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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Jun 1910, p. 5

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have t.» be told about the 80'1de Inn 1‘ BEEF. IRUV AND WIN‘ it mvno m- kunws that [Mi-'0', j.“ gun tune- and color and outline. 1: Mn.) nuuiLMS. pPI'IQCt m m {a w 4 fl. M. deal of difference III a. nun-«ml, perffl-tly blended «:0me me ingredivnux. in their bigbfl‘ (“IO“- M!» wry palatable with Obe 08mm ww, whwh also have a good enact on wing the WM nf gastric juice. M as «of Assumlatinn. GUN'S BEEF. large b 4th.. 75 cents. Street. stars in Season rs for all Bakery Goods FOR EVERY FIGURE sh Fruits and 5 Strange ! OWE. ' , Iron and Wine RUG STORE ity Bakery A BflRSETS ARE These Comte m not IO“ h atnrcs and can be procured only through their representative \\ W133 st oo NQOOOMWW MRS. J. C. NICHOL . BLACK Box m MIRIA- H'LL STOCK ALWAYS ON RAID IDG‘ GUN’S \V V0 5? EAST ranted not to break or IDOL .1 take a. permanent bend at it 1m BONING K W L'MFECTIMER uh “INNER... from M masks If not. you are in- ply of accessories. we and Wavy Wire. everything you re- Durham tts, Cured Meats. 3V€ n price from 90c IT'S GOOD UYG w h 011 they can screen I'S gluves‘ balls. them, cheap- 31) at all hours that great T I *fiansnwamkfiflmasfiam Meats THOMAS MCGRATH June 99 1910 Buy your Boots and Shoes The Leading Store for Style and Quality As; we buy lat-guy. we con loll a melowut pricel. no don’t fail to are our stock before buying elu- where. We on tho ofloring o pencil box. with two pencils and writing pen combined, wntb ovary pair of whool Ihoeo. $1.50 ond over. bee this box in our show window. At McGRATfl’S [run and Brass Outings and Rene”! R C. SMITH SONS. DURHAM. Highest Ptices Paid for Eggs Repairing and Custom Work Promptly A ttended To Miss Annie Collier in homc Tomato. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sat lea Sunday with friends in Mn- (in Mr. ind Mrs. John Weir of Dmmore. were guests at. the home of Mr. D. Edge on Saturday. ir. Thos. Firth B. A. has gone to New Ontario, where he will spend the summer in geological work. The prayer meeting conducted by Dr. Fnrquharson in the Grange Hell. on Thursday evening was well attend- Mr. Wm. Watt is at. present. employ- ed with Mr. Arthur Greenwood. Councillor Firth is busy these dtys superintending work with the grader in his division. Mr. Rom. Edge has been improving ore of his fields by putting in a tile drain. \Ve extend hearty congratulations to Mien 'l'ena Firth and Mr. 'l‘hos. Moore who were married on Wednes- day hut at the manna by Dr. Fer- qnnaruou. Miss Tenn was one of our cleverest and most popular young ladies end best wishes of numerou- frienda go with her to her new home at Mc“ illiams. As was scan in last week’s papers. the death of Mr. John Nichol on the evening of the 28th of May 1910. after a painful struggle of some three weeks from the etfects of amputation of his leg and appendicitis which was the cause of his death, although his case was a doubtful one at all events. Mr. Nichol was a resident of the Durham Road. one mile west of Priceville. for the last thirty-five years and previous- ly wasaresident of the township of Bentinck for about twenty years. In Mr. Nichol’s death the community at large losta valuable citizen, being a man who held several responsible of- fices dining his life. He will be great- ly missed in the Presbyterian church, of which he was an esteemed elder for many years and at our exhibitions where he always acted as judge on sheep and other classes of animals. but although in all these capa ities he will be found wanting he will be more missed bv the family and more especially by his lonely widow. who has to spend the remainder of her life on the lonely path of sorrow as will be indicated by wearing the dark gar- ment of mourning the rest of her life. Mr. Nichol was in his 77th year but Jooked as young as some ten years :yc-unger. The family deprived of a faithtul lather and husband are, his lonely widow. 'l‘hos., who is well known throughout the township of Glenelg, as being councillor for some years, John on a farm opposite nearly, and the Rev. \Valter of St. Marys and David on the old homestead. The daughters are, Rehecca 0f Uincinatta, ‘- ~ -- . . .|t_-__\ _-: D..l-I-l.. “I'llaunvw-u ‘v-v, _-- . _ , , U. 8., Mrs. Leggate (Mary). of Buffalo, Gretta. teacher of Durham. Mrs. Kenedy (Cassie,) Tara and Christena at home. Mr. Nichol was the last of the Nichol family. The funeral on Tuesday was a large one. The pa“ hearers were four sons of deceased and two nephews. Jas. Mather and M. Parks. David McNichol ex-M. P. P. a hrother-in-law attended the funeral also three gentlemen from St. Marys»! who were sent as delegates from de- ceased’s son, Rev. W alter’s congrega- tion. which speaks highly of the re- spect in which he the Rev. gentleman is held by his congregation. The Rev. ‘Mr. Matheson officiated at the house and assisted by Rev. Dr. Farquharson at the grave. The remains were laid to rest in Durham cemetery. This ended the career of one who was Well and favorably known throughout a large portion of the county of Grey. A meeting is called for on Saturday evening next, to he held in union hall, Priceville. to consider the advisd‘ilicy of procuring a cemetery near by. The old grave-yards which are in use fur over 50 years are getting full and too small, as some of the old graves in some instances have bad to be dug up for more burials. The. weather we hope will take a‘ turn and that we» wlll now have it warm instead of the cold dreary weather during the past week. Heavy trust on Friday night, of last week nipped soft. grain in soma places. The late sown grain seems to be: doing better than what was sown the first of April. \V'e hear two of our cutizons are this week going to fulfill the command that it is not good for man to be alone. Particulars later on. Mr. Alex McDonald of this town is suffering from stomach and liver trouble and his case considered serious. Dr. Hutton of Durham is in atten- dance. John Livingston of Dakota. and his sister came to their futher’e Mr. Alex Livingqtqp’s'pn‘ Saturday last. Also firsmnlegil ‘Bevavtton. (nee. Mary Mc. Arthur) 0f the same plgce. Mrs. Bea- ton was born and raised on the Dur- writes: “For some time I had been in a low, deprused condition. My appetite left me and I soon began to suffer from indi- gestion. Quite a number of small sores and blotcha formed all over my skin. I tried medicine for the blood and used mag; kinds of ointments, but without ' actory results What was wanted “u ‘ lw-‘Vâ€" â€"â€" ' cine that would Smpnsh this. At last Dr. Horse's Indian Root Pills were hrqught to_my notice, and they are ,_ 1-4--. _A‘:.:-Afl 1 DrYMou-se'nndian Root Pills Hesiod Mr. Wilson’s Sores EUBIFIEIJ HIS Blflflfl Edge Priceville THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Hill tpent Q When i t Comes to Pje, Madam, ‘r-â€"â€"-Word5 Fazl Us ham Road a. couple Priceville. \Ve hear our cement sidewalk was let to Mr. Moore of Durham. Mr Alex McMillan Sr. south line Artemesia. had the misfortune to get his shoulder dislocated lately. Dr. Hutton of Durham set the shoulder in place and we are pleased to hear that the aged gentleman is doing well now. Form I (a) entrance to Normalâ€"â€" Nellie Hep urn. Catherine McDougnll. Fred Smith. Janet Fletchel. Hazel Willis. Jr. Matriculationâ€"Nellie He urn. Catherine Mchugall. 3ecil olfe, Harold Aljoe. Jessie Smith. Form Ill-Annie Clark, Julia Clark, Wells Whittaker, Mary Backus, Vic- toria Aljoe, Vivian Crawford. Sr. IVâ€"Helen Ireland, Irene Law- son, Sadie McDonald. Frank McIlraith Mary McQueen. -â€"-- I. 7 Form'Iâ€"Nellie but-n8. Alex Bell, Morrison Smith, Sarah Fulton, Bessie Saunders. Jr: IVâ€"VMarion Calder, Ella Carson Maggie Torry. Grace Petty. Caldwell Marshall. Sr. IIIâ€"Mary McKechnie, Norman Lenahan, Mary McIlmith, Lillian Mc- Crie. Florence Barclay. J r. IIIâ€"Sadie McKechme, Mary Smith, Wilburt Knisley. Gordon Gun. Maggie Hartford. - S?” IIâ€"Ro in Farquharson. Vera. Allen. Tillie Levine and Gladys Search 0q., Charlie McDougall. Arthur Ram- "oJr. II--Etbel Whimore, Lottie Wil- son, Jennie Davie, Donald McQueen, Rosie Hillis. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Clarence McGirr, Marie Heslitt. Valerie Moran, Ralph Catwn. Ottilie Limit). Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Joe Whitchurch. Lorne Smith, Flossie Lawrence. Jerome Morris. Eddie Hilderbrandt. , Sr. ILâ€"Edn. Browning, Orland Far- refl, Stella McCrue, Jessie McCrie, Myrtlo Koch. Willie Clark and Ruby Carson eq. - Intermédiateâ€"(Jecil Wiggins. An- drew McAulifl’e, Eddie McQueen, John Lawrence, Jun Mat-lock. wJr. Iâ€"oElsie Clark, Ruby Pilkie, Nellie Falkingham, Sadie Russell, J easie Duvil. ' Emma-“mm the preacher ald"Dearly Beloved". even than did we tickle our fancyviththe MW! that ho rub meantâ€"PIE. Fmphlnaachdits myfiadnflefloahthognndvtndâ€"upton ”MMWactdaplayvnhahmpyeodmg. bbnmakogmdue. Madamâ€"pie that ispto ? Do YOU ? Sty: the eminent editor a! the New York Sun : “71» were War»? “is (In alluring Man to a “Wain 4digital!“ “nod“ it: climax in (by But the crust is male of flour. you knommd FIVE ROSES ts 3 won- dafil flour for pie crust. and puff paste, Mid such like. Becnuse. Mistress Housewife, FIVE ROSES makes your pate close (mined. even of texture and eating unlities. th a delicate. indescribable fla- vor. sweet as n nut. tender and rich in color and nppeuance. it you sheuid - .make such pies. n" "I.- BACCQ “crust and"â€" Whethet of apple, or lemon, or unlike peach ; “Give me ten gallons of ”English” liquid White Paint. “No, Sir! I won’t take any other kind. “Yes, that other paint may possibly be good paint, but if it is all right in every way, why don‘t the makers tell you, and tell me, frankly, what they are trying to sell usâ€"namely, what is in the paint. “I always use "English” Liquid Paint because the guarantee formal: is on the can telling me that it is made of 70% white lead, 307, zinc white, pure linseed oil, pure turpentine and dryer. 1 know this formula is the standard in paint making and I know that I am taking no chance when I use that kind of paint." " J ,_A___ Y :...:LA‘ ‘- uv Lllaukb It ‘5‘ a. - â€"- -____- "English” Liquid Y'all! made By‘ Brandam-Henderson very economxcal to use. Come in for a color card, .Roawen Davis, Eveiyn Search, Honor Rolls. DURHAM SCHOOL. $565 the FIVE ROSES P. S. DEPT. un 0! m WOODS mums (30.. l‘l'D.. of miles west. of'Philomena. Walsh, 1 ton Rowe. £ With rich fillingof your on composition. dtimily Inked in a own “at leaves no unplea- Never fear the dire vengeance of en offended stomnch. or my enlunlty due to‘ insideinforrnntion” ---If you use FlVE ROSES,Madun. Then watch the hungry wedges diseppear, showing fine ifiprecietion of YOUR cullnery skill. To say nothing of the surrepuflous pieces between meals, you know. And pie it is at its my best when wrapped up in a FIVE ROSES crust. So,Mtdam,use your own judgment. Mrs. Wm. McMeeken of Toronto spent a few days recently with friends and telatives in this part. Her ap- pearance would indicate health and prosperity. The old saying that the darkest hour is just before the dawn. seemed true with little Reta Bnrhonr in re- covering from her severe burns. It was very much feared she would have to suffer the torture of being strapped straight in bed a couple or three days before she was up at play. \Ve hall the pleasure last Friday of being present at the raising of Ir. Hugh Riddell's fine barn, near Dor- noch. The structure is 50x90 both stone and frame work of the very best reflecting much creeit on the contrac- tors of each part and possibly the good framing had something to do with the close race at the finish. It was only a matter of a few seconds and is a rare occurrence of the two sides to come out so close. The captains, Messrs. Alexander of Bentinck and Mr. Chas. Mcrtley of Glenelg seemed to be the unanimous choice of the crowd and are certainly the right men in the right place. The former had the victory. Mr. Andrew Hastie the framer has a pleasant manner and is as skilful at handling a crowd of men as he is at work consequently the building was up early. As well as having one of the finest barns in Ben- tinck Hugh has also a fine stock to put in it and his eleven fine horses re- ceived much inspection that day. Rev. Mr. Hartley was greeted by a oodcongregation on Sunday, con- si ering the threatening weather. Special efforts were made by the ople of St. Paul’s church to secure im for Rector and all seemed well pleased with the appointment. He lannounced that the new church hymn ,books will beused at first of July. As nothing of a startling nature has \ occurred here through rabies, people' are and have been for a time etting careless about the lay-law. fiesides there is a great temptation when in‘ the fields where ground hogs and other‘ vermin are running around for far. mere to take the dog’s (nozzles off, if indeed there was ever one. on and some have now to suffer the conse- quences of so doing. We are not going to try to shield our fellow fer- mere. as others, even the Holstein ministers are reported in the same box. Mr. Edwards, 00. Coneteble and agent has noticed this carelessness for the past month but he could not do “two jobe et once. He bee now leid luide the egency end em thie week {to mete the hy-levy effective. Whether of bedthy c3389“. Why. on gotta: W1 put/gab every time (no black sheep in thet funny), 1 tmly succulent. tasty Corner Concerns. while-“rd May McGirx-, Hil' JUNE WEDDINGS is the month for Calder Block - Duuham For 3â€". Machine Oil. Harness. Oil, Ame G reuse and Boo! Ointment, go to S. P. SAUNU=R8 W D. CONNOR Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iror. Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lind! and Iron Cylinders. Pumas tmm $2 aawaul. 830? open every sfternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- orlv “tended to. kW. 0. CONNOR People’s Mills large assortment at prices cheaper than elsewhere. A small or large bag at a tin. gum. wbiw. nutritjuuu flour, in snld as our bland. Have you ever Mad It? Get your grocer to give you our kind next time and see the superior bmciuq qual- Hal it possesses. Better and mom wholesome. becauue of u swarm, from“ that we put the whwu. through. Dnn’t forget. AND â€"â€"-â€"-- Fancy China and all kinds of F oun- tain and Soft Drinks in our Ice Cream I’m- 101‘. Store Open 7.30 a..m. to 10 p.111. A blend of. Manitoba and i Ouudcr wheut and Is a strictly that all. family flour Our pure M;nimha flm r. made from No.1pManitohu wheat cannot be heat for either hiker» m. dommtic an OKT A PRACTICAL 1000‘" 00" By unending tha famous EhLIOTT Ton-b. on n humid «were 1:. cm: p: you. Write My tot our hrc'u-o __““;"" I- made from unlocked winter wheat sod is I. superior article for militia putty. etc. lpoa’d Deduction on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag m Goods delivered anvwhere in town. Chopping Done Every Duy All upon-date flour and had and grocers keep our flnur for rule. If your amour does not keep it come to the mill and we will "M Y”! right. Call us up by telephone N0. 8. ICE CREAM All kinds of Graig bought at l at. John McGowan. PASTRY FLOUR Mwutucturer 01 A d Dealer in â€" SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE THE The H stimulant!!!

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