West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Jul 1910, p. 7

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Hr....... Mum» PIIIlIr()i(iery, open 31. I I. it)? ......’ IIIti!) YI‘iHHlIMl“ wiish omâ€" ‘ hm» insmtion and cro- ' Straw ‘Hatsfor Now km [hr ~!.'H'Pl'}' Hf linen and I‘mh. Plum. tmrn,rrmun.;{l'v9ll. IINMIVQ, W to u )itiwn‘ll fronts, tuck front ........................................ .... tifully emhruidered and y Priced dasigns of blue. 31 nywhew, but we’re ’1'” c '0 MI HM turf" «'Ulnrt'd groundl. III HINT!" .. .......... 12‘0“,“ \ssnrtmcnts are Somewhat Inhl III. at JThcre are Some White, Navy. III“ tooo.¢oooo90099009000099.0909 mm. Lisle, Crashmere ashing won‘t hurt them .t Nuts lionery ”J Vinegars rm broideries '9 that make. you ’s an- made of the best [(78 ('REAM we can’t | a full line of Fruit in SERVED at all hours. BUTTER AND EGGS e have Oxfords for men All] NTED fl DI penese Straw Matting wthvtz. LU‘!’ v." ltd C.. km! Pure Manitoba Flour! vmcrs Produce Wanted Bread, Cakes E QTI 0N E RY l l‘ m Prints at ‘l22c_ yard TT 8: COOPER ! negligec .n. ... ~W lllllllt'l’ dresses .3, for Dl'l Latimer Shirts .. ”for Comfort bummer Sweaters ........$l.m to 81.50 HIGHEST Pmcas PAID. '24 stm pea. --h)e for '1)“ hrs We Want ‘tq 891-6,... feel good, pat. to a lot of Hanna staples c.. in ..........75c yard 'vt‘n. red c., selling them at. 19c Let us Show July 14 250 to $1.5) $1 to A special etfm-t is made to please ewex-y customer, and you are request- ed tn call and give me a trial. Yours for business, Wm. J. Lawrence DCRHUI I also 01er you the very best, wmk in all branches of General Blacksmith- ing Waggon and Carriage Building and Repairing at very reasonable prices. I make a specialty o! Practipal Horse- shoeing and always give It careful Mention. Ju~t hring along one wheel and wurh me set it with this machine, w! you will never again have them set any other way. Nu matter how many come, you will nur. he kept waiting. and every 1m,- positively guaranteed. Nu more burning or scaring the I‘illls, or boring new holes. and best of all no more overdlshcd wheels. l mu set a tire in 20 minutes with this In u'hino- :md do a. better job than any man can the old way. The only kind that cannot pos- sibly hurt your wheels andihas Proved Satisfactory. 0: c 4: A Good Cold TIRE SETTER In New Quarters Near the (iaratraxa St. Brld8° M. D. MCGRATH Near the Garafnxa St. Btu“ Machine Oil. Hanna: Oil, Ame Grease and H001 Ointment, go to 8. P. SAUNDERS The Baum I wish to announce to Haw public that I am 11» \» sc’ttled in my new qwu'teh‘, T. Moran’s Old stand, near the Guru- fmxa St. bridge, where I am prepared to cater to thvir wants in all kinds Hf custom blacksmith- ing. All work guaran- tvml first-class. ONTARIO ’00 “I know what you are thinking," she cried impulsively. “You are wrong- very wrong, Mr. Chase. Lady Dep- pingham is a born coquetteâ€"a born trifler. It is ridiculous to think that she can be seriously engaged in a”- “It isn’t that, princess,” he interrupt- ed. a dark look in his eyes. “I was merely wondering whether dear little Mrs. Browne is as happy as she might two persons were riding slowly, unat- tended. very much occupied in them- selves. Their backs were turned to- ward Chase and the princess, but it was an easy matter to recognize them. The glance which shot from the prin- cess to Chase found a peculiar smile disappearing from his lips, ‘ _ He was about to answer in his de- lirium when a sharp turn in the road brought them in view of the chateau. Not a hundred yards ahead of them "You are very sentimental,” she said at last. “Would you care to keep it? It is of no value to me.” “Thanks! I will keep it.” "I’ve changed my mind." she said inconsequently. stuffing the fabric in her gauntlet. “You have something else in that pocketbook that I should very much like to possess." “It can’t be that Bank of England"â€" “No. no! You wrapped it in a bit of paper last week and placed it there for safe keeping.” “You mean the bullet?” “Yes. I should like it to show to my friends. you know. when I tell them how near you were to being shot.” Without a word he gave her the bullet that had dropped at his feet on that first day at the chateau. “Thank you. Oh, isn’t it a horrid thing! Just to think, it might have struck you!" She shuddered. “It was extremely nice in you and very presumptuous in me. But, your highness, this is the handkerchief you dropped in the castle garden six months ago. Do you recognize the perfume?” “Balcony? I don’t understand you,” she contested. “Then you are exceedingly obtuse.” “I never dreamed that you could see,” she confessed pathetically. “My handkerchief ?” she gasped, her thoughts going at once to that ridicu- lous incident of the balcony. “It must belong to Lady Deppingham.” “Oh, it isn’t the one you used on the balcony,” he protested coolly. “It antedates that adventure." “You do like to be flattered,” be ex- claimed at random. “And I shall take it upon myself to add to today’s meas- ure.” He again drew forth his pocket- book. She looked on curiously. “Per- mit me to restore the lace handker- chief which you dropped some time ago. I’ve been keeping it for myself, but”â€" “Thank you.” After a long pause she turned to him again and said. “We are to live in Paris for a year or two at least.” “He is in Paris now 2" “No,” she answered, and that was . all. He waited, but she did not ex- ’ pend her confidence. i “80 it is to be in June." he mused. “In June." she said quietly. He sighed. i “I am more than sorry that you are a princess," he said boldly. I “I am quite sure of that.” she said. so pointedly that he almost gasped. She was laughing comfortably, a mis- chievous gleam in her dark eyes. His laugh was as awkward as hers was charming. the marriage. He will be quite well again. they say. by June ” Geneva was silent for a moment. “I had not thought of that." she a: carry. It-it is not serious. A new: ous breakdown,” she explained halt- !ngly. “It was necessary to postpone ‘ “I hope he may be fully recovered, t0f_)four sake," be managed to say. Elecfric Restorer for Men (To be continued) 3172 'ur.a. mused. 9 c 7. HO A l mu are at ‘ 1 J2 IO said,Dai1 _---A‘ Inasmuch as a trial of Rexall Kidney Remedy can be had at our entire risk, there is no reason for anyone hesitating to put it to a practical test. Why not try a bottle to-day on our guarantee? Two sizes, 50c and $1.00. Sold only at our storeâ€"The Rexall Store. Meacfaarlame Co. After a thorough experience with the most successful kidney treatments, we are satisfied that Rexall Kidney Remedy is the one preparation which embraces all those qwalities so necessary for giving prompt and permanent re- lief in all classes of kidney and urinary ailments. We are so confident we have the aid for restoring strength, activ- ity, mud health to weak or distress ed kidmeys that we are willing to supply it with the positive under.» standing that it shall cost the user nothing whatever, if for any reason it fails to give entire sat- isflactiom. BEST FOR AGED PEOPLE Here's a Kidney Treatment We Want You to Try at Our Risk. With advanced age comes der- angement of the kidneys and a5- sociate organs. Nature is unable to perform her proper functions and requires certain outside aid. Commissioners letting and in- specting jobs, and other township work, Schenk. $1.25; Umbach, $2.50; Shiel. $8.75; Baetz, $8.75; Kepma, $1.25. Total, $22.50. Mrs. Walsh. caretaker of tow.1 town hall, $5.00, ‘ The council adjourned to meet in the town hall. Ayton, on Friday, August 5th, at 10 a.m., to strike the different rates, and for general business. J.D. Miller, to pay parties ro- pairing culv ext and drawing tile, lots 20 «and 21, conce sion 6, $12.25, V. Damm, 36 1-2 barrels cement at $1.80, 121 bags ‘for cement tile, balance .for sidewalk at Umbach‘s, $65.70. Fred Nuh‘n‘ to pay parties grav- eling .sideroad, ’lot 15, con 6 and 7. $25.00. C. Miller, reflund statute lsabor, $2. J.H. Ellis, part salary as Treas- urer. $25.00. Adam Hahn, repairing culvert and nails, 60c. L. Kreuzer, repairing culvert and drawing tile, gravel and earth, lot 9 concessions 5 and 6, $8.75. A. Widmeyer, opening gravel pit at Ayton, 2.00. Jas. Kenna, to pay parties re- pairing road, lots 25,26, con. 9. $4.50. Geo. Humt, 47 loads “gravel, and use of road by himself p.m., $3.35. P.B. Emmett, 86 loads gravel by himself p.m., $2.60. C. Adlair, 20 6-inch tile, .75. H. .Seim, drawing tile, $3.00. H. McKinnon. to pay parties graveling, etc., :lots 15 and 16, con- cession 6. $41.50. N. Oarmoumt, repairing road and butting o mailing, lot 56, co.1ces- sione 2 and 3, $8.00. 3 Julius Dreier, to pay parties cu;- ting down 11:11.1, lots '26 and 27, co: 1- cession 4, $27.00 Geo. Brawn, 36 loads gravel and work repairing road, town line Minto .aJnd Normanby, 1-2 charged to Minto, $2.55. H. Alienaon. repairing road, towun line Minto and N ormanby, 1-? char- ged to Minto, $5.35. Council meeting :at date, $13.80. J. Hartman, to pay parties draw- imp.r tile and repairing CUilV'el‘t, town line Benninck, 1-2 charged to Bentinck, for work and tile, $5.00. H. Allanson, 30 leads ‘gravel and. 50c for use of r01d by pathmaster H. Oehm, $2.90 Baetzâ€"Kennaâ€"Tha-t the inflow- in: accounts be paid;â€" Jacob 'Fidlem to pay .for use 02 road Mom (3. J u-agblut, $1.00 Wm. Stephenson, 47 poets, 8 It, at 15c., 47 poles. 22.11., at 15c $14.10; Frank Henry, to pay parties cut- ting hill lot 21, con. 5 and 6, $54.00. James Cochratne, 38 1-2 yds, grav- el $3.10. Umbachâ€"S«hiel.â€"That the min- utes 0'2 taut regular mccting as read be -adlopted.â€"»Carried D. Danalwson putting 11311;ng 0.1 approach‘ lots 20 to 24, town-Aline Minto and Normanby, to be charg ed to the county, $15.00. The municipal council or: the township of Normmby met 611 the town hall, Ayton. on Thursday, June 30th, at 10 ‘a,m., the reeve in the chair. mnnhy T H E DURHAM CHRONICLE 0“ CU. eâ€"tnetierately swift walk, and if there is still difficulty in getting to If the cause of sleeplessneea in susceptibility to sound, stuffing the ears-with mafia-ted cotton will be main]. of the best ways, says the same authority, to draw the blood from the brain belore retiring is to take‘ tea. coffee. and greasy foods. Whether it is better to retire with an empty or partly lull stomach can be determined only by experi- ment in each individual case. One of the best ways, says the same Sufferers from insomnia, says one who has had some experience with this trouble, should avoid If you don’t .know where to go, how to go, or what it w ll eostyou better .ask Busy Man 5 Travel Bur- eauâ€"no charge is made to readeis of Busy Miam’s for the service. We. are in receipt of the July number of Busy Man's, the big, bright Outing Number. It .is so .full of good things that reading it gives one the feeling of having enjoyed a vacation, and if you really are to have a vacation you cannot af- ford to miss the July 'number. The publishers are particularly anxious to have more of our citizens know Busy Man’s, and offer to send a copy free to any reader of this pa- per who is genuinely interested in clean, wholesome recreation. A postal card with your name and address and the name of this paper if addressed to Busy Mam’s, 111 Uni versity Avenue, Toronto, will se- cure you this copy. We know how é‘bod Busy Man’s is, and we would be glad to have our citizens who fish, hunt, canoe, or go on vaca- tions, take advantage of this liber- al offer. A A7 We recommend Ferrovim, the invigorating tonic, to elderly peo- ple Whose strength i sbeminnimg to wane, and who suffer frequently from attacks of sudden exhaustion chilliness, weak heart action, etc. Ferrovim contains fresh, lean beef, :Citna-te of Irom, and pure old Spanish Sherry ‘Wuine. $100 per bot tie at druggists. ‘ If the color has been taken out of silks by fruit stains, ammonia will usually restore it. SUFFERERS FROM INSOMNIA. What About. That Vacation? Space prevents ua mentioning many different Bargains, but all goods reduced to a very low figure. Give us a trial and save money by buying here. Granulated Sugar. 201m, fm. . “Best Jmmn’ ’ ‘m’hm Blm k Tea ll)“ Ex'racts, all 11 xvms. at, per bottle” V my best Red Salmon. reg. 18c, fur. 811:». Fe st Onln‘t-nl fur .............. 7 Cakes uf Sunlight Snap fm'..- ....... 7 Cakes of Comfort, Snap fur ......... A full line of Children's Sham at right prices. Japan matting rqluues sizes: 3x4 $2.98. 3x5 $2.29. 2x3 .......... v .................... Black Blm'k Black Black Black “'00! Vnil. Si ll: finished Scntch Gingham. all culors. 200 fm ............. OUR SALE STILL CONTINUES WI’IH PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Scotch Ze‘phyr regular 250 for. Seasonable Goods at Very Low Prices \Vnul Vuil, Blue and Gwen I’anmna. reg. 75c for Wash Goods. Uress Goods. reg. $1.00, for ..... rear. 75: for. . . . . (3 roceries No substitute for “The D. 6: L.” Menthol Plaster, recommended by everybody for stiffness, pleurisy, are. Made by Davis 8: Lawrence 0. ‘ Milk puddings for children will be far more nutritious if a table- psoonful of finely chopped suet be stirred in. Neither butter nor eggs need be added. fitters supplies. Engines and Threshers. 'sash Jud Doors, Planing and General Wood \Vork. Iron and Brass Castings and general Repairing. Feed boilem. ...... TH E DURHAM FOUNDRY C. SMITH 6: SONS, DURHAM, ONT. 1.65 $1.00 $1.00 for. .' ............... . ........... ' ..... Men's Odd Pants selling at, a great reductiuu. Men’s Fancy up-to-date Top Shirts, regular $1.25 for .................... . ........... Menfs Overalls. double knee and seat reg. Mev’s All-wool Summer Underwear, regular $1.25 for.... Men’s Balbrigan Underwear to clear at, 50¢ a suit $17.00 for .................. Men’s Suits regular 815.00 for. . Men’ :2 up-tmdate Tailor- made Suits reg. An- 1. . Boots and Shoes. Men’s Patent Leather Boots. reg. 35.00. for Big reduction in Boy’s Suits. Best Prices For Butter, Eggs, Wool MOCKLER’S OLD STAN D Men’s Underwear .GOHDIC Knee and 868.5 1‘9“. . . . . 79 o Men's Suits. I located elsewhere Innate. :1! Had. t! nnd holated d thud cub at... o! In prong. wellingl fit to- The Second Fire lawn. Head Office. Farmers’ Central Mutual Fire Insurance PROPERTY INSURED NEAR- LY COMPANY Second Strongest Purelylutul Insurance Col-puny In Ontario Walkerton, Ont ".98 .69

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