U PICKLING i C05FECTIONER AN!) GROCERM «ownmomnm information {rom Ht’ hat cry Goods EXHIBIT '00-’0'0'000°.".' I Jan. lst, 191] Attractions Soda . fountain DA and 7th Fusiliers xhibitinn kery . 1910 H+++4~Â¥++WW \\ STORE all Roads >990900909606§§§99 A. .l. IIL'NT. Secretary Durham H‘I'V‘ .-\ [)l' FAIR FIREWORKS Each Night d e‘ tc lll’t’ all Athletic Day MONDAY H H (‘HEAM ("ll Lemonade (i000 2. «hall be signed by the Mayor of the said Town of Durham and by the Treasurer thereof, and thei Jerk of the said Town of Dun; lzam shall attach thereto the. Corporate Seal of the Municipal-l it y. Each of the said debenturesi THE said debentures .shalli thereof is $571,820.00: AX!) WHEREAS the amount of the misting debenture debt of the said Municipality, exclusive of local improvement debt secured by [pr-rial rates or assessments is #3:.l23'3bll, and there is no part of Mir principal or interest of the said existing debt in arrear: THEREFORE the Municipal Coun cl! «.1‘ the Corporation of the Town of Durham, enacts as follows; 1. The Municipal Council of the sairl Town of Durham shall exâ€" pc-ml the sum of $2000 in the pru'chase of land for a site, and in the construction and erection them-0'11 of a market building and tilerk's Office, at the said THWll of Durham, and for the p-xrpuse of raising the said sum, debentures of the said Town to thw amount of 32000 as aforesaid i1 wms of not less than $100 each shrill be issued on the first day of October. A. D., 1910, each of which debenture shall be dated on the date of the issue thereof and shall be payable within ten years thereafter at the office of the Standard Bank of Canada at the said Town of Durham: A.\'l) WHEREAS the total ‘mnu'lt required by “The Municip- 31AM" to be raised annually by ppm-in! rate for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter pruVillt'd iS $259.01: AND WHEREAS the amount of P the \\}m!e rateable property 0. the 'l'nwn of Durham, according to the lwt reyiqed _ Aesessment Roll i DURING the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised annually by special mm on all the rateable roperty in the said Town of Dur am. the sum of $259.01 for the purpose of Dining the amount due in each of the years for principal and in- terest in respect of the said debt (33 shvwn in Schedule “A†here- to annexed): 3- Tms By-law shall take effect on and from the final passing then-0f by the Municipal Council of m.~ Town of Durham: 0. THE Votes of the electors of the said Town of Durham shall be taken on this Byâ€"law at Uh? follossmg times and places, that is to sayzâ€"On Friday the second day 01‘ September next, com- me'min}: at the hour of nine o’- clock in the forenoon and contin- uing till five o‘clock of the same ‘18)“ H the following deputy re- tur'iin: officers: In north Ward ll .‘ll-Ljruth‘s store by Clifton El- Vldgv as deputy returning offi- cer. h east ward at the Town Ha“ W W. P. Paterson as deputy returning officer, and In West Ward ,1: .1213. Carson’s Office.by tim ' up WHEREAS in order thereto ' necessary to issue de- it will *H' . bcntiu‘o's 02' the said Town for the â€m â€1‘ 52000 as hereinafter pro- .u‘hich is the debt intended "Litâ€i LI, 2... ('I't‘thf'ti by this By-laW) the “nun-NH of the said debentures to o! the Municipal Capra“.- of the Town of Durban. «law to provide for the par- ch85“ (.f land_for a site, and for the cunStI‘UCthD and {erection thereof: of a} mgljket buildmg and ann Clerk 5 Olfnce, and to auth- ofi’l-t' t‘m- 1959-1116 of debentures of the said 'l‘M‘J†of Durham to the a- ,†of $2000 for the purpose of U ' $21.15.; thw gum requn'ed therefor: wnkHHAS it is desirable to con- A b y l"‘ “'""“u‘ 1"- "----~- . . .. )‘z'IlI‘ly at the said Bank at the ann of Durham on the first day of October in each and every y«_';lx‘ during the currency thereof, and shall have attached to them cuupons for payment of the said inn-rest, which coupons shall be signed by the Mayor and Treas- um- of the said Towm of mar interestâ€"at‘ihe rate of five .m- centum_ per gpn‘gm,‘ payable L LL- 0N Thursday the first day of Septmn‘vvz‘ next, the Mayor of the scjni Town of Durham shall attend at the Clerk’s Office at the said Town of Durham at the hour of ten o’clock in the fore- noon, to appoint persons to at- tjndï¬t the variqus poll‘ipg plac: â€Elm-lied to the purpose a'fore- id. 113141 to no other purpose: AND WHEREAS it is desirable iww the. said debentures at one m and to make the principal of' L. Mm debt repayable by yearly stulmx-nts during the period of 1 wars, being the currency of L. gm debentures, said yearly mt being 0;! such respective uurxts that the aggregate a- .unl payable in each year for m-ipnl and interest in respect 511M debt shall be as nearly! as anw equal to the amount so mph- in each of the other nine uf said period (as shewm in Mt whip “A“ hereto annexed: van 5Wâ€" r""â€"u 08 affllf'waid and at the (inal “ï¬lming; up of the votes by the Clerk. on behalf of the persons interesttd in and promoting 01‘ Opposing the passing of this By- "W res )ectively: THE Clerk of the Counc of “IO 331d Town of Durham‘s all mend at his office in the said 7°“! of Durham at ten o’clock In he diorenoon of Saturday the m’d day of Se tember, A. D. â€1° to sum up t a number “tea for and ngnhnt this By-lnw .u'ham: “â€"-â€"â€" - Dated nitâ€"(h; Councii iCha'mber BY-LAW N0. 577 HEAS it is desirable to con- trul erect a market build- (‘lc-rk’s Office in the TOWn 111m. at'COX'dijlg 30 thg plans prqmred bv Georg.) squiH', and aflopted by w“ of the said Town of and to raise the sum of he applied to the said :. 1910 . of the Town of Durham. ‘ A By-Iaw to aid and assist The Durham Furniture Company (Lim- ited) in building and operating an extension to their present furni- iture factory in the Town of Dur- ' ham. WHEREAS the said Durham Fur- niture Company (Limited) are at present engaged in operating a furniture factory in the Town of Durham, amd it is deemed advis- able to enlarge and. extend their present factory at the said Town of Durham. AND WHEREAS the said Comâ€" pany has applied to the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Durham for aid by way of a loan to the said Company 01! the sum of $20,000 in accordance with the terms and subject to the con- ditionS'and stipulations mel'itioxmd. in an agreement for repayment of the said sum of $20,000, as herein- after set out: TAKE notice that the above is a true copy of a By-law which has been taken into con- sideration and which Will be finally passed by the Coun- cil of the Municipality of the Town of Durham, in the event of the assent of the electors being obtain- ed thereto, after one month from the first publication in “The Dur- ham Chromicle,†the date of which first publication was Thursday, the 11th day of August, A. D. ,1910,)and that the votes of the electors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon on the day and at the hours and places therein stated. to, it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said Town of Durham {or the sum of $20,000, as hereinafter provided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be. created by this By-laW) the pm- ceeds of the said debentures to he applied to the said purpose and to no other: AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the prin- cipal of the said debt re- payable by yearly sums during the period of twenty years, bentures, .said yearly sums bein. of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and inter- est shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other nineteen years of the said period (as shewn in Sched- ule “A†ereto annexed): AND WHEREAS the total a- mount required by “The Municipal Act†to be. raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest, as hereinafter provided, is the sum of $1604,85: AUL LU UC. Luauvu .--......__v special rate for paying the said debt and interest, as hereinafter provided, is the sum of $1604,85: AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Town of Durham, according to the last revised Assessment Roll thereof, is $571,820.00: AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality, exclusive of Local improvement debts secured by special rates or assessments, is $32,122.60, and there is no part of the principal or interest of the said existing debt in arrear: THEREFORE the Municipal Coun cil of the Corporation of the Town of Durham, enacts as follows: Town of Durham to grant aid by Way of loan to “The Durham Furniture Company, (Limited)" of the sum of $20,000 to aid the said Company in the extension and enlargement of their factory for the manufacture of furniture within the limits of the Corpora- . tion of the said Town of? Dur- ham. the said sum oi $20,0g0 to alter, until the said 000 is fully paid, in accordance with the terms of an Agreement to be entered into between the said “The Durham Furniture "‘ ~ -â€"- It 3-8+-Afl’ ï¬nd the AND WHEREAS it is deemed ex- edient and advisable to grant aid v way of loam of the said sum-of $20,000 ,to the said The Durham Furniture Company (Limited) for the purpose hereinbefore mention- SCHEDULE “A†Referred to in the foregoing By-law. Shewing how the amount of $259.01 therein required to be raised annually by special rate is apportioned. Year. Principal. Interest. Total 1911 $159.01 $100.00 $259.01 1912 166.96 92.05 259.01 1913 175.31 83.70 959 0‘. 1914 184.07 74.94 259.01 1915 193.28 65.73 259 01 1916 202.94 56.07 259 01 1917 213.09 45.92 259 01 1918 223.74 35.27 259.01 1919 234.93 24.08 259 01 1920 246.67 12.34 259 01 $2000.00 $590.10 $2590.10 NOTICE. ed: said “The Durham r'urnuuw Company (Limited)†and the said Town of Durham, and re- payment 01 the said sum of $20,- 000 to be secured by a Mort- gage on the lactory and plant of e said Company: FOR the purpose at raising AND WHEREAS in order there- . n will be necessary to issuo W. B. VOLLET, Clerk 0:! the Tow-n 'of Durham. BY= LAW N0. 578. of the Municipal Corporation ............Clerk. --------- Mayor. plantrcL); _ TOWN OF DURHAM. hereinafter called the Corporation raisingiof the Iecqad part. 259.01 959 at 259.01 259 01 259 01 259 01 259.01 259 01 259 01 Year 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 By-law. Shewing' how the amount of $1604.85 therein required to be raised annually by spec- ial rate is apportiomed. $20000.00 Principal. Interest. Total $604.85 $1000.00 $1604.85 635.10 969.75 1604.85 666.85 938.00 1604.85 700.19 904,66 1604.85 735.20 869.65 1604.85 771.96 832.89 1604.85 810.56 794.29 1604.85 851.09 753.76 1604.85 893.64 711.21 1604.85 938.33 666.52 1604.85 985.24 619.61 1604.85 1034.50 570.35 1604.85 1086.22 518.63 1604.85 1140.54 464.31 1064.85 1197.57 407.28 1604.85 1257.44 347.41 1604.85 1320.31 284.54 1604.85 1386.33 . 218.52 1604.85 1455.65 1‘ 149.20 1604.85 1528.43 76.42 1604.85 $12097.00 $32097.00 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 NOTICE. TAKE notice that the above is a true copy of a By-law which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Municipality of the Town of Durham, in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, after one month from the first publication in “The Durham Chronicleâ€, the date of which first publication was Thursday the eleventh day of August, A. D., 1910, and that the votes of the electors of the said Municipality will be taken there- oln on the day and at the/hours and places therein stated. W. B. VOLLET, Clerk 01 the Town of Durham. 9. THE Clerk of the Council of the said Town of Durham shall attend at his office in Uhc Town of Durham at ten o’clock in the forenoon of Saturday the third day of September A. D., 1910, to sum Up the number of votes for and against this By-law. Dated at the Council Chamber in the Town of Durham this --------- day of A. D., 191---. THIS AGREEMENT made.an.d en- tered into (in duplicate) thls exghth gaypf Augpst in the year of Our , __1 _._°_.. L.-_.J_-.J Lo'rd one and ten. BETWEEN THE DURHAM FURNITURE COMPANY (LIMITED) of the Town of Durham. in the County of Grey, hereinafter call- ed the Company of the first part. and THE votes of the electors of the said Town of Durham entitâ€" led to vote, shall be taken on this Byâ€"law at the. followi'ep: time and places, that is to say;-â€"On Friday the second day of Sep- tember A.D, 1910 commcgicing at the hour of nine. o‘clock in the forenoon and continuing; till five o’clock in the afternoon of the same day, by the following deputy returning officerszâ€" In the north ward at McGrath‘s store by Clifton Elvidgc. dep- uty returning officer, In the east Ward at the Tiiwwrn Hall by W. P. Patcrsom, deputy returning offi- cer, and In the west ward at Jas. Carson‘s Office, by John Smith, deputy returning officer: ON Thursday the first day of September next, the Mayor of the said Town of Durham shall attend at the office of the Clerk Olf the said Town of Dur- ham at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenooa to appoint per- sons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the pass- ing of this By-law, resl’mctively: THIS By-law shall take of- fect on the day of the final pass- ing thereof by the Municipal Council of the Town of Durham: DURING the curremcy of the said debentures, there shall be raised ammually by special rate on all the rateable property in the said Town of Durham, the. sum of $1604.85 for the purpose of payimz the amount due in each of the said years for principal and interest in respect of the said debt (as shown in Schedule “A†hereto annexed): EACH of the said debentures shall be signed bv the May or of the said Town of Du: ham and bv the Treasurer thereof, and the Clerk of the said Town of Dar- ham shall attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the Municipal- ity : THE said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five per centum per annum payable year- lv at the said Bank on the first day 01 June in each and every year during the currency there- of, and shall have attached to them coupons for payment of the said interest, which coupons shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the said Town of Durham: the said sum of $20,000, deben- tures of the said Town of Dur- ham, to the amoumt of $20,000 as aforesaid in sums of not less than $100 each, shall be issued on the first day of June, 1911, each of which debentures shail be dated on the date of the is- sue thereof, and shall be payable Within twenty years therea'te". at the office of the Standard Bank of Canada at the Town of Durham: Referred to in the foregoing SCHEDULE “Aâ€. thousand nine hundred THE DURHAM CHRONICLE - Clerk. ------ Mayor. i To an Egiemont farme'i belongs ’the credit of soh mg the question of the automobile nuisance at sho1t range, at all even s. Being engaged one day lately thawing out manule with a manuiespa cad inn and having oeeasknito travel 011 the public 103d. to get to the ï¬ehi a [nuty in an auto caught Eup. Having th1ee hoxses attached etc the sp1eade1‘, which were be .coming somewhat unmanageable, She beckoned to the driver to keep iback. Instead of doing so, the §auto driver persisted in coming 010301. Finally, as a last 10501t, !the witty falmer pulled the le\ e1 of the Inanuie sp1eade1, and set 'the machine agoing, whiché in a moment gene the auto pa1ty a 1complete show e1 of l1a1nyard fel- 'tility. We can judge human nat- . me close enough to fancy the ’cun- ‘1nng fa1nu21ehuckhng to hunseH at the souy plight of the auto .dudes. I WHEREAS the said company lare at present engaged in operatâ€" ling a furniture factory at the Town of Durham, and being desir- ious of enlarging and extending their factory an plant, at the said Town of Durham, have applied to 'the said Corporation for a loan !of $20,000. to enable ,them so to' do, Ewhich loan shall be repayable by the said Company to the said Cor- ‘poration according to the terms ;and conditions hereinafter set out; . Mr. Wm. Morris, on the gravel road, has erected a fine brick cot- tage, and is nearing completion and presents a fine appearance. We wish Mr. and Mis. Morris many long years of health to enjoy its comforts. Most of the farmers in this vi- cinity are in the thick of the har- vest, and with a few favorable days will soon be through. We ‘want you to try \Vood-Lar: Stain, the aristocrat of all varnish stains; destined to become a prime favorite of the Canadian connoisâ€" seur, now winning favor rapidly “ith the most particular lovers of an artistic home. A..S. Hunter sells it. Mr. James Mark, our obliging merchant and postmaster, who has been out West on a trip for the past few weeks, returned [home last week greatly benefited by the trip. Miss Mamie .E Hoeflin, of Toron- to. is spending her two weeks’ va- cation at the parental home at Orchard. Died.â€"In Orchard, on Friday, August 19th, the two weeks’ old infant of Mr. and Mrs. John ML- Millan, from blood poisoning. The remains weie interred in the ML. Forest cemetery on Sunday. Miss Alice Lawrence, of Hutton Hill, lately teacher in this section visited a few of her many friends on Saturday last. We were pleas- ed to learn that she is still in the profession, and teaching in her own school at Hutton Hill, at a salary of $490.00. ’ Mr. Adam Douglas had the mis- fortune to lose one of his fine team on Sunday, with indigestion. He refused $200 just a few days ago for the same animal. Just be- ginning business on his own scale this last spring, makes the. mis- fortune doubly hard to bear. AND WHEREAS there are no person. or persons, Company or Companies, other than the said Company engaged in the manu- facture of furniture in the said Town of Durham; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable and expedient by the Council of the said Corporation. to make the advance of $20,000, by way of loan so applied for by the said Company, such loan to be re- paid by the said Company to the AND WHEREAS the said Com- pany have also applied for aid by way of partial ex:mption from taxatio of the real estate and plant 0 the said Company, for the period of ten years from the first day of January A. D., 1912, and it is deemed advrsable to grant such Sid 5 NOW THEREFORE this Agree- ment witnesseth, and it is hereby agreed by and between the said A very severe electrical storm accompanied by heavy rain, passed over this section on Sunday night, but there was no damage done of any account in this locality that we know of. («h .7 ~ 1 Ladies’ \Vhite l'uderskirts were $2.5â€, INN" .......................... $2.00 2 Lzuiim’ \Vhite Underskirts, were $1.50, now ........... . .............. $1 '25 3 black Panama skiits, worth $40 ()0 4... ................................. $3.29 2 brown panama skirts, worth $4. 00. $3 29 ft)! ................................. 2 brown Panama skirts, Worth $5. 00 $4 39 f4): ..... . ........................ 2 black Panama skirts, worth $5. 00. $4 29 fat ............................... 1 black voile skirt, north $8. 00, {(41 ................................ ililli’. EE'HEIl Summer Corsets. -â€"1 pr. 21: 2 22: 2pr. 2-"; 2px. 24 W91t50, ful..r. .39 1 piece of all wool Carpet, was 7.30. for per yard ........................... .55 1 piece L'nion Carpet. was 43v, {m per yard ................................ .35 7 Ladies’ Heavy Top Skirts for Almost a Song We Have Left on Hand the Following Number of Skirts at the following Prices: MOVING SALE BARGAINS! Blyth’s Corners. . L. GRANT The children services on Sunday were just splendid. Those who missed it, missed a treat. Them was a very large congregation present. Rev. Mr .Deller took im- his subject “Faith, Hope and Love.†illustrated by a cross an- chor and crown, all nicely decor- ated with ferns, flowers and ever- greens. The children did their part well. We would like to thank those who so generously contributed flowers for the occa- sxon. The Government drainage sur- veyqr was at Mr. Goo. M. Lueson's on August 12th. It was too busy :1 time to have a demonstration. Mr. Wm. Bradley, and daughter, Miss L. Sundayed with the for- mer’s sister, Mrs. T. Long, and at- tended church in Varnev. The following from Varney left on Tuesday week for the West: Mrs. H. Wilkinson and two child-~ ren; Miss Lottie Fee, James Hoy, Willie McCrie. and Willie McAlis- ter. We wish them all a safe iourney, and pleasant time, and hope to see them all back again. Mrs. Brebber, of Mt. Forest, and Mrs. Halley and two childien. \isit ed at the home of Wm. La>udcr lasv week. Mrs .B is M1. Lauder’ s sis- ter-in-law. and Mrs. H. is his cou- sin. Our school re-opened on the 15th, with Miss Robson in charge, and a goodly number of children in attendance Miss Marion Marshall, of Durham visited her cousin, Mrs. J. Le-ith. last week. Miss Margaret Leeson visited for a fr-u days last week with her grandmother, Mrs. W..H ston, of Mt. Forest The Varney garden party was a grand success in every respect. and We would like to congratulate the Durham boys, who get ahard name, for the splendid way that they behaved themselves, as We had the best of order A very severe thunder storm passed over here Sunday night or Monday morning. No damage was done near here, but the heavy rain will stOp harvesting for a time. Company, their successors and assigns. and the said Corporation, their successors and assigns, as follows ;- 1. The said Corporation agrees to loan the said Com any the sum of 820,000, upon elivery to the said Corporation of a Mort- gage to secure the said sum. uly executed by the said Com- pany, and covering all the lands, plant , buildings, and machin- ery erected or to be erected, of the said Company at the Town of Durham: Thos. Long, of Varney had the misfortune to get two of his ribs broken while cutting Wood acou- ple of weeks ago, but we are glad to say he‘is getting along nicely at the present time. A great many from Var-nay at- tended the tuneral of the late Mr. Thos .Gadd. We extend our sym- pathy to the bereaved friends in their hour of trouble. W IN consideration whereof the. said Company agrees to erect and construct on their lands, consisting of portions of Park lots numbers four, five, and six, north of Lambton Street, in the Town of Durham, in the County of Greg, within fifteen months from t e date hereof, new, sub- stantial and suitable buildings, as and for a furniture factory, and furnish and equip the same fully and completely with the most modern and up to date ma- chingrx necessary and proper_for The said Corporation also agâ€" rees to enact a By-law of the said Corporation, exemptin all the real estate, and plant 0 the said Company from payment of taxes (excepting however school and local improvement rates) [or the tperiod of ten years from the Fire day d January A. D., 1912: hiner necessar dproper [or the lul and ef cient manufac- ture of furniture, at an ex pendi- ture of not less than titty thous- Varney. 1 piece of all wool Carpet, was 75c. for per yard ........................... 1 piece Union Cnrpet. was 430., fur per yard ................................ 2 'brown poplin skirts, worth $6.00 fur ................................. 1 blue Panama skirt, worth $5.00 for ........ . ......................... Dear Sinâ€"Noticing the discus- sion re the market scales, we may say that the farmers are a unit in asking that the weigh scales shall be placed at some point where it may not be necessary to load up our stock again after hav- ing it weighed. The moving of the scales to the McKechnie property will not in any way better the present conditions. with the ex- ception of driving up the hill. If the demands for better weighing accommodation is not furnished, by the town, we are willing to join with others in paying: for scales to be placed at one of the stations for the weighing of stock, and we believe it is an Opportune time for the buyers and stock raisers to club together and get scales plac- ed on the m‘onertj.’ nf one of the stations. The McKeclmie property would certainly make a beautiful park, and if a band stand was placed on this property, with seats. etc., it would furnish a nice cosy place for visitors. We would certainly advise the Council of Durham to look into this matter before they proceed further with building operations. Yours truly, Miss Farrell is in charge of S..S No ..1 Normanby, since the school re-opened. Thos. Wallace had a bee drasw- ing brick one day last wcek. Tom- my intends having as fine. ahouse as the next one when it is finish- ed. The Ritchie Bros. have the stone and brickwork, and I am sure that they will make him a good job. We sincerely hope that Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and family will be long spared to enjoy their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Blyth. Wilbert, Eva, Winnie, and Rev. Mr. Deller, spent a pleasant evening at the home of Mr. Wm. Lauder. Wednesday of last week. To the Editor of the Chronicle. The people of Varney church have been treating the church to a new organ. It was purchased from Mr. Snell, of your town. A few from Varney attended the Ebenezer garden party on Tuesday night of this week, and had agood time. Mrs. Grant, an, has gone to live with her daughter, Jennie, at Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grant and (am ily, also Mr. and Mrs. J.W BI 11 and three children. spent Su y afternoon at Mr. Wm. Clark’s, at Hampden. and dollars, and have the same com leted and in operation With- in t e period of fifteen months from the date hereof; V AND the said Company agrees upon the erection and completion of the said furniture factory to emplo on an average each ear after tie first year for and uring the term of twenty years hereafter, at least one hun- dred persons in and about the said factory, and to maintain and operate the said factory with said number of one hundred em- ployees in active and efficient operation for the said term of twenty years hereafter: PROVIDED and in case the Company fail to employ the a- bove specified number of hands for any year during the contin- uance of this agreement, then and in such case, and in so far as they shall fail or be short in the number of hands so employâ€" ed. the Company shall be liable for, and pay to the Corporation, as and for liquidated damages, such portion of the annual inter- est, calculated at the rate of may e payable by the Corpora- tion for the then current year, on the loan hereinbeiore men- LETTER TO THE EDITOR. Continued on page 5. JAMES ATKINSON, JOHN B. BELL. JOSEPH ATKINSON, THOS. MCGIRR. R. T. EDW'ARDS, “'M. J. DERBY, D. McLEAN, JAMES VESSIE, R. J. McGILLIVRAY, \VM. NICHOL. â€9'â€. $4.99 $4.29