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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Aug 1910, p. 3

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NADA Pumas from $2 unwell. SHOP 3; un awry aftenwnoon Al. :Ii 'r \thV 3 promptly tad prop- ~'r.'-. W11 iro. /\_. W. D. 00“” W D. CONNOR Funeral Director Pumps of all 1111163. Galvanized and Iron P mg: “lass .Brass Lin A. BELL [N DE RTAKER ,horized at all Branches. THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA ](31NT_ACCOUNf It saves the danger of keeping much money ::1 the house, as th. wit-c can draw whatever 15 needed for the week’. cxpcnscs while the bus. band is at work. Either can depositâ€"either can draw out cash. In“ 3-45 3°. 99¢" a in the Savings Bank Department. II also a! RIO-O I“ Brunt a and A is a convenient featur. of the Traders Bank Saw ngs Department. thzzlming a Specialty DURHAM. ONT. CHRONICLE Shaufacturer oi And Dealer in - \V. IRWIN .m .\ V l) PunPRlK’l‘Oll eB-ZAM. ONT., Reserve Fund w! p stocked wflh O V YIN!" ”an! am” .. m “mm“ out mu :mmg notice, Hw Hr Hut". and him-t m f. n- amxl peoplo. BANK and H!» \ Y MORNING 1; {lat} House, Own/Mu Hill: at who-rung“ . "'U 391» for ‘h. ‘ h. ‘OIIO {or {in 0“. “I” " manure. Prof“ ‘. :aoh $4.“) per “I '. «yuan. (“rm-O um «~th on. " 700‘." "F- | .nA Izuu 3‘ 0.3- for d 5 a r .mi in Jun. f HUB wpztid.1h... s... I pm! admoun '0‘ \fHL x. ' 9 are paid m Jul: at. y m! var-noun. M '9'! and by :- Van's-(m MI ‘I Draught in no! In.“ .wat to Swallow. Masmumâ€"Nm W. J. Lawranco'l 1‘1“!) N111! f‘o‘u 0! W? h pug. lbllh m will ha “‘4. ! Special attention to Undertaking Show-rooms next door to Post Office ‘ ~“mmmm~m mo... m0... mou-momoommmo OOOOOOOOOOOOWOM 0000000 ”mmmw m mm é Beautiful Arm Rocking Chairs i GI IV E N A w A Y ””0”. 3.... .77??? $+Ix+t++ .v: $+it+++z+++++++++++++x+ 3 S. SCOTT The MCGOWAN MILLING C0. We have still about two can of Mixed Grain (Barley nod peas» on hand that we are grinding for feed. and any per' mm wanting any feed. it will pay them to buy it now ‘8 the prire will be higher later . . . . SPECIAL PRICES TO Farmers in Ton Lots HI'Y N0 \V 3nd SAVE MONEY EDWARD KRESS 18,1910 W'ith every purchase of 330.00 we will give sway FREE at handsome Solid Oek Rocking Chair, finished in Mission style. These Rockers ere the very newest design. Come in and see our stock before buying, and we will save you money. We are 9010 agent. for the New Williams Sewing Machine. and have the vow lute". models of this cele- brated make, which we are soiling at rock bottom prices. \Ve are carrying a very large stock of Rugs and Floor Uilcloths, which we are selling at very close prices. RUGS AND FLOOR OILCLOTHS New Williams Sewing Machines \Ve km-p always in stock a large assortment of Blankets, All-wool Sheeting, Tweeds, Yarns and general Dry Goods and Groceries. BIG VALUES IN TEA Cal-ding and Spinning attended to promptly Furniture and Upholstering loglucrodkkob Roy Rollod Oats Gamsraxa 8t. Chase had been up nearly all of the night, fearful lest the islanders should } seize the opportunity to scale the walls under cover of the tempest. All through the night he had been poso sessed of a spirit of wild bravado. a glorious exaltation. He was keeping watch over her, standing between her and peril, guarding her while she slept. His thoughts. however, did not con- . template the princess fair in a state of j wretched insomnia. with himself as the disturbing element. 9 “Ah, the ficklety of women!” he sighed. “There’s a new word for you. Selim-ficklety.” It was far past midday when he heard from Rasula. He had seen the princess but once, and then she was walking briskly, wrapped in a rain coat, followed by her shivering dogs and her. two Rapp-Thorberg soldiers. Somehow she failed to see Chase as he sanntered hungrily, almost imploro ingly. across the upper terrace. in plain view. Perhaps, after all. it was not the weather. We have reason to suspect that you were right in your suspicions. The gold- en plate has been found this day in the cave below the chateau, just as you have said. This much of what you have charged against Jacob von Blitz seems to be borne out by the evidence secured. Last night there was an attempt to rob the vaults in the company's bank. Again I followed your advice and laid a trap for the men engaged. They were slain in the struggle which followed. 1 have to in- form you, sir. that your charge against Jacob von Blitz does not hold good in the case of the bank robbery. Therefore I am impelled to believe that you may have unjustly accused him of being im- plicated in the robbery of the treasure chests. He was not among the bank thieves. There were but three of themâ€" the Boer foremen. Jacob von Blitz came up‘liiinself and joined us in the fight against the traitors. He was merciless in his anger against them. You have said that you will testify against him. Sir. I have taken it upon myself to place him under restraint notwithstanding his ac- tions against the Boers. He shall have a fair trial. If it is proved that he is guilty. he shall pay the penalty. We are Just peeple. ‘ Sir, we. the people of Japat. will take you at your word. We ask you to appear against the prisoner and give evidence in support of your charge. He shall he placed on trial tomorrow morning at 10 CHAPTER XXV. run raw. or vou nu'rz. HE next morning found the weather unsettled. There had been a fierce storm during the night. and a nasty mist was blowing up from the sea. Deppingham kept to his room. although his cold was dissipated. He looked for her at breakfast time. . They usually had their rolls and cof- fee together. When she did not ap- pear he made more than one pretext to lengthen his own stay in the break- fast room. “She's trying to forget yesterday." he reflected. Selim came to him in the midst of his reflections. hearing a thick. rain soaked envelope. ""_' '-â€"'â€"â€" â€"-â€"-_' Tw' “Certainly, Lady Deppingham. They are expecting me." “Don’t be foolhardy, Chase. They will kill you like a rat!" exclaimed Deppingham. “Oh. no, they won’t." said the other confidently. “They’ve given their prom- ise through Rasula. Whatever else they may be. they hold a promise ea- vâ€"wâ€" v.-â€" “Selim. you must not forget that you are a gentleman. That was most un- gallant. But I suppose you got them ?” Rasula’s messenger came to the gates and announced that he had a letter for Mr. Chase. Rasula had this to say: “It was found. excellency, inside the southern gate, and it is meant for you," said Selim. Chase gingerly slashed open the envelope with his fruit knife. He laughed ruefully as he read the simple but laborious message from Jacob von Blitz: “Where are your warships all this time? They are not coming to you ever. Goodby. You got to die yet too. Your friend, Jacob von Blitz. And my wives too." Chase stuffed the blurred. sticky let- ter into his pocket and arose to stretch himself. “There’s something coming to you. Jacob." he said, much to the wonder of Selim. “Selim, unless I miss my guess pretty badly. we’ll be having a message. not from Garcia, but from Rasula before long. How are my ciga- rettes holding out?" “They run low, sabib. Neenah has given all of hers to me for you. excel- lency, and l have demanded those of the wives of Von Blitz." “No, sahib. They refused to give them up. They are saving them for Mr. Britt.” said Selim dejectedly. is taken by people in tropi- cal countries all the year round. It stops wasting and keeps up the strength and vitality in summer as well Brodney’s The Man Copyright. ”08. by Md. Mud By GEORGE BAR M'GUIGHEON from THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “I would not take you among them for all the world. You forget. Neither of us would come back.” “Neither of us?" she said slowly. “I wouldn’t come back without you.” he said quietly, earnestly. She under- stood. “Goodhy! Don‘t wary about me. I am in no danger." “Goodby.” she said. the prince- once more. “I shall pray for you with all my .0111.” She gave him, her hand. “I was unhappy because you had for- saken me.” be said gently. “You are braveâ€"you are wonderful! But I can’t take you down there. I know what will happen if they find him guilty. Goodby, dear one. l’ll come back-â€" surely I’ll come back. Thank you for sending me away happy.” “Won’t you let me go with you?” she asked after a long, penetrating look into his eyes. Depplngham. “Oh. no, they won’t," aald the other confidently. “They’ve given their prom- lse through Rasula. Whatever else they may be. they hold a pmmlse u- cred. They know I’ll come. If I don’t they'll know that I am a coward. You wouldn’t have them think 1 am a cow- and would you. Lady Depplngham?” The next morning he coolly set forth for the gates, scarcely thinking enough of the adventure to warrant the mat- ter of fact goodbys that he bestowed upon those who were congregated to see him off. His heart was sore as he strode rapidly down the drive. Go- nevra had not come down to say fare- well. As he turned into the tree lined ave- nue near the gate a slender young wo- man in a green and white gown arose from a seat in the shade and stepped a pace forward. opening her parasol quite leisurely as he quivkened his steps. Her eyes gleamed brightly. and she was breathing as one who has run swiftly. “You are determined to go down there among those men ?" she demand- ed. the smile suddenly giving way to a look of disapproval. She ignored his hand. “By heaven.” he muttered, strangely vexed with her, “I fancy she means it. She’s bent on showing me my place. But she might have come down and wished me good luck. That was little enough for her to do. Ah. well!” he sighed, putting it away from him. “Certainly," he said after the mo ment of bewilderment. “Why not? I -â€"I thought you had made up your mind to let me go without aâ€"a word for good luek.” She found great diffi- culty in meeting the wistful look in his eyes. “You are good to come down here to say 'goodby. We're almost strangers again." “I did not come down to say goodby.” she said. Her lips trembling ever so slightly. “I don’t understand,” he said. “I am going with you into the town- as a witness." she s:1ld,and her fad: wont pale at the thought of it. “Why not. Mr. Chase?” She tried to speak calmly. but she was trembling. After all, she was a slender, helpless girlâ€"not an amazon! “1 saw and heard everything. They won’t believe you unsupported. They wen’t harm me. 1f I swear to them that what you say is true they”â€" “I’m happy again!" he cried. “It’s all right with me now." She withdrew her band on the instant. “No. no! It isn’t that." she said. her eyes narrowing. "Don’t misinterpret my coming here to say that 1 will go. It isn’t becauseâ€"no. it isn’t that!" “Genevra.” he cried. “you-you would do that?" Her hand was on his arm now, trem- bling. eager, yet charged with fear at the prospect ahead of her. He clasped the little hand in his and quickly lifted It to his lips. o'clock. On my honor as a. men em 3 bellever I assure safety to you while you ere among us on that occasion. I. Be.- eule, will meet you at the gates and will conduct you back to them in safety. It you are a. true man, you will not evade “Well, it looks as though Von Bill: has spiked your guns.” said Depping- ham. “The dog turns against his con- tedemtes and saves his own skin by killing them. " “In any event." said Browne, “you spoiled his little game. He loses the treasure, and he didn’t get into tht- vaults. Raaula should take than points ipto consideration." “He iron‘t forget them, rest tented. That's why I’m sure that he'll at. my word atthetrlal uagamstthatot Von Blitz." said Ohm. "Youâ€"you don’t mean to say. Mr. mr'cmdmmvflemd. At last Selim uttered a shout of Joy. He forgot the deference due his bet- ters and unceremoniously dashed 01! toward the gates. followed by Neenah, who seemed possessed of wings. Chase was returning! They saw him coming up the drive, his hat in his hand. his white umbrella raised above his head. The eager. joy- ous watchers saw him greet Selim and his fluttering wife. They saw Selim fall upon his knees, and they felt the tears rushing to their own eyes. “Hurray!” shouted little Mr. Saun- ders in his excitement. Bowles and the three clerks joined,him in the ex- hibition. The princess was conscious of the fact that at least five or six pairs of eyes were watching her face. She closed her lips and compelled her eyelids to obey the dictates of a re- sentful heart. She lowered them until they gave one the impression of indo- lent curiosity, even indifference. All the while her incomprehensible heart was thumping with a rapture that knew no allegiance to royal conven- shade of the satinwoods. looking after him with eyes that grew wider and wider with the tears that weiied up from behind. Bonn went byâ€"slow. tortuous hours in which the souls of those who watched and waited for his return were tried to the utmost. Once there came to the ears or the watchers on the mountain side the sound of distant shouts. later the brief rattle of firearms. The blood of every one turned cold with apprehension. Every voice was stilled. every eye wide with dread. Neenah screamed as she fled across the terrace toward the drawbridge. where Selim stood as mo- tionless at a statue. Luncheon time passed. and again. as it drawn by a magnet. the entire household made its way to the front at the chateau. his medicine bravelyâ€"twelve leaden pills administered by as many skillful surgeons. But it is yet too early to congratulate yourselves on your free- dom. Rasula has promised to kill all of us, whether we deserve it or not." “They shot him?" deman ed Dep- pingham when he had finish . “Admirably. By Jove, those fellows can shoot! They accepted my word against hisâ€"which is most gratifying to my pride. One other man testified against himâ€"a chap who saw him with the Boers not ten minutes before the attempt was made to rob the vaults. Rasula appeared as counsel for the de- fense. Merely a matter of form. He knew that he“ was guilty. There was no talk of a new trial; no appeal to the supreme court. Britt; no expense to the community." He was as unconcerned about it u if discussing the most trivial happen- ing of the day. Von Blitz lived not ten minutes after sentence was passed. “As to their intentions toward us." said Chase. “they are firm in their de- termination that no one ahall leave the chateau alive. Ramla was quite frank with me. Be is a cool devil. He calmly notified me that we will all be dead inside of two week. No ship. will put in here so long 1: the ohm The princess was followed by her two Rapp-Thorberg soldiers. It was cold and lifeless. Be pres-oil n warmly and went quickly any. leav- A few minutes later be was among them, listening. with his cool. half satirical smile. to their protestations of lay and relief. “Nonsense," he said in his most dep- recating voice, taking a seat beside the princess on the railing and fanning himself lazily with his hat. to the mor- tification‘ of his body servant, who waved a huge palm leaf in vigorous adulation. “It was nothing. Just be- ing a witness. that‘s all. You'll find how easy it is when you get back to London and have to testify in the Skuggs will contest. Tell the truth. that's all." The princess was now looking at his brown face with eyes over which she had lost control. “Oh, by the bye,” he said, as if struck by a sudden thought. “it is my painful duty to announce to the Mesdames von Blitz that they are widows." “Yes." he went on solemnly. “Jacob is no more. He was found guilty by his judges and executed with com- mendable haste and pra-ixiou. He took There was a dead silence. The three women stared up at him. uncompre- bending. Continued an page 7. g 533 ACRES non Proton Shtion and .Suugeen Junction. (in. brick residence, 'splendid buns splendid soil. good water. 1orclurd c. Wm sell loos mm 025 u ,1ch. A burnin surely. Trunk Railway System to Cacouna. Que.; Charlottetown. P.I.I. Halifax. N.8.: Kenuebunkport. He. Murray Bay.Que.. North Sydney. 37.8. Old Orchard. Me.; Portland. Mo. St. John. N. 8.: St. John's N’fld. Sydney, N. 8.. will enable you to do so at small cost. Sailings daily except Friday and Sunday from Owen Sound. Special train from Toronto 1.00 p.n. sailing days. Meals and berth included on boat. The most pleasant and cheap- est route to Winnipeg . . . . R. HACFARLANE. Town Agent. Tickets Good Going August 8. 9. l0. ll Return Llullt August 30th “IE5” 91:1! EDGE Guant- affine no. . m: mun. In. Goon-39h. Mn ud An. Fm. 01.00 per month in slums. J P. TDLFOBD. c lulu [1. fl. MILLER The low rue excursions vis the Grand 1110!. ALLAH)!” I. I» Ch. Gaut- uh. on}- In no)“. lull-IO..- nu. Book-hoping .04 mm. M188 DONALDA “BEACH-I. M Guam of sun's unit-ma hut. bun. ranch. Indus. Anti-Io . Intending Itndoau ohould cot-t u the am of the term it poo-this. Bond .- Unod at movable luau. Durham 1- a I and waive town. mung It. a man do plnoecf rootdonoo. A HARDWARE and Tinsmitb Bud. ness.Grey Count . post. office in connection. Less than $10. will buy 40 acres of land. store nnd dwelling. bun. other {nine dwelling nnd 34.000 stock. GENERAL COUNTRY STORE (in miles from Durham; very chap. No msn vb; does business with H. Mill ~r is over satisfied to go olsswlm Our methods seem to plans. “Alwsys Prompt. -- Us"! Nu!“ Sailings of Passenger Steamers M ' ii. Juiuiafiafinz‘fifl" ‘â€" {bum work. The follow; “what 0.. on -L-__- Helm-go : CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE Trains will arrive and depart as fol- lows. until further notice:â€" Rud down Band II From Saruim to Soo. Port Arthur and Duluth every Monday, Wedneodn and Saturday st 3.3) p.m.: the W - neaduy and Saturday steamer- going through to Duluth Snilinga from Collinawood 1.3) sun. and Owen Sound 11.30 p.un.: Mondnyo. Wednno- days and Saturday. for S00 and Georgian Bay ports. Sailing from Penetang3.15 p.m.: to Parry Sound and way ports daily except Sundnyu. Tickets and full information from J. TOWN ER. Dept, Agent. ENJOY THE COOL BREEZES OF THE GREAT LAKES 235 ACRES close to Proton Stntion. brick dwellingfine large out-buildings windmill 8:42.; hcy, 2 tons to acre. cal $5.500. Knocks the sunshine 011’ A - berm. bargains. Lug. number of chap hm properties. 81D 3 13 8.33 8.83 3 52 4.03 4.17 4: II) LV. Wnlkorton Ar. 0.40 “ Maple Hill “ 9.27 “ Hanover " 0.1. “ Alba Put " I.” " Durh- “ 8.5? " loWU’iu-I " £41 “ Prioevllle “ 8.84 " Scum Jot " k. R. MACFARLANE. - Town A: MUSKOKA Money to Lend 3t Low Rates. Lands bought tad 301d. Debt.- coll Trains leave Durham nt 7.!) mm...‘ .60 p.m. Trains Irrive an Durham 3t 10.” A... [.50 p m.. and 8.55 p m. EVERY DAY Elm SUNDAY G. '1‘. Bell. J. D. McDannH. G. P. Agent, D. P. Agent. BEST SERVICE TO Ml. Land Hunts! Look HBIB H. H. MILLER The Hanover Conveyanccr DURHAM SCHOOL. “nook-db Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE All kinds of writings drum. Spend Your Vacation at the Seaside Four Train: from Toronto 9.40 on. l2.l5 p... 6.05 D... ID.” p... can AND “IUD J. Towgor. Ulla-mu pm. Train may: Duihun. “BREACH-I. M 0.17.“ . In”. D. tint-lea. Grunt- at that In: “mun. 17 “d An. than“ ant-r “ ‘50 male. Baud nah a. Durham to a “a king it . man do.“ I!“ 110

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