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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Oct 1910, p. 10

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WALLPAPER Reduction Sale ! {hiring the month of Oc- tuber we nfl'et the balance of this seasnn’s papers at gen- uine Hearing pricol. Now is the time to {reshan up the intvriur nf your home fur the long winter umuthl. (‘mxw and Int us Show you how rlwnply ynu can do it. ‘v DID-I ‘U-vâ€" .. “Have youw nOtleed any laundry marks or initials on her clothing?” Macfarlane Co. \dBHd you He fished out of the bubbles a little . I J ’ ‘vest, on which were worked the let- ‘ J .1.. MW 0““ . ters 15. T. n. white silk. lluv Your Tickets Here. I "Ah! Tl‘T‘t is VGI'Y important. “78 Ican establish her identity, especially lif the laundry marl: is there also.” ’WMW? “I’m feared there's nothing else,” Isaid Jones. “I’ve not looked very : carefully, as it’ll take me all my time to .grt everything dry before the tug l A 000d COld E Comes. As for immin', it can't be ’ Ulone. But my missus ’ll sce after her until soy;u-‘-.>'.ti;.' turns up to claim “1112:!st :mtl Bnnksellers LU .gtL L A Good Cold , 3211‘: 'her unti‘ mu: SETTER'“1:,:. I can set .1 tiw in 20 minute-.- with this machim- and do a better job than say man can the mid way. N0 mnre burning nr soaring the- rims, or boring vww holr-s. and best. of .11 no more over-dished wheels. The only kind that cannot pos- sibly hurt your wheels and has Proved Satisfactory. . . o Just bring: along one wheel and wntvh me set it with this machine. and you will never again have llwm let any other way. No matter how many mum, you will not, be kept waiting. and every Job positively guaranteed. I also offer ynn the very best work In all branches uf Hmwml Bluvksmith- ing, \Vnggnn and Carriage Building and Kunming at wry I'vnsnnablv prices. attention A spvr'ial vtfnrt is made to please every t-ewmnznr. and yuu are request,- ed to call and xiv» me a trial. I make a specialty of Practical Horse- shoelng and always give it careful .J. Dl'RH H1 C 0 )v‘. P A N Y Th: Seumd Strvwgcst PurelyMutual Fire Insurance Lampan)‘ in Ontario Head Office. - Walkerton, Out .1 J. khan-char. Hugger. Farmers’ Central Mutual Fire Insurance Inmren all kind- of 1m proper- ty and isolated dwellings at re- duced rash rates, and under low- er premium notel tor a term at three or four years than can be ”cured elsewhere Buildings pro- tected with lightning rod: and their contents accepted at lower at“ then other- not so protected W. J. MCFADDEN. Ag’t. DURHAM. ONTARIO 10 PROPERTY INSURED NEAR- LY $9,000,000.00. Now is the time to freshen up the interior of your home for the long winter mouthl. In New Quarters Near the liaralrau St. Bridge M. D. MCGRATH Hm the Gamma St. may I wish to) announce to the pqu" that I am now settlpsl in my new quartt'l's. 'l‘. Moran’s old stand. near the Gara- fraxa St. bridge, where I am prepared to cater to their wants in all kinds of custom blacksmith- iug. All work guaran- teed firstoclm. UHI'Q or busim Lawrence ONTARIO \The PILLAR OF LIGHT said Jones. “I’ve : carefully, as it’ll take to .get everything (11); comes. As for 1101: done. But my miss her until somehxiy it . her.” Cmflnned dmom page 4. monster'slid on' into the green depths. A noiseless procession of dim forms rushed alter the carcass. The birds, shrill with disappointment. darted on to scour the neighboring sea. Beyond the damaged boat. bumping against the rock, and the huge jaws. with their rows of wedge-shaped teeth, naught remained to testify to the drama or the hour save the help- less baby on which the head-keeper was waiting so sedulously. Already the signal “Doctor wanted” was fluttering from the lighthouse flagstai'f. It. would be noted at the Land’s End and telegraphed to Pen- zance. The morning would be well advanced before help could reach the Gulf Rock from ashore. When Brand and Spence entered Jones’s bedroom they found him hard at work washing the child's clothing. “She’s asleep," he said, jerking his head towards a bunk. “l gev’ her a pint of mixture. She cried a bit when there was no more to be had, but a warm bath with some boric in it made her sleepy. An' there she is, snug as a cat." The domesticated Jones was up to his elboxxs in a lather of soap. the ship that on a wry real c will be left [0 those who ta Thu oniy a. ho lu’nise.” . "’I‘hat's so. ('ap’n,” put in Jim. “You always dig to the heart of a unified, even if it's a shark.” ' “in a word. Jones, you can hardly. be asked to assume such a responsi- bility. Now it happens that I can af- ford to ado»: the child, it‘ she lives, and is not t: aimed by relatives. It is almost a duty imposed on me by events. then the doctor comes, therefore, I purpose. asking him to see that she is handed over to Mrs. Shep. pard, the nurse who looks after my own little girl. I will write to her. My turn ashore comes next week. Then I Q can devote some time to the necessary ? inquiries." E Jones made no protest. He kneW‘ that Brand's suggestion was a good one. And he promised silence with regard to the fight with the shark. Men in the lighth'nse service are quick to grasp the motives which cause ct.h;~rs to avoid publicity. They live sedate. lonely lives. The noise the rush, the. purposeless activities of existence ashore weary them. They have been known to petition the Trin- ity Brethren to send them back to isolated stations when promoted to localities where the pleasures and ex- citements of a town were available. Having determined the immediate future of little “E. .,” whose shrun- ken teatures were now placid in sleep, the} ,znietly separated. Brand flung himself wcarily into a bunk to obtain a much-needed rest, and the others hurried to oVertake the many duties awaiting them. Weather reports and daily journals demanded instant attention. The oil expenditure. the breakage of glass rhixnneys, the consumption of stores, i'tlze meteorological recordsflâ€"all must ,be noted. An efficient lookout must the maintained. signals answered or ’ hoisted, everything kept ’ spotlessly . rlean. and meals cooked. Until noon leach day a rock lighthouse is the iscene ot‘ unremitting diligence, and ithe loss of nearly an hour and a half of Spence‘s watch, added‘to the pres- ence of the baby and the constant care which one or other of the. two care whioh one 0. other of the two men besiowed on her. made the re- maining time doubly pieiious. About nine o ’clock Bram. was awak- ened from a heavy slmnbm' by Jim’s About nine ened from a hearty voice: U. In disorders and dis- ease: of children drugs seldom do good and often do harm. Careful feeding and i is the food-medicine that not only nourishes them most, but also regulate: their digestion. It is a wonderful tonic for chil- dren of all ages. They rapidly gain weight and health on smafl doses. Send 1°C., name of paper and this «1.10: out bcnutiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketch-Book. Each bank contains a Good Luck Penny. SCOTT 30m 128 Wellington 3L. Wont. Tm Ont. you SAL! BY ALL DRUGGISTS man is tittlc enough to ex- tct it is more than probabie '1' parents are (lead. A baby )9 separmed from her mother the momer's death. There is real Chance that. poor ‘E. T.’ left for years on the hands of N11“ \V E 111011 at is charm of her now. rnative is the work- never ” lOS some news of )‘n eggs an naauxcxént ID!“ the ’Queen. God bless her! An’ baby’s had an- other pint of Jones's brewâ€"Lord love her little eyes. though I haven’t seen 'em yet. A minnit ago Jones sung down to me that the Lancelot has just cleared Carn du." The concluding statement brought Brand to his feet. The doctor would be on the rock by the time breakfast was ended and the letter to Mrs. Shep- pard written. A __ J13 -.-“9n “1‘ 1!ka ya: u .......... When the doctor did arrive he shook his head dubiously at first sight of the child. is a mere skeleton,” he said. Brand explained matters, and hinted at his theory. “Oh, the ways of nature are wonder- ful,” admitted the doctor. “Sometimes a man will die from an absurdly tri- rial thing. like the sting of a wasp or the cutting of a finger. At others, you can fling him headlong from the Alps and he will merely suffer a bruise or (v.0. Of course, this infant has an exceptionally strong constitution or she would have died days ago. How- ever, you have done right so far. I will see to her preper nourishment during the next. few days. It -is a most extraordinary case.” Jones managed so well that the child’s garments were dry and aired. Wrapped in a clean blanket, she was lowered into the steamer’s boat, but the doctor, preferring to jump, was soaked to the waist owing to a slip on the weed-covered rock. The crew or the tug-boat bailed out the derelict and towed he." in Pen- 281109 That evening a fisherman brought a note from Mrs. Sheppard. Among oth- er things, she wrote that the baby’s clothes were heautit‘u") trade and of a very expensive type. She. was fev- erish, the doctor said, but. the condi- tion of her eyes and lips would ac- count for this, apart. from the eflects of prolongs-3r}. museum. Brand rea‘d'thn’ letter to his mates when the trio were enjoying an even- ing pipe on the “prr)h."enad°,” the out- er balcony under the lantern. Q “I think we should keep up the idea 'of the Arthurian legend. There are 2 two that come to my mind, Elaine and 'Enld. Elaine died young, the victim of an unhappy love. Enid became the ;wlfe of a gallant knight, Gawain, who 3 was I “â€"ever foremost. in the chase, -And victor at the tilt and tournament, iThey called him the great Prince and man of men. But Enid vhom her ladies loxed to call IFnld the Pair, a grateful people . named “S’ pose b ~r poop? 9 don’t Obser'eml 311.. '..':.ui aru yo call her?” “Trevillion.” said Brand. The other; gamgd at him prise. The: prompt anm was unexpected. “I have told you about land of Lyonnesse lying; the the sea,” he went on, point land of I-.y0mwsse lying; there bm‘orath the sea.” he went on. pointing to the dark blue expense on whose (1;staut confines the Scilly 13108 M re silhouet- ted by the Yast glow of the Vea'gz‘xed sun. “\\'e!1, the rame «31' H a My person who escaped from that "inor deluge was TreVillion. it. is suitable and it accords with the initial of her probable surname.” ‘, “Oh. VI see,” piped Jones. His voice always high-pitched, became squeaky when his brain gag stirred. “That’s 0.K. for the "I‘.’ " remarked Jim, “but what about the ‘E’?" Eli- zabeth is a nice name when you make it into bessie.” Enid the ( “That svttios it.” cried Jim, brand- ishing his pipe towards I-‘enzance. “I hope as how Miss Enid 'I‘revlllion is aslmwp an' doin’ well, an' that she’ll grow up to be both fair 2111' good. If she does, she‘ll be bettc-r’n most wo- men.” Brand made no reply. He went within to attend to the lantern. In five minutes the great eyes of the Liz- ard. the Lmtgships and the Seven Stones Lightship were solemnly star- ing at. their fellow-warden of the Gulf Rock, whilst. in the far west. so clear was the night, the single flash of St. Agnes and the double flash of the Bishop illumined the sky. An incoming train frightened the scaVcngL-i' team, and the re- sult was an odorifex'ous runaway. The Alexandra Lacrosse team Won the Junior Championship from Newmarkot, the score being 12â€"2. The game was played at Toronto Island, and is lthe first championzship to con 0 to Owen Sound. “Hawkoy” Johnston was sent to lail for three months in default of payment of $100 find imposed on him for running a blind 'pig. Manager Skinner, of the Avenue Theatre was hauled over the coals for allowing people to stand in the aisles of hi’s theatre. The case was withdrawn on Skinner paying the costs, and promising no: to rep-cat the offence. You are not experimenting on yourself when you take Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy for a cold, as that preparation has won its great reputation and extensive sales by its remarkable cures of colds, can always be depended upon. It is egally valuable for adults and chil en, and may be given to young children with implicit con- fidence, as it contains no harmful drug. Sold. by Gun’s Drug Store. don’t know how she_11ved. She Continued on pa. OWEN SOUN D ype. She. was 20v- said, but the (:nndi- and lips would ac- m. from the eflects letter to his mates .1 enjoying an even- !‘r)“.“r:nmd°.” the out. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE about the 011 110C with sur- uncozxzent 11 bled To prev-nt any shade of blue from fading, soak Jor two hours In a pail of water, to which one ounce of sugar 0! lead has been added. Then be sure to dry well before washing and ironing. Iced coffeeâ€"To {our cups of clegr, strong coffee, add two cups of scalded milk and one-half cup sugar. Mix well, cool, and place .on or near the ice. To serve, pour over shaved ice in glasses. Cold tea is excellent to use in cleaning grained wood. Apply with a soft rag, rubbing only ,a small portion at a time, and polish immediately with a clean {1139.1181 rag before it has time to rv. Blane mange is very attractive when moulded in the form of snowballs and placed upon beds of green and red jelly. Send to the table with decorations of whipped cream flavored in some appropriate way. A n i ‘ ‘ "rr-Vr---'" ---.v- A simple remedy for sick headâ€" ache is a drink made by squcczâ€" ing the Juice of a lemon into a half glass of cold watvr, adding a pinch of sugar, ‘and a .half toa- spoon of :baking soda. Drink while it is (V‘ffervescing. Grape juice is good for an invalâ€" id. Put two toaspoonfuis grape juicc in a Wino glass with :1 lit.- tl'o tahavul icx". Add the White of one egg which has [won hvutmi in a stiff froth. If the juice is too tart, add a little sugar. Stuffml 8}'-])1t31€.â€"~\V21E}1 and ('orc {0611' g‘mui amt-d af)‘f)i'-2-‘. stuff with chomwti \vainu‘is and raining. add “hopped walnuts and raisins. add sugar, and put a pic-90 of butter on top. Put in pan with" little water, and bake in a nmdezate oven. SK‘I'VQ with cream. To keep outdoor brass ’ln'ight, clean the brass as usual, {hon rub it carefully over with a emit clorh dipped in vascunc, and afterward polish with a dry duster. This will km-p it from tarni'sningquick- ly, even in the dampost wt‘athor. 'l‘o .makv grapv mun}; â€"- Fully ripe grapes, four ])\)u.lti£§; .sugar, one and a half pounds; one. tab- lospoon ground unnamon, one tab- lespoon salt, popper, ground clo- \L‘Ls‘, one pint vincgar. (,‘ook the grapes and sugar until quite thick, lncn add .Othk‘l' ingredients, and bottle for um‘. A g‘oml quality of (firms shield can be waslu-J in 'warm soapsudzs. I‘lnsmi and (lard in. the sun Row ‘jar-s uccasionaily stirred will perfum-o a 11mm closet, and when well made, .last for yvars. when well made, [last for yval's. To remmm- nil Spots {mm matt- ing, clothing. cm, Wet wl. h alcohol run with {hard soap, and Wash with cold water. Coarse salt wet with vinegar is an excellent cleanaing past-e for onamolwaa‘o which has become dis- colored with use. Corn on the cob should have the} inner husk. left on, but the silk removed for boiling. Put on m cold water and lot it Cook fifteen minutes after the “aim boils. When a carpet is necessary. and yet beyond .one's moans, cov- er the floor all over withfiordinal'y but thin Wrapping paper. and g“ y it two coats of paint a}! over ' If the water in which potatoes are boiled, one of the potatoes mashed being added to if, is sub- stituted for milk in making bread. the bread will remain moist long- er. HOUSEHOLD HELPS. A soft woolen cloth, plenty of rub-hing. and mm tablvspounful of vinegar mixvd with three of pure linseed oil will makv 111.zl1<)g'.'.in_\' furniture shine like a mirror \Vhen ants overrun closets and When kitchen ptwling' fit‘t div 211‘? still around. Boiiing, not hut. watm' giw-afiy simplifies tho poeiing of tomatoes tho peeling of boa-Chm m' the seal- ing of fish. Simply pinngo the fruit or fish into the boiling Water for an instant. Camphm‘ is a valnabls assistant for checking colds ”rough inhala- tion, and stains on 'windwws or mirrors 9er oasily vanquished with onmphor ponvod on flannel and I‘llbhcd on until dry. the latter hold the recmd for the muniticence of their gratuities. But, as a writer in Octoncr Busy Man 8 points out, the record does not belong to an American, but 10 a Canadian. An cit-cabinet minis- 'ter of the Dominion,11~cently reâ€" turned from a tour of the Euro- 'pea-n continent, left behind him an }astonished and gasping procession of sen ants. He had p1esented tips to an amount that amazed the .people, accustomed as they were ;to hu 9 tips. And he was ably secon ed, it seems, by a fellow- countryman, a young multi-mil- lionaire. Much more interesting information about tipping is to be Hound in the same article. Slippers for dross occasions. os- pocially whorl of tho light cohred silk or loathoz'. should he kept carefully wrapprd in soft ‘tisauo paper when not in use. Not only should the slippom he slipped on shoe troos. but they should bekept well protected in boxeq or draw- 91's. Quite a number of firms who are well known to readers of the “Maritime Merchant,” had very at- tractive exhibits at the Dominion Exhibition, which closed recently at St. John. A'I.‘ "IRE DOMINION EXHIBITION One of the first to attract at- tention‘ was that of T. H. Esta- brooks, who had a very artistic booth with polite attendants. to serve Red Rose Tea and Cuffm to all comers. Neodless to say. it was always filled.-â€"1\laritimz_- Mer- chant. BREAKING ants overrun place from around. and rr-movo. and livoly, lay fro THE .E \VORLD'S TIPPIL‘JU RE associate cucumber whom they if the ants sh peelings of butter :11 ' little madman) g with exjmg RECORD that .0... ~ 0”...” § monumuuow Matthews 8: Latimer§ MM +++++++++++++~z~++++++++ Mw+++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++ H-';'~i'~:°+++++~’r++-}-’1"1~2"1‘Cuiwi-é-Wi' BURNETT 6: COOPE We have just added to :‘mne 9””...OMWMOOMWOW" +++++++++++++++>++++a+zt:- +P+*+**+**++++++*+*+++++z‘1° ”WOOCCOSWG £5991 BURN ET THE CHRONICLE. 250 till Jan. Headquarters for All Kinds of Bakery Goods and Coniectimery ALL KINDS OF FRUIT IN smsox Lunchw served :1? :11] hmn‘s. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER ANN {Liitlé For Flour Feed Seed Fresh Groceries New Fruit and Nuts Choice Confectionery Pure Spices and Vinegars No. I Family and Pure Marvfinha Flom ....... Fine Salt. Farmers Produce Wanted DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO--- our list :1. full line ‘ in and try them. r.....u::.+.3.++...++++ .... .. .....H. Audlnmk nfin pmr « Shoes. ‘ (“Wm-9n? ‘ frum and reach of a. rem-u L a pair §_Iip[wl “‘5' are lines at Truukm cupvs, S. prices m Be Good Yaw inc 0f ( an? s and r ,ofnl rnf( Sui: ( model \\ ()V I‘l lst. 19“ 1 Meat! ' “wed from page 10. ‘0. ”it Of I. long Fight of M...” from the bout quay 10th- 1.». I ”a“ at Penance: harlrw a ”I, built 01‘“ was mmm-«i ‘ 'g I t" oocuptnu (his brip'.’ .74.“- "mm sud they were bum-i. m- rflm “1 ‘ppe‘muce to BYU‘uwt ff... W of the 10081 Squad «)3 "8' “an! of loungers \x-mnl “HA6 ,W in tnbucco-blossud amp,“ [a pm. Where men go dihk‘f. to 1“ pair consisted of 3 “Hm?“ “ fisher-mu! Ind a girl. 1‘. was curred and h‘dvend '1“ god lee until he Lad a, much outwcrd BQ!“1J113E(‘(» 2‘, Ms A. NG'OW‘CEB. man and hum E ' WW. blue-eyed, with u (see O W flower-like beauty whit-h u to It! mobile charm by the w (low of t Ikin brightened and 'ud in tone by In abiding lmo an open air. she suggested. by 1w I". .n urtiltic study of the mlttr derivnble from the (luringly ml little 9110! which gave Ulv 3t It! nlme. She wore a mat and n of green cloth. lightly hemmed I called with dark red braid. ”P? White hat was trimmed with V91- 3 0! t tone to mutvh the braid. and I' may fitting brown boots and m were of the right shade. ii» 3th her coat thsre was a glimpam ‘ n1tt0d jersey 0f 00“ White Won} . b01118 I tribute to ”)9 Hoaiiulg, “h 3 Winter in Lynmwsso (-at. usu- ly shrug its comfortable ShUUIdt‘T.‘ :tho deceitful vagaries of the m his 08" Pollnrd. too, was overhauling If. seem; that the mast was swurv I “09906 and the tackle. ran fr‘f‘e. Milt they worked they tnlkvd, and. 3mm, the critics listened. Y! Y‘ “Do you think the Weathvr wm Imfd. " n?” liked the girl over her mal- P”! If. "boning to arrange» some Mus {m III of duflodils and norctssuu so mm be lbd over. “The glass be n-fallln'. sure. missy." ll tho old fellow cheat-fly, “but 11' tel D wind backln' round to the norrnrd ‘ Lon'y menu a dmp 0' wet.” Ipod time?" "We'm do our new Mm Enid." Ibo at up suddenly. ‘Qon't you due tell me. Ben Pol« III." thnt star all our pnpnrnuons 31 ‘ It! vu- _-_ 31d, :0 unlmwed oamen, m z “I. chubby picturesqummaa n! M tn Ml pttcbed gnrmema and M, In M? unkempt solidity aux.» ‘ 3 fltflu bukground, merited Mt gpprovnl the reveived from pip-Omaha“. I _‘__‘ ‘5‘ nnnnnn A ‘l"."\ n (01“: III! the In 3 young p( rson of so: mm experience was visible tn t Milieu" tbove at a glam-e. S I busily engaged in [.81 king Maul lockers of the Daisy with tt l atom of apples. oranuvs a publeIâ€"ranging f mm HM; lurt I when (an aristocrat at that 111 the you" to the plebeian rubbing ‘ her lithe. ECUVE‘ tigxm- 1mm “I u: cue born of confidonvv in t Ilflo principles of gravitation m Md ”ranged by a rock: Y The old fisherman was bind along the @108 1 "mmw the .V' V ‘ ”lhble. They were Hurd} m; unwanted, perhaps, and u i! want of I new coat; bxz’ .4 on “on to redo! the 91€!11¢‘:.YH II“ for you! to come. Ben 1m “,4 nu puchurd-drh'er. Dans}. can” celebrities of note. Nut }but my time- had Hwy bvpx; , mung-(3| â€"- with the unm‘rtaxr; HA1“! 0! crtâ€"by painters of hm. to («cum them wraxw” I . ' ‘0‘. 300. how cun you ny tna'w m m ‘0 311 the way m the VH1- u Why, If she ran-3 ~y~ the be." he broke m. "ax.’ ‘uflt mnnin' neither. Hr-r's gut . ml mu in tow." =tb “Ck Of any girl ()1 hthr‘f‘tt. . “to that? Enid Trex'illmx. turn- “ “00d upright. h . “'8 Jack!” she cried. um- ”I: “unified little hand. “ be" admittod Pollard. a g“ l “Ire. ”\Vheu l 100k la: 4!. _ _my eyes b'aln't so good a. they "(‘7‘ my buve to turn bsck or run wr' ‘ lodoul shelter into Lunar-nu." , [or mock lndl‘nutlon induced I? ' III” (flu. “A mummy able W mu mm mirth." wu Enm's wt! “ L- an" I didn't know 311 um mm. m DO.” Ihe cried “1nd £6 1' a x I h In COI'IIWOH could tun! 'zm gr Inn-ed this {not regretfuliy. .\'0 “do; will ever acknqwlodgp win“ Vision when he slam-s at the. “mum“ he knows so Well. 'I‘Ms ”“1108 of unwimng age; 1' '1:- H m- The settled chaos of th ~' 50-Ma- htm. The chtnfieful A T! H; .078. devotd themselves to “no. the dawdlers 11mm: "re- Wm Enid's signals \x'zm M3 Ct the young poop] «certâ€"phat: 0! Ban face V ’ hushed quietly. Any mfiomto I. Imking powers of Ms ml L-drlm would rouse Ben instant a“ Build, boinx a young am W. Iecuned their mean -' 1040011. she would ban 0 (Ivor-bio verdict of a man “.1111” mm 129m him Jan‘mwf 1131 7i! .111 to Gulf Us!“ bound defended lea? Raul”. more tubby ullng his a secure run free ted. and of 30m It time. when he I08 rdl or oer the I and CM convex Celt. Corn ladl: 0! so on m ulthm lusul repre wh en II 16 ,0 “1 pose tron he 1 Ltd OVGI Tb he!" Ind: ate to l for ua v.11

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