West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Sep 1910, p. 2

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”RAYED FROM LOT 2, CON. 9. Glenelg, about the 5th of Sept., 3 Yorkshire sow, about four years old. Any person giving information leading to her re- covery will be rewarded.â€"-Thos. Glencross, Traverston. 9153p 10111211416 CARL-IN GOOD RUN- nlng order.-â€"Geo. Yxirs, Durham 81:06:“) HVAND SELF FEED COAL stove, with oven. AIL Jackson. A BELL ORGAN IN FIRST CLASS condition. Apply at this office. A SIX-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE quarter 21ch of land, full sized cellar, on Garatraxa Street, op- poaite cement Works. Reason- able terms. Apply to A. H Jackson, Durham. 918pd _â€"-â€" m BUILDING OCCUPIED BY P.G.A. Webster no )ewellery stora, .d J.P. Telford as a law office, with show c1908, wall cues, clock ad safe. At a bargain. Apply (0 A. Gordon, Weyburn, Sask. 610093 " “In C VC-w-c- 'â€" I" 7 .â€" ht particular. up 11 William} my. Orchard. nt. i __.._â€"â€".,â€".___‘_, IO. ACRE FARM ON THIRD CON- ‘ union of Glenelg, N.D.R., lots 15 Ind 16. This farm is well Water- ed, and has good buildings erect- od thereon, good land, and an ucellent opportunity for the right man. For further particu- lars, apply on the premises to A. Ford, Bunessan. 12 31.10tf LOT 10, CON. 3, NORMANBY. 100 acres; 75 acres in good state of cultivation, and balance in hard- wood bush and swamp. ’Well tenced, and well watered oy creek and springs. Comfortable trame house and bank barn. 1-2 mile from church; school just a- cross the road. 2 miles from Varney Post ‘Office. .Will be sold at a bargain to quick pur- chaser, land on terms to suit same. For further particulars, apply to Mrs. Samuel Caldwell, n-nmr 915tf :éRES or GOOD TILLABLE land in the town, will be let on shares to suitable person. Apply to Mrs. Lauder, near the Cream- ery. ,- 9293 NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters’ List Act, by His Honor, the Judge of the County Court of the County of Grey, at the Town Hall, Durham, on the 5th ‘day of October, 1919, at 10 o'cloek, EDWBfiICK RESIDENCE ON Lambton Street. Durham, oppo- lite ther‘ Meghm‘iist parsonage. ,.L___‘At‘ “nn“_ ‘uJ V. v‘ . a. m., to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and missions in the Voters’ List of the Municipality of the Town of Dur- ham for 1.0.10. All persons having business at the. Court are required to attend It the said time and place. I.” ”Ovvuv “â€"â€" UI$U ' - One of the nicest situated prop- erties in Durham. In good state of repair. Will sell on reason- uble terms to quick buyer. Ap- ply on premises to T. Moran. 4.7 Dated at Durham, the 19th day of September, 1910. ____- Orchard 1 are, watered by 2 wells. end uprlng. Part of purchase money at}; remun on mortgage. - -___1__ “73 “am In the Surrogate Court of the County of Wellington. In tlle estate of Patrick Peter Francis Sullivan, late of the V11- lage of Erin, in the County of Wellington, yeoman, deceased. 0T 1 OF 17. CONCESSION 1, E. G. R.. Glenelg. 50 acres, ,well- fenced, good buildings, two small orchards. and good spring and well. Also Lots 2 and 3 of 15, Con. 1 W.G R.. Bentinck. 100 ac- res; 60 acres cleared, and 40 acres 0! good bush. These properties will be sold together or separ- ately. and on terms to suit pur- chaser. For further particulats abnly to Wm. Leggette, Rocky Gaugeen. Durham P.O. ‘ B-Qtf NOTICE is hereby given pursu-' ant to R.S.O 1597 Cap. 1'29, Sec, 38, and amending Acts, that all per- oona having claims against the es- tate of the late Patrick Peter Fran- cis Sullivan. who died on or about the Fifth day August A.D., 1910 are ’required_ to send by post Prepaid, Adv-Chan-“ of 030 inch or “W“ tun-Mon. 0701' 0 or to deliver to JP. Telford of the Town of Durham. Solicitor for the executor. on 0." before the 13th day of October A.D. 1.010, their names, addresses and descriptions, and a full statement of particulars of their claims, and the nature of security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceas- ed among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated this 15th day of September A. 1)., 191! . J. P. WORD, Solicitor for executor, To Let on Shares. arney. Farms for 8:!th Notfcc to Creditors. Pig Estraz; For Sale. Notice. WM. B. VOLLET. Town Clerk. r In... 26 can“ to: first hurtion, and 10 cents for each one inch and under two inches, double the above Yurly nm on upphwxon. in"; O’BdNNELL PROPERTY near Grand Trunk station. Ap- ply to A. H. Jackson. 4.7tf A .. ______, -__-.â€"â€" SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND TEN acres of land in the town of Durham. 0n premises are good if: pen, hen house and stable. ill rent house Without land, i desired. Apply to John Moftatt‘ Durham. 3.17M l‘respassers. Warning to i For the rivilege of running a booth on t e grounds of the South Grey Agricultural Society on the ,day of the Exhibitioq, Sept.‘27th. FISHING. HUNTING. OR THES- passing is strictly forbidden on Lots 47, 48. and 49. Con. 3. N D.R; Glenelg, Parties found so doing will be prosecuted.â€"W. J Mc- Farlane. J. Collier. T. Ritchie. 3m 6-2-3111 NOTICE ’IS HEREBX’ Ulvrm hunters, Mappers, hounds and all trespaasev's are forbidden on Lot 7‘ and East half of Lot 8, Con. 3, Egremont, under penalty as provided by lamâ€"Robert Mc- Meeken. 9222 SEALED TENDERS MARKED “Tenders for Farm,” will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to Dec. lst, 1910, for purchase of part of lot 21 and all of lot 22 Con. 2, Normanby, 127 acres 1n all. No tender necessarily ac- cepted. Apply to A. H Jack- son, Durham. 22tf _._____- \l“, V wguv â€"_-___ __c - Contractors to provide lunch for a limited number. Contract mon- ey to be paid on acceptance of tender. Tenders must be in the hands of the Secretary on or be- fore Saturday, September 17th. 6E0 BINNIE; â€"CHRIS. FIRTH, President. Secretary.# a GOOD HOUSES FOB Apply to IE. Latimar: l. 6. Hutton. M. D., c. I. ( mum. TELFORD’S BLOCK. UP stairs, Lambton Street. Rmidonceâ€" Curuer Queen and 0001163“ Streetsâ€"North 01 Methodist Church. (. co hoursâ€"9.11 sum. 24 ).m.. 7«9 o.m. Telephone No. 10 m-R- â€"â€" Drs. lhmleson Maclaurin. ()FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel. Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durhm Office hours from 12 to 2 o’clock Arthur Gun, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- tice in the New Hunter Block. 0300 noun, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. :11. um! 7 t09 3. m. Special attention given to (imam 1f women and children. Residence op mite Presbvtarian Church. ute Assist-m. Roy London Ophthalmic Hm has" and to Golden Sq. Throat and Non Hos SPECIALIST I EYE, __EA_..R, THROAT 8:. NOSE n_.__ “A n..- Dr. D. s. cra'g, DCVCSIO VDSIVODO ISEASES OF DOMESTICATEU animals treated on most, scientif- ic px-iuriplss. All calls promptly attendvd to. Office and residencv. (hu'afraxa Street. Durham, nearly up- pnsite the Chronicle Office. 6231 UR. BROWN L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG GRADULATE of London, New York and Chicago. Dian-u 0! En. Ear Nose and 'l‘lu'our Will be at. Knapp House. Durham, the 2m} hmzdav in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G am. OFFICE: “J F. GRANT. D. D. s .L.D s ONOR GRADUATE, UNIV EBB]- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya College Dental Surgeons ofUntario. Dentistry in all its Branches. ”fiber-Calder Block, over Post Office n Ufico.â€"I:;:;rlvy opposite the Registry o‘fice.Lambt0n wt.,Durham. Anyamowm f munev to loan at 5 per cent. on furn- ampertv. For Sale or R695 x‘ er. Conveyancer. c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Ianuerpt Mu; tinge Licenses. A general flmncul bu. nous traumacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lowe: Town.) (Successor to W'. F. Dunn) ARHISTER, SOLICITOR. CON- ? veyancer, Notary Public «:. L oney to loan on farm progwrty. In- re. surauce effected. life or Office over Standard Bank, Durham, Ont. For Sale by qudel‘. \VTOTARY'PUBLIC, COMMISSION i . er. Conveyance». c. Insurance lmnt Mmmv to Loan. lower of MA! RITA iawm. M U s 1 o A L I N - structor on piano and organ- Terms on application at'h'er residence. Garafmxa Street. Durham. 3. RUDD MATHEWS, MARKDALE Ont“ Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. ,Sales at- .nded to at reasonable tgrmq. J. P. Telford. ARBISTEI., SOLICITQRL ETO Tenders Wanted. o.."'“ -v â€"- -'-"-â€" Ariana emente may be nude at tfie Chronicle office, Durham Rev. 8th. 117911. _._.._ I 'Ofdoe: .13. Frat St... Owen Sound. Medical Dz’rectorv. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. 3E: Over J. J. Hunterfi Dental Directorv Licensed Auctioneer Lem! ‘Directow Musical Directory ‘IS HEREBY _G1VENj To Rent. A. H. Jackson. Notice. DR. BURT. A. C. Grant 4131f Mrs. John Aldcorh was the guest of Howick friends \for a fortnight. Miss Ethel Campbell returned to Toronto after spending her hwoli- days with her parents here. _ AL Miss Margaret Knox left for Ut- tawa Friday morning. Miss Knox will attend the Normal School there. Rev. Mr. Matheson was a welâ€" come caller in our burg Wednes- day. __ A . 1 -â€"__ggA Mr. Geo .Watson has been some-} what indisposed for the last week pr 50. We hope {to hear of his speedy recovery. 1 Mrs. Brown, of British Columbia, left for her home on Thursday last after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hannam, and other friends in the vicinity. Miss Thompson is the guest, of her aunt, Mrs. Black. Sunday was Children’s Day in St. Andrew’s church. The service was taken by Rev. Mr. Manthcson, and Mr. Moore, from Pricevilic. The church was nicely decorated for the occasion. ‘ .v. Wi‘fiive Ailahciirn,‘ who has been un- the doctor's care for the past few days, is improving nicely. Crowded out last Week. Mr. Fred Ritchie, of Arthur. spent a few days last Week at th_e_ parenjgal hgrqg. -.... , a II". n ..... J‘ er. Walter Ball, of Mt. Forest, spent over Sunday the guest of the Staples fa‘mily. . I_-_L “Ulluvaay Miss Bella Grierson, of Aberdeen. who has been in the employ of Mr. \Vm. Smith for a considerable length of time, returned to her home recently. We have reason to believe that her departure from the. Corners is preparatory to some happy event. Her place is being); filled by her sister, Miss Lizzie Grierson. Messrs. Herbert Dun'smoor and R.J. Hewitt made a business trip to HanoYer one day last week. â€"LL-_.J:...- L [IUVLL \ LU 1 a luv “w, _ We had the. 'pleasure of attending the I.O.F. concert in the town hall on Friday night last, and enjoyed ourselves to the limit. The talent employed was of the highest class and was not in the least stingy in rendering encore selections, each number on the program being en- cored to the echo. A full house listened with interest. The Inde- be congratulated on the Lgrand program they put up. x‘v 1 0- “-112pu nn‘108 nn prusxanu u“, 1,..- _r- Miss (Nellié Collier called on friends in this burg one day re- cently. We wish to offer our hearty nnno-rat-nlations to Mr. and Mrs. “chwish to offer our hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Ritchie, whose marriage took place on Tuesday, Sept. 20th. The happy young couple will reside in Markdale. It is not the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and assimilated that gives strength and vitality to the system. (Sham.- berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab- lets invigorate the stomach and liver and enable them to perform their functions naturally. For sale at Gun’s Drug tore. HE REAPED C'xpeland and his pocket book. Mr. ('Opeland is a farmer on thoBase Line, Blanehavrd Township, and is a son of John Copeland, of St. Marys. While plowing ’the other day, he dropped his wallet, con- taining $29.50. As he looked over the field, plowed with asulkey plow, the possibility of finding that purse seemed worse than that *of finding the proverbial needle in the hiay'stgck. After sitting on ‘ - u..._,_ gnu LA IIIII bud. ....... __-_r,, __ the plow handles for three full minutes 'of hard thinking. Mr. Copeland sprang up and unhitch- his team, Re-hitching them to a single furrow plow, he commencei to undo his forenoon’s Work. He bramped after that plow diligently and faithfully for fourteen rounds of a 40-rod field, and finally his reward presented itself in the shape 'of the (much looked for wal- let, padded to the gills with bills. This has exemplified the pld sayâ€" In; ‘IXUmvihug-fiéiiâ€" reap What he hath s»o~wn.”â€"Fle.sherton Advance. As usually treated, a sprained ankle will disable a man for three or four weeks, but lby applying Chamberlain’s Liniment freely as soon as the injury is received, and observing the directions with each bottle. a cure can be effected in from two to four days. For sale by Don’s Drug Store. Darkies’ Corners. Dizestion End Assimi'ation Swinton Park. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE WHAT HE SOWED left for Ot- d the Well, Mr. Editor, We have become somewhat sidetracked lately, but injustice to ourselves, we might say that a budget was Written a fortnight ago, but 'we failed to get it posted, and, of course, like the heavenly manna. it M'on‘t keel) long. ‘I A I l , Most of the farmers around this} locality have finished their {all} wheat seeding“ Not in 'a long time have we seen so much wheat being so late 'put in, and, coupled with the cool and somewhat dry weather, it has a poor chance to get much of a top on beford the winter sets in. We presume it is the excellent price being paid for wheat the past couple of years that is drawing the farmers out. Arbitrators have been appointed for Friday next, to try and settle a dispute arising out of the drain- ing of one farm, or farms, the overflush of water from the same having flowed for all time in the past onto another lot. where it sinks rapidly away, causing nei- ther harm nor delay to the owner. )We are sincerely hoping that a settlement can be arranged‘ but I'would not be altogether surprised : if it should end up in a “free tight ,or a footrace." ' Mr. Donald McIlvride had afew of his neighbors last week helping him to draw tile from Carlsruhe, a- bout 7000 in number, varying in size from six inch to three, and fhfished-drasfing on.Saturday but. A hard, laborious job ‘it was on horses. s-v- â€"â€"~- Mrs. Wm. Cameron, formerly Miss Janet Moffat, of Rainy River“ was a welcome visitor with her: mother, and brother Robert, and: other old acquaintanc‘os for; a cou-; ‘-A“A . V l Ulllkl was: uu‘luâ€" ...... ple of weeks, and returned home? again last week. It is nineteen: years since she last saw old Norâ€"1 manby, and needless to say, she! felt somewhat like a pilgrim in a'? strange land. We attended the anniversary serâ€"l vices in lt’he Varnr-y Methodist church on Sunday last, and had the pleasure, and we hope the pro- fit of listening to, we will venture to say, one of the mast soul stir- ring sermons ever delivered in that church. Rev. Mr. Little is a most intensely effective preacher. Land (was listened to throughout iwith rapt attention, many in the icrowded house being visibly af-- lfected at times by his earnest and 'loving appeal to a greater degree of humility, consecration and de- votion in the service of the Mas- 55. THIS WEEK’S BUDGET. The (arbitrators appointed to 'settle the dispute regarding the idraining of some low-lying lands iinto our neighbor’s field, where it has always flowed, to which we re- ferred to briefly in our last week’s budget, met on Friday afternoon. at :2 o’clock, and after a few hours of friendly reasoning, a mut- , ual agreement was arranged, which we are sure, will be satisfactory to all concerned, which is as follows: in tea may... mean to you flavor or strength or fragrant. richness. Red Rose Tea is blended with stem nicety that it is the combination of all three points of merit. ‘inl‘; you try a package. ter. Messrs. Andrew Stewart, John Sharp and Geo. Seim, dig the top half of ditch. D. 'Mcllvride dies the bottom three feet, and the reeve, Mr. Schenk, representing the council, pays for the tile. The difficulty arising out of the dis- pute at one time, seemed to be a hard nut to crack, and tne friendly way in which it was settled speaks Well for the Christian spirit they each and all manifested. vâ€"â€"â€"â€" The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. T1109 Reay was buried‘ in Maple- wnod cemetery _last week. _ __ Threshing ahd corn stocking is the order of the day principally, in and around :the Corners. f The trustees of our school are experiencing some little trouble caused by the holder of a third class certificate applying for the vacanc without first applying throug__ the inspector for a permit. Mr. Wm. Allan, sr., Supt. of Knox church Sunday school, and princi- pal elder in the same, leaves about October let to take charge of a mission station lnear Chatham. Having a personal acquaintance all our life with Mr. Allan, and that from a child he has known the scriptures, the selection isa good one, and while we deeply regret to lose him from our midst, we are sure he will be instrumental in the Master’s hand of doing much good in his as wfield of labor. Our new aerial story, “The Pil- lar of Light.” hegina soon. Sub- tor the opening chapter of thin aer- inl. You 11 read it through. Biyth’s Corners. Yo 112‘ Gross NEVER SOLD IN BULK U comm-.3122} a- VII 11 1nd ' The. parents and friends of the ree late Miss Margaiet Murray, of de- DttIOit. who shortly after the Re- 35" to the nlds . s it’ whose store the fatal medicine was ws : O'lln top , union at Lucknow, lost her life ithicugh taking tartar emetic in :mistake for Rochelle salts, haxe appealed to the Attorney Gener- al’s department to have Mr. Arm- strong. the Lucknow druggist in sold, prosecuted on a charge of criminal negligence, The prelim- , inary tlial was held at Dungwannon a Week ago. before Magistrate Bailie and Roberts. After the ev- idence was all in, the magistrates decided to reserve judgment. They have since decided to send Mr. Armstrong up for trial on a charge of_ man-slaughter. Council met Sept. 19th. Minutes adopted. Comm'tmicaflons read iii-om Secretary South Grey Agri- cultural Society soliciting aid. iion, consisting of the usual nature iof road improvements. The total 'am-ount be expended is $112.75. ' McIlvrideâ€"R-oberts. â€"- Report a- (opted and Com. be paid $5 Com. 1 fees.â€"Carried. | Com. Roberts gave a detailed report of expenditure in his Divir- .iun, amounting to $171.78. He ov- ;erhauled Nasmith’s bridge,‘ new .string‘ers where required, raised a- ;butments, new cedar covering six inches thick, with railing, all gstrmig‘ arid substantial. I", ns\ni“i+ nf1n11fâ€" LIILIIKIU If--- v..â€" strong and substantial. l Philpâ€"Watson. â€" Repoert adopt“ ed, $7 Com. fees paidâ€"Carried. 1 Com. McIlvride reported in de- tail Of an expenditure of $176.80, consisting chiefly of new culverts, grading and gravelling con. ‘22 at an additional cost of $132.80. Watsonâ€"Roberts. -â€" Report ad- opted, $10 fees paid.â€"Carried. Com. (P'hilp reported having spent $154.90, in detail. Some jobs were on E. and P. town line, for which Proton will pay half cost, and AS. Stewart’s ditching at lot ‘20. con. 16, cost $30 which set- tles the water grievance there. Watso‘nâ€" McIlvride. â€" Report adopted, $_7_ fees paidâ€"Carried. ‘I‘...’ fkn VV aLDU‘LIâ€" any.” v - ---__ adopted, $7 fees paidâ€"Carried. By-law No. 247, to levy the rates was passed, The current rate amounts to 6 2-10 mills. By- law No. 248, to appoint an assessor, passed, W. A. Reeves was ap- pointed. Salary $100. Assess- ment to be done between Oct. lst and Nov. 15th, 1910, for 1911. Clerk paid $1.29, cost of school debent- ures into treasurer. Sundry ac- counts amounting to $195.78, were paid. Adjourned to meet on Mon- day, November 14th. D. ALLAN, Clerk. A reliable regulator; never fails. While these pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the gener- ative portion of the female system, they are strictly safe to use. Re- fuse 1311 cheap imitations. Dr. de Van’s are sold at $5.00 a box, or three for $10.00. Mailed to any ad- dress. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Out. A A - Orangeville has a musical crit- ic, and one who has shown his or- iginality by judging the excellence of a band by the distance its tone carries. He may be rural, but he is no roorbavch. It seems he came to the Canadian National Exhibi- tion chiefly to hear the Grenadier Guards’ Band. With a Toronton- ian, he stood listening to the. in- termezz-o from Mascagni‘s “Caval- leria Rusticana,” in which certain parts are played pi‘anissimo. Turning to the urbanite, he re- marked, “Say, they ain’t ylayin’ that right.” .“Not right" ‘ his companion replied, “why, that's one of the greatest bands on earth.” “It may be igreat,” re- torted the rural music critic, “but you can hear the Orangeville band three times as far.”-T-oronto WO'rldo Diarrhoea is always more or less prevalent during September. Be prepared for it. Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy is prompt and effectual. It can always be depended upon, and is pleasant to take. For sale by Gun’s Drug Store. It will be remembered that Miss Murray, after attending the Rt- u'ni-on, decided to remain for a visit with an uncle living about five miles out of Lucknow, while her father and sister returned to Detroit. On a Monday she bought at Mr. Armstrong’s drug store, what she supposed was Rochelle salts. She took (a quantity of the medicine on Tuesday morning and died from the effects Wednes- day aftemoon, August 17th. At an inquest held later it was discov- ered that instead of gettin thei medicine asked for, she ha been given tartar emetic, a deadly p‘oi-l son. It was amply proved that this was an error on the art of the salesman .gor rather on t e part of the clerk who had put the medi- cine. ion the shelves. He had put the poison in a jar in which salts had been kept, and the two sub- stances. looking somewhat lalike, the mistake was not discovered.â€" Teeswater News. For sale at Macfarlane Co’s. Egremont Council. Dr de Van’s Female Pill: UP FOR MANSLAL'GHTER. MUSICAL DECISION. Tho Accounto of Corporations, Merchants: Manufacturoro and Individual: Solicitod- Small Savings Bank Accounts recelvo OF CANADA W. D. CONNOR Pumps of all Kinda. Galvanized and [mu f ing; Brass, Brass Lin and Iron Cy finders. Pumas from $2 unward. SHOP Open every afternoon. L11 REPAIRING promptly and prop- etly “tended to. “JV. 0. CUIIII A. BELL UN DE RTAKER and Funeral Director» Picture Frammg 012 short! notice. Snow Booneâ€"Next m Swallows Ember Shop. REE-inn: m E~NOX1 door South of “. J Lawn-and! blacksmith Ihup. THE DURHAM CHBUNIEU IO PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EIHRNING‘ It the Chronlolo Printing House, Gan Strut. ' Tl! moment will In 0‘. Subscription .1 sly .ddrns. {rm oz‘poe hm - . .100,“ your. log) npw in? 41.” may beohngod if lot in pant TB. '10 'hbh evary albmripfian in paw ‘m demo!“ “0 nil-Int on the .ddma label. 34; “art mania-ad m I" Arman: an mud. o‘xwv ‘ ‘lindgot update:- from the Traders Ba: k is just a Simple 80d easy as 1 utting it in. THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA Fill out a Cheque, as mus. tnted, payable to yourself. present it with your Pass. 8001:, and you get, without delay or formality of any kind, as much money as you want. up to your total balance. Thu 1- con 101.1; mm L” JOb . . “8' PI. U13? 4:}: ”Mat 9}}:- for turning 00' I But you cannot have a bal. ance to draw on unless you first put it in. Why not de. posit some now. Wow . cram x- 3 W [Z/% 8'"! ‘TFORD. ONY. ~ The leading pram“! “fishing school in Western Uutarm ml am)- L' \H‘ bitious young men and 3mm men should rend our free mmL-K‘m' Learn what our gradzmtu- 31}? (1‘9- inlz Ind you mll be intereifc'». \ 9 have three departmentsâ€"- Con-mm. snot-mam and Telurarh.‘ E0011 devnrtmeut is in the Ming: of ex rienced instrm-m-s 1111;“: ”(I instruction is Rivt’" . is the boot time of year far sm'wcts , to enter. Wrrte for tree (wfl‘t'i‘m ’ nt once. ’ . a ' 9° ‘- lcucnus. Principal , ._._,, Fhll line of Catholic Robes. and Hon-t and white Caps for agui pwrpla MC. .1808! Mona! forest and Ayton. / : cElTRAl . WQ 8'"! QTFORD. ONT. ~ The leading Pravtica! trashing. 56.100] in Western ()utarm 3‘18“], bitious young men and 3mm! ‘ff’ men should rad our fren c-MaIwg-df: Learn what our uradrmtv- 3"? “‘36 ink Ind you '1" be intervifm. have three departmentsâ€"- _ m Con-crew. Shot-mam: and Tcluml‘ ~ l D i D D d‘ D Etch derartmeut is in the. Lani;- . of ex rienced instrugm-s 119;.“ p “d instruction in am’" . ti , is the boot time of year far sm'wnue p to enter. Write for 1166 (“max > It ones. . u I an... Al' n-I-‘WN‘l' J DURHAM. ONT.. Embalming a Specialty DURHAM, ONT. Mnnuficturer 01 And Dealer in â€"â€"- HI with l As our fall stuck is 0 clear out fmv linws of mi room for the new linvs. a “~‘%€v;5 § Beautifu} Boys :01 du\ an lid “1'81. 7')...” . .. Buff $1.65 .......... 80". “(w (‘ulf H nice 52. 2:” Boys’ Min 'h(‘le 5" H ins Sale. 5:: « few minim s also givmg :t premiun) “Ht; boy- and gill~ The Big: Shoe Store are} a «£6 m. m Pi:- We are in the Imam quantity 0‘ good DURHJ. Milling Oats Feed Oats Barley or P; :2 m prepared (.0 pm ”I; prices for it our elevutnr. Drive your lu: elevator as \H buyer on 1110 HI the lef’. )I‘ ‘i The MG?“ VA’I‘UR. 1’1‘1 WH-H-+++++++++ Special attention (0 EDWARD KRESS Custom \\‘ HIGHIZSI WOOL FYOU N E E i) :either a Range nr Hc My supplies a. mw‘m w “'ith every 1 FREE a handsome Hiuiou style. Them W'e are sole agent; “whine. and haw the! hated make. wbivh we a New Williams will save you I RUGS AND “J “'9 are rm'ryin Floor Uilcloths, which 1910 ’oooooooooocoo Come in AT \V B THO MI mdin \\ regu Undertaking Arm ill ese Rock m-hu

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