West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Jul 1910, p. 5

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RS. J. C. NICHOL r POTATOES hmranteed not to break or M not take a. permanent bond 3‘ ' line. has Comets are not Iold ‘3 I, and can be procured all! uh their representative It “King from $2.50 to w tbev Pf tin W H II H BLACK COMING ”I ll l'zulu Bug. 11" hand \\ ALWA Y8 0N Hm \V in nu the SPH'IAL will satis- L' is no benefit. in buy- v the Pure Manilla Io are selling )HU’ at (‘21! One to suit every that you Mail-o wst, Binder Twine U. will be protect. an: July 2|, ['3' . 'l‘( ) R E People’s Mills "'5 ~is a strictly family flour Ontario rat clans an?“ In \Iunitnba (1001', made from to. “an. iluhn wheat cannot be beat Pithm hakel‘s or domestic use W Reduction on Flour ll 5 ud \' yuuuv ‘V v. U. “I . , --. M °f Grail} bought tt Into Calder Block - Dulham The CENTRAL Drug Store ZENUS CLARK [H'RHAM PLANING L LS 1C All persons owing us an m-vount are requested to call and settle by cash or note on or before the 15th Hf April. p-tirs. A call solicited. Ask fur qmnntions on your m-xt job. Alsn a limited amount of iron work and machine re- Thv undexsigncd begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding cmmtl'y. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory mnupleted and is prepared tn take orders for “Ping Done Every Day PASTRY FLOUR P from selected winter What it “we-rim article for making pastry, etc. Anti Bug Finish A Bug Killer and Fertilizer ll ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++~zo+++++++ SASH, DOORS and all kinds of m House Fittings SOVEREIGN Hug? bag ot a. fine gram. ';?!inus flour, is sold as our 1 n‘n ynu ever tried it? Get ,1 Ln give- you our kind next ww rhs- superior baking qual- upwns. Better and more ' . hvmuse of a secret process gm! the wheat through. Unn'c furget. ECLIPSE ure arts Lt? flour and food no ) our flour for ode. If ('1th not keep it come to 1 We will use you right. p hy telephone No. 8. 01. 1910 30c POUND nnvwhere in town. THE ONTARIO Chickens. . DURHAM, JULY 21. 1910 Fall \Vheat. ............ $1 00 to $1 00 Spring W'heat .......... 85 to 85 Oats ........... . ........ 36 to .38 Peas .................... 65 to 70 Barley. ................ 45 to 48 Hay .................... 10 00 to 12 00 Butter .................. 18 to 18 Eggs .................... 17 to 17 Potatoes, per bag ...... 50 to 50 Flour. 1' cwt ......... 2 60 to 2 75 Oatmea , per sack ...... 2 40 to 2 50‘ Chop, per cwt .......... l 25 to l 25 Live Hogs, rcwt.... 900m 900; Hides, per! ...... - . 5to 6! Slice kins .............. 40 to 40} W00 ................... 18 to 18‘ Tallow ............ . ..... A5. to 3:»; remove all backache and distress from out-of-order Kidneys, Blad- der or Liver. Your trouble will vanish and you will feel fine. I! vou don’t, your money back. Price 25¢. a box; at all drug stores. ' Mrs. Kinsman had a narrow es- cape from being badly hurt one day last week. While driving with her son, the horse took fright. throwing her out, the wheel run- ning over her leg, but there were no bones broken. Hopes tare en- tertained that .it will not be serious. A heavy electric .storm passed here last Saturday morning. No damage has been heard of. \The rain which fell the past two weeks has made the crops and foliage look beautiful. A Few Doses of Fig Pills Contractors are at work build- ing steel and concrete bridges over the Saugeem. \Whon com- Eleted, it is supposed it will be the est bridge in this part of the country. We notice on the 19th concessicm, that some. of the farmers have put their names on their gates. Who will be the first at the Park to put their name on their gate? Rev. Matheson and fami h leaxo this week for their cottage hone in Muskoka. Rev. Thom “in t3 kc charge of his work here the two following Sabbaths. Messrs. Robt. Knox and Robt. Porter are putting up wire fences, which will improve the appearance of their farms. Swinton Park. . . Miss Sadaie Heard is vialtmg friends at 'Collxingwood. Miss Mary McMillan, of Ft. Wilâ€" liam, is enjoying her iholidays at her home here. The public school Board have not engaged a teacher for the fall term as yet. Miss B. Ferguson, of Toronto, is visiting her brother here. The results obtained from using SALVIA .are remarkable. Falling hair is at once fastened to the scalp; new life springs up from the roots, and the growth of the hair is amazing. Dead hairs are restor- ed to their natural color. The dan druff germ is destroyed. Every bottle has a written guarantee. Macfarlame C0. always keep a stock of SALVIA on hand. Try a bottle, and watch your hair grow. SALVIA is the only preparation as far as we know, that is sold with a guarantee. A large bottle for 50c. 721-84 Since the discovery in England and the introduction into Canada of SALVIA, the Great Hair Grow- er, and on account of the phenom- enal sale it has had, others have tried to imitate .SALVIA. Beware and make certain you get the orig- inal. Every bottle bears the name “SALVIA,” (lotion for sage). Mr. Art. Dargavel, of Domoch. accompanied by his two sisters, Mrs. Klein, of Toronto, and Mrs. Pickard, of Boston, visited the Hunt Ivamily recently Miss Bella Allan, of Toronto, also Miss Mildred Mighton, of Malock, were guests of Misses B. and A. Donnelly Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Livingston and family, of Guelph, are .hoiidayi 1.9; at the home of the farmer’s bro;h- er, Mr. Wm. Livingston. Mtss Margaret Hopkins spent last Week with 'her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hopkins, of Durham. Miss Hattie Lawrence, of Musko- ka, is spending the holidays at her home here. Master Milton Mills, of St. Cath- arines, is spending his vacation in this vicinity. Miss A. Dice, of Elmwood, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Henty Miller. it Miss Lina Torry, of Durham, vis- ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Torry. Miss E1113 McFayden, spent a week with her cousin, Miss Ambro- zi‘ne Bailey. Miss Lizzie Coutts, of Toronto, is visiting at her ihome here. Mr. Gmat. Wise, of Durham, vis- ited Sunday last at his home here. MARKET REPORT Swinton Park. WARNING. 45 to 10 00 to 18 to 17 to omww ww%w 2219 10 to 10 to 10 to 12 to 12 00 18 17 50 17 14 11 11 ll The Battle of the Boyme was lucceufnlly celebrated here on A sudden death occurred at Re- lgina on the 12th inst, when, at the Orange celebration, Mr. Albert ’Brown of Feversham, known to fm-any of our readers, dropped idead. Mr. Brown was drummer yfor one of the bands tgkipg part in fLL- _,| The Grey Old Boys’ Excursiom from Toronto on Saturday brought is large number of visitors, among Whom Were Mr. W.K. Edmitnds, at A. Munshaw’s; Mr. Thorp Wright and Miss Emma Wright, at Rev. Wellwood’s; Dr. and Mrs. R. E Henderson and babe Ivan, at Mr. J. Blackburn’s: Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Farlane and Master Jack Hall, at Arch. Boyd’s: Mr. A.D, Thurston and mother, at W.H. Thurston’s: Miss Wardrobe, at W.P. Crossley’s; Mr. W. Barnhouse visited old friends; Mr. Jas. Hem hill visited his brothers; Mr. Davi White and Mr. John O’Neil visited relatives; Mrs. Fred. Legard visited relatives Mrs. Chas. Martin and Mrs. M, Booth visited Mr. A. Wilson; Miss Ella and Elsie Barnhoause visited Miss Ella .Kgrstedt ; _M__r. W.T. Mc- Keé vâ€"iéit'veiiuhia son 'J.W§ l D. T, was recently one of the exam- liners in Toronto,o 0:1 the Entrance to Model exams Robeit, Who has 1 recently been studying in the Uni- vex s1tv passed with honors, as specialist in mathematics. In the High school here, the pro- motion results from Forms Ieand’ II were as follows; Form I.-J. Oli- ver, C. ‘B‘uchtanant C. Kergghan, G. N ‘t. ___“--..-- ‘-\. Alul‘“ll‘ \Jo Cornfield, G. McPherson, K. Lucas, J. Sharp, E. Loucks, A. Wright. Z Lawlor, Form II.-â€"-G. Bellamy, R. Bellamy, R. Kerr, C. Crossley, F. McMullen, C. Binnie, L. Armstrong, E. Smith, 0. Whitten, H. Mitchell, A. McMillen, A. Wright, E. Lever, Gertie Bellamy took honor stand- ing, 75 per cent. of aggregate marks. the celebration. The body arrived here on Saturday, and was taken to Feverslmm, from where the fun- eral, which was under the auspices; of the Orange Order, took place on Sunday. . Were successful, rnqsaimg for P1"?- ond class professional tear-hem" certificate. Miss VVilsm: wrote at Toronto. and the other twv) at Stratford. '- Mr. David T. Wright. principal of New Liskeard school. and family. and Mr. Robt. Wright, of Hagers- ville High {school staff. and wife, are visiting at the old home here. At the rec-(mt Normal school ex- aminatiom, Miss Mary Wilson, of this place, and Miss Agnres Mc- Phai], and R.J. Tucker, of Ceylon. .I’ -uA .The residents of the Toronto line West break the monotony of labor occasionally with social functions together, the last of which was a picnic some days ago in Mr. Fred. Brown’s hush. when a pleasant afternoon was spent. Mr. J.E. Fawcott, formerly prin- cipal of the school here, came with the Grey Old Boys, and shout Sun- day with old friends. Mrs. Faw- cett, and little daughter, Joy, ac- companied him, and remained to visit friends. At the entrance examination here, 41 pupils wrote. Out of 16 from Flesherton school, 11 were successful. Lillian Bunrt, only 12 years of age, passed with honors. Mr. Jan. Mueller, and Mr. J E, Robe, of Mcmtclair, N.J., who were returning home from a trip up the lakes, spent Friday with Mr. Mueller’s foamily, summering here. Messrs. Geo. Harris, Charley Bel- lamy, Kendall Mitchell and Fred. Karstedt are on a camping holi- day at Bell’s: Lake. A boat was taken along .for pleasure on the Water We deeply sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. D.K. Preston, of Maxwell, in their bereavement by the death of their highly respected son. George, om Saturday. Bornâ€"At West Toronto, on the 13th inst, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sheppard, a son. Ma's. A. Bentham, of this place, (is visiting her daughter. Mr. Geo. Watson, of this place, has completed a [large cut of logs in Coli‘ngwood township, and is moving his mill to a job near Kim berley. 'I Mrs. Fawcett, nee Annie Joy, 0‘. Toronto‘ assisted the Methodist choir on Sunday, and gave two highly appreciated solos. About twenty young maple were entertained by the Misses Trimble at a lawn party a Jew evenings ago. Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Lee, 0:! ,gDundxalk, accompanied by Miss Bey non, visited Rev. and M13. Well- wood on Tuesday. - Mr. Aaron Wurts, of Saugeen Jc. was at Huttolmille last week visit- itfig' his blother Fred who is very 1 Miss Irene Wilson and Miss Dell Thux st0-1 (11.3 visiting in Tmonto. and Miss Zeta McC lockiin at Owen Sound. Mrs. J.P. S-awnders and children, of Toronto, are visiting the for- mer’s mother, Mrs. Ed. Whitten. Mr. C.H. Mums'naw is at Belleville this week attending the Masonic Grand Lodge. Mrs. G.B. Welton, and babe, and Mrs. Kitchrick, of Toronto, are via-- itors at Mr. A. Munshaw's. Miss Gerti e Thompso 1, Tie onto. is visiting her aunt, M: s. W. R. Simmons. Mr. Mark °nowdon, of Guelph, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Alex. Stewaxt, and other relatix es. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Duncan'have re turned from a month’s visit with relatives at Bancroft, Hastings Co., Mr. M.K. Richardson is away this week on a .school arbitration case. Mr. Jim White has taken a posâ€" ition with Mr. W. Moore on the bus Messrs. Thos.Fl)mn and Fred Thompson, leave on Wednesday for the West Flesherton. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE the 12th by six lodges of Artemesia Dist1ict. About 1.30 the places- :sion iformed under Ma1shall Wil- ,son. and after a march through ;the rincifial streets, ar1ived at the rill ed, where the speaking took place, M1. R. Mathews, Dist. Mastez, presiding: Ad_d1nesses were powerful in regulating the gener- ative portion of the female .system, they «are atrictly male to nae. Re- use 'all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van’s are cold at 85.00 a box, or three 1101' 810.00. nailed to any ad- dreaa. ‘The flcpbell Drug 00.. St. éiihirifies, Ont. A reliable refilulator; never fails. While _tl_1e_se p a egeeficeedingly CD “ BI'L' ‘ wauu “U" LLLGL JV“ can lla‘ C JUDI- of l as luxuriant, and captivating a head of hair as any other woman, NLaSIBX', presuung. AUUI't’Sb‘ given by Rev. Dr. Caldwell, , Owen Sound, Rev. HE. Wellwood,~l and Mr. J.A. Boyd, of “HS place, and a few remarks from Mr. J. ; Brodie, an old resident at Vande- leur. who ‘has been for some years in British Columbia. The best of order prevailed, and no mishap oc- curred to mar the pleasure of the day. Prizes were awarded as follows; Best marching, ylon Lodge, 1st; Markdale, 2nd. Best uniforms, Orange Valley, 1st; 4th Line. 2nd. Best fife band, Ceylon, lst; Vandeleur, 2nd. Markdale, lst: Eugenia, 2nd. Markâ€" dale Citizens’ Band accompanied ‘ i instantly, and is the ideal dressing ; for daily use. the Lodge from that place. Dr. T. Henderson, and Mr. W. Griffiths, of Toronto, and Mr. Shunk, of this x - f «at Macfarlane Gr Co’s, or‘ direct, all place, were the judges. and drum i fquicklg vanish when Parisian Sage Largest Lodge in the March,â€" FBI?“ and quickly, too. Just go to Macfarlane Co. this very day and get a bottle of Par- isian Sage. Use it as directed, and ;in two weeks your scalp will be ; free of dandruffyour hair will be isoft, lustrous and beautiful. 1 If your hair is falling out, Paris- ian Sage will stop it. 1 If your hair is thin, Parisian Sage : will make it grow in heavily. If you have' dandruff, it will prevents hair from turning grey, stops itching scalp almost A large bottle costs only 50 cts. Dr do Van’s Female Pills Calder Block Don’t miss this Opportunity as this is a bona-fide sale, and we stand bo- hind this announcement and guarantee our goods. Men’ 3 and Womens’ Boots. \\ort11.,00 for. Men’s and Womens Boots, worth 4.50, for. Men’s and W(‘)mens’ Boots, worth 4.00, for Men’s and Womens’ Boots, worth 3.00, for All other Dry Goods at Same Reductions These Are No Old Goods, But All New Serges, \\'(.)1'thE)Uc, for ................. 400 Diagonal Set-gee», worth 800. for..6.â€"')c Diagonal Serges, worth $1, f0r..75(3 of Dry Gomls, Boots and Shoes, huts, Caps, Clothing, etc, at such prices as will warrant a quick sale. Note the following prices:â€" In Order to Reduce Our StoCk as Much as Pessible a have decided to offer our entire stock Miss Reid, is visitin her cousin. Mus Rebecoa Nicho , for a tow mdngg. o. Sharpe attended Guild here last Friday” night, and took an “tnOA-“fin I! MM A large bottle costs only 50 cts. at Macfarlane Co’s. or direct, all charges prepaid, from the Canad- ian makers, G-iroux Mfg. 00,. Fort Erie, Ont. It prevents hair from turning grey, stops itching scalp almost instantly, and is the ideal dressing for daily qse, _ Just go to Macfarlame 8: Co. this very day and get a bottle of Par- isian Sage. Use it as directed, and in two weeks your scalp will be free of damdruth our hair will be soft, lustr_ou_s 4n _ heautifu_l._ Women With Fascinating Hair Al- ways Attract Attention If you are a woman with dull, lifeless, ordinary hair, do not feel distressed. Just make up your mind now that you can have just Lnstres, worth 25c to 300, for ................................ 200 Lustres, worth 400, for ............................................ 300 [’opiins, worth 500, for, ............................................ 4 0c Striped Satin Cloths, worth (300, form, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4250 Plain Cloths, worth 500, for ................................... 406 Serges, worth $1.15 for ............................................ SUC ....... 400 Diagonal Serges, worth 1.15......?~‘5c for..6.")c f, Broadcloths, worth 1.65, for ..... 1.30 for..75c i Broadcloths, worth 1.50, for ..... [.25 "w" ’. A. L. fitâ€"lie visited a .‘num- SELLING: SHINES IN SOCIETY. DRY GOODS Hampden. Hats and Caps Further Bargains Will be Noted later . . . . . U‘ 35 { Mr. Geo. Schillemore got tired of Hampden town life, and went “back” to Allan Park, where he aecured a job at helping to keep the C.P.R. track in repair, Mina So his Anderson, whoa ent the last a 1 months with trlen a at Grand Valley and Hamilton, re- turned to spend the aummer with her brother. Mr. Alex. Andenson, Why ,la a newspaper like a woman? Because every man 'ahould have one of bin own, and not run utter hh n hbor’a. Can any one at that in air pipe and mohe l , There is a great deal of talk of having a garden party at Harnp- den 5 ortly. We will be able to give grammars latchâ€"unless it ends hulk. Miss May Caisley, and two girl friends. from Toronto, are visiting (or a month with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fulton. Owing to the strenuous life of this time of the year, the Guild will meet every two week: through July and August. Mr. Robt. Whiteford, an, is set-- iously ill, and his daughter, Miss Minnie. of Toronto, is assisting at the bedside. ber of the members of his congre- gation here last Friday. Mr. Andrew Derby shipped a car load of his grass cattle to T0- ronto, a week ago Saturday. The builders finished Mr. M. W. Byers’ silo last week, add are now busy at Mr. Thou. Derby’s. Durham "0Q Q

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