West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Sep 1910, p. 4

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Yaqny Alexander Jimm‘w. Jam: v.3 walking: in a hatdwui'o shim! md as be wrapped up iron 19".9 ”1d gnvils, bolts, and kegs of nails. md knives and screws and pig‘s of 191d, he often to his fellows said:' “This labor makes me timed. by; flags! For I was built for high;- er things. I’m fitted to adorn tube bench instead of telling monkey!- meh md spade and hoe . und W’I geese and evil-smelling Of all days in the year last Fri- day was the day we would like to have been in 'loronto. It was Press Day at the exhibition, when many of the newspaper men of the Province count on having a gen- eral io-union. But it Was VOtlllg day in Durham. Three Byfelaws were to be voted on and We stay:- at home to vote. Failures some- times occur by over confidence. It isn't right to take too many chances on important measures. You should never forget that other peoiile may feel just as cer- tain as you do that the vote will go right and they have just as good an excuse, perhaps, as you have to stay away from the poll. Every one should vote one way or the other. All have the right to use their own judgment and we have no quarrel with the man who votes differently from the way we do. There are other reasons why some do not vote as well as the “dead sure of success” reason, or perhaps better call it excuse. We are fully confident that some re- train from v ting because -th_ey lack the con age to assert them- selves as men. Such weaklings are to be pitied or despised and do not deserve the right to vote. The varld admires a manly man but in very little use for a mouse. The man who has a business should be always on the job, u.- have somebody to take his place should he happen to be absent. It doesn‘t pay to have customers call round and find no one on deck who is capable of supplying their requirements. A disappoint- ed customer is naturally a dissat- isfied customer, and may soon withold his patronage entirely. In times of keen competition, every business requires to be carefully looked after, and everything in reason done to meet the require- ments of the customer. On the other hand, the business man has rights, and he should see that these rights are respected. He should have a mind of his own, and not move to suit the whims of evervbody who dictates to him. Even the publisher of a local paper should be a man amongst men. The Mount Forest Confederate is 8 little distressed over the way the new Canadian cows are stampeu, having the King 3 head and 'the re- Verse side at the coin stampuu with the tap the same way. He thinks the British way is the better when one wishes to examine a coin on both sides, and he fails to see any auvantage in the new way of stamping. Surely that U‘l'll GOVernment at Ottawa must be sinking into a horrible state when the Confed. man can see anything about it that hasnt the appear.- ance of being just exactly right. The evil must be remedied right awav so that the names of Sir \Vil- rid Laurier and his confreres may go down to history without a sin- gle stain on their political escutp. checns. It is always a good thing for an employee tn make the boss £331 him an absolute necessity to the success of the business. 0! course there is no man whose place can not be filled by some one else just as good, and it is well for emloyees to realize this fact also. As amat- ter of fact, however, most employ)- ers prefer the man who has proved his gomlness to the man Whose worth to them has yet to be estab- lished. The merits of every good man should he recognized by his employer, and should be paid Well for his services, or he should have perfect liberty to go who're he. can do best for himself. Good men are not blowing about their ability. They seldom need to do any tooting. .A“ h? we were 0 selves. known, ten jus don't k flu for p curse think and mak they did we did r expand. not wh gale-g rease. He loathed the work :.he had to ’do, and cussed it till the ‘ Sair was blue. Young Richard Hen.- gry James Kirflopp. was Halso work; , . ing in t at shop e came " Imm' F nm. and Pm‘m“°" ! anvils all the ’day, and as he toiled ”" he used to say: “There may be DURHAM SEPTEMBER8.1910 ibetter jobs than this, imparting =â€"___~_-..~. 1 _ -- â€"_;..-::-H_;_aâ€"_;A_.:imore of ease and bliss, but I will 'do my best, and strive“ to show the Same love-sick article asks "W098 that im alive ‘ 1 may be it's right to: an escort to carry a built for higher spheres, :but I ladysa coat while out walking with won’t wet the shon with tears. her. 0! 00111.19 it is. W hy not? If those blamed spheres are hunt- No matter what the etiquette my me, they'll find me busy as 8 books say, the man who u esbee " Young Alexander Jimson good 0611111. 11 511151: “ill not go Jopp still sweats around that tar ast'ay. \ knowledge that ce: - haldwra 8 shop, and carries an- tain "hoax 1111.1“2119 nee: 'wssa1 , choxs to and fno, and draws a maker. it '11 1 1 {01 the common, e\’- paltry bunch of dough. while Rich.- ery day (41.111 to fool easy if he ard Henry sits in state, wears gets i:1 W! E1 the "upper’cz'us.." hard-11011911 shirts, and pays the Most of \x'wz") it not 1‘11: H16:- freight. : book rules. wouf-l rather eat (91,“, ‘ .. 1 O" the r-.'.', 11”.. “’11 it 011' “.1111 11 nTh€,fo.‘1.eg101,‘i“g Skit by Walt h13â€", ,IJAA numr nn' nm I'hl‘Ll gets m wu'n the “upper'crust.” Most of us, were it not 1101‘ the book rules. would rather eat corn 0!! the co‘) than fish it off Wifh a button hook. The Way some of the high floatws do their eating would give a hungry man apnin. EH If H 19 truth were a} wironments are of- right size, but we it. th DEW as we imaginec 1d many of u: we could give v lessons if W6 to spread oar- uth were all mr‘w Billy Calder and Bob Cochrane InaAy sgrap ‘a_t thg pu_bl§c meg-tings, but. wherf they bo‘wl fogefliércéh' the green n915t__day tlgpy are gpt _to -1 ‘ AI the green next day the are apt to shake the public confi ce in the sincerity of their antagonism. The proposal to pass a pig- pen 'By-law has the advantage of allowing those troubled with Cacoâ€" ethes Scribendi to shoot off some of their literary pyrotechnics. on the corner of Queen and George Streets, and Garafraxa St. north of the bridge, be built up. the market and stock yards would never be noticed, and citizens on Queen St. would have much im- Droved properties on account of it. The past ten years have brought about great changes in Durham, and if we continue to show a little public spirit, the next ten years may do even greater things. If we can only stop jangling anl pull together, we’ll come out all right. HITS AND MISSES. When Calder and Laidlaw Open up their throttles on Pig Pen Pol.- itics they make more noise than two pigs under a gate. Even yet. the idea of a park; need not be lost sight of. If a hedge or other fence were run back from the new market build-‘ ing to the river there would be a. strip 70 feet wide that could be. fitted up very nicely for park pur- poses. If this were level-ed, seed: ed planted with trees and proper- ly seated, and well kept, it would be sufficient for years to come. “The idea of a park beside a, pig pen," says somebody, in der-I ision, but just wait, and a year's experience will not reveal any. serious objection 'on account of thei smell or other annoyances. Again” should a town hall ever be placed When lhogs run up to nearly ten dollars a hundred, live weight. any charitable man will excuse a person for saying he is a lover of pigs. As far as the farmers are con- cerned, we think the most of them will be satisfied with the scale on the new site. When the difficul- ties of getting anything better, and at convenient distance to both railway stations is mentioned they seem to realize the situation perfectly, and as one man said only a day or two ago, the only difference would be in the ship- ping of hogs and light stock. For hay and cattle the new site, ac- cording to his opinion, was ail right. is about as convénient as any that could be obtained, and farmer bringing in hay to all down town customers especiallv, can scarcelv look for a more central location. As we said previously, we would prefer the appearance of a well kept park to that of a market building, but the cry of years made a change of the latter an absolute necessity if we are to reâ€" tain the custom and good-will of the farming community. For the shipping of hogs and small stock brought to town. it would doubt- [63> be more convenient to have the scale where re-loading before turning into the railway yards would be unnecessary. For the weighing of coal, the new location During the past trhee or four! The three. ’Bb‘laWb‘ Voted on last weeks, a great deal of discussiou'FrldaY W91“? it“ carried by gowd, went on in the public press about “EU-35mm!“ majorities, AS We on- the new market scale and clerks tICIDRte-d from the first, and ex-- office. The fact that the con- Dressed in these columns, the tract was let for the building ’bc- Furniture FaCtO'i‘." BF-IBWS had fore the By-law was submitted, led but a small opposition. A num- many of the ratepayers to feel dis- her 0f ratepayers were out Of town satisfied with what they regarded at the time of Voting, which may as a high handed action on the have affected the results to some part of a majority of the 001111-!C‘Xt9nt, but “'9 think thP absentee Ci]. There seenled to be more 0b-:V0t9rS, if PTPSf‘Ht t0 (Patti in th't‘ii' iection on account of this than ballots, WOUM have swelled the there was on account of other ob-[naJOI‘itYa rather than diminished jectionable features mentioned inth- the published discussions, and] To those interested in the suc- the street corner jangles. The cess of the By-laWS, however, the talk of a smell nuisance was result of Friday‘s vote was very not very seriously entertained satisfactory. ‘ even by some of thpse who live] On the Market By-law, a good close to the new Slt€,.31}d Waslstiong feeling of opposition had BDOKGD 0f. 3'18 a very “jlfllng “1?", been worked 'up, and the contest ter by Citizens who lived QUIt’: was a keen one. The fact of only close to the old market scales for. a majority of the votes polled b9- years. ling necessarv. saved Hm. gitnaHnn that- suits and if Jimson Jopr) ever happens to. get the. other ft}- lows pasitinn he. will prove himself an ignominious misfit and be as mur'h dissatisfied with the new job as he is now with the old one. The world is full of growlers who can see. nothing that’s right, and who trv to make ’ao‘hers see as they see. The Henry Richard James Ker- flopps are the boys who make themselves a necessity in the business and will assuredly rise to the better positions where good men are lways at a premium. The foregoing skit by Walt Ma- son looks like prose and sounds like poetry, but Whether prose or poetry it contains a whole lot of flood common sense,- and is full of truth. The two characters so graphically pictuied may be seen tc'-day in many positions in life. Unfortunately he 'WL vre , iahCI-C: are THE MARKET SITE AGAIN a many of the Alexandu‘ x Jopp class who are always sfied with their lot and they were made for better more lucartive positions 111 Some one else has the job! wits and if Jimson JODD‘ Mr. Browning, (pompously) “This is a great day for us at home. My daughter comes out to-night.” Mrs. Diggle, (surprised)â€"“You don’t say so, mister? So does my husband: ’e’s been in tor amonth.’ â€"The Tattler. ’ In making chocoléte cake, cocoa may be substituted for the choco- late with good effect. A small oil-cloth ~apron worn when washing dishes will keep the dress from being spotted. Other peonle’s manners Worry most of us more than our own morals. To clean combs, put them in a basin of gasoline, and let soak for about an hour. And lmany a man’s race preju- dice is due to his having bet on the Wrong horse. There is a eoc'ety for the pre- vention of cruel y to all animals â€"except man. Diarrhoea is always more. or less prevalent during September. Be prepared for it. Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy is prompt and effectual. It can always be ”depended upon, and is pleasant to take. For sale by Gun’s Drug Store. Any woman can marrv any man she wantsâ€"if he is willing. We felt anxious for the passing of the two Furniture Factory By- laws, as we believe it Would have been a calamity to the town had they failed to carry. Believing that the ratepayers are of a simi- ilar opinion after a most careful consideration. it is scarcely neces- sary to argue the question at greater length. We may Well con,- g’ratulate the town on the intelli- gence they have shown. Common sense is more useful than common. r Ignorance is always ready to pat itself on the back. East Ward-«m 76 10 West Ward ------------ 93 17 Total 235 32 Straight majority for, 203; ma- iority over 60 per cent, 32, nearly. FURNIT {IRE EXEMPTION For Agst. North Ward------ 54 11 East Ward------ 71 16 West Ward 91 22 Total 216 49 Straight majority for, 167; ma- jority over 60 per cent, 12. On the Mark'et By-law, a good stlong feeling of Opposition had been worked up, and the. contest was a keen one. The fact of only a majority of the votes polled be- ing necessary, saved the situation and the 3Brâ€"law carried by a ma- jority of 44. ' The following wards: To those interested in the suc- cess of the By-laws, hmxevor, the result of Fridays vote was veay satisfactory â€"â€"r. -'vu NOI‘th Ward-m.- "nuâ€"3:; 30 East Ward-m.- 6‘2 25 West Ward ------------ 56 53 Total 152 108 Majority for By-law, 44.” '- EFURNITURE LOAN BY-LAW, For Agsg. North Ward-m.- 51 5 ssnd: fis flsrsd ly “Ftuéss-mss 5 We took'liei' to a hospital in Kingston where she was again examined by an eminent speCIalist He szud she had Appendicitis and must be operated on at 01.1.32} we mantra to saw liar life. As we had taken her to Kingston to have this done we were ready but our daughter was afraid and cried and beggt :1 so pitifully, that we postponed ' . _ _. it for that day. Luckily for . * .' us and forher an unclecame in with some ‘liruita-tives’ and insisted on Ella taking them. Good results were apparent. almost frcmi the first dose, and the continuous treatment cured her. lewnuncn, On, Feb. 12th. 1910. ‘ Just about a vear ago, our daughter Ella (fourteen years), was taken with terrible pains in the right aide The pain was so severe that we had to carry her to bed We at once put her under the care of a first-class doctor, who pronounced it a case of .-\ppendici'is and advised an operation. ' C ‘ BY LAWS ALL CARRIED MARK ET BY-LA W. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE is the result by For Agst. 30 25 53 108 THE KNEFE DURHAM, SEPT. Fall Wheat.. .. . . Spring Wheat .......... Oats .................... Peas .................... Barley . ................ Hay .................... Butter .................. Eggs .................... Potatoes, per bag ...... Flour. er cwt ......... Oatmea , per sack ...... Chop, :- cwt .......... 951° ago, _per cwt._. .. Dr de Van’s Female Pills A reliable regulator; never fails. While these pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the gener- ative portion of the female system, they are strictly ,safe to use. Re- fuse :all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van’s are sold at $5.00 a box, or three for $10.00. Mailed to any ad- dress. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. For sale at Macfarlane 8: Co’s. Mr. W'ill Glues delivered a fine ser- mun in Zion on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A, A. Cut-tun and Mrs. Glass atttnded the serviCes as well, cunning out in the auto. Mr. Catton uses good judge- ment in the use of his machine. Dr. J. M. McCulloch and his most likable and estiumhle wife spent pm t nf Sunday in our cottage and we i-evelled in the incidents of bygnne school days. The Dr. was one of our brightest pupils and is making guod. \\'e are proud of him and of his suc- cese and consider him a most lucky f- How in the sweet little wife he has won. May the best of goud fortune continue to attend them. “Mary, Mary, take the parrot down stairs at once. The master has lost his collar buttonâ€"Tho Christian Register. ! Grandum McClockliu, Stewut and :LmneMcNallv, Emu» and lum Ed- wmdsluuethis week to attend the National Exhibition. \Ls. W. L. 'Fulkin gimm and baby Fri-ode, Miss Bertha: Mls. W. J. (iieexmo d and I Miss Jennie C 00k \\ out down on Sat.- zuralay. The Inner two return \Ved- i nesday. the former Will remain a u eek I longer. At 31 St. Alban St, Toronto, on Augustifilstu baby boy was born tn Mr. and Mrs. Herr. Suunuers. Cun- gratulations! “’9. call neighbor Mc- Nally, ”grandpa John,” now. Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. McFadden, of ng-exuont were up to the latter’s old hume at) Sunday and sweetly sang a. duebt during the service. Messrs. Wm. Greenwoud and coun- cillur McNally had lightning rods placed on their hams lust. Week. Minn Flu. Hunt came up from Tor- onto on \Vednesday last and leaves this Tuesday for Hartney, Manituba. Miss Nixon of Dundelk and her cousin, Miss LamaReed of Maxkdale ~peut the weekend at, “v.15. W. Hunt’s. M 1'. Ma]. Black has his threshing out- fit well manned this season. \Villie Ryan is engineer. Archie Mch-thnr, and Geordie Ryan have charge of the separator and have made a good start. Miss Annie Robertson and her schnulumtc. Miss Mary Cummings of MMcsWurih accompanied Grandma Greenvvnod homeun Tuesday of last week and reumined until this \Vedu-«s- day. They’llluug remember the ride hume on the plank over the waqgnn bnx. \tht m flour scm'e years and fcmrfi when [he heu't is young and 1119 limbs are activv? Mr. R. Jeu-n’nt' Luwn spent pal-t uf lusL Week among uh! neighlme 8 who are aha-13's most glad [u see him. The windows of heaven were mwrwd here on Monday evening uul ton-cuts poured out. MARKET REPORT ‘Fmit-a-tives’ saved our daughter from the surgeon’s knife and to-day she is enjoying the best of health.” J. “7. FOX, (Father). LILLIAN FOX, (Mother). Words cannot express the gratitude of Mr. and Mrs. Fox. And Miss El‘a will always remember “Fruit-a- tives”-â€"thc (iiSCOVeI‘y of an eminent physician, and the only medicine in the worid made of fruit. 50C. 3 box, 6 for $2.50, or trial box. 25c. At dealers, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price byFmit-a- tives Limited, (_§.‘tt;1‘.'.".i. Traverston. '0 mwmm mwfiw 2218 {BMWV WVVVVVV v ““7sz 0”“OMWOOOO“O§§ONN§§“”§§§§§“¢c t Q 4. b c 9 ,,. THE CHRONICLE. 25¢ till Jan. lst. [911 Ct: me oxrono- monomer: ran gc more my $1L‘(‘ ket, wit for ccm ence. or “11210111 either end. door. Bmc Drop (1... Ir . ct. Divid. '- 7. fire ‘oin‘ at lowest mum. ~10! _I. Will so" u Inst 20 p" um. insure c 81' “H don u the (thin-c, YOU.” BHVI' lzlnlfl'y r - l Gunu'} Infurd, A non untilfuctury rusul cooking. I“ U. dvmons‘mw “Momizvr.” and tho Oxford pull“! of Super“. ”feet a good rangv mm a" .04 ain‘t-S f ,r 0v.- any kind M {Ho-1. “JO“! 11!! (hr time. oven duor a for Coal or these specia? dammnim..d wi host “Md S'OVPF Wu. Ad do it now dmpockctbwk. Wuhan. s. size attain rmr 0 ”I! ‘. WHY-1 (‘0‘;LJ 8 - c'v ‘. TIM at . “F TORONTO ‘h undone: u training (11‘ I'VE it the dump of "suporu '* (a htfl “Noam. nob !i mm'm‘ II] ”1311“ ELLIOTT ~0LDSS ‘CHOOL tl puma-n. "SW 1‘ -!0t we cued Besides

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