West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Jul 1910, p. 5

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It’t‘l mranteed not to break or M m: take a permanent. bond 3‘ ooooooooooooowwm LU STORE me. fiug Killer 5.33“ a 5. ' - :M . fountain ’S. J. C. NICHOL u u n ”9990999999099”... 80RSETS 7 DUI.“ STtKK ALWAYS 03 um *owmoowaomw POTATO BLACK COMING ft null) 802. V18 Ill In carry. I ”My at "nu-r pots down gt .V mum: from. Cg]! Durham loes without "HER GEE... One H'H CREAM (1114‘ t-qual the kind July I .c-Iuonado Scythe do u re Paris to suit good People’s Mills Auml. PZ‘ hum! bag 0! I. fine gram. ' -. .rziriuus flour, is sold as our Hun» vuu ever tricd It? Get WU' m ~x- Ln give you our kind next. .69” :1" ‘ w- the superior baking qual- m” " 3* hwwam Better and more thit S4 th. ‘ bmmuse Masecret process "' !\ [Hit the wheat through. Don’t. forget. Mal Reduction on Flour in 5 and 11.. 10mm; chiming Done Every Day -__vr.-vâ€"v .‘VI V In . ‘ ' bid: of Glyn. bought gt lurk. Calder Block - Dunham The CENTRAL Drug Store DURHAM ZENUS CLARK ...... we wm use you 111 Call us up hy telephone NO. 8- WEDDINGSA: Cut Glass is the month for JUNE J0hn McGowan PLANING . ‘4 LS All persons owing us an accomnt are requested to wall and settle by cash or mute on or before the 15th Hf Apl‘ll. pairs. Acall solicited. Ask fur «mutations on your m-xt jnb. .-\lsn a limited amount of imn work and machine re- 'l‘hv undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding ('mllltl'y. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory mmpleted and is prepared in take urders fOl' and all kinds of Foun- tuin and Soft Drinks in ()111‘ Ice Cream Par. lnr. Store open 7.30 mm. to 10 p.111. are always acceptable presunts. We have a large assortment at prices cheaper than elsewhere. IEC CREAM PASTRY FLOUR July14, 1910 M... AND â€"â€"â€"__ Fancy China House Fittings SASH, DOORS xx'nm felecmd winter When mpvrmr article for making pastry, etc. SOVEREIGN " 5 Manitoba and} Ohm-50 i is a. strictly first clue family flour ECLIPSE and all kinds 0! - anvwhere in town. THE ONTARIO “i’m too delightfully weary to rise.” she said. “he been in the country all day. “Look." with a comprehensive wave of her land. The library was aglow with Llrish masses of colorâ€" the orange‘aud scarlet of maple, the crimson of sumac. the purple and rus- set of oak and beech. “This is my October carnival. i always celebrate when the autumn gets into my blood. Oh. the glory of the woods today. Teddy!" She leaned forward to lay a fagot on the male. The seasoned wood burst into a whirl of blue and yellow flame. Harper watched her face curl- ously as she talked. “All summer these leaves have been quiet. content- ed little dreamers. Today they are new creatures. glorious. It’s the trans- figuration of their liraâ€"what they have been waiting for all these tran- Hal-Ber offered a reluctant arm. and they passed from the freshness of the June ulgbg. to the glare and gayety within. The Octmer evening was cool, and Harper found Rena by a fire of snap- .)lng hickory. "Thanks; I can wait. I’ll have some one of the fellows get permission to take rue around for a can. If she doosn't prove to be the real Kate I’ll come to you. say, Friday for more clews.” ”You might come in any case. I shall be wild to know. Yes. really.” in reply to his protest as she arose, “I must go in now.” “Engaged to [leggy Van Dyke. You knew that, of course.” "01‘ murse I didn‘t. Who next '3" “Kate DelematPr. a new girl in town. bandsomn, tall. black eyes. awfully clever. Shall I take you in and in- trod uce you 'I" "pr’s not the Kate I’m after. 1 re- member her now. Dimples in a baby are all right, but how about Kate Ray '1'” “Very well. Kate Simpson you ought to know. You went to dancing school with her. She has dimples,” “To tell in all the Rates who may possibly have. been in this jam to- night. Tben i’ii devote myself be- tween briefs to narrowing the in- quiry.” “Kate Simpson. Kate Ray, Kate”- “Hoid on. Rena! One at a time. please.” “Teddy. wk at is it you want me to do?” “Rena. you re heartless! I’d counted on your help." “The violet perfume?” suggested Rena helpfully. “We all use it, you know.” “l baveLt. It‘s the suggestion. the atmosphere. thyme”â€" “I am honestly. Aren’t you inter- ested this time?” “I'rotonndlyl Who is the happy lady?” “Her name is Kate.” “Kate what?” “I don't know.” “Well. really. Teddy, what do you know about her?” “This!" said Harper. laying some- thing in . er soft hand. Rena held the handkerchief up to the moonlight. "You always were susceptiblwe, Ted, but to (all in love with a bit of linen and lace!” ‘fl'heantnmnmmmmm “Oh. by Jove. that reminds meâ€"I’m in love again. Rena!” Rena’s silvery laugh was anything but credulous. “Poor boy! It has been a long friend» ship. Ted. It would have broken my heart it you had taken whittled fin» gers and love affairs to any other girl.” "And I yours, my dear. I haven’t forgotten being dragged to see you when you were three weeks old nor how I cried when our mothers made me kiss you.” “Now that you are getting rich and famous, Teddy. you ought to marry. You’re plenty old enough. I know your age to a minute.” “Good girl!” he replied gratefully as he escorted her to the moonlit piazza. There, with the music softened by dls- tance. he was content. He even for- got the mystery of Kate while he and Rena laughed and chatted. “I saved it for you, Ted. And we’ll talkâ€"l know you’d rather.” Her voice was low, but the passing owner of the name turned suddenly and came back with outstretched hand. “Rena! l was afraid you hadn’t come. Can't I have this dance?" Harper!” -..u Luualc Sloppfll with a crash. and the young lawyer mingled With the promenadlng throng. a frowning. preoccupied expression In his eyes. “Look at that coat of Ted Harper‘s, Miss Cavanaugh,” drawled s gilded youth to his companion. “He cares as httle for clothes that fit as l"- Harper watched 11w (-nupivs gliding by him. ".lam- drmlgvsmxuue." he murmured -“Dornmy - Isabel â€" Ruth. Now. which of mu hundred I don't know 18 Kate? Kate!“ be repealed fragrant and mark»: embroidered "Kfltu" m: ‘om‘sr "arm‘s. “For music stopped with I Handy in the house as a clock. Davis’ Menthol Salve cures quick- 1y a great many 0 ‘fthe simple ail- ments ouch as cute, akin injuries, insect hitel, and m. 25c atin The C. 0. F will celebrate Dec- oration Day on July 24th next, by a memorial service at the cemetery which will be conducted by Rev. Dr. Farquharsom. The Band will also be in attendance. A fun at- tendance 01 the brethren is hoped for. aind they are also requested to meet at the lodge room at 1.30 pm. Plea-sent Rehearsal. Fair Anmtvur-“I'hv vurmin wilt flaw in a few I'IHIIUH'S. Are yuu qmtv sun yna know ymu‘ Wurds': Hv:'u--\v.\'2 an vxrept the part wlwre I kiss .mu We'd bmter rehearse that again. No man )3 really beaten uum nr olmselt admits It. Np Superstiticn. First Roommate (”unwindâ€"Say. do you believe in spiltt noises? 1 6902311». there Is a sound In this room like a Willvh. His Comrade (-slvepily)-That‘s noth- ing. It‘s praimhly only the bed tick- luzrâ€" Rn ltimnrv A merican. The W'idow’s View of It. Briggins 4:: may mam~â€".\n, 1 sun. uover marry. l luvml :1 gm um.» :.:-. she umde u fool of Ilm. ’l'lw Wit-m ulisummiuwd of her prt-yt- \Mml ;. tasting imprvssinn she- smems to Max: made!â€"-llmstrm~ed Hits. From the pocket nearest his heart Theodore drew a crumpled bit of linen and lace still faintly fragrant. ue-laid it in her hand, and his own lingers closed over it. "Then forgive your Cinderella and give back her glass slipper. dour prince!” “And had a sense of humor. Teddy. do you regrnt the prosaic and 0! your romance?" “Pros-a ic ‘:” "Do you?" she insisted. “I should be an ungrateful tool [1' I did." “Katherine. daughter of James and Katherine Cavanaugh. born June -â€"." "Rena. is it you 1'” “Who else? But Rena I’ve been from my cradle save to one person." “And he?” jealously. “And she”â€"reassuringlyâ€"“ls a col- lege friend who dislikes my poor nick- name. 1 can show you dozens of let- ters from her addressed to Miss Kate Cavanaugh. The only other proof I could have offeredâ€"her gift to me last Christmasâ€"l unfortunately lost.” “At a ball?” “At a charity ball last June.” “1 don’t believe you're my Kate, aft. er all. i told you my Kate was hon- est and kind." love!" he added simply. “And Kate?” Her eyes smiled, though her lashes were still wet. “Kate was an airy nothing." “Dear, stupid boy!” Rising. she crossed the room and brought back a great Bible. which she laid on his knee. l’erching on the arm or his chair, she Opened the volume at the pages of family record and laid a finger on one of the names. “Rena," he whispered. bending low- er over the silver butterfly, and then as she looked up into his face with startled eyes. “I believe it is you I love!" be added simnlv. D “V at the leaves in her lap. and frag- ments of what she had said of them came back to him-“All summer con- tented dreamersâ€"today new creature. --the transfiguration of their livesâ€"- what they have been waiting for all these tranquil weeks.” “I think she’s tall and has dark eyes. She’s well bred. but not conventional. She’s honest and kind. She has brains and a sense of humor. She”â€" He broke oh‘ suddenly. “l have it. Rena! Find me a Kate just like you, and I surrender the handkerchief.” "And your heart?" The light words had an unfamiliar tremor in them. like that of the butter- fly’s filigree wings. Something sweet and sudden and unforeseen swept over Harper’s heart. He was looking down “I’m not looking for a dear, sweet, pretty little girl." “What sort of girl are you looking for. Ted ?” Harper mused in smiling silence, his eyes idly watching a trembling silver butterfly in her hair. “I liked her a great deal. She’s a sensible. modest, well behaved young woman. But she’s not Kate.” Rena sighed patiently. “What was the matter with Kittie POmel'Oy? There isn’t a dearer, sweet. er.__prettier little girl in”â€" “Didn’t youâ€"find her clevgt; “and hand- some?” “Oh, very! Who next?" “Kate Randall. Mother suggested her. You did like her a bit, I remem- bet.” . “You have reason to blush. You know how I abominate the bohemian girl who smokes cigarettes and is al- ways stopping on the verge.” “Katie Simpsonâ€"dimples; Kate Ray â€"â€"engaged to Reggie Van Dyke; Kate Delematerâ€"I hardly dare mention her, Teddy!" ._ .. Vt-â€" in her lap, leaâ€"hing against the hack of her chair to look over her shoulder as she ran her finger down the neat Her thoughtfulness, vanished. _ “What of Kate?” she laughed. “Oh-Kate! i’m tired of this folde- rol about Kate.” “Ungratefuiâ€"yvhen I‘ve spent my whole summer finding you Katee!” “You have been very good. The fault is in the Kates." He took a note- book from his pneket and laid it open Rein.’ 1 hardlifluoi you THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Mrs. (Rem) Newton left Monday3 morning. She intends visiting ~.n Cleveland, Detroiti Alpena anti Guelph before going to Toronto,. where she will spend the Winter.3 In the early spring she will; leave for Hartney. Man, to join§ Mr. Newton, who is stationed there CaEder Block Try them. Indian Root Pills, thoroughly tested by overfiftyyemofuse, have been proved a cafe cudcertain cure for confipution and all kink-«l baubles. Constipa'ion is the root of many forms of sickness and of an endless amount of human misery. Don’t miss this Opportunity as this is a bona-fide sale, and hind this announcement and guarantee our goods. \Ien’s and W omens Boots. wor'tah o. 00, for” Men’ s and Womens Boots, worth 4.50, for.. Men’s and Womeus’ Boots, worth 4.00, for. Men’s and Womens’ Boots, worth 3.00, for.. Dr. Morse": All other Dry Goods at Same Reductions These Are No Old Goods, But All New Surges, worth ENC, for ............... Diagonal Serges, worth 800. for Diagonal Serges, worth $1, for of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, hats, Caps, Clothing, etc as will warrant a quick sale. Nate the following prices:â€" 255.502. In Order to Reduce Our- Stock as Much as Possible a have decided to offer our entire stock Bblidd . ppl stating salar , aunflyc‘itiom, J}... to Chu. Law?- ”I. "0. Hill“ scheol. Experienced pre- ‘1‘de (erred. Duties to commence after Turkeys honggys, Apply‘ mm}: as} lary.laeese... Qualified teacher for 8.3. N o. 5, Glenelg, Apply. stating salary, experience, if any, qualifications, enclosing testimonials. Duties to begin August 15th. Applications received to July 23rd. R. T. EDWARDS, Secy-Treu., Ebordnle. THE PEEL RESIDENCE 0N LAMB ton Street. Apply to G. H. Stin- son. Durham. 714tf A BOW AND LITETR OF SEVEN pigs. about a week old. Apply to Adam Watson. 714tf WATSON.â€"At Priceville, on Thurs day, July 7th. .Wm. Watson, aged 67 years, 9 months. CLEMAS.â€"In London, on June 27, to Mr .and Mrs. P. W. ‘Clemas, a daughter. vv llllg _F_or 8.8. No. 11. Bantinck, Huttonqwow” Lustres, worth 25c to 300, for ............ Lustres, worth 400, for ......................... Poplins, worth 500, for, ........................ Striped Satin Cloths, worth 60c, for Plain Cloths, worth 500, for ................ Serges, worth $1.15 for ........................ ....... 400 I Diagonal Serges, wor‘ for..65c I Broadcloths, worth 1.' for..75(3 I Broadcloths. worth 1.. Teachers Wanted SELLING AT B13 LOW (JUST CHAS. LAWRENCE, DRY GOODS Further Bargains Will be Noted later . . . . . For Sale DIED. BORN Diagonal Serges, worth 1.15....”850 Broadcloths, worth 1.65, for.....1.30 Broadcloths, worth 1.50, for ..... 1.25 . 3.7 3.2.3 6) ..... $1.00 Domuut, J ULY 14‘ Fall ‘Vheac ............ 8 TENDERS will be z'eceli'vd up to Monday, July 25th, 1910, for the er- ection of the sidewalks on the west side of Main Street, between Sharpe’s Hardware Store and the livery stable, and also for the er- ection of a cement arch across the said street at the place heretofore mentioned. Plans and specifica- tions may be seen at C. Drumm's Hardware Store. MARKET REPORT " â€"- '- wuvs (3. -â€"Police Vi] Tenders Wanted ............................. 400 ., at such prices Durham ................ 45c â€" -_-‘. vv v“- sin Street, between. dware Store and the ad also for the er- ement arch across the the place heretofore has and sBecifica- seen at C. rumm‘n »re. Village or Holstein, C. Drumm, Sec’y we stand be- ............... 300 10 00 to 12 (If 18 m 13 7m 17 ,mmwm mm%% 2218 1910 § to 3 35 10 to 10 to 10 to 12 to 30m 17 14 ll 11 ll 18

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