1" LOT 10 Water.â€"A fine spring creek runs don the East side, and cuts off the '01 th-east corner of the half lectiou. Water can also be easiiy obtained in wells almost anywhere in the neighborhood. The low hnd near the Stream furnishes ex- cellent hay and pasturage. Be E. 1-? Section 19, Township 89, Range 17 W. 2nd M. Location.-This half section is situated in the famous Quill Plains, about twenty miles north of Wat- .011 Station on the C.N.R. It is in the midst of a good settlement, chiefly of Canadians and Ameri- cans, with some Germans and Nor- wegians. It is about two miles lrom school. store, church, post oflice, etc. It is in a very fertile part of the West, which is claim: ed to be equal to the Portage Plains, one of the most fertile ar- eas in the world. Besides immense yields of wheat, the neighboring farmers raised as high as 100 bush- els of oats to the acre in some in- Itances in 1909. The survey of the Thunderhill branch of the C.N.R. is near. and the road is already completed to within 70 miles of it. Wood.-â€"-'l‘his is convenient and olentitul for fuel. A few miles distant good building timber can be got, and also timber large enough for pawlng‘intq lumber“: BTRAYED FROM LOT 2, CON. 9. Glegelg, pbout the EU} 01‘ Sgp:., 'â€"â€"â€"â€"r‘â€" (Lune. â€"Fishn are abundant in the um 25, and game in the woods and on the lakes. HOUSE AND LOT ON 000 N’TESS Street, Apply to Mrs. John Har- bottle, Durham. 6303pt! iroumms CARâ€"IN GOOD aux- Ding order.â€"Geo. Yxirs, Durham szcoxn HAS D SELF FEED COAL i stme, with men. AHH Jackson. . A BELL ORGAN IN FIRST CLASS condition. Apply at this office. “'BUILDIxG OCCUPIED BY P.G.A. Webster m jewellery atora, fld J.P. Teltord us a law office, with show cases. wall cues, clock :d 3.19. At a bargain. Apply Gordon, Weyburn, Sask. 6100911 SoiI.â€"The soil is dark and deep, rich with vegetable matter, and in abort, is a strong clay soil that I! not too heavy to be easily work- ed. VOWâ€"v- - “ -__ ond. spring. Part oi purchase money can remain on mortgage. '0? particulars np ly William Bradley, Orchard. nt. 100 ACRE FARM ON THIRD CON- ceasion of Glenelg, N.D.R., lots 15 and 16. This farm is Well Water- ed, and has good buildings erect- ed thereon, good land, and an excellent opportunity for the right man. For further particu- lars, apply on the premises to A. Ford, Bunessan. 12 31.10tf General.â€"This is a very do.- Iirable property, sloping gradual- ly to the creek, the reater part of the farm romman ing a fine View of the surrounding country It is surrounded by prosperous 1nd progressive farmers, one of whom has a fine steam threshing ontfithnd stegm plough. There u a little scrub on the farm, but nothing to hmt. Many co.:sider a little scrub an indication of grea:~ gr richness in the soil. Anything Que you may require to know, I will be pleased to supply on re- quest. ’ u the doresmd land is not what ‘ buyer wants, I have several other actions at my disposal, some a close to C. railway station. :2 other! entirely Ire: tram 0T 10, CON. 3, NORMANBY. 100 acres; 75 acres in good state of cultivation, and balance in hard- wood bush and swamp. Well tenced, and well watered 0y creek and springs. Comfortable frame house and bank barn. 1-: mile fr-Hh church; school just a- cross the road. 2 miles from Varney Post Office. Will' be sold at a bargain to quick pur- chaser, land on terms to suit same. For lurther particulars, apply to Mrs. Samuel Caldwell, Varney. 915tf 0T 1 OF 17. CONCESSION 1, E. G. R,. Glenelg. 50 acres, Well- Icoced. good buildings. two smail orchards. and good spring and well. Also Lots '2 and3 of 15, Con. 1 W.GR. Bentinck 100 ac- tes; 60 acres cleared and 40 ac: w. 0! good bush. These properties will be sold together or sepax- ntely. and on terms to suit puz- chaszer. For further particu1a.3 annly to Wm. Leggette, Rockv Saugeen. Durham P.O. 6-2tf artâ€"Yoï¬shire sow, about (our years old. Any person giving information leading to her re- covery will be rewarded.â€"Thos. Glencross, Traverston. 9153p ~..___â€".- - ___, 00D BRICK RESIDENCE 0N Lsmbton Street, Durham, oppo- site the Methodist parsonage. One of the nicest situated prop- "ties in Dulpain. _I_n good state or u, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OF B‘remont, containing 106 acres thou! 10 acres hardwood bush, 0 acre!- swamp tipboye‘d, the rest SIX-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE quarter acre of land, full sized cellar, on Garatraxa Street, op- posite cement works. Reason- able terms. Apply to A. H Jackson, Durham. 918pd of repâ€"din Will sell 6h reason- uble terms to quick buyer. Ap- ply on premises to T. Moran. 4.7 “- w - â€"vâ€"â€"r zlou'; bï¬dm 30x50. otabio 30x40. Orebu'd 1 uni watergd by 2 \yella cstern Lands For Sale Adv-"bount- d on bu: or has, a cam fur ï¬rst “union, and 10 out. for each “henna: mm. Over one be!) and under mo inches, double tho shove mum. Yufly mm on appht‘tmn. Farms fur Sale. Pig Estray. For Sale. an entirely. tree from '. L. DIXOR, Dromore, -AAA- SMALL ADS. animals treated on most, Stzienlif- in prim-iplus. All calls promptly attended In. Ofï¬ce and resideucv. (inrafmxn Street. Durham, nearly ()p- 3305“? the “humid? Ofï¬ce. 6231 Dr. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. O'H‘lCE: ()ver J J. Hunter’: ' stain, Lamhtnn Street. Ruddeuoe- Corner Quc-mx and George Streetsâ€"North m Jflethflist Church (Mice hoursâ€"9H am. '44 um , 7-90.11). Talophoue No. 10. For the privilege of running a booth on the grounds of the South Grey Agricultural Society on the day .of the Exhibition, Sept. 27th. Contractors to provide lunch for a limited number. Contract meon- ey to be paid on acceptance of tender. Tenders must be in the hands of the Secretary on or be- fore Saturday, September 17th. GEO BINNIE, CHRIS. FIRTH, Org. lamieson Maclaurin. lFFIC-E AND RESIDENCE A shurt distance east of Knapp’ a Hotel Lamb ton Street Lower Town, Durham “ï¬t-e hours from 12 to ‘2 o’clock J) Dr: D,S.Craig, DVSYSVD TO THE PERSON WHO WILL n (mica. nearly opposize the Registry oï¬ce. Lambtop ‘t..quhaun. Anyampum TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.â€" The authorities are hereby noti- fied that some person is using means of an injurious nature up- on my horses, not only on the public highway, but also upon the property of R_obert Wade, "\FFICE. TELFORD'S BLOCK UP as: EAR, THROAT nos: .t munev to !oan u 5 per cent. on farm )rnmrtv FISHING. HUNTING. OR TRES- passing is strictly forbidden on Lots 47. 48. and 49. Con. 3. N D.R-. Gk-nelg. Parties found so doing will be prosecutedâ€"W. J Mc- Farlane, J. Collier. T. Ritchie. 3m Arthur Gun, M. D. PHYSICIAN ANUSURGEON, OF ï¬xe m the New Hunter Block. ()ï¬'sm "ours, n [u 10 a. m. to 4 p.11). and? wk .. m. Spm-ml attention given to disman- .5 women and children. Residence o; nwita Prasbvterian Church. an Asnsmm Ray. London Ophthalmic Hoes £133.. and toGolden Sq. Thu-out Ind Nose Bo. SPECIALIST : L R C. P., LONDON. ENG . V RADULATE of London. New I York and "hicago. Disc-m of Eye. Eu Nooe and Throat. vViU be 3' Knapp House, Durham. thP 2m? «am-.d-o v in much mmnh H'mrfl» lâ€"H ~.- .1. Terms on : Gmfnxn .‘ er. Conveyancer, c. Insult-amu- went. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mn- ~ixge License» A general ï¬nancial buss was tmn'mctod. ‘ DURHAM ONT. (Lawm- Town.) veyaucer, Notary Public 65c. .\ .mey to loan on farm pro rty. In- ~m°nuce effected. life or re. Ofï¬ce over Standard Bank, Durham. Ont. J F GRANT.D. D. 8 .L. D 8 ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Grsduato Roy} Yollege Dental Surgeons of Ontario Dentistry in all its Branches. ifli..-e.â€"Calder Him-k. over Post Ofï¬ar 81X ROOMED HOUSE AND TEN acres of land in the town of Durham. On premises are good is: pen, hen house and stable. ill rent house without land, if desired. Apply to John Moftatt‘ Durham. 3.17.“ BOARDING HOUSE WITH SMALL grocery store attached; also liv- ery and feed barn in connection. Immediate possession given. This is a snap for someone, as the owner is going out of business. For particulars apply to Wm. Linnell, Summerberry, Sask. 847p A. H. Jackson. \rommr PUBLIC, oommssms er. _Qon veyguegr, he: Insurance- President. l. G. Hutton. M. D.. C. M. furnish information which will lead to the recovery of 5 stray yearling cattleâ€"2 steers, 1 rey, and 1 red with a little w ite; and 3 heifers, 1 gray and 2 mostly redâ€"all ’ marked with leather tag attached by two pig rings in lower part of left ear, near the head.â€"James Findlay, Markdale. 7286p Can. '2, Bentinck. If. something is not done to bring the guilty person to justice, I shall put the law into force.-â€"-Wm. G Wade, Dornoch. 913 BB O’DONNELL PROPERTY near Grand Trunk station. Ap- ply to A. E. Jackson. 4.7tf I. P. Ielforri. ARRISTEL, somon‘oa. ETC. lsrzAslas u?" DOM EQTIUA‘I‘ED [TA IRWIN, MUSICAL IN. ‘ structor _.on_ _ pianp_ and grgan. (Succossm- to \V. F. Dunn) ARRISTER, _$OLICITOR. CON- For Sale or Rent. Tenders Wanted :me- 23.15%: 5.; at... 0am Round Med ital Directorv. Dental Directorv. Mu_s_zca1 Dzrectory Lem! ‘Dz'rectow L22. BR‘LBWN $5.00 Reward K C. Grant DR. BURT. Notice. Notice qt her midéiloo. Secretary, Young girls frequently require a .good invlgoratjng and oloou mak- ‘mg tonic. For this purpose 110L11- ing equals Fervovim, Which 18 prepaled from fresh lean beef, Ci- trate of Iron, and pure 01d Spanish Sherry Wine. It soon brings CO:- ‘or to the cheeks, and strengthens the whole system. $1 a boule. Add chopped dates to an ordin~ ary cormtarch puddings It is delicious. Davis’ Menthol Salve is’a handy pleasant and efficacious hUUScIIO.(i remedy for inwct and mosquito bites and stings, skin diseadcs, piles, etc. Try it. 25¢. per tin. Stubborn stains on linen may be removed by repeated applications of salt and lemon juice. Mr. John Hill, of Boothville, has taken a wife and settled down. the young lady being Miss ChrisLy 0f VValkerton. We Wish Mr. and Mrs. Hill ‘many joys and much prosperity. To stop bleeding of the nose, 3 teaapoo.xful of turpentine should be drawn into the nostrils. When trying to iron out dom- PSI“; wrinkles have a care that you do not scorch out bomeoncs good nature. Miss Margaret Ferguson is home from the Queen City on a two- weeks’ holiday. Save gravies, saucms and soups, as all are valuable to a [good cock; in re-cooking fish and meat. When choosing beef, press it with the Lhumu, and if it rise-.5 quickly it is of good quality. Coffee stain colored goods can be removed if at once treated with a sponge wrung out in cold water. Place the damaged part on aclean cloth or over a basin, and keep on changing the water in the sponge till the coffee has gone. Mrs. Angzus McDougall, and her daughter, Miss Margaret. took in the Exhibition this year. Mrs. J.L. Fergumm was also a Visitov. Mr. Wesley Lane is engaged at work with Mr. Geo. H. Pal-slow at present. To prgserve brass bedsteads nub them thh a little sweet oil on a cloth, afterwards 01' ° . leather. 1) 18h W1th a dxy The harvest will soon be a thing 'of the past for thy; year, and the hum of the threshing machine will now be the order of the day. Mr. Jas. Renwick sold his sow and a litter of young pigs at a good figure. Miss May Ernest is visiting with friends near Markdalo at present. Mr. Geo. Sackett «is giving his house and store a coat of paint. which will improve thP appcax'anwo of the buildings as ,’\\'011 as preâ€" serve the material. We understand that Mrs. B"‘ucn, »of this place is in vex": "0001' hr-a'lth She has been a woman of great ambition. and will take it hard to be deprived of the pleasure of “'fll‘kinfl". Mrs. G. Lane is the happy pos- essor of a baby boy recently. Mr, Lane thinks there is nothing better than to raise a lot of good Tories. Diarrhoea is always more or less prevalent during September. 15-; prepa.ed for it. Chamberlain‘s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy is prompt and effeccual. it can always be depended upon, and is pleasant to take. For sale by Gun’s Drug Store. A good thing for sleeplessness causal by derangement :01“ mu ner- vous system, is a dish of baked onions. To clean earthenware sinks, rub the scanned part wah a mixture of powdered ncal‘tll§LU‘IlU and par- affm. Mr. Alex. McDonald, of this place, has taken to himself acomc panion in life. the rlady being: Miss Bell, of Proton. {We wish Mr. and Mrs. McDonald many joys in life. May they live long and happily. Mr. W.M. Sackett work with Mr. J.H. Photon, at present, Miss McPhail spent the week-end with Miss Mary Aldcorn Mrs. Hardy has returned. from visiting friends in Maniooba. ‘ ‘She is accompanied by hex daughter- in-law, Mrs. Alf. Hardy. and two children, 'of Delloz-aino, Man. I. RUDD MATHEWS, MARKDALE Ont.. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. -Salee nt- .ndad to at reasonable terms. “memento Iggy lie {nude at Miss Ethel Campbell, of the Queen Gig, is holidaying with h-‘r parents, 3. and Mrs. D. Campbell. . Miss S. 'Knox is attendimg‘ the Model School in Durham. We wish her all success. Messrs. D. son left for morning. 3 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT.â€" Apply to J. M. Latimcr. 41m Mrs. Lawrence, and two childron Edna and Percy, left for Stz'atford 'on Friday. Mrs. Richardson, accomnnn’end by her two grandsons. Willie Knox. and Arthur Richardson, is visiting- Huron friend's. Mr. arid Mrs. Jas. Allan. and little Murray, Sundayed with Mrs. Har- grave. A number from our burg attend- ed the Exhibition, among whom were Messrs. W. Aldoorn, R. Ald- c-orn. Walter Knox. R. Knox. also Mrs. Campbell and Misses Mary Aldcorn, Jennie Aldcoz‘n, and Jen- nie Haw. Sackett’s Corners. Licensed Auctioneer £10 USEKOLD HELPS Swinton Park. To Rent. Campbell and L. Wat- the West on Ties-clay THE DURH A M CHRONICLE is engaged at Richardaon, of R. J. Allen left on Tuedsay of ilast week on a Homeseekers’ Ex- cursion to the West, and if he likes the country, he will likely move his family out there. We wish him ;a safe journey land a pleasant. 'time, but we almost feel like hop- ,ing that he will not like the place 'as Dick is a fine fellow. and a {gem} neighbor. * Mrs. John Carson, and daughter, from Durham, .Sundayed with the former’s brother, Mr. R.J. LEden. last Sunday, and attended church , in Varney. ' The Varney church people will hold their harvest home anniver»; sary on :Sunday and Monday, Sept. I18â€) and 19th. There will be tWo services on Sunday, at 10 a.m., and‘l 7 p.m., when Rev. Mr. Little, Pres-. byterian minister of Holstein, will be the preacher for the da . Then on Monday night, a splen id sup- par will be given in the Orange iHall. from 6.30 to 8, and a gtood‘l lprogram after in the church. all for 25c. and 15c. We are looking {for a splendid time, both Sunday ,and Monday. Be sure and come. . ’ Blanche Lauder spent a few days Visiting her aunt, Mrs. W.H ,McAlister, of Poplar Hill, since we Elast wrote. | Our ‘genial :blacksmith, A. Mc- Cabe, dvme M1. Dellel up to his appointment at Ebenr-zu and A'- lan Park, one Sunday lateh. on account of Mr. Deller s 110151; being used up a little and needing a rest. 'Do make old flowers that were worn in your hat last summer look like new, get (a lar e bowl of boiling water and hol the flowers over so that the steam makes them quite damp, then hang them on a line so that the flowerg huggs down and when they are ey will log}: like new. Harvesting is all wound up once again, and threshing IS the order of the day now. Grain is turning out well. Messrs. \Vm. Morrison and Robt. Smith are doing the front road, 1and both are doing good work. follow to do. The Women's Institute held their rogxxlaxflmtmthly met-ting at" the 110mm of Mrs. Nelson Ede-n on Supt. 1st, when they had a very um) and profitable time. Mr. and Mrs. Munn, from Pike .Lake, visited ‘one Sunday with the latter‘s cousins, Mrs. R.J. Edon, Mrs. Alf. McCabe, and Mrs. Wm. L-ong‘. Rev. Mr. Dellpr spent last weak in Toronto and Georgetown, at- tending the Exhibition, and visi‘ing friend-s. Mrs. Nelson Eden, and son Bar-- old spent a few days in the Queen City last week, iatiendingi the Exhibition, and visiting her brother, sister, 3.11.1 other friends. A good lmany in our neighbor- hood ‘have their names on thdr egates. We hope to sc 0 c~\'_ery1_‘0-dj,' Mr. iW.H. McAlister, of Poplar Hill, attended the Toronto Exhibi- tionl ast week. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Blyth spent last week in TUronlo seeing tha Exhibition and visiting fi'e‘nds. Varney looked small after being in the city, but then there is no place like home. J. H. Allen Spent a few days in the city last Week at the Exhibition and visiting his brother and sisLer. Mrs. James Gordon, of Egremont was in Varney f0: \\ ec-k 01 so helping to attend to3 her daughtvx Mrs. W:.m Long. Mr ‘Wm. Long spent a few days in Toronto since we last wrote and brought Mrs. Long home with him from the hospital, whole sh.â€": had been for a number of week». We are glad to have Mrs. L. with us again, and also to see her impnoving so nicely. We sincoreiy hope 'she may continup U do so, and not have, to go back any more. Mrs. David Long, and little girl. from Dromore, visited h-i-r sister. Mrs. me. Long, Sunday, week be- fore last. Miss Nettie Pollock came home from Paris a couple of weeks ago and intends remaining for sonn- time. We are please-d to have her among us once more. tea is the result of care and experience in blending â€"-â€"must be the combination of ï¬ne flavor, smooth strength and richness. Because 8-1 sui Your Grocer “’11! Recommend I‘: it, asuit is the. righi'thing NEVER SOLD IN IULK Varney. 301d Folks should be Careful in Their Selection of Regulauve MOlenOo We have a safe, dependable, and altogether ideal remedy that lb par ticuiarly adapted to the acquire- 'ments of aged people and persons of weak constitutions \vno butler :from constipation or other bowd 9disorders. We are so certain that it will relieve these complains an-l (give absolute satisiaction in every particular that we otter it with our .personal guarantee that it shall lc-ost the user nothing if it fails to ;substantiate our claims. This remedy is called Rexall Orderlies. l Rexall Orderlies have a soothâ€" ‘ing, healing, strengthening, tonic ‘and regulative action upon the Ibowels. They remove all irritation .dryness, soreness and weakness. :T‘ney restore the bowels and asso- 1ciate organs to more vigorous and lhealthy activity. They are eaten Hike candy, can be taken at any time Without inconvenience, do no: cause any ‘griping, nausea, diarr- lhoea, excessive 'looseness, flatuâ€" llence or other disagreeable effect. ;Price 25c. and 10c. Sold only at .‘our storeâ€"The Rexall Store. Mac- lfarlane 8: Co. 1 Experiments have lately been ‘made at the United States govern- lment fish hatchery at Coos Bay u) 'see the effect of extreme cold on 'live fish. Professor Frank Smith, who has charge of the department, has found that live fish may be ‘frozen into a block of ice and .kept so for months without harm. :They can be shipped around the ‘country and then thawed out alive. He has shipped salmon fry frozen in ice from Coos to Seattle. where they were thawed out and found to be as lively as ever. He had ‘kept fish so imprisoned for a pe- riod of two months, and they had ‘then been released in perfectly :good condition. He believes that the period may be much extended, aand is now engaged on experi- ‘menting in order to find out to .what extent this may be done. Collect fir cones when in the country, as they make ideal kind- ling for a dying tire, and ‘also form an artistic filling with logs for an empty grate. Mr. Geo. Freeman spent a couple of days in the village last week af- ter his return from Dcu'oi'c, where Mrs. Freeman had (undergone an operation on account of decaying ankle bone. Mrs. L.B Nicholson met with quite a serious accident on Friaay or last week by bung kicked by a horse, as she and Mr. Nicholson were driving along the road. She is somewhat improved now. We copy the following from the Youngstown Telegram, as we know our numerous readers will be in- terested. A quiet and beautiful wedding a" -u~1ed cu Thursday evening, lst iast. at 7 o’clock, when Miss Charlotte E. Burrows, became the beflzle of John F. Pearce. The'we-d- ding orcurred :at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. Eduin Burrows, Warren (Avenue. The impressive ring service was used in the marriage. The bride’s father, Rev. A. E. Burrows, D. D, assisted by Dr. J.L Hillman, offi- ciated at the ceremony. ‘The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Margaret Burrows. and Paul Reebel was best man. Little Miss Francis Burrows carried the ring 111 a large white rose. Miss Joanâ€" na Ambrose sang “0 Promise Me†(De {Kovam and “I Love You Truly,†(Carrie Jacobs Bond) The bride ‘was attired in abeau- tiful creation of white messaline en traine, with pearl and baby Irish trimming, and .full length Veil. She carried a shower of white bridal roses. The. maid of honor wore white embroidery and carried pink roses. The little ring bearer was dressed in white and pink. The bride is a well-known and popular girl, and was extensively entertained previous to her mar- riage. She is a musicnan of rare ability, and has become promim-nt in musical circles. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs,. Jonn Pearce, and has many friends in the city. 'Dhe hcartiest congratu- lations of friends axe being ex- tended to the young couple. The ‘Bev. A.E. Burrows, D.D, of Youngstown, Ohio, visited his mother here lately, and conducted the services in the Methodist church in the morning, and ad- dressed the Leagme in Uhe evening last Sabbath. The residence of George Sharp, near Dundalk, was completely consumed by fire on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Sharp was the only one home at the time, and but little of the contents were saved. At 4.30, the young couple left on a trip up the lakes. Upon their return, they will take up their residence at «their new «home at Strutners. The bride's uncle, A. R A dinner was served immediate- ly after the ceremony. The house and dining room were beau- tifully decorated with ferns, glad- iolas and asters. A pink and white color scheme was carried out in the dining room. The bridal party and immediate relatives of both families sat at the bride’s table. WTâ€"Bâ€"ui'rdws, of Middzlemiss; nt.. was the only out-ofâ€"Lown gutsy THE. STANDARD BAN K FISH MAY LIVE IN ICE. OF CANADA A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Special Attention Given to Small Account. Balm MM It all In“ FOR AGED PEOPLE Holstein. ’â€"â€"-rrâ€"v- v.- 'v' All _ adverthgti'ouu. I: Q'xlsï¬i-e msvflJOD fl "‘m‘ wmk. should bebrougm in mm 4?»! th. MONDAY at 6 p. m. . , 10 con lauly â€00th m†I ThG 10‘) xx" PI. thua aflurdmgh â€emu“ “My for tuning om Hull-Oh- 1'"! For transient Min-rim»me ‘ Adv. "lg cents pet line {or the 1 wt inst Ram - - tion; 300".- per .iue r oh sub†quant innttion Iiuiun nmure in «mm urds. not oxoeodin on. inch $4.00 ; rum!!! Advortinoncntu w fhout a paciï¬c dir .. mlflu publhhod fl" forbid lid le arwrdihng‘ya {sciatic-t nmâ€"‘ Lun "‘ â€Found in! Out-50 «In for ï¬rst insertion 2.‘ (enta- form» onyggsqqout inaction. 7 (bag! ï¬tjoâ€"fawyeony Murat-0mm“ M niqhgd on_ application to th oflir r. 8 M1 Tm; (mnumrm v21] In. mm I ‘1 puon any Minn-u. from M [may ï¬t! RI“ - . $1 (IOpar yur. pu‘ablr m mil -Sl.50 may be charged if 30! on paid. 1 be dun to which every subscription in pawl in demoted by the number an the Mirna label. .Vu paper du- oontinnod to all nrrun are paid, «mew IUD opflon of the proprietor. ..>.= Eugen? 03.3.â€" ...4 :2! n3... In! Go 6.5 new 5 than-50. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MnRNlNh It the Chronicle Printing House, Garafmo Street. Pumas from $2 unwam. 8301’ open every Iftm'nocn. All REPAIRING promptly and prop orlv attended to. kW. 0. CONNOR {HE DURHAM [HBSRIEU and Funeral Director W. D CONNOR Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip. ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. A. BELL UN DERTAKER Full line of Catholic Robes. and black and White Caps fur and ptmple. 'tdure Framing on 5/20/1651 unlike. THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA DURHAM. ONT., The oftener you deposit, the more you save, for it removes the temptaï¬on to Spend, and the danger of loss. Do not hesitate to make a deposit of one dollar in the Traders Bank. Most people imagine um the Bank does not vcant to be bothered with small deposits. This is a mistaken idea. SHOW ROOMSâ€"NvXt tn Swallows Barber-Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"“Net! dour South of \V. J \ Lawrence's blm'kmnith shop. DURHAM. ON T. m .230 at Mount Fora. and Aylon. Em'mn AND Pmmmr’rnu Embalming a Specialty One Dollar Deposits Manufacturer or A d Dealer in â€" W. IRWIN § £15505 :5}: As our fall stuck is C clear out a few lines of mi room for the new lines. a School 331065 at Inc 81.75 ........ Boys' Bu“. Bu! 3“?) ..... . ..... Boys' an ('HH H' ulu' $2.25. . . . Shoes! Sh Boys’ Cordovan Bu 305‘s†3 Whtflt The Bi 3: Shoe Store Them. are ‘08 Slilt‘. NI (‘A ‘H few minutes h. .180 g“ ing 3 premium wim boys and girl» Cr; h!‘ C‘ m «a. flw‘ï¬fï¬ï¬ï¬ '5 ~ Mmonoooooc 090‘ 9' Q#+++++++++++++++++++ Oatmeal r as? ‘1' (V A' :57.“ We ue in the nun-kw! 1).; qua-unity of good A“! prepared to pay thv h.,.'h".~ “I. prices for H dune-1m! ,1 our eleven or. Drive your lunch elevator as vw d buyer on the sum.» the plane. MN“ m VATOR. l‘l'liilr\ Mflling Oats Feed Oats Barley 0r Peas DU R H A .‘1 WOEBL Special an S. SCOTT HIGHE A TTEM RU Du EDWA Colder \an‘nuz' i~ . new lining: and _\'um' “the? a Rallg‘v ()l‘ szi‘ necessary supplies and YOU NEED Min Grain “8' OH] W THO C \\ RUGS AM New M “’9 k MN ash or Trad u-dm AT (“VAN PRIC III la! 1.1 1.1