West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Aug 1910, p. 8

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W . The assortment is com lete in th newest st *les, Dress Goods P e 3 too large to fully describe. Come and have alook through. A fine range of prints, 10¢ per yard, and Muslim; [10. Just arrived a fine stock of Cord Frillings. m9%w*fi$§$«§§#¢§$$s¢fi¢¢%%%%¢#ggyfi%% Men’s Clothing Th“ Stock is My large and it is composed of weights of cloth suitable for summer and full, in tin» newest styles and the newest patterns with trimmings to match, and well bought so thntxit can be easily sold. A good Suit for 4.98. A fine Suit for 12.1“). A super-fine suit 15.00. Lar‘lios’ Strap Slippers ....... Ladies’ White Oxfords ....... Ladies’ (Thocnlate Pumps“ \Ien's Satin Calf .................. Men’s Long: Legged Shoes mm un1\U1â€"x1 1 V u HIP lilnst H I’i’I'H'x" M lasts; :1 (HM!) FIT GIK-ULXN'I‘ICED IN EVERY (L-hx‘E. #â€" Footwear A fine as- sortment Of t h e n v w e s t Large Sales MCKECHNIES’ WEEKLY NEWS .............. 980 Men’s Kid Shoes...,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,1.50 .............. 1.10 Men’s Waterpm‘mf ('~}z1it.ers..........1 .50 ............ 1.90 Men’s Extra Fine Gaiters........‘..2.00 .200 Men’s Chrome Blucher ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.50 . 3.00. A fine assortment of Ladies’ Buttmmd Shoes Small Profits THE DURHAM CHRONIC LE Misses whiteox- fords 600 L a, d i es’ ()hoc’ate O x fords ........ 980 M i SS 9 s O X f0 rds .. ....... 5390 Mrs. N. Dunsmoor and children of Owen Sound are visiting the farmer’s Dr. and Mrs. Carter visited over Sunday with the lstter’a brother at Clarksburg. Miss Iva Mitchell hns returned from an extended visit with her aunt at Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Just. Richards and son John of Toronto, visited for a. few days at Mr. Alf. Thistlewaite’s. Miss Flussie Gaswell left on Monday to again take her former position as milliner in Kemptnlle. Mr. G. M. Patrick teller in the Standard Bank here is being succeeded by Mr. '1‘. McMillan of Deserontn. \Ve understand Mr. Patrick is going to Purkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Holland returned last week from their extended holiday at \Voodbridge and Miss Switza- regurn- ed on Saturday from her school va- cation at her home at; St. Marys. ‘10 U Miss Allen of Durham. has returned to her school No. 3, east. 0f the village. ‘10 “I Mr. Manly Morden, uf Hamilton. ‘ hnhdaying at Markdale has been giv- ing his Fleshex'ton friends a. good tune in his auto car. The campers returned from Bell’s lake on Monday and after a splendid holiday came back well bmyvned and muscle hardvned. Just before leaving Messrs. Loucks and ()ctewell met with an unexpected drop in the lake but “escape-d safely from their dip. Holidays over, school nywned on Monday with a good attendance. Mr. R. \Vallm' tln-eshml fall whmu. on Friday and has. :1 yield of over 16 bushels to the acre. and sample very fine. \Vurd wnsrereived here on Satur- day uf the death that. morning (it ‘vlrs. Matthew Speer wim passed away at the hmue nt' her sun Jnhn Spear at (.3ui'iicct.«.ni. Mrs. Speer spent, several Illuntits with Mrs. Uurhett here leaving uniy a few weeke nan intending tu re- turn tn the \Vest with her daughter. She Was one of the early settlers in Arteuwsialiving for many years on the west, hack line. Besides her hus~ band, whn is in the. \Vest, three smm and one daughter survive; also her aged mother, who lives with her daughter, Mrs. R. Black, Euphrnsia. and brother, “’11). Carter. Artmueaia. Magistratv MrMullvu presided at :1 trial in the tuwn hall on Saturday when .lnlm lentnsh of Osprey ap- peal-ml (m Ll)». charge of assulb pre- furred by his Iwighlmr Donald (inm- mum. l'pun limiting the. eviilmire thv Magistrate impressed the upiuiun tllru lmth parties wen-at, faultand counsell- ml than as lit-ighlmrs to live on mme lmmmniuua terms. HP. huwvver. lmd Pvidr-nuv ilmt an assult. tlmugli nm serious lmd helm r-mnmitwd and would iinpuse the small line ()f $200 and («mmâ€"«in all 844.). Mr. Chas. Bellamy who left for Winnipeg on Friday, was a pussengur (m the train wrvcked at the Caledcm curve whvre he met with sevm'e in- juries in the wreck of three years ago. Furtnnzitvly ht' was nut. on this nevus-- Sinn «m the ill fated (fUith. but “hr“ the m-ws nt' lhe disaster value his friends 4.2xl‘wrimuml muvh anxiety un- Lil Wurd «:mm- of his sanity. Mrs. \V. 'l‘rimble gave a lawn party In a number of her friends last. wuvk. Miss ldn Irwin, nf ’l‘m-nntn. fnrmerly on tho school smfl' here, and Mrs. Nixnn, of huntinlk, were amnng Lhnse present. Mrs. Mark \Vilmm ale“) gave an enjoyahla party tn a company of her lady frivnds. Mr. F. A. Bukvr and Mr. C. J. Bei' lauuy left, on Friday for “Winnipeg. Mr. Baker t-xpeuts to locate. at, vilhm' \Vinnipeg or Brandun. Charley is on a pruspectinz umr und will probably be absent several weeks visiting umny points in the west. ”is number Emerson is in charge of his business [1919. A goodly number mcompnnied the imsv hall Leum t0 the Pruaby toxiun gmdeu party at, Eugenia last week at w hich a 1mm in was play ed with the \ umielem tmuu resulting in u scmeut 1.) L0 10 m hum' nf Flea-hex tun. 'l he party was quite successful. Mr. 1.). Mu'l‘nvish and Mr. \V. L. \V'right have had the exterior Wond- wm-k of tlu'ir resident-vs repainted and tlwrehv greatly improved. Mr. B. Patton did the work. '1‘heremw.~mtimx of the mid Rivlmni sun drug store haw under the hands of Mr. \anwr Luncks been cmnpletml and the changn made in the building nmkvs it, now a neat shop and has greatly iunpx-nvv-d the street. M1. H: .ury \Vuods has pm msud Dr. memy 5 old lesidonco u.’ Mr. \\. [mm ks has the conLlact of moving the building [0 Mr. \Vmui’s 10!) near Mr. Jas. Patton’s residence. Row. '1‘. Laidlnw formerly nf Eugenia. becmue n henedict an \Vl‘llllefllélfi'. m Miss \Villizuua ut' Holland (3- litre” .\l 1'. and Mrs. Lmdlaw Were gllusls at, tho Munshnw llouse hero. m-‘ur “'ml- nesday night, and the. fulluwmg day lvfb on their honeymoon. The- Uzzulefnrd. S:tsk.. Prms [ma iswud u spvm’nl number iw....uLifuiLv illustmtml and printed on line pupv'l'. The. editor Mr. \szlaya Smith is :L Flwsbertnn boy and we are pleased to note his enterprlze and apparent, stir- cess in journalism. A load uf young people clmpmmwd byRuv. Mr. Millignu and Mr. J. Mc Annoy vi-eltvu tlw (:zunlwrs ML Bu 1'8 Lake on Thursday and 1-.» port a Jay at u ~11chwa pleasure. Mr. David '1‘. \Vligh'. prinvip al the, p.451- fivc years of the Continuation SHIN)”: it? NB\V [A'szsic'llWL hu~ .u‘Q‘II (fll' grtgad fur the new schunl at Hundalk an ammlm'y ut' $i5m). .HI'. \Vrigm, is hulidaying with his mother lwrv. (This week’s budget.) The Flcsherum and Ruckvale Sm:- dny Sclumis picnu'ked 211, Mr.- hallm- Mure (m Friday last, and the :mnurl event was very enjug able. A reliable regulator; never fails. While these pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the gener- ative portion of the female system, they are strictly safe to use. Re- fuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van’s are sold at $5.00 a box, or three for $10.00. Mailed to any ad- dress. The Scobell Drug 00., St. Catharines, Ont. For sale at Macfarlane 6:. Co's. Dr. de Van’s'Fo-male rim. Fleshcrtun Mr. Wm. humpton, Deputy Reeve of Holland and wife, were visitors at Reeve Boyd’s on Saturday and we were pleased to make the acquaintance of the Deputy Reeve. Mr. Hampton visited the new school and was highly pleased with the rising structure which he think: will be a. credit to the new Artomesio. high school section. Mr. F. A. Baker. taiâ€"IOrJhas 8013 out to Mr. F. Morley, but is yet; undecided as to his future location. Rev. Mr. Merritt, W. Hales, Dr. Otbewell’s family. Misses Florence. ._l_¢)8i¢3_and_Chl_'i§Line Richardson. M rs. v--â€" -vv-uov J'IUIIquwk'l" AV] ”0 H. Norris, Mrs. Etherington. Miss Beatrice Hades and Miss Sinclair pic- nicked on Friday with the campers .t Bell’s L'Lke and had a. jolly outing. At the recent high school exams the successful students of the school here Were Miss Catherine Burns and Miss Catherine McKenzie. who wrote on encrsnce to High School and Mr. Fred Karatedt on entrance to Normal School. “’6 tender our congruulu- bions. Same {mm hero attended Owen Sound’ 8 Civnc Holiday laces last, week. Mr. \V. Triunble’s “Topsy T.” won 2nd in the 2. 30 not. Mr. James Chard has sold his 100 acre farm to his son-in-law. Mr. Alvx McMuilon and Mr. Mcutliien has sold his 50 acre 100 to Mr. \V. J. Chard. The Methodist Sunday School went in several loads to Eugenia on Friday for their annual picnic and the outing was enjoyed by all. __.. ----. -:‘ u-‘IVII lll|U-‘r‘l here, was shown by the large numbvr of beautiful wedding presvnts sunning Which was a linen showvr frum hat young lady friends and mantle (4ka and silver butter (ill!!! from “The H ys of Fleshertun." Sinclairâ€"Hales -â€"At high noon. Tues- day August 9th. a pretty wedding took place at the residence of the bride’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. John llnles, (fliunpbell street. when their daughter Beatrice, was united in mm- flame to Mr. E. A. Sinclair. (3. P. H. agent :t‘t'l'eesWnter. Rev H. E. “'0”- wnnd H. A.. B. l-).. pastor of the Meth- odist church, performed the ceremony in the presence of about twenty-iiVe invited guests among whom were the groom‘s mother, Mrs. Sincloir. and the MiSSHs Silll’idll’, llarriston: Mr. \V. Hales. Mr. R. Sinclair. and Mrs. Etherington 'l‘oronlo: Miss Gould. Bollonnnd Mimi Bellamy. Dundnlk. The hrid-x who was unnttended and given away by her father. looked Very pretty in her dainty wedding gown of ereuniseiiin striped tnll'eta with neti yoke and satin folds. She carried it beautiful bouquet of bridal roses and the only ornament Worn was a hand- . some pearl ring the gift of the groom ‘who also presented at beautiful pearl brooch to Miss FiUSeiB 'l'relford. ofl Proton Station. who played the wed- ding nmrrh. After the ceremony and 'hearty rongmtulationa a choice Wed- ding breakfast Wis served and the young couple left on the afternoon train for Toronto and points in Mus- koka. The bride unveiled in a neat suit of cream serge with panama hut. ‘ On their return Mr. and Mrs. hinclair will settle in their new home at Tees- water and we join their numerous friends in all good wishes for a, long and happy life. The popularit y of t he. lyoung bride who will be much missed 5 During the electric storm on Monday afternoon, Mr. H. C. LeGard. who was hauling in grain was struck and rendered unconscious fur same time. The shock was severe and it, was a close call. Mr. and Mrs. Mack and Miss Evelyn and Meta Hall, of Toronto motored from the city and are visiting the lat- Ler’s aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Archie Boyd. Miss III-me Fae-tar of London, is spending n few days with her cousin Miss UhI istine Richul dsun. Miss Lena and Master Buwman Swift. of 'l‘m'untn, are hulidlying with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. P. Quigg. Mr. and Mrs. Gum. Stuart paid the inth’ 3 parents at 111m nhur) a sboxt visit. Mr. R. H. VVI-iuzht has returned from his homestead in the Northwest to again operate his machine during the threshing seasm). Mrs. P. Quigg visited l-Lst week with her daughber Mrs. Lyuns at Proton Smuun. Mr. Bert Usbnrne of Nottawa visit- ed here uu Su fi‘y and was accompa- nied houw by .: muther who spent the past two umuths with her daugh- ter Mrs \V. J. Bellamy. Mrs. 'l‘. Granger of Markdale visited friends here 14.31 week. Mr. \V. A. Armstrong left on Sat- urday to hnlidny for a, week with his hmthvr in Nip‘pising. w 5! Mr. Gun. Richm-dmn returned to the city on Monday after an enjoyable holiday. Mr. \V. Jaques of Simghampum, visited his nephew M 1‘. Thus. Bulmer, last, Weak. Mr. \Vill Richardsnn whu has been am”. (1 for sewer-n] months is vnsltmg his In other Ruben. a-“ m.- Mr. J. P. Bum, uf annntn, is visit- in-: hi~ hmthvr \V. H. this week. “1'. \Vm. vaphill and childrvn and sis‘h‘l' Miss Minniv Hunmhill, 0f 'l'nruntn, lmlidnvwl lust, “wek with Mr. \V. l). (.Humsivy and in her fl'ivnds. parents Mr. and Mrs. H. \V. Bmlamy. during Mr. i)!ui.~mnnl"s absenc'v on a trip to (he. \VusL. Mr. Hamid Mitrlw” is visiting his mn-le Dr. Milviu-ll at. Hurrisville Mich. m Mr. J. P. Bum. «.r 'i'..":-‘m.m. is visiE- Mr. and Mrs. (.Icuumiugs, of Thorn- lmry, “we cm guvsts of Mr. and Mrs. .‘Hm-wllus on Sunday. -_ z N. Does not Color the Hair J. 0. Avg: COIPAXY. LuWH! 8 P1. LAST WEEK’S NE WS. uyalbuul, .fl“, ”thIVI. watca, lulu pczlulllF. {'\()t a sin (2.133;: ingredient in this list. Ask you; docior if this is not 3 Follow his advice. A hair food, a ham tome, a hair ' ‘reS . Promptly checks falling hair. Complete” destroys all saw Ayer’s Hair Vigor :: composed of sulphur, glycerin, quinin’ Cthdd, CQPSiCUfP. %€.__I_ICQI_'|9|. “Eager, and perfume. Kat ‘ AYER’S HAIR VGGOR AYER’S HAIR VIGOR MM””ONQOOQOONW immune out“ -_D----v -v- the Frost Wire A full supply uf um; i}.io'rd Hay FHl'kh jib! :01-1 :\ o .1_ we Buys Stick Leak Mvnds :unythin: til.'1;"\"1_\‘ thing. F In thv I’m-nit H'v {fit-gm"- mvnt wv are having w 1'. ~ wu- nwr wtlv nf Furm' u . t 11" and gvt ymir ~h n~ ' ”in bargains. “'v :n» 0."? - ,u 2” pcr (Wm. “11'. * F.Lenahan and Company pairs, Cement Curbing. Culvert Tile. see . . JNU. 8“}l!'ld'l"/I HI' llle‘lf :H Hm ‘ George Whitmore Pumps, Curbing RTilé Ointment, go to S. P. SAUNDERS Machine 011. Harness‘m A116 Grease and Ho"1 Thâ€"o mrnosw d“ Allg. 18 the E ”L43â€"I0. 2266 i“, W at the Central 1):”; Cmtaker Wanted, W church. Appl} can. Durham. AnE'OX‘IP I‘Pq lli! EL .1: {or Magnet ('x'vam 7 Thou. Ryan; Durham. Get your Sf'hOnl Central Drug Star. New school ‘Hhe‘l gt the Central 1); Cmtqke_r_ I‘vant m Auction 8310 of Saturday. August Above MOX'lHPk.» Ya'ung man. I‘vn pen of to--da.v “.- They suCCPedod. a you .ttond Mu neu College. Are you sm progress? Ilzzx think how m through Mam” College to 111.- desire? Rev. \V. 31.1 ton and Virgil tor in this to the Baptist My next. momin! at Glenolg (. The mm- tin p! the comer. (0,0 on “with consider an purchase of suit in any 1‘ committov. pointed to l and arranm some futux'v After 3 ft! here. Ml. aw! on \Vedm “1 '1 Hanover. 31“ played in K! here as nphn‘ Itny madv m deratand 11" .L‘ Ihort timv. preparato 5' dertaking I and Mrs. Fm luccess. (arm Oil HH' Arthur H. (" the (‘h'n’x'u‘n a month agc “I a [1le :1 re to main a 051 "3‘ " were rpm-ix»- purchaser {H Negotiatiwxx once, and 1 made to 1111 buyer and ~ vertising d0- Moir, thr i::~: escaped {mm H Week. was 1--. day last nvm‘ s‘ engaged by a luspicions. and .1035: thv Y'i'll] identified and custody. Tat: With him. has H 0!. TWO of HM McCullough :11 arrested 01 s Iided th? ih~ linking thvir . hu pleadvd g; “Y8 he is inno Gd charge. Readers. of 11m lenrned that m‘ in! on smouthh .- the 9" (‘lo-lk'u H: Scale , and on I‘m lunatic-n was M r \« :Ed the (01mm em from '(.i:l;: n Bone mm)“ 3;. .. ehlfied by thv (0 u. MIC. We ba’liPVt'. (I Weigh scalcs Hum 9“. ll far as \w 5;: ‘0'" in the pun-ha my ".3 lOOkvd a “vaunent, A I"- Council thought. n a once with m- .. Cd 1' 0bj0ctod.1 E“ mch gxpvm‘n "nude HI“ this “H n. 12 I e complainanh ' ‘1'; '. went injum-I l0 s :1 n W 0‘ 1h? \x'ugh M I”. ‘ N mpnnying slc(k\;ud$ ' liking that [In ( 0.111(i Mm“ to issuv (h- bent over a pvriod of M b to be voted on Sept. z; incurred “i: M; thfiw ‘0 86001131“ 12.. t, ple. Hv um 1:: .4. Yever, and 1h.» ('1 Mr. A It ll

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