Location-This half section is situated in the famous Quill Plains, about twenty miles north of Wat- Don Station on the C.N.R. It is in the midst of a good settlement, chiefly of Canadians and Ameri- cans, with some Germans and Nor- wegians. It is about two miles from school, store, church, post office, etc. It is in a very fertile part of the West, which is nlaim- ed to be equal to the Portage Plains, one of the most fertile arâ€" eas in the world. Besides immense yields of wheat, the neighboring farmers raised as high as 100 bushâ€" els of oats to the acre in some In- stances in 1909. The survey of the Thunderhill branch of the C.N.R. is near, and the road is already completed to within 70 miles of it. Water.â€"A fine spring creek runs don the East side, and cuts of! the o:th-east corner of the half lection. Water can also be easily obtained in wells almost anywhere in the neighborhood. The low land near the stream furnishes ex- cellent hay and pasturage. t0. ACRE FARM ON THIRD CON- ceasion of Glenelg, N.D.R., lots 15 and 16. This farm is well water- ed, and has go od buildings erect- ed thereon, good land, and an ucellent opportunity for the right man. For further particu- lars, apply on the premises to A. Ford, Bunessan. 12 31.10tf Wood.-â€"-This is convenient and plentiful for fuel. A few miles distant good building timber can be got, and also timber large enough {or sawing into lumber. Re E. l-‘Z Section 19, Township :0, Range 17 W. 2nd M. Gameâ€"Fish are abundant in the likes, and game in the woods and on the lakes. Western Lands For Sale Soil.â€"The soil is dark and deep, rich with vegetable matter, and in short, is a strong clay soil that is not too heavy to be easily work- ed. I! the aforesaid land is not what ‘ buyer wants, I have several other sections at my_ .dispooal, some «it. flow to a raflway station. ï¬nd other! entirely. tree from ughâ€"W. L. DIXON, Dromore, ----- General.-â€"This is a very de- sirable proper:y, sloping gradual- ly to the creek, the greater part of the farm commanding a fine view of the surrounding country It is surrounded by prosperouq Ind progressive farmers, one of whom has a fine steam threshing onuitlba‘nd steam plough. There I. a little scrub on the farm, but nothing to hm t. Many consider a ï¬ttlo scrub an indication of great- at richness in the soil. Anything Che you may require to know, I will be pleased to supply on re- quest. I 000D HOUSES FOR RENT.â€" Apply to J. M. Latimcr. ï¬rst! m O’DOXNELL PROPERTY THE BL‘a’LDiNG OCCUPIED BY P.(‘:.A. Webster as jewellery store, ad J.P. Teliord as a law office, with show cases. wall cases, clock lid ante. At a bargain. App1y to Gordon, Weyburn, Sask. 61009:! Fur S21 l0. ï¬bm‘su “3.4.15. GOOD RUN nlng Owenâ€"Geo. Yxirs, Durh.‘m IOUSE AND LOT ON COUNTS Street, Apply to Mrs. John 11;: bottle, Durham. 6303; ISIX-ROUMBD BRICK HOL': quarter acre of land, full 317. 0T 1 OF 17, CONCESSION 1, E. G. 8.. Glenelg. 50 acres. ,well- fenced, good buildings, two small orchards. and good spring and well. Also Lots 2 and 3 of 15, Con. 1 W.G R.‘ Bentinck, 100 ac- me; 60 acres cleared, and 40 some of good bush. These properties will be sold together or separ- ately. and on terms to suit pur- chaser. For further particulars apply to Wm. Leggette. Rocky Baogeen. Durham P.O. 6-2tf 0T 21, CON. 2. TOWNSHIP OF Egremont, containing 106 acres Ibout 10 acres hardwood bush, I here! swamp timbered, the rest dour; barn 30x50, stable 30x40. Orohsrd 1 acre, watered by 2 wells 1nd spring. Put of purchase money can remain on mort age. For particulars appl Wiliam Dudley, Orchard. On . 00D BRICK RESIDENCE ON Lambton Street. Durham, oppo- lite the Methodist parsonage. One of the nicest situated prop- erties in Durham. In good state 0! repair. Will sell on reason- able terms to quick buyer. Ap- ply on premises to T. Moran. 4.7 quarter acre 0! la: cellar, on (iax‘afrax posite cement we: able terms. App] Jackson, Durham. Fur SM? 01‘ Rent. Advcrflumma a! one inn or Inn. 25 cent- for ï¬r" it no rtion am! )0 Nuts fur each unequal}! inuflion Over use inch and under two int-hen. double the above amount. Yearly rates on applwot-on. Farms fur Sale. To Rent. SMALL ADS. to m- 33!“ 918ml ()flice. nearly opposite the Rania") n‘ï¬ce. Lambton wt.,Durha.In. Anynmoum .f mouev to loan a 5 per cent. on fun l. G. Hutton. M. 0.. C. M. ( FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK UP . stairs, Lambton Street. Rnsideucoâ€" Comer Queen and floor 0 Streetsâ€"North o! Methodist Church. ( co hoursâ€"9.11 am. 2-4 9.m.. 7-90.11). Telephone No. 10 ty of Toronto. Graduate Royt College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. (Minxâ€"Calder Block. over Post Oflio. ornpertv 1} animals treated on most. scientif- ic principles. All calls promptly attended to. Ofï¬ce and residence. Garafraxa Street. Durham, nearly np- pnsite the Chronicle Ofï¬ce. 62310 ARRISTER, SOLICITUR, CON- B veyancer. Notary Public 6:0. Money to loan on farm property. In- surance effected. life or ï¬re. Offlm- over Standard Bank. Durham, Ont. structor on piano and organ. 'l‘erms on application at her residence, (im-nfraxa Street. Durham. 0m. lamieson Maclaurin. {‘FFICE AND RESIDENCE A ~. shurt distance east of Knapp’s Hotel. Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durban Oï¬ive hours from 12 to 2 o'clock 1 (ice in the New Hunter Block. Oï¬o. wars, 8 tr» 10 n. m., to 4 p. In. and 7 3.09 J. :11. Special! attention given to dim if women and children. Residence op woite Preobvnerian Church. EYE,___EAB,_TH_ROAT nose .V or. Conveyancerf he. lnsnrunoo ï¬gent. Money :0 Loan. Issuer of “a: mute Licenses. A general ï¬nancial bani new transacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lownr Town.) For stained tinware, borax duce: the best results. - For the privilege of running a' booth on the grounds of the South Grey Agricultural Society on the‘ day ‘of the Exhibition, Sept. 27th.. Contractors to provide lunch for. a limited number. Contract mm» ey to be paid on acceptance of! tender. Tenders must be in the3 hands of the Secretary on or ht»! fore Saturday, September 17111. GEO BINNIE, CHRIS. FIRTH,; President. Secretary. 1 Dr. 0.8. Craig, u.v.s.. v.s.v.n. [\ ISEASES OF DOM ESTICATE I) U York and Chicago. Dino-Io. 0! Bye. Bu Non and Throat. Will be u p Home. Durban. the 2m! htuxdtv m K319. month. nounâ€"lâ€"G n. In. â€"â€"--â€"â€"vâ€"v . ___â€" â€"â€"~ '1. RUDD MATHEWS, MARKDALE Ont.. Ltcensed Auctioneer {or the County of Grey. .Sales at- -nded to at reasonable terms. Arrangements may ,be made at the Chronklo 'ofli_c_e, Durham. DR. BURT. nu Assistant. Rn). London Ophthalmic no. “3.. and to Golden Sq. Thu-oat 3nd No“ Hos SPIOIA LIS T l TO THE PERSON WHO WILL furnish information which will lead to the recovery of 5 stray yearling cattleâ€"2 steers, lgrey, and 1 red, with a little white; and 3 heifers, 1 gray and 2 mostly redâ€"all â€marked with leather tag attached by two pig rings in lower part of left mr, near the head.â€"James Findlay, Arthur Gun, M. D. HYSICIAN AN D SURGEON, OF (ice in the New Hunter Block. Oï¬o: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The authorities are hereby no {iod that sum? person is usi: Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. )FFICE: ()ver J J. Hunter’s A. H. Jackson. 7.0mm PUBLIC, COMMISSION er. Conveyancpr. c. lnsnrano FIVE W'EEKS OLD, WHITE. FISHING. HUNTING. OR TRES- passing is stxictlyy ~forbideOn 7n ‘v f‘ Markdale. the law into Wade, Dornoch J F.GRANT,D.D.8.L.D sf [ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- J. P. Telforé. ARBISTEI., SULICITOR. ETC Strayed from the premise-s of the undersigned on Saturday night. Information leading to itâ€; recovay will be thankfully receivedâ€"Area Rutherford, Du.“â€" ham. 981 Lots 47, 48. and 49. Con. 3. NDJL Glenelg, Parties found so dox 1g will be prosecuted.â€" W. J Mc- Farlane, J. Collier. T. Ritchie 3m 6-2-3m L. R C. P.. LONDON. ENG _RéD.ULA_TE_ of London, New 1TA"IRWiN. MUSIC‘A'L IN’. {Smog-301' to \V. F. Dunn) 'Oflioe: )3.'m: 5'... Owen Bound. Tenders Wanted Licensed Auctioneer Medical Dirertorv. Musigdl Dire £100" Dental Dz’redorv. Lem! ‘Director 7 $5.00 Reward A 0.136%? Pig Last. .Vmicv. '3 to bring: the g justico, I shall into forcc.â€"â€"W;n Nntice 11y na som the W th 7286p U UK 913 ll Mrs. Dr. Webster and children returned to their home in the city on Saturday, accompanied by the Yormer’s mother, Mrs. M.K. Richâ€" ardson. Rev. Mr. Matheson, of Priceville, preached at the preâ€"comm-union service in the Presbyterian church on Friday. 0n Sabbath, there was a large attendance of comm-uni- can'ts at the impressive service conducted by the pastor. Mr. W. Somera, formerly of the Standard Bank here, has been transferred frog Dublin to near M1. and Mrs. P. Nozris left ‘On Tuesday for Winnipeg, whme they will mobably leside. Mr. N0111s has accepted a position as trav- eller with the Reliable Light Co, Messrs. John Wright and John 'l‘histlewaite have taken the con- tract of the brickwork on the he“ continuation school at Maxkdale, and commence Work on the job this Week. Mrs. Allen, of Toledo, visited he; mother Mrs. Geo. Best, last week and Mr. Herb. Little, of Owen S’ d grandson, was a visitor over Sunday. Miss McMillan, of Paisley, has returned to take charge of J. W. Boyd’s millinery; Miss Campbell, of AWalkerton, has taken charge 0'. F.G. .Karstedt's. Mrs. Angus McLeod, who has been on an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy \Vilson. left on Monday for her home at Boxalder, Rainy River. Mr. and Mrs. F.H.W, Hickling, spent Saturday and Sunday in town. on their Way to the city‘ where Mr. Hickling has accepted a position as bookkeeper with a milling company. By the breaking of a shaft in Rockvale mill last week, the mill was shut down several days While repairs were made at Owen Sound Fortunately, no one was injured when the accident occurred. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Holland, of To- ronto, visited the past week with their son, Principal Holland. Mi‘ Holland was [one of the early set- tlers in Grey county, and lived in Holland township eleven years. A driying beast belonging to Mr. Alex. McKechnie at Rock Mills was severely injured by a kick from another horse several days ago. Several stitches were insert- ed in closing the wound, dressed by Dr. Ottowell. Miss Mabel Thistlewaite, and Miss Collinson have both gone to Brighton to take millinerjs posiâ€" tions with two of the merchants there. Mrs. ’W.A. Armstrong has re- turned from Hamilton, almoat wholly recovered from her recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brooks. of Clarksburg, visited over Sunday at 'W.P. Crossley’s and W. Bom- tham’s. Rev. 'G.S.. Milligan attended Pm"â€" bytery at Orangeville on Tuesday, going afterwards to the city for a few days. Miss Maud Richardson has re- turned from holidaying in Musko- ka, and is being visited by her artist friend, Miss Brown, of To- ronto. Misses Maud Hastie and Maud Boyd. visited .over the holidav with the farmer’s sister at Shul- burne. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thistlewaitc. of Detroit, and Miss Thistlewaite. of Stayner, visited relatives here last week. Mrs. Archie Sinclair, of Tecs- water, visited over Sunday and Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hales. Mr. Geo. Chard has gone to Owen Sound to attend Business College. Mrs. McTavish and Mrs. Herbert Smith are visiting frivnds at Hamilton this week. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, and daughter. Miss Lulu, and Mrs. J. .Blackbuun. are visiting in the city this week. Mrs. VanDusen left on Saturday to visit relatives near Barrie, ac- companied by her sister, Mrs. \Vt-th, of Uxbridgs. Mrs. Ewan of 0an Sound, Vid' ited over Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Alex. Stewart. Miss Lily 'l‘histlewaite is spend- ing‘ a couple 'Of weeks with friends in the city. Mr. Harold Mitchell has returned from an extended holiday at: Harx'isville, Mich. There is the usual exodus from this point to the Tor-any Il!(".k'::'.7ial Miss Annie Howard has returned to the city after a holiday with her mother here. tnis \VL‘ Mr Elmo Blakely has secured a situation in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perigoe have moved to Fever-sham. Mrs. Geo. Bellamy, who was dan- gerously ill last week, is impsvov- mg. Mr. Andrew Bentham was home from Toronto for Labor Day. Miss Harbottle, of Darham, is visiting Mrs. Fred. McCiockhn., Miss Wright, of. Maxwell, '3 visiting her aunt, M;s. Ottoxvcll. Mr. Reed Sullivan, of Chjt;-;Wot.'th hoiidayed at home on Lauor Day. Mrs. Dr. Carter is vislti 1;; her sisters in Toronto and Woodstock. Mrs. VanDusen has 111d {11: ex- terior 01' her result-10;, occopicd by Mr. Marcelius, repumted. Mr. Lafayette Badgegow, «milling has been ill for some day-.5 with pleurisy, but is repented improv- ing. Rev. -\Vellwood ret from an enjoyable holiday». Mr. Edgar Bellamy, Sask. is visiting his Miss Ella Karstedt is visiting friends in Tamonto. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stewart are visiting friends in the city. Flesherton. TIlE DURHA M CHRONICLE eturnc three p a re 11 Frid 1:001! 1101‘? i Mr. \V.A. Armstrong was at iNiagara and Toronto over Satur- }day and Sqnday, accompanied by his hrotheï¬-in-law. Mr. L. Lifler, 'of Fort Scott, Kansas. Mr. Liflcr‘s lfamily. who have been on an ex- tended visit here, leave with him 'on Wednesday for their home. ‘ At Division Court held here last swcchï¬he docket was light, and idieposed of at a short sitting. zHoward vs Fawcett was an action 'for wages, in which the plaintiff 'Wafl given judgment for $4.24. 'C‘ameron vs McIntosh, action on :contract for $46.50. .Judgment for .plaintiff, $10. Pivinick vs Hoy, {adjourned till next court. l The recent publication of the memoirs of a celebrated English university professor, Oscar Brown- ing, recalls a famous epigramâ€" said to be one of the most admiï¬. able ever composed. . It was perpetrated by a brilliant pupil. J. K. Stephen, upon the professor, who was somewhat in- clined to corpulencyâ€" O. ~B.. oh be obedient To nature’s stern decrees; For though you be but one 0. B.. You may be too obce! â€"Youth’s Cotnpanion. Macfarlane Co. guarantee it. It will stop itching scalp, falling hair and make the hair grow thick and abundant. It is the hair dressing par excelâ€" lence. daintiiy perfumed, and free from grease stickiness. It is the favorite with women of taste and culture who know the social value of fascinating hair. A large bottle costs only 50c at. leading druggists eve1ywhere, and‘ in Durham by Macfarlane Con The girl with the auburn hair is on every package, } Iot puts life and lustre into the ham and prevents it from turning gray. Parisian Sage 'will kill the dam- druff germs and remove dandruff in two weeks .or money back. Use dry coffee grounds to stuff pin cushions. Needles and pins will never rust. Dandruff is the root of all ‘hair evils. If it were not for the little des- tructive germs working with a persistent-y worthy pf a better cause, there would be no baldness. A very sad death occurred at Beattie’s Corner on the Toronto Line. on Friday night last, when Mr. Alf. Harrison, a respected resident, passed away after a brief illness with typhoid fever, The funeral took place to Mark- dale cemetery on Monday. The deceased, who was only 27 years of age, leaves a young widow and three children, who have the deep sympathy of the community in their bereavement. Dandruff is caused by germs, a fact accepted bv all physicians. DANGEROUS DANDBUFF. Will Make Canada A Baldheadod Nation If Not Checked. M. Pasteur, the great French phxsician of Paris, once said, ‘I believe we shall one dax rid the world of all diseases caused 'by germs. The new pipe organ, being in- stalled in the Methodist church this week by Messrs. Lye and son, of Toronto, will be formally open- ed next Sunday, at services con- ducted by Rev. Josiah Green. of Clinton. Mr. Lye will preside at the [organ and also give a recital on Monday evening, which is anâ€" ticipated as a musical treat. 'lne high school opened on Thursday last with about thirty- fin. in attendance, and a numh 1‘ of 11cm ones are to be enrolled this “111.11. Miss E.J. LIL Kenzie, of Lis- towel has taken the position va- cated b" Miss Chidley. Mrs. J.L. McMullen received the sad news on Saturday of the. death of her brother, Mr. Robert Kelly, in Manitoba. Mr. Kelly was re- cently injured by a binder in tlm harvest field so as to neces- sitate amputation of alimb. which resulted fatally. Halbrite, Sask., and was in town last Week on a short visit befoz'e leaving for his new position. Break the Habit and buy Red Rose' bably been in- tending to try Red Rose Tea for some time but from “force of habit†have just Kept on using another tea. next time. YOU have pro- d. 36“" Iiis good tagâ€"Ta ~ , $7142.15“-.. - Your Grocer Will Recommend it NEVER SOLD IN IULK A WARNING. “I have a World of confidence in Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, for I have used it with perfect success, writes Mrs. M.I Bassford, Pooles- ville. Md. For sale by Gun’s Drug Store. The East Wind â€" “Well, they have us harnessed.†Gillieâ€"“Almost. There were 25 reporters and 50 ’newspaper photo- graphers there when I left.â€â€" Puck. " f Now any time they want races let them put, up some money and state how much and let the Swinton Park boys know a couple of weeks alumni and they will be on hand and make it interesting for the other runners. Yours truly, Swnx'mx PARK Buys. The West Windâ€"“Yes but they can’t drive drive us tandem†New York Sun. W. Black one of the Swinton Park boys saying he wished the boys would stick to their promise. 'lhe boys again wrote asking for a bill and full particulars of the races, and stated if there woe enough money put up for prizes they wruld certainly go: but we got no answer hack what the prizes would be. This is the reason why the Swinton Pm'k boys didn't 5:0 to Durham. Don’t you think we would be foolish to drive twenty miles or more to Dur- ham and not know what we were going for? Willisâ€"“Have they got the fire under control?†On the 28th of June when the ï¬rst races were run there, the managers asked the Swintou Park boys if they would come back to run again, and the boys agreed to do so. if they would put up money prizes. 80 the managers set a night for the races. but never stated what the prizes would be. One of the Swinton Park boys wrote out to put off the races for a couple of weeks as they were not through haying. This the manager did. Again one of the managers [rote Dear Sinâ€"Many ask why the Swin- ton Park boys didn’t go to Durham to run the races in the rink on the 18th of Aug. As the managers of the race a state that it wasn’t their fault we thnught it wise to write a few lines to let the people know the reason. EDITOR OF THE CHRONICLE: As usually treated, a sprained ankle will disable a man for three or four weeks, but by applying Chamberlain’s Liniment freely as soon as (the injury is received, and observing the directions with each bottle, a cure can be effected in from two to four days. For sale by ,Gun’s Drug Store. M). David Ritchie left for Toronto. Tuesday to attend the Exhibitiuu. Mr. G90. Ryan Jun. disposed of a (-arlnud of smokers. to Mr. Owen Iâ€"Io'ï¬â€™ernan. of Guelph, last weak. The bum-h contained thirty head of dandies. Mr. James Matthews, accompanied by his daughter Miss Blanche, left for Toronto, Toesday, to take in the Ex- hibition. and “hile there “1'. Mat- thews will transact some husiness. “'9. deeply regret to learn of the death of Mr. Archie Kennedy. which occurred in Toronto Friday last. after a brief illness of two days. \Ve had been ,intinmtely m'quuintrd with Archie for some time past and always found him upright and honorable. \Ve wish to extend our sincere sympathy to the sorrowing ones. Miss Alice Collier who spent a couple of weeks at, the parental home, return- ed to Toronto Monday before last. Mr. and Mrs. John McKechniP. “f Rocky Saugeen, spent. a week ago Sunday at the home 'Jf Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ryan Jr. Miss Minnie Hnlpenny of Normanhy visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGirr for a, couple of days re- cently. Mr. Jas. Ritchie has recently made quite an improvement on his property by litying a neat cement walk to the. rum . Mrs. Pvnny and children of Cali- fornia waited at the hmue uf her parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nichol. recently. Messrs. Archie Mofluaig. of Tup Cliff. and Donald M."('iili\'ray. of San- gvme Valley, were ('allm's at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mu )zmnel, Sun- day. Mr. James Matthews. acvmupnniml Miss Lexie Anderson of Hamilton, spent. Sunday and Monday at the home of hu- mmt Mrs. Adam \Vatmn. Mr. and M rs. \Vm. Orchard and son ‘Vilfrid, of London, Ontu callPd at, the home of the latter’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Howict. Sunday. Mrs. Cnllum and son Francis, of \Vindsnr, accompanied by Mrs. 8. Scott of town were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt, Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Bovingdon who have spent a couple of weeks very pleasant- ly at, the home of M r. and Mrs. John Collier. retunwd to their honw in Sault Ste Marie Tuesday of last wvek. Mr. David Davis had a. valuable collie dug killed (me day last Week by being at: uck by an automobile. Mr. Fwd Anderson, traveller nf Hamiltnn, called at the home nf Mr. and Mm. Adam Watson one day recent ly. A THE STANDARD BANK Every Department is fully Equipped te enema Prompt and Efficient Service. Darkies’ Corners. AN EXPLANATION. Savlngo Bank at all Branches OF CANADA «tiling For trundle" “tom-nu. ‘ ï¬' coa- lino for the am I“ t. - ~thn; unaporlineuohm qua-t hoard.- Ihlou Iuoun. Proton†“I. not undi- ou in» “.00 put an Ldeab V! n speciï¬c diurnal be plblhhod till forbid “I “and “Pam: raw": notionâ€""Lt u." ‘Wound. " For our-50 auto for ï¬r“ insertion. 136 mu {C onbooq non huntâ€. All udvortiI-Ionu adored by unmann- I" be paid for in adv-nae. COIIWB It“ for yany “vermin-nab m nio‘hgd on_ application to u. oak-e. ‘- â€"â€"-vw‘C-'-- " ‘ ‘V- Ali - 53;;r'flue-olu, to can}? mufï¬n ll Garrett weak. Ihnuld baht-ought in um late-t th- XOIDA! at 0 p. m. , ,1. oo- louly norm my a â€no Jab xv" ". than flfludm'. WQ‘ may for turning out flan-fl ' '"""' “Mun. free of pm 3“. . 3:50 y.ou â€yam-13% 41.50 my be “for if, I“ no paid m to Ihhh om Inbooflpflan 10 paid to don-M the number» the mm: labcL x. ml “Ii-ad to All m m pull meptd1 epilo- d the â€pd-tor. 8am-1pm I'll human will be on! Air mildâ€.- fme cf mam! THE DURHAM EHHUNIEU II PUBLISH-D WY THUNDAY HOW I! “a Chronlok Fitting House. Gan/III- Future Framtjgg on SHOP Open every dternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop. orlv “tended to. kW. 0. COMM and Funeral Director\ W. D, CONNOR Pumps of all Kimtu. Galvanized and Irun Pip. ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. A. BELL UN DERTAKER Full line of Catholic Rnbn and blank and white Caps for agwnd penph. DURHAM. ONT.. THE TRADERS BANK OF CM‘ADA Barber-8110p. RumENCEâ€"Nw door South of YV. J. Lowrance't bluknmith chop. SHOW ROCHEâ€"Next- to Swallows is always Welcomed at the Traders Bank, “-1 Titeri-ti; one dollar or ï¬x 1.1311111“. Savings Accomtr", are handled in the “raving; Bank Departmmt" :1doi" tellers are always: 11d to nssist our custcnuâ€"rs in transacting their business. There is no f about making a c you simply ï¬ll in tin: Slip, as shown aim lunches also (9! Mnun! l and Aymn. Em'ron um Pmpmmw an. Embalming a Specialty Pumas from $2 unward. DURHAM, ONT. W. IRWIN Mlnufacturer oi And Dealer in - ") osit How the C0 “ 0f thc» mag ('h‘ifllf’s am . s» mars in the . uld “ ‘1 hum.._ s“ clung agent nf 4 1.17:. ï¬rm of “grimy.“ manufacturers L1,. ., .1 from a ï¬sh 2. h . 3, ,.. the State 0' 30 n \ “h the? better am; H. .n eh: character vu’Ious farm "1 remember h took my father u. have 0‘?" “h†a fem-r \‘ up on hi no. My M know. part after {mm- the posts 11' stones \W h erty. SHYHO‘ get re mam come t'w ? he I 2.3“! we thouflah “Wit†H } us. at W “W‘s“m' .days. n learning ter whv' .93 5mm posts deep i posts : hnrh° that did days g Beautiful Arm certain 0! Mixed Grain tlim'lvy grinding for {PM}. Mllti any Pets) on hand that non wanting :m3 Mixed Grai price will lw highm SPECIAL PRICES TU Farmers in Tun Luls BUY NUW um xxx Viv \w A: ‘. The Mcmï¬V'A? “'e have still about two cars W mention to l’ndcruktng EDWARD KRESS “'39 U them “'ith PVm FREE fl thH‘M nilsimz st yle. '4 New Williams RUGS AND FL “'9, aw varryiug 5 MUilcloths, whit-h we WI" CHRONICLE. to buy mp!‘ ave yuu m1 C Jllll‘. in The T Fl) lmprov “I956 R M it fll‘ 8 Ft he are OH