iOUSE ANf) IOT 03' C013 NTESS Street, Apply to Mrs. John Har- bottle, Duxham. 6303pt_! m BUILDlNG OCCUPIED BY P .G.A. Webster as jewellery stars, .d J. P. Telford as 3 law office, with show cases, wall cues, clock cud sate. At a bargain. Apply to A. Gordon, Weyburn, Sask. 0100M! TOURING CAR-IN GOOD mm- _ nï¬ng . order.â€"Geo_._Y1irs, .Durham‘ Location.â€"This half section is situated in the famous Quill Plains, about twenty miles north of Wat:- son Station on the C.N.R. It is in the midst of a good settlement, chiefly of Canadians and Ameri-i cans, with some Germans and Nor- wegians. It is about two miles from school, store, church, post office, etc. It is in a very fertile part of the West, which is rlaim- ed to be equal to the Portage Plains, one of the most fertile ar- eas in the world. Besides immense yields of w,hcat the neighboring farmers raised as high as 100 bush- els of oats to the acre in some in- stances in 1909. The survey of the Thunderhill branch of the C.N.R. is near, and the road is already completed to within 70 miles of it. LOT 1 OF 17, CONCESSION 1, E. G. R,. Glenelg. 50 acres. ,Wcll- fenced, good buildings, two small orchards, and good spring and well. Also Lots 2 and 3 of 15, COD. 1 W.G R.‘ Bentinck, 100 ac- res; 60 acres cleared, and 40 acres of good bush. These Drapertics will be sold together or separ- ately, and on terms to suit pur- chaser. For further particulars apply to Wm. chgette. Rocky Saugeen, Durham P.O. 6-2tf LOT 21, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OF Egremont, containing 106 acres about 10 acres hardwood bush, 0 acre» swamp timbered, the rest clear; barn 30x50, stable 30x40. Orchard 1 acre, watered by 2 wells and spring. Put of purchase money can remain on mort age. For particulars apply Wiliam Endlev. Orchard. Ont. foo ACRE FARM ON THIRD cox; Re E. 1-2 Section 19, Township 39, Range 177 W. an__M. Water.â€"A fine spring creek runs along tne East side, and cuts off the North-east corner of the half section. Water can also be easiiy obtained in wells almost anywhere in the neighborhood. The low land near the stream furnishes ex- ce1_1‘ent_ha_y_ Aan_d pasturqge, Western Lands For Sale Wood.â€"-This is convenient and plentiful for fuel. A few miles distant good building timber can be got, and also timber large enpugh fo_r pawingï¬ntq lumber: (himâ€"Fish are-Abundant in the lakes, and game in the woods and on the Lakes. If the aforesaid land is not what i buyer wants, I have several other sections at my disposal, some quite close to a railwya station. and other: entirely free from Icrnb ..-W L. DIXON, Dromore. Ontario. .2330 mï¬HO’DONf‘IEFLL PRoPERTY near Grand Trunk station. Ap- r†ply to A. R. Jackson. 4.7:: IIX ROOMED HOUSE AND TEN acres of land in the town of Durham. On premises are good ‘ ig pen, hen house and stable. ill rent house without land, if1 desired. Apply to John Mottatt.: Durham. 3.17.“ 3 BOARDING HOUSE WITH SMALLi grocery store attached; also liv-‘ cry and feed barn in connection. Immediate possession given. This! is a snap for someone, as theI owner is going out of business, For particulars apply to Wm.. Linnell, Summerberry, Sask. 847p; Sonâ€"The soil is dark and deep, rich with vegetable matter, and. in short, is a strong clay soil that 196 not too heavy to be easily work- 6 . General.-This is a very de- uirable property, sioping gradual- ly to the creek, the greater part of the farm commanding a fine View of the surrounding country. It is surrounded by prosperom and progressive farmers, one of whom has a fine steam threshin; outfit, and steam plough. There in a little scrub on the farm, but nothing to 1m: t. Many consider a little scrub an indication of great- er richness in the soil. Anything else you may require to know, I will bepleased to supply on re- sue-ts I WILL BE-TT ABERâ€"DEEN EV cry Wednesday. the balance of the winter to measure and pay {or all sawlogs delivqed‘ there 00D BRICK RESIDENCE ON Lambton Street. Durham, oppo- site the Methodist parsonage. One of the nicest situated prop- erties in Durham. In good state a! repair. Will sell on reason- able terms to quick buyer. Ap- ply on premises to T. Moran. 4.7 cessio-n of Glonelg, N.D.R., lots 15 and 16. This farm is well water- ed, and has gc ad buildings erect- ed thereon, good land, and an excellent opportunity for the right man. For further particu- lars, apply on the premises to A. Ford, Bunessan. 12 31.10tf The highest price paid for all “night, sound logs of all kind of timber. Custom sawing an ohtnzles done early in the spring. â€"N. McIntyre. May 31-0 For Sale _or Rent. Adv-mounts «1 on.: inn, 0! It... 25 cent.- for Int trunion, and 10 on“ for each uboeqmt Mica. Over one inch ad under two inches, double tho above mount. Yearly rates on lpp’k‘tlon Farms for Sale. For Sale. To Rent. SMALL ADS. la 6. Huï¬on. "I Do. c. â€O FFIFE. TELFORD’S BLOCK UP . stairs, Lambton Street. Residence-â€" Corner Qmeu and Gear 9 Streetsâ€"North o! Methodist Church (__fli_0.0_ bong-9.1] ;mZHZL‘i-‘ojini. 77-9 mm. Telephone Nofjb' U animals treated on most. snientifâ€" ic principles. All calls promptly attended in. Ofï¬ce and residence, Garafraxa Street. Durham. nearly 0p- pnsite the Chronicle Ofï¬ce. 62310 JFGRANTWDDB.LD8 [lONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- of Toronto. Graduate Boys College Dental Surgeons ofOntario Dentistry in all its Branches 015a). -â€"()aldel Block over Post Oflic» D (Jï¬ice. nearly opposite the Regiétry' (Mice, Lambton :t.,Durham. ADY:1(D0IID‘.' .f munev to !oan amt 5 per cent. on fun orcmertv. , I U veymwvr, Notary Public r:. mey tn Innn on farm property. In- :unmce effected, life or ï¬re. Ofï¬m: over Standard Bank. Durham. Ont. [L stxuctm- on piano and m-gzm. 1‘»: my on appIiv ttion at her residence. (1 uafmxn Stwvt. Duxhzuu. 'l Tenders opened at the Midd-augh House, Durham, on Monday, Aug- I_1_at_15th, 1910. \A [ flee in the New Hunter Block. 050: lOlfl'B, 8 to 10 a. m.. to 4 p. m. and 7 m9 3. m. Specie! attention given to disease» if women and children. Residence op )mite Preebvterian Church. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of I. Traynor, Township Engineer, in Dundalk, or at the residence of the undersign- ed, Lot 50, C011. 3. East of Gara- ‘fraxa Road, Glenelg, on and after Friday, August 5th, 1910. EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE Ofï¬ce: .18, Fwst 9*... Owen Bunnd. J er, Conveyam-er‘ c. lnsurauo. Agent. Money :0 Loan. Issuer nt Mm tinge Licenses A general ï¬nancial bug: 11838 tranvmted. DR. BURT. an Auteunt Roy. London Ophthalmic Hoe 833.. and to Golden Sq. Thrmt and Non Hon SPECIALIS T s Dr. 0.8. Craig, D.V.S.. V.S.V.D. [\ISEASES OF DOMESTIUATED Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J, J. Hunter’n Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. U York and Chicago. Discou- ol Eye. Eu Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd iatuuhv in each mouth. Hours-lâ€"ï¬ p.m. J. RUDD MATHEWS, MARKDALE Ont.. Licensed Auctioneer for '.he County of Grey. __Sales at- Sealed tenders, marked “tenders for Bridge,†\Will be received by the undersigned for the erection of a re-inforced concrete bridge over the Saugeem River on the Concession Line between Lots 57 Concessions 2 and 3, east of the Garafraxa Road in the Township of_Gle_nelg in_the County _o~f Grey. Ors. Jamieson Maclaurin. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A . short distance east of Knapp’a Hotel. Lamb ton Street. Lower Town, Durlnn. 0mm hours from 12 to 2 o’clock Tenderé’will be receivéd {or tlie work complete. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF flee in the New Hunter Block. 00: OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION . or, Qmweyanvyn c_. Insurapco TO THE PERSON WHO WILL furnish information which will lead to the recovery of 5 stray yearling cattleâ€"2 steers, lgrey, and 1 red, with a little white; and 3 heifers, 1 gray and 2 mostly redâ€"all “marked with leather tag attached by two pig rings in lower part of left ear, near the head.â€"James Findlay, Markdale. 7286p FISHING. HUNTING. OR TRES- passing is strictly forbidden on Lots 47, 48. and 49. Con. 3. N D.R'. Glenelg. Parties found so doing will be prosecutedâ€"W. J Mc- Farlane, J. Collier. T. Ritchie 3m 6-2-3111 nded torat reasbnable terms. Arrangements may ,be made a: the Chronicle office, Durham ARRISTEI., L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG RADULATE of London, New I'l‘A 1R\\[N, MUS [(‘AL IN- (Successm- to W'. F. Dmm) ARRISTER, SULICITOR, CON- DURHAM ONT. (Luwar Town.) VVater! VVater! Licensed Auctioneer Tenders Wanted Arthur Gun, M. D. Musiazl Din/don» Medical Directorv. Dental Directory Lem! “Director? A. H. Jackson. $5.00 Reward "111.1101“, Deputy-Reeve o! Glenelg J. P. Telford. A. C. Grant Notice. SULICITOR. ETC Nb'v; 8th, lyrpd. Mrs. ’T. Cowan and baby, and Frankie Burnett, from your town, and Miss Pauline .Cowan and Miss Florence Wilson, from London, visited on Friday at the farmer’s aunt’s, Mrs. J. W Blyth. The lat- ter two remained over night ,amd attended the garden party at Mr. James Tucker‘s, Cam. Lauder, from Hanover, came home on Saturday, and spent Sunday at the parental home. Mrs. 'Gra'nt. ‘sr., who «has been; so very sick with pneumonia, is, we are glad to say, getting better. Mrs. G. is an old lady of 82 years, and a disease of the above kind is very hard om an old pore/om; and her recovery goes to show the skillfulness of Dr. Jamieson and son Brad. The Wolmans’ Institute of the Durham branch met at the home of Mrs. RJ Allen on Thursday last, and there was a goodly num- ber present. They had a very pleasant and profitable time. Mrs. Blyth gave a talk on cheese mak- ing, “which all seemed to enjoy. Mrs. Robinson, and daughter, Dorothy, lfrom Toronto, visited for the week or so with the for- mer’s brothers, R.J. and Nelson Edean. Mrs. R. was formerly Miss Hattie Edam. The annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Durham Furniture Company, Limited, will be held at the office of the Com- pany on Friday evening, August, 12th, at 8 o’clock, for the purpose of receiving the auditors’ report, for election of Directors for cur- rent year, and .for any business that may properly come before the meeting. This meeting is also called for considering and sanctioning a by-law lor the increasing of the capital stock of the Company. By Order, A. H. JAQKSON, The «garden party held at the home of Mr. James Tucker 0‘] Fri- day night last was well attended from our burg, and all were. well pleased that they had gone. Rev. Mr. Deller conducted his first sacramental service in Varne‘y on Sunday last. His subject for next Sunday \\ 111 be “The Father- hood of Godâ€.. and on the {0110“- ing Sunday he will conduct a flower childrens’ serx‘ice, when the church will be decorated for the occasion, and the children take. part. Come. Miss May Pollock has been spending a few weeks’ holidays with her‘ parents here. Under and by virtue of the pro- visions contained in a certain Deed of Assignment for the benefit of Creditors. made_by one Edward Cauley to the undersigned, dated the 24th day of June, A. D., 1910, there will be offered for sale 0'1 the premises, consisting of part of Lot 15, Concession 3, W.G.R. in the Township of Bentinck. in the County of Grey, the saw and shingle mill, with all the tools belonging to same, together with all other personal property of the said Edward 'Cauley, cover- ed by the said Deed of Assignment. I A very severe thunder .s‘torm passed over this locality on Wed- nesday evening, and about half past five, lightning struck Mr. F. Ball’s house, coming down the chimney, tearing the plaster off. and knocking the pictures off the :wall, but that was not the worst. as Mr. and Mrs. Ball were in the room, and both were knocked down. Mrs. Ball, not being hurt so badly, came to herself ffirst, when she saw her husband lying on the floor, as she thought, dead. She raln out and called for the neighbors; then she thought she would try some cold water, and after bathing and rubbing for nearly half an hour, he came too, but he Was very badly shocked. and although he is able to go’ a- round, still feels the effect-3 of it, his back, one :hand and his tongue being injured. I tell you they had a very close call. I Sale will be held on Friiiay the: 26th August 1910, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon- Terms of saleâ€"Cash. Dated August 9th 1910. W.M. McMitchell, H. Hunt, Auctioneer. Assignee. Ngtice of Annual Fleeting A good number from Varney at- tended the Knox garden party on Tuesday night of last week, and enjoyed themselves very much. Rev. Mr. Deller, of Varney, assist- ed them in their programme. Miss Jennie Allen, from Toron- to, came home an Saturday night, July 3lst, to be present at our picnic. We were all glad to see her again. She will remain for a couple of weeks. The Vamey picnic is a thing of the past agai‘l. It was held on Monday, August lst, in Blyth’s bush. and was a grand success. A large crowd, and they all seem- ed to enjoy themselves immensely, especially the children. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Caldwell, of Auction Sale Vamey. TIIE DURHAM CHRONICLE Secretarry. If your liver is alu gish and out of tone, and you fee dull, bilioua, consti ated. take a dose of Chum erlain’a Stomach and Liver Tablets togglght before retiring. The trustees of our section adver- tised in the Daily Globe for a. teacher and got five applicants, four males and one female, which would go to show that the higher salaries being paid is inducing the male p0 nlation into the ranks again. One 0 those nppl ing had taught for 20 years and two at era 10 years. The salaries asked ranged all the way from 8450 to $550, but be fore their applications had been ro- ceived Miss Hutton had been engaged. Dysentry is a dangerous? disease but can be cured. Chamberlain‘s Colic, Cholera and, Diarrhoea Rem- edy has been successfully used, in nine epidemics of dysentry. . It has never been known to fail. It is equally valuable rfor children and adults, and when reduced with wa- ter and sweetened, it is pleasant to take. Sold by all dealers. The annual garden party under the auspices of the Knox Church Y. P. h. C. E†was a sp undid success. The. night being exceedingly favorable alaigecrowcl turned out to spend a fr w hour-i of social chat and enjoy the spicy programme which had been pre- pared. Slrrtly after 7 o’clock the Durham Baud arrived and shortly afterwards strm I: up one of their live- ly airs which seemed to stir up the frolheksome spiritof the. human form and was much appreciated. In the absent-e. of our pastor Rev. Mr. Ken- dal the chair was ocrnpied by Mr. “'m. Allan in his usual olf-haud way. The pastor of the. Varney Methodist (-hurcn was present and assisted Very creditahly with the programme render- ing a ronple of songs in Very good stvle as well as a mouth organ selec- tion. Miss Mahel Mead sang,r very sweetly “Put, on your old gray bonnet†which was much appreciated but was shamefully interrup'ed by a gang of young tonghs from Durham, by their jo ning in the chorus. Itis no pleasure for us in saying so. but really Mr. Ed. for a gang of ill behaved yomhs. Dur- ham cau send out a hunch hard to heat. The way a 'numher of them carried on was shocking to say the least. The Durham Brass Band reu- dered a number of ï¬ne pieces which were greatly enjoyed by the large Crowd. Proceeds at the gate at the small entrance fee of IOC and 15c, amounted to over $32.00 and the booth did a thriving business which would amount to as much or more. The party broke up about 11 o’clock, the band playing the National Anthem. For an out air meeting nothing can beat the hand. Mr. Fred Bell who has Mr. Samuel (Jaldvs'ell’s farm rented haul a miracu- lous escape as well as his wife during the severe thunderstorm which passed over thiasection on Thursday night. A bolt of liohtning struck the house stunning 1\ ° and Mrs. Ball. the for- luer’s mouth was so haply burned that he had to go to the Dr. The house did not suffer much from the effects. Mr. and Mrs. .Wm. Wright, of Chesley, visited over Sunday with their brother-in-law, Mr. James McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Dave COOper, of your town, visited the latter’s aunt Mrs. J.W.. Blyth, on Sunday, and attended church at Varney. The strike that hasheen on for the past two weeks on the G3 T.R.., affects bwsiness on every hand. Mr. Seim, who is getting goods shipped every day, was boumd to keep the stock complete, so had the goods shipped C. P.R.., and teamed them from Durham. It is a good thing the strike is over. The people of the Varney church will ’hold their annual garden party on Friday .night, Amgust 12, at Dr. Leeson’s, just south of Var- .ney, when an excellent vocal and instrumental pro-gram will be given, and also the Durham band will be present to enliven the evening. / Refreshments will be sold on the ground, and a good time is looked for. Come and c-nâ€" joy a pleasant night with the. people of Varney, and they will use you well. Admission to grounds, only the small sum of 100. the 2nd of Normanby, visited last week With the .former’s brother, Rev. Henry Caldwell, of Allenford. Blyth’s Corners. warfléel in 'aighi'iii Sold by all dealer» Oh say what has happened the sleeves of Bert’s red cardigan jacket? Mr John Barbour returned from Manitoulin, twhere he spent a Miss Angeline Davis of Snugeen Valley is visiting Mrs. Jaw. Whitmure of Poplar Place. Mr. Wm. Fallaise who has been sick from the early spring, is getting better. Mr. Chas. Kennedy of Bunehsnn had a ï¬ne drove of sheep over to the Mc- Kechnie ranch Saturday last. Mr. Thos. Davis and family took in the garden pen-Ly at Mr. J as. Tucka of Egreumnt. Uh say wasn't it cold and dark! Miss Lizzie Ritchie of the 2nd can is visiting Mr. Andrew Ford. Mrs. John Staples and her daughter Miss Jennie and Mr. \Valtm- Ball of Darkie’s Corners. were out berry pick- ing at Saugeen Valley one day last week. The people of this neighborhood are through with their hay and fall wheat harvest. Misses Hand and Kate Whitumre of Tomato are spending a few pleasant holidays ut their old home here. Mr. McGregor formerly of Durhum. preached at the central :1, week ago Sunday. Misses Margaret and Annie MacGril- livmv of 'l‘m-nnto are visiting at. Mr. Neil MacGlllivray’s. Miss Annie MacGillivray is laying in town for a short time. Mrs. Robt. Gregor of Mt. Forest and Mrs. J. Each-s of Dronmre visited their sister Mrs. G. A. Watsun on Sunday. The Misses Davis of Snngeen Vallev visited the Whitmure family on Sun- day. Mrs. J. Andrewa of town spent the lattm' part of last; week in the neigh- burhood. As a report has already appeared on the marriage. of Mr. Rubi. \Vhitmore tn Miss Pearl Hopkins we’ll any noth- ing more than to extend our very best. wishes to the happy young couple and may their lives ever shine with a radiance of happiness and prosperity. Mr. Duncan McNahh purchased a now horse from Mr. \V. MacFarlane one day last. week. _ Mr. Andrew M. Bell visited Mr. Geo. Cmig one day last week. Miss Ida Davis who was visiting the pa rvntnl home left for the Queen City Mond'ty afternoon. Miss Irene \Vatwu spent a few days in town last week. Mrs. Geo. Penny, of California, who was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nichol, is going to Toronto for a few days this week. She 'Will return again shortly, and remain for several weeks before leaving .for home Be sure and take a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with you when starting on your trip this summer. It cannot be obtained ont board the trains or steamers. Changes of water and climate often cause sud- den attacks of diarrhoea, and it is best to be prepared. Sold by all dealers. Miss Lottie Brown of Toronto re- tulued home fur a few weeks’ visit with her parents and friends here. The garden party under the auspices 01f St. .Paul’s church, held in Mr. Tucker’s orchard on Friday evening last, ‘was a grand sauc- cess. The Regimental Band gave the program, and all were highly delighted, with their music. The attendance was fully ahead of for- mer years, and the total proceeds will amount to nearly (fifty doi- lars. Mr. 'Wm. Groat, of Egremo'nt, had a thoroughbred Clydesdale mare killed by lightning in the storm of Wednesday last, and Mr. Ball’s house was struck by light- ning the same evening, rendering Mr. Ball unconscious :for am hour or more, but we are pleased to report that ‘he is recovering, tho†not ‘fully well yet. Mr. Stanley and Miss Mabel Mead were at Chealey last Wed- nesday to attend the marriage of their umcle, Mr. Isaac 'Sirra. who joined heart and hand with a lady of that town, and started for his home in Unity, Sask., w'hich mav be regarded as their honeymoon trip. Mr. Bert. ‘Willis, of Durham, is beautifying the school with a coat of paint. THE S'D‘WDARD BANK OF CANADA A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Spool-l Attention Given to Small Account! Savings MW at all Inn-hon Corner Conce: McWilliamsville. Saugeen Valley. , that! on .ppflouton to (to oflim. A “vent-omens. a ensure hum-Hon t! mt- weok. should bebnum in not interdi- llozma! at 6 p. m. (“"313 Far "0|!de IdH'flmcamfl. ‘ a†can: pol linv {nr tbr inn W t. 0 - “on; 300.“ per Inw ruck all. (not imam: nillo- Imam. l’mfm undo. not Win an inch MW [m' anal! Adm-“ witty-u «Mac dzxwuum '11! he "mum an lorlnd ud drape mama; Mutnoflmâ€"“usmmï¬om " Fm M. “-4†DOM-a for It“ iuurflou. 86 mm: ï¬t an) «Mum insertion. An advoriocnum «mind by mw-n II" In add for in udvuoa. 4931:?!“ mg... for yes-nay .dvmtunmelu ï¬ll n0 0 . . k can Itâ€! F‘Ut‘lhl with. J b NB' Pl.yUAIm.§fl:ufl1n‘b DOWN“ may... mug; out ï¬rst†BUWPM Tim 0.12051ch “:21 m not. I!!! “I‘NII. that of {mum m 8“- . . 81eryoaxxpoyuuh-iudm 41.50 any be ohsrgvd i! not no pan. The“. M which every nbmriptinu in pam 15 «It-DUN†.0 number-u ï¬ne mm: [aha]. 5.. ,‘nkm (HI- owlmud to all arm" an paid, «amp nth M “the prom-lunar. IS PUNJBUID EVERY THURSDAY NURSING It the Chronlolc Hhflng House. Gamfmi 8troct. Pumas from $2 unward. SHOP Open every ufternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop. orlv “tended to. MW. [1. COMM and Funeral Director\ THE DURHAM EHBUN Future Framflg on Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron F ing; Brass, Brass Lin. and Iron Cylinders. A. BELL U N DE RTAKER W D, CONNOR Full line of Catholic Robe-n. and bloc-k and white Cape for aged people. THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA DURHAM. ONT., A Bank Pass-Book is a ï¬rst. class start on the road to in- dependence, if not wealth. The money is not tied up either, for you can draw out what you want at anytime without delay or bother. every hour, day and night, On your deposits in the Saving. Bank Department of the Traders Bank. In time the interest amounts to as much as the original savings, thus doubling your saving power. SHOW Rl‘bOXB-â€"-Next tn Swalmwe Barber Shop. stnnsxrrzâ€"Nen door South of \V. J. Lawrence’! bleslnith lhnp. M about you! fond Emma up P-m'n 1 m m Embulming a Specialty DURHAM. ONT Msnuï¬cturer at And Dealer in W. IRWIN Interest Accumulate: Aug. 11, 1910 ' I Special attemmn (u l ndcrtthn; mm“~ms‘ mom '«omooooo Wummwo SPECIAL PRICES TU Farmers in Tun Luu BUY NOW and SA \‘I M. .\ We hive It‘ll about two .4“. d ‘iled Grain (l‘al'lvy A,†M) or hand um m. m. The MCGOW “.0 repuirs {HI' [hr H Scales. Ba i I) \Va‘u ms London and Benny ll Spreads. Brudlm MAS S E \ lmpleme EDWARD KRESS GIVEN Announ Worship as Plumbers. t MI TInImiths. .- . \\ M and all “the-1 n “N of public patmnsgw a Beautiful Arm ,ID BugfliPh and ('ul'l Binder 'l‘wim 11,1910 Come In and will save you mum “'9 are sole ugvnu lwbine. and haw the hrtted make. which we ll “'13 are carrying : Floor Uilclntbs. which “'61 \Vith ewry purvh FREE 0: handsome Solid Mission at yle. These Ron RUGS AND F New Williams E mm supply ER NA nude-reissue l I» menu an ï¬ngn l MM'hill'TS "F. Sa wvm \l 89.9 (W U M