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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jun 1910, p. 1

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w 1‘. um bowels are («)Etâ€"Ithcd.â€"Aya’8 Ph- bld for nearly sixty years. Ask your mg INTARH) I been ar- r 25th inst. grove, the loo) is on. to to and In cream, 'ICI’S rt "f2! ”ridge ”ridge iturs. H .r.‘ It is a doctor’s aid. n. throat and lung M . opiniqnpf it. Follow It Huh TH LS £8" phl \V Ml M for coughs and colds eâ€"â€"â€" Aycr’ 5 Cherry Fem. It is not a doctor, does u H ll >000...“ ” SAMPSON” FARMING TOOLS FZIHHCI‘S' Central \hntuu! Fire Insurance -l«%~:~:«:~+4~l~H~i 3.4 the Mulock people a! not sell ice mm; good} is being prepued. and t 3le be game. and rat“ children. \s. .1. MCFADUEN, Ag’t- D‘L’RHAM. owmmo :-~:~:~~:~:~2«:«:~:ȣ~2«:~me Hardware and Furniture 'I‘hi‘ i~ n linv we can “Opto- ially rm-ummend: made of lmmmrr drawn steel, 0“ [taupe-rm! and carefully I”!- vi. 'I'lwy "nine I" II. '“b the. makwr's guarantee. M Hun” who, '1 Hi? bought and uwd tho-m are o-qually om- ph.flw illm [ht‘il' (“VOI'o ll (iraham Nails Are The Best F4rmilng Tom's. as in 8'0”. Hm}: viva Wt' aim to?” with [In homt. and any“) n» m ml Hull? mule-l the name Nun-um hand can be re- hmi ”pull fnl’ gluld :«it'l‘ViCO and snthlurtmh. F.Lenahan and Company 2d cash rates, )remium note: e or {our ye: red elsewhere ed with light 2' contents ac g with [hust- R.\ ”A.“ NAII 'y huv. HNI'I‘I'RI'I â€"ln rm Fur- .. lh-luutlln'nt we I" :xJ \‘trzngcst Purcly‘lllll name Company In Ontario - Walker-ton, Ont R'F'xmacher. Manager. sh rates. and under k!" urn news {or a term 0' fO‘JI‘ yq'u-s than CID 5' -l~‘ew"wre Building! PW iTSL lixhtning rods Ind :tcnts accepted at 10'" *1 others not so pl'otefit“I ftl ’F‘Y INSURED NEAR. .‘x' $WImo'UJ00,00. Tkinds of farm 13’0”" .i'zV"; (ixxcllings at 1‘3‘ «HH’ANY nfl. so hool 0, z dler Th? contraCI 101' L111: Clubs-van --_ the weigh scale-a and the buildin of the chrk’s office, was awarded to the Ritchie Bros. Sermons in the next Sunday on Flesherton is preparing for a big demonstration on Dominion Day. when $700 will be spent in prizes for horse racing, marathon racing and other sports. The Hanover band has been engaged for the day. )Ir VOL 43â€"N0. 2257. T'm annual garden party c Burns church, Rocky Saugee will he held» on Mr. S. Puthc «Hugh’s grounds on Thursda June 30th. ‘mnd program all n-frea'nments. Tea served from to 3. Admission 15c. and 250. Miss Swnl7er, who has he gazed as first 3912’stant in 1h: Svhool Department has re: hm- position, to take effect close of the preoent term. erd has advertised [or at tn fill the Domitian, as well 1‘. additional wsistant .{or the Sr‘luul term. wt for galaâ€"On corner 0! Sad- r and Albert Streets. Apply to 3. Jun Cowme. 6233p \ pry cent, u-niture sale still continues at of! at F. Lenmhan . 'it'xx' page handsome an! hat of drug cpecmalues, rubber ymuls. trusses, elastic stockingq, rm: (‘ov-respondence confidential. UH’N' direct and save money. We 1m pastage.â€"Elgin Specialty C0,. ' 6163p NEWS AROUND TOWN ,. raunty Council is in “Wk at Hanover. cati . E. A. Rowe has installed a soda fountain, amd is ready to ~ to the vishes of all who dw- His cooling beverages. F‘ m-v- Day in the Methodist "11w". hut Sunday was full of 111-. Yvrwt. The church was magnifi" (.‘Pt‘.t‘.\ decorated with flower-S, fern . an". hinge. A fountain “'33; "luv: in one corner of the Plat‘i 5-"‘II‘.. and .1 large number If CMH‘WK assisted in the singing: In five morning. the children . ’1’ the 5 mday SChOOl “'ere on the ' "3315mm. mingling their voice? ‘wi‘h the choir, and the choruses ‘ ' “Won girls added to the inter- ' t- The sermon by KEN. MY- wl'ight was especially to the boys on keeping the door of their lips. “mini: them particularly again-3t "unity and the use of tow. The congregation Val especially hr” in the evening. all the ser- lion We! on the my veritable 1e:- '°“| taught on by the lovers. M 3191, Storrey is building 31' Our story, “The Mm Jrom Brod- (~k resxdence. ,appears on pages 3, 6, and 5. contract for the erection of 55“)“, in the Methodist church ay on “What shall the --” and “How are we who has been en- u’stant in the High mt has resigned take effect at the party of “v gaugeen. S_ Puth92'- . Thursday, the blOdUl session and: mtrimmed, at greatly reduced pric- , ~ ‘ es. We are adding daily to our ? ialready large stock of trimmed Eshats. Give us am opportunity {oi Owing to the change of scheduie on the C.P.R., the afternoon mail for Toronto will hereafter close at 3.10, instead of 3.30 as heretofore. Our large staff have been rush- ed all week with orders for sum- mer hats. Call and see our beauti- ful stock of trimmed hats for the holiday trade,â€"Miss Dick. Mrs. 'Dhos. McAnulty received the sad intelligence last week of the death in Munro, B. C., of her brother, Mr. Chas. Braithwaite, in his filst year. We are rushed with orders for light summer hats for the holiday. Call early and leave your order, and give as an opportunity to suit yamâ€"Miss Dick. Commencing Friday, 8th July, and .for the future, the local banks will close every Friday at one o’clock, p. m.â€"Standard Bank, J. Kelly, Manager; Traders Bank. H. D. Batchelnr, Manager. ‘quested to be 1n the 1not later than 10.30. 11' lodge room Trinity church SunCDay school 1 be opened at 9.30, a.m.., during wil Rector the warm weather. The day school, and will teach the Bible class, to which all will be welcomed. The Canadlan Order of Forest- ers will attend Divine‘service in the Baptist church on Sunday morning next. The band w-hll h? in attendance. Bgethrem are re- ‘ suit your-Miss Dick. Mr. Wm. Hunter sr. is a proui man these days. A few days agu, he caught :1 trout in Wilder‘s Lake weiqbitmg 2 lbs., 3 ounces, and measuring; over 18 inches. This is maid! to be the largest trout ever taken from the Lake. Miss Olive Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Dlmompson, of Normanby, is being married to- day, Wednesday. at five o’clock, to Mr. Stockdey, Toronto. Rev. Mr. Kendall, of Dromore, will perform the ceremony. We extend our congratulations. The funeral of Mrs. Hugh McCall . who died at the residence 011' Mr. E; VCampben, Swinton Park, on Wed- ;nesday, June 13th, was held to the QRocky Saug‘een cemetery on Fri- !day afternoon last. Mrs. McColI was ninety years of ' many years was a Glenelg. day last, and took annual chm ch saw: of that place. Mr. 1 held IS‘JC“) Livy-n-.-â€" day afternoon last. Mrs. McColl ‘ . . . The (.anadian Pacmc Railu'ay was ninety years of age, and for. many years was a i‘eSIdent .,f1CO' has. lia'nded out an answer t0 Glenelg. ‘the petitioners for better train connections between here and. qIO\\'(?Y\ Sound. 311'. J “1 Leonard. X number of citizens formed a sin a recent letter expresses re little 358031311001;‘rt'cefgl‘y 5101' ”1" 'gret that it is not possible for the :9rp0.:"t’h b ”I‘VE: trt (angel) ,company to accede to the request Iver 1 man smith '0“ - t 31:" i of the petitioners. The train ser- Caleckmia s “in; Neiysen‘xher;|\71¢:e from Walkerton is primarily they securedpa fix; ‘tliouiend frv :arranged for Toronto, and while it i’ ~~ ;is possible to have a little ove' which they Put into the MCGO‘V“ ’two hours in Owen Sound with the 93m, expecting to have goodqf'ifh‘ :present service, the additional ser- 11:11:22,111: m1“ for» :1 . ~‘ opinion e justifie . The resent zens raised additional funds and iservice,is certainly p . Very unsatis- are sending for a much larger factory to travellers from this supply, which, we an 1 derstand,.they branch to Owen Sound. Fou' limend putting in ing a few doll- tb the river in !hours at Sangeen Junction, two and below the tokn. These are hours in Owen Sound, withuanother said to be 800d “5": and that they four houm’ wait at the Junction on lwill thrive in much warmer water the return trip, is not very invit- ithsn is required for our ordinary ing. We have not yet seen Sau- ’ It is to be haped i geen Junction classed as one of ,speCKled trout. en .. w] prove s suc- ,the pleasant and attractive mm- 'cess, and shot the sport of fishing .mer resorts, but this my be an III-v soon he mun-idly increased. oversight. X number of citizens formed a little association recently for the purpose of stockixxg the Saugem River with momta'm trout. Rais- ing a few dollars, they sent to Caledonia Springs, N. Y., where they secured a few thousand fry. which they put into the McGowan ~ -1 c:-k_ Read Our New Story. '. Mr. Hartley, of Trinity 11, was in St. Marys on Tues- last, and took charge of the al church Service of the 1.0.17. at place. Mr. Hartley is High )1‘ of the I.O.F., and as a com- mt to him, the service was in St. James’ Anglican church. of Forest- '3 Vacation time is here, and th. awimmin’ pools are working over- time. ° We are pleased to introduce the Fairy Queen, 0‘! 'S-augeen Vailey, ‘0 our many readers. She is oniy a little girl of twelve or thirteen years of age, and desires to be- come a correspondent. We con- gratulate her on the success of her first contribution, and hope to see improvements as the weeks roll by. The Farmers” Institute excursion to Guelph on Flidde last was . a great success. Though the num- and the aggregate was qgite equal to former years. The weather was ideal, and the excursionists had every opportunity to enjoy them- selves fully- llllc Illa“: -v . and July lst this year promise to be better than ever. There are sured, racing each afternoon with base- ball and athletic events, will p1")â€" vide a big quarter's worth. the admisuion to the grounds having been cut to 250. Single fare on all _raill'oad.s, good for the two days. eswlt of a brief canvass made by Organizer Milne, ouf Fer- thr'ce new members were cadd~ ed to ébhe A.O.U.W Society here. As the r .. . Several dJeath claims have been paid to families of do- dge here. With a sou and a good substantial the society is standing on figround. ‘9...â€" of Palmerston, Dowic Henry, of Toronto, and a number of other celebrated runners have signifiei their intention of being present. An instrumental program will be rendered by the Regimental Band, fresh from the camp, where they have penfected their musical sel- ections. Admiazsion 5c. Ladies and children, 15c. See bills. \Ve have just received notice of the death of Mrs. Frank Shiel, for- merly of Bentmck, but latterly of Dauphin, Man. The note advising us of her death, which occurred in May. docs not give the exact date" Besides her husbalfd, she leaves. sir; sons arfl two daughters, William, Frank. Russell, Nelson, and Alvin. at home. James, in Aberdeen. , \Vashington, Mrs. James McIntosh. LDadphin, Mann andd‘vliss Lena, at 'lhome. The remains were interred {in the Dauphin cemetery. llvuaâ€" - I four hours’ waft at the Junction on :the return trip, is not very invit- ing. We have not yet seen Sau- '2Qen Junction classed as one of ithe pleasant and attractive gum- DUBHAI, out, munsnAv, JUNE 23, 1910. Listowul races on June brief canvass “The Man from Brodney’s e SOth HYMENEAL. BELLâ€"HESLIP. Tuesday, the 211st inst., was an eventful day at the home of Mr. Robt. Ileshp, when his daughter,‘ Margaret, was married to'Mr. Ed- ward Bell, of the same township. t seemed as if everything combin- ed to add to the joy of. the occa- sion, Friends from far and near came with beaming faces and sub- stantial tokens of affection. The sun put on his most genial smile. and the verdant fields responded to his glow. Punctually at four o’clock, Mi'ss ‘ McMitchell, of Williamsfordmtruck up the inspiring strains of the wedding march, the groom took his place by the front window, the bride was led up to his side by her brother, bands were joined, the “I Will’s” dmly pronounced, the ring put on the finger, the sealing kiss given, the knot pronounced well and truly tied, congratula- tions presented, and the event was a thing of the past. The bridlail' gown was of silk mull trimmed With allover lace and rib- ‘ bon, and the travelling suit was of navy blue broadcloth, tailor made. The large company sat down at a sumptuous. wedding breakfast, and Dr. Farquharson and others offer- ed hearty .cotngratulations and best wishes to the bride .and groom on their entering married life. Plans for the honeymoon include a trip to Toromto and other places, after which they are to devote themselves to the time-honored profession of agriculture. The Chronicle joins with their‘ many friends in wishing them 2 health wealth, and happiness. ‘ Mr. Geo. Redlford, of Elmwood. was in town Monday and Tuesday. Miss Minnie McC‘l‘ocklin returned last week. from Toronto. Mrs. Lorne Somerville, of Toron- to, is .in town. Mr. W. D. Munro was [home ~fro 11 Toronto over Sunday. Mrs. W. F. Dunn, and soon, are visiting in C'hesxley. Mr. Sam. Chicago. Lf vine [is home Mr. and Mrs. All-an McFarlane, of Raven Lake, ate visiting friends m town. Miss Minnie McFadden, of T.)- ronto, is Visiting her parents in town. Sang Miss Ada Limin, of Detroit, is spending a couple of weeks at the parental home here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis are vig- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Davis. Messxs John McLean, and Frank MacKay, of Raxen Lake, visited their parents here last Week. Mr. John Clark is here from Cochrane, preparing to move his family up north. They will leave the fore part of next Week. Miss M. McFarlane, of Detroit. is visitim friends and relatives in town and vicinity for a couple of weeks. Mr. Stanley Buchannan, baker for J. H. Bdoor, Mt. Forest. spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Hart- ley at the Rectory. Mr. and Mrs. McFarland, of Markdale, sailed for Europe this Week, Where they, intend touring for three months in the British Isles and the Continent. - Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, of Lon- don, visited the Iormer’s brother" Mr. S. Patterson, of Egremont, Mr Patterson is a Professor in the ; Western University. Mr. and Mrs. Finley Graham, of Montreal, spent over Sunday with the 'former’s sister, Mrs. W. Calder. Mrs. Graham will spend a week in town. Don’t forget we are still giving 20 per cent. of! on turniture.â€"F. Lenshan £09. PERSONAL. from A Wonderful Showing of Fashionable Dress Goods Never before. have we had such a wide range of stylish and up-to-date Dress Goods as we are sho w- ing at present. You will find here the very newest weaves and shades in Shantungs, Pa namas, Broad- cloths. and Fancy Worsted Suitings in a wide choice of prices. Here is a department we have always given special attention to and this season has been no exception to the rule. We have a larger and bet- ter range than ever in the very latest styles of Men’s and Boys’ Suits. They are tailored by ex- pert workmen from the best all wool worsteds and come in wide choice of patterns. If you want a suit to retain its appearance buy one of the Pro- gress Brand makes and you will get the best at the least money. Our Milliuery department is busy turning out Beautiful Summer Millinery of the very latest de- signs. 5. F. MORLOCK Men’s and Boys’ Clothing. Summer Millinery.

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