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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Oct 1910, p. 9

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igwallmi in Tu!” ”Henna?” “9‘ nducvmvnte m ynllnfl Wu Ind W- Invn whn wish tn qw j‘ify prumptly fawn-mar“, P'" *tions in husinwa ”Mom! at f“? palarhm. “him fur new on..- 1; ii .4 . RA L Business College "o H Shrundpgu. . . ‘ a ”gm" ' “gt-and be" :ipal. \ o.) Oct. 13 9$9»§§§§§§ :th’s 2.00 3.00 75 I 'ursday evening of last Week 1%. V ~ \unie it. Wilcock, tor seven Flo} ~ bookkeeper at J. 6': W. Boyds lac gut-n a pleasant surprise at M Munshuw nous-v, who-re a t'nlllâ€" bee ,\ of ladies and gentlemen mt-t taxi the purpose of a presentation M 101‘ from the gt-nuemen of lllt‘ [Oral tgt‘, on the t‘VL' of her depart- itort '0 blontclulr, N.J., when: she! M «a upon hospital training for a d' ~1 Mr. J.\\'. Boyd occupitd luf' hair, and in \n-u chosen and lu“? ll“; language spoke of the l‘c- ‘ u ' all by all at the departure‘ u. .\l. » Wm-ock. Au address was .M fl v; Mr. Emerson Bellamy, Who “1‘5 n E‘l't'st'lltt't! her with a beauti- ‘0‘" l‘, .Ll‘wt'l'llwd gold watch, With .9] l3 and Mr. er. Cairns made [HIE ' gnwntntion of a purse ol' M H. "x behalf of Miss “'llcock, ten u .. 1‘ quite overcome, Mr. Lati- COU 1' } l‘eelingly replied. The M ”5" par-took of Miss Mun- stu I hospitality. and apleasant "1‘0! .x' : "mg and sentiment was M m‘. Hg.» Wilcock was also prv- Itel‘ rut .m week by the ladies of l M attende dl‘or last week. ‘01) hp «nth a Very handsome lite< #441 ..; hand bag, and on Thurs- strc L" .rz: an assombly was giv- N U " nonor in Norris” Hall, cha t-‘v about twenty-1W9 101“ ‘1: ’ :md the event proved last ”‘7‘- “W. Thom assisted the M'“""" 1.1:: and MPthOdiSI chugrh #071 Szmlay, and her flue V0100, “y'h T‘olrtins ita old-time sweet- ijfiwa: again hoamtl with pleas- "' '«J‘ Pongroga ions. . 3"“- W. and, and little son, GO)- O" T'H”»ntr), visited the farm- [Bk-he, Mrs. W.J. Boyd, 1 day a, f,}‘ S 3‘ £7: "a: {g a,- a; . I E R Lambton St. Oct R Raw. Satin-day an \lr GA. d Sunday. (W “V. Wellupod -. Daly. 0f E!- VHiTNI the former’ r: Watson attended Our Millinery Department teems with bargains. We have made most elaborate preparations - heavy selling during the next three weeks, and we have just the kind of October Milllinery verybody wants. his is the “Chance of a Beautiful Trimmed Millinery made in rich Heshcrton. mts, silks, bezwvr (210th and unified silks mul [wantiful sutvina. Smuv ulwrfully smart. 'l‘nqum Hi the close-fitting shaped sort. Young: iim’ Hats in (107mm nf new stylws. Missvs’ and (.‘hihh'vn’s mu! I‘Ildm'ly 9 Ladies limnwts in great variety. [SUPP Mu- bvautiful display goods was wry in- “us \1. Williams, in 3k W. Bug (1’. , and Misa Climax in Value Giving PA}. Khrstodt’s. Wilson, who is leaving i!}' in a 19W day8 “t0 My II) a [PW uaya lu 0. Rainy River, is (tis- in residence to Mr. J. ll‘i plam'. Mr. Richard Mr, whu succeeded Mr . '1; possession an ATV is general regret :‘l'll'e of Mr. and Mrs. hflVv been very suc- rn'eh and all Christian .zn'c lwen highly es- mlents of the village illinvry openings hem .tl dvgrve of interest a, win; were loud in . of thv Walk 0! art tht-ix' inspot'tinn. The Wtrl'c artistically doc- _\1 1910 sharp electric storm clay o-vening last,the 1?. Samuel McMulk-n. '. was struck and 'l. Yh'.‘ gable in on? nost torn out. Th0 th-ly escaped in- “ Q 1'4." _- - ‘v 33-0: . § am I W' ~it|wr tinw, trnubln Imr el'i'm‘ts have [mt-n Hpmwl (m gnthvring‘ such zL vullm't'iun, zuul nvw ,' Mrs. Rev. \M-llwoud and little ttlaughtcr returned home on Mun- .tnny after an extruded nan with 'thc formers parents at “unnum- tm‘. ‘ Mr. ‘W. ’l’r'unblL-Ts Topsy '1‘. mm ‘ Mr. W. ’l’x'imblc's Topsy '1‘. Wu“ Hirst prize m lhu 2.25 um at Db a- llot-d mu Fan. Mr. ‘l'hos. Fisher attended L'ul- liugwouu mm on Fnday. District Mccliug and Llu- lipwm'ln Lcugm- L‘unvculiuu at Uxum b‘uuwt uu Inursua)’ and Ermuy ,msl. Mr. R. Wilcock. Mr. Ab, '1'hur5luu,l\lis:s Florence 'l‘nursLuu and Miss Wal- lac calso attended the t‘unvcmlun. firs. Flynn, and son William, at- tended me ‘Iunural of thv laLu-r b cousin at Birdcu, Proton, last Wet»; 5115.1{unstadler and little daugh- ter United in A1thu1 lam Wu“, Mr. Chas. ULLeWL-u, \‘ucrinury student, has rclurucu to L‘Ullcgc In Toronto for the winter. â€" 31158 Edna Luuin, of Duxham, vis- ited Misses Lillian and Laura Ann- utrpug _laut_\_~ c‘ck. I "' I\.__'4 -v-v-â€"° _ Mrs. D1. Holmes and Miss P111- chard, of Owen Sound, waited the formcx s aulxt,Mls. F.U.l\'axstcu1, last week. Mr. and Mrs .Ed. fl‘hompsuu drove to Collingwood on Saturday and the latter remained to visit for a couple of Wt'f‘ks. Mr. Bob. Bellamy has taken a position in the Standard Bank Mr. B! position hero. luv. Mis'tvsvufilda Croasley 'Iwas hump- from Walkcrtuu on a short huh- day. .. . ,A-.. I2L5IA mu“ “6' ou 0 Mrs. Fanjoy, and little son ui Los Angcles, (331., visited the fur- mor‘s cousin, Mrs. Lewis Fisher. Mr- and Mrs .Ed. {Thompson Mr. Will Livingston [mainly in the Standard Bank here, spent Sunday with old friends. Will has been transferred from Bradvford to (‘hatham, taking his new position on Tuesday. sk I Jr. lVâ€"Mury Mclh'aith. Anniv McGirr, Florvncv Barclay, Nurmzm 'mehan. Nvlliv Flukvr. i Sr. Illâ€"Lizziv Hillis, Mary Smith, |J0hn Dunmm, Willwrt Knit-dry, lr- Icm'. Mcl’hvv. DURHAM SCHOOL. 11.8. DEPT. Form lll~~Anniv (,‘lul'k, Blunt-hr Reid, llazvl Willis, Liz/A1- Mckfuuig, Mary Backus. Form |~ Alvx. llildvln'amlt, Ruy Farquhar'mm, F‘rml llaitllaw, Emma Hilclliv, levn lrt'laml. l’. S. DEPT. Sr. IV-â€"â€"1\larguvritv Mutton, Jam-1 Marshall, Ian Campbell, Marlon Calder, l‘llla Carson. Form ll-Murrisun Smith, John lelruilh. Nvlliv Burns. Sarah Ful- ton, livssiv Saundt'rfi, Jr. Ill-John McGowan, Churiic Llavvns, Erin-n Whilmoru, Willw Morton, Tillie Luvigq. Sr. ll---L()ttit' \Vih-mn, Jvnniv Davis, Donuld Mer'un, Etha'l \Vhitmm‘v, Porvy McKt-chniv. Jr, IIâ€"Haymoml Svarvh, Mildn-d Vollvt, Elvin Shutz, Hilliard (‘ump- 1w“, Jm- Whitohuroh. Sr, Pt. II-â€"Stolla Molina, Joan Al- lvn and Edna Browning vquzll, (it-u. Hazon, Brysnn Mnrlmrk, Alln-rt Davis. Jr. Pt. Il»S:113h Domwlly, A) mvttn Nhhol and Harry Krms, (11.. Willie Hark, Dz-linu Johnstun, Ila: old Falvmwr. Sr. Iâ€"~Jv:m M Ruby l’ilkiv, ( ruw Mt-Auliff Emma Watt. Jr. Iâ€"â€"Maudiv Bryon. (Haw Fit-Ming, May Mt-Girr, WilliP Vol- lot‘, Mildred Lawrence, Dulla Kara- tedt. '- Awfi’illw'r Traynor, Arthur Ev- (‘rt-tt Ethvl "(*witt, Mary Mochh- 11in, Wzm'd Koch. Irving I'llviclg'v. IlUT'l'ON IIlLL SCHOOL. Sr. IVâ€"Sadic Lawrence, Ella (,‘uif Wm. Langrill. " Jr. lVâ€"Almie Smith, Herb. Noble Jimmie Langrill br. lIlâ€"â€"May Doum-lly, Max. Gricrson, Barbara Knislvy. Jr IIIâ€"Geo. Langrill, 1mm: Vol- lm, John Putty. ‘ ‘1 I I I‘ ." ', vv Sr. IiÂ¥chuvl)i*n Noble, Evelyn Si- nip-fl. v.j}'."Ilzâ€"Si}ril Lawrencv, ()(‘I‘tiv Mt:- Cashn. Mildred Wobbcr, Annie Mountain. 51'. lâ€"lsabel Alexander, __My_1°_tlc Lawrence and Lawson nupkms; own. I Jr. Iaâ€"Cliffprd Ritchiv. ' .h. [hâ€" Milligun Mighton, Harold . Mountain, Willie Gricrson, Anniv Armstrong. ' Aw'lag. attomlanco, 30. | 2' l- ICE LAWRENCE, 'l‘vavlwr. ’ as. NO. 10, BEN'I‘INCK. Sr. IVâ€"Eletchcr McLean. . Jr. IVâ€"I-Ioward McDougall, Roy Lamb. l Sr. IIIâ€"Jessie Clark, Colin Hon-z ess and John Smith, equal, John, Grierson. . { Jr. IIIâ€"Bertha Honess, Bella Mc- . narrie, Willie McDonald, Carrie (:ricrson. Sr. IIâ€"Sterling Lamb Cora Lun- ney. Jr. IIâ€"Geq. Wilson, John Caawell Special Ethit of S(‘H()()I. IH‘II’UR'I‘S and Lawson 'Hufikins Morlm'k, vasiv Davis ('N'il \Vig’g’ins, Aml~ ”v. John Luwrvm-v. THE DURHAM (7I11{(")Nl(’lll“. ! Jr. Iaâ€"G. Reay, S. Grivrson, .l. fAlvxundor, R. Bailvy. H. 'l‘m'ry. M {Ah-xandvr, M. “may, M. Mightnn 5 Jr. Ih-J. Mathor. \V. McRmml'l, .A. (.‘orhvtt. A. Kvnnmly. J. Turn- ‘jhull, A. Dvrby, ‘M. Rt-ay, W. ‘Griorson. Avoragv attendance. 56. A. (X Mat-KI‘INZIE, 'l‘vuchvr. No. ‘2, B, a, Form IVâ€"SchArthm‘. M. Mc- l 3 i i 1 KN-hnio. ' Form [ULâ€"A. Merfimiv, E. 7V093i0. 1 Form IIâ€"E. McLean M. ‘urnshy. ' Form Iâ€"VV. Mitchc-ll. M. Mt-Ar- thur, 'I‘. Middleton, C. Mitchell, R. onaio. ‘ Sr. Primerâ€"R. Grashy, M. Mit- cheu. I Jr. Primerâ€"W. Vossio. L. McLean ‘ Average attendanco.11. SARAH S. MacLEAN, Teacher. 8. S. No. 3. GLENELG Sr. IVâ€"Katie Ritchie, Edith Edge Myrtle Ector, Ma gie Ritchie. Jr. IV.-â€"Nona illiams, (‘arrie McNally, Cassie Ritchie, .109 Ken- thur Redford. H. I, .lr.â€"â€"l{oy (‘anvlL l’rinu-rmlmsm‘ll Hum-5's, (Vomit-r, Mary Mquarriv. Avm'ugv ath-mlum-v, 2|. l’t. ll Sr.â€"â€"I\l;n'y Lamb, J’vta-l' Mv- Qunrriv, ”urn-y (‘umn-ll. Pt. I, Sr.-~-;\rchiv Wilson. Ar- M. E. WHI'I‘MURIC, 'l‘t-zu-hvr. 8.8. N(). F), (EIJCNEIJI. Gradv VII-~Myrtlv Mt-(‘lm-klim Mina Ed-wzu-ds, (‘larulwll Nvlaun. Finlay MM‘mv, Hradv Vlâ€"~-l£nu~rson l’t-m‘t. (i-mdv IV limo-Id Hum, ()rrn I’vart, Jov Edwards, Agnvn Mv- Rat‘. (irzulv l”~--H()hl!i(' Print, “0er 'l‘imnmns, Katie Funk, I'Ilgm Wright 7- 4,--. _. - -- A- o‘- (irmh- IIâ€"l‘lddiv (.‘onk, BSA-l Ed- wards, May Wright, KNth Ed- wards. Maymv H'll: y, Math-l livaâ€" ton. Urado l-Hohhiv Javksnn. Winâ€" ston Hairy, Ray M(-(V‘ln.(-klin, Win- nie Jackson, Edna MM‘lm-klin, and Percy Ry“. equal, Iivssiu Nelson. Junior B-â€"\\'illiv(}my, (‘liffnrd (‘ouk, Jimmy l’mn't, Amvlia Blair. Mzn'gnrnt (hw-nwnml Jr. A-â€"Fran(-i8 Ilzllvy. Aw-rugv attrmlzmvn, ‘28. I MRS. J. LOVE, 'l‘vm'hvr. 8.8. NO. 3, BICN'I‘IN(‘K. Sr. lV-JC. l)vrl»y, M. I’urk, E. Park, 1". (‘orlwth J. Uvrlpy, Jr. .lVâ€"B. Livingston, M. Mathvr, fi. Turrnbull and B. Park, («11131, M opkilm, Ii. Lu'wrvm-v. Sr. IIIâ€"W. Mather, A. Rozly, (‘. Rt'ay. Jr. IIIâ€"E. Milligan, M.J. Adlam, Sr. Ilâ€"E. McLean, E. Rvay, .l. Hopkins, M. Adlam, (i. Julnmtun. M. Turnbull. 7 "Jr. Ilâ€"â€"M (‘hallvtom .Adlam, (i Hopkins, J“. Boggy ‘ " ‘l'll. "S}4."i)t.'11!â€"'1‘. ("'mhm. J. Milligan, B. Malhor, B. Crimson, M. Bilill')’, (LH. Torry. R. Mightnn. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Vera Roay, Voloy Rx'l)’. Sr. Iâ€"A. MoRonald, J. Park, II. Joh mat on. Felt Shapes To choose from. The drooping shapes and sailor vlTM'tH 2W0 Um lwulvl‘s ill at“ OUlUI‘S. It's :1. display tn satisfy :HI)‘ WUHHIH. l‘lm w 0:] t IIM' pl'it'vs Ul: stm'k is arriving); frmn the. \thlmnlvs vw-ry «lat-y. W illiv .rison Sr. chip, ; Sr. IV-â€"Marg:u-M Lvmmn, Flur- .ence Kerr, Stewart Grant. Sr. Ill.~â€"Al«-.\. Vaughan. Jr. lll.-â€"l’varl l’alkinghum, Mary Paylor. Sr. ll.“ Kilh‘ Mt-Nally, Myrllu Pal kingham, Williv Hitvhiv and Hm:- bvn l’aylor (-qual. Jr. ll Hwtha Evtnr. (h-urgv Wil- lizImH, (‘m-il l'aylur. Huhhin Ihll. Luthvr Falkinghum, .lnhn Hitc-hi‘. I". ”~JU1' Mul‘l'imm, Lizziv Muz'- Lt. «luu't. WIN fur tlw mntvrinl usml. f 82‘. IIIâ€"Goo. McLaughlin. Hurdnn Grant and Cecil Barber, (equal, 'Janvt Km'r, Elgin Wilton, (‘q-ml IBlyth. ;Willi(' Ede-n, Percy .Harlwr, lAllistPr Laudm'. ' Jr. III-Jam”: vason, Et-lna Mr- :Ilvrido, Fred I’inkcrum. Sr. I~Arvhiv Rotor. Howard Hi!- (3hiv, Nt-Iliv Mt-Kvnziv. Jr. l-â€"'l‘h¢~.~a. Murl‘iHnlI John Hu}!l Raymond I‘Ivtm'. Ella I; vml, M'n'izm Boyd, Vina ’aylm'. Avvragv attvmlimvv. ‘37. is lwrvâ€"Hw taimu fur new Millilwry~â€"-:Lml h.- JOHN L- le)().\'.\l.]). 1‘7"“‘1' lungv l‘lanuvl I Hlu'c'l lwl‘un- mun- . , ‘ , Int-[wing drying ”Wu-mum. ( RA“ “Nd” “In buying \‘vgu-luhlm, maid var- Sr lV-â€" (:.(‘a.mplwll. M 'l‘vamlnlv. rots. hwla and hilllilfll' l‘cnnh that Sr [ll-4i]. (‘ampln-Il, A Sharman have had their gnu-n mm .man- 0. Kt-ohvl, l'}. Fizwhvr ed." says a \‘vh-ran lmum-hu-pvr. Jr. Illâ€"S. Low“, N 'l‘vamlalv. For n-ddulu-d Hhin. han the Jr. llâ€"â€"F. Flanigan, A Flanigmuitav‘ with milk of mews, pmvurablc W. Hodgsuu, J. ”Mignon, 1'3. Fisvh~ ‘m tlw ehvmi ,t , or plain nulumnd or. E Bailey" D. IIastic |mhadu it as much an poshin [rum Sr. 1â€"- R. Lowv, u Wallet-r, J. Ilhu Hun. Sr. l--H. me, ll Walkvr, J. Cam pbvll. Sr. l’rimvrml‘. Sacks, (i I’lanio gun, (‘. Shzu'man. Jr. I’rimt-r -M. Bnhn. A Stinmm, '1‘. Stimson. M. ()rr, II Huyvu, A. (‘laHH-S. 'l‘vamlalv, (i. Hailc-y, L. Gondola Avvragv attrndanvv, 25. w. ll. SAUNDERS, 'l‘vm'lu-r. 8.8. N0. 9, ULICNEIAE. Sr. 1\ .â€"-J0hn Bull, Williv Wuir. and May Pam 1mm, equal, Juhn- ston Aljcn, Albut Alim- Jr. IVâ€"Mamsficld Lennon, Williv Hutton. Sr. lll~l£liza l’attvmon, (h-urgv Noblv, Eddiq- Lindsay. Jr. Illuhlaggiv lel, Lvna Rit- chie, Lona Aljov, Maggie LindHny. llâ€"Edna Ritvhiv, Joe-neit- Boll, Willit- Matthows. Williv Stylc-H. IwMargarc-t Atkinson, Jum'phim- Mt-Nab. (:00. Bvll, Arthur Lindsay. l’rimcerida Ritrhiv, Dm'uthv "vatlwr. MuPKM‘t-t Nvu't-ll, Mary Whitmorv and ()m-ar liq-ll t-qnn-l, Alma Ritchie and May Davis, rq- ual stlvy anvlv. Harry Stylm-L, Kathlm'n Davis. Jm- (‘rntr-ny, Robbin Davis, Teddy Stylva. Averagc- ath-ndam'v, ‘19. ELIZABETH S(‘()l"l‘, 'l‘vach. r. 5.8. NO. 1, E. 8: H, Jr. lVâ€"(fhrisniv Mc-Cil'l', “lam-lu- Bvll, Emma Atkinson and \Villiw Mfflirglvqrual. LPWIH NI'Wc'”. “Sr. IIâ€"Audroy Hay, Wilfrid Blown. Elfliie McLaughlin, Wvfllt 5' Pollock. "Williv Pullock. _ Pt. Ilâ€"Campbvll Grant, Ivan ieim, Madeline Morris, Lorena ulltr. "3;; â€"I'â€"-â€"Winnie Barber, Ruby Mor- riemn. _ _ - -â€" "'X-I'Lny Keuor, namm Edvn, Richard McCab¢-. Vic-tor Blyth. ME. ROBSON, Teacher. DURHAM Made I If 3 bath ' unklva :u‘v wcak, dissolvv a handful u! M‘il salt in ia quart of rain nah-r and bathe (hum M'rry morning and running. AHH‘ lumuving Hw baby {rum lhv hath, wrap nun at 0mm in a [mgr flannel Hhm-t M‘fon- "um- mvm-ing drying ()IH-l'aliullb‘. A [cw dl‘bps of ll‘lllUll hqm'vzod Into the waur, ml! make tm dark c.u_l_._ leaking putalu mu! whuu, To thickvn pc-zu ollu‘rwihv wmujm. one-third tart apph pqachus. \Vushiug lulrs whivh sum constant usv will (-rauk Uni. water is kept in tin-m. i Don’t trifle with a IIIIII i' good adviIe for pIudImI «III II and \InmIm :It may be Vital in 0-an of: (‘hi'd. .Therv In noHIiIIg‘ lwt ItI-z than Chamberlain‘s (‘mIIrII RI-muly fur ‘coug’h'f. and colds in r-hilIlrI-II. It I. Info and GDP". For sale by (:un’s ,' Drug Store._ Lame back is 0m.- 0f lln' .m-Olt common forms 0! muscular rim-um- atism. A {PW applivatimm ”(Plum burlain’a Linimvnt will givv re- liuf. For 6811' by (iun‘u Drug Store. Somv huusvkm-[M'r mm a paint brunh for du ting Uu- ('l'vVim-u and ('orm-ru in thu-ir furniturv; Lu! 3 firm, sharp-poinh-d Mu. 'n made for the purpmw can now bv had. 'l‘o rivan m'glm-lml lm-quvn-d brass wash it gmflly in lukv warm watvr rub with Pth (limwd in vqual parts of \‘invgm- :mJ lvmun juice and then polish with dry Iva- thor. Blawa and falls arv constantlv madr ton Ii ht n! in tho nnrm'ry, Aftvr 8 but (all or MOW cm the brad, it in always .1 Huh- thinq to lot a child 1m quit-t, and lip dawn (or a tima. A simple «instant in madn by lin- ing shoriwt glaam-n with Indv fing- N'H. and filling up thv m-ntn-q with from-n whimwd (-rvnm. nwm-tq-nud and flavored with pt-axrh ‘pnlp, or homo-mad. wino An (-xm-llvm way to frcmlwn a narpvt is to put a hum-upcmnml of ammonia into a mi! 0' warm wan-r and wim- Hu- ray-[wt Wilh . cloth wrung out of it. This re- movt-s tho dust. brightmm ilw ml- ors. and will kill any insect hu- boring thoro. To clean and rewturu- c-hmizod woml, "w a mixturv uI' rqual parts of pnwdvrml 'Dlllllit'l‘ «tune and Hum-c110“. Rub vale-”"13! ”:0 way of thv grain, and pulish with a _dryl soft ploth _ Thc- hos-t plan'tvr. A plm-o of flannel dampened wlth Chamber- laln’s Linimont. and bound m: «we: the ""06de parts is mnwrior to I plush-r, und com.» only mu- ion": as much. For sale by Gun’n Drug Stare. lluuschuld Helps. h jvlly Which luu liquid, use ‘5 [U tun-thirds H'i‘ not in >5 bull":

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