09 and 0th I O .- i’ stairs, L'mhnon Street. RMidech Corn" Qm-eu and George Stuntsâ€"5mm m Moth-did: Church (Mice boutsâ€"2H] . m 2-4 ~ on _ 7-9 n.m. Tulanhomo No. 10 ‘ ' flmrt distance out uf KMDP'G Limb mn Street, Lowvr ann. ll 9530-9 hours from ‘2 m ‘3 n’int-k Arthur Gun. H. D. ')HY5H.2m:~' ANHSURGBON. ()F t tit-e in the New Hunter Block. Oflim mun. a In {J 4. 0).. to 4 p. m. am! 7 1.4% y. m. Spowml attgntion given to damsel- v‘ wnmen Med children. Residence op "aim Presbvmrian Church. aw aux-ant 1'99).Louuluo Uphtulmw Ho» “1.. and “003d": Sq. Throat sud 3000 Ho. L R. C. P., LONDON. ENG {V RADULA'I'B of London, New v'v'ill be at Knapp Hons “wind." in much m‘nutl‘ 2-4 D Ufiica. nearly opp ofice Lambton ~t. t...Dm pf munev to Man In .5 ampertv. _ J 1? enumnnsm n s { ()Nt'MHHAUUAl‘E. UNIVERSI. ty of anonto. Graduate R031 )Miuge Damn! S'xrgenns of Ontario _ Dentivtry in all its Branchas. Jinanâ€"Calder Block. over Post ()fiivr -, â€" vâ€"v- \ or. Conveyancer. I c. lasurauu. 5.30m. Money :0 Loan. Issueryt Mm mute Licenms A general fimncml blléi noes tranmtod. DURH AM ONT. (Lowor Town.) Fiflane, J. C ollier. (SuccesSUr tn \V. F. Dunn) ARRISTER, SULICITOR, CON- veyancer. Notary Public 824:. Money to loan on farm property. In- surauce effected. life or fire. Offive over Standard Bank, Durban), Ont. )FPICE COUB‘I‘ OF REVISION Township of Glonolg 1910 vear 1910 will be held at the Town Hall on Saturday, the 11th day of June. 1910 at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, of which all part- ies concerned. will please take no:- g G. Hutton. I. D..B. I. MI E TELFORDS BLOCK UP SPECIALIST : gl ....-.‘â€"‘.8 THROAT NOSE rrs. lamieson Maclaurin. F‘FlCE AND RT‘. {UBNCB A Newspapers many times folded, will serve as a mat to stand hot and blackened pots or kettles on, and thus save soiling the kitchen table. A. H. Jackson. ' NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION i GOOD HOUSES FOB Apply to J.M. Lat'unu'. siie $1.00. Dims“ ARRISTBL. fasted 21st day of May, 1910. J. 8. BLACK, Cler k -0 -< - - DR S. 8. NO '2, EGREMONT. Grey -Co., duties to commence af- ter summer holidays. {Apply stating experience. certificate, and salary expected to \S. 'l‘. Chapman, Varney, Ont. B-Qt‘i Don’t let an unscrupulous Medical Directorv .H Lem! rDirectory TH! 3181' TOIIO brallflcklym lakes on! blood: om: mutt!!! [atom vitality. Taken anu- my mu.“ 1!? Mal-dumb“ .nol l‘himum. 0; Eye. Eu hose and Tnmt mid! Directorv Native. To Rent. A. C. Grant DR. BURT. NOTICE .6. Pickering Dentist. f eIford. soucymu, ETC apposie the Haiti-tr) Durham. Anyam‘fmm use, Dur Ritchie vb inf...“ m?“â€" cent. won far" Am '9 Hath! Uurhnn ntvr’é 413t! 2nd \. nu 3 Almost before they could realize iwhat had happened the newcomers ‘ were chattering in the spacious halls i, below. tramping about the rooms and 'giving orders in high. though appar- . ently emcacious voices. Close at their ‘heels tr00ped the servants. all of 1 whom took part in the discussion in- 'cident to fresh discoveries. At last they came upon the great balcony. pausing just outside the French win- dows to exclaim anew in their delight. ' “Great!” said the lawyer man after a full minute. “Finest I’ve ever seen! Isn’t it a picture, Browne?” open mouthed upon Robert Browne and his wife and his Inaidservants ‘and his ass. for that was the name which his lordship subsequently applied. with no moderation. to the unfortunate gen- tleman who served as Mr. Browne’s attorney. The Americans were being swiftly. cozily carried to their new home in litters of oriental comfort and elegance. fanned vigorously from both sides by eager boys. First came the Brownes, eager faced, bright eyed, alert young people, far better looking than their new enemies could conscien- tionsly admit under the circumstances; then the lawyer from the States; then * a pert young lady in a pink shirt waist { and a sailor hat: then two giggling. ut- ‘ terly un-Engiish maids. and all of ;them lolling in luxurious ease. The red Jacket was conspicuously absent. It is not to be wondered at that his lm-dshin looked at his wife, gnlped in It is not to be wona lordship looked at his sympathy and then memorable. The pert girl in the pin! I'als opened a small portfolio, whlle the others gathered around her. She rm therefrom The lawyer drew a com pans from his pocket and pointed vaguely into what proved to be thl southwest “We must tell Lady Depplngham hm : to take the rooms at this end," wat the next thing that the listened. heart _ from Mrs. Browne’s lips. Her lady- shlp turned upon her husband wlth a 1 triumphant sniff. i “What did I tell you,” she whis- ', pered “I knew they’d want the beat 3 0t everythlng. Isn’t it lucky I pounced 1 upon these rooms! They ahan’t turn 1 us out. You won't let ’em. will you. } Denny?" l “The impudence of ’em!” was all l that Deppy could sputter. I At that moment the American party i caught sight of the pair in the corner. I For a brief space of time the two par- } tie: stared at each other, very much “Glorious!” said ynunz Mr. Browne. taking a long breath. The Dem‘nng- hams. sitting unobserved. saw that he was a tall. good looking feihm'. They worn mwnnscionablv amused Whon m cident to fresh discoveries. they came upon the great balcony. pausing just outside the French win- dows‘to exclaim anew in their delight “Great!” said the lawyer man after “Finest l’ve ever seen! I full minute. Isn’t it a picture, Browne?” "Glorious!” said young: Mr. Browne. The Demilng- hams. sitting unobserved. saw that he 'l‘hev taking a long breath. was a tall. good looking felan. were unconscionably amused when in suddenly reached out and took his Wife’s hand in his big fingers. $21- was very trim and cool looking in he white duck. “i'll see what I can do. Mr. Browne. Got to have cooks. eh, Lord Deppingâ€" ham?" Without waiting for an an- swer he dashed off. The native car- riers were leaving the grounds when Britt’s shrill whistle brought them to a standstill. The lawyer waved a tri- umphant hand to his friends and then climbed into one of the litters to be borne OR in the direction of the town. “He’ll have the servants back at work before 2 o’clock." said Browne calmly. Depplngham was transfixed with astonishment. “Howâ€"how the devil do youâ€"does he bring ’em to time like that?" he murmured. He afterward said that if [6'7 ‘ “What does Baedeker say about it Bobby ?" asked Mrs. Browne Hm voice was very soft and full-4m» quiet well modulated Boston voice and mat net. Iâ€"Ifithe hunter and the hunted look when they come face to taco without previous warning._ Then a friendly, m is Lord Deppingham?" “Ya-as." drawled Deppy, with a 1008 which was meant to convey the in) presslon that he did not know whq the deuce he was addressing. “Permit me to introduce myselt. 1 am Robert Browne”. w70h," said Deppy, as u that am not convey anything to him. Then, as an uterthought. “Glad to know yogi _I’m “Don’t you intend to present me to Lady Deppingham?” he demanded bluntly Without taking his eyes from Deppy’s face. “Ohâ€"erâ€"ts that news"- “Lady Depptngtmm.” mm Browne, “1 am Hubert Browne, thn man you are expected to marry. We are here for the same purpose. I no pect. We can’t be married to each other. That's out of the question. But we can lfie together as 11 we”â€" “Good Lord!” roared Deppy. coming to his feet in a towering rage. Browne smiled apologetically and lifted hi! sure." 85" he did not rise, nor did he extend his hand. For a moment young Browne waited, a dull red grovlng In his temples. "Thank you. Mr. Browne. for being so frank wit! us." she said coolly. ”It you don’t mind. I will conhult my' .0- pllcitor.” She bowed 9"" 80 Sliflhfl)’. ”Vivâ€"v- me is lac-966cm. Lady Depplngham. Doesn’t it strike you that we will be very foolish if we stand alone and against each othvr?" “My aollcltor"- began Lady Dep- plngbam and then stopped. She smiling in spite of herself. ' ______ vâ€"“Yonr soiiEi'tor and mine can get to- gether and talk it over." said Browne blandly. “We’ll leave it to they. I m quite ready to be a friendly ally. not a TflE Mi N i HRHDNE “Let me understand you.” begin Depplngham. cooling 0!! suddenly. “Do you mean to say that you are not going to flght‘ as in this matter?" “Not at- all, your lordship,” said Browne codlly. “I am here to fight Taswell Skaggs and John Wyckholme. deceased. 1 think both of us will run no risk if we smash .the will. If we don't smash it the islanders will cheer- fully take the legacy qfl_ our hands.” "va Jove!" mu'tte'red Denny. 100““ at his wife. abashed same lighted Browne’s TllE DURHAM CHROX OLE then said something ,” said Brown an end and. moreover, man u u... W. been of her choosing. “Any time. ynur ladyship.” said Browne. also bowing. "I think Urn. Browne wants to speak to you about the rooms.” indicating “We are quite svttled. and very well sanisfie pointedly. turning red touch of 'anger. rooms at this end." “We have. We are oroupying them." “I’m sorry.” said Browne “We were warned not to take them. They are said to be unbearable when the hot winds come in choher." ”What’s that ?” demanded Deppmg- ham. ‘ â€"- J .1- scription which we have secured sets all that out." said the other. “It'l strange that the servants didn’t warn you." ‘Theâ€"the confounded servants left us yesterday before we came. every mother‘s son of ‘em. There isn’t a servant on the place." “What? You don't mean it? 1 say, Britt. come here a mmnent. win you? Lord Depplnghnm says the servants have struck.” The American lawyer. a chubby. red faced‘ man of forty, with clear my eyes and a stubby musmche. whistled sonlfnlly. be and had Saunders there at that ha. mlllating moment he would have kick- ed him. 7652;“ afraid of the American bat. tleship.” said Browne. “But where is the American battle- ship?" demanded Deppingham. looking wildly to sea C L- â€"_U - _ “They understand that there will be one here in a day or two it we need it," said Browne. with a sly grin “That's the bluff we’ve worked.” He looked around for his wife and. find- ing that she had gone inside, politel:~ waved his hand to the Englishman and followed. he had chosen rrom the hundred or more. He seemed to have an Aladdin- like eflect over the horde. Ca 1 taking Lord Deppingbam and his ollowlng into his confidence. he said. in reply to their indignant reman- strances, Inter on in the day: “1 know that an American man-0’.- The ten things did not come in. In ‘ their stead came pretty Mrs. Browne. , “Won’t you please join Mr. Browne ; and me in that dear little garden? It's E so cool up there, and it must be dread. . fully warm here. Really, you should ! more at once into Mr. Wyckholme'l old apartments, across the court from and let well enough alone. They just simply know that 1 can send wire- less messages and that a cruiser would be out there tomorrow if necessary, pegging away at these green hills with cannon halls so big that there wouldn’t be anything left but the horizon in an hour or two. You let me do the talk- ing. I've got ’em bluffed. and I’ll keep 'em that way.” At'é O‘clock Britt returned with the recalcitrant servants-or at least the “nick” of them. as be termed the score Over in the gor eons west wing Lord Depplngham later on tried to con- \ince his sulky little wifey that the Am'ericans were an amazing lot. after all. Bromley tapped at the door. “Tea is served in the hanging gar- den, my lady," she announced. Her mistress looked up in surprise, red eyed and a bit disheveled. “Ask same one to bring the tea things in here. Bromley,” she said sternly. “Beslhes. 1 want to give some orders. We must have system here, not Americanisms.” 01in.- They ai'e splendid. But now do come Ind have'tea with an." (Tobe‘conm ;.: that the Interview was at i L moreover, ahat It had not " you have not taken st-ttled.31r. Browne. sanisfied." she said ' red with a fresh Mr; Chan. NWell. at Rock mus, spent Sunday at the parental home Mr. John Neweuv is at present en- 1 gazed with Mr. J-as. McGillivray, of ‘Sa-ugeen Valley. ‘ Mr. N. Whitmore recently sold a ’fine horse to Mr. Jas. Johnston, of ’Bentinck. for a handsome figure. i Mr, .Wm. Newell, of Rocky Sau- ga‘een. spent Sunday at the old home. g Mr. M.J Staple called at the ’;home of Mr; and Mn. N Whitmore f on Sunday. Miss Mary Jackson v'sited with friends in Flesherton over the week end. ey, returned home on Friday last Mr. A.N Schneider. of Younge- atown. Ohio. spent last week, thc I guest of his brother-in-law, Mr. A Crutchley. and in .a brief inter- .‘View, that gentleman inforr. ed u: that Youngstown was forging a head.abreast of the times. and wa: blessed with prosperity. Mr. M.J Staples had the misfor- tune to step on a rusty n35! re- cently. He had .a sore foot for a time, but it is getting better. Miss Clara Ritchie. accompanied by Miss McKelvie’, spent Sunday at the home of the former ’5 parents Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ritchie for Niagara. Jack is a member of the 3lst Regimental Band. Mrs. Jas. Hopkins, accompanied bv her daughter, Miss Pearl spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Whitmore. Misses Mabel Vessie and Annie Ewen, of Rocky Saugeen, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Newell Miss Minnie Winters, of Muloc}: who spent a week or so at th home of her sister. Mrs. Wm. Bail ey, returned home on Friday 1351 Cement Lake on Saturdm last: was the scene of a pTeasant event' the occasion being the celebiation of the birthday of Miss Ed 13 Hit- chie. .About - thilt} -six imited guests were there, and enjoy ed‘ themselv es immensely, boating and : fishing being the principal a-‘ musements indulged in. About sixI o’clock the wants of the inner man! were taken into consideration, and were fully satisfied by a bounti- ful supply of good things, which did credit to the cooking abilities of the ladies. {Everything ran smoothly and iollily, only one mis- hap marring the afternoon’s pleas- ure, Miss Clara Ritchie getting struck on the cheek with a stone, leaving a nasty wound, which bled profusely for a short time. However, we are plea ed to know that it i .not serious. May Edna be pared to- enjoy many happy reâ€" turn ot the day. Bleerric Restorer for Men restores every nerve in the body and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. PHOSPHONOL will make you a new man. Price 83.00 a box or two Ior $5.00. Mailed to any ad- dress. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines. Ont. ew For sale at Maclarlane Co’s. “Ismsorrytohsvecotenyonn' boys.” and the plensent looting visitor who wu addressing the Bands, school. “but there ls not one chance ln s thonssnd that my one ot you ever will he presldent o! the United Sana." | Still he tslled to secure our unlu- vlded sttentlon. “But It you live up to your oppor- tunities." he went on. em then keenly, flame bright boy In this an»; L___”_‘. when to the police station. V “Why did you not bell him out? ‘- qnlred a byltander of a friend. “Ben him out!” exclaimed the 0th.. “Why. you couldn’t pump, bun out!" Darkles ’ Corners. Paid Up oi' the world's mom hm- Savings Department at all Branches. Too Full. ' much moon-am Ill Jun) [aay.§ “ ' n ; -sxgi; Younz‘f- '; *%**%§¥M§$m -..‘\ week. the? .w, Mr. A.,¥é Why Put Off 'ief inter'.* A start which will land (y‘rqod us . )0 Swan 200d “brie-d ' ‘. ‘ * o nion? Emer our Cul- D‘R‘nlg 3" age NOW and be ready 3, and was % for a situation in. the {A}! gg when heighten 1% at tt 3' l _ A ‘--- I:.‘-o.;ln.- OF CANADA Capital Acting-Izod gamgg ail- *fi*%%%Â¥%$**% and Funeral Director» Picture Frammg on shortest A. BELL UN DE RTAKER IHE DURHAM CHRONICLE ll PU’LISIID EVERY THURSDAY HOWE At the Chronicle Mating Home. Oarafraxa ’ ° Tun Ollomcu will be com a 80"!!!qu my “dress. free of pecan. for 381.. . - 81 no”: you. poyableingdunoo 41.50 any be chm-god if not so id. 1‘me to 'hkh every onbcwflpflon in pa d is donated by the number an the Milton hbol. No ,1. r du- ouflnnod _o 3!! gm m p“. axon, at tb iimfi. of the propriuot. BOV'IMIILH‘ mu line for tho Int moor- Bates . ~ “on; out. porlino an aubu- qua)! ill-onion minio- ncunn. Wuhan. nth. not uooodin on. Inch 01.“ wanna-I Advortiumonu vi n upocue dined-us v be published an forbid and charged “0011113311.. funds“ noughtâ€"“Lug" ‘fl'ongiJ' ”ng 33.61 U i!‘.ll 'Gatilt I!" -I ‘1 I I canal? e25- n2. .3. Faun-Fl. . ‘3 new 33: 3:92:03 3.03". 522â€"4013009033 ill a 09-3 8.5. .8 vi:â€" n3 :â€" 27018. I b >;l vv 7â€".â€" â€"__ Conmct mm for an“. my“ fin: uhhgd on_ appyionion -â€"v‘ vâ€" “'7 'uâ€"wvvvâ€" All advent-mom: To. :65 martian ll gamut way. should bah-um t- no: law thll noun! n 6;) m. Then you are never short of cash to make a payment demanded unexpectedly. Nor do you need to bother with receiptsâ€"your cheques pro. vide them automatically. THE TRADERS. BANK OF CANADA Bank. T110101) . .g'o'on “'23,“.th w) a ”Minatw 9W. “lint-huh; on nut-chi â€"_4L Full line of Catholic Robes. and Mark and white Caps for aged people. There’s a prestige, too, in paying by cheque, that is well worth while. The Great Lug nu Cough Medicine GUARANTEED 25c t bottle at wauhne'e Drug Sb ”‘9 Frost cranba-ry we sometimus. instead of using an upper crust, and see u you don’t like the dif- ference. Bruntâ€"the- also at Mount Forest: and Anon. DURHAM. ONT., Snow Booneâ€"Next. to Swaltnws Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W. J. Luu-em'e’t blacksmith chop. pen: Embalming a Specialty A start which will land :0 inmn got-d uhrivd o niou? Eea'er our Cul- «ge NOW and be ready for a situation in the fill when bmiuesa ia at it's best. “'8 IH'P loading w all qullified young people evmy day Why not let us help you? Start any day. Nu vac-Minna. Catalogue free. Write Central Buuiuos Call , Toronh. W. H. SBA , Principal. 8mm um Pmrnurrox DURHAM. ONT. W. IRWIN For Men! 7.4mm“: i June 9, 1910 Reserve Fund Keep a Checking Account NOX A COLD IN ONE DAY 'i A‘ [11“ \t . II N Scotnh Zeph yr re solk finish“ Black and w! “'hite \'m~l H \V hilv \ Prints in \Vu Season ab}: V cry Black \\ Bhu-k \\ Bieu‘k Blavk and BIm-k .' J upa‘n‘ ma! 1 a Space prevents reduced to a V6 Black I A full Iin Rob R The MCG Dlrlull. Ontariu. In 200 f( u sh “'e are NUT)“ We stock Hf Rugs Oilcloths. whirl. \u h‘ It very close pr Come and gee baton buying, an ‘m you money. md I) d at v (Mt-m RUB RUX fllld it! hull.- [1 Mad ml! yuur uror them in mum the name. Wadh equim M fn-e

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