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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Aug 1910, p. 6

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Come to the Large Clearing Sale We are offering $10,000 stock of Summer Goods at greatly reduced prices, such as follows:â€" THOS. MCGRATH SUMMER FOOTWEAR Ladies” Vici Kid Oxfords pttent tip ............... Ladioo’ Vici Kid 0:, latest cut, patent tip .......... Ladioo’ Vici Kid Bluebers, Ladies’ Put. Kid Oxfords | Men’s English Kip Work- $2.00 inngoes. worth $350.. $2.50 These are but a few of the many lines we have on sale, so don't foil to see our stock before going elsewhere. As we sell nothing but Shoes. we devote all our interest to thst trade and therefore we stay by every pair we sell. Custom work and repairing promptly and carefully attended to Ladiu’Pat. Kid Oxfords pgtent tip ............... Ladies' Pat. Colt Oxfords 2yards long, 25 inches wide. pair ...................... 2.50 2; yds. long. 33 inches wide, pail ............ . ........... 50c 3 vardn lung, 30 inches wide, pail ........................ 700 3; yds. long. 50 inches wide, pair ........................ 90c 13; yda. long. 60 incbos ”wide, pair. “$1.00 Table Linen, 51 inches wide. Table Ollcloth, 45 in. Wide. yard ....................... 25c Floor Oilcloth, l and 2 yards wide. Large 301160 Smyrna Rugs at each ...................... 83.00 Infant’s, Childreno’ and Ladies’ Vests all prices W. H. BEAN Ha Sells Cheap HIGHEST PRICES PAID Lace Curtains BIG Calder-’3 Block OF $1.19 $1.85 $1.19 $2.65 $2.00 [5 made from selected winter wheat end is a superior article for making ‘ pastry. etc. AJl up-to-dabe flour and feed ana grocers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer dues not keep it come to the mill and we will use you right. Call us up by telephone No. 8. All kinds of Graig bought at la rke Goods delivered anywhere in towr. Chopping Done Every Day Special Reduction on Flour 1n 5 and 10 Bag Lots. Our pure Manitnha flour, made from No. 1 Manitoba wheat cannot be beat for either bakers or domestic use of Toronto, is an ueationably firat-clngs in .11 dqpartgonta Write to-dty for 6â€"1": Men’s Grain Walking Shoes, worth $3.00 for.. Men’s Tan Oxfords ...... Men’s PatentBlucher at Men’s Patent Oxfords. . . John McGowan PASTRY FLOUR FOR EGGS The Big ShoeStore $3.35 $3.50 $3.49 $2.45 $2.50 It is understood and agreed, that this agreement shall not become operative and binding upon the parties hereto, unless and .‘until the assent of the elect- ors of the said Town of Durham shall have been obtained to the passing of such By-law, and the same ‘shall .not have been made valid and bindin upon the said Corporation, an diuly legalized and confirmednas by Statute of nn‘A-Z- â€"â€" ‘â€" Company, in case the said Com- pany see fit to rebuild their fac- tory and continue their business on the same basis, as before, then and in such case, should the said Company so require, the said Corporation agrees to ap- ply the insurance monies receiv- ed from such loss in the work of reconstructing, and rebuilding the said factory, and .such monies when so applied, (shall be repay- able ”by the said Company to the said ’ Corporation, in the same' manner as the monies .hereinbe- .fore mentioned are repayable; I Corporatioa may so insure the said building‘s, plant, machinery, and stock in trade, and charge the moneys paid for premiums to the said Company and the. same .shall become a lieun or charge lupon the said lands. and be payable by the Said Company to the said Corporation with the then' next ensuing instalment falling due under the said mort- gage. »: Provided that in case of partial or total loss through tire, of the property of the said ue thereof, and not less than the amoumt due from time to time. to the said Corporation under the said mortgage, the loss, if any. to be payable to the said Corporation, and in default of the. Company so doing the said And the said Company agrecs to imsurc and kccp insured a- gainst loss or damage by fire, in insurance companies acceptable to and approved of by the (Yo-un- cil of the said Corporation, the buildings, plant, machinery, and stock in trade of the said Com- pany, to thc 1’11]! insurance vai- ‘-u a going concern then and in such case the moneys hereby so- curod, shall theroupon forthwith become due and payable. PROVIDED that in case the said Company shall become bankrupt or insolvent. or shall take 'the lmaeiit of any act that may be in force for bankrupt or insolvent debtors, or of any act respecting the winding up of joint stock Companies, or im any other 'way. or for any other cause shall cease operatiois as PROVIDED however and in making the said computation that the Company shall have the benefit of the general annual av- erage of employees, extending 2from the date of their commenc- ing operations as a going con- cern down to any specified year of the term for which a claim may be made by the said Corpor- ation under this clause of this agreement. AND the said Company agrees to .secure to the said Cor- poration, by a good and suffi- cient Mortgage upon the said lands and premises, plant and machinery, repayment of the said slum-of $20,000, without inter- est as follows;â€"The said sum of $20,000 to become due and pay- able i.n twenty equal consecutive annual instalments of $1000 each. the first of such instalments to become due and payable at the expiration of oneyear from the date of the payment over of the said sum of $20,000 by the said Corporation to the said Com- pany and one of the remaining: instalments on the same day of the wear. in each and every year, thereafte until payment in full of the said sum of $20,000; PROVIDED and in case the Company fail to employ the a- bove specified number of hands ffor any year during the contin- uance of this agreement, then and in such case, and in so far as they shall fail or be short in the number of .hands .so employ-v ed, the Company shall be liable for, and pay to the Corporation, as and for liquidated damages, such portion of the annual inter- est, calculated at the rate of Jive per centum per annum, as may be payable by the Corpora- tion :for the than current year, --v-- -V- v-‘v lllll I LUIICJIUL Jcal’ on the loan hereinbefore men- tioned, as would be proportion- ate to the number of hands for which the said Compamy may have (alien short or failed to employ umder this agreement. IN consideration whereof the said Company agrees to erect and construct on their lands, consisting of portions of Park lots .num ers four, five, and six, north of Lambton Street, in the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, within fifteen months from the date hereof, new, sub- stantial and suitable buildings, as and for a furniture factory, and furnish and equip the same fully and completely with the most modern and {up to date ma- chinery necessary and proper for the full and efficient manufac- ture of furniture, at an expendi- ture of not less than fifty thous- and dollars, and have the «same completed and in Operation with- in the period of fifteen months from the date hereof; AND the said "Company agrees upon the erection and completion of the said furniture factory to employ on am average each year after the first year for and during the term of twenty years hereafter, at least one hun- dred persons in and about the said :factory, and to maintain and operate the said :factory with said number of one hundred. em- ployees in active and efficient operation for the said term of twenty years hereafter; First day of January A. D., 1912: BY-LAW No. 578. Continued from page 5. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE TAKE inotice that the above is a' true copy of a By-law which has" been taken into consideration. and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Municipality of. the Town of Durham, in the meat! of the asseat of the electors being. obtained thereto, after one month from the first publication in “The Durham Chronicle", the date of which first publication was Thurs- day the 11th day of August A. D.. 1910, and that the votes of the el- ectors of the said Municipality will be. taken thereon on Friday the second day of September A. D.. 1.010. . f THAT the real property of 'Ilhe Durham Furniture Company, Lim- ited, consisting of Park Lot Num- ber Four and the south parts or portions of Park Lots Numbers Five and Six north of Lambton .Street in the Town of Durham, to- gether with all buildings, plant, machinery and stock in trade thereon, the property of The Dur- ham Furniture Company, Limited be, and the same is [hereby ex- empted from taxation for general purposes in the Town of Durham (excepting always however school taxes and taxes .for local improve- ments therein) for the period of ten years next ensuing the First day of January A. D., 1912. Tam: MARK. Desmus Anyone sendlpg a sketch and description may Qulck .y asm ertuln our romulua tree thuhcr an a. (£31301; :3 pro ogsmy (1' Atabl Cmmlx’mnlcu- r can out. (on a cent. free. (fact 08% t 110“!) mm. Patent. “91:31:31: {1% he ml.- DATED at the [Council Chamber in the Town of Durham this --------- day of A. D., 1910. WHEREAS the Durham Furni-l ture Company, Limited, being a-' bout to enlarge and extend their! .fnurniture factory in the Town of; Durham. have applied 'for aid by. way of partial exemption froml taxation of their property in the. Towm of Durham, [and it is deemed. advisable to grant such aid; . BE .It therefore enacted and it is hereby enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Durham:-- | ited A By-law to grant partial ex- emption 'from taxation to “The Durham Furniture Company, Lim- ifpd ” as to Signature of The Dur- ham Furniture Co., Limited. As to execution by William Laid- law and William Vollet. provided, and 'trurther that when and so soon as such By-law shall have been duly legalized and confirmed as aforesaid, and the said Company shall have com- pleted the erection of the build- ings and plant as aforesaid, and executed a Mortgage to the said "Corporation to secure re- payment thereof as aforesaid, the said ‘Corporation [shall there- upon !pay over to the said Com- pany, the dull amount of $20,000 as hereinbefore set out: IN ‘WITNESS WHEREOF‘ the Corporate seal {of the Company, and the hands of the President and Secretary "thereof, and ‘ themsaid THE DURHAM FURNITuRE CO., Limited. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of Corporation has hereunto affixed its Corporate seal, and caused its Mayor and Clerk to sign these presents; W. B. VOLLET. Clerk of the Town of Durham WM. B. VOLLET, 'Clerk. D. JAMIESON, President. A. H. JACKSON, Secretary. W. LAIDLAW, Mayor. BY-LAW No. 579. ‘H. 'R. .KOCH. J. P. TELFORD. NOTICE. --------- Clerk.i BURNETT 8: COOPER Tent our Grocery Department. Buy the Team we 9911 Black Tea. ................................ .5c. 30c. 40c and Japan'l‘ea ......................... ...............25cand Ceylon Tvu, green ................. . ................ 300 tu Lace Curtalna, only a lew pairs of each. but a good assortment w Carpets. Japan Maltlng, Linoleum, Carpet Squares and Door Mm. \' will econolnlae by buying now. Men’s Shirts cheaper than ever. To make a speedy clearance we‘ve grouped all Summer Shirte together. Shirts. good assortment. 81.25 ................................. 31,00 Shirts. good assortment. $1.00 ................................... Shirts, good assortment, 75c. . .. . . . 75c Straw Beta for men and boye. Theae we will practically give nwny, the price in so low. E Men‘s and Boys' Odd Sum, Caps, Belts and Wash “lies below cost 2“ Take advantage at once of tbia offer an at the price the goods ahould eell quickly. we‘ve grouped :1] Summer Shirt. together. Shirts. good assortment. 81.25 ............. Shirts. good assortment. $1.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . Shirts, good assortment, 75c ............... Straw Hats for men and boys. Thou away, the price is so low. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Butter and Eggs Wantedufligh- est Price Paid for any Quantity. 300. 40c and 50c pound . ....25c and 35c pound . ...... 30C to 40c pound Aug. 18, 1‘10 No more bathing :1 rims. or boring tww hulw. all .0 lore merdishcd \xhcc Just. brim: e wutch nw w! “‘3 you will get any nlhul \\ No nmttm I will not. lw lu'l 10b pnfiilinh' ‘, [also (4ch in all hraw-i ing, \Vagu and Rep-H! prices. I can set :1 thifi “inchilu'; my In.“ (111‘ I The only kind that cannot [MS- sibly hurt your wheels and ha~ Proved Satisfactory. . . c A spw-ial t every (‘uslnm ed to call and l flake a special!) “lug and uhknj “(tritium Wm. J. Lzm NRCC DURHAM CUMI’,~.\\ The Second Slumgui hm; Hrc Insuranu u Ilzpzm‘. n Head Office. - “21".... J. J. Schmucher. M8 Mutual Fire Insurzmgc lulu-u am kind- ” Ind Isolatpd (: Md ulh rates 02 premium norms three or four 5:11..“ ‘ Welsewhvre L teem with 1mm: - their contents MC Ht” than others an? r. Aug- PROPERTY INN LY saooc, now in [Wkl See our new “Often the (-hvnpnq Always u,. Macfarlanc 3% t; a. Draggist 5 In New Quarter; Kw thc Garalraxa M. D. MCGRATH M the Garamua St. BrUge Books and sum! Supplies DOW settled ir- m_\ It“ quarters, T..\l«1.u s «"ui mdq. "8‘! ‘1“ Mn . {PI-K. St. bl'idgv, \\ h: 1« ; .IlI prepau-d Lu Pate-r h their wants in all kimi: 3‘ custom blacksmith "I‘- All work gum-an u first-class. I. MCFADIHZN. DURHAM. ONTA‘x-LU .o...‘ 13,1910 I Wish It, am the public H: now settled in quarters, T. M och: (xtht‘re tr h .8 ready. {I lunys g IV and \\ ., Exercise ’mw l \\ Alithllwti (WHII'N witi Hygienr of Practical m 0N1

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