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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jun 1910, p. 7

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Swath-rs fur men and m sm-ntwrs in handsome 00k. P)" Z'TPPH. lrlllw, Whitfi ta” 0'. $1.27» In $1.30. Sq uares to Clear Thcrc is plentyof Warm Weather 1V9 ' Bread. Cakes JFEJTIONERY Wearables E L A N D s 9 uys Straw Hats LIS in Variety IUNAH TIES ng Wear as Collar 3. -.'§‘T A} COOPER Hd \Jls .u'iiwncry \I\}ncgars ;:;~ 1 Pure Manitoba Flour: >‘r1rv:~o.:r-: Prnduce Wanted ”.0600”... AITH 2, I o p‘ 0' o 0,010.0-o.§;o(n_é\g_)£(9{p)3x0)mg »o c on oooooouoooooomw Jap Matting I9c s .3; Latimer w‘ z't'» Hut“) Hf “11* best ‘ P '1: “REA.“ WP can’t - :1 full firm of Fruit in . SERVED at all hours. BUTTER AND EGGS w 90900000000000.0000...“ COOPER Ynn Down Town Sho. Ito'- The Thing That Draws Th3 Oat-ON! In,“ Hf “1:1le and Shne-t I." no N the! luv! the“ they an ~mu- hf go-f'ing Ora-clu- g. .m!‘ at n-nsmmble prices. Mun- Hf amp}? Huh-my to “hunmo' ffi’fll. SHI’O "I I.""‘ fly bring Il'l repreuented. \u-e uf awning what the! sun? MN! thI the) want at. In :1 vwvnl sure of get- Hm: rhmr m'mvys worth in lo {I ulvlo'zncuhut I'WWHIabIO 1'10" \\'.. at n t . DIM and m m» mark with mi? “0088 WM \H . ”H‘IO‘YV Trunks. ‘ .I?‘ {5" lo‘flflnm,\‘lim: is the [art I sure. of gwlfi gum!!! at Iwul Sure N! am; rhunsd' (rum. ity bring :u Sure uf grtti pr)“: h" Lb“ reduc' mem'H-zu '1‘!) CLEAR and c'rwun Cu 310m Work .0“. fl.- ommng as u ’d It hut'klP-J. nfl sewing ..... Sic to pn-Lty and strong ....'l2§c and 159 nishw, hINP. pink. ......20c yatd \ Int. 0! \Vaah ulml {lo-signs. June r w» “her 1' S‘Irim. "And 301: yard Eggsauuuuwauuamng . 1 Shoes! Shoes! Shoes !. THOMAS MCGRATH Thc Leading Store for Style and Quality At MCGRATH’S A~ w buy largely, we can sell at m imwsc prices. so don’t fail to ,. mu stuck before buying eige- w. H. We are‘ also offering a W“ .1 hnx. with two pencils and mating pt'n combined. With every P"”' «.f school shoes, $1.50 and over, NW this bnx in our ShOW window. 23,1910 vmn' Boots and Shoes lum and Brass fittc-rs supplies- and Brass Castings and general Highest Prices Paid for Eggs Repairing and Custom “'ork Promptiy A the n d e d T o 2 Even peOple who are usually ‘healthy occasionally require some kind of afood tonic. Fer- rox im, that excellent combi- :nation of beef, iron and sherry} ‘wine, if taken when the sy 5-! tem is run donn from over-: “ork or a slight cold, will prex ent a more serious illness ! ‘ Ferrox 1m giv es strength to con- ! \ alescents and all thin -blooded \pcople. $1.00 a bottle Mrs. C. Croft 4th line. got a. horsel badly injured a few days ago, kicked} by another animal. Vet. Thus. Otter well hand to insert nearly a. dozen stitches in dressing the wound. At the Foresters’ picnic {it Maxwell. last. week Flesherton and Singhamp- tun base-hall team. played a match for a purse of $10.00 which was won by the team from here. the score being l 18-9. C 0‘ ‘ .‘L their district meeting last week to celebrate the Battle of the Boyne at Flesherton this year. A good crowd is expected,and a hearty welcome. will be extended. Principal Marcellus will preside at the entrance to High School examina- tions here this week. 42 candidates are on the list. Principal Holland will preside at the exams for entrance to Model and Normal Schools. 0n the list for the former there are 22 and for the latter 3. Vandeluer: Vice. Pres.. . Dnndalk; Sec. Tm... Mrs. A. E. Myles. Kimberley. Represantativga from Phamt Rehearsal. _ hpre wereâ€"Mrs. D. McTavxsh. Mrs. Fair Amateurâ€"The curtain wil Albert Stewart, Mrs. R.‘ H. \Vright. In a few minutes. Are vnu quite M” J' Runsmdtler. “’8' “7' 11'. you know your words? Hem- Thin'mmn and Mrs. W. Wilcnck. The 1 . . _ all except the part where I kiss next weetlng Will be held at Vanda ‘We’d better rehea t t a in. .o o...“ - -- n ‘0‘ ‘ __.- - > - ‘-- A‘ngfi Flesherton THE DURHAM CHRONICLE the thyterinn garden p‘rty Protnn Smt‘on hut, week, which very successful. the Presbyterian garden pu-ty at .. Proton Sutton but week, which was Proper .attenuon t0 the 11.31! g and scalpxs the best preventwe very successfui. Mr. R. Whim- and Mr Wallwood'of baldness. Anoccasional ap- spent last wee“ *“ 0““ S“ "‘d “"1 plication of Bearine Hair Pom- ing on the Jury at the assizes. i ad . . . e keeps the scalp 111 healthy‘ Mids Irene Gamiin niece of Mra. , , . Thurstnm, attending schunl here. left condttlon. It nounshes the on Saturday to spend a "ample nf. , ° ° . months with her parems. Rev. S. [Libinr {011C165 ”and supplements the natural 011 of the head. and Mrs. Gmuiin, inissimmrius.. at, Cross L-ske. KeeWntiu. Mrs. Thurs- Bearine not only prevents fan_ tou acr'mupnuiee her niece to Owen , , , Imq hair but stimulates new * Sunud. . i Miss Gl-ydys C m lfiPiti is in the city growth. 50 CtS a jar at your taking IIIUSICJU examinations at the. drumrists Uil|\'m'~it)‘. ! Db ' I i Mr. Fergusnn of (‘aieiiun is vi-iting' “I“ i his hmuu-r Mr. Malculm Ferguson. i Miss Mav \Vilsnn is home t‘mm Tm- AV 5 ' ‘ : .014 ALVE ‘- ~- --I u-a‘\.\n.| Miss Glmdys C »r lflPld ie in the city taking llllkflmtl examinations at. the{ Uuhenuy. ‘ Mr. Fergusnn of Caleduu is vi-‘iting his hmuwr Mr. Malcolm Ferguson. Miss Mav \Vils‘un is home {mm Tm- onto Nuruml SCiluul. Miss May Blackburn vieited her uncle at \Valkm-Lm last, week. i Mrs. John (Tatum-wt uf Sum-is, Mam. 'ib‘ visitmg her mutlwl' Mrs. Andrew Carr, who is sui’f ring with a bruken a limb. Miss (Hayd; Juhu mm of Thurubury. is on a sham. visic with her sister Mrs. Gen. Stuart. mMrs. Arch. Bmd is visiting her sister in 'loruntu this \\ eek. Mr. and Mrs. Gum. \\ Mann visited oxer Sunday with whims in Egre- mout. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Smart, of Kim- berley spent Sunday wuh the turmer’s brother George. who was home for n tew duys tram Elk Lake and left, again fur the nm-Ln on Monday. Mr. \Vill Somers of the Standard Bank. Dublin is holidaying with his "lather in U-prey and with uld friends here. .lv-‘ v Mr. Hen-x ey Menit. student, supply- ing thv Bapkisc church here. attended the annual cnnvemmu of the Own. Suund Baptist, Assucimum at \Villis- crofL last week. Mry. Bulmer has returned from A" .Vllf. ll‘C-UU-v- Sp mdiug a (cw weeks With her his. er m Tummtn. Mr. and Mrs. .108. Duncan left on Sauudny Lu vistt Im- at month “ilh relunves near Bctlevitlv. Mr. \V. Bthkin is on the woouumrket this Week fur J. A. Bryd. who is at Hanover. The keen cumpetitiuu mu Lbe price up to 3.)c. un Sam. m-d uy. “‘ ' ‘ I '\-- Hus r-vâ€"- REV. H. E. \Velqund and Dr. Mulr ty wele at Uh tlswm th un Mun day the latter installing a church tel ephoue. ‘ n ‘ u Ln 1..... Ur|I‘v--v Miss Allan of Durham, “ho has been teaching in Nu. 3 east of the vi!- lag4, has resigned. and this week leaves for hulldEIYS. Mr. \Vm. Reid returned on Satur- day from a two week’s visit with friends in Esreluont and Nurumu'ny. The Hunter and the Wind. in hunting against the mud in open forests tnut'e game is pnssml than many lmntt't‘s “nultl suppose. 'l'he an- hnals see the man. limit: that he witl oass them and llltlt’ by getting as near to the ground as pnssthte. If they scent him after he has passed they evidently reaiizt» that the danger is over. though smue. mostly the younger. inexperieuved animals. then sneak ofl. Where gaun- ts very wild it is often in such kwalities us I have mentioned only possible to approach them with the wind by outdistnnt-ing the latter. because a big game animal at rest de- ‘ pends on its nose [0 sure u truth dan- ger tn the direction trntn which the wind comes and on its eyes to watch the side from which it can get no oth- er wrungâ€"”fruit and Trucking." by Josef Brenner. Welsh National Costume. When the French made a halt heart- ed attempt to invade Great Britain in 1797 a landing was made at Fishguard. Wales. but the soldiers at Napoleon were frightened off by the sight of a great number of Welsh girls and two. men, whom they mieimk ill a distance for soldiers on account of" their red dresses and tall black hats. That is at": the national costume of the Welsh '01090- â€"_4‘ UVIIDVII u "l"" amusing story is told of his debut. Mr. Benson had told him that the great thing for an actor is to act. “it does ‘not matter.” he contixmed. “so much what the words are which the actor speaks as the impression which he con- veys to the audience by those words." . Then he gave Mr. Phillips the part of Balthazar in “Romeo andJuliet." On the first night Balthazar managed the first line of his part and then forgot the rest. Romeo. in the person of Mr. He Was Arting. Stephen Philiips, the dramatist and poet, began life as a member 01-9. 8.. Benson’s repertoire company. An amusing story ts told of his debut. Mr. ' -* ‘LA "mil. t": .‘u‘. -vvâ€"ve Benson. had to go to his assistance and speak the rest of the part for him. while Balthazar exhibited an agony'ot speechless grief. “What do you mean," Mr. Benson afterward demanded. “v going on the stage without knowing I The Widow’o View of It. ' Bugging (a wily ouepâ€"No‘. L than met marry. I loved a girl once and she made a tool of me. The Wjdow (disappointed of Der prey-«What a hating Impression she seems to have amulet-Illustrated Bits. Pleasant Rehearsal. Fair Amateur-The curtain will rim: In a few minutes. Are you quite” sure vnn know your words? Hem \vs; No man 13 really beaten unm Ounce“ summit. prevent des- igOrate the mach and Liver “$013. i)? 'afi dealer‘s. Mr W. J M-acLaren left for "ugmbro Centre [or a {cw days” \isiting. and intends to g.) from there to Hamilton to \‘LSZ- hi." mother, and sister, and other reh- tivcs. Mr. James MacGillIvary. of this burg‘ is at present improving his “stable by putting a cement Hoar in it. Them was a waxy s-ucco-csful picnic up :at Scotchtown .last week, M '. T. McGrath and Miss Em? Mc- ‘ Millaa drove out \I'rom town to on- ioy tac sports. Mr. Gemge Edlwin Arnett assist- ed ‘his brother‘ Mr. C.W. Arnett, 4;! Popular Place, a couple of days last week, by helping him pool tan bark. â€"Fairy Queen. Mr \Vm. Ftallaise has been ill this past two week-1, bu is on \ ing slowly. V" ""r ~-' . Mr. Geo. Binnie, and his daugh- te-°. Miss Winnie, and Mrs. Archie Beaten and her sister, also, wcre down to the Model Farm Friday, you A simple cflcctivc remedy for many little ills as well as some that am not considc little: A compound with a Vaseline basm in conjunction with Japanese Menthol and othcrdgggs mgkinc an efficacious remedy for a well 45 {93 .Inse‘ct Bites. Cuts eu‘ -â€" A-w-‘-‘ ” “'CII “a .V. ."U‘. â€"--- Just the thing (51' carix'péts. hunters. ts welt as for those that stay at home. Lame shoulder is almost invari- ably caused by nheumatism oi“ the muscles, and yields quickly to the free application of Chamberlain‘: Liniment. This linimem is mt only prompt and effectual, but in ‘- 1 I; 4__‘ ”n“ at.“ U11!) 1"“ u u. - vâ€"-- no way di'sagreeable to use. Sold by all dealers. remain: Conservativesâ€"Major T1105. Beat- tie, London; R. L. Borden, Halifax; Andrew Bmder, Dundas; Hon. Geo. E. Foster, North Toronto; lion. J. G. Haggart, South Lanark; David Hen- derson, Halwn; C01. Sam Hughes. 17;-4A..;- .nd Halibdrton; F. D. Monk, (iv Clifford Sifton‘ l bot, Bellechasse; Bruce: ~14, DAVIS imvmzxca. Moan-cu. t' ”" THC/J .1. The lather of 11m Homw is Hon. Mr. Haggart, whc was: born in 1836, and is thus 73 years of age. He has been in public life sinme 1867. thn he became mayor of Pvrth. He was I -9‘) ny‘f‘ "C LK'UGIII'. u......,. ._,_ V elected to Parliamnm in 18.72 and has held his seat withuut dnfc‘at ever since. HO was uphuintml Postmaster- General by Sir John A. Macdonald in Grey. Farmer. deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursu- ant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario” 1897 chapter 1‘29, that ail creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Rob- ert Cuff, who died on or about the :6th day of Jurie, AD. 1909, are re- ‘â€"7- LL- 1:61. 1")" prepaid, or deliver to me, Isaac Hutton. Varney P.O.‘ Ont.. the ex- ecutor of the last Will and Testa- ment 0! the said deceased, their Christian and surnames. addre:,e_- es and descriptions. the full partic- ulars of their claima. the state.- ment 01 their accounts and the nature of their securities, if any, held by them. 1 And further take notice that at- Iter such last mentioned date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceas- ed among the parties entitled thereto. having regard onlÂ¥ to the claims of which he shal . ISAAC HUTTON, Vmey P.O., Ont. Executor of the hut Will and Notice to Creditors. Saugeen Valle V. bated this 10th day of June, 1910. H aggart the Oldest. been V?”V bat is im . '5 (“e mUIItI' IVI 77:71“ P l \ l I v’ '/ I I WEDDINGS“: M Cut Glass is the month for Calder For 3â€"- Machine Oil. Harness Oil, Ame G rem and Boo! Ointment, go to Pumas tmm $2 award. SHOP Open ovary sttornoon. All REPAIRING promptly sud prop- orlv “tended to. “JV. 0. comm are always acceptable presents. We have a. large assortment at prices cheaper than elsewhere. and all kinds of Foun- A small or large bag at n One gr... white. nutritiuua flour. in cold M our brand. Have you ever tried it? Gd. your 1' to give you our kind not!» ‘me and see the superior haul} qmF M '69: it possesses. Better on wholesome. because at a scent W that. we put. the wheat through. Don’t forget. People’s Mills ICE CREAM A blend of f Manitoba and wheat and is a strictly ‘ family flour Our pure Manitoba flour, made No. 1 Manitoba wheat canmt be but for either bakers or domutlo on V'vvvw- â€"v w"10 h; Lou. Goods delivered 3.an Chopping Done Every DI" s. P. SAUNDERQ lauc III "I.“ Call us up by telephune No. All kinds of ann‘ bought 3t 1 Farmers’ Central Mutual Fire Insurance C 0 I P A N Y The Second Strongest Purelyflutul Fire [nuance Company II altar-So Head Office. - Walkerton, Out I J. Schmuck”. Mamet. Insurel nll kinda of tum proper- ty and isolated dwellings at re- duced cash ratel. and under low- er premium notes lor n term of three or four years than can be secured elsewhere Building: pro- tected with lightning rod: end their contents accepted at lower ‘rntel than others not so protected W. J. McFADDEN. Ag’t. Donut. oxumo PROPERTY INSURED NEAR- LY John McGowan. Block - Dutham Msnuhcturer on Aud Dale: in â€" SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE The [lunatic-uto- ot 5 fine gut-a )ur. is sold u out var ”and it? 6‘ you our kind 001‘ uriur but"!!! 1;!!!" Better an mat. of a scent W wheat through-

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