West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jun 1910, p. 6

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00 990 99990 099 0999000900000 JNO. SCHULTZ or myself at the shop George Whitmore Pumps. Curbing. Tile_ p til‘ 3 yards 1m: pair ...... 3} yds. Inn pair . . . . . TMJ». Li , mu. .3! ‘fc’. H... B EAN J I PK 9 each Oheaa yards bun "l‘i ‘. o I O C . 3):“ l' V3 I" _\'3I I" “'h‘l' he quufl . l!‘ 213' am-l 5-!" Dress U0»: 7 l4. uf (Has-aware just I!) CALL AND SEE L's A.\YU.\'E 0x3 NEEDISG New Pumps, Pump Re- pairs, Cement Curbing or Culvert Tile, see . . . . Lace Curtains Oiivint! OJ “it’s. UhiMrflm’ and live,” ths all prices Prints and Gln :hmm I' 2.")- am-l 5’4" Dress binds ”Xv" I, S! .im'n U BIG :Iyrna Rugs at ............ 83.00 l and incbr Gaidel's Block 2 yards I), fat sapphires in 2;: She did not cmnplr The enemy was giro-.i! (vsque natives with :I ”in Upset all (-nlvnlnziuns .‘I that the mevtlhg was plmll'rmlged The-re was no zmv rm 9! sv'rw'y. 'I‘lu- confvrenw. “'11leer its lwrlvnt. had ”I? "writ of lwii'f. clllilv :Ilu:\'ei;mlt°ll. In the «and the mzl sulii-Elur. lifting his ho-lmei with a grs‘mrv su significant that it left In» run!“ l'm‘ smallhtintl. t-urnml and mumprml (limugh the» broad gate-way :lmi «mt intu the t'urest mad. The thrm- servants returned as they had (mm, M way of the bridle path along the wall. _ They hastened to the chateau and regaled the resourceful Britt with the disquieting news. That evening he dragged the reluc- tant Saunders into the privacy of the Continued from page 3. the sunlit edge 01" t3:- C'émé'e; wbére two servants awaited them WM) para. .013. Threw mm wvre approavhing by m. mt!) th-h led down from the fall away stables. Browne recognized thv dark skitnrm] mm) as servants in H: chum] uâ€"tlxe umjnr dumo. the chef am the mastpr at the stables. “Lard hoppinghmn must have sen them down to pil’"h him ovor the wall. In: said, win: all vxchml grin. ”'vv"-{u"-‘” u»? ,Vv hnslmnd ls bunfltu banging garden and deliberately Inter- rupted the game of bridge which was going on. ”There be 15! See him: “most whispered Brnwmh. as if the tolitfll')‘. motionless flg'arv :u the foot or the av. enue was likely to [war his vome and be frigb'ene’; away. The enemy was sitting serenely on one of the brand iron hvuchos just in- side the gates in the park. his arms stretched nut :Iinhg liw back. his legs amended and (TUSSPd. it was quite» apparent that he has ::;;i1,\' sum-flan, the chateau. pulling x~.-;:h CUUSihH‘Ul ease at the cigarette which dumped from his lips. "And ynu from Boston, too,” swam Lady Deppiughzuu. Mrs. Browne flush ed and smiieJ (it-prerutillgly. "Wonder what he's doing here in the grounds?" puzzled Browne. ”It's plain :0 me that be Is resting his and:wi..m lmnos." said her lady ship. glancing brightly at her to "Mr. Britt was right." sum Mm Browne irrelevant”: She was peering at the stranger wrung!) (be binoculars, ”H:- is Very gum! waking." “Ladies and gentlemen,” said Mr. Britt, calmly dropping into a. chair near by, “this place is full of spies.” The enemy was amino serenely on one of the iron benches. "Yes. sir. every native servant here is a spy. That’s what the enemy was here for today. I've analyzed the sit- uation and I’m right. Ain’t 1, Mr. Saunders? Of course I am. He came here to tell l’em what to do and bow to report our affairs to him. See? More- over. he's getting the evidence of ev- erybody to prove that Skaggs and Wyckholme were men of sound mind up to the hour of their,death. He has the depositions of agents and dealers In Bombay, Aden. Suez and three or four European cities. all along that line. He goes over the day's business at the bank as often as we do as scents for the executors. He knows Just how many rubles and sapphires were washed out yesterday and how much they weigh. It's our business. as your agents. to scrape up every- thing as tar back as we can go to prove that the old chaps were mentally 00 their hue when they drew up that easement and will. 0: course if we can prove that annuity his alway- m-throuzh the twq families it"- "Good Lad!” gasped Browne nerv- “Spies!” cried four voices in unison Mr. Saunders nodded a plaintive apolc -*‘It would he a great help. If we all show that you had Maserâ€"Lad,» Whats M spells occa- ”Not toga]! the Islands In theworld.” and, W.Wm. “The idea: THE MAN FROM BRODNEY’s H r its lurrtvnt. lmd quih' alun'ehmlrd. Ulil'ilul'. lifting his Hr» s0 signitié'um ttn- mun-non. min: Hw stall). friuzndlim-ss that .‘I was M'idem ':!.~' plezll'rmlged HIH'K 0r thn fall the am ‘-‘Did you got all this down, M185 Pel~ ham?" “Yes, Mr. Britt.” “Good!” Them he went away. leav- tng the quartet unconsciously dc. pressed by the unmbasis he placed '.Ipon that sinsrle “"11! Queer spells! T‘I'easé fie goud'enougl: to leave me out of the insanity dodge :- you Americans call It.” “I: It necessary to make my husband insane in order to establish the fact that his grandfather was not of sound mind?” queried pretty Mrs. Bro“ m». with her calmest l’ostun inflection. “It depends on your husband." aald Brltt coolly. “If he sticks at anything which may help us to break that will he’s certainly lnsane. That's all I've got to say about It." “Well. I’m hanged It [’1] pose as an Insane man,” roared Browne. “Mr. Saunders hasn't asked me to be insane. have you. Mr. Sannders?’ fished Lady Agnes In her sweetest ders nervously. l The next day Let one It was an- nounced that the enemy had moved into the bungalow. From time to time his gray, blue or white clad figure could be seen directing the operations of the natives who were engaged in rehabilitating Wyckbnline‘s “nest." l’t'I'lIuIm' new! heft)“: in S” MI” :I poeIi-III h: u Ihv (Ira h I'nlt' hf'l‘il .' leigh In this m IIIIIIIII ity as v. iIlIiII ”w p ml four 'I'mka 21ml especial!) :IIIIIII g IIIII l'¢'~ilh‘ll'fi uf IvlzIIIII six havu gum-ant away “hum n.;.cu averaged 83 )I-nrs b‘Ivc childn-II Imu- IlIed IIII1’1‘1'531‘HI'5. Mr» Hmnphill SI°.â€"-UII Thursday lI: tuft?! .1 (mg illnum Ihww passed IIWIn at her lo [c huuw N” ”If 4th line ”IN MI HIP IIIIIiesL se'llvla iII Alle- ”It'fii't in Ilw pmmu «If Mrs. HeIIIplIill Sn. Ielict III the late Mr. James HvIIIp III]. During 5-“ (If Mrs. Hemphill’s In In; him ”as ImIIIe with Christian IUI IIMe, shv “as mused \Iith IIIIliI» iI'g :ILIeIII inn and “NHL ta IIdo I 0.- Ice. by (hr HIPIIIUCI‘.‘ nf her I'IIIIIIly about 1191'. Sh» \I';I~ :I gum] wifv um] UIIILhHV', but .nI III..I.y M'If s .I-Iitiviug cited» and a ll? 5 o “'1 ‘1”‘i4’flh Hfl' lull-kw '1"? e.» “um «i an! th'll in inflamnuv fur gum! far My uul hvr uwn h'mw. In Munrt Li In Mr hudxst clmrvh “ho-m hm- mulzu “as Hnnllmi unumg the first. n-t-Indu'w Ual'l fifty years agn rhe “3H . rum fLi .w ri.--a m d zezdnus in ail its mutants. In pr. isc and prnyor and ӣ441:- ln sh- howl-1'41 a wizling and 09134“! .v \i<e The “”10””, “hirh um v. 1-) .:~|"u («Ink pin-e [U .“Ulllll 7mm m: n'. u ' luv :d‘twrmmn when an nwluhssivu St‘l'Vi e was ruminant! in NH ('imlt h l-y thv pustnl', Re“. T. midmu. .n':».- which interment was math in 2118211!!!in pint bvpidv ”19 re- :nnins' m' the flew a «1’3 husband, whs» plmhmvnsml iwr 27 years. The dc. mum d WHUM.‘ Ins-.id -n Hallie Was Mill‘- unrwt “Um-u", “an burn in the cnnmy lynnw. Irvlnm’. in 1821 and was wafnre in her 60th year. In 1842 slw (mum with her futhn’s family Ln ('mmdn am! in the township of \'.m...-lmn sue-t her future husband to uhum >118 W45 married in Toronto in \'.m...-lmn sue-t her future lumbar-1d Ln “hum rhc W45 married in Toronto in 1848 am! WHM who"! .~he ('mne tn Art- --uw.~inin 1‘53; settling near Muunt. Zinn \vhnu- thirty years were spent and MW [NHL twenty-Ax an the 4th linv. '1'“ Mr. and .‘clz‘s. lie-xnphill were hmn rlnu-n (-bilch'en of Whum are donul, Jnhn. Ellen. Ro-trel'cal (Mrs. Jnlm Smupl.-:, and Mmydlrs. \V. H. Um:- mum The («m-xiving mmuhm-s sm- anph. Uuudalk: James. Tut-unit»; Manguwt (Mrs. Juhn \Vm-ling), Vand- Plum: “'HHnm H.. Rum-rt J. and Funny (1. 4th lmv, AHMIIWifi; and Sang-am; Ur-ylmo. Out Hf a huge family Mun-Led fur Iungivily nf life. “Saunders." said Britt calculatingly and evenly. “next thing we'll have to begin bunting fur insanity In your family. We haven’t heard anything from you on this Iittie point. Lord Deppingham." “I don’t know anything about Mr. Saunders’ family." said Deppingham Itiflly. Britt 104mm! at him for a mo- ment..puzzled and uncertain. Then he gave a shnrt. hopeless laugh aha said under his breath: “Holy smoke!" When he finally railed the confer- ence adjourned :md prepared to de- part he calmly mmnd to the stenog- rapher. The chateau was now under the very eye of the enemy. Mrs. Harrism Stuâ€"9n Friday last Ur»; .Iulm lhrriswn n vm-y highlv te- rn....n-‘ I“! l'wsiJ”"’ "'t‘~~‘“(‘ rlwav at her a. me on Tnlonto line east. where ~Iw brml 9r, \Vm.. :It LII-skn' an: al Mu) sisto‘lfi MN. .‘IIHPI. at \VIIItI-clIIIIch. .ml st Spear, at, Fevvrshmu survive. Invest 25 cents in a box of Davis’ Menthol Salve (” The D. L”) and be prepared for a hundred ailments, which may not be dangerous but are very annoying and painful, like neu- ralgia, earache, sprains, burns, bruises,insect stings, cuts, piles, etc. It is a household remedy always useful for some trouble, and should be kept in the family medicine closet. BEARINE don’t Applehend"â€" began Saun- WILL MAKE HAIR GROW Delicately (Inst, \w'ek’s lmdgvt.) F365 herton (To be continued; THE DURHAM CHRONICLE huh-1. Harrisuu in 1:5". In 1871 tiny came t, - Unumln :tml settled man- .4. x .a- mae. Mrs. Hm'rimn is szlrviVed by htl' int-hand. \\ bl) is a: pl'vsmu \ery IH, usuums \Vul‘d of H l\'t‘l’ Creek. 5:. J.. and Aiil'rd hear Fae-helium, and Mia. J- hu \Vhitien, 'lm'tmtn. The 1e>ideuce M Mr. and Mrs. J0 m A’\tiiitl,tn:t 0f the Vii-age was the ;-«:~|.e (bf a quiet Wedding «m \Veune- - (in) evening ut last week when Ihei ti..ll.;htrl' Leta Peal wan jmnt-u 5!. marriage With Mr. Carltun ‘3 Her-Ms \‘.i('|\("“.‘, sun of M 1'. Amirew \\ irkens. Int-.H' H e Village. There were he» at- temlalns dud unly Immediate r l. L ves \\ iUIEss‘ed the Ct'l't‘lllnlly pet funn- :Ld NV Rev. H. E. \Vellvwind. B. U. Hi this place. The bride’s sister Mrs. ‘Jtmt: Beeernfr, played the Wedding mam-h. The bride win» was giwu away t-y her father was prettily guwn- ml m gray tafi' m :silk triunned, \\'i h an; app! que and vmre a wreath nt’ mange Rum-stuns in il“!' hair. AH‘PI' the m u 1 huge a dainty Wedding ru‘mst was M‘tVHI. The. luilavwing day the pump; couple left for Tut-nut” ' u their lmneymmm, the bride Unveiling in a .si)'|l.~il suit with hat, to "mu-I . She inus the I‘PCIPIPIH uf numerous valu- ‘a‘de. \\ eddihg preaents. Mr. a) (1 Mrs. ‘ \Vickens “ill Ie>icie in the revently 2};‘fttlti)t-CJ DA is fzum west uf the :'3\iliage. â€". .._.,-.. we rpeul. nearly tmty gem-a. Mus lunauu bad a prolonged and an, tunes aVrh‘illlPea which was borne «id! hrxsti-M resignatiun A I II: J mmldl w dune. by medical ntto Im‘uu and the, iindueesuf he. family for her relief and C "I“Ht Wit:- Ilt’t‘lv hwsht\\fd. She was d \'u ed [0 her {4113in and a kind l)vi._;hi..nr who “il. I. named in the community. Mrs. Herrisou was am estrcaue-A member at kllnuul's: hunch hc‘l'o: and II)“ p :3 “1' Hrs. U. S. ; \hltlgun conducted un- f-mmm per-i vim- held at ‘he n his“: at. nu - u'clc'ck Ull Salinity afternmm nhrl‘ \Vhlch fl large curb. xv. lofluweJ the- wm mm In y‘u-anrlwml (neuwtvry. T I : omv'vast d , " M" 41..“ Imnw w u H» '.\'-ncl.' l ' 'W' “i ‘le mum- w u Hv }\ 1!”. was born in Ymktsuil'e, England. In Tic :UHIUHi IIIPH ii g of Iiw rxchIIivv Hf liu ['ihlv Sm it H I «I9 was held in Iiw PII \hv to I mu IiIIIII h Inst um k, tiw PIL‘HidIIIl \h. l‘. R. M Km zig‘ iII Ihe (' h: IiI. "li .. H'PHHH'O‘I' IIf'NII'U‘d a umui year $58!}. l5 hm ing iwvu received. A huimvce «m h IIIII fIIIIII fuI'IIIvI' yvar of $17.3“ Ina-iv a ithl of $103 45 um Hf u. lIi-iI :SIIII‘I.42 \Vt'l't‘. CUIHI‘HHIII‘d II) the wurk «If the Suciely. 73 Bihlvs weIe said by Mr. HIIIII. aIIImIIIIiIIg (“$18.15. Uflic I Is WI :0 I '94 [mi .15 fuiiuwm â€"-â€" I’ve; Mont. '1. H. MI KHIIzw; St‘f‘tlt‘ifll", RiI imIII Allen; iIIas'IIWI. :IIId Ribxe dvl miIUI-y. \V. H. Bum: Amino”, “K J. BH.1‘:NIIYIII(‘.C'MS. Ste-wart. In ad- (Ltinn to thv resident llIillib‘U‘l'S the fulluwing were», appnimwi on the vxwmuivr: 7-!7loshmtun. (f. Sit-Wart. J. !" (fim'd. G. H. (.‘uiI'Ios. \V. J. B I mm 1‘. ( loytuu, lh'. MIIIIII)’. '1‘. \\ Iiistei'. L. iie'ts, I5. \Vyatt. ( cykm, -S. HPIIIIIIIIIJ: T. (.iiiislI-H. Lugema. .-]{_ I’l-IIIII. H. \Vi limua. E. (Il'W Ii. (hi: 1h. Yum! IIIPI'.â€"â€"J~v~‘. I} H II: HHHI. .I. I. (r‘mimm. Pmtun hI.IIiuII-\'. Md aIIIIoI. A h‘hmusnn. Rockv M. i’iIiIIII». H. Akitt. Mount. Zionâ€"- .l. \\'.-II.~nII. \\'. ALI-Inn. II. was "I- sulvmi that IIIPvtiIIgs he lIPld at the IIIItaiIio‘ [mints and a IIIIiuII Illn~h "WM.- iIIg is: Rustin-Ian the dates In be fixed later. Miss Finish? CeIquIetf, or rather Imw MIS. \V. MuII uhu ha» bum fur SHINE timv HI» “I lixing assist wt in the pu~L “flier TWIN! Imm the pljailinl) on Sat Ixrday, \‘H: pu mum. to look after the c-nIIIfm-ts m lu‘I' m‘wly fmIIId I)...s|’uuv| Mr. “'alter MaI'I'. nt'eumu in Mr. D. Mc'l'avish’~ shup. Ra'm'ntly tho 31 um: c IIIIJquIietly I-IIIbaI'kvd in the [mat ur' umuilmmy and Imw that me sum-M’s um ttwir frivuds wieh them pleasant sailing. M l’. and Mrs. Maw wxll cmniIuIe Ln reri {e hare. Mrs. Andrew Carr. 3!) estremed 0M lady of nearly eighty years 0f age, had the misfnrtuue tn fall in the house on Monday and fracture her thigh lmm- -t the hip joint. Mus Carr 5 unmm" “Hands deeply sympa- uhize MM) her in he: sutfexing. Mr. Juhu Bitten rwmhed the and news (m SdHHddy from Cuidwutcr u! the death hf his little l'u|ll°o\'cazlx‘«u}(l grand-(humhwr, Gertrude England. who “as fatally harm-d un Fr day by ". 12mm upselmg mu! iguiLing hvr cluthing. T24» ('h'hl was lrnibly hurnvu and did af'w- Ihue hum: sutfrx-ing. Mn. Mum: and dulghber Mrs. Jnhn “Tight Lth on Saturday evening for (filthy-new. Numerous I'nivmis (firmly rymlnuhlzv with the hrl'elb patents Mm furnu-rly rmided ht‘l'f‘. Nn.6 (.Jmupany which leaves for Niagara Camp ln-murrow (Tuesday) mun-mug will be r. few nwn flhOl't of the full number. Capt. U. N. Richard- sm) has asked Mr leave of absence owing to business ties. Mr. and Mrs. J-t-hn Whitten of Tor- outu, attended the funeral of the lab- ter’u rnnther on Sunday. Mr. W’w. Burnett lost. a valuable mare some Days agu by getting her leg hrnkoen in the {mature field. Mr. Rivimrd Bentham and mnthur m-Inw, Mrs. Eliza Paul were at Elm- Vale last wvek ut'ending the funeral uf the latten’s hrother-iu-law, \V. Ruwnn-ce. Mr. J. J. hmdvn, Assistant Genet-.1! Manager of the Standard Punk. Tm- mm), was nn :1 tithing outing and the gtwst of fir. Gen. MitChQH part of last u eek. Mrs. Hickling and Mrs. J. \V. Arm- strong spent part of last week in the city. Mr. James Hempbill and son “'31- her 01 Toronto. Mrs. J. Mulligan, Tor- onto and Mr. (irn. Hmuphi“ uf Vang. ban, attended the fuller-a! of the late. Mrs. Hemphill m) Sstmday. Bornâ€"At Toronto, on May 313‘: to Mr. and Mrs. G. B. “’elmn (nee Minnie Munshaw.) a daughter, ("than Gertrude. ) Rev. H. E. \Vellwnod, accompanied by wife and little- daugb er Ian; on Monday to attend To: mm» C: nfvrcnce. Mr. Bout. will nlwnttend as lay d lee M rs. Jos. Rm‘lley has gone to Niagara to spend a mouth with her daughter. Mr. Ruht. Thistlethwaite has re- turned from Emu, Paint-y River. “In re he has be: u Ior same time. Mr. Samuel McDonald and daughtPr Marion of Ivy paid Rev. and 31:8. \Vellwnod a short visit last. week. u“. “fix ”1er “Ulrich: [u .Mo. Continued on page 2. 3W ”990*”... New Summer H Shirts for Men pi. 9”... JAMES IRELAND AAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAA‘AA‘AL Garafraxa Street looouooooooooooouwooowo muuuowww iMatthews Latimer "El DQITARTERS for Frost ‘ \Vnml Impim; of all kinds; L‘ockslmtt Flows, “lelotte” and dm «1” Cream Separaturs, Sbmthn‘d Ladders and S. 'l‘ul nip Sewers, and “( ‘0nb0y," “Brnntford” and “Ba Buggies, Ogillia. Stool 'l‘mcks, Woodstnck \l'ind Mn Waterloo Thrashers and Engines, etc, etc. . Good attention and prompt. delivery. patronage solicited. JAMES EDE 3.3": ’WW”WOM”WO”Q”MOON 0 O OQQ’OO 9 9 cc 5 .0 (6, 7101.913 FROST AND WOOD Implement Emporium va Print; mu] Gingham Shirts, rpgulmiun style, fight. but tough, 750, $1, $1.23; New} Mg; ligre Mnirts. .wfxx cullnr. for summer cnmfurt. imp. $1. $1.23: Mt'n's Work Shirts, dark and nuniium q-nh WA. >th mgr (fluth. {100d fibflfiflc, 65v, 750, Who. (<1. CRUSH HATSâ€"Have Ynu seen these new Hats? TheY’l'e f1” .4” style. and 'flp-HHL’.’h vahles, uptu-datv and uhsnluteiy cum-pm H n. tugu with any style- of suit. Hard and Sufi Felts. 3] ML! $.54; Parka: Hus, him-k. grey. fawn, will ml! up and g0 i" ”I“ PN'm-t. 8125; S raw [late in the new shapes, 506 to 81.50: Straw \\'..,k Hats. gonna-nus rims'. linen”! and buys’ ........... , ..... . ..1U:' 1:» 34° These :H'v new patterns and made in‘ tl.e roomy, m-H-nrc»|:()rtioned models that every man wants. 'l‘lwy are a lesson in shirt comfort. ask any wmwr: he knows. 'I‘noienr. this smsun’s gnmls. hm the quantity in batch thvz-u is limited. “'9 will chi-:9 them out, at a sucriflve. ”nuts and Slums. several hundred pairs to clear all reduced prim-n ()L'R GROCERY DEPARTMENT is kvpt well stacked with flu-h nmv (it-hurries of best quality, 13 us' Sunumw Jr‘l'swys. white and navy. all sizes Men's Hats, Hard 5: Soft Feit Men’s Balbriggan Underwear All kinds of hose. (-uttnn or cashmere, ribbed or plain. “use- evm-yhmly, all privrs and all good valuvs. In variety. \Vce have amne handsome nutcras in Carpet Squat-m and a 1-:t uf new Mats in new (1942:". at 250. up. five um- H'H‘l'idl range (If Mats .U 3|.245. 03d It’l'gths 0f C‘ert reduce-d U) «'lmu‘. piwtvs {rum Ihv s-nsmi’a cmtinga. sufficient in most of them fur LN“ rmm), I'(‘d|l(‘rd In clear. . “'9'" pay the highest market price fnr an unlimited q'mmiiy l“ n- hi; nwu «gr sum" mun, all 242%, 34 m 44 Splendid HOSIERY VALUES Carpet Squares and Mats BRING US YOUR BUTTER AND [3005 Broken Lines in Lace Curtains Best Grade of Binder Twine For Flour Feed Seed Fresh Groceries New Fruic and Nuts Choice Confectionery Pure Spices and Vinegars No. l Famiiy 2nd Pure Manitoba Flours Fine Salt. Farmers Produce Wanted June 16 McKinnon’s Old Stand .. CODE/Ere; 9. -, ' ° Durham ar H ()Ul‘ 1108 9~ I beautiful ‘I‘Ilc'k n “.k. 'hQ‘c’t‘ IHH‘ ”spy. 'ood quali‘y silk 1.911. "(one .35.!” rule pH w I Minuet with an] edged with ju 3....1 .; [puller u mum. 3...} .. I Mark SUL NICK bi‘k l gud osprey. l I s: quill trinmnecl \ uflela l'il' 1 Ian!“ am with “NW N bunch” Hf “" " We. “‘3 "m I medium I chunk-flu rv 0f “ape [ihh 6 bum lulu Hi very sty lihh. price ........ l rolling muirv s ik W. pal» blur and 1 reg. $4.90. Inn-gain I brawn hat. “in (MI drip“. nim‘ Lu [0.98 it sidt‘ I111. :53" ‘ 1".gp hrHW'! m |“(“: (‘I'ID‘ m 8' Bid(’ “‘8 I handsuuw I bountiful lul‘K' ornaments. I“! price......... l bicnru. chip straw good quality silk L: and bountiful gram. fancy bucHe. r11. pli office ............ 1 beautiful Kiln Mid and himlm ‘ it"ish Nllmlmm will!!!“ With Km", 1 hrs. Milan «'a '“h green Ohm silk that. call. and {Mu ) n we pl‘iCP stiwl, Nd‘H‘ 1 time; Obi-I ed with arc" “d fuliufl‘. F' l hmdunmv Wk tl'hnlm'd hon. reg. pl'i'f' 7 Brown and Indfoliagv. "I l' “ 0’? l (we! chip {'- fill muwe row latch. reg. er' l handsome H‘ "0‘. \Ti' ll 3, [‘“I‘uull Withuut t crowded ‘ beautifisli REHEMBE 1WD :1 r0.“ (h mnlum '9 pink 3. prit' II \\ \\' O (I! H f" 8U L59! rhhl

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