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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jun 1910, p. 2

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TOURING CARâ€"ll ning order.-â€"Geo. GOOD GENERAL PURPOSE horse, or would exchange for a good driven-3W, Flrth, Butch-3r. ‘ aaxtf FIRST CLASS UP-TO DATE Threshing outfit. feeder and blower attachments. Traction engine. Allin good condition. Apply to Malcolm Black, Mid- “ A~L--â€"- R_Afn .â€" m BUILDING OCCUPIED BY P.G.A. Webster .3 jewellery stars, and J.P. Teltord u u law office, with show cues, wall cues, clock all ode. At a tux-gun. A ply to A. Gordon, Weyburn. uk. 61009“ HAVING DECIDED TO LEAVE town, I am offering for sale my residence in Durham. This is a solid brick property, equipped with new coal furnace, hot and cold water both upstairs and down, and a well-equipped bath room. A bargain for quick pur- chaser. I also offer for sale a house and lot, with stable. at $850, on easy terms.â€"W. F. DUNN. ICI HAVING DECIDED TU Lbavn - - â€" town, 1 am offering for sale my COURT OF BBVIIIO' residence in Durham. This is a Township of 91...). 1910 solid brick property, equipped with new coal furnace, hot and4 The first sitting of the Court of cold water both upstairs and ARevision of the Assessment Roll for down, and a Well-equipped bath tthe Township of Glenelg for the room. A bargain for quick pur- » year 1910 Will be held at the Town . Hall on Saturday, the 11th day of chaser. I also offer for sale d ' June. 1910 at the hour of 10 o’clock lit, "th‘ b . ’0... . Exaggsgvniergglkvfpt‘? 6:513:383 . in the forenoon, of Wthh all part- ~ ies concerned will please take not- Loris, (IOâ€"N. 1. N.D.R.. GLENELG.‘ice. consisting of 50 acres of good; Ituted 2lst day of May, 1910. pasture. 0n the premises are a J. 8. BLACK, Clerk good dwelling house and fai ‘ -- â€" m- . -â€" . outbuildings. a never failing, Teacher Wanted spring and a good quantity 0! -â€"~- -â€"-â€"â€"~ timber. tiood fishing. An iderl FOR S. 8. NO ‘2, EGREMONT. property for a retired Grey 00., duties to commence af- farmor. or any person desiring ter summer holidays. iApply. first (-iass pasture for stock. For stating experience. certificate, further particulars apply 10‘ and salary expected to \S. T. Phris. Firth. Durham. or AlexJ Chapman, Val-ney, Ont. 6-9tf Firth. Lloydtown. 1230t!:::â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-=â€"'==_'=: on app non. V1 TEE O’Dâ€"ONNELL PROPERTY near Grand Trunk station. Ap- ply to A. E. Jackson. 4.?“ 81X ROOMED HOUSE AND TEN acres of land in the. town of Durham. On premises are good ig pen, hon house and stable. ill rent house without Rand, if desired. Apply to John Moffatt. Durham. 3.17.: Durham. BE 2-STOREY ROUGH CAST store on Garafraxa Street,-â€"the Parrott property. For particuâ€" lars apply to A. C. Grant, Dur- VVU v-v Lambto'u Sta-yea: Durham, oppo- Iite the Methodist parsonage. One of the nicest situated prop- erties in Durham. In good state n! nuair- Will 3811 on reason- U. 'Cvâ€" â€"â€"- of repair: "Will sell On reason- uble terms to quick buyer. Ap- ply on premises to T. Moran. 4.7 “'mumu d .0 ildl “Mm! inertial. 0" Farms fnrsala WILL BE AT ABERDEEN EVE cry Wednesday. the balance of the winter to measure and pay' for an sawlogs delchred there The highest price paid for all airtight, nouPd logs of 911 kind ‘1 lJ'uguL, UUuu\l Iv‘w v- _'- ....-._ of timber Custom sawmg an chinglpg done early in the spring. ll--- 01 n â€"N."Mclmyre. OniL. Licensed .zxuciuncc; "19 Count) of Grvy Sale .nded ‘0 ‘t rpu‘UH'I 'J‘ ' " - Arrange-numb may be muic at the Chronicle Offifi'o. Durham Nov. nth. tyrpd. RUDD MATHEWS. Mammy»: Farmers’ Notice .lication amey I Licensed Auch’oueer Du r' . For Sale- 'ARM ON THIRD CON- Glenelg. N.D.R.. lots 15 'his farm is well water- 5 good buildings erect- n good land, 3nd an opportunity for the For further particu- [v on the premises to nnnessan. Feb. 4. 3mpd coniainin V 2.413 0001) aux- Geo. Yiirs, Durham RESIDENCE ON r 106 acres wood bush, Ma}; 31-0 623tf "'PISHING. HUNTING. OR TEES- -; passing is strictly forbidden on . 1 Lots 47, 48. and 49. Con. 3. N D.R. Glenelg, Parties found so doing will be prosecutedâ€"“K J Mc- ; E Farlane, J. Collier. T. Ritchie 3m . . 6-2-3m I, stairs. Lambmn Street. Reuidmgceâ€" Corner 0mm and George Streetsâ€"hon!) o! Methodist Church (Mice hoursâ€"941 :m. 2-4 ‘m. 79 run. Telephone No. IO ‘ r " IX.“ ”-V-r ' nhurt distance out}? Knapp’s Howl. Lxmb ton Street. Lower Town, Durban 051-9 hours from 12 to ‘2. O’PInck __â€"___â€" "5‘! v - â€"__ 6129i" the New Hunter Block. OE'JO mun, 15 to [U n. m., to 4 p. m. :nd 7 £09 3. In. Spacial attention given to disease: If women and children. Residence op mite Presbvnerian Churvh. Lune Auintflnt Eimudon Ophthalmic Hos £03.. and to Golden Sq. Throat sud Non Boo SPECIALIS T 3 PHYSlCrlAN AN U SURGEON 01"- five m the Vow Hunter Block. Ofl'ao --J'! an JR. BROWN L. R. c. P., LONDON. ENG (‘1 RADULATE of London, New \I York and Chicago. Dr; D.S.Craig, u.v.s.. v.s.v.o. ]\ISE;\SI‘ZS OF DOMES'I‘ICA'I‘EP 1) animals heated on must scientif- ic plinciples. All calls pxomptly attended [0.011109 and 1esidence. (iar'afmxa SL1 eec Durham, nearly up- pnsite the ()humicle Office. 62310 Dim-u 01 Eye. Bar No» and The“. Will be M Knapp House. Durham. the 21d {atuzdav in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"fi pm. ")FFICE: _ __ "â€"_â€"_. E _ If. P. Ialford. ARRISTEI.. SULICITOR. ETC. _ Ufica. newly opposite the Registry o fice. Lumbton ‘st..Durham. Any amount A" monov to loan an 5 per cent. on fun VA' v-v v- .vâ€"â€"â€" _ ‘y of Toronto. Graduate Roy; ,ollmo Donut! Surgeons ofOntario Dentiatry in all its Branches. OM.â€"Culdor Block. over Post Oflioe 1‘ er. Conveyancor. he. [manna Agent. Money :0 Loan. lower of Mn- riure Licenses. A general {rancid buli- no" wenwted- - .0" .1 A , __ m___ ‘ vnmrtv. (Succeroâ€"or tn W. F. Dunn) ARRISTER, SOLICITOR. CON- veyancer. Notary Public Ma. Money to loan on farm property. In- surance efloctod. life or fire. Office over Standard Bank, Durham, Ont. l. 6. Hutton. I. 0.. C. I. |FFICB TELFORD’S 81.095 UP i 0001) HOUSES FOR Apply to IR. Lam. The manufacturers of SALVIA ; the new American Hair grower, of- .Ier one hundred dollars reward to {anyone who can prove that SAL- H‘IA contains any injurious ingred- ;ient. SALVIA at once stops the itching of the scalp, will positive- ly grow hair or money back. Is guaranteed to kill the dandruff germ. Ladies of taste prefer SAL- iVIA to any other hair dressing, as lit .15 a non-sticky, daintily per- ztumed hair tonic and dressing. A. H. Jackson. >10?qu PUBLIC, COMMISSION Con voyancgr. c. {mu mm 1 ll-.. SALVIA contains Henna and ESage. Restores dead hair to life. . 10 xx ng. soft, and sparkling with life, hich adds beaugy ,tq_thg appear- Hair is made beautifully soft and wany. SALV’IA has an enormous sale. We know of no other hair dressing and grower that is sold \x ith a guarantee. \‘ lllklz rut-w vvâ€"â€"-v ance of every ladx. Macfariine Co. will refund you your money if it fails. | "HII’UUUUIA. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) him”: 139 One Hundred Dollars Reward Arthur Gun Dr. V1.0. Pickering Dentist. Legal 'Dz’rectorv Notice. To Rent. DR. BURT. A C. Grant '11-'55; 5%., own-m Wand. 0"?" J J. Hunter’s and 10 can for each double the than V 413“ \V'e have charming warm weather at last. and the. growth is rapid. It is much needed in this part. of the coulxtrynsit. has been an cold and backwm'd. Mr. G. Lune visited fliends over recently. Miss Margaret McDungall again after visiting friends Queen City. Mrs. J. C. Caldwell nf Galc visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Sat-ken recently. There are some smart Aleck thin. have t-lu- craze for dean-nying what don’t belong to them. “We give that!) fair warning to not lepeat it ur there may be more about, it. The Rev. Mr. Mathesnn of Priceville been! a cuttloge prayer meeting at Mr. G. Sackeu’s and as usual was we‘ll at- tvndmi and the service umch eujnyed. “It cured me,” or “It saved the life of my child,” are the expres- sions you hear every day about Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is true the world over where this valuable remedy has been introduced. No other medicine in use for diarrho ea or bowel complaints has received such general approval. The secret of the success of Chamberlain’s Col ic, Cholera. and Diarrhoea Remedy is that it cures. Sold by all dealers Mrs. Love and her sun John of New Engiand are visiting friends in Albion at, present. \Ve Would like to know who is swing to get up the rivet. picnic and where is it going to be held. Mrs. P. Styrne has had an attack of bronchitis since we last wrote. The marriage of Miss Riley of l’rit-e- villv bunk place in Port, Hope rm \Ved- nesday June lst. Miss Riley was a cuusin nf the Rxmmn's hon'e and made nmny friends in Dmmore during her visits. 311. Bradey and Miss Blade-V of Mmkdalv visited the former’ as siste1. \115. \Vilsun, last week. Mr. Hugh Renwick returned to Ot- tnwn Monday June (5th after a couple Of umnths’ holidays. Mr. and Mrs. (7. thtes of Tornntn, called on friends in the hurglast week. Miss M. Binnie nf Glenelg visited with her cousin Mrs. R. Renwick Jr.. lat ely. M 1:. J. Sinclair has purchased a fine Sherlock-Manning organ frum agent. H. J. Snell, Durham. The font-hull team played at. Pomona picnic with the boys there. The game ended in a tie. Mr. R. Taylor left. Tuesday 14th inst, fora two months’ trip through \Vestern Canada. Mrs. Morrison and Miss E. Ecclea are home from the city at present. Miss B. Lothian is at Gnlt, attending the wedding of Miss R. Gamble. M rs. wuéém and Eliza visited friends in Markdale last week. Mrs. S. Kinnell of Dundalk. is spend- ing a few weeks with relatives here. Louis Renwick returned last week from visiting friends in Owen Sound, Dundalk and Egex-ton. Inspectm' Canâ€"uphell made his semi- annual visit to the school last week and found everything as usual in good order. Mrs. Rob. Renwick Jr. 'sgfendhvm a few days with her mothelI 8 Dixon in Glenelg You Run No Risk When You This Remedy. We promise you that, if yourhair is falling out, and you have not let it go too far you can repair the damage already done by using Rexall “93” Hair Tonic, with per- sistency and regularity, for a reas- onable length of time. It is a sci- entifdc, cleansing, antiseptic, germ- icidal preparation, that destroys microbes, stimulates good circulaâ€" tion around the hair roots, pro- motes hair nourishment, removm dandruff and restores hair health. It is as pleasant to use as pure water, and it is delicately perfum- ed. It is a realtodlet necessity. a: “nu” CU. JI- lb) ‘5 Av“- vv--- . \ e want you to try Rexall “93” Hair Tonic with our promise that it will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with its use. It comes in two sizes, prices 50c and $1.00. Remember, you can ob- tain Rexall Remedies in this com- munity only at our store.â€"The Rexall Store. Macfarlane ‘ Co. No more is it likely that the citizens of \ankerton will straighten up and step lively to the stirring tunes of the 32nd regimental baud. No more will the youngsters of the town follow after the. red coats their hearts heat- ing faster for their country. 'I‘he hand is dead. and its glory has depart. ed. And not its glory only (or in all probability the Chesley band gaes to camp this year and will get the com- mission and W'alkerton will lose its regimental band. Requiesat in pace. l'l‘he turmoil is over, the strenuous 'ltimes between the musical committee and the band members have ended forever. The mercenary spirit has killed the. band and its first illness‘ dates back several years. The town has been supporting it largely, but? when they took the town’s money and failed to give the music last summer and when the band insteed of apply- ing the. money received at the New Year’s serenade to band uses put the l nmuey in their own pockets, the coun- cil thought it time to draw a halt on donstions, and the hand died for lack of funds. Some effort should be. made to get the instruments callected from those who have. them for there [ may come a time when the mercenary spirit will not dominate and a. new iB’Wd may be organized.â€"Walkerton Sackett’s Corners. Telescopé. To set colors in cotton materials soak before washing in strong salt FOB. FALLING HAIR. The Band Gone Busted. Dromore. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE in Hau- is home in the John Harrison Deadâ€"Only six days after the decease of his wife, Mr. liar- rison was 8150 called home. His death occurred on Thursday afternoon lastl at his late l‘QSIdPUCP on the 'l‘orontoi line where he lived for thirty-eight years. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison were. married sixty years in January last and at the close of their long wedded life “in death they Were not divided.” ‘Mr. Harrison was born at Newland. ‘Yurkshire. England, in October 1821, land was therefore in his 89th .year.l Suath in Yorkshire in 1851) and in 18:- came to Canada settling near Flesber- ton. Mr. Harrison was an industrious successful farmer hlghly respected in the community. In politics he was aLiberal and in religion a vashy- t-erian, a highly esteemed member of ‘Chalnier’s church here. He is 8th v.v- ed by two sons and a daughter â€"\Vard. 0! Silver Creek N. Y.: Alfred near Fnesherton, and Mrs. John \Vhitten. Toronto. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon to Fleshertou cemetery. Service was conducted at the house by Rev. G. S. Milligan. Mrs. Sheardownâ€"Death claimed another highly respected resident of Artemesia in the person of Mrs. Sam- uel Sheardown, who passed away on the 6th inst at her home near Mount Zion aged 62 years. The funeral took place to Mt. Zion cemetery on \Ved- nesday and the very large cortege was a mark of the high esteem in which the deeeased was held. Service at the rhureh was conducted by her pas-j tor Rev. '1‘. Laidlaw. wh .) fittingly re- ferred to the christian virtues of the departed wife and mother who had been for many years a faithful member of the Methodist church. The deceas- ed whose maiden name was Mary Ann Bolton was married at. Bolton village and came with her husband to Arte- mesia about thirty-five years ago. Besides her husband two sons. Samuel and Lewis and two daughters, Annie and Lydia survive her. Among friends from a distance at the funei al Werew- Mr. Sheardown, Toronto; Mr. Bo ton. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. \Vauchob of Bol- ton; Miss Taylor of Markdale and Mrs. . Graham of Kimberley. Mr. and Mrs. Anhie Boyd moved last week to Mt. 'l‘ximhle’s maidence near the Baptist, church. The Second match between Mark- dale and Flesherum hasv-b‘tll teams was played here. on Friday ensuing last, when the scare went against the home team the result being 17-11 in favor of the visitors. In the absence of the pastor at Con- ference the services in the Methodist church on Sunday Were conducted by the \V. M. S. in the morning and the Epwnrth League in the evening. In the morning: Mrs. Nicholson conduct- ed the devotions and Mrs. Thurston gave an excellent report of the recent ___ -- 9.; ___A_L-- In “We .-.. .-------. - \V. M. S. Convention in 'loronto. In the evening Mr. A. S. Thurston took charge and Mr. M. K. Richardson as- sisted. Miss Switzer and Mrs. Arm. strong each gave a well prepared paper the former on "The Bible” and the latter on “Duty.” Mr. R. Wilcock sang with his usual good effect. 'At the Presbyterian church there was a. large congregation at the first com- munion disp n-ed by the present pes- tor. Rev. Mr. Milligun whose theme was Jesus Christ, the perfect Saviour; the perfect friend: the perfect‘idesl. The service throughout was deeply impressive. Five united with the church by certificate. Mr and'Mrs. Ward Harrison and daughter Mrs. Best Bindsie have re- turned to their home at. Silver Creek, An evening With Sir Walter Scott was the programme at the Methodist League meeting on Monday evening. With refreshments a pleasant social time was spent at the close. Mrs. Jas. Brodie and children have returned to their home in Toronto. Evangelist. Geo. McLeish of Toronto, who is assisting Rev. Geo. Milne in special services at, Gibraltar, in Col!- ingwood. visited old friends here on Friday. \Ve were pleased to meet Mr. McLeish. whose labors were much appreciated . Among the visitors at the corner stone laying on Friday we noticedzm Mr. J. J". Tilley, Toronto; Reevo Van- Du‘wn and Mr. S. Bell, Dundalk: Mr. W. Ink t r md Mr. W. J. Henderson, VVarcbmu; Mr. Geo. Allister and Mr. John Ken-nahan, Fevershmn; Mr. “711). Clark. Max-kdale. and Mr. A. Sherson, Proton. Miss May Blackburn is visiting her uncle at. Mount Fur-est. Miss Vida Bundle of Dnndalk. visit- ed Miss ()hidley over Sunday. Mr. Andrew Bentham has gone to the City to again work at his trade. Mrs. Graham of Kimbm'ley, is visit- ing her daughter. Mrs. Rom. Moore. iiiss Quigg lefton Saturday to spend an few weeks with her sister at Hut-isâ€" ton. M r. Jas. Breeue, of Ubatsworth, was a visitor far a flaw days .13“ week at Mrs. Van Duseu’s. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Wsrdmbe, of Tor- onto, were visitors at Mr. W. E. Rich- ardson’s the past. week. Dr. Murray is in Torontu meeting an old friend on his arrival from Lon- don, England who is locating in the Queen City. Mr. Geo. Boyd of Radiason, Sash, who is east, purchasing a car load of horses, is pay ing his brothers a short visit this week. Mrs. “K H. Thurston and Mrs. Robt. Moore are at Owen Sound this wagek delegates to the County Convention of the \Vomen’a Institute. Mr. J cs. '1‘. Clark. of Toronto. gave us a pleasant call on Friday. Mr. Clark 5nd Mr. J. J. Tilley and Dr. Cul- quboun went to the Valley to fish on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon, of Mono, are visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. Mid Mrs. Alex Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart’s large family will hold their annual reunion on Tuesday at a picnic to be held on the old homestead on the west. back line. The Chronicle Editor and Inspector Campbell have a host of old friends here who were pleased to see end hear them ot the auspicious event of Fridoy last. The Inspector always makes a good a h and the Editor’s humor- one do iveronce on thin occasion was very taking. Flesherton. Mrs. Frank. who» and daughter; if his wife, Mr Hnr- Frances of Winnipeg visited recently; Hisodeath “ith Mr. and Mrs. Archie Park and- sday afcez-ugun last 1 other i-elutives in this vicinity. - "09 on the l""‘"“‘" O. P. R. Station Agent Janos Rus- . . I \‘ed {01‘ thirty-eight sell and wife of hills-burg, came. up to MI‘S- HMl'IS('0 “le'fflampden in their autmnubile lust - . -_:._:.--A 6.... u (an! duvn O. P. R. Stution Agent Janos Rus- sell and wife of hillshurp, came up to Hmnpden in their autumobllo lust \Veduesday and visited for a few days at the home of the farmer's sister Mrs. Alex Anderson. Andrew Derby’s grove. Dinner 'lli beserved at. 1 o‘clock after which n good program will take place and n gnme or two of base-boll in the even- Ing. Come one. come all. as long as you bring» bunker. of provisions for the way of lhe spunger is disgusting. Those who took in the excursion to O. A. C. Guelph. last Friday were.-â€" Mr. and Mrs. John \Vbiteford. Mrr’. Duvid Gilniom and Misses Isabelle Byers and Fulton. Bt‘SSlt‘ Park. Bits Anderson. Janet Kerr. Renevca Nlcllul. Agnes McLean, Minnie and lulwlle Me tins and Messrs. Ebenezer Geddes and Allister Anderson. Mr. Norman Anderson left last. week on a bicycle. trip and will visit friends in Guelph, Hamilton. and other places before returning. Capt. O. M. solder and Mr. Austin Derby returned home on Saturday evening from the Niagara Camp and report u very pleasant. time. Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Anderson left on Satur- day for an automobile tour through Bruce and Huron counties. Miss Maggie Geddes went to Pitts burg. Pct, last Friday and will visit for a month with her sister Mn. Laid- law. Ottawa, June Iiiâ€"Hon. Sydney Fisher is down on the house fly, and with the aid of official entomologisls has started a crusade against. that pest. A circular sent out from the Central Experimental Farm. Ottawa, tells how one should proceed when one spies a fly. House flies, says the. circular. are now recognized as most. serious cur- riers of the germs of certain diseanen. such as typhuid fever. tuberculosis. in- fantile dinrrhoea, etc. They infect, themselves in filth and decaying substances. and by carrying the germs on their legs and bodies they pollute fond especially milk, with the germs of these and other diseases and of decay. No fly is free from germs. ~â€" ___-.--_-- House flies breed in decaying or de- composing vegetable and animus! mat- ter and excrement. They bqeed chief- ly in stable refuse. In cities this should in stored in dark fly-prouf chambers or receptacles, and it shuuld be regularly removed within six days in the summer time. Farmyard mu- nnre should be regularly removed within the same time. and either spread on the fields or stored at a dis- tnnce of not less than quarter of a mile. the further the better, from a house or dwelling. House flies breed in such decaying and tormenting matter at kitchen re- fuse and arhage. Garbage recepta- cles shoul be kept tightly covered. All such refuse should be burnt or buried within a few days. but at once if possible. No refuse should be left exposed. Ifit conuot be disposed of at. once it should be sprinkled with chlorids of lime. VViudowa and doors should be rop- orly screened. especially thou o the diningroom and kitchen. Milk and other food should be screened in the summer by covering it with muslin; fruit. should be covered also. Where they are used. ecpecinlly in public placel. as hotels. ebc.. spittoono should be kept clean. as there in very great danger of flies currying the germs of consumption from unclean spitboons. _ Flies should not be allowod to have sec-ass to the sick room. especially in the case of infectious disease. The faces of babies should be can. fully screened with muslin. Flies may he killed by mean. of 3 Weak solution of formalin or formalde- hyde exposed in saucers in the rooms. This is made by adding a. teaspoonful of formaldehyde to a pint of water. The burning of pyrethrulu in : room is also effective. House flies indicate the pretence of (1th in the neighbor.xoud orununiury conditions. l, musing, rested on the grass he- neath a green bay tr-1e; a po1ker rune, like Balaem’ s ass, and talked a while With 1119 She was a large and stately sow of Poland China. strai 1. 1 and lines of cure were on her brow. 1 her voice was low with pain. “I hear men talk.”suid Mrs. Swine; "I hear them every day. and they offend these ears of mine with lots of things they say. If thete’s a man so mean he’s barred from social catalogue, and they desire t3 hit him hard, they say he is 11 hog. The selfish brute on trolley car who uses room for two, the fiend \\ ho smokes a rank cigar and drops it but to chew. the round er of the gas- lit street who’s going to the dogs. the bum, the boozer and the bentâ€"they [say these men me hogs. Of many l hogs I wot and wist who live close to ‘ my door; I have upon my calling list inbout a. thousand more; and not 11 porker in the .ot would drink or | smoke or swear or come home cross at night and swat the hsuslmu with a. chair. To say of cheep and worthless men, by greedy passions fired. that 'they’ re like porkers 1n n pen-it makes ,e lady tired!"â€"â€"Wslt Mason. THE STANDARD BANK DON’T LET THEM BREED. Satisfactory Ssrvlco sssurod to sll Business Entrustod to this Bsnk. How to Stay Home Fly Grounds for Complaint. flampden. FLIES IN HUUSES. 8mm!” che circular. are most. serious car- OF CANADA Â¥*******%%% *3; A. BELL UN DE RTAKER Funeral Director\ Pwtun Fromm on show I!!! BURN EHBBIICU I. MID "BY run-on HOB-KING u (in “would. at... “can, flan/nu M ' In (2mm.- m be «In in gum” n-v m 11-00:! “I... M WP“ n “M 11-00 1pc. h It“ . .15 you- py:blo ”:33“. a“ 2:19., "° “Mimi: a ”:4“; v n a no .OIWOII 1b. “In. 03th No.1. yard: cad-Ind w nll m .- p“ 0800p mam-W. AW N “at “7min“ . on“ lino tut tho fit” 0"" ht. . -flo-; companion“ when “l" mu- st“. noun Prof-uh» do. so: doc-db no N um pot mu. AdMu '1 ‘ M threads-p fill to publish“ Ill W all “and mm '° M‘Wâ€""h‘mwnnt' “F0! ‘- m-moubhlmhw.§o-h 101 C" “Mm: M. ‘ Angina-Mona «a... h M I!" from the Traders Bank is worth more than the balanc. which it shows in actual cash. The money in the bank is safer than in your pocket, and it is money savedâ€"put away where vvâ€"â€""‘â€"â€"“ (kn-act uh. hr “517123..“ 9‘“. a“; "J‘mm-uu N VMIO. .- tun-uni U um‘ wank_. should NW3 nut MU 0‘ ”fibrin-iv“ HONDA! at (p. m it is earning interest, and i. not at all likely to be drawn and spent. b I «who um I ° ° '3' Wrx’amaowmw Malt my... m an “nub. The Grout Lung and cough Medicine GUARANTEED 25¢ a. bottle a Imfuhne's Drug SW" If you haven't 1 Savings Ac. count already, now is the best time left to start one. Full line of Odholic Robot. and Mark and white Cup. for 33nd people. Chamberlain’s Cough Rpmmiy is sold on a guarantee that if 3'01 are not satisfied utter using! 1W " thirds of a bottle smear-din:â€"y 3° directions. {our money W11) M "f gagged. __ t_is_ up to you ‘0 ”5‘ Sold by all dealers: DURHAM. ONT. SW up? 9! Mount forest -4-.- DURHAM. ONT.. SHOW Roomâ€"Nat to Swdlnwo Barber Shop anmNen door South 0! W. J. annnco’t black-nth 05°F at Every Branch Embnlming a Specialty Follows present session It‘d leads into Full Term for students in all depart. mounts of the Central Businels College of Tor onm. The largest. most iuflJen ial school in Can- ada fo training young maple and placing them in good nosi'ion- Cata- logue froo. Enter any time Write W H. Shaw Principal. 395 Yonae St. Toronto. Summer Term Em'mn um Pawn: wron W. IRWIN June 23, 1910 NOX A COLD IN ONE DAY wflh I June ‘23 § If Your Ct? ! About You ‘ SPCC‘O' ONCDUUH (u i ndv! W“ ‘.‘,...“ The MCGG‘FJ INI'IIII. Ontariu. m Hn v- [N conducting nur “lid "9 IMHO nut HM in searching fur ( \1 little cur cunnwtiln to cur customms at FURNITURE Slim new. and “v alum it. IF THER} line that you want. gr tnd We’ll ("val you Ind respectfully. WE'LL DELIVER TH! your house, too. and tom prices. 1910 h the cure of consu mutated casi’ VI ”tribune!“ u necc For 35 years Scott’s Emu BEST equippml'nlu‘ d”? On! lilo- and aw frw fr R08 R0\ hulls. rolled nuts. (in ymu' gr them in name and thv II?! Cash or \\'.a lump uf Blamlu and It" BI ('m hat fill PI RM! Rm RUM INC: l'Hl tilt

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