West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Sep 1910, p. 6

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SCHOOL OPENING a; Calder Block - Durham The CENTRAL Drug Store Al up-no-date flour and feed ano grocers keep our flour for sale. If mn- grocer does not keep it. come to mill and we will use you right. Call us up by telephone No. 8. People’s Mills Goods delivered anywhere in town. Chopping Done Every Day Ipochl Reduction on_ Flour in 5 and ‘A - ll made from selected winter wheat tad is a superior article for making pastry, etc. All had. of GI!!!) hught at Marks A Mend 015. Manitoba and i Ontario wheat and IS u strictly first class famiiy flour 231' pure Mania)!“ flour, made from . { Manitoba wheat cannot be beat for either bakers or domestic use A. amnllm- huge bag or a line gram. White. nutritious flour, i- sold as am- Uumd. Have you ever Wind it? Get at: poorer to give you our kind next 9 and see the superior bakin qual- ms. it possesqeu. Better an: mm'e Manama because of a secret procm that we put thu wheat through. Dnn’t forget. 2 yards long, 2:") inches wide. pair ..................... 2 3Q yds. lung. 33 inches wide: 3‘ ygla. lung, 50 inches pair .................. 3 yards lung. '30 inches 'p'nir . . 3b ygla. Tnble Linen, 51 inches wide, yard .......... ...... 25 Table Linen. 038 inches wide, yard ..................... 51 Table Oilclutb, 45 in. wide. yard ....................... 2i Flmn‘ Oilclotb, 1 and 2 yards wide. Large and” Smyrna Rugs at each ...... . ............... 83.! B I G H. Bell. - Galdor’u Infant’s, Childrens’ and Ladies' Vests all prices Naw Prints and Ginghams So» our 25? and 5m: Dress G0 His New lat of Glassware just. in W. H. BEAN Cheap John McGowan Scribblm, Exercise We have a full supply of necessary for school open- We will have the now so soon as they m pub- liahed. text Books CALL AND SEE US PASTRY FLOUR Lace Curtains SOVEREIGN long, 00 inch» ECLIPSE 10 Bag Lou. THE ing. b00000 wide, . . . . .506 wide. ..... 700 wide, ..... 90c widP, .. $1.00 l Justice may be as blind as abat. E but her memo1y, like the Suthe1~. iland sister’ hair, ‘is long. Am person who thinks ’justice will, forget should hearken unto HughI Ryan and his fine. It was abou ‘twelxe 3vars ago, when the North- ern Exhibition was worth commit- ting a crime to see, that Hugh Ry an stole past two men who were! stationed like the flaming s'word' at the gate. Hugh was detected. summoned before a magistrate and fined. He left town, however, without going through the formal- ity of settling up. That was 12: years agb. Since then, brain' storms have been an excuse for murder, and felonies have been committed and pardoned. But the' black mark against Ryan was nev- er blotted out, and justice never seemed to forgive or forget the penniless boy who stole in to see 'the big sights So when Ryanyhlew in some days ago from the West, Ithe old warrant was hunted up, and an effort made to serve the . dusty sheet. But Ryan cut his visity short, and was yalready hit-i ting the high spots on his return to the rWest while they were look-3 ing for him with the paper. â€"Wal- kerton T111133 . I Sitting on a table in the read-s ing room of the Hermann H-ousc, lchatting with a number of others, about eleven o’clock last night. Sinclair Gibson fell forward to the floor, a dead man. Heart fail- ure was the cause of 'his alarming- ly sudden death. A year ago last llay, his son, James, died of the same disease. He was 57 years of age, and leaves a widow and a grown-up family.â€"â€"Progress. The late Justice Brewer was noted for his tolerant and broad- minded views, says the Washing-- :ton Post. A Washington diplomat recalled the other day 'a story \told by Mr. Justice Brewer in illus- tration of the need for tolerance. “We shouéd respect the views of the others,”â€"so the story ranâ€"- “for morality itself is only amat~ ter of environment. A missionary in the south seas was distressed because his dusky parishon-gu-s were nude. He decided to try de- icately to get them to wear, at. least a little clothing, and to this end he left a great many pieces of scarlet and green and yellow calico lying about his hut. An el- derly dame .called one afternoon for spiritual advice. The minister noted how en'viously her eyes rest- ed on the calico, and he took up a two-yard piece of (the yellow, saying, “I’ll give you this if you‘ll wear it.” The female drap- ed the calico about her Like askirt and departed in great glee. But the next day, nude, as before, she returned with the fabric under her arm, Handing it sadly to the mis- sionary, she said, “Me no can. wear it. Me too shy.” At an {early hour on Sunday morning fire broke out and entire-- 31y destroyed the McIntyre Block at Grand Valley. fI‘he building lwas occupied by J. McIntyre 8: .Sons, flour and feed; Geo. Lawson, lshoes; the Weather Insurance Co's head office, and Geo. Davey, men's lturnishing‘s. Very little of the 'contsnts was saved. The volunteer lbrigade, by hard fighting. suc- ‘ceede-d in keeping the fire from spreading. Luckily, the rain cam- lmenced falling slightly, thus pre- 'venting one of the worst fires in 5tho history of the village. The iorig‘in of the fire is 'unknown. The gvillage and township clerk’s office [was situated in the building, and, :unfortunately, 'the village ' and ltownship records are lost. The losses are partly covered by in- suranceâ€"Elma Express. “I’m sorry I married you! You- ’re a brute! I saw you on the. corner at 'two o’clock this morning hugging a lam post.” Then the oung husban replied, “Well, lary! who would have thought you’d ever be jealous of a lamp post.” Most cases of baldness are due solely to neglect. The hair often becomes dry and dandruff forms because the hair glands do not supply enough nat- ural oil. Nothing overcomes this deficiency so effectively as that delicately perfumed, re- freshing hair pomacle, Bearine. Avoid baldness; apply Bearine to your hair occasionally. All druggists, 50 cts. a jar. Children must have good blood,u othcr“ 199, they will be puny, sick-. 1y and_deii:ato.1f_your ohildion are pale, '(asily exhausted, give them 'Ferrovim, the invigorating tonic, which is composed of fresh lean beef. Citrate of Iron, and pure old Spanish Sherry Wine. Noth- ing could be more beneficial in such cases. $1 a bottle. A thick adhesive ointment. combined with Japanese Menthol and Vasclinc. two of the angst wquerful healipg drags known. '1‘): e word Salve” literally means be well or in good HealtOh. Try Davis’ Math-l Salve and you will be refined. It soothes. heals and {endsYo icétoi'; ihose who sutler from Piles. much“ “0" mflsln. Chafing, irritated and 0th “1: skin troubles. All molars. a DAVIS a: uwmcn (50.. 1mm JUSTICE’S LONG MEMORY. FIRE AT GRAND VALLEY. DIED IN HEPWORTH. SHE WAS TOO SHY. I From its deoompos ed state the.» body is supposed to have Luau-1 Ihanging about a Week. The dea 'ceased had not been seen for about that period. The bed; was pamtly covered with low branchr-s and although only about five rods from the road, the view was some- lwhat obscured, and for this rea- gaon was not discovered sooner. A couple of weeks previous, Fachnie had wandered away from his home near Ba rljeros, and creat- ed some worry among the farmers at Redickville. He carried a pitchf‘ork as a weapon, and was under the delusion that he must use it on someone. He was cap- xtuared there and escaped from Constable Snider, of Shelburne, on Sunday, Aug. 28th. .On Tuesday following. he was again captured .by neighbors near his own home, after la hard chase, and again turned over to Constable Snider, who let him escape the second} time while driving with him in a buggy a couple of miles from Dundalk. The constable had the man’s hands tied with two hame straps. Not- withstanding this, he was able to get clear away, and the constable (gave 'up the chase. The poor un- fortunate roamed around in the neighborhood where he ‘escaped for a day or .so, in a starving condition, and this lwas the last seen of him alive. A week later This body was discovered as above, fhanfiianng by the straps which tied his ds when he got away from the constable. Constable Hemphill sent ward to the father of Fachnie, who is a .well-t-o-do sawmiller, at Dunedin, and he came Thursday evening for the remains. Interment was made at Badjeroa cemetery on Friday. The deceased was thirty-one years old, and leaves a widow and sev- eral small children. “Many people place an exagger- mted value on their watches, be- cause the latter have diamond jew- els. A -few years ago, a collector 'of watches showed tme a watch which had been picked up on the battlefield of Waterloo. The watch was a most elaborate af- fair, having a beautifully chased movement and diamond jewels. The jewels had actually been worn through by the steel pivot. It is difficult to understand why the Hamilton Asylum 'authorities did not tuiet on his return to their keeping at the time he was ' admitted to eecane from them.â€" nndalk Herald. “I frequently got interesting Watches to repair,” remarked a jeweller. “Here is one, for in- stance, with diamond jewels, and, would you believe it, notwith- standing the hardness of the dia- mond, diamond jeweis do not Wear as Well as the jewels found in the ordinary watch, the sapphire or rah): jewels. Subscribe for the Chronicle. 25c. to January 1st, 1911. Order now. “Diamonds are all right as orna- ments, and in the form of hort are very serviceable for many mechan- ical purposes, bwt for watch jewels the diamond is more ornamental than useful.” Coroner Dr. Martin, and Con- stable Hemphill hasteniéd to the place and were able to identify the body as that of Jam-9.0 Fachnio. of Osprey, a lunatic, ‘Who had escaped from Hamilton Asylum over a year ago. The grewsome find soon attracted a crowd. Af- ter viewing the remains, the cor- oner deemed an inquest unneces- sary.‘ and the constable had the body removed, and placed in the town hall home. FOR FALLING HAIR. You Run No Risk When You Use This Remedy. We promise you that if {your hair is falling out, and you have not let it go too far, you can repair the damage already done by using Rexall “93” Hair Tonic, with perâ€" sistency and regularity for area- sonable length of time. It is a scientific, cleansing antiseptic, ger- micidal preparation, that destroys microbes, stimulates good circula- tion around the hair roots, pro- motes hair nourishment, removes dandruff, and restores hair health. It is as pleasant to use as pure water, and is delicately perfumed. It is a real toilet necessity. A s-en‘ation was (-a'used in Dunâ€" drslk '1 hursday forenoon of last wz-ck, “hen Richard Neithez'cu-i‘, ofi Melancthon, came into town, and‘ reported the discovery of a maul unknown to him hanging to the: branch of a small sized Tbusnhyi tree. at the line fence between: Percy Nc-ithercut’s {and the, Hughes lfaorms about two miles; from :town. I We doubt if the {prices were stated as above, as the calculation at that time Was made in pounds, shillings and pence, and not m dollars and cents, as to-day.â€"Ed. A rummager among old papers of the. date of 1845 \found the fol- lowing prices, which will be of interest in comparison with the prices of the present time.: 2 lbs. nails, 16c.; 1 pound of tea, $1.25: 7 yards calico, at 22 cents per yard,; and 19 1-2 yds. at 330. per yd.; 83 pounds beof, at 20. 1b.: but- ter as low as 40. and 50. a pound: black muslin, 19c. yd.; corn, 12 1-2 to 15c. per bushel: fresh pork, 30.. 1b.; 2 hogs weighing 340 lbs. lea-ch at 2 1-20. 1b.; brown sugar, 12 1-2 cents Qer pound; egg 1, 2c. doz. We want you to try 'Rexall “93" Hair Tonic, with our promise that it will cost you nothing unless" you are perfectly satisfied with its use. It comes in twoisizes, prices 500. and $1.00. Remember, you ran obtain Rexa'll Remedies in this community only at our storeâ€"The Rexall Store. Maufarlane C0. WHERE DIAMOND/S FAIL. {HIGH COST OF LIVING. SUICIDE BY HANGING THE DURHAM CHRONICLE A repi‘oof tactfully conveyed iwas suggested when Lord Kitchen- er visited an out-ofâ€"the-way dis- itirct in India, where a new fort had been erected. He was astonâ€" ished to find that it was command- ed by a hill close by. “I congrat- ulate you, colonel,” said Kitchenâ€" er to the officer who had selected the site, “It’s a capital fort. 'And how soon do you begin‘ to re- move the hill?” You ‘needn’t lose your hair. Bearine will keep it strong and healthy. The Canadian Bear grease in the‘pomade is the: effect- ive thing“ 50c. .a jar. The latest invention to hang ’n the family dining room is the gum ; board. Iit is a neat little circular! board, plain or decorated, fastened to the wall. The name of each of the family is painted on the cir- cumference, and marks ‘the spot where the gum is left until wanted. This saves car-vying Ithf.‘ gum to bed and getting it in Ono’s hair. or swallowing it in the night. It is obvious that the gum board sup- plies a long-felt want. and he who invented the new fad will have the best wishes of the young laaies. “Not at all. uncle. The servants do all that; but I tell you What it is, she has the loveliest voice you ev-gr heard. She’.s a grand sing- er. Those who have read the ac- counts of the numerous hangings in the Province of Ontario at the hands of one Arthur .‘Ellis, have wondered )erhaps what had be- come of John Radcliffe. Radcliffe, most skillful of executioners, is in the West, and his abilities are by no means rusting for lack (of use. An interview with him in the Daily Columbian, of New Westminsmr, B.C., records a visit to that city. He said that he felt more at home in New Westminster than in any other city in Canada, with the ex- ception of Toronto. Mr. Radcliffe is not inactive. for at this city of his choice he hanged a Japanese murderer and in the same week out an end to two Indians who were. lying under sentence of death at Kamloops. “The work is tell- ing on me. a good deal now,” said the famous hangman, and (added that continuous travel was im- possible azt his time of life. “As a matter of fact,” he added, “there is too much work for a man of my profession in this country, and I am glad to see that some. prov- inces are engaging executioners of their own.” He gave as an in- stance of the necessity for assist- ance, that hangings were booked for the same day at Edmonton and in Ontario. Radcliffe incidentally mentioned his interest in the game of lacrosse, and regretted that he could not entertain himself by visiting a match which seemed to be the most important event of the day in New Westminster. The reader can only express the hope that his interest in lacrosse was not professional. “Weel Bobby, ye has gotten a Wife!” / “Yes, uncle.” “What can she do?” “Do? What do you mean?” “Oh, can she sew a button on yer sark, mak’ yer parritch, or do any housewqu?”_ “Man, could ye no hue gotten a canary?” A North Country ymng lman, resident in London. maniul an English ladv, a,nd shortly mfter, went to visit a bachelor uncle in Scotland. When uncle and nephew were over their walnuts and wine, th_e_gld_ gentleman remarked: A 'fashionable 'photogrn'nhtor, however, has undoubtedly achiev- ed the pinnacle of tactful achieve- ment. A woman with a decided squint came to him for a photo- graph. V5“ “1" “Will vou permit me,” he 'said promptly.” “to take vour pmirait in profi'm Thm'o is a (”lain shyness about one of your byes \xhyich 11° as difficult in art as it is fascina Ling in nature.” Send 109, name of paper and this III. for our beautiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketch-Book. 'Ench hcnk until. a Good Luck Penny. of the genuinc Scott’s Emulsion RADCLIFFE STILL ACTIVE. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTC A CERTAIN SHYNESS. THE GUM BOARD. LESS EXPENSIVE. is found on isthc trade- BURNETT COOPER Headquarters for All Kinds of Bakery Goods and Confectionery ALL KINDS OF FRUIT IN SEASON We have just added to our list a full line of Cooked Meats Come in and try them. Lunches served at all hours. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS BURNETT 6: COOPER For Flour Feed Seed Fresh Groceries New Fruit and Nuts Choice Confectionery Pure Spices and Vinegars No. I Family and Pure Manitoba Flours Fine Salt. Farmers Produce Wanted TIRE SE’K"EER \ Emit] ! an not a tire in 21) minulvs with ”machine and d') a lwttH' jnb than any can can the HM way. No more hlll‘llillf! Hr N'flflhg ”H- m or boring nvw INIII‘S. and hold uf III I. Dore merdishcd “heels. ’IlIt bring alum: (mo “hm! My) “tall [no H4 H “Hh Illis Imulnllnr, and you “‘5‘- .“ my ”Lin-1 No math: I RICO (H‘vl‘ ‘\‘¢Hl ”H \o'!'\' lws! h I" hl‘flnl'ht'~ : t. “NIH‘I‘NI “NFL ‘Vaggun :uzd ('al‘l'létgr H and lh’puixing at very u-m I like a specialty 0! Practical .elng and always give ix “WHUHH A spw‘ial vfl'nrt is fiery mmmmm. and ‘ d ‘0 can and give nu TIC only kind that cannot pus- !!ny hurt your wheels and has Proved Satisfactory. O 0 t Wm. J. Lawrence ;‘_ DURHAM M Otflce. - “'alk«=:“n' . (LU' ‘ I. ”mullet. Manner. Farmers’ Central Mutual Fire Insurance but” all kind! of km prover- ” “Id Isolated dml‘mge a1 . u all tutu. and undtr lou . Nam note: for a term ‘ h. or four years that“. .- 'u “dumber: Buildmge ,ro- w Vith lightning rods and “I content: accepted at ‘wu‘or * m “I”. not to protocth é”..- we offer tlw 1»; f1” cannon 1- PM“ “ ’ulne clearing Pl " ‘ ‘- W. J. McFADDEN. Ag't. DWI. ONTARIO PROPERTY INSURED NEAR- LY 09‘000.000.o". g \ NOW is th? tiun' ”the interior (:f for the long wim. COMPANY 1h Sea-d Strongest l’urehMulual M Insurance (lo-puny in 0mm" Reduction Sale ! Come and 1% u how cheaply )‘W Macfarlane Co. W8“ “Id 1;”“k50'1h 1' C.P.R. Town (my... my Your Tickets “rm During hf the (influx: 8:. Bridge me I “Oh to anmmncv tn t. puhhc that l am now nettled in un m-w W, T. \lmaus nld “cum in all kinda. Cl m. blacksmith - All work guaran- bl Int-chain.“ the (innit-In St. Bri 13c D. McGRATfl W the mon d) « 19 10 DPVG “ is made t! (1 you are me n u ial. US YOU! ll ll) was ONTARIO z. lione- 'areful

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