West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Jul 1910, p. 2

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HAVING DECIDED TO LEAVE town, I am offering for sale my residence in Durham. This is a solid brick property, equipped; with new coal furnace, hot and‘ cold water both upstairs and. down, and a well-equipped bath i room. A bargain for quick pur-i chaser. I also offer (or salt‘ a. house and lot, with static. râ€"t $850, I on easy terms.â€"W. F. DUNS. 1 LOT 5, CON. 1, N. 3.. 31.12;. 51.3.} consisting of 50 turns 0. gOu'.; pasture. On the prmnises an: 3 good dwelling house and fa; outbuildings, a ucVer {3.13:3}; opting .and a good quinti y a timber. Good fishing. .-\‘I idea groper-t)“ for a retired truer. or any per-sow desiring first class pasture [or stock. For brunt particulars ‘apply to . Chris. Firth Durham, or Alex. . m myétou. mm: FIRST CLASS UP-TO DATE! Threshing outfit. feeder and; blower attachments. Traction engine. All in good condition.I Apply to \Ialcolm Black, Mid-’ daugh House. D111 ham 6-4tp ins BUiLDiVG OCCUPIED BY I P. G.A. W ebster as jew ellery stora,i ad J. P. Teltord as a law office, with show cues. wall cases, clock GOOD BRICK RESIDENCE ON Lambton Street. Durham, oppo- site the Methodist parsonage. One of the nicest situated prop- erties in Durham. In good state of repair. Will sell on reason- able terms to quick buyer. Ap- ply on premises to T. Moran. 4.7 TBE 2-STOREY ROUGH CAST store on Garalraxa Street,-the Parrott property. For particu- lars apply to A. C. Grant, Dur- hOUSE AND LOT ON coo mass Street, Apply to Mrs. John Har- bottle, Durham. 6303ptf GOOD uaxEkAL PURPOSE horse, or would exchange for a good drnver.â€"W. Fn‘Lh, Butchgr. Durham. 623” TOfiRINu CARâ€"IN GOOD RUN- ning order.â€"Geo. Yliljé, Durham I‘uu AU. LJ-au u“- --- -_ -. ___ ed, and has gc od buildings erect- ed thereon, good land, and an excellent opportunity for the right man. For further particu- lars, apgfly on the premises to A. For , Bunessan. 8410tf LOT 1 OF 17. CONCESSION 1, E” G. R,. Glenelg. 50 acres. ,well- lenced, good buildings, two small orchards, and good spring and well. Also Lots 2 and 3 of 15, Con. 1 'W.G RA Bentinck. 100 ac- res; 60 acres cleared, and 40 aczes of good bush. These properties will be sold together or separ- ately. and on terms to suit pur- chaser. For further particulars apply to Wm. Leggette, Rockyl Saugeen. Durham P.O. fi-‘th‘ iBlNG EAST HALF ormLor 2. Con. 21 Egremont. containing 30 acres. Well watered by never- !ailing spring and a runnmg AnJ:___ mafia 5 GOOD nouns FOR RENT.â€" Apply to LU. Latina. 41m afidfiisate. At a bargain. to A. Gordon, Weyburn, HOUSE AND GARDEN FOR 10 months Irom the first of July, 1100 some pasture for cattle by the month. Convenient to Dur- ham. Apply to Wm. Jackson, Buneaoan. 6232 Applications containing testi- monials Will be received by the undersigned up to Monday, Aug. Int. 1910, for a properly qualified teacher {or 8.8. No 14, Normanby. Salary $400.-â€"D. Mcllvride, Secre- tary-Treasurer. Orchard. 6236p NR 5. 8. NO 2, EGREMON .1 Grey Co., (luties to commence af- ter summer holidays. tApply. Itgting experience. certificate, and salary expected to -\S. T. Chapman, Varney, Ont. 6-9t! â€"â€"- .01. 10 AND 14. CON. 8. N. D. R. Ola-cu. 15 are: bush, tram. barn. vol! watrrcd must be gold. A. H. Mann. Dun-bun. 22m. Vlwuu - -v-vy -- 0nd spring. Put of purchase money can remain on mort age. For particulars app]? Wiliam Bradley, Orchard. On . foo ACRE FARM 0N THIRD CON; cession of Glenelg, N.D.R., lots 15 and 16. This farrn i5. yell water- I m B! AT ABBRDBBN BVI ery Wedneaday, the balance of; the ‘vlnter to measure and pay ' for all eawloge delivered theref The higheat price paid Ior all atralght, loud loge a! all kind ' of timber. Custom sawing an ahlnglee done early in the apring.’ â€"N. McIntyre. May 31.0 i Wt “â€" \pUll. U, uhI'u-v-cv res. about 12 acres of ceéar and hemlock swamp; balance slash- ed. Well watered by never-fail- ing creek. No buildings on this parcel. Will sell one or both parcels to suit purchaser. .Terms liluug 0}); "‘H .- Itream close to buildings. Good (rune house, frame barn, stone basement stable underneath. a- bout 45 acres cleared and in good Itate of cultivation, rest good hardwood bush. Also NE. 1-4 of Lot 3. Con. 3, Egrexgont, 25 ac- ‘jâ€"C- -QAA 0T 21, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OF Egrmont, containin 100 acres a out 10 acres bar wood bush, 0 acre! swamp timbered, th. rest clear; bun 30x50, stable 30x40. Orchu'd l acrelwatergd by 2 wells ,, ‘,___ Farmers’ Notice Ahmn of no inch, or bu. S on“ for Int human. and no out: branch uni-01...: Mi... Our 03:” and under two inches. double the above Firms for Sale: Teachers Wanted For Sale. To Rent. SMALL ADS. EGREMONT. mt. team at“ on uppitotnon Don’t let an unscrupulous duller force on you an imita- 211 of the “D. L.” Menthol ; aster Look for the “D. L." trade-mark on the tin. It guarantees the genuine and the most efTective remedy for Rheumatic aches and pains, i ,. u 111 ha go, Sciatica, Backache, etc. 25c. each. Yard rolls equaling seven of the regular size $1.00. Lit. ”2‘ ' l When dry heat is needed, for the sick. put your pieces of flamned be- tween a newspaper, lay it on the stove, not too hot to burn paper; keep turning it over; you will be surpriesd to see how hot you can have them. Take to the bed in paper. Put under bedclothes be- fore removing. THE O’DONNELL PROPERTY near Grand Trunk station. Ap- ply to A. H. Jackson, 4.7tf SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND TEN acres of land in the town of Durham. On premises are good ig pen, hen house and stable. ill rent house without land, if desired. Apply to John Moffatt‘ Durham. 3.17.tf (Successor to W. F. Dunn) I ARRISTER, SOLICITOR. CON- veyaucer. Notary Public c. Money to loan on farm property. In- surance et’fvcted. life or fire. Office over Standard Bank, Durham, Ont. J. RUDD MATHEWS, MARKDALE Ont.. Licensed Auctioneer for fhc_Cqunty of Grey. _Sales at- J er. Conveyancer, c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer 0! Mar- riage Licenses. A general financial bani (less transacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) omce. nearly opposite the Registry 0 fire. Lambton ~t.. Durham. Anyamoum ’f monev to loan At 5 per cent. on farm )ronertv. Dr. 0.8. Craig, D.V.S.. V.S.V.D. ISEASES OF DOMESTICATED animals treated on must scientif- ic principle-s. All calls promptly attended to. Office and residence. Garafraxa Street. Durham, nearly 0p- pnsite the Chronicle Office. 62310 J F. GRANT, D. D. B .L. D. 8 I ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roy: Tollege Dental Surgeons of Ontario Dentistry in all its Branches. Omanâ€"Calder Block. over Post 0609 stairs. Lambton Street. Residenceâ€" Cornor Queen and floor Struts-North oi Methodist Church 00 hoursâ€"9.11 3m. 2-4 . m.. 7-9 tun. Telephone No. [0. York 4nd Chicago. Din-us of Eye. Eur Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd istuubv in such month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"B pm. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J J. Hunter’s EYE,__EAB,_ mam“ nos: HYSICIAN AN I) SURGEON , OF- flee in the New Hunter 81001:. 06:00 hours, 8mm l_0_:. 0).. _to 4p. m._:n§ 7 m9 A. H.1ackson. TOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION \ er. Conveyancpr, (he3 Insurance 0n. lamleson laclaurln. (FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Krupp 'a Hotel Lgnly ton Snoop Dom-r _1‘own. Dathun 06m} Hahnâ€"(mm 'l2 tn 2 o’clock '0 u. "Ullllll. "a "a. V. "I. FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK. UP stairs. Lambtnn Street. Ranideuoeâ€" 5;- VIâ€"n: Special etteiition gi'ven to dieeuee I women and children. Residence op omite Preebvterian Church. DH. BURT. unto Auuum Roy. London Ophthblmlo Ho. “3.. and ”Golden Sq. Thrust .nd No.0 Ho. GPBCIALIST : FISHING. HUNTING. OR TRES- passing In strictly dorbidden on Lot: 47, 48. and 49. Con. 3. N D.R-. Glenelg. Parties found so doing will be pros ecuted.-â€"W. J Mc- Farlane. J. Collier. T. Ritchie. 3m 6â€"2-3m nded tovat r'easénable terms. Arrangements may .be made at the Chronicle offige, Durham l. 6. Hutton. I. 0.. C. M J. P. Telford. ARRIS’I‘EL, SULICITOR, mo. For Sale or Rent. Iii-“.maoemx THE 8:81 TONIC for all sickly pooplc. L. B. C. P., LONDON. ENG RéDULATQ of London, New Gm: smut!” Roster“ vitality. Taken am any Illness 1!‘ banana 3 mm b Ila-la. Licensed Auctioneer Moo: 13515-0» 81., 0m.» Round. Arthur Gun. II. D. Medical Direttorv. Dental Dz’rectorv. Lem! ‘Dz’rectorv 3R. BROWN A. C. Grant Notice. now blood} N 6v. 8th, lyrpd. I! the aforesaid land is not what a buyer Wante, I have several other sections at my disposal, some quite close to a rail-way station. and other: entirely free from scrub.â€"W. L: DIXON, Dmmore, Ontario. er richness in Eh‘é'édii.‘ £53713};in else you may require to know, I will be pleased to supply on re- quest. General.â€"â€"This is a very de- sirable properiy, sloping gradual- ly to the creek, the greater part of the farm commanding a fine View of the surrounding country. It is surrounded by prosperous and progressive farmers, one of whom has a fine steam threshing outfit, and steam plough. There is a little scrub on the harm, but nothing to hurt. Many considers little scrub an indication of great. I Locationâ€"Thais hall-f section is g situated in the famous Quill Plains, ,Eabout twenty miles north of \Va".- lson Station on the C.N.R. It is in {the midst of a good settlement, mchiefly of Canadians and Ameri- fcans, with some Germans and Nor- ;wegians. It is about two miles from school, store, church, post office, etc. It is in a very fertile ’part of the West, which is claim- ed to be equal to the Portage ~Plains, one of themost fertile ar- . eas in the world. Besides immense Iyields of wheat, the neighboring : farmers raised as high as 100 bushâ€" .els of oats to the acre in some in- istances in 1909. The survey of the iThunderhill branch of the C.N.l{. 'is near, and the road is already completed to within 70 miles of it. ; Water.â€"A fine spring creek runs along, the East side, and cuts oil? Soil.â€"The soil is dark and deep, rich with vegetable matter, and in short, is a strong clay soil that isdnot too heavy to be eaoily work- 6 . Gamaâ€"Fish are abundant in the lulu-s, and game in the woods and or. the Lakes. Wood.â€"This is convenient and plentiful for fuel. A few miles distant good building timber can be got, and 31180 timber large enough for sawing into lumber. the North-east corner of the half section. Water can also be easily obtained in wells almost anywhere in the neighborhood. The low land near the stream (furnishes ex- cellent hay and pasturage. Re E. 1-2 Section 19, Township 39, Range 17 W. 2nd M. Men’s Race 100 yardsâ€"W. Whit- taker, A. Newing, R. Crawford. Girls’ Race, 100 yardsâ€"Miss Fish- er, Willa Wright, Muriel Legate. Boys’ Race, 200 yardsâ€"A. Newing S. McLean, J. Legard. Ladies’ Race 100 yardsâ€"Elsie Wright, Lilla Fisher, Dell McGee. Committee Raceâ€"AS. Thurston, J. Boyd. Western Lands For Sale Men’s Race, once around the trackâ€"R. Crawford, J. Corley, W. Black. Men’s Race, 3 milesâ€"W. Black, lst; J. Corley, 2nd. 2.50 Trotâ€"J.C. Milne’s “Nettie McKinley,” ls-t; Walden’s “Kitty Wells,” 2nd; J. Acton’s “The Com- et.” 3rd. The Dominion Day celebration her’e mas again a grand success, both by way of pleasing 90‘1"" tainment and financial results. There was an immense throng of pleasure seekers, the best of order prevailed throughout the day. and the pro‘gnamme of sports was car- ried off without a hitch. 'Splendid music was furnished by the Hano- Band; which arrived early and led the Trades’ Procession in the fore-- noon. This was again a very lpleasing feature. and much enjoy- ed by the large crowd, which came iin early to witness it. Much labor ,was spent in preparing some of 1the finely decorated floats. ‘_ The following was the order observed: President D. MC'TaVlilBh and Mr. A. Wilson, in carriage; The pioneers of Artemesia. represented by Mes- srs. Alex. Stewart, John Breen and P. Quigg, in Mr. Doherty’s prettily decorated automobile; Hanover Band; Committee, seven, mounted; Resident Ministers, in carriage; Artemesiaa Council, and Flesherton School Board and staff in carriage Merchants’ Bank, representation of large safe on carriage; M. Wilson’s butcher shop: J. ”H. Heard’s carri- age works; W.H. Thurston, Flesh- erton Advance office: J.W.Boyd, large .store and fine display; C.N. Richardson drug store, dispens- ing' J Nauhn woolen mill in opera- tion splendid outfit; T. Clayton, boot and shoe store; O.W. Phillips, harness shop: H. Rad'ley, 'fish deal- er: W. Lees. carpet weaving; C.J. Bellamy, hardware store; W. Loucks very neat carpenter shop; Dr. Murray, automobile. home manufacture: A. Wilson, barber shop,; W.A. Armstrong, jewellery store, rfine display; D. McTaVish. carriage and blacksmith shop, forge in blast: H. Wilson, black- smith and repair shop. I . 2.30 Trotâ€"W. Trimble’s “Topsy T.” lstz G.W. 'Collins’ Jessie Briana 2nd: 'W. Dundas’ “Min Best,” 3rd. Open Trotâ€"J. Vick’s “Vd-ckie Clock,” 151:; W. Dundas’ “Min Best,‘ 2nd: E. Hope’s “Borben Bee”, 3rd. In the afternoon, simrts were rum off on the agricultural grounds as ,follows: Tug-of-War.â€"-A. McAuley, and Flesherton THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 62310 Mias Gladys Cornfield, piano stu- dent, in receiving congratulations upon her buccees in .her recent ex- W.J. Bellamy’s, and Mrs. 0gb0rne’s old friends are pleased to-see her so hale and hearty. Mr. J..J Brown, east back line, who has had a fine new barn er- ; ected, is having it covered with‘ metal shingles, manuiactured at'i Oshawa. Mrs. Osborne sr., and son Sam- uel, of N otbaw-a. are visiting at Mr. Mr. Mert. Egvam, and daughter, of Hamilton, Mrs. Egan, sr., Dundalk. and Miss Folger, Toronto, are vis- itors at Mr. J. Rmustedtler’s. Mr. F.H.W. Hickling, of the 800, is spending :a Week with old :friends, (and will be accompanied home by Mrs. Hickling. Mr. Arthur McClocklin, and Mr. ET. McClocklin, wife and daughter of Durham, were visitors on Dom- inion Day. - : Miss E.J. McKenzie, of Listowel,§ has been engaged to succeed Miss ' Chidley in the Continuation qschool. ‘ Mr. Will Wilson was presented by his Sunday school teacher with a pair of fine ebony brushes be- fore leaving for Toronto. .Rev, Dr. Caldwell, of Owen Sd.. will preach the annual sermon to the Orangemen at Ceylon on Sun- day next} Mrs. Dr. Webster, and Mrs. Mc- Donald of Toronto, were holiday visitors at Mr. M. K. Richardson’s. Miss Brown, milliner at F.G. Kar- stedt’s has gone to holiday at her home at Melancthon. Mr. and Mrs. Holland have gone to spend the school holidays with friends at Woodbridge. Mrs. E. Galbraith and two child- ren, of Chatvarth, are visiting Mrs. Fred McClockflin. Bornâ€"On Tuesday, June 28, to Mr. amd Mrs. W.J. Boyd, of this place, a daughter. Mrs. ~Glepny, 'and daughter Vera, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs. W.A. Armstrong. Mrs. ,R.B. Joy, and Miss Allie Joy, of Toronto. are visiting old friends here. Dr. McWiLlLams, of Dlwnd-alk, was the :guest of Dr. Carter on Domin- ion Day. Mr. McIntosh, of the Standard Bank, is 'holaidxaying at his home at Ethel. Messrs. Will, Lew amd Ab. Teeter took in the excursion to Erin last week. Mr. Harvey Merritt visited his home at Scotland, Ont., over the holiday. Misses Lildismn and Florence Bunt are visiting at 'Woodbridge and TorOInto. Mrs. McKinley and two children (are visitors at Mr. Mark Wilson’s. Mrs. John Hedson, of Markham, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Wil~ Mrs. Decker, of Dundalk, visited over the holiday with Mrs. Cross- ley. Mrs. W. Bentham is visiting at Palmerston and Harriston. Miss McDonald, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. Rev. Wellwood. Chas. Stewart; captains. The for- mer wan. The proceeds of the. celebration are large, and will exceed that of Last year. Mr. Bob. Connfield is home from Inglewood on holidays. Mr. S. Pearce, of Owen Sound was in town on the lst. In the evening there was a big crowd :at the cancert in the drill .shed..=amd a pleasing program was given by \Cameron, Perrin and Robb. Mr. G. Mitchell presided. The hotels had a crowded day, but gave :splendid accommodation. Ice cream and .fruit vendors did a rushing business. Mr. Fred Tucker, of Toronto, hol idayed here. Invest 25 cents in a box of; Davis’ Menthol Salve (“ The, D. L.”) and be prepared for ' a hundred ailments, which may not be dangerous but are very annoying and painful, like neu- ralgia, earache, sprains, burns, bruises,insect stings, cuts,piles, i etc. It is a household remedy ' always useful for some trouble, and should be kept in the family medicine closet. ‘ BEARIN E WILL MAKE HAIR GROW Davis Lawrence (20.. Montreal. Prepared from the grease of the Canadian Bear. Delicately perfumed. All Deniers 50¢. per 13:. IRWIN . Ion-«Years. .â€" %..__L__-~ To cool an oven while baking, keep the door shut, put in the dam per of the oven flue, and if the oven is still too hot, remove Bearine, Jfrom Canadian Bear grease, applied to‘ the roots of the hair keeps it glossy and prevents its falling out. 50¢ a jar. were Mr. Geo. Bower, of Milton. at qu. M.K. Richax dson's; Mr. S. Dam udc at A. Munshaw’s; Mrs. [Morris and daughter of Toronto, at W. {Moore’m Mrs. F. Tucker, Toronto lat Mr. Mc-Clocklin's; Mr. Ed. Ben- 'tham, of Toronto. at his home;Miss :Wilda Crossdey, Olf Walkerton, at 'her home: Charley Sullivan, 0! Chatsworth at his home, Miss ‘An- gnie Gillespie, of Toronto, [at‘ A. :Wilson’s; Mr. W. Breese, of Chats- Hei b .Smith’s Mr. R. Copeland .uul Mgss Rita Blackburn, at John Bla ex bums. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rydsr, "Pronto, at W.R. Simmons’: N: and Mrs. Jos. McKee and Mrs W. T. McKee, Toronto. at J.W Mc- Kee’s; Mrs. Spence, Toronto, at R. Best’s; Jeff and Harry Thistlex Waite, at their home; Mr. and Mrs» Bolger. Dumd'alk, at Mr. Ronstadt- ler’s. lwas rendered in which Mr. A. S Thurston, Mr. R. Wilcock, Miss Trimble and Miss Henderson from here took part. Rev. T. Laidlaw presided. About $50 was realized. Successful anniversary services were held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, when large con- gregations listened with deep in- terest to able and ediiying ser- Mathes-on. of Chatsworth. The Baptist and Methodist congrega- ttions fraternized, the former with- drawing the service in the morning and the latter in the evening. when Mr. Wellu’ood assisted Mr. Matheson. At the evening service the music was especially good, the choir be'irng assisted by Mr. R. Wil- cock and Dr. Murray, and Miss Allie Joy and Dr. Fred Murray, of Toronto, whose voices are always heard with pleasure here. Miss Joy took part with Mrs. Blackburn in a sweetly rendered duet. and Dr. F. Murray gave a splendidly rendered solo. The pulpit was prettily decorated with plants and cut flowers. The contributions for the day were good. Among the holiday visitor's here “’ere LIT. G90. BO‘VGI‘. Of “1”an of Mr. amd Mrs. Alfred Doherty, and Dr. and Mrs. Fred Murray, holiday- ed at Mr. W.J Bellamy’s and Dr. Murray’s, coming from the city in Mr. Doherty’s automobile. éWhile here, Mr. Doherty was generous to his friends, and gave us a pleas- unable outing to Markdale. After many. years shut in, the country was a delightful feast to our eyes, and we were pleased with the marked improvement in our sister town since last we visited it. Mount Zion Methodist church held 'a garden party last week which was very successful. The evening was delightfully fine and the event was very enjoyable. Rockvale atnd Inistioge baseball teams played a match which re- sulted in a score of 15-9>in favor of the latter. A good program Messrs. Jos. Watson and J. Dow of the Durham road, have had new barns raised, the Iormer on Satur- day, and the latte ron Monday. Mrs. T.W. Wilson has «had her resi- dence re-shingled, Mrs. W. Parker has let the contract of re-«shingtling her barn. Mr. W.H. Hemphill is 'adding a Woodshed and cistern at his residence. ing last, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gra- ham, whose marriage we reported last week, were thrown .from their buggy by the .horse baking fright at a calf on the road, Mrs. Gra- bam‘ escaped. but Mr. Graham sus- tained some .sevvere brwises. While driving (tom the village to the 4th line on Thursday even- At the oervice in the Methodist church Sunday morning, the con- gregation was favored with two effectively rendered duets, tn which Miss Joy, Dr. .Fred Murray, and Mr. Alf. Doherty, Toronto, took part. Mr. Bergey, Mr. T. Tenmmt, and Mines C. Chalmers, on! Toronto were holiday vvis'itom at Mr. Geo. Mitch- ell’s. The party automobiled from the city, and, accompanied by Mia: Lulu Mitchell, visited Owen Sound. Paid Up Savings Donutmont at all Branches. OF CANADA Capltal Authorlzed thirds of a bottle according ’0 direction. your money will be re- funded. It is up to you to tri- Sold by all dealers. Chamberlain’s Cough Ramon)” 1' told on a guanntee that if F01 at? {not utiufiied utter using ”'3' vaâ€"vâ€"vv- Alladvenimonm “ox-dated by swag:- :- an“ be will for in 5d“... Contain It... for youny alraruuemama fin Ill‘hod on_ uppflufion to the 0mm». â€" â€"rrâ€"v-""I W V." VWW- All V advmkomonu. to ensure “amnion ii out-mt week. shank! hem-gm in not 12!"th Mom»! at 6 p. m. The ’0‘) . . £33,9- li'vily noel-m um I ‘ mm thus finding!”- 0 mt magnum; out (Fir-rah- "V" V v V"'â€" ln'l II-\.‘ '1‘" "II-I"- gout inmfiou nintou manure. Prutuwnm ado. not atom-din on inch “.00 lpen-annuql. Athenian-nu '1 on swine dim-um will be puhlhhod mill forbid and mind mnhnfllfi tun-tut notionâ€"“1‘ at. " ‘:I‘ound,' “For Me. auxâ€"50 non“ for first inurflou. 86 can.» for «‘05 onlyggqqont inurfloa. w M“ Tu: Wint.‘m 3... sent a 80 P II] uldreu. free of push“. M 8“. ° - .1 00hr year. 11.33wa inadvaw 41.50 mt! bub-weed if not no pm. Tho-dim to which (way unbuription in pan! is denoted ” the number on the odduu Inbel. No gap" du- ooaflnnod to :11 um. are paid. 610:1“qu when of tho pmpfloror. For tun-«nan! 3dvm-nnemunb 3 0.0m; Pct line for the: first mm “01].; J 0.0-“ per 3in(‘_rflfh an!” IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING» At the Chronicle Printing House, Gum/mu Street. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Picture Framtfig Von shades: and Funeral Directorw The Great Lung and cough Medicine GUARAKTEED c a bottle at Mmfu'lane's Drug SIM" A. BELL UN DE RTAKER gnuemmwgm Full line of Catholic Robeg and bind: and white Caps for aged people. DURHAM. ONT SHOW Booneâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. Rlsxnnx(‘r:~!\’en door South of W. J. Lawrence's blacksmith shop. THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA Em'mn AND Pmmum'rma M Chg 9! you! Forest is elven welcomed at the Traders Bank, whether it is one doll“ or five hundred. Savings Accounts are handled in the “Savings Bank Department " and our tellers are always glad to usist our customers in taunting their business. The“ is no formality about making 1 deposit... you simply fill in the Deposit Slip, u shown above. Follows present session and leads into Fall 'I‘erm for students in all depart- ments of the Central Business College of Tor onto The Ingest, mmt influential school in Can- Idl for training young people end placing them in good positions. Cata- logue free. Enter any tine. Write W H. Sh 'w Principal. 395 Yonge St. Toronto. Summer Term Reserve Fund '. IRWIN NOX A COLD IN ONE DAY July 14,1010 I S. SCOTT THE OH July 14, 1910 The MCGOW SPECIAL PRICES T Farmers in Ton L0 BUY NOW 3nd SA V I" Ma y\' i‘ We hive still about two ‘ nixed Grain «Hm-Ivy Page) on hand than vw “finding for feed. und any can wanting any fwd. it '3’ them to buy it mm as price will he higher Ian-r . Mixed G Special attention tn l'ndcrtakm §m~”~. ‘1‘ salance 0' Never Mi So Long IIIIPI‘S‘ M 38‘

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