West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Oct 1910, p. 9

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In. Prov isinns, Ftuit of being poisoned 1: CREAM. ICE 033A. uflASUEADE. Leno-ml. 'inegars Pure Manitoba Flour: :rs Produce Wanted ' All Kinds of I Confectionery urrIN SEASON :1. full line uf Cooked Moat! try them. ”Aswan. etc.. “so mmvmm.’ Bakery RUM THE PAN lling CID-'8 Id Oatmeal Bakery 000;: ’ Be Good To Your F1 Its ACHLAN ”xx 1* INDUSTRY +++v+++++++++++++++++++ ++z~ +++++++WO COOPER. All Kinds of Confectionery Jrrlx SEASON l full im of Cooked Meat. try thwn. all hnurs. 'T [i R AN 1) EGGS wen-ages. till Jan. lst. i in Hosiery. Latimer COOPER CONFECTIONEI AN D 0 ME...“ Grocery 1 no ntRflAM FARMERS Mm a. limited amount of irun Wul‘k and machine re- pairs. A can solicited. Ask fur quotations on your “01‘. job. All persons owing us an accuunt are requested to ml! and settle by cash or nnte on or before the 15011 Hf April. #fi .;~ "’é#*$* RWEMBER our SASH,DOORS House Fittings Lzh‘h ortradc and N and all kinds of price for But- a. éémOnOW tn residents of and surrounding that he has his Mill and Factory d and is prepared orders for V" and Groc- re sold at fl ~\ CS. ONTARIO PRICEVIIIE FAIR PRIZE LIST FIELD GRAINS. Spring wheat, white Russian. -A Muir, D. McMillan. Spring wheat. white Fife. â€" T. Nichol. Spring wheat, any other variety. A. Muir, T. Nichol. Barley, 6-rowedâ€"W. Ramage, A. Muir; 2-rowedâ€"A.S. Muir, A. Muir. Oats, whiteâ€"D. McMillan, A. Muir black,â€"D. McMillan, A.S. Muir. Buckwheat-AS. Muir. _W. Ram- age. Field cornâ€"A .Muir, J .J . McRae. Timothy seedâ€"AS. Muir, A. Muir. Penis, largeâ€"A. Muir; A.S."Mvuir; sugau-iâ€"A». Muir, T. Nichol. White beansâ€" Dugald McCor- mack. Joseph Coulter Flax seed-â€"- D. McMillan, J. Coul- tar Colbred beamsâ€" D. McOormack A. D. McLeod. Elephant potatoes- A. h Beauty 01 Hebronâ€" A. 1 Any other kindâ€"J. Olive Ferguson. . Collection of potatoesâ€" Shand. A. Muir. D M:Millan. Rod nickling‘ â€"-.-\ M!'i1.An}' othm' -..-\ I) Mr-Irod. 9W.R1mago (‘mx-‘liflouorsâ€" L. A. . Fith-r. J. Coultm'. ' Onions. potatoâ€"D. McCormick. EWJ. Maids. Dutoh sets _â€" W. J. iMeads, A. Muir. Topsâ€"D. McCor- ‘mick. From b1. seed â€"D. McCor- imick, A. Hincks. ‘.. Pumpkins, y'f‘IOWâ€"J.1VI(RQO, .‘M ..L M: Intyro. Any otherâ€" M. l. 'McIntyre, D. McCormick. Sq mashâ€"J. Coulter, W. Ramag‘o Veg. Marrovaâ€"AD McLeod, T.A Ferguson. Celery-A. Muir. Citrons-W. Ramage, J. Mc- Rae. Musk melonsâ€"JJ. McRa'e, A Hincks. Tomatoesâ€"Rev. H. Berry, D Mc- Cormick. Cucumlurs, picklingâ€"J. Couitor “.J. Mam!» r.peâ€"-D. McMnllau A D. MJLOC ‘. U. ‘W‘yh‘a .1 Table coin- A.D. McLeod, T, A Ferguson . ‘- v I"- AIL-.. I A - Vinuav-v f‘oll vegetablesâ€"J. Coulter, L.A. ('01.. field rootsâ€"LA. Fisher, A. Muir ‘ nuuncu . _ Apples. snowâ€"A. Muir, A. White. . Colbertsâ€"A Muir, F.P. Reilly. A1- White (wanderâ€"A. Muir, F.P. Reilly. St, Crochet. Lawrenceâ€"RP. Reilly, A.D. Mc- J' McPhail Leod.. Fall apple-s, any other -â€"F. HCroche-t l". Reilley. A. White. Coll. applesâ€" ' Pipe: .o Coulter.D. Harrow. Apples, any Fancy 1“ otherâ€"D. McCormick, F.P. Reilly. 1331“”; 151' (rab applesâ€"W. Ramage. Plumaâ€" J‘ 9P?!“ D. Harlow F.P. Reilly. Pears, {all MBraldmg â€"l’.P Reilly. Winterâ€"J. Mc-Rae. 33.35? Gr apesâ€"G. Patterson. Kechnie FLOWERS. Emb. ’m‘ McArthur 11““! bOUQuetâ€"WJ. Meadls, G, 'E b , - TryUll. Table bouquetâ€"Mrs. White. :11 ' mh “.J Meade. Coll. house plants-J J-E iArth McAtthm. A.D. McLeod. Geranj- , m“; BB nanâ€"1,13, Ferguson, D. McMillan. nlfi’mb. ‘ (.011. sweet peasâ€"G. Tryon, A. D. ‘3 M A e McLeod. House tma.â€"W.J. Mead -w'°u" J. M-cA-rthur. Fuchsiaâ€"J. McAr- J mad? that, D. Harrow. - Tailet .31 Honey in combâ€"LA. Fisher. I Lamp‘ ‘ Honey extractedâ€"LA. Fisher. »Pi 91‘ Roll butterâ€"J. Williamson, W.J. ‘ pider Meads. A.D. McLeod. . D. McCor Crock butterâ€"D. Harrow, W. J.! Homemz Talbot, A.D. McLeod. .W. Buskil 50 lbs. tub butterâ€"Mrs. W. White,' Drawn 1 L.A. Fisher. J. Coulter, , . . Homemade cheeseâ€"LA, Fisher. ‘ Battenb Maple .syrupâ€" W. Ramage, D. nie. J. M: Harrow. Lace or Maple sugarâ€"J. MlcPhail. J. McArt] Pukain 'pie.â€"F.P. Reilly, D. Table 'c Harrow Mrs. McR Lemon pieâ€"D McMillan. F. P Sofa c Reilly Mrs Whil Cream pie-RP. Reilly, D Haw' Button row. . Piper. Custard pieâ€"RP. Reilly, D. Har-’ Coll fa l‘OW. ’ 2 Pen an' ' 'fléyer cakeâ€"L. PatterSon. LumbagO, Sciatica, Backache, D H3“ etc. 25¢. each. Yard rolls lain, ‘25 lbs.- ROOTS AND VEGETABLES r, A. Mui‘ D. MCMi-ll THE ans? 1'0qu tor an sickly p.09", flak“ new blood! FRUIT. Fist If A. S, M If unscrupulous A. Muir X I). 3101 an ll M uh‘ . M ui 1‘ )0 Of Invest 25 cents in a box of Davis’ Menthol Salve (“ The D. 8; L.”) and be prepared for a hundred ailments, which may not be dangerous but are very annoying and painful, like neu- ralgia, earache, sprains, burns, bruises,insect stings,cuts, piles, etc. It is a household remedy always useful for some trouble, and should be kept in the family medicine closet. Pham Blankets, homsmadeâ€"Sarah \\ oullen yarn, singleâ€"R. McE eln Man's socks-hunk-made â€" W. J TAIL-0‘. A.l5. Blenuualtl. ' 2.11m, menb-J. Mci’hail, Mn...‘ Wm. White, ' Mitts, ladies-«Mrs. Wm. White. A. B. McDonald. Quilt, patchworkâ€"W. BuskiuJ Mrs. Wm. White ‘ Quilt, 10g cuminâ€"W. Buskin, Mrs. W. White. i Quilt, knittedâ€"H. Piper, II. B.; McLean. | Quilt, crazyâ€"W.J. Mcads. H. Piper. White. 1 Quilt, any otherâ€"W. Buskin, Mrs. W. White. Benin woolworkâ€"H. Piper, Jane McPhail. Wreath, any kindâ€"W. Buskin. Gent’s shirt, homemade, unwash- edâ€"Mrs. White. ‘ Shirt, homemade, laundered â€"D.! Harrow, H. Piper. ‘ Hooked mat-RP. Reilly. Mrs. W. White Crochet. work, cottonâ€"W. Buskin. J. McPhail Crochet work, wool-J. McPhail, H. Piper Fancy knitting, woolâ€"J. McPhail Fancy knitting, cottonâ€"H. Piper, J. McPhail. Braiding cottonâ€"J. McArthur. Mrs. G. McKechnie. 'I‘atting in cottonâ€"Mrs. 6. Mc- Kechnie, J. McPhail. Emb. in cottonâ€"D. Harrow, J. McArthur. Emb. in silkâ€"Mrs. G. McKechnie, J. McArthur. Emb. shadowâ€"Mrs. G. McKech- ! Quilt, fancyâ€"W. Buskin, Mrs. W.‘ nie, W. Ruskin. . ~ Emb. e eletâ€"T.A.. Ferguson. J J. M-cArt ur. W Woollen workâ€"T.A. Ferguson. Rag carpetâ€"Rev. H. Ben Mcl‘nafl. BEARINE l‘lanncl, homemadeâ€"Jane Mn- D. McCormick. Homemade slipperâ€"D. Harrow“ W. Bu-skin Drawn threadworkâ€"J. McArthur. T.A. Ferguson. pider web cushionâ€"D. Harrow. l I Battenburg workâ€"Mrs. McKech-' nie. J. McArtliur.. Lace or netting-Mrs. McKechnie. J. McArthur. Table centre pieceâ€"D. Harrow. Mrs. McKechnie. . Sofa cushionâ€"Mrs. McKechnie,‘ Mrs. White. Darningâ€"W. Buskin, W.J. Meade. Button holesâ€"WJ. Meade, H Piper. Coll fancy w Pen and ink . lan, W. Buskin. Pencil drawingâ€"D. McLachlan. T A. Ferguson Hommed lawn handkerchief, by Women’s Institute. by girls under 15â€"La-ura McKinnon, Myra McLean Homemade men’s Woollen mitts, special by F.P. Ladies’ lawn Reilly,â€"D. McMillan shirt waist, special by M156 N. McKinnon,-â€"H. Piper... uu WILL. MAKE HAIR GROVJ Davis 8: Lawrence Co.. Montreal it 74' Prepared from the grease of the Canadian Bear. Delicately perfumed. box .Vl LIIJIII), "‘Cv‘â€""_ v Myra McLean, Minnie DH J. U The Standard Pomafle [or 40 Years. All Dealers 50¢. per Jar. SPECIALS. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE W O S“. K Jane blu- ace :1 iii of 11.0 (jinu‘LS of two ficn 95:21 a boy to esvuoc from the water which had fiomh‘d inc \‘x'o:1;lmxs: ~â€" 'i‘he \r'utcr was too strong for lla- worth, who turned hark. Kenyon kept on; some (“Stance in the water he came to the boy Redmayne, crying- and calling out “Moil‘wr, mother!” The boy had no light. Kenyon said, “Thee cling to me” (he had only a flannel vest. with a belt over it on him, no trousers, shoes or stockings). The boy said, “Shall, we dee?" ' They struggled on through the wa-l ter until a large stone knocked Ken- yon down. Recovering himself, pro-.'_ ceeding a little further, he missed the . ,boy, but did not dare to go back for, Ihim; he nearly gave in several times. E {Resting by placing his head against! Ithe root, he thought of his home and g ' childron and struggled on until met by ‘ i Butterworth and rescued. ' The readers of this paper will he pleased to learn that there is at lean-t on» dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, aul' that in (in arrh. liall’e Catarrli (lure in the only positive cure now known to the medical fra- ternity. Catarrli being a constitutional disease, requires a oonstitmional restment Hall's Ca~ turrh Cure is taken internaIP'. acting directly upon the blood and mucous snr aces ofthe system. thereby destroying the foundation of the disease. and giving tho- patient strength by building up the constitution and t esisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In it. curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials.. Address: F. J. CHENEY 6:. 00.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Dmggists, 750. Take Hal ’s Family Pills for constipation. ‘ Biliowaness is due to ta disor- dered condition to! the stomach. iChamberlain’ss Tablets are essen- tially a stomach medicine, in- The balance-sheet of the Kitchen Committee of the British House of Commons for last year shows that the amounts received for the refresh- ments of members and their guests were: Provisions, $60,000; cigars, $5,600; wines, $36,000. The profit on provisions was about $7,600. In addition to the usual subsidy of $10,000 from the Treasury, the kitchen received a supplementary grant of $2,600 and a grant for renewals of $8,000. The amount spent on replen- ishing the wine cellar was “6,000; and $4,006 was spent on cigars. Wases and salaries amounted to 829.000. Des th‘e Jivle; and-id banish biliousness positivelv and effectually.‘ For sale by Gum’s Drug Store. Kallway oflicials on the Lake Super- ior division of the Canadian Pacific railway. will hereafter make their trips of inspection in an automobile car. It is the first of its kind to be operated in Fort William. It has a buggy body and a glass front with a covered top. Gasoline is the motive power, and a speed of from 50 to 60 miles an hour can be attained. It has seating capacity for eight. I Don’t trifle with a cold is good advice for prudent men and women‘ It may be vital in case of a child.. There is ' .nothin better thani Chamberlain’s Cong Remedy for coughs and colds in children. It is' sale and sure. For sale by Gun’sl Drug Store. n. reterson, Fort William, decided to build a monoplane. The machine. with the exception of the engine, which has been ordered in Toronto, will be constructed entirely in Fort William. The monoplane will be simi- lar in design to the one in which Count de Lesseps made his flights at Toronto. The frame work of the body and wings will be constructed of spruce and poplar wood and will have only one sustaining surface. A 80- horsepower engine will be installed. The monoplane complete will weigh PARLIAMENT'S WINE CELLAR. 1 “U mUquJuuv VVOâ€"râ€" ' â€" v _ ‘ . , bhop, or a Live 03-, height of 3,000 feet, and attaining a flldes. kg“! no. speed of 40 miles an hour. The body bhee ot the machine will be feet in “'00 . length and the wings will have an 'l‘allow..... expansion of 26 feet. The Fort Wil- 11rd ..... . . liam aerial navigator expects to be Turkoys able to sail in the air by the en September. The monoplane will cost nets. - - Chicken... , $1,000. tor St $100 Reward. $100 i!” Mi Although I am not going to move owing to the Standard Bank go- tinue to be given-"C. L. GRANT 00.00.» .09.... on... QM"........ 0‘?” will .. ; Dachau... ............. °° omen- .............. . ux-uv - -‘v‘v ‘- _ orim' Business Education. Com- mence now. Catalogue Free. MARKET REPORT ATTEND THE BICT. IT PAYU. m ELLIOTT a ,M OF T?) RONTO . Best Place in pgmu‘lg fornSup- DURHAM, 8....«O-MOOO-oow OCT. 6, 1910 90m8 ;.~.oo.0c .0 0.00.00 ”W' l7 14 11 11 ll Return Tickets at Si‘ngle Faro OCTOBER IO to NOVEMBER I2 To points in 'I‘emugami. points Peu- wnwu. to Port Arthur wd to a num- HUNTERS be: of points rou'hed by Northern Navigation Company. .130 to certain points in Quebec. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Msine. ’ OCTOBER 20 to NOVENBER l2 To Muskoka Lakea. Penetang,Lake of Bays, Midland, Maganetawan River, Laketield, Madawaeka to Parry Sound, Argyle to Coboconk, Lindsay to Haliburton, Sharbot Lake to Calabogie via K. P. Railway, point. from Severn to North Bay inclusive; and cextain points reached by Northern Navi- gation Company. Return limit. on all tickets. Dec. 15. except to points reached by unmet lines. November 15th. 1910. Full particula- and tickets from J. TOWNER. Depot Agent. v.0...

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