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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Oct 1910, p. 12

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12 Although I am not going to move owing to the Standard Bank go- ing to occupy the premises, still the sale goes on and bargains con- tinue to be given-«C. L. GRANT THE DURHAM CHRONICLE L'UJ 5 U L I'L‘u’ ’uxose who «attended the H01- stein show,, in spite of the rainy day, were as .I01mw:s; A. uezm, A. McCabe,-the ILau-der family, and the Wilton famuy, but LIL-rt- wuuld have been a good many more if the day _h_ad been fine. -â€"'I ‘z‘flf‘l‘ LHC “Ga 18““ H v-.. v- â€"- â€" Mrs. John Carson, and little daughter, Ruby, Mom your town, spent .Sunua'y balm-u law at Mrs. Carson-s :bro-Lher’s, Mr. 3..) Ed-un. e‘rything bult ,forks. lhu found them «rather hard. Bill has a good outfit all the same. Rev. Mr. Dollar was away part of last week, and part of this, taking a holiday at Toronto and Georg:â€" town. Mr. 811-911, from your town took his work last Sunday. and did us good service at Varney. 1. Ann n} “'0 avv“ ww- .-..- W. n- .. A goodly number drum here at- tended the funeral of Mr. L. Mc- Naughton ‘to .Haampden cemetery. We extend sympathy [O the her- eavod xfnriends in their time of trouble. A number of thv members and friends of the Varney Sunday school picnicde at the Lake 041 Saturday mftommm. and they had a most enjoyabh time, the day H» ing an ideal one an the 8th of October. : Mr. John McCalmnn. of our vil- .lage, who has been no long confin- Fed ‘to the house. begins to feel {melancholy at times. and likes to *have people call and see him. We ioften call, and it seems to cheer {him up VAVu-J;\. We "would also extend the Byme pathy of the people of Varney to the friends of Mr. Geo. Hepburn. who ’wa's a much respected resi- dent (for a number of years near our village. Miss Mabel Dunn, from your town, visited last Week at the home of Mr. James Wilton, near VaJrney. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Long went to Toronto on Tuesday of last week with the intention of Mrs. Long stopping for some time at the hos- pital, but when they got. there, they found the hospital no full that they thought she could re- ceive better attention at home, so returned on Wednesday. Mrs. L can‘t walk on her leg fill. out We hape that ohe will soon be able to d0 80. Although laszt ’I‘hwrsday was a very rainy one, it didn't stop the ladies from our burg from attend- ing the Women‘s Institute, at the home of Mrs. D. Hamilton, :and they were not sorry Jar having gone, as they had a good time. i H‘ D-- O “V. _ er in Lambton 00., near Petrolia. I suppose Alf. deserves a holiday as well as anybody, bu,t thvre have been .a lot wanting work done while he was away. October. Misses H.113 and Maggie Mc- Laughlin. .am! Mr. NOz'man Kerr spent an evening: last week at 'Lho homv '(vf J.\V. Blyth “V luv. Oulr teacher, Miss Robson, spent last Sunday at her parental home, near Zion. - . ‘ ‘ II \ (I‘D Our Sigifthy, Alf. M-c(fi.‘abe, has had his shop locked up for a week, he being gway on an visit to his fath- Inspvctor Campbell paid our school an official Visit lazst 'wev'k. and reports our school doing well under tho tsupm'vision of Mine, Robson. who. he say-.5, is on;~ nf the host toacho {3 in the county. Miss Marion 1"”113', uf l’op‘m“ Hill, Vi'siimi h-JI‘ friend, Miser. W :1- Hill, Visited h-q-l‘ friend, 3125:». \V :1- niy- Blyth, from Saturday to Sum day. and took in the picnic at the Miss Bradley, and 31:35 Bvamizeh, from Orchard, attend-ed church in Varney on Sulday. Hughio .Mc(_,‘rio had a cow kill- ed orw night last week by the train. A (ow is no small 105:5 how- adays. and. MM. McCrio will miqs this one. as it was the mm that she got from home wh-nn who was married. Rev. Mr. Deller will conduct an- niversary SPI'VE’W‘S in Omhard next Sunday. Rev. Mr Marshall. from Holstein, will take Mr. Deller’s work in Yam-9y and l§1)-._‘1102’.m‘. Varney L.O.L. brethren will dis- cuss fixing- Ihmr hall over at l‘.h(‘il' regular mes-tin"; on Friday night. the 14th. All m"- members are re- quested :to be present. Miss Malt-3] Hopkins, of Hope- ville. visit-3d her cousin..Misq Car‘- rie Wilton. for a few davs the lat- ter Nut of last Week. and the fixst of this. Cam. Lauder, from Hanm’er, vis- itm! the parental 110mg on Sunday. Potato (digging is the order «if the day around Varney now. and the crop is a very gooq one. The readers of this paper will he nleased to learntth there is at least on» dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages. an. that is (In. arrh. Hall‘s Catarrh (‘ure ie the only positive cure now known to the medical fra- ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's (1s- tarrh Cure is taken internally. noting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. therehy destroying the fonn'mtiou of the disease. and giving the patient strength by buil'i'ng up the constitution and : insisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in m curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars forsnvmse that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials" Address: F. J. CHENEY 51. 00.. Toledo, Ohio Sold by all'Drugcists. 75c. Toke Hsll's Family Pills for constipation. After rmoving the baby {mm the bath, Wrap him’ at once in a large flannel aheet before com- mencing drying operations. For reddened skin, bathe the tac 3 with milk of roses, procurable at the chemi..t. , or plain milk. and shade it as (much 'as possible Irom the sun. $100 Reward. $100 Varney. \V iricnd, frornl On 'Friday evening last, amovtâ€" ller’s .ing was held in No. 1 sclmoimmm; p. :to Wind up the businvss of thc luu'f dig- "ring for another mason. .\f1- 1' 131“.“- ,business was ovv-r, eawbles worm igh-{flpassed around, and a mrycizlhour 9 r0- | was spent. In 111v seven rings [which Mr. Thompson “Ultht’l‘vd [0!)0- ; for, over 40,000 pounds of I’m-1 was (far. 'consumed, .and “'0 have neu~r yet _) lat- 5-heard one fax-mm- complain of the .finf {high cost of living. Who w::-,..'.Xn t ‘be .a farmer}? Tom Timmims is busy getting a new home in {ah-ape, to replace the one‘ burned last spring. Miés May Robso'h, of Varney, and Dr. F. Grant of *town, were guests of the Robson family the first of the week. A. G. Blaizr says the Rocklyn Fair was the heart yet. Special reasons therefor. Miss Flo'rrie Falkingham enter- tained her big Sunday .sch0ul class of boys and girls, down at the fine old home at the Falls, on Saturday afternoon. Miss Esther Bradley and, her nephew, of Buffalo, are the guests of (her sister, Mrs. T.EA Blair, at present. W.J. Greenwood had new .chim- neygs erected on Xthe old home last week. The old ones were defect- ive. John Timmins made a neat job. Mrs. Robt. Boak, of King townâ€" ship, accompanied by her' father, Mr. John Fallice, have been spend- ingsome days among relatives, old neighbors, and schoolmates. The latter is four score years an six,'yet is as alert and hearty as a.youth. Many of the brick and stone Ibuildmgs throughout the township, acre the handiwork of Mr. Fallice, and his associate, the late Thos. McClocklin. Mrs Boak and her husband 'have done 'Well. They are owners of a $10,000 farm with .a magnificent brick home on it, and this year their fall wheat alone pro-duped 2000 bushels. She Nearly Aayan: Alsy Secure a Splon and Brown: of Hair 'We have a remedy ,that has a' record of growing halr and curmg baldness in 93 out of ex'ery 1w cases wncrc used according [0 dir- ections for a rcabunablc arugula; time. That may Scum like a 15.“;ng statementâ€"it is, and we mean it to be, and no our should uuum 1L Ulltil they have put UUI' ($131111: In an actual test. was wedded â€"w.hen sevemteen, and isthe youngest looking grandma we‘ve seen for many a day. We are so certain Rexall “93" Hair Tonic will cure dandruff, pre- vent baldness, stimulate the magi}. and hair routs ,swp failing hair and grow new hair, that We p;_- sonally .give our pueitive guaran- tee to relund every penny paid us for it in every instance where it (1098 not give entire suntan-«inn to the user. The Blizzard corn cutter. put- «chased lately by the silo company, namely R. Watson, J. Petty, T McNiece,S. Smith. D. Marshall, J Marshall, and D. McIlvride, from the Massey-Harris salesman zn Dumham, is giving great satisfac- tion, .and takes the corn through as that as three men can get the corn to it. The “annual Sunday school enter- itainment of Knox church Normanâ€" by, will be held on Friday evening, Oct. 21m. A 30011 prog' gnamisbe- ing prepared, and a pleasant and Rexal: “93" Hair Toni: pleasant to use '21:; ch-ar water. It is dvlightfully p0 and does not grease or gun hair. Two sizvs, Ewe. am With our guarantee hack of certainly take no risk. So at \our storeâ€"The {0x311 Macfarlano (‘0. Messrs. “'m. and John 'l‘lmmrx 0' brought home a .f'me bunflm u Ieeding steers on Saturday lmzt costing (m an avoyago $40 aha ~ ~' Mrs. James Baird is at prevent somewhat under the weather, suf- fering from the tortures of rheum- atism. Corn cutting and silo fining is a very lively topic at present for discussion, and between that and threshing, the farmers in this 10- cality have more than enough to attend to. Mr. Dowl'mg, of Alberta, is visit- ing in the neighborhood. He has been travelling a lot for the pa»: four months. trying to benefit his health, whit-h has been failing him somewhat lately. He is an uncle of Mr. Chas. Dowling, jr., who up until two or threo years ago, resid ed in Durham with his aunt, Miss Lydia Tihom pson. He is at present practising for a dr-uggist, and is mgeting “with good success. Does not Color the Hair Halt falling out? Troubled with dandmfl? .Want more hair? An “W . i We 1â€"1th supplies. Engines and Thrashers. Bush and Dun-u, Genera! Wood W'ork. Iron and Brass Outings and general Repairing. Feed Milena. Biyth‘a corners. TH E DURHAM FOUNDRY 0. SMITH a: SONS. DURHAM, ONT DON'T BE BALD. Traveraton. doctors endorse this formula, or we would not AYER’S HAIR VIGOR AYER’S HAIR VIGOR “13' per! 01‘ gum c. and ack of it ik. Sold 3. Giftm Cancun. Ian". I... U ore nPd ll Fall Wheat. . .. . . .: Spring W'beat ...... Oats........ Peas ................ Barley. ......... Hay ................ Butter ...... . ..... Eggs ............... Potuhws, pm- lmg _ Flour, pcl' C\\'l . . . . Oatmeal, per mvk . Chop, per cwt. ..... Live Hugs, pvr mu Hides, per lb ....... Sheepskins .......... \Vnul ............... Tallow .............. Lard ................ Turkeys ............ Geese ..... . ......... Ducks ..... . ......... Chickens ........... i WHY ‘An 03": Th" profitable time may reasonably we expected. The Presbyterian cho; of Ayton, Will furnish the mum. We don‘t know what the admism Will be, but everybody mine m; find out. Mr. D.H Firth returned to To. ronto on Monday, after spending a week with his mother. Mr“), Firth. Miss McCall, of Drayton, wasthe guest of her Cumin. Mr. Jun: L. McDonald, [or a maple ofdays. .. wu- Messrs. James ahd Kiriâ€"bur Edge were in Mt. Fox'vst on business UL Thursday. Miss Ada Banks is improving nicely after undergoing an oper- ation. Mr. Fred Sta pies “as threshin with Mr. Robt. Smith last week Messrs. W. Williams and '1‘ Co}- lier attended Markdale Fair (I W_e_dnesdpy.__ MTS. C. “’illiams daughter, Miw Eliza ed after spvndjng t Toronto. Inspector Cam} ficial Visit to ”111‘ and found things nicely. Mr: and M Markdalv on sistod in 11w The In on the s: .handsom terially 1 901100]. 1 Bliss this WI tile 131 \\'11il \Villiams o: < Mrs. WVilliams knockvd out n Messrs. Johw have in ogwra‘ Harris manm't The a ring wa Friday bepn or \V ( We want \ou in t2\ Ivy“. derlies on our g11z.1z‘ul*"-‘ .'. are eaten like onmh. 122d.” 3'. 9 P“ ticularly ideal {0: (111“? act direc'tl} on H11 ‘ muscles 01f the hum la. a neutral action nn 1} am 01- glands. Thm ( . or cause any incvmx-wwnf" “ ever. They will positi' '0‘ come chronic or habitual c0115“? tion and the myriads of or dependent Ichrnnict 8 Try Rexall Orderliefi In..- _____ g“- -n,‘ 05p tsnld 0“ 'i‘i-y Réxau OrderliP-q Two sizes, 10c. 331d 25 To thicken peach i9“? otherwise remains too liq one-third tart apples to “'0' at our st'oreâ€"The Macfarlane 8: (‘0. . Constipation is ('3' 119-55 Olf the nerves 3 the large intestinvs. colon. To PVPPOT 8 therefore tune ul’ these organs and H' healthier activity. .‘J lin (1901 mm ful “'0 an) $0 {wwi'fi will con1;»l.;-w}y 1-: tion, no mafh 2' Emmy be, that we Offa'r M of all cost if it fails: rdax’ PV “'9 ami! thv-n‘ DURHAM, U anm as h 1‘:on Edge Hill. :11 Id 0U 11‘ SC I) \I 13. 1910 'fiéx all 1r 8mm and 2‘ or S ummer Cvgfi 888 wwm 85 l 35! V them M! weak: \‘t‘fl' chosen calm As I a! all accoun Return Grand '1‘: count Th 8“ statiu Mr. L. engage( for the 801d 111'» all 8: U: deuce I Monday fly for ( left tru n1“ mil 1‘0; Servant girl \\ lira. T. C. MHZ“ Detroit Good g: and 3151 2nd. 191 Grand 311‘. (;t Visited family 1 ing xur that [ht point \\ home, In prcln miles ciliz iudg ness “ 0 field Niag “'35 spend“ \" hat p1 good month more Would“ agam. the to'w Tucsdax Purcha Ull‘l‘ n. 01’ the \'0tng 5") .4 John Ham-x 01".: 0f the !' (OWN. Mr. ‘ (Ol'nwd :1 . silvnwm... 0‘ Mr. and ‘ night. an :. 8“?!) at UM ing enlcm... 0!: xix-«-3 IN)“ ”Nu .8 mdtn' ’ l ._ I “III“ ' H‘ H ' «I ncerb who am-mr w ”net?“ Occasions {rum H N ll Ut N EWS AW}: cn am Gish iudge; sl h first prizv wi "1d known 1- “. Ind \'i('i 3117s of 1:1 d 2â€"400. 227! sur wrfon “'8! \\ sid

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