West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Jun 1910, p. 4

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The first C. L. A lacrosse match to be played here in two years, was pulled off on the agricultural grounds on Thursday evening, by the Chesley and Durham juvenile teams. The game was called about 6.30. and in just seven minutes, the Durhams had a three to nothing tally hung up .the only goal scored by the visitors in the first quarter leing accomplished after sevenâ€" teen minutes of play. The second quarter saw the Grant Thoroughbreds duplicate the Lerformance of the first session. and half time saw the locals ahead sis goals to two. IHE DURHAM CHRONICLE The third ession. however, saw a change, and whether or not the (act that Trainer Grant was out of‘ tcwn nad anvthmg to do with it‘ the Colts kicked over the traces and before Chief Coach Ramaga, could get the hopplel properly atl- iusted, the boys :from Chealey had scored twice to their opponents’ once. leaving the three-quarter tally seven to tour, with the locala still on top. The final period, though, was a disastrous one for the visitors, the locals scoring almost at will. whi.e one lone tally was C'healey’s aha e and the game was over. with the final score twelve to five in Du '- ham’s favor. Though pafiflibly not the. best .me ever seen .in Durham, it was the first “kid’s” exhibition, and it did the spectators a World of good to “atoms the sincerity with which they entered into the sport, and the determination evinced by both teams to do the best that v.- in them. Though thv final score was 00-1- Iid'erl. the lead was 014113.43 in the lat sac-sedan, and tho g'mn 2'1 interrstmg one from first to as. the piay bPing at ail timr :--n'=-‘. neither team h'ning nu g.‘ 1 a - vantage OVer the ulhcr. as to weight and fiddling alifiyy. I; (Oct, the playing oi toth team:- VI! 3 revelatioj to the s »,cir)â€" to". who went more as v.2. token of Icy-Ry .hther than whh the ea:- Won at seeing good Incl-one. DURHAM BEATS CHESLEY U. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. DURHAM, JUNE 9, 1910. m0. and five-film 0‘ a .__- ‘LA OBITUARY. | WILLIAM FILLINGHAM. ‘ On W 11 nesday morning. May 11 death claimed William Fillingham. I It .is very seldom that a neighbor- ', hood expresses such sympathy and sorrow as it did for the young brother just departed, but his death for many reasons is partic-‘ ularly sad. Mr. Fillingham devel-’ oped .a most malignant type of Bright’s disease. and no medical! assistance could in any way stop the terrible ravages of the dis- ease, and after a short illness. he was called “Home.” For his many‘ sterling qualities and jovial dispo-! sition. he was a favorite with with the boys. This was evidenc- ed by the beautiful wreath that l was placed on his casket by his l chums, with the words, “Comrades’ written upon it. Many other flor- ‘al tributes spoke the same beau- tiful message to his sorrowing friends. The tuneral. which was largely attended, was held on Friday afternoon to Crown Hill cemetery, Rev. E. Brown officiat- hing. His pastor spoke very feel-l ingly about his young brother, lwhom he ahd. known only a short itime. but loved dearly. He leaves a young widow, an aged mother, who resided with him, two brothâ€" ers, Joseph and Charles, of Michi- gan, and one sister, Mrs. Crowder, of Dakota. Mr. Filiingham was a son-in-law of Mr. S. Putherbouprh, of Aberdeen. to whose daughter he was married five years ago. At the residence of her son, Mr. J. G. Johnston, Con 18, Egremomt, the above iady passed away very suddenly on the 12th ult., full of years, being in her 83rd year. She was born near Brockv'ille in 1827. and came to the township of Peel .in 1854, where she was mar- ried to the late J. N. J ohnston}. who predeceased her 27 years ago. She leaves to mourn her l'oss,one daughter and one son, Mrs. J. C Adama, near Dromore. and John G., on the homestead. The eldest. years 020. Interment took place on Stat-ur- day, the Revs. Berry, of Priceville, and Kendall. of Dromore. officiat- lnz at house and grave. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned up to Fri- day, June 17th. 302' the erection of a clerk’s office and maket scale. Plans and specifications may be seen at Clerk’s office. Lowest or my tender not neces- sariy accepted. MLRS. J. N JOHNSTON. Thomas 11.. dried seventeen' W-. B. VOLLET, Town Clerk Tenders Wanted :day night, passed a number of accounts. appointed T. R. Whelan Eu inapector of construction of 'nidewdka. introduced a by-hw to readjust the fire limit area, and .decided to ask for tenders for the *erectson of a clerk’s oflice and weigh nodes. June 11th. wdl'l Int 21 days. A grand chance to get a good hat for mall money. Just the hat - v- -â€"â€"â€" you want {31" thi- excurdon to the model M.â€"-mu Dick. The Ontario Agricultural College is emphuizing the value of drain- sge again this summer, (or which purpose drainage demonstrations sre being held in many parts 01 the province. On Wednesday, June 15th at two o’clock in the after- noon. one obthese demonstrations will be held} on the farm of. Mr. ,W. G. Henderson Hampden, Concesâ€" sion 18, Normmnby. This meeting should be 0! special interest, as some difficult places to drain are involved. Besides the discussion of the particular problems of this farm. there will be a demonstra- tion of methods of finding the {all over a ddtch determining the grade, digging true to grade, etc. Those of our readers interested in drainage should not miss this meeting. Anyone wishing infor- mation about the drainage work should write Prof. W. H Day, O.A. (3.. Guelph. Mrs. R. T9“ of Hanover, visited her father, Mr. John Eckhardt, re- cently. Miss Mae Scott left Monday'l‘ast for her home in Nanton, Alberta. The Jarmers are all busy with the root crop at present. Mr. and Mrs. John Hooper, of Englewood, visited Mr. and Mrs. J 03. Lawrence recently. Mrs. John Andrews, of town. spent Sunday with her parents here. Mrs. Charlie Falconer, of Pal- merston spent a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T-hos Daly. Mr. John Eckzhardt intends rais- ing his barn this week with the block and tackle process. Mr. B Sharpe, of town. is the contractor, ‘ The prevariling cold, wet, dreary weather is not causing a very rapid growth with our spring crops, but pastures and meadows have a good appearance. We did not think, as we saw Mr. T.J. Moore departing from his home on Wednesday afternoon last that he was off on a voyage over the matrimonial sea, but when we! learned the true flacts, he had. the same day shaken off all the joys of bachelordom. and united himself in the holy bonds of wedlock to ,the girl of his choice, Miss Tena ;Firth of Edge Hill. We have no ,particulxars whatever of the inter- iesting event but we know Tom to lbe a model type of humanity, pro 1 gressive and well to do, and we bid ,his lfortunate young bride a wel- icome to our neighborhood, and Iextend to them both our hearty Icongratulations and best wishes lior their future welfare. Big amine?! Council met May 30th. Minutes adapted. The Clerk was instructed to xjgplg to Wm. Sturdy’s letter re drain Wm. Stewart’s request re water- course was left. in Comr. Phiiip’a hands and to report. next. meeting. The Reeve was instructed to meet the Reeve of Arthur and settle road accounts The tender of C. A. Drmum for cement st $1.85 per bbl. was ec- cepted. sacks returned. Road reportsâ€"Comm Watson ex- penses! $64.78 on various jgbs on E. I An:\ ~n :A. '1‘. line, and $28.50 on other parts of his division. Cum. $4.00. Comr. Wat- sun certified and recommended pay- ment. of $3.00 to A. Smith for plowing winter roud.â€"Grauted. A petition was presented by Mr. Dunpe and 32 others re opening of sideruad lot. 5. con. 6. 7,â€"left in Comr. \Vatson’s care. Notice of Old“!!! for. manages to a. mare owned by Mrs. Culp alle ed to have been injured Inst. Oct. on . and P. T. L., clnixn $40.00. Mcllvrideâ€" Wntoon ~Thst no action be Mamâ€"Carried. The Reeve reported settlement. with Pruum council re. road expenditure 1903-09. Auditors’ reports examined -â€":ilatute labor commuted at. 60¢ per day. Ba]. due Egremont. $15.61 and was paid in cash which was paid by the Reeve to Treasurer. The "port adopted, Com. $3.00. Comr. Philps reported N. Dodds drnwxng and putting in 7 16-inch tile E. 6.: P. '1‘. line, $3.00, Proton to pay one half cost of both work and tile. Comr. Roberts reported G. Hunt plowed winter road from Holstein to '1‘. Sbar 8, $1.75. Mr. A. Hamilton opened an: line at a cost of 82.“). Reports adopted and orders granted. III: 5300'!) 1'0"- McWiIliamsville. Egremont Council. THE DURHAM CHRONIC sale. commencing A petition signed by A. Stewart and 18 others wquesting erection of a mum fence, lot 22. 23. _ con.n10. Petitioners ’euce, 10!: a. L). CUllo IV. I ‘tdv-‘rult-lu to supply posts.-â€"Grantcd. Comr. Pbilpe to pay one half cost out. of his A ‘h Council forward Court of Revisionâ€" Declarations subscribed to appeals heard. Jan. Level-sage. lot 28. con. 7, no reduction. John Hastings lot 2 of 28 con. 1. no reduction. Geo. W'oolis, lot 8, con. 10. no reduction. R. Mlckle- borough Holstein income removed. Jae. Eccles ass'd as owner W'. 5-18 con. 17 and N. E. pt. 8, con. 16. Alex Drim- mie tenant. 1m. 10, con. 14. M. Eccles. tenant. E. pt. 9, con. 18. C. Blytb. tenant 2of 5. con. 1. A. Reid wage- earner lot. 23, con. 13. )ourt of Re- vision closed and roll passed. An order granted to assessor for $90 sal- 1y. By-law 246 to issue debentures forl $3!) to build a new school in section No. 4 was passed. The sum of $109.74 was placed to the credit of P. V. trustees, yearly settlement according to agreement, and $210 was granted to the P. V. trustees to aid in erecting a cement bridge at south end of village. â€"Trustees agreeing to widen roadway and to assume all responsibility re said bridge and street in the future. Resolved that the following accounts be paidzâ€"T. Jordan, use of council room for B. of H. and 3 meetings of council $7.50; Mun’l World ass’t rolls A. Am At all dealers, « Limited, Ottawa. .‘U' u"-- etc.. $5.35; 5011001 debentures $1.29; W. B. Sutton express charges 80c.: Clerk P. C. .870“: W. Hunt printing auditors' reports. advt.. $29.00; J. D. Roberts use of hall, jury meeting re inquest $1.50; F. Jordan do $1.50. - Adjourned to meet Wedneaday July 6th. McNABâ€"ANDERSON.â€"In Brand- on. Man, on Wednesday, June 1. by Rev. John O’Neill of West- minster church, Mr. Archie Mc-' Nab of Glenelg. to Miss Martha‘ Anderson. MOOREâ€"FIRTH.â€"On Wednesday, June lst, at the meme, Durham, by Rev. Dr. Farquharson, Chris- tina, daughter of the late Daniel Firth, to James Moore, both of Glenelg. McARTHURâ€"DAVIDSON.â€"At the Presbyterian mange. Durham, by Rev. Dr. Farquharson, on Tues- day. June 7th. Mr. Peter F. Mc- Arthur, of Priceville. to Miss Maud Davn'd-son. of Durham. as mercury will surely destra y the sense of smell nnd completely dersnge the whole system when entering it through the inner nus surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions trum reput- sble physicians. as the demage they will do is ten fold to the good {on can possibly derive from them. Hal ’3 ‘Cntsrrh Cure. manufactured by F. I. Cheney Co . To- ledo. U . contains no mercury. and is taken internally acting directl upon the blood and mucous surfsces o the system. In buying llall’s Ustsrrh Cure be sure you ; get the genuine. It is tnhen internnlly sud made in Toledo. Ohio. by F. J. Cheney Us. 'l‘estimonnls_free._ ._ -wv'â€" hold by ullorugmnu. Price 75¢ per botflo. Take Hull’ 3 Family Pills for constipation. Beware of Ointment: for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, Chrome Lonaupuuuu, ”Wu-w, gation. Torpid Liver, Kidney ase, Pain in the Back, Bad Com- ion, Rheumatism, Nervousness, dache and Neuralgia. c. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial box, 25c. all dealers, or from Fruit-aâ€"tives MARKET REPORT DURHAM, JUNE 9, 1910 MARRI ED D. ALLAN Clerk. 12 (X) to 14 00 1800 18 l7to 17 mmwm wwwmm 2219 12 to 13 to 10 to 10 to 10 to 90to$ 18 to 275 18 17 14 ll 11 ll A' MODEL FOR EVERY FIGURE SPIRELLA BBRSETS 71'0“”? J’fl/I;d/:Y/ (“ww- ._. :5 KING 5! EAST ._ A, Guaranteed not to break or rust. Will not take a pct-mom. bend at waist line. These Comt- m not sold in ctoreu', and can be procured only through their representative A FULL STOCK ALWAYS 0N MRS. J. c. NICHOL June 9, 1910 Buy your Boots and S I” IAIflI‘ Store for Style and 0: At McGRAT H ‘59 Iowa» prices ”we buy hugely. We mu; w MMI. Whh [Wu pvm‘ih UM" pen combined. “.11; ‘ “to! ochool Chums. $1..’. and 8.. (hi! bUK ill OUT Mum \\ || The ALEX. the two tuget her Sent to any addm The regular rate f Just calculus the ulmw b3 To Say DRESS (Mums hibkunble drt‘sr- sh; WASH SITI'I‘er M’I 00 widv a «'lmit w requirement» u? I'\‘ lei-h. in many m SHIRT \VAIS'I" my they 8011 has 1m" In and Brush (‘Mstim Mmpplies. I‘Inmn VESTINGS A 1 paces. no don't {a not before buying We It? 3100 nfl'eri THE 1) Confm'tlunm'y. Cl‘ For anvries of C. SMITH FRESH AND Highest Pril UNlZ Your 0!" IV

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