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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Aug 1910, p. 2

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After the age of .30. pOOple fin! that their strngth is not what it used to be, and they inquenly suffer from exhaustion and weak heart action. To all such, we we- ommernd the invigoralug tonic, Porrovim, composed 01‘ {rev-2h beef, Citrate 0. Iron, and pure old Span- hh Sherry Wine. Nothin could b. more beneficial in we cues. $1.00. bottle. IISHING. HUNTING. OR TRIN- passing is strictly forbidden on Lots 47, 4:. 9nd «I9. Con. 3. N D.R. Glenelg. Parties found so doing will be m'osecuted.-â€"W. J Mc- Farlane, J. Collier. T. Ritchie 3m 6-2-3m _ w_ â€" -V-C'-u-. holidays. A properly qualified teacher. second class preferred. State salary and experience. A1.) plications received up to Sam]- day, August Ginâ€"George Aljoe, Secretary, Durham. 7282p â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". Applications containing testi- monials Will be received by the undersigned up to Monday, Aug. 1st. 1910, for a properly qualified teacher for 5.8. No 14, Normanby. Salary $400.â€"D. Mellvride, Secre- tary-Treasurer. Orchard. 6236p Teachers Wanted TQ'QQMMENC12".{Fi‘EHSUMMER HOUSE AND LOT ON COU NTESS Street, Apply to Mrs. John Har- bottle, Durham. 6303ptf THE BUILDING OCCUPIED BY P.G.A. Webster as jewellery store, ud J.P. Teltord as a law office, with show cases, wall cases, clock nnd ante. At a bargain. Apply to A. Gordon, Weyburn, Sask. 6100911 TOURING CARâ€"IN GOOD RUN- ning order.-â€"Geo. Yiirs, Durham THE PEEL RESIDENCE ON LAMB ton Street. Apply to G. H. Stin- Ion. Durham. 714tf GOOD BRICK RESIDENCE ON Lambton Street, Durham, oppo- site the Methodist parsonage. One of the nicest situated prop- erties in Durham. In good state of repair. Will sell on reason- able terms to quick buyer. Ap- ply on premises to T. Moran. 4.7 struntm- on pium am! «11310. I'm ma rn applicatinn at, Mr re itlr‘ht‘t‘. idl'” fl'a‘tXfl ST] 99?, “III hann r. RUDD MATHEWS, MARKDALE Ont.. Licensed Auctioneer (or the-Cqu‘nty _of Grey. Sales at- 100 ACRE FARM ON THIRD CON- cession of Glenelg, N.D.R., lots 15 and 16. This farm is well water- ed, and has good buildings erect- ed thereon, good land, and an excellent opportunity for the right man. For further particu- 181's, apply on the premises to A. Ford, Bunessan. 1231.10tf LOT 1 OF 17. CONCESSION 1, E. G. R.. Glenelg. 50 acres. well- lenced, good buildings, two small orchards, and good spring and well. Also Lots 2 and 3 of 15, Con. 1 W.G R..Bentinck. 100 ac- res; 60 acres cleared. and 40 ac: us of good bush. These propertits will be sold together or sepa1- ately. and on te1ms to suit pui- chaser. For tuither particula.s apply to Wm. Leggette. Rocky Suugeen, Durham P.O. 6-2tfi uucu (on reasonable terms. Arrangements may _'bL made a' the Chronicle office, Durham Nov. 8th. lyrpd. GENER.-.L PURPOSE MARE, 5 ears old, in foal. 1200 or 1300 ha. Apply to C.W. Lang, Dur- ham. 7282 LOT 21, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OF Egremont, containing 106 acres about 10 acres hardwood bush, 6 acre“ swamp timbered, the rest clear; barn 30x50, stable 30x40. Orchard 1 acre, watered by 2 wells and spring. But of purchase money can remain on mortgage. For particulars apply William Bradley, Orchard. Op.nt BOARDING HOUSE WITH SMALL grocery store attached; also liv- ery and feed barn in connection. Immediate DOSSGSSiOJ given. This is a snap for someone, as the owner is going out of business. For particulars apply to \Wm. Linnell, Summerberry, Sask. 847p , 7 Uomer Queen and George Streetsâ€"Norm “3 ODONNELL PROPERTY 01 Methodist Church Office hoursâ€"911 near Grand Trunk station. Ap- N Ply tOA A. E. Jackson. Lint "'m ‘41?“7929 T“'““““"“ 0 m. in: 1200mm HOUSE AND WEN; Arthur 6“" M. 0- . acres of land in the town of HYSHHN aNUSURGEON. or Durham On premises are good ficein the New Hunter Block 032m. noun 8 to ID a. m. to 4 p m. and 7 to: , § . m. Spat-in! attention given to disease in rent house “ithOUt land’ it if women and children. Residence Op gzflggign Apply to JOhn 3 17 tf‘ y__j2â€"te.t:rejt:v_tonan_(_._l:u:_ch - _ ig pen, hen house and stable. I WILL BE AT ABERDEEN EV I GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT.â€" Acply to J. M. Latimcr. 41m HOUSE TO RENT.â€"APPLY TO. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF A SUP- I'I'A IR\\'I.\’. M U S l U cry Wednesday, the balance of the winter to measure and pay for all sawlogs delivered there The highest price paid for all f naught, sound logl of all kind L of timber. Custom sawing an . Ohingles clone early in the spring. .' â€"N.Mc1ntyre. May 31-0 Mrs. Neil McKechnie, Durham. Like/15rd Audion?” Fur Sale or Rvnt. M 1! Sim! Dir: (ton' Farms for Sale. Advent-em" a! one inch or bu. 25 cents for first i- union. um 10 cont: for each “MI-n flotation. Over we Inch and under two inches, double tho above amount. Yutly rates on applustmn Farmers’ Notice Sheet. Dun ham. Fur Sale. Native. To Rent. SMALL ADS. A}. IN- I If the aforesaid land is not what [a buyer wants, I have several , otlger sectiona at my_ glisposad, s‘qme General.â€"This is a very dc- sirable property, sloping gradual- ly to the creek, the greater part of the farm commanding a fine view of the surrounding country. t is surrounded by prosperous and progressive farmers, one of whom has a fine steam threshing outfit, and steam plough. There is a little scrub on the term, but nothing to huit. Many consider a little scrub an indication of great- er richness in the soil. Anything else you may require to know, I will be pleased to supply on re- quest. SoiI.-The soil is dark and dee' .h rich with vegetable matter, anfi in short, is a strong clay soil that isdnot too heavy to be easily wow- 6 . Wood.-â€"This is convenient ' and plentiful for fuel. A few miles distant good building timber can be got, and also timber large enough for sawing into lumber. Gameâ€"Fish are abundant in the lakes, and game in the woods and on the lakes. Water.â€"A fine spring creek runs alon the East side, and cuts off the orth-east corner of the half section. Water can also be easily obtained in wells almost anywhere in the neighborhood. The low land near the stream furnishes ex- cellent hay and pasturage. Location.â€"This half section is situated in the famous Quill Plains, about twenty miles north of Wat- son Station on the C.N.R. It is in the midst of a good settlement, chiefly of Canadians and Ameri- cans, with some Germans and Nor- wegians. It is about two miles from school, store, church, post office, etc. It is in a very fertile part of the West, which is claim- ed to be equal to the Portage Plains, one of the most fertile ar- eas in the world. Besides immense yields of wheat, the neighboring farmers raised as high as 100 bushâ€" els of oats to the acre in some In- stances in 1909. The survey of the Thunderhill branch of the C.N.R. is near, and the road «is already completed to within 70 miles of it. Re B. 1-2 Section 19, Township 39, Range 17 W. 2nd M. (Successor tn \V. F. Dunn) ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CON- veyancer. Notary Public c. Mum-y tn lmm on farm property. In- MINUHIP vfi’ected, life or fire. Office nu-r Standard Bank, Durham, Unt. Western Lands For Sale j .1} animals treated on most scientif- ,‘ic principles. All calls promptly attended In. Office and residence. Gar-afrnxa Street. Durham, nearly np- lpnsite the Chronicle Office. 623]“ ‘ er, Conveyancerf c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage License». A general financial bani .1939 tramactfll. DURHAM ONT. (Lowe-r Town.) Office. nearly Opposite the Registry ufice. lmmhton wt..Durham. Anyamounl x munev tu loan at 5 per cent. on fan: womrtv. A. H. Jackson. \7 OTARY PU BLIC, COM M 133on er, Conveyancpr. (kc, lnsuranu Dr. 0.8. Craig, D.V.S.. V.S.V.D J F GRANT,D. D. 8 .L.D 8 [[ ()NOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI. ty of Toronto. Graduate Royt Jollege Dental Surgeons ofOntario. Dentistry in all its Branches. ‘Dflice.â€"(}alder Block. over Post Office York .ud Chicago. Disc-Ic- of Eye. Bar No“ and Throat. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd *atuxdnr m such month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"B p. a. 3PFICE: ()var J J Hunter’r EVE, EAR, THROAT NOSE ate Assistant RJ)‘. London Ophthalmic H09 £113.. and to Golden Sq. Throat 3nd None Hon SPECIA L18 1' t stairs, Lamhton Street. Rncidence‘ Corner Queen and George Streetsâ€"North 0! Methodist Church (Mice MAN‘S-9-]? am. '24 3.111.. 7~9 n.m. 'I‘nlanhnnn No. m. I. 6. Hutton. M. 0.. C. M. ' ( PFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK UP stain, Lumbtnn Street. Ruuidmwnâ€" l fice in the New Hunter Blocj mum, 8 m 10 g. m., to 4 9.01. a 3. :11. Special attention given tc if women and children. Resid‘ ”site Presbvtorian Church. Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. I)F'FICE AND RFfiiDBNUE A ‘_ shurt distance east nf Knapp’s Hotm Lamb ton Streak Lower 'I‘nwn, Durham OHM-n hmlrn fmm I2 tn '2 n’clm'k l. P. Telforc. ARRIS’I‘EL; SULICITOR, ETC. ISEASES 0F DOM ESTICATE h ply, it will pay you to consult the Louise well-drillers. Satis- faction guaranteed. Your pat- ronage solicited. For terms, write and have us call on you.â€" Pratt Bro.s., Louise. 7216p UR. BRLWN L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG RéDULATE of London, New Moe: 13,?!th 6-2;, Owen Sound. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. VVater! ,VVater! Dental Dz’rectorv. Lem! 731’rectm v Medical Dz’rectorv . A. C. Grant DH. BURT. ON OR ABOUFEELY 3rd LAST, near Zion church, a sum of money. May be had upon {ur- mishing proof as to cAlainl), amid paying expenses. p y o Lorne McNally, Ebor ale. 7282 TO Tenders opened at the Middaugh House, Durham, on Monday, Aug- ust 15th, 1910. 7283 WM .WRTD Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of I. Traynor, Township Engineer, in Dundalk, or at the residence of the undersign- ed, Lot 50, Com. 3, East of Gara- fraxa Road, Glenelg, on and after Friday, August 5th, 1910. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Tenders will be received {or the work complete. Sealed tenders, marked “tenders for Bridge,” ‘will be rec‘eived hf.- the. undersigned for the. erection. of a 1‘e-inforced concrete bridge over the Saug‘eeg-i River on the Concession Line between Lots 57 Concessions 2 and 3, east of the Garafraxa Road in the Township of Glenelg in the County of Grey. “But dey von’t get on to us. you fool. Dey vouldn’t take it demselves 11' it no handed to dem. Dey’re too hon- cam-yes. Yell. don’t dey say ve’re honest too? Vell. vat more you vantl Dey don't know how much money and rubles dere is in der bank. Ve von’t take all of itâ€"und dey von’t know do! difference. We burn der books. D213 is all. Ve get in by der bank tonight. boys." “I don’t like id,” said Joost. “Id's stealing from our freunds, Yacob. Be- sides, if der oder heirs should go be- fore der government mlt der story, vat den '2” 0 THE PERSON WHO WILL furnish information which will lead to the recovery of 5 stray yearling cattleâ€"2 steers, lgrey, and 1 red, with a little white; and 3 heifers, 1 gray and 2 mostly redâ€"all ”marked with leather tag attached by two pig rings in lower part a left ear, near the head.â€"James Findlay, Markdale. 7‘2““ “I don’t like dot scheme to rob der bank.” growled Jan. “If der peeples get on to us. dey vould cut us to bleces." “Vat Ou- you tink I vant you in on dis. you svine? To set aroundt und dream? Nobody else knows aboud dis treasures, und ve got it all for our- selvesâ€"ye four und no more, und you say, ‘Vat’s der hurry?’ it’s all ours. Ve divide it oop in der cave mit all der money ve get from der bank. Vat? Yes? Den, yen der time comes, ve send it all by Australia und no you is Get viser. Der natives von’t know. und der white peebles von’t be alive to care aboudt it." “Gott in hlmmel, Yacob, valt a min- utes! My back is proke!" protested Joost stubbornly. Von Blitz swore steadily for a minute, but could not move the lmpasslve Boers. “Vell,” said Von Blitz. arising. “come on, boys. Dis is Get last of dem. Den ve blow der tam t'lng up. Grab bold dere, Joost. Up wit it. Jan. Vat? No?” “Vat for you fret, Yacob?” growled one of the Boers. “You couldn’t take dose vimmens back by Europe mit you. I tink you got goot luck by losing dram. Misder Chase can’t take dem back needer. Don’t fret.” “Dis Is der last." [muted Von Blitz. blowing hard and stretching his big arms. “I fix him." he growled. “His time vill come. by tam! I let him know he can’t take my vives avay mit him. Der dog! I fix him some day purdy soon. Und dem tam vlmmens! Dey run avay mit him, eh? Acb, Gott. if I could only put my hands by delr necks yet!” CHAPTER XXII. SEVERAL t'uunsommns. HE four burly men sat down upon the chests, Von Blitz alone being visible to the watchers. They were fagged to the last extreme. They were white men, all. Von Blitz turned suddenly and cursed the man with the lantern. The fellow was ready to drop with exhaustion. Evi- dently It had been no easy task to remove the chests. The single electric light was still burning as Selim had found it when he first came. The door swung open slowly. heavily. and Jacob von Blitz. mud covered. reeking with perspira- tion and panting savagely. stepped into the light Behind him came a nmn with a lantern and behind him IV“: others. “They won’t suspect that we are here.” whispered Selim as the door to the passage creaked. “Keep quiet! Don’t breathe!" ' They were starting across the cham- ber toward the door when a grufl, se- pulchral oath came rolling up to the chamber through the secret passage. Quick as a flash Selim. who realized that they could not reach and open the door leading to the stairs, turned in among the huge wine casks. first blinding his lantern. Be whispered for the others to follow. In a mo- ment they were squeezing themselves through the narrow spaces between the dark, strong smelling casks, back into a darkness so opaque that it seemed lifeless. 'l‘mu‘iers Wante d Cantinmed from page 7 WM. WEIR, Deputy-Reeve of Glenelg ‘. v.â€" v v'- JV; ‘ head.â€"James Emmi; 7286p THE DURHAM CHRONICLE away. 1 am not a constable nor a thief catcher. I am a soldier of th Mensa. not u: once: or the crown. u till-MAL! 1:!» game. Today .Lulun “But V.on Blitz has sworn to kill you," she expostulated, with some heat. “You are Wasting your integrity. 1 must say, Mr. Chase.” “Would you have me shoot him trom ambush '3” he demanded. “Not at all. You could have taken him captive and held him safe until the time comes 'tor you to leave the island.” “He would not have been my cap- tive in any event. 1 could do no more than deliver him into the hands of his enemies. Would that be fair?” “But he is a thief!” “No more so than Tasweil Shana and John Wyckholme. who unquestion- ably chested the natives out- of the even though i am being shielded by their legal foes. [’11 not have Von Blitz saying. even to himself, that I have not only stolen his wives, but have also cast him into the hands or his Philistines. it may sound quixotic to you. but i think that Lord Depping- ham and Mr. Browne will understand my attitude.” “You forget that i am the represent- ative of these very men. I am the trusted agent of Sir John Brodney, who has refused to supplant me with another. 1 can’t very well represent Sir John and at the same time make prisoners or corpses of his clients. V “1w doubt you consider me a cow- ard,” be said rupfully. “You know that [do not," she pro- tested. “1â€"1 can’t understand your motive; that is all." He laughed softly. doprocatingly. not a little Impressed by the justice of her criticism. “And pray, Mr. Chase." she said sharply. as if the thought occurred to her for the first time, “why didn‘t you stop them? You had the advantage. You and Selim could have surprised themâ€"you could have taken them With- out a struggle.” The princess was ohce more at his side. He had clasped her arm to lead her securely in the wake of Neenah‘s electric lantern. She came to a sud- den stop. “I know too much about gunpowder, princess." said Chase dryly, “to fool with it. It’s like a mule. It kicks hard. Gad. it was hard to stand there and hear those brutes planning 1: all and not be able to stop them!" “ls there nothing to be done?" cried the princess. “Can we not prevent the explosion? They will cut off our means of escape in that"â€" Led by Selim. the tour made a rush for the door leading into the chateau. They threw it open and passed through. flying as if for their lives. No one could tell how soon an explo- sion might bring disaster to the re- gion; they put distance between them and the powder keg. Selim paused long enough to drop the bolts and turn the great key with the lever. At the second turn in the narrow corridor he overtook Chase and the scurrying women. ' The door Was closed behind them. but the listeners could hear them re- pairing the damage that Selim had done to the fuse. “Close der door, Jan," commanded Von Blitz from the passage. “Ve vill light der fuse ven ve haf got beyond der first bend. Vat? Look! By tam, von of you swine has broke der fuse. Vait! Ve VIII 6: him now." “Sure, but he also say dat ve all may die mlt old age before it is over YCL” “Don’t forget der plague!” said Jan. They groaned mightily as they lifted the heavy cheats to their shoulders and started for the door. “Sir John says in der letter to Mls. der Chase dere is a movements on toot.1n London to settle der contest out or court," volunteered Joost. To the amazement of all the burly German began to blubber. “Come on, Yacob,” said Jan grumy. Von Blitz shook his fist at the door across the_chamber and thundered his final maledlctions. "Der oder heirs 'vill never get der chance, boys. Dey vill die mit der plagueâ€"ha, ha! Sure! Dere von’t be no oder heirs. Rasula says it must be so. Ve can’d vait. boys. It viil be years before der business is settled. Ve must get vat ve can now and vait for der decision attervards. Brodney has wrote to Rasula, saying dat dot Chase teller is to stay here vedder ve vant him or not. He says Chase is a goat man! By tam, it makes me cry to t’lnk of vot he has done by meâ€" dot goot man!" l 0 FOR I SCIAT!CA. PL STITCEE . NEURA1 Each 25C. i yard rolls $1.0 size. Bew'vre of W1 nxv' L; IAW] .._m-.;.., ‘«0 MNVAM 1'. y '1'- v-‘s-‘v a. v- VV‘N "’9"§"VV’V \W‘ ‘ J‘s The beneficial effect of iron upon the system weakened through illness, overwork or anemia, is well known. Fer- rovim is a preparation which nipplies the valuable element L1 the most efficient way, com- bining with it the nourishizig qualities of beef and the miE-J 1y stimulative effect of 811053: wine. Ferrovim costs 5-1.5 :L bottle at drug‘g‘ists. va «ya-1 ~ Beware of worthless imitat‘ DAVIS 5.: I.A\VRIE.\'CE C'.).. No: r5514! fivfix-Wwwarpqu-s A - FOR BACKACHE. SCIATMJA. PLEURXSY. S'I‘ITCZ'IES. CRICKS. NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM Each 25c. in air-tight tin bug-z; yard rolls $1.00, can be cyt to any Soreness of the muscles, whether induced by violent exercise or in- iury, is quickly relieved by the free application of Chamberlain’s Liniment. This liniment is equal- lv valuable for muscular rheuma- tism, and always affords quick re- lief.” Sold by all dealers. “Just the same," he went on gently. “you love me as I love you. You kissed me. I could feel love In you then. I can see It In you now. You will marry Prince Karl In June. and all the rest of your life will be bleak December. You will never forget this month of Marchâ€"our month." He paused for a moment to look deeply lnto her In- credulous eyes. His face wrlthed In sudden pain. Then he burst forth with a vehemence that startled her. “My She had withdrawn her hands from his. He was standing before her as. calm and unmoved as a statue. reach all the time. We are bound by chains no force can breakâ€"the chains of prejudice.” me, and I am proud to have heard you say that you want me. But i am a sensible creature. Mr. Chase. and. being sensible; am therefore selfish. I have seen women of my unhappy sta- tion venture outside of their narrow confines in the search for lifelong joy with men who might have been kings had they not been born under happier starsâ€"men or the great wide world instead of the soulless. heartless patch which such as i call a realm. Not one in a hundred of those women found the happiness they were so sure of grasping just outside their prison walls. it was not in the blood We must marry and live and die in the sphere to which we were born. We must go through life unloved and uncherished. bringing princes into the world. seeing happiness and 23m inst beyond our THE STANDARD BAN K 'l‘he delicious sense of possession thrilled her. She glowed with the re- turn of her self esteem, in the restora- tion of that quality which proclaimed her a princess of the blood. She was sure of him now. She was sure of herself. She had her emotions well in hand. And so. despite the delicious warmth that swept through her being. she chose to reveal no sign of it to him. “I do understand." she said quietly, meeting his gaze with a directness that hurt him sorely. “And you, too. understand. I could not be your wife. 1 am glad, yet sorry. that you love be my wife. You do understand how it is with me?” “It is not wrong!" he cried hotly. “My love is not wrong. i want you to understand and to believe. i can’t hope that you will be my wife. it’s too wildly improbable. You are not for such as 1. You are pledged to a man of your own world. your own ex- alted world. But listen. Genevrn. See. my eyes call you darling even though my lips dare not. Genevra. i’d give my soul to hear you say that you will “Pleaseâ€"please don’t.” she sald once more, her lip trembllng, her eyes full of the softness that the woman who loves cannot hide. “You shall not go on! It ls wrong!" “Wait." he said gently. They were quite alone. She saw the most won- derful light in his gray eyes. Her lips parted in quick. timorous confusion. “I love you. i am sorry for what i did down there. i couldn’t help itâ€" nor could you. Yet i took a cruel ad- vantage ot you. i know what you've been thinking too. You have been saying to yourself that I wanted to see how far I could go. Don’t speak. 1 know! You are wrong. I've absolute- ly worshiped you since those first days in Thorberg. wildly. hopelessly. day and night. i was afraid of youâ€"yes. afraid of you because you are a prin- cess. But He got over all that. Ge- nevra. You are a woman. a living. real woman. with the blood and the heart and the lips that were made for men to crave. i want to tell you this here in the light or day. not in the darkness that hid all the truth in me except that which you might have felt in my kiss." When they came into the well light- ed upper corridor he proceeded ruth- lessly to upset all 01’ her hamh calcu- lations. He stopped suddenly, step- ping directly in front of her. As she drew up in surprise he reached down and took both of her hands in his. For the moment she was too amazed to oppose this sudden action. She looked up into his face, many emo- tions in her ownâ€"reprooi‘, wonder. dis- may. hauteur. joy. They were at the top of the second flight of stairs by this time and quite a distance from the treasure chamber. His coolness. the absence of any sign of returning sentiment. was puzzling her sorely. Half an hour before she had been carried away. rendered help- less. by the passion that swayed him. Now he spoke and looked as if he had forgotten the result of his storming. Strangely enough, she was piqued. contrive to send ‘word to Bosnia that Von Blitz has stolen the treasure chests. Mr. Von-Blitz will have a sad time explaining this little detection to his friends. We must not overlook the fact that Lady Deppingham and Bob- ert Browne are quite willing to take everything from the islanders. Every- thing that Taswell Skaggs and John Wyckholme possessed in this island belongs to them under the terms of the Every Department I: fully Equipped to ensure Prompt and EffleIent Service. Continued on page 5. Savings Bank at all Branches OF CANADA " BENT“ rx §O+O+ The Job. 00-11%?!) mm r' “Mm flnu’s an... fimz ”mm t“ fllgclh‘ timing on! Finn!- (bl All Inward-omen“ added In CWT! ll" be will tor in “taco. .Conuuct rate. for you-.y advertisements M nn‘h'gd oq "which to “0 office. 7 ~ ._ wrrw-wâ€"v- W :‘7 "“3 X1] ulvorflomona. snare martian tr mt week. should be brought in am hunt a:- Moxnav at. 6 p. m. ' Tl! mummy. ml} he sent 8 sump“ n“dffl6. free of p063“. .1 88'” . . .1 per your. mynblr in VIII â€"$1.50 may be ohnrco‘ t! not no paid. The In to «Mob era-y subscription in mm is damned the number on the «um. lulu-1. Nu gape! db- mulinued to 311 at.“ m paid, amp! nth mum; of the prom. .fidn For transient IdVPTYX-wmflllu § Adv 8 out: 1 line for Lb: fire! In”? Raw 0 U0"; . “I“ per line Nah “1159' aunt inwrdon Int-io- mare. hummu- min. 90: “Min one lg“ “.00 p8? nanny. Advorflben-“ wtfbon cpcdflo dtrmom "In be published till turbid .nd aha“ mhbh U; Tannin! notiooo~“Lut,” 'z'ouud. “ "For , «(qâ€"50 coat: for in! inaction. 86 mm. for of) cum gem. ipurtion. l8 PUBLISH ID EVERY THURSDAY MORNINI; It the Chronicle flirting House, Garalran 8trevt. Picture Framtfig on shortest {HE DURHAM CHRONICLE . and Funeral Direatorx> Pumas from $2 unward. SHOP Open every ulternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop. erlv attended to. Q... W. 0. COMM A. BELL UN DE RTAKER W D( CONNOR Pumps of all Kimm. Galvanized and Iron F ing; Brass, Brass Lin and Iron Cylinders. Full line of Catholic Robes, and bun-k and white Caps for ngad peuple. DURHAM. ONT. Snow Roomsâ€"Next m Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCE~N¢M door South of “H J. Lawrence’s blacksmith Chop. THE TRADERS l l'llClVlLUU‘ BANK OF CANADA DURHAM: -ONT_. -m-L“ -- -A _- _ ' 'â€"â€"-â€"â€"-“."â€""““‘ ’ “Mw‘ But you cannot have a bal. ance to draw on Unless you first put it in. Why not de. posit some now. Em'ron AND Pmpumnmu Fill out a Cheque, as mus. trated, payable to )ourself present it with your Pass. Book, and you get, uithout delay or formality of anykind as much money as )CU want up to your total balance. from the Traders Bank 15 j as simple and easy as putti it in. It“. M a Mount finest and Ayton. Embalming a Specialty W. IRWIN Manufacturer 0! And Duler in ink 13 ju‘ as puttin‘ blnrk ' Special attention In I mic-Hakim mm“‘ms‘ § Beautiful Arm 3 a l V E N under-signal n -_ z ‘ Whip as Plumber‘s. C “and “maths, mi u} M wd all nthvl' M‘th {20‘public patronage h we Announ The MCGOW goo wanting any 1‘... T Binder Twila WOOL SPECIAL PRICILS '|'< “In reptirs fur 11.. S. SCOTT W5. Brushu~ Farmers in Tun Lut BUY NOW and SA \ i Hill and R0 td Mavhm Londcm and Bunny Hay ”has, Rain “'21: 'SD Huggins and ( Mixed Gr MASSE\ lmpleme EDWARD KRESS them to buy Win uve you lnmw “'e are carrying Floor Uilcloths, which w “'9. are SHIP went: Inchine. and haw the hated make. whivh we a RUGS AND F “'ith evm'y pun-1n FREE at handsome Nfiid Minion style. These Hucl New Williams E can supply , 1910 tins and ('n rria menus und Mu Engines. Fm wym' and Cash or Trad We km of Blanl aid 2 Cudmg and Bin Come in and see o< .R NAL I'D Old Stun d {fins 3i! ill NW +++++ Ill“ \‘. full II IH‘I‘S‘ M

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