West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Oct 1910, p. 1

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«we .. wooooooomom J; :az'ucery Store "l'u‘jyh (] roceries "\lwavs in Stock Oll rs. A. SULLIVAN per Tow n Durham ttcr and Eggs Taken ill Exchange IS unxs â€" LARGE. )n-d. yuunz. A530 I Farm far Sale. \“I‘RAL was College -\.\'D it For Sale. nie-nt to than puht Ot‘ice. w particum, IPPU . » 1. Bunczman. 1003’ I‘HflhlJJYFl‘SM tile". young “I! wish to qual- :~t.~s.~'u I’Pd p005- c~tfimm u! fair THAI): c """w :"GN. '1‘ ('1‘ )n-“AI i011}. rrnrd Sm. I'N‘WV GLEN: pr") A visitor in town recently .Waa speaking about our new oatmaal mill, and expressed his satisfac- tion at the excellent quality of the oatmeal and other oag pxzoduc‘ts. Mdn day. Next Sunday, annivmary and bane-st home aqrviceg wil! be field in the Methodist church. Rev. Martin J. Wilson, 13. A., of Walker- ton ,will preach at both services. The church 'will be apprOpriate-ly decorated, and a special; thank offering will be taken. We have just received a copy of the Edmonton Pariah Magazine, of which Rev, Canon Webb is editor, and Mr. Chan .6. Robson, business managet. This was the first knowledge we had of Mr. Robson being a member of the {Fourth Estate. We congratulate him on his advancement. VuLluU-I u ..... He said "Ehgy werenthé best he ever tasted. We are always glad to hear good reports from our Ioval industries. At a meeting or! the Directors (1 the Public Libra? , and repre- mtativea go! the own Council, held on Tuesday night, action was decided on to make application fou' ' Carnegie grant. Bills are out announcing the an- nual met-ting of the Liberal-Can'- selvativa Association, ‘of South 01.95310 be held in Durham, on Friday. to-morrow, afternoon, Oct- ober nth, at two o’clock. Services preparatory to the com- munion will be held in the Presby- terian church on Friday, toâ€"mor- row, at half-pant two in the alter- noon, and at eight in the evenin . Rev. J. Little, of Holstein, wil preach at both services. Anniversary service. in the Presbyterian church will be held no Sunday, the 23rd, and Monday, the 24th. (Rev. Hugh McPheroon, or Chalmer’a church, Toronto, will 53““ at both services on Sun- y. and give an address on The big .political meeting of the Cangervatlvea, expo «ed to be 'held in walkerton this month, an been postponed till winter. .veek Wit! 0‘ mywn. Beautiful {Iowan .Im the bulbs at the Central Drug Store. )1, and Mrs. John Kinnee spent . week with friends in the vicinity Us: Friday night last, 1118 ceuar of Mr. (tum. Burnett s residence on Lumhlun Street, was broken law. and Ht_'\(ral jars of fruit stolen. Th.- mit-ycs gnined entrance by brrukmg‘ in one Of the windows. We understand Mr. Burnett has Ivar.“ .i t.\..ul'.sidv;‘able regarding the identity of the thieves, and devel- 0pmz'nt3 are likely to follow in the Lun'w .f a few days. Mr. (‘. B. Turner, of Turner (0.. "lul‘flnto, was in town last Wen-k gutaliing one of the Myers Aniomzuic Boiler Cleaners at 0118 Commit works. This new invention “hiv'h automatically removmu seniz. form: a: matter from the water, is new in use in several large plants lurougnwut Canada, and has been Piaf-w! h-ro on trial. From teati- Ynonizilu shuWn us, the machine ii a art-at boon and expeme saver t0 all liwrts 0-1 steam. rwperty, 11 legal proceedinn'!‘ \- instituted, the offendP’S IO'JId {210' “wfualy more on the ‘0?- Mr "L” W214 “m-"M‘l" 90‘0th to {the tho complaint. The Chm” ipeaks pointed] in its own at". but some of in! neighbor! an "ea-ed more than we have Sphere Win RAM h. a. JIM]. fun :‘nxik ”03"" having destructive as a common scavenger. The 3Tom 0a“ make ’1" “”0“ '30 keep river is the natural outlet for the Pro “magi“! ”the? people's itow-n, but such streams ace aphr- pen); H 1933' proceedings ,al outlet-I for other olacea. which ”3‘1“"(‘dv ”‘9 ONPM‘P'S have been restrained from Ming ‘0‘? M V" “Wlully ”me 0“ the 30" them for such pu'poseva. Cess- make ti; w” “mom” “”092” to peak may be perminnable. but we file a 0 Pomp‘aht- Th“ C’hron- [could new-r feel ceutdn that the “91??ka pomtedly in its 0W“ mew-pool method is a cafe way “Ye ' Hit 3‘7““ 0‘ 0“? neighbors when wells are in mm use. as "“1 mmfieu-eg m0” tb‘“ '9 have va are still in Durham. It seem» W "9 m" 9000 b" 'mfleflmsdimcult to know mat the beat “8‘10? somebody. method of procedure. 0 NEWS AROUN D TOWN ’ort Our New Story, “The Pillar of Light,” Commenced Last Week the 12 milline'ry im rovers and ap- lfeiuicea wante .â€"Apply to Miss :c . -' Chinese lilies, tulips, daffodils, hyacin-tha and crocua bulbs at the Central Drug Store. A climax in value giving in beautiful trimmed millinery all through October.â€"Miss Dick. Our millinery departmenrt teams with good value-giving in millin- ery andjnillipqry novelties, Give us a call and bé convincedâ€"Miss Dick. ' Auction aale.â€"-â€"Propenty of the estate of the late James Laidhaw will be sold at auction on Saturday afternoon next at Siegner’s old sfand, next door to telephone of- hce. See Mlle-James Carson, Auctioneer. We have a good brick house for sale, not the one we live in, It you want to quit paying rent, and have a home of your own, call and make enquiries. This is an excellent home .for .a retired far- me'r. At ‘the price, it will not re- main long unsold. Next Sunday being Children’s Day, a special aemvice will be held in Trinity chumh at 11 .a.' m. Theta will be no meeting of the Sand: school at 9.30 am, All are invite 'to attend. A similar ser- vice will be held in St. ‘Paul’a chum-h, .Egnemont, at 2.30 p.m\ The dilating at these services will be .for 'the .support of the Sunday schools We regret to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. Donald McDonald, of Bruce Street, who has been in a very precarious condition for the past .few days. Heart weakness is the trouble and with Mm. McDon- ald, who is .near the four-score mark, is not to be re. arded light- ly. Her d'uaghter, L rs. Graham, of Hamilton, is in attendance, and we are pleased to know that the patient will. in all probability, re- cover, hhough she is not yet en- tirely out of danger. Legal action may bi"? taken to prevent the city of Buffalo dis- posing of sewage into the Niagara RlV't‘l‘. This might also happen to Durham «hould sewage be turned into the Saugeen. The town coun- cil is runnin a pipe from the ‘new market uilding, and two of the hotels and some private par-t- ies emptv their sewage into the river. The action of the council will, we should imagine, render them pawerleea to prevent others ,lrom following their example, ‘end the time may come when an injunction will be issued to pre- ;vent the town from using the rig-er A ver serious elevator accident occurre in London last week,and like far too many of the accidents we learn of, appears to be the re- sult of carelessness on the part of one .or more of the injured ones. As a rule, a sixteen-year-old boy is ’never possessed of too much ,good sense, and his youth- ful enthusiasm, as well as a lack of ballast, often renders such lads unfit to be placed in positions of, responsibility. The accident as re-5 ported in one. of the dailies, :5 given elsewhere, and explains th situation somewhat fully. I I Ills and pains will disappear. now that the Quaker Remedy 00. is :here, and holding month in the town he L 11 rr :1 week. They bring with them balms .for weary mankind, that. will cure everything: from .a heal 001"] to a 'wm-t on r. pump .h-andle. They tin-terspeme their medical lecture with a .sort of vaudeville Apertorman'ce, in which the comedian cracks a few jokes wiisth whiskers on them as long as those of the late lamented John Alexander Bowie... and some of them of very questionable mod- esty. Some good magic and black face specialties (are, hOWeve-v worth seeing at the price. which is iftree The source of our information regarding an operation for goi'tre performed on Mrs. Hind last week. was not correct, at la-zmt we were told so after the pa‘oer was out. It was the intention of the local physicians, and the family of the affected woman to have the oper- ation, but it was deferred for a time. On Tuesdav. Dr. 'vaes came up, but found the 'patient an weak that he decided to wait till she regained her strength. Mrs. Hind. we are told. was quite brave and Willing to submit to the very frvi'wg ordeal, bat the doctor de- rided on .a .flrthor postponement. Herr chances moz- recovery, in any event. are not very 'pnomising. Mr. Tony Laca‘vera, of Toronto, spent a couple of days in town last week. MmJHamiltom Ana!) is visiting in Buffalo. Mr. D. Henry, of Toronto. visited in town last week. Rev. and Mums. N Matheson, «.for- merly of Chatsworrth, passed ttharough Durham 20911 Monday, on his Way to Embro. Oxford Cqunty, where he is to be inducted to- day. Thursday. Mm. John Livingston, of Alpena, Mich., returned Friday last after spending a couple of weeks with her brother, Mr. Robert Kennedy, who is seriously ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. ‘Reid. We were in error last week in reporting her the guest of Mr. Henry Brigham, of Allan Park. Mr. Andrew Pennington was in town fora couple of days last week. Mm. Colvnille returned Saturday from Toronto, aster waiting her daufiixtea‘, .Mns. Barker, Ior a few wee Miss Irene Latimer ha” been ap- pointed successor Ito Miss Rita Irwin as organist in the Methodisz church 'here. Miss Annie Petty, of North Bay, is spending a couple of (months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.. Petty, in town. I Messrs. Flint and Ira Hind, of Detroit, 'Forbes Hind, of St. Thom- as, and Homer Hind, of Waterloo, are all home on account of the ser- ious illness of their mother. Mr. and Mrs. thn Towner, and Mr. and Mm. E A. Hay, station agents mt tJh-e G. T. "R and C P,R,, respectively, returned Monday .from the Ticket Agents’ Excursion to (Quebec They had a week of genuine enjoyment, going by G. T. R. from Toronto, to Montreal, and flien down the .river by boat to the ancient capital. Mr. James Carson received word on {W-ednesdsay, so! -t~he death in London on Tuesday evening, 0:! an intimate .fzriend, in the person 0! Mr. John McFadden, a Grand Trunk engineer. The funeral will take place 'Fa'id'a . Miss Caorson left here ‘Wednes ay ‘to be present at the obisequies. <.~, OBITUABY. ROBERT HESLIP. Mr. Robt. Heslip, a resident of Glenelg township, died on b‘a’tur- day lam. He was a native of the north va Iioland, and came to Can- ada forty-six years "ago, SLLLlillg in Glenelg ahortly after his arrivai in_ ibis country. The Dumh-am branch of the I\Vnum- en .8 Institute held their October meeting, .on Thursday, the 6m. at the home \o'f Mrs. David Hamilton. Egre'mont. In .sp.i;te of the ram, Which fell all day, over thirty “'L'AL‘ present, many of them being mem- bers of the Dnomore branch, who were visiting nhe Durham bramsh at "this meeting. Rev. G, Kendall and Mrs. Kendall were present, and both addressed the ladies at the Institute. Mrs. Kendall snake on “What 'we are worth,” and she handled the subject very ably, giving. the hearers many lnoble ideas of woman’s place in the world. ”Mina. Will McFadden, and Misses Maud and Mary Hamilton sang two mange very sweetly. . After lunch mu served the meeting was closed by sin ing “God Save the Km .” The la of the Institute Wis 60 flhank Mm. He was a wrong man ‘physicalm ly, until about a year ago, “1th he showed a weakening condition othealth. Last spring he had an attack of pneumonia and heart trouble followed, which is attrib- uted as the main .cause of (team. A widow, and four of a .l'amily, one son and three daughters. re- main to mourn the lozss of alillld husband and father. The family are James, Mary, and Mrs. Edwaxd Bell, at home, and Mrs. Wilkic, of Saskatoon, Sask. He was 3 Pros- byterian in religion, and 3. Con- ,ser-Yative in politics. The remains were interred on Tuesday after-noon in Trinity church com-glory on 'the second of Glemelg. W0 ME N ’S INSTITUTE MEETING CHL Grant vfor the tine treat of maple .cream which he sent to them. Mrs. T. A Cook went to Toronto Monday to vmsit her sister, Mrs. Barker, ’rwho is seriously in. Mr. Kendall addressed the girls bf the Institute Ion “Home,” and gave much wholesome advice, which benefited .all who heard him. Miss Bella McGirr gave asple'n- didp apex an “Breadxmaking” and Miss pMaggie McGirr gave one on “Sandwiches. ” On Sunday, September 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chan. G. Robson, 1147 6th Street, a_ son._ {ationa to ‘our buéineas manager on be above event. â€"Edmonton Par- ish Magazine. ‘- ousun, out, mason, 00108153 13, 1910. BORE. This week we give a photo en- graving of Mr. Geo. Sackett, who contributes occasionally the short racy' news items from backett’s Corners. There are others on the list, from whom we would like so get photos. Kindly send them on. “Be not therefore anxious for the morrow.”â€"°t. Matt. vi. 34, Lord, {gym-marrow and its needs I do .not pray; Keep me, my God, from stain a! mu, ,, Let {me both diligently work And duly pray; Let me be kind. in word and deed. Just for to-day. Let me be .slow'uto do my will Prompt to obey: Help me to sacrifice myselt. , Just for toâ€"day. Let me no wrong or idle “word, Unthinkingly say; Set Thou aseal upon my lips, Just for to-day. Let me in season, Lord, be grave. In season gay; Let me be faithful to Thy grace, Just for to-day. Lord, for to-morrow and its needs, 1 do not pray; But keep :me, guide me, love me, Lord, The above Hymn No. 676 in the Anglican Book of Common Praise, has the word “Anonymous” be- neath it because the authorship was unknown. A .few days ago, a William Huckle, a convnct 1n the Kingston Penitentiary, by per- mission of the Warden, sent a letter to Right Rev. Bishop Hamil- ton, Lord Bishop of Ottawa, claim- ing authorship, and (requesting that his nmae be inserted as the author. In the well-written letter. Huckle says, “In July 1878, I was addressing an open-air meeting in Hyde Park, England, my_ subject We have been advised by Mr. C. Firth, Secretary of South Grey Agricultural Society, to make the ‘Iollowing corrections to the Dur- Prize List, as reported a couple 0;! weeks ago. 1â€" LL- “ 2.--“‘-. ------- ‘--- n2-L being “Infidelity versus Christian- ity." During my remarks, I re- ferred to the love of God as exem- plified in the provision 'He had made for man’s sustenance. An infidel in the audience interrupt- ed me, asking why we prayed to God for ‘(laily bread.’; why .not ask for a year’s supply?’ In reply, I told a story of a little girl, who upon being asked the same. ques- tion replied. ‘Beeause we do not want stale bread, we want fresh bread each day.’ Upon reaching my home and thinking about the incident, I composed 'a leaflet entitled ‘Just for Toâ€"day,’ which I recited the following Sunday at an open-air meeting in Hyde Park. A gentleman named Con-me], an Ausâ€" tralian. who was present, askedme after the meeting if I would have the verses printed, offering to have 20.000 printed if I would a- gree .for .him to do so. A [printer named Frederick Crawley printed them and my name was attached. Another 20,000 were printed in 1883. 10.000 were minted in Paussaic m 1887. and in 1898 10,000 were printed in Toronto. Each time my name was attached.” He started also. that his wife, whose address is 1200 Goodman Stt , North Rochester, UB.A., has copies of the original. In the Miscellaneous class, Rich. Barber nhould be credited with 2nd prize for buns, and Raobt. Lindsay wnbh lot prize Jar pumpkiqpn In specials doa- achool children. the Toronto Central Business Col- lege Scholamhip goes to Miss Myrtle .'McCl-ockl'm. of $8. No 5. Glenelg..a~.nd the Northern Ierl- non College’s prizes were captur- ed 'vby Leona Dania, 8.8. No 2. Bantinck. M, and Murray Hamil- ton, ot Hanover, 23d. We regret that any errona 'ah-ould have occurred, but in the usual rush out Mr time, it in almost im- adble to get ever-valuing right. e ‘hope thin will make everything satisfactory. OUR CORRESPONDENTS. Just for to-day. JUST FOR TU-DAY. Just for 'to-d-ay. Ame-n. -â€"A-non., 1880. GEO. SACKETT. We sell the kind of goods that make life long customers, and we sell at right prices. Every Day is ' Bargain Day at Our Store Our Millinery Department is complete in all lines. (had goods at moderate prices. s. E, MORLOCK INSPECTION SOLICITED No Trouble to Show Goods $1.00 PER YEAR

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