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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Jun 1910, p. 6

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rs a»! :0...09.999090099009990... JNO. SCHULTZ or myself at the map Pumps, Curbing, Tile George Whitmore He Sells 3; yard ....... Table Ollcloth, yard ......... InfMlt's, ("hildrvns' and [unlit-a" Veins all prices Nww Prints and Ginghams SW our L53 and 50c Dress Goods N”? In, nf Gluesware just in :35 W. H. BEAN Strawberry season last opening. PInenpples by crate, the season now In; low prices. Fresh stock of __0ranges. Bananas Lemons. flats and Candy ‘ 0! all kinds. We are the good Flour people. All the best brands In stock. Are you buying from us? Prices right. ruit At Cheap M :5. Beggs Sons . “'39 each 'hml‘ '3le yds. lung pair .. . ... vards lung pair mhlv Lint-n. 54 inches wide. )'dl(' -.o.oo-u g-oooo..900002 yds. lung. 60 [mi 1' .......... widt' ml l‘ 331 01' flll‘ CALL AND SEE US HER AND EGGS WANTED. or trade and one price. Lace Curtains (‘5‘ Store to ANYONE ONE NEEDING New Pumps, Pump Re- pairs, Cement Curbing or Culvert Tile, sec . . . . Uilvl'nh, 1 and 2 yards 30x60 Smyrna Rugs at .................... "$3.00 Lilwn. “8 lung, lung, lung, BIG 33 inches Widr, ............ We inches wide. inches wide. inches wide, nut-hes WM" .00.. ‘ ’ ..... $1. m. Widte, Calder’s Block " )C Mu DU “Yes. my lady. They were natives. you know.” “What's that got to do with It?” de- manded Dapplngham. “i’m afraid you don't underutand the situation." said Mr. Bowie-3 ph- tlently. "You see. it's really a trian- gular controversy. l! I may be so bold as to say 80. Lady Depplngham is one of the angles; Mr. Browne. the Amer- ican gentleman. is another; the native population is the last. Bach wants to he the hypotenuse. While the in- ten‘sts of an time are merged in the real issue. ”1le is nevertheless a de- cidml disposlziun all around to make it an entirely one sided affair." “i don't belie-re l grasp"â€" muttered Ul'ptsiilgllzllll lllankly. “1 sun nerfectly." («claimed his wife. ”'l'l'v motives :H‘t" :rlliml against US. in»: as ~19 are. in :1 way. against them and .\l:. ltx-uwm- li-all)‘. it seems ' mm.- lm-llrai. c! » --~"l't it. clear?" turn- Continued from page 3. Mars rim 1mm. . mo .~vl'\auts at Tue chateau turned .\:r Skaggs' horses out to pasture before thv)’ left." “Before wlm 10ft?" “The servants. my lord " Lady Deppinghzun's eyes grew wide with understanding. "You don’t mean to say that the servants have left the place ?" she cried. ”Th? 1‘21“"?! jast as «'1: ur and Mr. Pm quitt- mat-11ml in: in her lm 1: “1m f'lllj' hr"? :ill hulll' b01011”. he was w- Ll «wiring lawn the street. ful- ln's'xmi 'M' :l wwrv ur nmre of natives, T’H‘ll' r""tv wki‘v rulies flapping air-Alt Hi"ll' mmwn lu:-.:. .\t iir<t they (will!!! lmt i-«me- it ‘.\""I Howles. Lord Dep- 'ill'.’ ‘ -rn hm! :l “'l‘li‘l) thrill of joy. but it u w short li‘nni ‘leOS had 011an- mi 3i 3I‘:‘.'~i :l iv NW“ of his‘gnrh. n+- nnw Wtii'l' the 'iL-"it red jacket of the ‘.l'i‘.i~'il lrtmpvr. while an ancient army «'81) was Sirtlflf‘t'd jnuntlly over his ear. "lt'~= all right. my lord." he said. 5: in” " N ha Home up "They will (in Inything i tell ’em to do when 1 rep- resent the British army. This is the only uniform on the island, but they’vc been taught that there are more where this cine came from. These fellow! will c'my your boxes up to the cha- teau. Sixpence to the man. if you please. sir, and I’ve sent for two carts to draw your party up the slope. They'll be here in a jiffy. my lady." Then. turning majestically to the hud- died natives. he waved his slender stick and said: “Lively now! No loaf- lng! Lively!” Whereupon the entire collection of boxes. hazs and bundles figuratively picked itself up and walked oti’ in the direction of the chateau. "\‘ory xikvty. but very unfortunate. It Ivaves us to hmil mu' brains out dqul hon» nn this pier. I say. Mr.â€" er-uld mmp. Pan't you possibly en- gzlzu runw- sort 4;! trunspnrmtion for us’: ltmlh‘, you) know, WP "80'! Stand US.‘ "I‘ve lm «hmht I can arrange it. my km! 1! you will just wait here until 1 nm bank to the» bank 1 dare say I’ll find a wry. l’vrhnps yuu'd prefer standing under the) awning until I re- turn " lwr CHAPTER \'1. TM: (‘iiA'l‘i-LAL'. HE road to the vhateau took its devious way through the little town out into the green foot- hill beyond. Two lumbering wooden Wheeled varts, Hone ion clean. each drawn by four perspiring men. served as conveyances by which the arrivals were to make the journey to their new home. y‘lngr'mzn had :3 ' it w.” short Ih'e' 0d at H'm-‘l :! gr: nuw wnrr thn t Lady l‘)emnin::ham‘s pert little nose lifted itself in disgust as she was Jog- gled through the town behind the grunting substitutes for horseflesh. She sat beside her husband in the foremost cart. .“ r. Bowles. very tired, but quite resplendent. walked dutifulâ€" thdy toad tint ascended the slope mmhjhnt seemed to he an abso- THE M’tN FROM BRODNEY’S 31 hrnWfl It flie-w‘ It nu had : z shun Ii [Nb Intel? unfit-dim though gorgeous Jun- gle. The cool green depths looked mosl alluring to the sun baked travelers They could almost imagine that they heard the dripping of fountains. the gurgling of rivulets. so like paradise was the prospect ahead. Lady Agnes could not restrain her cries of delight ed amazement “It’s like thls all over the island ‘r‘. â€"â€" “It's like thls all over the island your ladyshlp.” volunteered Mr Bowles, mopping his brow in a must unmllltary way. "except at the mines and back there in the town." “Where are the mines?” asked Dep- pinng “The company's biggest mines are seven or eight miles eastward as the crow flies, quite at the other side of the island. It’s very rocky over there. and theme as place for a landing from the sea. Everything is brought overland to Aratat and placed in the vaults of the bank. l-‘our times a year the rubles and sapphires are shipped to the brokers in London and Paris and Vienna. It’s quite a neat and reg. ular arrangement. sir." "But I should think the confounded natives would steal everything they got their hands on." "What would be the use. sir? They conidn’t dispose of a single gem on the island. find nothing is taken away from here except in the company’s chests. Besides, my lord. these. people are not thieves. They may kill people occa- sionally. but they are quite honest, be lie~e me. And. in any event. are they not a part of the great corporation? They have their share in the working of the mines and in the profits. Mr. Wyckholme and Mr. Shaggs were hon- est with them. and they have been just as honest in return.” “I should think they’d be tempted." said Lady Agnes look so wretchedly pour.” “My lady.” said llmvles. “there are but four poor men (ill the islandâ€"my- self and the three Enrrlishmen who op- erate the bank. There isn‘t a poor man, woman or child among the na- tives. This is truly a land of rich men. The superintendent of the mines is a white manâ€"a Germanâ€"and the three foremen are Boers. The] work on shares, just as the natives do, and save even more, I think. The clerical force is entirely native. There were but ten white men here before you came, including two Greeks. Being part owners, the natives have decided that four hours constitute a day’s work. They par themselves accord lnzly. as it were. No one works after midday, sir.” “\ shy. wouldn't this be a paradise for the English w;.;rkingman?" said Deppingbam. “That‘s the kind of day’s labor they’d like. Do you mean to say that these. fellows trudge eight miles to work every morning and back «gain at noon?" '“Certainly not. sir. They ride their thoroughbred horses to work and ride them back again.” “You take iny breath away." said the other, lapsiug into a stunned silence. The road lmd lxecome so steep and laborious by this time that B(m*les was very glad to furegn the pleasure of talking. He fell back with Mr. Saunders and proceeded to give the inquisitive lawyer’s clerk all the late news of the island. The lnhubhants of Japat had been prompt to protect themselves in a le- ual sense. They had engaged the serv- ices of eminent solit-itors in London. who were to represent them in the tlnal settlement of the estate. London was to he the battleground in the voming eonfliet. A committee of three had journeyed to England to put the matter in the hands of these lawyers and were now returning to the island with a representative of the firm. who was‘comlng out to stand guard. so to speak. \‘on Blitz, the German super-in. tendent. was the master mind in the native contingent. The absent com- mittee was composed of Ben Adi. Ab- daliah Ben Sabhat and Rasula, the Aratat lawyer. They were truly wise men from the eastâ€"old. shrewd. crafty and begotten of Mohammad. The mines continued to be operated as usual pending the arrival of the ex- ecutors’ representative, who. as we know, was now on the ground in the person of Thomas Saunders. The fact that he also served as legal adviser to Lady Deppingham was not of snai- 3ient moment to disturb the arrange- nents on either side. As for the American heir, Robert Rrowne. he had not yet arrived. He van coming by steamer from the west. recording to report, and was probably an the Boswell, Sumatra to Madagas- 2ar. due 01! Amtat In two or three ighting‘ a cigarette, “it looks to me. man all the best of the situation. they get the property whether they narry or not. while the original bene- ficiaries have to marry each other or get oi! the island at the end of the “You mean to say that they can have as many wives as they choose?" demanded Saunders. wrinkling his gear. Most of the islanders have got three or tour wives already.” choose anybody else’s.” . 0 “My word 2" ' “Eh?” queried Bowls. amusing Saunders, looking up into the treetops. Standing out against the sky fully a mile ahead was the home to which Ihey were going. The chateau, beau- ‘lful as a picture, lifted itself like a lream castle above all that was earth. y and sordid. lt smiled down from ’ts lofty terrace and glistened in the unset glow like the jewel that had seen its godmother. According to its own Rooms. the chateau. fashioned quite closely after 1111mm structure in France. was de TH E DURHAM CH ROXH‘LE be terribly 93. “They don’t signed and built by La Marcbe. fated French architect who was ms” at sea in the wreck of the Vendome. a Three years and more than £700.000â€" ,; to make it seem more prodigious. near- ly 18.000.000 francsâ€"were consumed in “:8 building. , Apartments fit for a king abounded. Suits WbICh took one hack to the In!- nrles of. Marie Antoinette were com. mon. Banquet halls. bathrooms. recep- tion halls. at Chapel and even a crypt were to be found If one undertook 3 Voyage of discavery. ‘- - â€"â€" LA.... I VJ“B" .. - Lord and Lady Depplngham. being! first in the field. It once proceeded to settle themselves ‘in the choicest rooms ‘ -â€"a Henry V1. suit. which looked out on the sea and the town as well. it is said that Wyckholme liept there twice. while Skaggs looked in perhaps halt a dozen timesâ€"when he was lost in the building and trying to find his way back to familiar haunts. ‘There was not a sign of a servant about the house or grounds. The men whom Bowles had engaged carried the luggage to the rooms which Lady Dep- pingham selected and then vanished as it into space. “They say these Americans are a wonderful peOplc, my lord.” ventured Mr. Bowles. “I dare say when Mr. and Mrs. Browne arrive they’ll have some way of”- “Brownei” cried he: ladyship. “This very evening 1 shall give orders con- cerning the rooms. they are to occupy. I suppose. however. that the rooms we have taken are the best?” “The Cbnit'cst. my lady," said Bowles, bowing. “See here. Mrâ€"crâ€"dd chap. don’t you think you can induce the servants to come back to us? By Jove. l'll make it worth your while.” “Yuu are not g ,ing to die. Dc-ppy." said his wife (-nnmiin'riy. “uniess you starve to death." she supplemented. with an expressive (none. CHAPTER VII. THE Bizowxm ARRIVE. ONTRARY to :1” expectations, the Brownes arrived the next morning. The Eieppinghama and their miserably frightened Servants were scan-91y out of bed when Saunders came in with the news that a steamer was standing of! the {mallow harbor. Bowlvs had telephon- «1 up that the Amerimn claimant was m board. â€"â€"â€"v -â€" “What are we to do?" wailed Lady Agnes. sitting down suddeniy upon the edge of a fountain. “You see, my lady. they take the po- sition that you have no right bore." volunteered Bowles. “They’ve got the ridiculous idea Into their noddlvs that you can’t be the heiress unless Lox-d Depplnglmm passes away inside of a year. and"â€" The deepest gloom pervaded the hauschoid when Lady Dopplngham discovcrvd that not “119 n!’ Hwir reti- nue knew how to make coffee or broil bacon-not that. she cared for bacon. but that his lordship am'uys asked for It when they did not have It. Brnmley Lipset tlw lust peg of endur- ance by huping that the Americans were bringhzg a rook and a house- mald with them. aspiring obstacle. “I'm not so obliging as that, let me tell you. If it comes to that, What sort of ass do they think I'd be to come away out here to pass away? London’s good enough for any man to die in." ' “The Amerimns always travel like lords." she concluded. forgetting that she serwd 3 lord and ndt in the least intending to be irunivul. “That will do. Bmmley," said her mistress sharply. "If they're like most Americans I've seen they'll have noth- ing but wet nurses aml chauffeurs. I can’t eat this \‘ilo stuff. Come on, Deppy. Let’s go up and watch the ap- proach of the enemy." Scarceiy half an hour passed before the advance guard of the Browne com- pany came into View at the park gates below. Deppiugham recalled the fact that an hour and a half had been con- sumed in the accomplishment yester- day. He was keeping a sharp lookout for the magic red jacket and the Tom- my Atkins lid. Quite secure from ob- servation. he and his wife watched the forerunners with the hand bags; then came the sweating trunk bearers and then crated objects inâ€"what? Yes. by the Lord Harry, in the very carts that had been their private chariots the day before! Depplngham’s wrath did not really exolode until the two were gazing Invest 25 cents in a box of Davis’ Menthol, Salve (“ The D. L.”) and be prepared for a hundred ailments, which may not be dangerous but are very annoying and painful, like neu- ralgia, earache, sprains, burns, bruises, insect stings, cuts, piles, etc. It is a household remedy always useful for some trouble, and should be kept in the family medicine closet. WILL MAKE HAIR GROW Continued on page 2. Preparedfromthegreaae of the Canadian Bear. Delicately it I do!" roared the per the m ”“9”. H” O. INew Summer Shirts for Men: ”00”” amwmouomuomomumom 44* OO””§6§”OO “WW WWW HEADQUARTERS for Frost Wood Implements of all kinds; Cockshntt Flows, “Mellotte” and “Stan- dard” Cream Separators, Stratfor-d Ladders and Swings. Turnip Sowers, and “Conboy,” “Brantford” and “Barrie” Buggies, Orillia Steel Trucks, Woodstock Wind M otors, Waterloo Threshers and Engines, etc., etc. Garafraxa Street Good attention and prompt delivery. Your patronage solicited. J AMES EDE 33KQE‘ISJ‘T FROST AND WOOD Implement Emporium These are new patterns and made in the yummy, wen-proportioned models that every man wants. ThvV are a lesson in shirt comfort. 115'}; mm \wmvr :I1e kmms. New Print and Gingham Shirts, regulation style, light, but; tough, 750, $1, $1. 25; New Neg ligce Shirts soft. colla,r for summer comfort Mn 31. $1. 253; Mon’ 9 \\ ork Shirts, dark and medium m‘ors. strong: cloth. good fit 3300. 6:30. 7.30 901.. 1. Fur big mm or small uwn, all sizes, 34 m 44 .. Bap-5' Summer Jun-says. white and navy, all sizes CRUSH HATSâ€"Haw you 8990 these new Hats? They're 1M style and top-notch values. "pom-date and absolutely run-Ml ' to go with any style of suit. Hard and Snft Felts, $1 and S‘. Packet; Hus. black, grey, fawn, will rull up and gu in the pm“ $1.25; Sm'mv Hats in the. new shapes. 50c to 81.50: Straw \\' Hats. generous rims. men’s and boys' ................. . . .100 u I‘v‘len’s Hats, Hard 6: Soft Felt Splendid HOSIERY VALUES All kinds of‘hoae. cotton or cashmere, ribbed or plain. H cverylmdy, all prices and all gnod values. Carpet Squares and Mats In variety. “’3 ha ve some handsome 0tmrns in Carpet Sqmn-m and a. lot 01’ new Mats in new designs. at 25c up. See our spc't'iu] range of Mats at $1.25. Odd lergths of Carpet reduced to clear. pieces fmm the svasnn’s cuttings. suflicient in most of them fun one room, reduced to clear. To clear. this sc-usnn’s goods. but the quantity in each pattern is limited. “7? will close them out at, a sacrifice. Boots and Shoes. sever-ll hundred pairs to clear at reduced privus. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT is kept well stocked with fl'vsh new Groceries of best quality, Broken Lines in Lace Curtains W'e'll pay the highest market, price for an unlimited quantity JAM ES IRELAN D BRiNG US YOUR BUTTER AND EGGS Best Grade of Binder Twine June 9,1910 . 50cap Seldom, if me: the latest Sam 1 beautiful Marl. ““0. Whfla‘ OM)“ 1H [and quality silk !; pace $5.00 sale pri { hum?! with edged win. jvt m feather [IlUlHH :31 “ll black “Lifc‘la I CLEO. sail» priw. I Mack ' ‘ “wk “”2“”; and osprrv I .t ........ .1 1 folded N: silk. hlavk lil silk tier. WH- N‘itnn huTa'U price . l hum with In“ hum: In“ huge. WK chantm'l of tom.»- 6 hand“ veg-y 513' price . . . l lnllil g hon. PM" mg 3“ "U I brown hut. lri (MI dl‘lpv. Hive I» loses at sidv n-g. : 1 sum“ lnvnwn and NH] fuliugv.‘ reg. 32.95 mm , l huldsnme hrnwn llml crown. cluster of \usvau aide. reg. $1.75 M’Hiug an I urge brow n and iuw'un am late cruwn. hands m r000 at. Iidv mg. a": (utwllim l hundmme mohair turh bonutiful [urge pink rnw ornunenu. reg. prinv 36 price ...................... I bicom. chip straw tux-ha good quality silk mfluta and bountiful green winm fancy buckke. reg. prico $6.: price ...................... 1 beautiful Nile mwm hr braid md trimmud wit h be .lld um rihlum. I'rg. prim .hprico............ l ltylish thulmm IUMIP 1 trimmed with gnud qualil. foliage and cherries. \wuut‘i lament reg. prior NH“. Nth ‘ ‘tl'fi. Milan mnulir 'ith green Chub fink RIM. Uh“ silt and f‘llt'y Illnhu I“. price $8.01!, cah- pl u l dmsy chip pimp“. I‘m a! With [teen Hm! H “fl font... reg. pl film 3 “New” 7 Bro“ l hindsnme chip ~lmp¢ M trimmed with gum“ hon. reg. price- $5.1m, nerg ‘ handsome fiuwm' turl Md foliage. reg. prim. 8‘.» oilâ€"hi “£360“ - riNu'n um Ind foliage, rug. prlv‘v $7 (cl mmve rose and rl - â€"-- M reg. price 33...... u mm! inspection a qum 1 hocy chip (mum, tr: 9 Rose and M \\' REHEMBE Ladit‘s' N 7 Green dim d U l cAvalivr silk ulw my muhni gale pl ivo uu '1 I50. MI 84 W

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