*at%§$éayé%§a#*a%%¢aï¬ï¬g¢¢ï¬$¢§kï¬k¢§§gk¢ bus.» 37 WM" A protty wedding took place. at the.‘ rvaideuce of Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Bmtgeros'. 4th line. Anew-win. on, ;\Vrduesdny afternoon. Juno ’Bndfl Iuheu their daugucer Sadie lwcame thu bride of Mr. r'rvdelick Harold Ul'o’tbdll) of E cgvuia. Fru n the lawn! zumut sixty-ï¬ve mum's wimm ed the cerelunn) winch Wm pert'oruyoâ€"d by - Kev. H. E. \Vellw0ud B. A. uf b‘leah- :emm. and winch look pm». on the {veranda}: the Inidnl part)! standing 3 beneath am arch of evergreens decora- ted with all M bans and fans. The . bride Who was aunt, ended and giVen ‘ ‘ ‘1 I -Aâ€" Ul Iuc ‘V Clv vvew uâ€"--- __.-- away by h r hro her Mr. thu Bcdxerow, of Toronto. Wis prettily gowned in white silk Innll trimmed with medallions set with seed pearls. Sue Works a m-idal veil with Wreath of roses and lilies and carried a h m- quet of cal-nations and fern tied with strezuuersof white. salk ri'iimu. The bride’s sister. Miss Florence BulgtTaW. 0‘ 'l‘oronto. and Miss \Vllum Dom) of Hathertnn. Were pretty flown gzrls. rarrying bouquetsof all-1W halls mul yellow roses. Muster Nmmm Sims.‘ of l'oromocousln of the. blade. wa~ ring nearer. the ring 'oei: g carried on a white satin cushion. Miss Ida U:- borne of Maxwell. played the \Vt’lli'illi inmrch. After «tongramlati us to Lliri newly married couple at choice well-‘ ding breakfast was served on Ill" lawn the table decorations being verv {pretty. The evening was afterwards i very enjoyably spent with music and igmnes. The bride’s travelling suit .wns silver grey nmssaline silk with ihstt to nmten. After Visiting friends- :ut Thornhnry and ot her points Mr. gand Mrs. Graham will leave for their I new home at Blind ltch-r. 'l‘he wed- .dimz presents were numerous and vul- ; lithlt‘. The groom’s gift to the bride i was a mantle clock, to the flower girls geach a gold broovh set with hrilliants mud to the ring bearer a gold chain ;and fob. Guests from a. disuun-e were '--â€".\ll'. and Mrs. T. A. Huggnrd, ol' Thornhury: Mr. .{lld Mrs. \V. Legate, Durham; Mr. and Mrs. Jns. Maxwell, of Croenmre and Mrs. F. .3. Sims and son Norman of Toronto. Under the auspices of the Methodisti Ladies’ Aid, Beliguugh the versatile nrtistand hunmrist. appeared in the tuwn hall on Friday evening last and In hisnwn inimitable manner enter- tetillt‘d the audience delightfully for two hours with pure. clean amuse- ment. M r. Beugough’s perfect mimic- ry in song and recital was highly pleasing and his pencil sketches of lncal (lililll'flt‘t’Pl‘S were verv taking, hut witlml the!" was also much in the cnurse of his miscellaneous prom-mu that was instructive. Rev. Mr. \Veli- wimd introducrd the cartoonist. who at the close reciprocitled and with pencil introduced the pin-sun in his at- titude of must earliest deliVery of "Snund Doctrine.†Dr. Murray ap- peared over a. patient being relieved of upninful molar. Mr. Bill“. was rep- resented in funeral garb and Trustee \Veher, diiving His Majesty‘s until, 1 was exclainiing “ander he hlowed" and carried a b inner inscribed "Rah! for uur new school.†The Chosen Friends picnicked. at Eugenia last. week and had an enjoy- able outing. The Presbyterian Sunday School will hold their annual picnic in Mr. Pickell’s grove :m 'l'uesday. Rev. Findlay Mathesnn B. A. of Clmtswurth. will conduct anniversary sex-vines. morning and evmniug in Chal- nmr’s ()hurr-h on Sunday next. Sunday last. being Patriotic Day thrunghnub the Presbyterian Church in Canada Rev. Mr. Milligan's serumn wasappmpriate 10 the occasion. IL wag pointed nut, that among the thousands nf every nativnality coming annually to nnr land there Were many po-‘sessing good qualities, but there were aim many not; without evil pro- pensities which it, was the duty of the church to help ox'crcuune. If we would prevent intemperamre. bahlmth desecratiun, laxity of marriage relu- tiuns and crimes of violence tun cum- mnn ah-euiy numng the fureigners the church must be active in spreading numng them the gospel of love, purity and peace. Born â€"On Thursday the 23rd inst. to Mr. and Mrs. George Blackburn, east, hark “up, a son. Miss Myrtle Tillll'stfln. is visiting friends at Linn’s Head. Mr. \Valter [mucka met. with a had full last, week in Dr. Murray’s new residence. Nu bones were broken but the hack W:l~% injured. He is moving about but Vt'l'y stiff. Mr. Archie Sitxciair of Harriet/on was a visitor at Mr. John Hale’s uvc'er Sunday. Mr. Chas. Stewart is ill from the effects of Lngrippe with which he suf- fu'ed a few mpmhs ago. Mr. M. K. Richardson attended the annual Provincial Conference of (Flint- ities and Correction at Guelph last week and at the election of ofï¬cers we notice was elected a. member of the Executive. Miss Chidley and Miss Switzer of the school staff have gone on their annual hoiiday. Miss; Uhidiey, assis- tantin the Continuatiun school has resigned and her departure is deeply regretted. She was a very efï¬cient teacherand in great favor with the pupils. Mrs. W. J. Douglas and children. who haVP spent some months here left. on Friday for their home at Math- eson. Miss Ethel Trimble is home from Toronto on an extended holiday. Mr. Kendall Mitchell is home from Owen Sound Collegiate and Miss Lulu Mitchell is home from Toronto Uni- versity. Mr. Wi’ll \Vilsnn has gone to Toron- to to take a position. Miss Clinton is visiting relatives in Toronto. Miss Waller visited her sister at Mono Centre. Mr. Geo. Thompson. and daughter Monita of Crystal City, Man.. visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Blskely and other relatives. Mr. Thompson is a son-in-lsw of Mr. Andrew Rowe, formerly of this piece. Mrs. W. Ayers whg hes visited fo_r and Pt. Hhrou. Mrs. J. W. Hemfrson. of Toconto. is the guest of her tether, Mr. W. J, Bellamy. ; month with her but In. J. Blackburn, left on ï¬lmy for Sarah. Mia Carrie Sullivan of Montred. h Flesherton. Ins. Hodgaun of Horn ind her “But 1' MN. F. last. week. - Among those who tank in the Ni- agara excursiunpu Fruuy were. Mr. J. A. Heard. Mr. M. Bzmnon. Mrs. W. A. Armstmn . Mm. J. Blackburn, Mrs. \V. L. {Vtiuhh Miss Swilzer. Miss Munohaw. Ar. Henry Pewgoe and Messrs W. J. and Allu-rt. Shawn-t. Mr. C. H. Muushuw, Mr. J. F. Chard, Muss Parker. Miss Price Teeter. Mi-‘a Teeter. Mrs. “’11: Mamre and Mr. and Mrs. W. 'l‘rimhlv were exam-bion- in» thuelph cm Salami-1y home re. maining in Tmcmtu UVH' Sunday. All mmds lead to Fleshertnn on Do- minim: Day whom a big day’s fun Will “0 “WP“ and“ gr:-m| cuucu't ill lbw Evening. v Mr. Jnhn Lynns, of Sn ngeon Junction 19ft, on Tw-sday Lu vise! members of hi< {31"in zu \Vmuipng and other prints in the \VQ‘SL All students a! the pubjic schools of Grey County will this ygar have U‘ “1‘ Y \-‘â€"v an opim?€unit3* "toâ€"com {ate for a valuable special pmze, onated to the South Grey Agricultural Socio- ty bv the Central Busmeus (fonlege of Toronto. This well-known school offers a three mouths’ Scholarship (value $30) to the student from the Public Schools of Grey County, who ex- hibits the best specimen of Pen- manship at the Durham Fair this year. Any student, or anyone who has been a student of a Public school in Grey County, during 1910, not above entrance standing may compete. The Schnalrship may be used at any time within three years from date of competition, by the suc- cessful student. lel particulars may be obtainei from the Secretary, C. Firth, Du:- Another mile-stone has been reached in the history of our school section when on Friday lest Miss A. Lawrence who has taught quite successfully for the past two and it half years severed her connection, her limlt of three years having expired. She intends going out \Vest to visit her elder sister and Other relatives and to have a general frolic. During her sojourn ‘ around the Corners, Miss L. has made many friends by her genial manner. and Winsome ways and her removal will leave a vitcency hard to till. Atl the close of the school on Friday, (oiecesioned hy the Homeseeker’s Ex- cursion to the West on Tuesday and on which she intenks to go.) she Wes presented by the scholars with their little gifts showin' the respect and esteem she occupie in their hearts us gtheir teacher. And now the call comes tor another teacher to hold up the banner in the old reverend looking stone school which no doubt. will ap- pear in due time in the ed. column of the Chronicle. We give below a list of the names of all the teachers who have taught since the school was built. in 1875. They are:---.\lr. Scott. Mr. Buin, Mr. McFarlane. Mr. Kernahun. Miss Booth, Miss Cooper. Miss Edge, Miss Srott. Miss Blyth, Miss Fee. Mia-"s DeWson. Miss Lawrence, Miss Flynn. Miss ll. Lawrence. Mrs. \Vm. lio‘efliu, and daughter M‘h {lie of Se. Jacobs are welcome Vla- iturs m and around the Corners. Mr. Gun. Seim has the fuunducion of his large, lmru cumplvud and is at. present, busy fraunug the timber, being himself a ï¬rst class framer. “'19 have nu doubt but what. it will be well dune. The barn is 51wa with a large straw shed and of me high post pat- tern which when cnmpleled will be the must, up-Luodaw burn in this lUI‘fll‘ iby. This is saying a good deal for our lucality has lung heen noted for its magniï¬cient buildings. A very interesting event took place at the home of Mr and Mrs, John "l‘hoxnpson, 2nd con. Norinauby. on \Veduesday last June 22nd, when their eldest daughter Olive Edna. was wed- (led to the man oi her choice in the. person of Mr. Geo. \V. Stockley, of l‘orouto. The ceremony was perform- ed in the presaice of about two hun- . dred invited guests by the Rev. Geo. 1 Keiidell under "the old apple tree," at. i the hour of the o’clock. The lll'idt'i dressed in white silk and carrying ai bouquet of white bridal noses looked? charming. while the bridesmaid Miss‘ Dinah Thompson looked equally he- Witching dressed in pink silk and car- i ryinga bouquet of pink roses. The groom was supported by his brother' through the trying ordeal. and to the ! melodious strains of the wedding! march layed by Miss Lottie Fee m -K i their p aces under a dainty arch ml 1 lowed by the handsome bride leaning on the arm of her father and whom, we presume got the blame for giving- her away. The Vows being put and taken and sealed with a kiss, then fol- lowed a storm of hand shakes and good wishessnfter which the large company sat down on seats provided for the occasion and partook heartily of lunch. After that was over the evening was spent in a free for all sort of a way by music chat and dancing. Numerous and costly were the gifts bestowed on the bride showing the esteem in which she was held. The groom’s gift to the bride was a hand- some sewing machine. Besides the handsome and useful presents the bride was the recipient of over 8100 in cash, which would be quite sufficient to tempt a fellow to ask “does a per son win or lose by getting married and how much?†The happy couple spent a couple of days of their honey- moon at the old house at home and on Saturday left for their lace of abode in Toronto followed By the good wishes of the bride’s many friends for many bright and happy days of mat- rimonial bliss. VALU \BLE SPELLAI. PRIZE Tommy Wallace 18 generelly taken as a temperate man, but really his actions looked a little sh 1dy when he hitched into another man ’8 buggy and did not discover his mistake until he reached home, 011 the night of the above wedding. Being strictly honest Tommy returned the gtbu y in time for the other fellow toge ome. think we will let Tommy 01! for thin once on suspended nonténoe. Blyth’s Corners. The Cannon! met June 11th Md gunned .- at Court. at†Revisiun. Fm member made the necessary (1....3“ [ion mu! umk their seats. M“ t“ w,“ ‘ppoiuted m the chuir. AMI.“ were bran! and changes were In id.“ fn|'|)W02'-'ï¬"‘ 5. 0. and 7. (Wm. 4 8 Iâ€. R" reduced from $15], to $14.â€: lain. on“, 2, E. G. It. rvdm-ed 33m; L" ’§ 000. 3. E. G. 8.. reduced 81.3.9; Ln: 1} ()on. 10. [minced $1M); Lula In and ,f‘ Glenelg Court of Rev hook) at W. ouch. W. G, P" L 5:! enlvrvd for Low 94 and 9.3, 0:}: S. \V. T. R I. ROM. and 'l‘llu... RM were uses-“id fur Lots 2 and 3, gun" †No D. R. Andrew 8““ “'ii.\' â€Hr“; for [ï¬t 3. Gun. 1. S. l). R 1:01“ (km. 3. E. G. R.. was nssvswd In \\" G. Firth. The Hut. halves ..{ 1.qu 13 and 14. Gun. 3, E. G. R..‘ w.†“new; to Hen-how: Tmfl’ord. bum“; Mun, were uddvd tn the Hull and the Unm adjuurued Ln July 9th. After adjnurnment nf (‘mm of m vision thv Uumusil pun-09.1w L0 eral husiness. All the menu..." present, the Reeve in the rim... Mm "we 0f last. meeting read and mummy ed. Con-ammicnlinns read m ML.“ -Fl‘0lu C. Smith Suns, m'rnum 20; bolts and washers; frum tlw Mann.“ World, accmmt fur lllllnvlpï¬ â€œMinâ€. ery; frnm Gm nuissiuner mm] 3, m port on expenditure. Rm McMillan-mF‘ithâ€"nTlmt I’m-gt haley he paid $5 for pmvidiug winm road flu-“ugh his farm.~C»x x ml. McNalIyâ€"Weirâ€"Tlmt (‘. Smilh‘ Sous he paid $7.63 fulzhulb «ml Wash. era for l‘uwcra‘wu budge. “"l‘l'IOd. “'eirâ€"Mcfnllyâ€"Thut .l. A. I». Donald b9 Paid 8‘5 hulullt'v uf salm “assessor and $2 for [‘vuslugv. 47d“ tied. McMillanâ€"Firtha'l‘hat Jnhn MC. Arlhur Stu, be pnthmnstm- in 1h. “Gian" and John McAl‘thur .h'.. pm} unusual-nu the old Durham Hum up posite the Glennâ€"Carried. McNallyâ€" \Vei râ€"That H. M "Gm be paid $35 bt'illg balance HII "Fluent sidewalks at Uurnm-h.â€"(7an'n d. “'eirâ€"-McNallyâ€"---That Malmlm \Vilson be paid $19 for "pm-i“ '1 mverswn bridge. â€"-Uarr|ml. Weirâ€"McMillan â€"-That J. AI-tley h. paid 40 cents for grader z-upplies, Curried. Fil°thâ€"â€"-McMillun â€"-'l‘hm M almlm Black he. mid $10 I'm' limlwr tut vaersmn bridg«.â€"-Uue-rivd. Firthâ€"MeNalIyâ€"That \Vm. \‘wveuy be paid $2.50 fur hanlimz timber for Trnvw-smn Bridguâ€"Cm-rivd. \Veirâ€"Firth â€"Thnt thv M unicipd World be paid $3.67 for municipll statinnm'y.â€"(Jnrried. \Vt-irâ€"McMillunâ€"That A. B. Mc- Lellan he paid 40 cents fur nil and axle grouse for grudeu-Cmriuu. “Weirâ€"B u ch ~â€"Th :u, cnmmimic ms M paid as follow-z -'â€"\V aid 1.32»; “mi; 25; “7am! 3. 815: “fun! 1 :89 .md Lle Reeve, $2. 50. "Us†ied. The report of Cmnmissinnm' for \Vnrd 3 called for [myuwma fur grader Wurk to the amount, of $139.79. Cuuncil adjourned to July 9th at l" a. m. J. S. BLAFK. Hark. was $358st g, ‘I' and {L Trinitv church will M'W: Connor Meehan. th. “1 the town hall, nigh The Maple Leaf (nu-31.x. open the hip: cum-v11 .:~. . w. “imam. nigh‘ H’. .‘xi‘V The three-year-uld Dan. ucDonald MI m. away, and ‘)]'()k(‘ “'15 Dinner and tea v by the ladies in UH' th. nethodist 01on of July. “ The Traders Bank )m DMEd by painting Hm lettering signs on 1.1; “II. â€II Riti IPW‘H is ph'pinw uccept a limilvd numiu-r pupil! for instruvtinn (m Hug and organ. _â€"__ See Annie “lflw. HH‘ Scotti-h dancer, in 1hr Dal-hum, on Juh' 121} See bill! and inï¬rm. All trimmed hats mark [0' prices during Ju chm t0 20f a bvami I MK redm'ti«m.- Miss l: The Durham mfled on a n« started 0!) )londay In very busy. Annie How- mtional Datum medals and (‘u big concert in hum. on JULV 1 Ind programs. The C. P. R. mmm It: Illip Uloir shwk re\ T‘hvi‘c“ arr u\ at ‘hich the gnu-'1‘ be tent up nml BI! and sot-(Hum. mtructiun. The Distriot l â€I 'IOI‘ Dm'hm: tend serx'iw :11 $11!!!! on Sund Ire requestvd 1 mm It 13“. I low living in \M the Place “1 H. n- Houure at am i - Wer 9 KO [1‘ he y9‘IY‘S *im in h"‘99“ an 1m 41 a 0‘ the t}']n‘-â€"S< A' â€ï¬‚ue “W for Hu- ‘ - We have 11 .ui it . 1.‘ 1n- "0 Years. â€v int: w: ' Ibortly 10 ht‘t' Hi ‘ . mchine hv mw " ll. After smh : 01 patient suf f1 rin‘ M Herb. Livlnj.’ «0. All aro up" h Menflmn‘d 1 Irticul-rly Mr. “In: Mr. Sm we Were mnoh 1 â€Mt when '3] Med into 0113' n NEWS AR L Ritchie. 1mm im pro \’ (I rham Fun I new fina wning‘ last. and prnï¬lw“ L" but “\‘vTY is “11 “be?“ patronagv. of Mr. Bla N0. 2259 H 2! h n W1 do“ h basement O U Di fl‘ulll ul lh‘ 4| lam ll‘t't ll I“