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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jun 1910, p. 3

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Lain l'e‘ hit" drcay i n g when re- rum-pul- y'9rtd. burnt. or tat. once he left pond 1»! led with Ilbo rop- bo o the Milk and rd in the lb muslin: I [ll UUHHII LIDUIIBLE m WMIOIID mzu‘l THIVIDDAY mounts 1 4t Hm Chronic“ Prhtlng Noun, Call/Ill. Strut. Inn] nut.- m’d chid- ilios this fly-pr1mf I it shuuld an x on v' vnrd um 108 OF CANADA In THE TRADERS. BANK OF CANADA Worthle-ss red. that U Ill A. BELL UN DERTAKER vice assured to all Basin.“ lated to this Bank. Jim-nus Pt”. di Igbto-r rend” k and OI'I‘V ill M to hth- iallv in fr "meat at Every Branch M I: ll urbta when and 11,".‘1‘ Funeral Director\ m WI] ft u ms!!! III I" 'AI' DARD BANK CANADA tV‘ 'M V ‘I 1'- . [HE BURN EBBQIICLE %%**a*%¥¥¥a Suwnpmn Tim («Wall will b. 0.. any «W000. hood ~ Raw 3‘. m "cyan pyabloh VD. 31.14.”! 'm Marv-t if not no id. m“ i’ w I555~Vm1 "354-71)“. ll 0 a“ to uuxuw "h the Mir... bhd. N0 wanna! go 4; nrrm If. p“. m If Puma memg on Sharla! who. oi the VIM In an ,‘ut calmâ€"nun m b. “a ”'fi ~ UMv'l" w‘ ‘ “pm. it“ .. mar- o .‘nrbvd and our“ ,: 1m.n_u~51s»tum 14“." f’M‘-°‘~ . :. _ 4 flv'fl fur \l’.‘ Lib“. ‘ u. d Q m; :31: ed“ ivy-WI “ u- -,.. A u «.06 m :nn Mm hr younydvumm‘ u: w .p canon sumo-co. ruminant. - not]! w - ... m. . ~ «a mum! homing-0w.- \\ ~I harm-u: mm The Job . J! ea,- Iom, «can ~ V R. I met 31:... in? a"... (‘me‘wz'lain's Cough Remedy b 3 »‘.d on a guarantee that if ”a are not satisfied alter um ":- third% of a bottle accordln . i. n- (lirvctions, your money will :szxdc-(L It is up to you to if" s {d by all dealers. from the Traders ‘Banh I. \x'wrt'n more than the blue. 1.3.“ {31 \::CI.' in the bank is “I" that) m )JUI’ pOCk¢t9 m h h mum}; sat'c’dâ€"put away What. i: i9 earning interest, and i. Full him ”(1 'uthnlic Ruben. sud “Dirk an“! wlnw (‘apu rm- amt-d pooph. ”1,01: haven’t 3 Savings Ag. cwznt already, now is tho M time left to start one. Tic «mu Lung and Lao um uranxTEED :- .L mu.- .st Marten-1309's MSW DURHAM. ONT.. at at all ad spent. DWI.“ also a! Mo.‘ I“ and Aylon. SHMV Ron's ‘Nm :0 Svdlovo umber Shun animalâ€"Nat dour Hunt-h 0’ W. J. “WM“ hlw'lumim obey Embalming a Specialty H». mm \VD PMPM'I'OI- [-2.]!va prone"! session a: d leads in!» Fall Tom fur undonh in all doth"- mmm uf tho» Cantu! [Wynne-q (‘uhego Hf TOY nn'm. Th» largest, no“ mu wntial school in Cu!- mh fur training young ”mph and placing then m gum! munition- Cata- lugue 9"”. EM!!! any mm Write W H. Shaw Summer Term l'rmcioal, It!) Yong. 8L DURHAM. ONT. *fifv’hbfii’i W. IRWIN 1 m; : c.y to be drawn Fur mm: a" J 1109 23 NOX A COLD IN ONE DAY a)‘.1=*%*§ E If Your Competitor Talks 3 About You .0909 Rob Roy Rolled Oats i s. SCOTT The MCGOWAN MHLLING C0. Durham. Ontario, in the most up-to-date Oatmeal Mill in the Province 93 1910 IN conducting our business, we find we have not the time to spare 1"“ "u n-wvu .-v- --_- , in searching for expletives to be- little cur competitors.. and attend to our customers at the same time. FURNITURE SELLING is our busi- ness, and we always try .to mind it. . IF THERE IS ANYTHING in our line that you want, give us a call, and we‘ll twat you courteous'xy and respectfully. WE'LL DELIVER THE GOODS to your house, too, and at'rock bot- tom prices. EDWARD KRESS ROB ROY ROLLED OATS are made in the BEST equippedknd most up-to- date Ont-meal Mill in Ontario, and are free from Mark specks, hulls, eta, usually found in rullud mus. Order today from ymu' grocer; if he does Doucarry them in stock, sc-nd us his name and address. Remember tht‘ nauw. Rob Roy Rolled Oats, manufactured by Cash ‘Vr‘ keep always in stock a large assortment uf Blankets, All-wool Slim-ting, 'l‘weeris. Yarns and general Dry Grands and Groceries. BIG VALUJS IN TEA (,‘arding and Spinning attended tn promptly ing added to our st stock of Millinery hats still on hand and get your Never Mind What He Says So Long As He Talks or Trade-"Highest Price 5 \Ve expect ullt’ shown ed with well satisfied b have the goods to plea: New Hats in black and l to our stock each day. 3 linen-y‘over one nnno band to cbonse from. '° choice. I PUT HIM ON YOUR PAY ROLL Furniture and Uphglgeiigg our showrnums crowd. satisfied buyers and we ds to please the buyer. black and white are be- »Lch day. Such a grand r one hundred beautiful ”map fl'Oll). come early large assortment Garasraxa St- , V. -121»: “ )C’RE wanted at the phone, Mr. Britt." said Miss Pel- Y ham. It was late in the even- ing a day or two afterward. Britt went into the booth. He was not in there long. but when he came out he found that Miss Pelham had disappeared. The coincidence was sig- nificantâ€"Mr. Saunders was also mlss~ ing from his seat on the Window Bill at the far end of the long corridor. Britt looked his disgust and muttered something characteristic. Having no one near with whom he could com- mnnicate, he boldly set off for the hanging garden. where Deppingham had installed the long idle roulette paraphernalia. “Say," he said without ceremony, “the enemy’s in trouble. Bowles just telephoned. There’s a lot of excite- ment in the town. I don’t know what to make of it.” 'V“'_1‘ben why the devil are you break- ing in here with it?” growled Deppingâ€" ham. “Thls'll interest you, never fear. There’s been a row between Von Blitz and the lawyer. and the lawyer has unmerclfully thrashed Von Blitz. Good Lord. I’d like to have seen it, wouldn’t you. Browne? Say. he’s all right, Isn’t he?" “It seems that Von Blitz is in the habit of licking his wives.” said Britt. “Our friend the enemy met him this evening and told him that no white man could beat his wife. singular or plural, while he was around. Von Blitz is a big ugly chap, and he nat- urally resented the interference with his divine might. He told the lawyer to go hang or something equivalent. The lawyer knocked him down. From the way Bowles tells it he must have knocked him down so incessantly in the next the minutes that \on Blitz's attempts to stand up “ere nothing short of a stutter. Moreover. he wouldn’t iet Von Blitz stab him worth Browne. :1 cent. Bowles says he‘s got Von Blitz cowed. and the whole town is walking in circles. it’s so dizzy. Well. to make it short. the lawyer has got Von Blifz to hating him secretly. and the German has a lot of influence over the people. It may lie uncomfortable for our good looking friend." “If he should be in great danger down there." said her ladyship firmly -â€"p9rbnps consciouslyâ€"“we must offer him a safe retreat in the Chateau; The others lOOkH] at her in surprise “We can‘t stand 06 and see him mur- dered. you know," she qualified hastily The next morning a messenger came up from the town with 9‘ letter direct- ed to Messrs. Britt and Saunders. It was from the enemy and requested them to meet big) in private confer- ence at 4 that attornmm. "I think it will be for the benefit of all mmvrnod if we can get togottwr." “rune iiw en- emy in conclusion. ‘ ' '- -._-2.I. Brodney’s anat was it all about?” demanded The messenger mrt'ied hack with him a\dignitied l‘téslmurze in which thr- counsemrs ~t‘or Mr. Brnwne and Lad) Depplngham respectfully (let-lined tn engage in any ('(mft‘l‘t‘lwv at this time At 2 o’clock that :lftvl‘mmll the entire force of native servants picked up their belongings and lllzll't'llt'd out of the chateau. The major dumn. suave and defermtlal. gravely informed Mr Britt that they were leaving at the in- stigation of their legal adviser, who had but that hour issued his instruco tlons. - .n. ‘-â€"L from the scvne, having apparently been to 11 from the font. when it Caught. in the switch. Col. Scott, on hwhalf uf the railwav. asked for an adjournment, when Dr. Porter called an inquest. for whichthefnllnwing jurv Wm: empmnelledzâ€"Messrs. H. McCruln (uhaivumu). C. A. Fox, F. W. Lippert. John Koran-fn, Funk .Smith, A. ‘ “I hope you are not forgetting what I gaid about the American gunQoatg," said Britt ponderously'. “Ah.” said Baillo. with a cunning smile. “our man is also a great Ameri- can. He can command the gunboats. Wit‘ CIII.II'II--.--\â€"“- -_ (ulmivumm. C. A. Fox, F. W. Lippert. Jnhn Kurm-m. Frank Smith, A. Fehrnhnch. Zuher A. Wingfelder. J. Arecutt. Bryce, Chzu'h“; Stephan, A. McCarmev. G. B. Miller. Benjamin ()zm'mn. Tm: reuuins were shipped this Inwrning to his parent’s home.â€" Bruce Herald. L1 .YUu new ..v- w“ ing accordsi g to directions two- thirds of a bottle of Chamb- erlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets vou can have yOur money back. The tablets cleanse and invigorate the stomach, improve the di estion regulate the bowels. Give t em a trial and get well. Sold by all dealers. I Copyright. I908. by It you \ar.e not 3 atisfied after u;- The Chronicle is “c. till Jam. 1911 ionialy “'0 By GEORGE BARR M'CUIGHEON CHAPTER IX. Tm: AMERKAN BAR. .. He‘d “Our man is a great munâ€"next to 2.40 hammcd.” too. sahtb. We have told hlm that mu have the great power. He ShU“S us that he can call upon the English ships! as well, for he comes last frum IA;1l-' don. He can have both. while you have onlx one. Besides. he stus vuu cannot send a message in the alt u lth out the site unless he gm [unmis- slon. He have a little machim that catch all the lightning in the tlil‘ and hold it till he reads the message Our man ls a great man-next to X'vhnm med." Britt passed his hand ovvr h staggered by these sum-”writs -v‘vno ”Say. he’s smoother than I thought Most men would hzma been â€"â€" fools enough to say that it was all poppycock about me sending wireless messages and calling out navies. but not he! And that machine for tapping the air! Say, we’d better go slow with that fellow. Shall i call him up on the phone and head otf the strike?" "Anything. Mr. Britt, to get back our servants,” said Lady Deppingham. who had come up with Mrs. Browne. When Britt reappeared after a brief! stay in the telephone booth he was perspiring freely, and his face was redder, if possible, than ever before. “He was very peremptory at first and very agreeable in the end. I said we’d come down at 4:30. 'He asked me to bring some cigarettes. Say, he’s a strenuous chap. He wouldn’t baggie for a second.” ‘Britt and Saunders found the enemy waiting for them under the awning in front of the bank. He looked a man from the top of his head to the tips of his canvas shoes. Every line of his long body indicated power. vitality. 3 health. Both men were surprised by the eager, sincere manner in which he greete‘d them. “Glad to see you. gentlemen." "9} said. He was a head taller than} either, coatless and hatless. a loan but i brawny figure in white crash trousers. '1 “It’s very good of you to come down. If you’ll come to my shack 1’" mix you a real American cocktail, a tninti juicp. a brandy smash or anything you l like in season. There’s a fine mint] bed up my way. just back of the bungalow. It’s more precious than a ruby mine. let me tell you. And yet 1'” gladly exchange 300 carats of mint, Mr. Britt, for a dozen boxes of yulll‘ cigarettes. Do you know. gen? tlemen. I made the greatest mistake of my life in failing to bring a ton of these little white sticks out with me. I thought of Gordon gin. both kinds of vermuth, brandy. and all that sort of thing. and completely forgo; the stat! of life. I happen to know that you have a million packages of them. more or less. up at the chateau. My spies told me. i dare say you know that I have spies up there all the time. Don’t pay any attention to them. i You're at liberty to set spies on my trail at any time. flere we are. This is the headquarters for the Mine Own- | ers' Association of Janet." ‘ “The Nine Owners’ association, gen- ‘ temen, comprises the entire popula- t on of Japat. Here is where I receive my clients. Here is where they re- ceive their daily loaf. If you will par- [don the mum I sit in the chairs: .they squat on the rugs. We talk gabcut rubies and Qpphirea u it they__ were M399! - Occas- -L-..‘ you. gentlemen." he a bead taller than talk over his hrnw about } mint Julepsl Here. Selim! The ice. 3 the mint and the strewnâ€"end the hot- ; ties. Sit down. gentlemen. This in ' the American her that Baedeker hell! i you aboutâ€"the one you’ve nenrched all over Europe for, I due any." “Reminds me of home. just a little bit.” said Britt as the tall glasses were set before them. The English- man was still clothed in muccnce. “They shan‘t catch me napping." was the sober reflection of Thomas Sam» dcrs. â€"The enemy planted the mint in its bed of chipped ice. "The sagaeity that Tasweii Skaggs displayed in era-tin: an ice plant and cold storage house here is equaled only by John Wyet- holme’n foresightednesa in maintain- ing a contemporaneous mint bed. i imagine that you. gentlemen. are hop- ing to prove the old coasters insane. Between the three of us. and man to man. how can you have the heart to propose anything so unkind when we look. as we now do. upon the result of their extreme soundness of mind? Here's how!" Selim passed the straws. and the three men took a long and simultane- ous “pull" at the refreshing jnlep .\ir Saunders felt something melt as he drew the subsequent long and satisfy- ing breath. it was the outer rim of his cautious reserve. "i“Ii think we'll take you up on that proposition to trade mint for ciga- rettes." said Mr. Gritt. "Mr Browne. my cfleut. for one, win sanction the deal. How about your client. Sunn- don-s?” “I can ’t say as m Lady Depplngham but I'm quite sure his lordship win make no objection.” “Then we'll consider the deal closed. I’ll send one of my boys over tomor- row with a bunch of mint. Telephone up to the bungalow when you need more. By the way." dropping into a curiously reflective air. “may 1 ask why Lady Depplngham is permitted to ride alone through the unfrequented and perilous parts of the island 7” The question was directed to her solicitor. “Perilous? What do you mean?” “Just this. Mr. Saunders." said the enemy. leaning forward earnestly. “I’m not responsible for the acts of these islanders. There are men among them who would not hesitate to dis. pose of one or both of the heirs it they could do it without danger to their in- terests. What could be more. simme. Mr. Saundem. than the death of Lady Deppingham if her horse should stum- ble and precipitate her to the bottom of one of those deep ravines? She wouldn’t be alive to tell how it really happened." _- 3:3.” word!" was all that Saunders coukl say, forgetting his juiep In con- templation of the catastrophe. “l've noticed that." said the enemy molly. “He’s usually with Lady 0139- pingham. it's lucky that Japat is free i‘rnm gossips. gentlemen." , ‘ “I'll keep my own client on the straight and public path. He’s liable to tip over too.” "Oh. I ~say." said 8:: that talk. you know." "There’s another thing I want to weak of." said the enemy. arising to prepare the second round of juleps. "i hear that your clients and their partners for life are in the habit of rambling like fury up there." “Hannhling?” said Britt. "\tht not!” “The servants say that they play bridge every night for vast piles of l‘.illli‘.~‘ and turn the wheel daily for Sflllllhil'cfi uncountable. Oh. I get it “Deuce take your Browne,’ Saunders. with mild ”parity. never rides alone.” straits!“ "Why. man. it's all a joke. They use gun \vnds and sinufly [flay that they 'li‘t' rubies." "My word." said Saunders. “there isn't :i ruby or sapphire in the party.” “That's all right." said the enemy. standing before them with a bunch of mint in one hand and the bowl of ice in the other. "Every man in hunt thinks that your people are gambling with jewels that belong to the corpo- rati'm. They think there’s something r-mmked. d’ye see? My advice to you la. Stop that sort of joking." "By Jove." said Saunders. taking I straw and at the same time swing in open mouthed wonder at the tall host, “you appaii me! it's most extraordi- naryfl' “This is all offered in a kindly spir- it, you understand." said the magnani- mous enemy. “We might as well live comfortably as to die unsensonnbly here. Another little suggestion. Mr. Sauudl‘rs. Please tell Lord Deming- hum that if he persists in snooping about the ravines in seamh of rubieI he‘ll get an unmanageable W In d the back of his head some day soon. He has no right to a single ruby. even if he should see one and know what it was. Just tell him that. please. Mr. Saunders.” “i shall. confound him." exploded Saunders, uniting the table mightily. “He’s too uppish anyhow. He needs taking down." “Ab: Selim.” interrupted the enemy as the native boy entered. “no mail. eh?” “No. excellency. the ship 13 not to arrive {or two woeks." IV â€"-Vâ€" “Ah. but. Selim. yuu forgot that I am expecting a letter from You Blitz’s wives. They promised to let me know how soon In the mines.” w; :gr'you mum m. 0.: mm.» u H Miller 0 o 9 00900“. Rail Homo. chovor raid Britt. with a grin. “Just the rough edgm. Mr. Britt. He in now a gem of put-oat my serene. By the way. i bnpv you'll not take my mud suggestions amisv' autumn, - “there's nominal I object to except “No doom you‘re right." agreed tho my: power t5 call Itflku mm our other. “but you must remember um I servants. That seems to we to be Mdmmtta," rather hid! handed.” slid Britt 90‘ Confirmed on page 6. , ht; is able to resume work at ." said Saunders. “none at Shall Imue Single Fare for Round Trip Between all stations in Canada, dam to Detroit and Part Huron. Mich" Ni- agun Fans and Buflado N. Y. Good Got-1 June 80 3“ July In. Return LII“ July «I. IOIO. Sailings of mcsenm'r steamers from Smma for 800. Port Arthur and Du. luth (very Mnndny. “'ednesdau' and Sauna-day at 3.1119. m. Oniy the “'01!- tun-day and Salmduy Iteumers go to Duluth. Sailings from (‘nllingnood 1.3) and van Smmd I1. 45p. m. \" days mu! SMm-dous for 800 a Uemgiun BM Pm ts. Inlormation {tom Rai‘wgy Tick“ Agent. or from the Company st Stnlit or Co!li- awood. NORTHERN NAVIGATION C0. GRAND TRUNK ROUTE Monday. . . . . .. . .. . 8.8. "Abhulwucf Tuesday ....... . ..... 8.8. “Kewutiu” “'ednesduy. . . .. . . . 8.8. “Alberta" Thursday ........... 8.8. "Uknimbu" Saturday ........... 8.8. "Auinibuh' The most pleasant and cheapest rout. Lo \Vinnipeg and We“ Through train to \Vinnipeg and West from Toronto 2.00 9.111. on above date. R. MACPARLAME - Town Agent R. HACFARLANE. Town Agent. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION ....... --â€"v _-__ lity. tn Hhémial "3 0100813! ouppltu .I map. em. for fuh Junior Lana; sud Ion-Io- Ilsuou work. Tho follow“); oomph" on. on of». ‘smuu sci-m. ‘tuolid. m Gm.- w. Book-km“; and Writing. MISS DONALUA HDKIRRAUKBI. ILA. Gretna.” of men's o mvmiw. Bub)... Mmlfl‘uch. IndiumAfiM. GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION NOW OP EN mas ANY EDGE. Grads“. offlnM' d Macaw-n. Sum-z Hymn. d Education. Bums: Multan. OU-pd- lion. Goompby. Emory uni Art. handing student. ohould onto! a “a to“ mug of the term i! pouible. Bond a. beat- wuod st macaw]: rates. Durham to 0 bad Ind wave town. linking it n In“ ‘00! plume: rootdonoo. Fm. Ilw pot south in fin... l P. TELFOBD. U BAIAAI Trains luvs Durham u 7.” bl...“ .50 pm. DURHAM SCHOOL. Thins strive a Durlam gt 10.1} 5.... L!) p m.. and 8.55 p m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE Trains will arrive and depart. u fol- lnws. until further notice:â€" Iud down Bad I. The M to th lbw. tn_ chomp! T305, ALLAglxh-v «5121.: R. MACFARLANE. - Town Agent. Dollars -Dollan - Dollar: [nude by dealing with H. H. HELLER The Hanover Convey-ow [IE cum POI “bl mm. M. on. d and but book burns in.” a fur- bug-Io. Uood tint-05.. A soil Only IOIBY T0 LBND. VIIY CHEAP lt you gum. to Buy. Sell. Tradem- Borrow. go lb Miller. DEBTS COLLECTEDâ€"No Me if no monov math. Railway and Steamship Ticket- cold to all points ut low rates. Emy MM offlmncld huh..- M“ to cuddly and windy. Bauha- W l M. “Mu. Prompt. -h£ov¢ NWL" y. Regular Sailings as follows: imam mug; Ira-gym: m ‘A-“ i E. .52 i it Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE EVERY DAY EXOM 18W? BIA" AND IQUIPIII‘I‘ J. Towna. Local Agent Durban. Lv. ngkenon Ar. 0.00 “ an‘e mu “ 0.27 " [hoover " O.“ A “no Park MoWlHum Prioonlle Baum Jot. JUN. 28 "Athabnscf “Knuth" “Alberta" “Manitoba”

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