West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Jun 1910, p. 7

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g » w ‘IJIH “WC. “0‘ A - Jsuul at ~. T.\.V \ Shoe Store me ~ amaactmmoaow .pm. ~ . “w o 90900999000000.00Wf gut.) g," Latimer e mi Binder Twine ml i’urc Manitoba Flours ':h;!':‘~ l’mduce \Vanted ,ooo .ooooownv a wow; .2 . 093003009030'90000...’ 4. r‘ m gzmporium .000 0 ~ .5 ¢.ob¢0005600¢¢§“m s and Vinegars gm or. A N D WOOD EDEN and pmmpt delivery. Your \\ \VIHM1 Implements .‘~le'Hntte" and “Stan- I.-1-1-!e-rs and Swings, mt inn!” and “Barrie” i.~tm_i~k Wind Motors, a?“ I: Fla ? I m- '00.. :ule June 9, 19‘ 118 in the \"‘!’y man Hf! )rt, 88k Car-chi! Buy.’ in}; That McKinnon’S Old Stand- 0- ”ea In no tht‘y are first-Muss llt‘ prices. 'naiwtv to c- of get. wort h in ‘wonzlhle 48.198 and our “00th , Trunks, 3.4331503. 1r thev \ want Durham Hm 7-" t 5 BE READY TO ATTEND O‘- in; QPENING DAY THE BEG fi"; ti t; M- age 11th, 1 O E\ _'_ _ ‘_ ‘Afli‘ -':n:n-+‘. ‘l‘ nu gddom, if ever, has such an opportmity been pres. 17:: latest Summer Millinery===prices on 2:31 mats .1119 l 1811::- [am lzu‘ l hands-Dune m beautiful large ornaments. reg. price ............ l bicorn. chip straw turban, guud quality silk mflem ; and beautiful green wings t fancy buckle. reg. price $6.35 Mice ..... . .................. . l beautiful Nile groan tin-mm, ox luuunu i't‘filll and trimmed with beautiful tan rose (:mlmn rihlnm, reg. price $6.00 3 15 a ~Aleprit'o ................... of mohair braid, l stylish Napolenn made by moms ribbon. 'i'nnmml with gnud quali Suing? and cherries. beautiful or- 3 98 mun-mt reg. price $6.01). sale price. . 1 large Milan cavalier shape. trimmed u m green .hm. silk alsn fared with green 1 large Milat n :th green ohm. suns .Jilx and fgncy :‘rg. price $6.00. ea] l handsome chip shape, mums " k trimmed with green shot rib- :.. 4., mg. price $5.98. bergain.. . . . . l lax-gr brown and tuscan m hum- crown. handsou he at side reg. $LUUsellin§ {I ~31"; tatfesa ribbon and ha am". foliage, reg. price $7.00. I pwu. ~nmll hrnwn 1 tan fuliage : .. $23.95 now . I handsome flower turban mode of .- .k foliage. tog. price $9.50 going ll f). 1910 And Select Just the Hat Your in Durham, and for mile l" mdmme brown mohair turban. n. cluster of tuscan roses at, rug. $1.75 selling at. . . . . . . . . . qul hat. trimmed with ~npv. nit-e hunch uf til u side reg. $. .80 lluW.. . k silk draped bmmet. trimmed wit} .ilk ruse and twinge, _si|k ribhm rown and Taupe mauve rose and nun- ~h. reg. price $4.“). ”1.1 Mark mohair, trimmed With HM and «mprey. jet. urnzmwnt. and My silk tnfi'etn ties, reg. M sale price ............. 2.98 wt with (-urm-t {h ivt and (h'upo K). h jut and (h'upo :1 can”: of Ian-r. Hunt and swwt peas. also lwmnir lufl't‘ta. ribbon, reg. price ~pricv... ...... 1.98 m tam] turban trimmed with we: and rhinestmm r . n.8, n-g. price $6.75. 5316 3 98 O. ..... C ..... O - ooooooooooooo Nut"! mohair REMEMBER: u2p+ ‘ mmre sxlk smq blue and taupe bargain . . .. . . l1. adies’ Bonnets. [)I'H ll H I'Q't hut, m straw turban, trimmed with silk taffeta. grevn ribbon, green wings to match and reg. price $6.35 sale 2 98 ................. . pru | shape trimmed with and flowers tu match I'II‘ n. halal‘lsome silk $LU¢Dselliug at. . . . . HI cavalier shape. trimmed silk alsn faced with green my mohair buckle 2 98 sale price........ . pl'l 1k sham pl with tmeh greet) t-lm-han, of mobalr A.‘,_‘ L..- film-an bl!“ ban. trimmod vi“: and ribbon m 4 57.75. halo price. ‘ .34) hwing 2 49 .......... . rimmed with mauve and handsome rose- $7.00. 0510 n “a of umbair braid crown of Law. $7.00. ml. 3 98 ----------- I |;|;)\|l turban, drape pnltf-‘hlut 1V vein Lrib- I 98 ..... . llut‘ T’ 1.65 1.93 1.98 draw"! pihk violets beaut- th uld llwanliful Chip stun-x with tauuy net bz “’8 and "web, lognlar price 823 price... ] dumping {‘llip Sha} fzu'u Velvet fluid and velvvt rihhun and n'. spray uf grams reg. p1- 1 handu'nnu ruse «' beautiful lunhair a! .fxtmppings of gum] $6.1. 1 large black Int ru fancy mohair braid pit‘t‘ llhlt‘ Vt"\'t‘l “U“( $3.35 selling at, ....... plume price ‘ l hm: V h 1( mn shape of him bmid. nimmed with large 18 i: tulle and jet. orualueuts.1 eg. :55"): l)"‘v..... OOOOOOOOO O OOOOOOO .01.... llm'gvnmhuir lu-a'ul and fancy nvt tur- ban, tx-xumwd with prvttv spray uf {moan wheat. net and fancy ornament, reg. $65.75, suit pl'lcu. .. ............ 3. 8 Immlimu sized turban of mnhair braid. edged with Jet. trimuwd with large Mark plumes and lnvmy mnirv ribbon, reg. price $7.98. sale price. . . . . 4.98 1 small black mohair turban draped crown nf fanny net and silk trimmed with black satin ribbon and pink sweet peas, . reg. price $5.208, now selling ....... .98 If 1 handsome black folded silk turban. trunmed with handsnmo bunch of black silk roams suitable for "mu-on. veg. price $6 50, sale price .............. 4.49 1 small black silk turban. hands of jet and draped crmvn nf silk with an, toned wing of black and mauve. reg. $5.35. Q 7‘ sale price. . .. [PHIHUEU WI“ u acv\.. . -...V r“ . feta iihbnn. two 131g hunches g1 apes and foliage. Wsuitahlw for mourning leg. aeale pli( e ..... 1 handsome black chip h trimmed with seven yards ‘ , , l“ med W 1 umtron’s hat. medium size. rolled at side trimmings of good tafieta ribbon, black flowers and foliage, suitable for mourning reg. $6.75 sale price ..... 3.1 5 1 black chip but osilor style. timmlngs of 6 yds. corded ribbon. black silk rose 2 88 very stylish reg. 85.75 salling at..,. o 1 nut littlo shape of blue k chip tgffeta silk bows and b1 le tulle reg. 85. 95 sale price ............... 1 black corded silk hat. mm handsome drape. of taffeta silk. In: of black silk roses. 3 very becom ing h“. reg. $9.00 sale price... . .. very dressy hat of Muck mnhuix vet told and tritium-d wilu uvt, Ln". mes and jet. nrnauuuts reg. :6 $12.”) selling at .............. 5 of gum 1nd f0 price. . ., “V, V31 marked HI 7" â€" It Your Taste Fancies; We have the variety and choice to please every lady around. The early buyer has every advantage. We cordially invite your Remember the opening date, Saturday, June nth, and continuing for 21 days. black chip h? rolled at back seven yards and qual_ity_ _taf- nlinge u (6 mun-d \Vllkl ln‘t. Ln'u inl'gv ”I'DHUN HIS 10g : IV.- ............. . 'It(’l ac k ranI H (I It {HWY 8 I't Qth’ l}' Nu“ [unud “I”! Hats. H l'l hat. medium size .A silk. large hunch )1 H't black lllhhuil‘ 13 in. plume. \\ H 98 chip. stitched 1r”. 2(« sm’in 5’7? 4.35 mmwn llliHth am“. an. “#0 Hl ha h“ U mW‘ ‘ We invite you H t1 HI “l hat 1M0” yds. of rihmzn, mmr‘y every Cnln: roam-asexual iuvluding white and black, re duet-d In prices that will make quick selling' About 100 yds of zond taffeta every shade represented worth and $1.00, all going for per yd. . ') ('hiMI-en's Wreaths, over 1... huh-rs, 21‘} (-nlmw reg. pri 13 £50 up In $1.25 to be sold at 19c A good low price. 1 smart. blue turban 0f mohair braid, drapf Pd crown of umhair, trimmed with spray 01 when tailored bow and handsome cut stee ornament. l navy blue (l1ip straw slightly rolled at side 11nd txiumwd with alit 9 blue tulle and beautiful lmmh 11f (111111-15, reg. -. . . .98 l hmw l1l11v \lilan straw slightly rolled at sidz- mult: -.i11111w1 “i111 hast quality 111oi1e 1 navy bhw Milan straw sngnuy sidu and tt'ilnlllt‘J with hast qualit silk ribbon. reg. price $5.00 to he snld at, a great bargain ............. lnavy blue beautiful chip straw shape. rolled at side and trimmed with navy blue mnire silk and while taffeta. ribbon edged with velvet and ornaments to match reg. price $4.01) to be sold at, map 98 C tor ................................ THE. DURHAM CHR" }.\'ICLE WU 1 beautiful little pink mohair, trimmed with cluster of apple blusscma and best qual- ity pale pink satin ribbnn regular price . 2.25 to be sold at a bargain below 1 15 cost. at ........... Anyone purchasing any certainly gets a snap. 1 lacy straw bonnet pink 3nd white, trim- med with largo rosettn of best quality pink taffeta ribbon and long ties of same. with ruching of the fine“ vulenciennes Inc-e around face, reg. price $2.15 to be sold at away below cost .......... 1.10 13‘ ‘H ma ll 1d [mu-k chip but tolling at 13 how (if widt- t tfi'cm l‘ihlr ruwn, nzce suit hat reg. nasal-mien: of veilings going at Hi) sented to theiadies of Durham and vicinity to purchase 5 so greatly reduced they are practically given avg-“3' 18 Baby Bonnets. k and “kite Hats. r trimme d with huge Winn and jet ”rust- to call and inspect our large stock of Children’s Hats, which we are also clearing at Reduced Prices. )l ll 6 Blue Hats. - tilur \c ny he: uh himmvdE HM eta [ilih m hind .Ilml! d: um at ~ide leg .1 96 “3 3 1( ................. Him Veilings. I] All] prin- h ht .vlme n HU\\' ll ll of these bon nets , fm nd x‘ a 51'.k nf‘fll";y 71“}? .49 from and. . duz. beautiful'l f rnses VH1 nnlmir cm UU (N) “1.131“ t f??? 1.15 HI 1‘ f! (3.6” SHOWROOMS: Lambton St. DURHAM, ONTARIO $.63 U‘V with lzu wg. p134 lliUle w Mm!" “hih lung ties ()1 m'nmui fH' In»! (Ill! $1 silk lit pulv pink 750 to bc l fluwfs an. silk he: and l'uvhillg uf mtnut'. price 75-: L0 be sold at 1 Swiss mus'tin lmmwt trimmvd with pale blue luby rihlmn and hunvh nt’ blue furgvt- llw~lzl)t~'. tivs ()f Hue silk ribbon. 29 reg. price 75v, tn he sold at ......... o 3 lep. silk lmxmets herutifuily vxnhl‘uidvr- ml trimmed with best quality pale blue and pink silk ribbon. reg. prices fire, to 29 0 be snld beluw vast .................. ldaiuty muniin bonnet tiimuwd with in- sertion aiid l:.'u v. silk tit 5, leg. price. 23 500 to he acid at ................... 25 Beautiful Tuscan Hats. Beautiful tricorn shape with Velvet fnld. trimuwd with hpst quality msmn ribbon. stmppings of black velvvc and sprays black and white WhWiL and jet m-nauwnt to match price $8.00 to be giwn away for the small sum of ................ 3.65 _mh-'-1 I Chip straw tricnrn shape. with strappings and h()Ws blm-k vleet ribbon and Mir“? “9‘ green grass. leg. price $4.51) a 1 98 snap (it. . . OOOOOOOOOOOOO O Vim-v straw Anna Hold shape. trimmed with tuscav and Nile green best quality taffeta silk ribbon and large wreath of pulp pink flowers. grass. foliage, reg. 3 98 price $8.00 to he sold below cost. 0 1 Breton milnr in tuncan chip straw. trimmed with tnwnn (:nlnred. good quality silk rihhnn andu large alirw blue silk rose and foliage, reg. price $4.00, sale price ......................... 2.35 1 chip shape tuscnn roiled at side trimmed with green shot ribbon and hunch of puie pink rows. under brim. reg. price 2 $5.00 to be sold away below cost. . o 98 1 chip mushroom sailor draped with cream colored not and tuscan ribbon and huge bunch of tuscnu roses and foliage, rest. price 85.00 to be given away at ...................... . ........ .nl lle 1 rlxip straw shape. slightly rolled at side, and facing of shot silk. trimmed with chant- ecler red velvet and cherries. a very stylish shape reg price $6.00 to be sold 2 98 at. .......................... .. 1 tuscan leghorn with a black velvet fold under brim and trimmed with old mue moire silk ri'nbnn and June roses. reg. price 84.50 to be given away at. . 3.65 M uult‘ul nu t. lli'llhltd IV [2-Sta- H 0f Milt! DH itt‘ ssraw trimmed with hand silk latfem [inlmu run-Mes mu. same with 3 H11 lace “aching. M g. prim: $13!, to he 1 1 5 quasilk beautiful rusuttes of tull 1H it): [’8 min UI‘H l I muslin h Q10" mull bonnet. mum Pill! white satin ribbon g. 751: sale [wire . . . . ‘l h H f?..‘.’fi.Â¥i‘i°.'i.ié‘fifi*r 2 98 lin n11 \\ Muu and white “raw 1111 Ii! llv Hue forget-um- :tlitv “him satin liNmu idmv hunnet. nimnud 5!”. \‘SA‘K1ihulnl 25 BHI‘l 4‘t it 3iu“'. . . ll lmh)‘ HP). 11 md It \\' l 1:... ‘ 9 I I. .I)’ “‘ l - . . . ) . . ‘ sill 9S 1 hand emhrnidm h ril I'Q H HUN ('hi trimmvd . price (”1 AS EARLY IN THE SALE AS POSSIBLE '. . . H .39 [H ltlsft'l vllitf«v d 35 wit I‘U DU l {am-y straw shnpv run triuuuml with Nilu grevn mu with a large wreath of pink l‘f‘K. price $0.00 to be an! UIJIV 1 (menu chip straw Nmmluau trimmed with green shut rilmvn m huvklv In umtrh. reg. pxivv 3 h» given awuv fur a Ilwl‘v ‘ sung ht- l tusvnn turban. trilnu and brawn flawel‘s. tum'l and jet. wg. prim- $4. pl'ive... .. ...... . ......... $4.9. \V l \\ hi!» 1 WI-muh Hi lil snap ........ 1 whitv lvghm'u. stitched latfvm hm the Valley and facing reg, prim- price ............ . 1 white Lurlmn. fam-y lu pil.k ruse". pink tulle and riblmn velvet. reg. $5.25, 1 large whit»: turban. trimming. cream rusw, ribbon velvet. regular fun... ................... 1 chip tricoru, two lmnvlws uf June. white met and val. lace. reg. 8 503f01'.oooooo .......... co ..... o Leghorn shape huge how nf «ream tnfl'vm ribbon. drape of white HM and pulv- blue rose, reg. $5.25 selling 2 8 8L ............................... 09 1 white lvghurn with tun c-mwr. u!’ 3in uf the valley, Mack “91va km“. gum band around cruwn an! LWU urnm- 5 ‘ menus, reg. $8 9.3 mile. . . . .. ..... o 98 1 white chip but. pipings of Muck \‘c‘lxvt. Halley’s cmmet. how of whitv Mtlill. guld ur- nament and guld lucv. reg. $7.95 3 98 C for ............................ . . l mohair hat. lilac crown. fam mohair edge. reg. $8 00 for 1 large. umhair braid, drape hf tullv .arumnl crown. twu whit» USH'ic'h ‘flu'upg. fuur hunches of lily of the valley, reg. $11.00 bargain. .......... 6.98 lnmhair hut hwy edge. lfi' 81k rust-s». diapenf net and moim silk rihil bun, reg. $6.00 fur ............... 3- 98 l mohair hat, rnlling brim, hugu wreath. of pink roses and foliage. very 4 15 girlish, reg. $6.00 for ............ o givvn away In: llarge lace but made in : mushmnm shape,15yardsufombmiden-d Chiffon lane on top, val. lace facing trimming, wreath of pink roses. regular $8.95 snap .................................. 5.98 at l val. lace hat. has val. lame frills on the top. allow '1‘ lace facing. handsnme bunch of pink roses. leg. 85. 75 for. 3. 98 1 \mL lace but has val. lace frills on top. all over lace facing. handsome hum-h 3 5 of pink ailk loses reg 85.15 fur” 7 lwhite Napoleun. mohair, trimming uf sprays of white wbe‘t. satin ribbon. gold ornaments. reg, 85.95 sale price .............................. 4ol5 lvghuru. gmu} itfl‘lfl huw, IHI y and blavk 'I. ltl HI \\ h hite ‘N mv film an pm In uf lum'hvs uf $1.75. N st In W "my braid. tri $4.10. :lnd‘ :rl .‘uk 3. 98 Lam crown. m Lunch of Mac l um‘a! ‘ 3.75 Mil -\ Ht mg ll I’llfil‘ h‘ pale

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