w“, ny3.-â€"Ask Dr. Burgess, de't. :Hos- pin] for Insane, Mmtreal‘rlor his opinion of “The D.L." Menthol Planter. The genuine made only Dy Davis a: Lawrence (30. One fact is better than ten uys.â€"-Ask Dr. Burgesn.BM. If this matter was taken up at once, and the property nicely lev- elled and graded, and :next spring, good large trees planted, and the ground properly laid out, in a it w years we would have a pretty lit- tle park, and a place of beauty, in the centreof the town, instead 0! an ill-smelling, unsavory, hog- pcn yard. Let the citiz;:n3 take this mattenup bedore it is too late, and fully discuss it. The McKoch‘nie property is eas- ily accessable from all parts of the town, where any of our citizens could spend a few hours pleasant- ly. To the Editor of the Chronicle: Dear Sir,-â€"The matter of a town park was recently brought to my notice, liy some outside parties, re- ferring to the disgrace of the weigh scales and pig pens being placed on the property recently bought from the McKechnies’, in- stead of this property being fitted up and planted out as a town park. It happened that I had oc- casion to spend a few days in a town last week, where a little park of this description existed and nothing could be more de- lightful than to see numbers upending the afternoon seated in the shade of a tree, with their children around them. While the Bills, the Toms, the Jims, the Jacks, and the Dicks and the other fellows with common ev- eryday names may be in the as- cendancy, and appear to get there with greater certainty, there are risen to high positions in social. commercial, and political standing. What about Chauncey Depew, Theodore Roosevelt, (iro- ver Cleveland, Pier-pout Morgan, T. De Witt 'l‘almage, IE. Stone Wig- gins, Erastus \Vimin, Ulysses Grant and many others that might be raked up from past and present history? There are many names we have no fancy for, but the name generally lmeomes all right if the owner proves himself all right. men who were christened some; thing unusual.~â€"Toromto Star. On the front benches o! the 0p- position sit Bob Borden, George Poster, Charlie Doherty, Bill Mac- lean, Sam Hughes, Sam Barker, et al. In the Ontario Legislature, the leading Conservatives bear names quite as democratic. Jim Whitney, Bob Pyme, Joe Reaume, Bill Hanna. Art. Matheson, Jim Duff, Jim Foy, Frank Cochrane, John Hendrie, al- so such good Old Testament favor- ites as are borne by Adam Beck and Isaac Lucas. And Sandy Mac- Kay is the leader ’0! the Opposi- tion. | There seems to be something in a name after all. Politically speak ing, thd commoner it is, the better. 3 To be a Bill or a Jim may not assure political distinction, but cer tainly nothing but political extinc- tion seems to await most of the Cartwright, Fred Borden, Syd. Fisher, Frank Oliver, George Gra- ham Charlie Murphy, and no less thar live Williams, Bill Fieldng, Bill Paterson, Bill Templeman. Bill Pugsley, and Bill King. Nor is the Minister of Justice ever spoken of as Allen Aylesworth. Having a name just a little out of the comma], he pays the pen- alty by being known as “A. B.†And why is it, indeed that the Percy: and Algernans seem tater! to stay out of politics, and the Bills to get there? Why is it, for instance, that every member of the Dominion Cabinet, except the Hinister of Justice and those of French origin, wears the commow- est Christian names in the lang- uage? "Barking back to their Ichoolboy days. they become Dick Why is it that the boys with the oldafashioned names seem to get to the front? A canvas of the names of candidates for the Gov- ernorship will demonstrate that demonstrate that the boys who were called “Bill" in their school- days, are looming up large. There are no Percy's or Algernoras in this list, and none in sight. WHAT’S IN A rm? The Rochester Union and Adver- tiser has propounded a question which promises to remain un- answered. It is this: IHE DURHAM CHRONICLE ’ W IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. DURHAM, JULY 28. 1910. RE TOWN PARK Yours truAJ', W. CALDER. hoar- \V (’St. 1'11 A couple of enterprising .boys in i . Mrs. Tlm' Veach locality can make big money M H securing orders for “Toronto Exâ€" MSS' D u: hibition Illustrated and Exhibit- . â€â€™- â€C m the We ors‘ Review", a unique Special ' Exhibition Number, which will bef The tune issued on August 24th. This Spec- 'day aftern pial Number, which will be issued etery, Rev in newspaper form, will be the minister a most elaborate and profusely illus- .the home trated publication that has everi During been issued. and will contain a icare and c‘ host of picturesque illustrations of the deceas Toronto‘s Great Exhibition, tic-send has c: gether with all the latest informa- iband, who tion that will be of interest to the {hoping ag: hundreds of thousands of waters éisfae-tion 01 to Toronto at Exhibition .time.(Tlh:is iwas done 1 attractive publication Will contam ;all human an illustrated description of many . -. . . , éto restore attxactne features and exhibits In 1 healt l the various buildings, amusements iï¬xaVollet in front of the Grand Stand, and ‘bereavemec numerous attractions on the Mid- way. Every person will want “Ex- hibition Illustrated,†because it Teething will comprise the most complete 31333 diarrh collection of illustrations of the strolled by Exhibition that has ever appeared Colic, Chg]. in one publication. If any boy in-_' edy. All t1 terested will address “Exhibition 5,1" the pr. Illustrated,†13 ~Toranto Street, ‘opemmn a Toronto. lull information regard- fungal, . in: this attractive ofler will be clause the not by return mail. m... nan FREE TRIP TO TORONTO ExHI TION FOR NEWSBOYS The expansion of business in all lines of trade and manufacture ithroughout the Dominion is pro- Eviding splendid opportunities for Ibright. Well educated young men land women. The ever increasing demand for them is very well re- : flected in the Employment Depart- ,ment of the Central Business Col- !lege, of Toronto, which cannot be- .gin to supply the many calls it ireceives for Well trained help for ,business offices. The salaries now paid even to beginners is very much better than in former years, and no field of employment offers better inducements or brighter prospects for a successful future than the commercial interests of our country. A bookkeeper, sten- ographer or telegraph operator. can make a choice of the many appointments offered, and can earn a good salary from the day he enters upon this line of work. Proper preparation paves the Way, and the influence of n reputable training school Opens the door. Mr. James McGillivray has a very successful crop of peas, but the passers by from town) help themselves very liberally. He has two dogs, but he thinks he Will have to get another. Miss Annie Davis, and her sisterâ€" in-law, Mrs. W.D. Davis, left for the Queen City Saturday afternoon after a pleasant visit at the [home of their father, Mr. T. Davis. Miss Ida Davis Was accompanied by Mr. T. Tucker, of the 2nd con- cession of Egremont, last Swnday. Mr. T. is quite a genial fellow. Messrs. Wesley amd John Amett, of Popular Place, visited their mother, Mrs. C. Arnett, on Sum- day evening. ' Miss Bella Allam is home from Toronto visiting her parents, and expects to return in a .few weeks. Mr. John Kinnee, of town, drove Rev. Mr. Doolittle out to Glenelg Centre Sunday afterm-oon. Mrs. Irwin and son, of Toronto. are visiting Mr. Wm. Fallaise and neighbors, of this burg. Mrs. C. Amett, and her daugh- ter, Emma’ P., visited Mr. Robt. Al- lan one day last Week. We hear the wedding bells are ringing around. We Wish them much prosperity. Mr. Geo. and Miss Emma Arn'ett have been’ on the sick list this last week back. l ‘ MIG"!!! 3mm l . 01‘ the Editor of the Chronicle. Dear Sinâ€"The bunch of boys, and amongst them some grown- ups, who have been acting so disgracetxully during the past Wed- 'ne6day and Saturday evenings, on the streets of Durham, cam be itruthfully said to bear the label, ilgnoramus. Now, if they don’t iknow the meaning of that word, land we doubt very much if they Ido, we would advise them to look ‘it up ‘ in their dictionarjes, {and if they don’t own one, borrow ?one, size themselves up, impress fthe meaning on their brain, if they ghave such a thing, and imagine I what any respectable person would Tthink of them. Remember, boys, you have paremts, brothers, and sisters, whom you would like to, see respected. Govern yoiurselvesl accordingly. I GREAT OPPORTUNITIES. SAUGEEN VALLEY- â€"Fairy Queen. â€"OBSERVER. trolled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Rem edy. All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose after each natural, and then castor oil to cleanse the systan. It is late and mre. Sold by all dealers. . less diarrhoea, which can During her long illness, every care and comfort was provided for the deceased lady, and when the end has come, the .srrowing hlus- band, Who fought so manfully, hoping against hope, has the sat- isfac-tion of feeling that everything was done that could .be done, and all human power was unavailing to restore his loved one to her usual health. We sympathize with Mr. Vollet and (family in their sore bereavement. The funeral took place on Tues- day afternoon to Maplew 00d cem- etery, Rev. Mr. Deller, Methodist minister at Value), officiating at the home and graveside. l The deceased lady was forty-six years and eight months old. Her maiden name was Rachael Grasby, She was born on the third conces- sion of Normanby, in 1863, and married to her now here ved hus- band on the 15th of May, 1881. The 7marriage resulted in an issue of :three sons and one daughter, The Iso’ns are Alfred, in 'Normanby, and [Harry and Herbert, at home, The idaughter died in infamcy. I I u l I Mr. Thos. Grasby, father of the deceased, is a resident of Mani- toba,a.nd three brothers, Frank, Thomas and William, are all in the West. The surviving sisters are Mrs. Timothy Grasby, Bentinck. Mrs. Hugh McDonald, Durham, Mrs. Ducklow, and Mrs. Gregory, in the West. Though recovery was unexpect- ed, death came suddenly, at the last. On Saturday, she passed into a comatose. condition, {mm which she never woke, death relieving her of all her suffering, at 12 o’clock, ‘on Sunday. About three Weeks ago, she took a turn for the better, but at no time during the past eight months were hopes of recovery entertained. Three years ago, she became alf- flicted with a very singular ail- ment, which baffled the skill of 'the local doctors, as well as a medical expert from Toronto. At first the attacks appeared period- rically, and high hopes were enter- tained that all danger would pass away in the course of time. But such was not the ease. Though quite Well at times, apparently, the spells would come upon her suddenly, and leave her in a prostrate condition. These at- tacks had the appearance 01f epil- epsy, but could not be diagnosed as such by the doctors. They be- came more frequent as time rolled on, and for the past eight months she has been confined to her bed, requiring the most careful and constant attention. During this ‘ period, Mr. Vollet has not had a night’s rest, and never undressed. himself, except to make a change I of clothing. Teething children have more OBITUARY. MRS. AARON VOLLET. After an illness extending over a period of three years, Mrs. Aaron Vollet died at her .home in Bent- inck on Sunday last, about midday. - . we took 'lier to a hospital in Kingston where she was again examined by an eminent specialist He said she had Appendicitis and must be operated on at owe 2/ we wanted to save lzer life. As we had taken her to Kingston to nave this done we were ready but our daughter was afraid and cried and begged so pitifully, that we postponed It for that day. Luckily for us and for her an uncle came‘ in with some ‘I’mit-a-tivcs’ and insisted on Ella taking them. Good results were apparent almost from the ï¬rst dose, and tire continuous treatment cured her. Aaaendiciiis cured By “Fruit-a-tives†NEWBURGH, 0NT., Feb. 12th. 1910. ‘ Jmt about a vear ago, our daughter Ella (fourteen years) , was taken with terrible pains in the right side The pain was so severe that we had to carry her to bed. We at once put her under the care of a ï¬rst-class doctor, who pronounced it a ease oi 2’kppendicris and advised an operation. _ C A THE DURHAM CHRONICLE nore or be con- â€"--â€"~.__â€".I- q )I'I‘A IRWIN. MUSICAL [h- L atrnctnr on piano avd organ. Teen-ms on application at her residence, GarafI-axu Street. Durham. Rexall Eczema Ointment is very prompt in relieving pimples, blot- bhes, skin discolorations, ringworm ac-ne, nettle rash, tetter, hives. ul- cers, insect bites, and for healing sores and wounds. It is a pleas- and smelling, grayish-white oint- ment, and is very cleanly for use. Two sizes, 50c and $1.00. Sold only at our storeâ€"The Rexall Store. Macfarla-ne Co. We so thoroughly believe that Rexall Eczema Ointment will over- ments, that We umhesitatingly promise to promptly letui 1 the money paid us for it should it in any Way be unsatisfactory to the use1. ‘ Because of its remarkable clean- sing, antiseptic, germicidal, sooth- ing and healing influence, 1Rexall Eczema Ointment has a very p10- nounced value in the t1 eatment of skin diseases, especially Where the form of ailment is lot the ch10n1c, aggravating sort. We highly rec- ommend it for the dly scaly form or the weeping type, Where there is a constant flow of ill-smelling execration. IT IS NOT IN THE BLOOD. chicine Taken Internally Cannot Cure Eczema. It is Caused by Germs Eczema cannot be overcome by ordinary treatment and the old- fashioned way of dosing the sys- tem with drugs. Eczema is caused by a parasitic germ that bores into the skin. It is generally a contagious disease. Until the parasite is completely destroyed and removed†eczema cannot be cured. I'Fully one-third of skin diseases are in the down of eczema. as ome of the big features of the fireworks spectacle «a battle. be- tween .au airship and a dread- nought. The monsters of the sea and air advancing {from different sides, of the arena. will meet in a terrific fight in which the dread- ‘noug‘ht is sunk and the airship fin- ally blows up. It’s something en- tirelv new in ï¬reworks land as spec tacular as it is novel. They’re anticipating history at the Gamadian National Exhibition this year Where they will produce NOVEL SCENIC FEATURE. ‘Fruit-a-tives’ saved our daughter from the surgeon’s knife and to-day she is enjoying the best of health. †J. W. FOX, (Father). LILLIAN F OX, (Mother). Words cannot express the gratitude of Mr. and Mrs. Fox. And Miss Ella will always remember “Fruit-a- tives"â€"the discovery of an eminent physician, and the only medicine in the world made of fruit. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial box, 25c. At dealers, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price byFruit-a- tives Limited, (")ttawa. Y 28. 1910 ...$1 00 to $100 . 100 to l 00 39 to 40 70 to' 75 50to 52 ..l'0 00 to 12 00 18 to l8 17 to 17 260m 240m 125m 90000 13 to 10 to 10 to 10 to 2â€â€WMâ€WNWONâ€QONW§N§O“QN Guaranteed not to break or rust. Will not take a permanent bend at waist line. MRS. J. C. NICHOL Box I07 mmml ALWAYS ON HAN D m not sold in o procured only Calder Block ‘» mall or large lug “b. "\HZ'i'iHH: :l.“ W. liin'u \‘H'; « K lair Wl‘ Lu ghu " and we tlu- Mun h it possum-ms. i mourn. twvnllw‘ « “it We put I'm- Xhm't Eu} a: \Mllnitulm Hun v...;_‘. ltlï¬tnha Whom! “-nu» r‘. 'a h ‘thl' Dakar» nx' dwlm r! 2‘ ‘ m from solacted \Vihtri' \A ~ 5 . â€periur «NM-Xv fut um pastry. vtc. u adhered am'whvn- DURHAM The undelsigw “DOUDCB “I re. Durham and H country. that h Planning Mill «1‘ completed and i to “Ike (5111011. 1' FLOUPCH.‘ WH+++++++++ Anti Bug Finish A Bug Killer and Fertilizer puim. A vall ml for quotatiuns next jnl). AIIIpH suns n Also a liluilH [mg wm-k and account COL“ and note on of April SASH, DOORS â€"â€" and 3H kinds of House Fittings 23 1910 PASTRY FLOUR of} â€witnhn ‘ MI is a strict] family dmu W flour and fur-d up our flour for “It“. In due. not keep it con 1 and we will use you 1' . up by telephone N0. 8 SOVEREI G N It Glyn bought ut POUND ECLIPSE or call solicite fll‘l Ltle by TH [- Done Every McGow. fore the K n Pf KIN slll'l'mll machim he MIN )l N prepare has nl Dmha M (â€WARN ARK In Ont